They've never heard of an "Alteri", and after you mention they appear to only have a research base, are curious how long they will last here as a Category Six. The base most likely has a digital copy of the book somewhere.

Also, its cheap because its just pointing the research crystal at reading the whole thing, copying it down, sorting it, and storing it in a set of files to reference while we're busy. We still would have to learn how to Do The Thing to get anywhere with the card, the vote is more if we're going to spend our time or research power on this.
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[X][Thing] Try other formal research specialist titles (Do not send a message and hope it'll loop until you hit a valid phrase)
[X][Card] Turn into a research project (10 research points, searchable digitized version of the front and back sides)

I can't remember what we want to buy and why anymore.
[x][Thing] Attempt to hack your way in (Plug a barely-any-power crystal extension into all of the various ports on its underside and try to directly manipulate an unknown hardware setup while it is running an initial program.)
[x][Card] Turn into a research project (10 research points, searchable digitized version of the front and back sides)

Okay, that was a lot to process. So,

1) Who are Ythonians? They seem to be locals, but LM never mentioned them.
2) I am confused by the mentions of Up and Down, are these categories supposed to be vague? How can an apparently advanced civ exist and non know of interstellar travel? I suppose they could be Arcanes on their own classificator...
3) We need the communicator to possibly reconnect with the Prime Crystal, no? Why else would we ask for an interstellar one? However, none of the current designs seem to be capable of what we want, so why would we buy any of them?
4) Do Long-Range communicators cost the same as any other Generic tech piece?
5) Can you remind me what course of action we committed ourselves to with Libre Memoriae? Are we planning on hacking the runes on it so we could designate ourselves its master? Do we need to start researching Varunan Runesmithing [?/??] for that?

6) I can't tell our needs at a glance. If we wanted to concentrate on research and pick something like Bright Blaster [0/50], how many cycles would it take us?
7) How much to build another research cluster?
8) What crystal types are currently available for production?

Ah, ok, I forgot the Mechanics post.
Expansion: Dedicated construction energy for proper base crystals. Extends how far out we can see clearly, and used for more solidly claiming an area than scouting. Also used for extra storage crystals as needed. Base crystal costs 200 per unit whether or not its replacing As. matter. Storage Crystals are the same cost and hold 2,000 energy each. Going past 50 units away from the core or a command crystal causes extra expenses due to the extra maintenance focus required, which adds up to 100 extra energy to build per unit out of range.
Computation: How much energy to pour into expanding the research cluster. 1k per Research Crystal added from base crystal, 2k per if there is no free base crystal. Each adds 1,000 more capacity to Research.
Research: How much energy we can spare for research this turn. Capped by the size of the research cluster, we gain 1 research point per 1000 energy spent.
So we have 2 research crystals, which aren't enough to do anything important. We should concentrate on generating more energy and making more of those. We get them from converting Base ones, I think? Which are in turn produced by Expansion actions.

So how valid would a vote like this be?

[x] Expand North
-[x] Convert resulting base crystals into research ones.

The Alterin device at N15 may be a problem, though.
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Okay, that was a lot to process. So,
1) Who are Ythonians? They seem to be locals, but LM never mentioned them.
An unknown (to us) race, presumably the ones who built the rather confused machine at N30. If they let us back in for another talk, we could ask the AI there, or we could pay the Undra for information on them.

2) I am confused by the mentions of Up and Down, are these categories supposed to be vague? How can an apparently advanced civ exist and non know of interstellar travel? I suppose they could be Arcanes on their own classificator...
If there was anyone else at all around, we'd have heard that the Undra have a reputation for being extremely dense when it comes to doing things their own way. Advanced as they are, they have actively avoided going near the surface (except for the occasional automated rover sent to make sure the surface still exists) for about as long as the planet has recorded history, have built a whole societal thing about being the survivors because they are out of reach below everyone else (which is the origin of the whole Up and Down thing), and (not entirely wrongly at this point) consider living on the surface to be a stupid idea that will get you killed.

Occasionally there are Undra who ask about how the sky works...and they usually end up vanished shortly after asking due to 'attempting to incite panic in the citizenry'.

3) We need the communicator to possibly reconnect with the Prime Crystal, no? Why else would we ask for an interstellar one? However, none of the current designs seem to be capable of what we want, so why would we buy any of them?
4) Do Long-Range communicators cost the same as any other Generic tech piece?
On 3: Lacking an actual hypercom (and not being a sensor technician), our crystalline friend has two ideas for getting one: A. Use, get, or steal one from the Alterin base (which would require getting over there or talknig to them), or B. Just combine the functions of the biggest communicators we could get and hope it reaches far enough if he overcharges it instead of exploding.
On 4: Yes. I mentioned that in the blurb in general trade part, but might just put prices next to everything anyway.

5) Can you remind me what course of action we committed ourselves to with Libre Memoriae? Are we planning on hacking the runes on iot so we could designate ourselves its master? Do we need to start researching Varunan Runesmithing [?/??] for that?
Yup. Specifically, name ourself Master's Successor, since the sword has never mentioned one and is rather attached to the idea of his previous one being The Master. Eventually we might need to research it, but right now its only there as a placeholder, now that we have an idea of how we would do runes.

So how valid would a vote like this be?

[x] Expand North
-[x] Convert resulting base crystals into research ones.
Valid, if you wanted to spend everything on expansion and then research expansion. (Or put a max on how much we spend on expansion & research crystals if you had other plans for our energy too) We'd end up with 54 base crystal (1 existing base crystal, plus stored energy, plus next cycle's energy generation), and can make 5 or 6 research crystals per cycle with our current energy generation as long as we have base crystals to convert. We would also need to put energy into research if you wanted to research while we expanded, though, which would leave much less to expand or upgrade with. You could also just grab the energy distribution from our status, edit it to fit your plan, and use that as a plan, and I'll try to make it happen if it wins.
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The idea is to get us to 10 research per cycle. Which would necessitate 10000 energy income and 10 research crystals.

How could we get there faster? We'll need...

(we need to produce 10k energy, with the core making 1k; that means we need refined crystals to output the remaining 9k; which means we need 180 of them, while we only have 105. Ok, so we need 75 more of them, which would cost us 37500 energy, and would take us roughly 6 cycles to build.)

Ok, that's a bit much. Let's lower the goal to 5 research/turn. We already have 2 research, so we need 3 more...

17*200 (=3400) + 14*300 (=4200) + 3*1000 (=3000) totals 10600.
Our reserves for the next cycle are 4450 stored + 6250 produced = 10700.

[x][Thing] Attempt to hack your way in (Plug a barely-any-power crystal extension into all of the various ports on its underside and try to directly manipulate an unknown hardware setup while it is running an initial program.)
[x][Card] Turn into a research project (10 research points, searchable digitized version of the front and back sides)

[x] Plan: Research the Card (3 cycles)
-[x] Expand North
-[x] 17 base crystals, 14 refined crystals, 3 research crystals
-[x] Research the card for the next 2 cycles; convert the rest of the energy into making more refined crystals

Is my math correct? This should take us 3 cycles, and hopefully make us 8 more refined crystals (on top of 15 that are built via a direct order).

Once we research the card, we find the library, and try looking for something that could give us a better energy source than refined crystals because they only give a pittance.

Edit: fixed
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The math's correct, but you'd be short one base crystal if you wanted that to all be a single cycle. 17 base crystals (theres energy for one more than you mathed, plus the 1 leftover we have from before), 15 converted to refined, 2 converted to research crystal, 1 missing research crystal that could be made next cycle for 1200 energy total
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Hi thread. Again.

I've read a lot of things recently, some quests. And I've wanted to write some, but kept coming back to and worrying about how much I'd flubbed updating this one, despite liking the idea enough to try improving the mechanics of it twice over and knowing from other quests that having something complex involved in votes doesn't stop it from being interesting. So I'd looked back over the few very old forum suggestion games and one mechanics-laden forum-game-turned-quest I've tried to make thrice now. The former went fine and eventually fizzled out as things based almost all on write-in do.

Looking at the latter from a 'why' side instead of a 'this just needs some adjustment' side was aggravating after I noticed the exact same thing happened each time. Either it'd grind to a halt because yeah, number go up every turn, but that was all that happened for multiple turns (which only has so many ways to write and probably gets real boring to see in a thread based on curious science lithoids), or the narrative version would happen: I'd go and write a big exploration post for the big exploration turn, and then need to retroactively cram it all into the space we could actually reach with the energy we have, which was piddly, which would then make it look like every other rock on this planet is hiding something interesting I'd need at least some description for, and I'd run out of ideas before we even leave sight of our starting point from a regular being's perspective. And on top of that, because I'd insisted on this dumb research system having wireless tech as the unreachable holy grail of technology, everything had to have a reason we could do it with only sensors and being able to pass energy through solid material but not air, even though that doesn't even make sense. Crystalline grow basically everything out of crystal, yeah, but they also live in space, the place with very, very little solid ground and huge, massive quantities of emptiness. Its like assuming your car works because its touching the ground, not because you have a working engine and other systems. The mechanics should be helping things make sense for how we work as a magic space rock explorer, not holding the entirety of the quest back because we didn't build up an entire town from nothing before we went out to adventure.

The slow, number-heavy optimization puzzle with non-existent research progress, and the alien-explores-interesting-setting narrative idea at best have not worked together well and at worst actively make me less interested in finishing a turn because I'd often have to stop and check how many tiles of energy worth of expansion we have left before I'd either previously need to just stop and dump the rest in a 'for next turn' file, or for this one abruptly throw in a cycle transition to handwave needing more energy to get to where we were going.

The point of all of these words, some eight months after the last update according to the forum, is that there is going to be more space crystal happenings. Maybe with Shining, maybe we leave them be and give you all a choice between the three big crystalline clusters and have more character creation involved, I've got plenty of background stuff I didn't have a good reason to reference here or in the last thread. Probably in a new thread in that case. And if we end up back at Ruinos, it'll be at a scale that makes sense instead of finding multiple unrelated things, possibly from entirely different ages, only tens of meters away from each other. I just don't know what to replace this mess with so I have something other than just QM saying so for when things don't go quite as planned.
Hi thread. Again.

I've read a lot of things recently, some quests. And I've wanted to write some, but kept coming back to and worrying about how much I'd flubbed updating this one, despite liking the idea enough to try improving the mechanics of it twice over and knowing from other quests that having something complex involved in votes doesn't stop it from being interesting. So I'd looked back over the few very old forum suggestion games and one mechanics-laden forum-game-turned-quest I've tried to make thrice now. The former went fine and eventually fizzled out as things based almost all on write-in do.

Looking at the latter from a 'why' side instead of a 'this just needs some adjustment' side was aggravating after I noticed the exact same thing happened each time. Either it'd grind to a halt because yeah, number go up every turn, but that was all that happened for multiple turns (which only has so many ways to write and probably gets real boring to see in a thread based on curious science lithoids), or the narrative version would happen: I'd go and write a big exploration post for the big exploration turn, and then need to retroactively cram it all into the space we could actually reach with the energy we have, which was piddly, which would then make it look like every other rock on this planet is hiding something interesting I'd need at least some description for, and I'd run out of ideas before we even leave sight of our starting point from a regular being's perspective. And on top of that, because I'd insisted on this dumb research system having wireless tech as the unreachable holy grail of technology, everything had to have a reason we could do it with only sensors and being able to pass energy through solid material but not air, even though that doesn't even make sense. Crystalline grow basically everything out of crystal, yeah, but they also live in space, the place with very, very little solid ground and huge, massive quantities of emptiness. Its like assuming your car works because its touching the ground, not because you have a working engine and other systems. The mechanics should be helping things make sense for how we work as a magic space rock explorer, not holding the entirety of the quest back because we didn't build up an entire town from nothing before we went out to adventure.

The slow, number-heavy optimization puzzle with non-existent research progress, and the alien-explores-interesting-setting narrative idea at best have not worked together well and at worst actively make me less interested in finishing a turn because I'd often have to stop and check how many tiles of energy worth of expansion we have left before I'd either previously need to just stop and dump the rest in a 'for next turn' file, or for this one abruptly throw in a cycle transition to handwave needing more energy to get to where we were going.

The point of all of these words, some eight months after the last update according to the forum, is that there is going to be more space crystal happenings. Maybe with Shining, maybe we leave them be and give you all a choice between the three big crystalline clusters and have more character creation involved, I've got plenty of background stuff I didn't have a good reason to reference here or in the last thread. Probably in a new thread in that case. And if we end up back at Ruinos, it'll be at a scale that makes sense instead of finding multiple unrelated things, possibly from entirely different ages, only tens of meters away from each other. I just don't know what to replace this mess with so I have something other than just QM saying so for when things don't go quite as planned.
I suggest you try a ck2 style system and se if that works.
While I'm a fan of Shining and Ruinos, I can understand that the previous setup just isn't giving you what you need. Thanks for letting us know, and I'm looking forward to what happens next.
It sounds like you made Energy do too much, serving simultaneously as currency, research points, action limit, and time units (because you have to stop the update when you run out of it). probably wouldn't scale well either, should we get to the part where we'd have enough energy to excavate half the planet.

Dissociating time from a resourse would probably alleviate a lot of the drawbacks.