Reloaded a game where I started playing a Satanist and got a devil spawn after rage quiting. I got murdered by my sister. I'd had a demon possess her since she had insanely high intrigue but was my rival and made her my spymaster. It turned out it didn't work so well and she murdered me via event.
Stop: Stop
good, fuck you for using warez.
stop Well if you're going to be like that I don't think you should be allowed to spend time in the sandbox with the other kids. 25 points, and you sit in the corner for three days, m'kay?

This is uncivil, unacceptable, and frankly rude. Also, CheatEngine isn't a Ware. Get that right the next time you blow up on someone.
so... new expansion is good, right?
worth the money?
so... new expansion is good, right?
worth the money?
Very much so. While the societies might be bit too powerful atm they are very fun to be a part of and add tons of rp possibility. For example in my first Novgorod campaign I was able to transform my first ruler from slothful liar into a devoted christian blessed by all the virtues and whose friendship with a local monk led him into becoming a gardener in his free time. He also acquired the habit of going into seclusion every time Estonia invaded but I think that was just pure random chance

Estonia Delende Est
i think i remember why i put this game down

i just saw a 3k army from umayyads which i KNEW were in Tunis take seconds to appear in my capital of Leon.
not to mention im 99% sure a 1k army in cordoba and 5k army in galicia switched with each other over while i was attacking the 1k

think i need to check my brother hasn't messed with my game files again.

i'm sure people will enjoy my salt in the meantime
I began as an orthodox count in Sicily, consolidated my control over the south of Italy, formed the Kingdom, then swore fealty to the Holy Roman Empire. Then I converted to catholic, but secretly remained Orthodox. I then spent the next fifty years stockpiling Devotion and sneakily preparing ground in Italy, then blitzed every duke-or-above ruler in the Empire simultaenously trying to induct them into the Orthodox faith.

Half of them secretly converted, and half of those actually joined the Old Christians secret society. Including the Emperor, the Emperor's heir, and the King of Bohemia. Then I came out of the shadows, instantly most of Italy's provinces became Orthodox, and the HRE is now led by Orthodox rulers.

That's how you mend the schism.

Seriously though, having an even slightly good character with virtues turns you into a secret conversion machine. It's a bit OP.
so... new expansion is good, right?
worth the money?

To be honest, no, not at the moment.

It adds a huge number of new events and some really neat abilities for your character but it's also unbalanced and incomplete. Satanists are way too powerful given how easy it is to join them (all you really need is 1 single negative trait) and IMO, not risky enough. I've heard that the only penalty for getting outed as a Satanist is a big negative opinion modifier; I'd expect something more severe for that, like maybe something like a mini-crusade against you.

The game's alchemy system is also missing basically all of its features. If you join the Hermetics you get an Intrigue decision to collect alchemy ingredients. So far they do nothing but clog up your inventory. Apparently, this isn't simply an oversight or something, there are literally no files in the game that handle using the ingredients. There's a lab building that you can build via event when in Hermetics that is probably meant to allow you to use the ingredients but all it does for the moment is give you a few positive modifiers. Getting into the leadership role of each of the societies is also something of a letdown. There doesn't seem to be much you can do with your new position that you couldn't do when you were at a lower rank, except for the Satanist of course.

It's pretty clear that the DLC has been pushed out earlier than it should have been. Which is a shame because the stuff it's introduced adds a lot to your character and makes roleplaying a lot more fun. The Alchemy stuff alone is pretty darn tantalizing, if they go as far as they did with the Satanist we could see options to transmute metals and make homunculi or something. The potential for CK2 fantasy mods is also huge.

The devs have posted on the Pdox forums that they are aware of the incomplete features and that they want to eventually put them in. So it might make sense to wait until the DLC is out on sale. By then, those missing features will likely be added and you'll be able to get into them at a lower price.
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As a secretly pagan ruler, I have successfully infiltrated the Dominican order and stole the Crown of Thorns.

That's right, I infiltrated the group who are supposed to hunt heretics.
Ugh God damn it. I look away from my tributary for a year or two and they let everything go to shit and now there's bordergore everywhere. And right after I mostly fixed it!

And they were doing so well until now!
I wonder how difficult it would be to mod the societies to make an Assassins Creed Assassins VS Templars type thing.
Because the game obviously wasn't enough of a Historical Backstabbing Simulator yet.:V
You become friends with a strong ally. This ally aids you a lot. They are an assassin or a templar. One of you kills the other. His children join their order and kill you.

It sounds like the same amount of backstabbing and murder as normal but with betterish reasons.
I started as a count in Lombardy in the old gods start and about 10 years in the Aztecs appeared led by a byzantine spawn of satan. He was promptly murdered by a satanist and the Aztec Empire became Greek and made the Byzantine Empire it's tributary.

Being a satanist is pretty fun but the negative opinion modifiers stack up pretty quickly. If you roll some bad events you can get up to -100 opinion modifiers. Hermetics are way better since they generate so many good artifacts and stat bonuses.
Reloaded a game where I started playing a Satanist and got a devil spawn after rage quiting. I got murdered by my sister. I'd had a demon possess her since she had insanely high intrigue but was my rival and made her my spymaster. It turned out it didn't work so well and she murdered me via event.
You... made someone who hated you your spymaster.

For the mixed emotions of some divinity or other, why?
She hated me until I had her possessed by a demon. Then she appeared to love me.

You trusted a demon to protect you from murder attempts. More than that, you trusted a demon who previously wanted to kill you before you added a being designed to torture/tempt others.
So, new dev diary is up, describing the changes coming in 2.7.1. Here are the biggies:

Doomdark said:
First off, there will be more risks and drawbacks to being a Devil Worshipper. As has been pointed out, they are a powerful type of Society and the rewards are great while the risks for members are rather low. Among other things, there will be more viciousness between members, a greater risk of discovery, and you'll run the risk of giving your neighbors a reason to declare Holy War on you.

The Hunt Apostates is also being juiced up. The Court Chaplain will now be able to find more than just extremely suspicious characters and the penalties for being branded have been increased. For example, you now also gain a revocation reason on the target. When an apostate is dragged into your throne room, you now get to choose one of three options; let them go free, imprison them or burn them at the stake (something that the AI favors). It's also possible, albeit rare, for your Court Chaplain to catch characters who are only a bit suspicious, secret members of another religion or - if the Court Chaplain isn't the most talented - innocent.

Next up, the Hermetics will be given a proper use for all those strange Ingredients they can pick up. You will be presented with opportunities to spend various resources in order to improve the outcomes (or negate the negative effects) of a multitude of - mainly - Hermetic events.

Another issue related to Societies is that the subversive religious cults are too invisible. The AI will now handle both creating and running the Secret Religious Cults more effectively. Right now, it can feel as if you are the lone actor in the society, but with the patch your fellow AI members will make an effort to contribute. Also, the general costs of certain actions (like evoking sympathy) have been drastically reduced in order to make running the Society more manageable. We also aim to make the secret religious cult system more dynamic.

Doomdark said:
Lastly, I think you will appreciate the Faction balancing and fixing that Alexander Oltner has been working on for a while on the side. No longer should you see everyone turn into Elective Monarchies and keep that succession law forever. AI characters will now also actually join Claimant factions as members. On a related note, the AI is now better at appointing powerful vassals to the Council.
As a spawn of Satan, I got an event where Satan convinced my character that since obviously the world is flat, we don't need to be patient and listen to this guy trying to convince us that the world is, in fact, a banana.

I've heard some odd theories on what the world is shaped like, but that's a new one.
So how many of you have resealed Cthulhu?

is that a common thing, I just got the game like a week ago... and my Viking dynasty has ended up resealing Cthulhu twice now.
It occurred to me earlier that this artifact system is just asking for a mod which adds some rings to the games. 9 rings which give immortality at the cost of loyalty and being stuck as a wraith-like being, 7 rings which cause extreme greed for certain items, Three rings which add an attrition penalty to invading forces, remove all chance of disease but at the cost of technological stagnation if not degradation and One Ring which can affect all but the wielders of the Three in odd ways.

The last Ring would obviously have some weird effects connected to it's creator.
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Am fucked and need Advice. My heir is a complete fucking moron who somehow is disease proof (have been sending him to smallpox land and every other diseased hellhole for years in an attempt to kill him off). My "Spare" is a female super genius whom I want to take the throne. My plan was that if he survived till 16 I would have him excommunicated and Imprisoned b4 throwing him in the Oubilette to die (I think this is possible right?)

Only problem is I just got the For whom the Bell Tolls Event. I can't die yet, That's bad. My ruler is not allowed to die until his heir croaks. Now if I Remember quickly I can sacrifice my heirs life or is it my firstborn to death?

Need to know what to do now. Trying to decide whether I hit the Imprison option early, take the tyrant hit for the rest of whats likely my short life and see if I can execute him, or try for something else

Edit: judging by the videos im seeing online on youtube, you can bargain your firstborn son for a piece..... Which also neatly solves damn near all my problems. Anyone know if this is true.
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Am fucked and need Advice. My heir is a complete fucking moron who somehow is disease proof (have been sending him to smallpox land and every other diseased hellhole for years in an attempt to kill him off). My "Spare" is a female super genius whom I want to take the throne. My plan was that if he survived till 16 I would have him excommunicated and Imprisoned b4 throwing him in the Oubilette to die (I think this is possible right?)

Only problem is I just got the For whom the Bell Tolls Event. I can't die yet, That's bad. My ruler is not allowed to die until his heir croaks. Now if I Remember quickly I can sacrifice my heirs life or is it my firstborn to death?

Need to know what to do now. Trying to decide whether I hit the Imprison option early, take the tyrant hit for the rest of whats likely my short life and see if I can execute him, or try for something else

Edit: judging by the videos im seeing online on youtube, you can bargain your firstborn son for a piece..... Which also neatly solves damn near all my problems. Anyone know if this is true.
Isn't this sort of King Henry the 2nd's problem? I mean if you plan on gaming the system just to avoid a bad ruler why not open the cheat menu and kill him using console commands?