Do you feel like a hero yet?

  • Total voters
[X] Why aren't you seeking help?
-[X] Waifu them
--[X] Write In:
---[X] Waifu the Afterlife. It can't be worse than whatever is going on.
[X] Metal Gear, something something about a brother and cigarettes. Big Boss?!
I honestly though kuso didn't have the balls to hit post. We thought wrong.
Meta 1.1: Ba-ku-ha-tsu
Metafest Quest: The way it never meant to be played.



The choice is clear. Or rather there never was one at all.

"I don't care about your role of whatsoever." Dirt declares. Floridian energies surges through his magic circuits as two girls, one in a bright orange outfit and the other with pink hair, manifest themselves beside him.

"I AM NO ONE'S SLAVE!" Dirt roars as the blue hair girl before him explodes into a kaleidoscope of colors.

"Wait, but that's railroadiiinnnnngg-!" she manages to shout out as she gets punted off into the distance by the SUDDEN EXPLOSION.

"I never liked the color blue anyway." Dirt muses. But before he can continue with his monologue on the illusion of choices and colors, his world was suddenly assaulted by an avalanche of cardboard boxes. Yet even as it crashes down upon him like the wrath of an angry God(dess), Dirt remains unfazed for they pose little threat to someone with the power of Biggatons and waifus.

[ ] Write-Ins
[ ] Kuso stop dis pls
[X] Retire to an island, start a martial arts school, and become the Waifu hermit.
[x] E X P A N D B I G G A T O N S

We must acquire new BIGGATONS. It is the SV way.

[x] E X P A N D B I G G A T O N S
[x] FLORIDA MAN the boxes
[x] Summon Yohane

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Q&A 1
While my MetaFest team is being a bunch of weebs and watching anime, or being wotas and worshiping aidorus, or playing botes all day is trying their hardest to deliver you an update of this masterpiece original crossover quest/fiction, I'm here to answer the questions that have been lingering in everybody's mind:

WHAT IS THIS QUEST? A Crossover Metafest Quest.
WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE? A bunch of SEA users (+ Floridian guy + a victim who is from the Americas) who were deprived of sleep (and maybe drunk, too) while creating this quest.
WHAT IS THIS SHIT? Best shit on SV. Squishy will notice us. Or Ford. Or some mods.
WILL YOU UPDATE THIS REGULARLY? Yes....maybe...probably....don't know.

WE DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS Q&A!! Of course not. But I did.