Okay, that was a lot to process. So,
1) Who are Ythonians? They seem to be locals, but LM never mentioned them.
An unknown (to us) race, presumably the ones who built the rather confused machine at N30. If they let us back in for another talk, we could ask the AI there, or we could pay the Undra for information on them.
2) I am confused by the mentions of Up and Down, are these categories supposed to be vague? How can an apparently advanced civ exist and non know of interstellar travel? I suppose they could be Arcanes on their own classificator...
If there was anyone else at all around, we'd have heard that the Undra have a reputation for being
extremely dense when it comes to doing things their own way. Advanced as they are, they have actively avoided going near the surface (except for the occasional automated rover sent to make sure the surface still exists) for about as long as the planet has recorded history, have built a whole societal
thing about being the survivors
because they are out of reach below everyone else (which is the origin of the whole Up and Down thing), and (not
entirely wrongly at this point) consider living on the surface to be a stupid idea that will get you killed.
Occasionally there
are Undra who ask about how the sky works...and they usually end up vanished shortly after asking due to 'attempting to incite panic in the citizenry'.
3) We need the communicator to possibly reconnect with the Prime Crystal, no? Why else would we ask for an interstellar one? However, none of the current designs seem to be capable of what we want, so why would we buy any of them?
4) Do Long-Range communicators cost the same as any other Generic tech piece?
On 3: Lacking an actual hypercom (and not being a sensor technician), our crystalline friend has two ideas for getting one: A. Use, get, or steal one from the Alterin base (which would require getting over there or talknig to them), or B. Just combine the functions of the biggest communicators we could get and hope it reaches far enough if he overcharges it instead of exploding.
On 4: Yes. I mentioned that in the blurb in general trade part, but might just put prices next to everything anyway.
5) Can you remind me what course of action we committed ourselves to with Libre Memoriae? Are we planning on hacking the runes on iot so we could designate ourselves its master? Do we need to start researching Varunan Runesmithing [?/??] for that?
Yup. Specifically, name ourself Master's Successor, since the sword has never mentioned one and is
rather attached to the idea of his previous one being
The Master. Eventually we might need to research it, but right now its only there as a placeholder, now that we have an idea of how we would do runes.
So how valid would a vote like this be?
[x] Expand North
-[x] Convert resulting base crystals into research ones.
Valid, if you wanted to spend everything on expansion and then research expansion. (Or put a max on how much we spend on expansion & research crystals if you had other plans for our energy too) We'd end up with 54 base crystal (1 existing base crystal, plus stored energy, plus next cycle's energy generation), and can make 5 or 6 research crystals per cycle with our current energy generation as long as we have base crystals to convert. We would also need to put energy into research if you wanted to research
while we expanded, though, which would leave much less to expand or upgrade with. You could also just grab the energy distribution from our status, edit it to fit your plan, and use that as a plan, and I'll try to make it happen if it wins.