Do you feel like a hero yet?

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I regret everything.

Crossover with...
Meta 0: Raise Your Flag


Saga of Kuso the Evil
I regret everything.

Crossover with:
KCxWormxFSNx40kxTouhouxZnTxKonoSubaxISxDXDxSupComxHetaliaxEvangelioxGuPxPMMMxCnCxGurrenLagannxStrikeWitchesxSpecOpsTheLinexMetalGearRisingxHyperDimensionNeptuniaxExaltedxM:TAxDnDxWarframexTimesplittersxElderscrollsxXCOMxHarryPotterxDoctorWhoxLoveLivexIdolm@sterxMacross SI CYOA CK2

Co-METAFEST QM: @Entwicklung54t @Yezar @ckk185 @Atrum-Persavor @RazorBlaxe @Aires Drake @EtchedSteel @Winged_One²
@Swordomatic gave us permission. WE TOTALLY DIDN'T BRIBE HIM!

Mods, if ban me ban these guys, too. They forced me to do it. They are the mastermind. Also blame Swordo. He gave us the permission.

Kuso first quest. And probably his last. My memoir is in my thread. I'll be one with waifu. Mai aidorus awaits! Get in the robot, Atrum!


Note: update will be slow. like...light year slow.


Prologue: Raise your flag

Dirt is the SI CYOA who was stolen from this earth to become a producer to a group of time travelling witches without pants who also have giant robots and form contracts but have drills in a quest to stop Senator Armstrong from wrecking the Hyperdimension all the while trying to summon shpis to stop shrine maidens from tearing a whole in another dimension but then a whole new faction with the IS arrived which led to serial escalation with Supreme Commanders and soon all school girls were obligated to drive tanks and learn magic. These witches are also idols and are attempting to save their school.

[ ] Write-Ins
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tis but the start.

EDIT: my vote

[X] Engage Florida Man Mode.
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[X] Engage Florida Man Mode.

Remember kids: Never ask a Floridian to stop something that is both stupid and insane. He'll only make it worse.
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[x] Engage Florida Man Mode.

Alright, so basically, what we need to do is to get Dirt into his Florida Man mode. This will give him extra power at the small, small, cost of cringe. Very worthy trade I say.
[X] Radio the General to learn more about Metal Gear Neptune

I'm just going to assume everyone has a Metal Gear
[X] Engage Florida Man Mode

Oh my god this is literally… umm… something…
Meta 1: Fortunate Son
Yes Florida man won, also here's an update:


Dirt heroically push the shooter out of the way, even though he's bleeding out and has barely seconds left. Yet, yet, he used his dying breath to save the life of the one to kill him. Truly, what a hero. Waking up, the first thing Dirt notice is the whiteness that surrounds him. The next thing he notices is that he's floating with no sense of direction. Is this how the afterlife looks like? How boring.

"Hey Dirt wake up" a strangely female voice called. Followed by fingers digging into his cheeks as something or someone blows raspberries.

'God the smell, just like in Vietnam ...I love the smell of napalm in the morning, smells like victory?' thought Dirt.

Then he realized, wait. This wasn't napalm at all.

"Hello stranger!" Yells a blue hair girl wearing a skirt way too short to be decent. Dirt was about to reply back, but then he noticed that the strange girl who had greeted him had just tripped on thin air. And was currently falling towards him. Dirt being the heroic hero that has ever heroed, valiantly broke her fall by applying his face to her chest. All according to keikaku, he said to himself as he perfectly placed his face right on her chest, arresting her fall with minimal effort.

T/N: 'Keikaku' means plan.

Of course, minimal effort did not mean minimal pain as he was tackled into the Metal Gear behind him.

"Get in the damn robot Dirt." The spectacle wearing revolver ocelot said as he brandish his pistols at Dirt while adjusting his glasses.

"Wait, wait, wait, you're already breaking the story, just wait a sec before you go meta again, alright? I'll explain what's going on then you can do your Dirt things later," he heard the strange woman shout to him just as the Metal Gear and Revolver Ocelot dissapeared into thin air.

Dirt looked behind him at the empty air behind him and then at the woman again before speaking, "What the fuck is the Afterlife's problem?"

The woman seemed vaguely offended, "What's your problem? Bringing in Metal Gear and Evangelion into an EMPTY SPACE within a few sentences of starting the story. I haven't even done any exposition yet! Why am I here as a ROB if I can't expose information to you needlessly!"

"And don't worry about that purple haired pudding weirdo over there, she's usually harmless unless she's playing with swords again."

"What's that supposed to mean? What's a ROB?" even a hero as almighty as Dirt can't know everything, and as much as it ashamed him, he needed to gain more information.

"I knew I should had let Q handled this." She mutters.

"Lady, none of this shit makes sense, so could you at least introduce yourself before I wander off somewhere more interesting?" grouched Dirt.

"What? No, no, that's not how a Quest is supposed to go. Remember when I said you can hold back your meta powers, like, a few sentences ago? Yeah, you can use them now. Vote for your next action so I can continue hearing my lovely voice and overthrow your position as the protagonist of this quest," the strange woman addresses Dirt after muttering her greviances.

[] Biggatons
[] Bandwagon
[] Waifu them
[] Hard Man Making Hard Decisions While Hard
[] Why aren't you seeking help?
[] Open the locker, and your world shatters away. You blink with bleary eyes, looking up at a man with brown hair whose eyes glint with some mysterious emotion you can't describe. He walks past you, and whispers a sentence that chills your bones. Since when, he hisses like a snake before it strikes, Were you under the impression I wasn't already using my Zanpakuto?
[] Write In:

Co-MetaQuest GM: Yes this is the result for Florida-manning :V
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[x] Hard Man Making Hard Decisions While Hard
[x] Biggatons

We need to destroy the universe, clearly. That would be a hard decision to make.
Because even I don't know where this vote leads:

[x] Biggatons