Crows of Destruction -ASOIAF: War of Five Kings NG

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The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros have been at war again years after Robert's Rebellion and the...
Open Post and Rules and List of Players

The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros have been at war again years after Robert's Rebellion and the Greyjoy Rebellion since Robert Baratheon took over the Iron Throne soon after taking the Targaryens dynasty out of power by the follies of Mad King Aerys II Targaryen and Prince Rhaegar, which led to a new dynasty taking over the Iron Throne.

Everything in this new conflict began with the death of the noblest King's Hand, Jon Arryn, who precipitated the slow fall of the kingdoms into instability and bloodshed when good King Robert Baratheon, the First of His Name, went north and sought his old friend, the cold and honored Lord Eddard Stark, the Lord of Winterfell and Guardian of the North, to replace the man they both called Father and Hand. It seemed, for some turns of the moon, that all would be well, when good King Robert I Baratheon, the Trident Demon, The Usurper was badly wounded by a boar when he went out to hunt in the Forest of Kings and drank heavily, and whose wounds soon became soiled, and he passed away.

The succession seemed safe at first, for the King had left an heir, the handsome (though pampered and sadistic) prince Joffrey, and another son as a guarantee, the kindly prince Tommen, but few could anticipate that the king's oldest and true friend would turn against his own sons-in fact, he claimed that they were not at all the king's, but instead were abominations of incest, born of a case of Queen Cersei Lannister and her brother in the Royal Guard, Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer . Lord Eddard's coup failed when he was betrayed by Lord Petyr Baelish the "LittleFinger," and when he made a confession to all the small inhabitants of Port Royal, though it was agreed that Lord Eddard would take Black if he recognized Joffrey as the Legitimate King, yet the now crowned King Joffrey I Baratheon ordered his head to be taken-an act that rendered him and the Crown the eternal enmity of the Stark House and the North.

However, even before the coup and execution, tensions were already high, when Lord Eddard's wife, Lady Catelyn Stark, kidnapped Tyrion Lannister, brother of the Kingslayer, the son of the Western Guardian, Tywin Lannister, a dwarf under accusations of attempted murder of his son Brandon. Tywin Lannister is not a man who brings insults like these (though Tyrion is the least beloved of his sons), and has raised his banners and sent out bannermans to the Fluvial Lands, even when the events at King's Landing have taken place. He invaded the Riverlands, the birthplace of Lady Catelyn (nee Tully), crushed his armies and besieged Riverrun, the seat of the House Tully , ruler of the Riverlands.

Then the Northerners, led by Robb Stark, son of Lord Eddard, came forward with vengeance, and all who stood before him fell on the way. In two glorious victories, he crushed one of the two hosts Lannister, broke the siege of Riverrun and captured Ser Jaime the Kingslayer. When the news came to him from his father's death, his bannermans proclaimed him King of the North, a title he had not heard for three hundred years, and vowed bloody revenge against the Lannister house and the Baratheon house.

At least one of House Baratheon's suitors.

King Robert had two younger brothers, the stout and obedient Stannis, and the charismatic and merry Renly. The first had been in Dragonstone since the death of Jon Arryn, joining forces, consorting with witches, smugglers and pirates, and the last Renly having fled the capital in the wake of the chaotic situation, and now reappeared in Highgarden, having married the beautiful daughter of Lord Mace Tyrell, and raises a mighty host that has never been seen before. Both claim the robe of royalty, and both claim that they are the true Lord of the House Baratheon and, indeed, the Seven Kingdoms.

Meanwhile, the Iron Islands, under the command of Lord Balon Greyjoy, are in the towers of Pyke and gather their own iron men and warships, and are preparing to wage a war against the Greenlanders once again in a mad attempt of independence again.

This is the War of the Five Kings, as many are already beginning to call it. Now you are one of them, or a close servant, a trusted confidant, a respectful lord, even though he is just a man who seeks to profit from this madness that will end the lives of many nobles and smallfolks alike.

In the Game of Thrones or you win or die, there is no middle ground, poor knights and smallfolks who die fighting for their Lord or King in this war, will you be on the winning side or the losing side?

1-Make three claims and REALLY have an interest in everyone because I as a GM of this game I have the right to give you any of them, if after you come here to complain about the claim I gave you I can only regret and invite you not to participate in the game, which means that the claim I gave you will be open again to whomever want him.

2-This is a Standard Nation Game with the main focus being the War of Five Kings, this NG will have no life after the war ends because I do not have enough information about the White Walkers to continue after this and the main objective is that one of the Kings win the war, a king winning the war that game ends, you were warned.

3- Be friendly and polite to your fellow companions players regardless of whether they are "friends" or "enemies" in the game, and of course do not be an idiot with everyone.

4- Game races of the past and open hatred of other players are forbidden, I do not know everything that happened in the past and I do not want to know, but if you do not know how to separate the IC from OOC (In Game of Thrones there are betrayals, you should know and betrays make a game that involves ASOIAF interesting) and can not move forward I can only regret and RECOMMEND that you do not participate in the game, if I catch someone fighting for futile reason (fighting about a game is futile) I will expel ALL who are fighting without pity .

5- This game will not have a RP Thread because it is a more war oriented NG will have diplomacy and messages of course but Westeros is at war, and frankly I do not see the great need of an RP Thread.

6- If you want to give a bigger development to your House characters you are welcome to post stories about them in the IC, this keeps the game with a life beyond diplomacy, reports and events.

7- Please include me in all PMs related to the game, if I am not included this PM does not exist for me in regards to the game, and if it comes to my knowledge that players are in a PM about the game making plans without me, both will be expelled.

8-NEVER cover me about when I will publish Reports, Reports will come out when I'm ready to publish it, RL and appointments always come first before a game.

9-Wait 24 hours after the Report is published to appeal to me in the PM (appeals in the OOC I'm goin to ignore), but it is good that your appeal is logical and meaningful, appeals are a privilege and not for someone to come and complain about the bads decisions you have taken, so take a deep breath and think enough to see if your reasoning really has logic and meaning, I'm not an evil monster,I am a person and I can make mistakes if I have something wrong with what I did I will correct.

10- I would like players who stay with the Great Houses to have a certain commitment to the game as far as possible of course that RL comes first before a game, so please inform me if you have to give up the game or delivery of the plans for any reason in RL, please.

11-I decide the deaths and births in the game, you can not just kill a character because nobody likes him, for births you will have to make a request for me by PM.

12- If a player deliberately disrupts the game (ie leave the game in a difficult situation to continue the game, yes this happened in a NG that I participated in another forum), if I realize this happening I expel the player of the game and the claim of this faction becomes open again.

13- The only exception related to the Claims is that Free Cities or someting outside of Westeros is not allowed, so you can claim anything in Westeros but no Essos.

14- NO Faceless Mens in Westeros !

15- With all this said, do not forget that this is a game NO RL, so have fun! :) (claims are now open).

List of Players:

House Stark of Winterfell- @Darth Invictus
House Baratheon of Kings'Landing/House Lannister- @CommandoHowizter
House Arryn- @Arryn
House Greyjoy- @Rjrulew
House Martell- @CobaltCloyster
House Tully- @Tiberius
House Baratheon of Stormlands/Mya Baratheon- @Skrevski
House Frey- @firepelt123
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First Round of Claims
Feels like it's been ages since a good ASOIAF game

House Fossoway of Cider Hall
House Vyrwel of Darkdell
House Celtigar of Claw Isle

House Fossoway

House Baratheon of Storms End
House Lannister of Casterly Rock
House Tyrell of Highgarden

King Renly I Baratheon,The King in Highgarden !


King Joffrey I Baratheon,The King in the Iron Throne !

As this is more war this time, I will throw my hat in the ring.

House Stark of Winterfell
House Lannister of Casterly Rock
House Tyrell of Highgarden.

The King in the North !

This could be an interesting game.

House Baratheon of Dragonstone
House Greyjoy
House Martell

King Stannis I Baratheon,The King in Dragonstone and the Rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms !

House Lannister of Casterly Rock
House Tyrell of Highgarden
House Baratheon of Dragonstone

Hear Me Roar !

House Baratheon of Storm's End
House Tyrell of Highgarden
House Baratheon of Kings Landing/Joffrey

Growing Strong !
Some Notices
Right IC should be posted tomorrow, I saw that someone else made a claim but I will wait another time for the case that more people wanting to participate in the game appear and so I give all at once, so I should post the formats of the plans here soon and tomorrow the deadline for delivery of them. I am still finishing to set some military numbers, in this game I will use rng and a base of judgment of the plans to define the results and rng will also be used to set some other important things, already warning Tuesday is a day that I have to sleep early because of commitments in RL, if that game progresses until next year if some things in my RL change I'll let you know here :).
Second Round of Claims
Exiled House of Targaryen
House Manderly
House Umber

House Manderly

House Baelish (high risk, high reward)
House Arryn (or what's left of it)
House Hightower

EDIT: Actually, if I get Baelish, could I have de-facto control over the Arryns? That's probably the only way he can be playable...Lysa was central to everything he did and she was undying loyal to him to the bitter end.

EDIT EDIT: I'd also be ok with the reverse...getting the Arryns but being able to play Littlefinger (who naturally would be far more engaged in things going on than the Arryns, even with them wrapped around his (little) fingers)

As High as Honor ,and I give you Baelish too.

House Dayne of Starfall
House Martell of the Sunspear
House Tully of Riverrun

One More Claim and IC Is Up !
House Greyjoy Theon
House Targaryen/House Stark Dual claimant
@King Saul is this better

We Do Not Sow (better, I did not know if you were just joking or if you were interested in the game)

IC is up, Turn Posts to Turn 1 are encouraged but after that you decide whether to post Turn Posts all Turns or not, I do not want to force you to post Turn Posts all the time.
Stormlands Situation
Okay, I'm sorry about the delay with this, it had a sudden heavy rain and I had to shut down the computer for a few hours, but here's the Stormlands situation determined by RNG @Bandeirante , @Caspoi :


House Morringen,
House Penrose,
House Musgood,
House Selmy,
House Dondarrion,
House Connington,

.Houses Loyal to King Renly Baratheon:

House Bolling,
House Broquel,
House Errol,
House Fell,
House Gower,
House Grandison,
House Kellington,
House Mertyns,
House Wylde,
House Tudbury,

.Houses Loyal to King Stannis Baratheon:

House Cafferen
House Caron,
House Tarth,
House Estermont,
House Hasty,
House Heston,
House Horpe,
House Lonmouth,
House Peasebury,
House Rogers,
House Staedmon,
House Swann,
House Swygert,
House Wensington,
House Whitehead,
House Wagstaff,
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Map of Westeros
Here we go. Again, keep in mind I'm just showing who I think has declared for who...not who had occupied what. Keep in mind most (but certainly not all...both the Lannisters and Stannis had several allies from the region) of the Crownlands Houses made no declaration one way or another in cannon until the Blackwater.

House Hightower and House Redwyne have kept their banners in place despite Mace's call to mobilize. The Hightowers spent the entire war sitting on the sidelines until the Ironborn attacked the southern Reach, while the Redwynes are remaining neutral as the Lannisters hold Lord Redwyne's sons as hostages. Under traditional feudal politics, no one on any side would expect the Redwynes to do anything so long as their kids are held by a foreign power...and the Hightowers are so powerful by their own right, and so de-facto independent of the Reach, that they're one of the few bannermen in Westeros that can sit any war out as long as they want without any repercussions (the Hightowers sat out Aegon's Conquest too, and played both sides in the First Blackfyre Rebellion).

House Florent has declared for Stannis if this game is still following Cannon from the end of A Game of Thrones. Skagos is listed as de-facto independent because they basically were.

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