Crossing Lines (Now With More Lines|Open)

Starting PC Time Origin

  • One of Us (Same Time)

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Great Scott Marty! (Different TImes)

    Votes: 6 46.2%

  • Total voters
United States of America
The Basic Necessities
This sci-fi adventure, fantasy thriller takes you for the time of your life... literally. Join as group of strangers who find themselves aboard a driver less train, on an unknown journey across time and space, occasionally making "station stops" on alternate Earths that range from subtly different to the wildly fantastic. Throughout it all, they must band together if they hope to escape, and meanwhile, survive the ride.
Picture a small group of people awaking to the sound of grinding wheels and speeding steel. They have no memory of where they are, or why they are here. What they discover is that they occupy a passenger section titled Car E.996, and that it's part of something called the Line Infinity Express, or LIE for short. Unbeknownst to the characters, it is a machine that is on a constant voyage through time and space, existing outside of reality in a dimension known as The Cracks.

Occasionally, it will dip in and out of reality at apparently random points of space-time, called "Stations". Around them, the train seems to contain a limitless amount of "cars". Passenger, freight, dining, entertainment, and many more types. Many are empty and bare. Many more are full, each playing host to objects, people, things and environments that have boarded at a "stations" sometime in the past. To the front, one can see the dim, orange light of what must be the engine. Perhaps answers to all of this lie there? Who could know?

Lets Travel Deeper​

The Conductor​

"Wakey, wakey lovelys! Its another fabulous day 'ere on the LIE!
A person of extraordinary powers, and mysterious origins, the Conductor, seems to be the one of the only people aboard who knows what is happening, and more importantly why. A bald, middle age man, he is as much a fixture aboard the Infinity Express as the train, as much as his 19th century suit, and cockney accent are a part of him. He is the first Crew Member the New Arrivals happen upon during their awakening. Presenting a helpful, if coarse demeanor, he assists in preparing the Arrivals of the circumstances of their new lives aboard the time-traveling vessel; how best they can help themselves and the Lie. It remains to be seen whether the Conductor is a purely helpful benefactor, or a generous manipulator with machinations of his own design.

The Cog​
"They say that dreams can come true -- just remember, nightmares are dreams too..."
Cog is another Crew Member the New Arrivals discover in their travels, and the first child they have seen, since before arriving on the train. Appearing as a young boy, with a dirt-covered face and long tangled blond hair, he can usually be found in the ventilation shafts or maintenance ducks through out the train cars, an area he has claimed for home aboard the vessel. He is a quiet, secretive child, who is very slow to trust. He will most likely flee if he is approached, or believes himself to be spotted; communication is usually one way with Cog, as he has a tendency to leave notes or messages for the New Arrivals to find throughout the LIE. Speaking directly to others is rare, as is usually done out of sight, through artificial means.

The Coach​
"You know what you and my wife have in common? Long tits, and big legs..."
Coach is an enigma, much like the other Crew Members, leaving more questions than answers -- or that could just be the dementia talking. Visibly one of the oldest Crew Members the New Arrivals interact with. A short, skinny flagman who gets into many odd and troublesome situations, mainly due to his nearsightedness and age, compounded by his stubborn refusal to admit the problem. However, he has an uncanny streak of luck, and always seems to work it out for himself, leaving him no worse than before. Due to this, he has developed the reputation of being a senile lunatic. But those who know him are aware of the good-hearted sentimentality beneath the disagreeable exterior. Originally confined to the Caboose-section, he can be found almost anywhere aboard the LIE, usually in the middle of an accident waiting to happen.​

Your Earth (Station 996)​

A small ball of many hues of blues, browns and greens -- tuffs of white among them -- spins slowly in the expanse. Home, you would think. Special, and unique. How shocking it must be, to realize its hardly the only one.

For those aboard the LIE, it is merely Station Nine Hundred and Ninety-Six. Another place that isn't their home, another speed bump with goodies that might keep them going till the next station appears.

Old Metro Cars (Section E.996)​

The place you awaken, confused, disoriented and not without a little dread...

...A feeling that proves correct as you and the rest of the Arrivals are assaulted by a swarm of violent and foul creatures, unlike anything you've experienced before...

...Theres many choices to take, but only one hope of escape... Hurry and make a decision!
Forward (1st Class)​
Not Discovered -- No Info Available At This Time
Center (2nd Class)​
Not Discovered -- No Info Available At This Time
Aft (3rd Class)​
Not Discovered -- No Info Available At This Time

The Engine​

The Caboose​

The Hub​
Not Discovered -- No Info Available At This Time
The Cracks​
Not Discovered -- No Info Available At This Time
Known Groups

Crew (Available for NPCs and 2nd PC's) - Mysterious caretakers of great machines, or slavish zealots worshiping the Almighty Engine; opinions range among the inhabitants of the LIE about the people who are apart of this group. Part guard, part steward, and part handyman, the few who make up The Crew carry a wide range of expertise, which they use liberally in 1st Class section of the LIE. Usually unwilling to interact with the Passengers out of LIE-business, they are almost always hostile to the subversive inhabitants known as Hoppers. Mainly found in 1st Class, but also throughout the LIE.
Sub Factions​

Passengers (Available for NPC's and 2nd PC's) - Passengers are a lot like you, with the distinction of having survived long enough to become part and parcel with the LIE. Earning the grudging respect of the Crew through this, they are tolerated as a neccesary evil, and are usually left unmolested. Veterans of traveling The Cracks, they are as helpful as they are dangerous, when departing and arriving at stations. Diverse and plentiful, they come from a wide array of places and times, each with a story as to how they happened aboard this time-train. Can be encountered mostly in the 2nd Class section of the LIE

Sub Factions​
No Info - Not Discovered

The Synthicate - A collection of intelligent, robotic organisms with an odd predilection toward mobster chic. Indeed, whatever their original individual programming, their allegiance now lies to an interwoven alliance dedicated to all manner of criminality.

They are considered to be among the most organized and well connected of any group aboard the LIE, being instrumental in brokering an agreement with the Crew; as long as they remain unmolested in their ventures, they will assist the crew in maintaining the status quo aboard the LIE.
No Info - Not Discovered

Hoppers (Open For All) - You! The newcomers who are sucking up resources in bloody 3rd Class! Of all the scum and villainy aboard the LIE, none is worse than a Hopper. At least, if you believe whats said on the Crew's intercoms. Hoppers are an underclass aboard the time-sailing vessel, regularly subject to raids by the Passengers, and outright purges by the Crew, who seek to boot off any incoming arrivals at the next Station stop. Alive, or dead.
Sub Factions​

Ack-Ack's War Bhoyz - A group of time-displaced Super Mutants, led by the groups namesake, that have become the begrudging allies and daily annoyances to their Hopper compatriots.

While not the most numerous group aboard the LIE, they make up for power of presence. They are not ones to be provoked; even if they do most of the provoking.
No Info - Not Discovered
No Info - Not Discovered
(I highly suggest you read the OP pages completely prior to filling this out, and use them for reference when creating an app.)
(Fill it out as requested. Do not shift, add, change, or modify the Application format in any way, shape or form please.)
(Erase all words in parentheses when finishing app)

Required Information

Appearance: (Straight forward. Gives you and the other players a way to visualize the character. Image or description. Please do not spoiler it, as it makes the sheet format freak out.)

Character Name: (Pretty obvious. I suggest unique and non-repetitive names.)
User Name: (Link to your Sufficient Velocity profile)
Sex: (Really obvious.)
Race: (Must be human if 1st Character. See available Races in Lie Info spoiler, updated regularly)
Birthdate|Age: (Your character's age will define some things about them. What they like, what they remember, what they grew up with, and how they act now.)
Ticket Stamp: (Determines whether your a Crew, Passenger, or a Hopper. 1st Characters must be Hoppers. Further characters may be anyone of the former.)

Virtues & Vices: (Specifically pros and cons, of a 1 to 1 ratio. These influence your interaction with other characters in situations, and should equally aid and hinder your character as they develop.)
Skills: (Learned skills that your character has picked up, and would be helpful in traversing a multiverse. You can have a starting max of 3.)
Starting Equipment: (What are you packing? Otherwise we'll just assume your characters wandering around naked and penniless.)

Additional Fun Stuff: Not Required

Group Ties: (How your guy or gal feels about the other guys and gals around them. Let the IC drama role!)
(Name of IC Character - Postive, Neutral, Negative Description)

Character Quest: ( Think of it like a side quest away from the main story line, and an easy way to keep yourself engaged when the OP doesn't deliver. A brief description on the path you see your character taking through the first chapter and the rest of this story. Something unique and something you'd be engaged in.)
Bio: (If personality is the lifeblood of your character, this is its heart. No length requirements. Go as short or long as you want.)

Moral Alignment: ( How your character will most likely make a situation work, and how they will react to a situation by trying. Basic DnD alignment grid. While chosen alignment will not rule black and white over choices, it should influence them strongly.)
Theme Song: (For those aurally minded, or just dramatic like me, a song is always nice. Gives ambiance and adds atmosphere to your character.)
If the train time travels does that mean some of us are from different time periods?

  • I leave this up to popular vote every time I revisit this RP. My opinion: I believe the starting party of PC's should be from the same time period to make the beginning of the RP easily manageable. Reason being, I've never done a time-travel AND parallel world roleplay-in-one. If players would then like to introduce new PC's from different times, worlds, and dimensions into the original party as we progress through the story, I'd find that reasonable.

How far back and forward will we be going time?

  • Technically, there is no limit as to how far back or forward the party will find itself while aboard the LIE. Recall though, that the LIE runs like a train. It doesn't just travel backwards and forwards, but it can cross onto different tracks; separate time lines, if you will. The player group starts off with the handicap of not being in control of the trains ability to time travel. They are simply passengers, along for the ride.

How many parallel worlds can we visit?

  • See question one for answer.

Who is playing the "The Conductor"?

  • The Conductor is an mysterious NPC . He will be played by the GM, and his designated CO-GMs.

Will there be NPCs? If so, who will control them?

  • Yes, there will be NPCs. Most will take the form of Crew Member's, Passengers and other Hoppers. I, and my CO-GMs, will play them.

Will some of us have "powers"?

  • "Powers" are tricky business in the RP. While you start off with none, being an average person on our scrub Earth, you may find opportunity to earn them while exploring different times, worlds, and dimensions. The laws of science that rule in one train car, may not be the same in the one next to you. Sufficient to say, magic, super-powers and advanced technology will be themes visited throughout the roleplay.

What is the endgame of this RP?

  • The end game of this RP is an mission-style dungeon. Investigate the LIE, advanced through the different train sections towards the Train Engine Car at the head of the train, where you hope to find someone or something to get you back to your home in time and space. There is a sandbox adventure aspect present throughout, to give players a break from the plot grind, which include visits to "station" locations, as well as surprise events, NPC confrontations and mini-quests, orchestrated by your GM and Co-GMs. These also serve to help you get farther in your travels to the Engine Car, buy providing opportunities to get helpful items and loot through success. Or set you back, if failed.

Why is time travel not present, known or revealed in the characters home Earth history?

  • The LIE is on a different plane of existence known as The Cracks. A place between spaces, merely dipping into the time-space continuum at seemingly random places. When it appears, at locations known as "stations", it only does so for a small, limited amount of time, before returning to its original environment. It is hypothesized that the Crew Members act as stewards to the LIE, acting as inter-galactic voyagers and janitors. Carefully leading the LIE around, while cleaning up any messes it causes by showing up in different times and places. Real Adjustment Bureau-type stuff.

Can you change the present by going backwards in time and causing a difference?

  • The possibility exists. But one would need to be able to actively control the time-traveling LIE.

Is there one timeline or time-stream, or more?

  • Yes, in a word :p Acknowledging multi-verse theory, there are a unlimited number of alternative worlds and time-streams. But only one Prime Timeline; one "real" reality, if you will.

Can someone from the present or future send messages to someone in the past?

  • Again, the possibility exists. But you would need to get lucky in sending the message at one of the "station stops", obtaining powers of time travel, or obtaining control of the LIE.
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Boarding Roll Call
(Dramatis Personae)
Noteable NPCs New Arrivals - 1st PC Group TBD - 2nd PC Group
The Coach - Wise But Weird Sage Rory Connell @Gamerlord @WarShipper
The Cog - Curious Oddity And Scavenger Sam Chao @Kensai  
The Conductor - Shady Main Quest Giver Lisko Ogonecki @Dawiusz  
'Wenig' Ritter - Paragon Side Quest Giver Avivia Bar @Goldiefish  
Father "Murphy" - Paragon Faction Leader Fritz Wilde @PranksterOliwar  
The Red Lady - Renegade Faction Leader Annikki "Nikki" Luttinen @munchkinomatic  
Boss Iadanza - Renegade Side Quest Giver Daniel Masters @Dex  

The Intercom Bulletin
(Daily Updates and IC TL;DR)​
1/10: Poll is closed; all characters will be from the same time period. Additional info has been added to the Character App.

1/11: IC is being set up; est. launch is Fri or Sat -- We have a Co-GM! Welcome @TheMaskedReader -- Our first New Arrivals group has been filled. Thank you all for helping out and joining in!

1/12: 2nd New Arrivals Group is being prepped. PC's from current and new players will be diverted to this one.

1/13: IC Lauch In 3... 2.. 1..

1/26: Including additional lore -- Planning for the second part of the IC -- W00t!
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Can we post now? I can delete this if that's not the case.

What're the beginning limits of a character? Races? Power levels? Etc.?
What're the beginning limits of a character? Races? Power levels? Etc.?
OP states that we start as a your standard Earth-Dweller.
Will some of us have "powers"?

  • "Powers" are tricky business in the RP. While you start off with none, being an average person on our scrub Earth, you may find opportunity to earn them while exploring different times, worlds, and dimensions. The laws of science that rule in one train car, may not be the same in the one next to you. Sufficient to say, magic, super-powers and advanced technology will be themes visited throughout the roleplay.
Which is nice, seeing how I don't have any experience to even attempt more Power Scale heavy games.
Can we post now? I can delete this if that's not the case.

What're the beginning limits of a character? Races? Power levels? Etc.?
Ye may post.

Starting PC's are base human. Average to Athlete, just below Street-level. (I'll work out a power tier system into the OP tonight) This is based on a 11th rung tier system thats ranked high-to-low in power (the lower your number, the more powerful you are) that I'm making. Your first character must be 10 to start. Additionally, as the game progress, you may make 2nd characters that can start at higher tier levels. These characters may also be of other races and have.

Too sum up: Limits are must be human, must be low power, and may/may not be from different time periods within our history. For that last one, I'm waiting on the votes from the poll to decide.

Which is nice, seeing how I don't have any experience to even attempt more Power Scale heavy games.

If all goes well, if all goes wrong, our Power Scale will indeed be crazy in time. I personally, like to give players next to nothing at the beginning, so that every thing found, every power earned, is a beautiful thing :drevil:
Absolutely. Ill end the poll tommorow, so the finished result will be added to the app, making them ready.
How are the Virtues & Failings different from the personality?

Also, I saw you changed the Character Sheet a bit, will there be more changes in the future?

On the topic of the Time of Origin, I think it would be more narratively fitting to have the starting PC's all from the same time period. It would make us all be from one "Station" so to speak, explaining why we appeared in the same time on the LIE, provide all of us common ground to interact with each other.

Picture a small group of people awaking to the sound of grinding wheels and speeding steel. They have no memory of who they are, where they are, or what they were doing before awakening. What they discover is that they occupy a passenger section titled Car E.996, and that it's part of something called the Line Infinity Express, or LIE for short.
I just saw the bolded one, and is that some mistake? Because if we are starting as total amnesiacs, then we can't have any skills, because we won't remember having them, we won't remember our names, we won't remember our history, so Bio section becomes irrelevant, and our personality will also become a blank slate, because we wake up with no experiences that would shape it.
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I just saw the bolded one, and is that some mistake? Because if we are starting as total amnesiacs, then we can't have any skills, because we won't remember having them, we won't remember our names, we won't remember our history, so Bio section becomes irrelevant, and our personality will also become a blank slate, because we wake up with no experiences that would shape it.
I'm not qualified to talk about actual medical conditions, but a character possessing skills with none of the memories associated with that skill is one of the staple of stories.
On the topic of the Time of Origin, I think it would be more narratively fitting to have the starting PC's all from the same time period. It would make us all be from one "Station" so to speak, explaining why we appeared in the same time on the LIE, provide all of us common ground to interact with each other.

Seconding this.

I just saw the bolded one, and is that some mistake? Because if we are starting as total amnesiacs, then we can't have any skills, because we won't remember having them, we won't remember our names, we won't remember our history, so Bio section becomes irrelevant, and our personality will also become a blank slate, because we wake up with no experiences that would shape it.

And this. The skills might be there, but the big problem is motivation. Why should we want to return to our original time/space when we don't remember anything of it? Personality wouldn't be blank slate - we'd still have behavioural traits and tendencies, and our brains would respond to emotional cues and triggers that are not consciously available (for example, a drinker would still want alcohol when it's available) but the issue is more about higher goals.
Seconding this.

And this. The skills might be there, but the big problem is motivation. Why should we want to return to our original time/space when we don't remember anything of it? Personality wouldn't be blank slate - we'd still have behavioural traits and tendencies, and our brains would respond to emotional cues and triggers that are not consciously available (for example, a drinker would still want alcohol when it's available) but the issue is more about higher goals.
I might be missing something, but I don't think it said anything about wanting to go home. PCs just want to survive, it seems.

Agree on character goal though.
(Replace guns and armour with knuckles and coat. Though may pick up the gun+armour look later. It's just so damn hard to find a decent pic of a 'lower class' character.)
Character Name: Rory Connell
User Name: @Gamerlord
Sex: Male
Birthdate|Age: 15th June 1994|23
Ticket Stamp: Hopper

Virtues & Failings: Seeks justice, but tends to settle for vengeance. Forgets a 'balanced' conflict, but never forgives an 'unbalanced' one. Kind to close friends, but sometimes suffocatingly overprotective.
Skills: Fistfighting, Small Arms, Animal Handling (Birds)
Bio: Father walks out early, mother descends into a drunken stupor. It's a cliche for a reason. Rory grew up fast when he ended up homeless due to his mother's death. He learned to fight, learned to steal and learned to hate. Rory ran with gangs by eight, fought bareknuckle for cash by nine and killed by ten. By twenty he had both made enough petty cash and enough enemies that he got out of the city he had grown up in and headed to another for a fresh start, but quickly fell into old habits as jobhunting proved futile and normal society proved impossible to properly integrate into. A small time job feeding an old lady's birds put enough food in his belly to keep him alive and from her he learned how to appreciate the beautiful animals. She's probably the only person who looked for him when he just up and vanished, her prized crow Nutmeg in tow.

Additional Fun Stuff: Not Required

Group Ties: Nutmeg (Protective)

Starting Equipment: Trenchknife + Zipgun/Knuckles, matching set. Small bag of mixed nuts and grain. Bigass coat. A relatively welltrained crow named Nutmeg, with a tendency to peck at and try to steal blue things, from jewellery to exposed veins. Is a bit distressed at the change in surroundings.

Personality: Almost perpetually angry/resentful at the world for throwing him into the dirt, responds aggressively to any confrontation. Intimidation quickly gives way to violence, though when a fight is done and the slight 'corrected' he moves on almost disturbingly quickly. Reserves lethal force for foes who are either extreme offenders or a chronically repetitive problem, but feels no compunction or regret for killing afterwards, perceiving such tendencies in other to be a weakness. Temper fades when drunk, high or interacting with loved ones/birds. Is extremely protective of any birds, especially crows, and always carries a store of seed, nuts or fruit to feed them with.

Character Quest: Get Nutmeg home.

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Not Crazy Neutral, more like Pragmatic Neutral.)

Theme Song
: Red Fraction

WHEEEEEE~ Found a way to give him a reason to get back to his home universe even though he really could not give a shit about it.
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Poll has been closed, and the results are in: Its was 3 - 3, with OP as tie breaker, in favor of Same Time. This means all 1st Characters are from our Present time. For those wanting to play a Gat-wielding Crusader Knight, don't worry. 2nd Characters are more than welcome.

I have a question regarding the second character. Knowing that my second will have more options, do I have make one if I want to keep up with the curve?

No. The second character addition, and whether you make one, will not affect your ability to keep up with your 1st Character. Character progression, while not of the orthodox level up, will still happen through character choices made in the narrative. This will be monitored by me, with objects, powers and other goodies awarded according to each PC's reaction to the situation, and the end result as a whole.

How are the Virtues & Failings different from the personality?

Also, I saw you changed the Character Sheet a bit, will there be more changes in the future?

On the topic of the Time of Origin, I think it would be more narratively fitting to have the starting PC's all from the same time period. It would make us all be from one "Station" so to speak, explaining why we appeared in the same time on the LIE, provide all of us common ground to interact with each other.


I just saw the bolded one, and is that some mistake? Because if we are starting as total amnesiacs, then we can't have any skills, because we won't remember having them, we won't remember our names, we won't remember our history, so Bio section becomes irrelevant, and our personality will also become a blank slate, because we wake up with no experiences that would shape it.

First, after examination, I've ditched the personality section in favor of the Virtues & Failings (now Virtues & Vices). Between that section, the bio, and the alignment section, a personality should already be nicely filled. I do change the Character Sheet a bit before starting up.

Second, all changes have been made and the current version of the App is in the OP. Let me know if I missed anything.

Lastly, that was a error carried over from a older description. No ones been lobotomized, no one is an amnesiac ;) unless you want to be.

(Replace guns and armour with knuckles and coat. Though may pick up the gun+armour look later. It's just so damn hard to find a decent pic of a 'lower class' character.)
Character Name: Rory Connell
User Name: @Gamerlord
Sex: Male
Birthdate|Age: 15th June 1994|23
Ticket Stamp: Hopper

Virtues & Failings: Seeks justice, but tends to settle for vengeance. Forgets a 'balanced' conflict, but never forgives an 'unbalanced' one. Kind to close friends, but sometimes suffocatingly overprotective.
Skills: Knives, Fistfighting, Small Arms, Enduring Effects Of Booze And Drugs, Animal Handling (Birds), Basic Mechanics (Hotwiring cars mostly.), Lockpicking
Bio: Father walks out early, mother descends into a drunken stupor. It's a cliche for a reason. Rory grew up fast when he ended up homeless due to his mother's death. He learned to fight, learned to steal and learned to hate. Rory ran with gangs by eight, fought bareknuckle for cash by nine and killed by ten. By twenty he had both made enough petty cash and enough enemies that he got out of the city he had grown up in and headed to another for a fresh start, but quickly fell into old habits as jobhunting proved futile and normal society proved impossible to properly integrate into. A small time job feeding an old lady's birds put enough food in his belly to keep him alive and from her he learned how to appreciate the beautiful animals. She's probably the only person who looked for him when he just up and vanished, her prized crow Nutmeg in tow.

Additional Fun Stuff: Not Required

Group Ties: Nutmeg (Protective)

Starting Equipment: Trenchknife + Zipgun/Knuckles, matching set. Small bag of mixed nuts and grain. Bigass coat. A relatively welltrained crow named Nutmeg, with a tendency to peck at and try to steal blue things, from jewellery to exposed veins. Is a bit distressed at the change in surroundings.

Personality: Almost perpetually angry/resentful at the world for throwing him into the dirt, responds aggressively to any confrontation. Intimidation quickly gives way to violence, though when a fight is done and the slight 'corrected' he moves on almost disturbingly quickly. Reserves lethal force for foes who are either extreme offenders or a chronically repetitive problem, but feels no compunction or regret for killing afterwards, perceiving such tendencies in other to be a weakness. Temper fades when drunk, high or interacting with loved ones/birds. Is extremely protective of any birds, especially crows, and always carries a store of seed, nuts or fruit to feed them with.

Character Quest: Get Nutmeg home.

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Not Crazy Neutral, more like Pragmatic Neutral.)

Theme Song
: Red Fraction

WHEEEEEE~ Found a way to give him a reason to get back to his home universe even though he really could not give a shit about it.

Welcome aboard! The Character App has been updated with some small new additions. But nothing that should affect this character, as is. So, you're ticket is stamped with approval.

Appearance: Sam is a petite, slender Asian-Caucasian woman. She keeps her dark hair in a short bob and dresses in a sleek, androgynous street style inspired by Wong Kar Wai movies.

Character Name: Sam Chao
User Name: Kensai
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Birthdate|Age: 19th January / 27
Ticket Stamp: Hopper

Virtues & Vices:
Bullshit artist / Pathological liar
An eye for the prize / Opportunist
Pacifist / Useless in a fight
Ethical consumer / Really annoying at restaurants

Speed reading with near-perfect recall

Starting Equipment:
Chic leather jacket, Egyptian cotton t-shirt, really nice jeans, vintage Chuck Taylors.
Timbuk2 Stark messenger bag, laptop, smartphone.
Packed lunch (baguette with hummus, halloumi, lettuce, tomatoes, olives and pickles; bottle of lemon-mint water; bag of vegetable chips).

Group Ties: TBD
Character Quest: Figuring out what the big score is on this ride and getting a piece of the action.
Bio: TBA
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Theme Song:
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Required Information

Appearance: Aviva is tall (5'9") athletically built woman, she has tan/olive skin, brown eyes and black, shoulder length curly hair.

Character Name: Aviva Bar
User Name: goldiefish
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Birthdate|Age: October, 13th| 25
Ticket Stamp: Hopper

Virtues & Vices:
-Ready for adventure/sheltered and unexperienced
-Protective of friends/slow to trust new people
-Good fighter/too quick to punch a perceived threat
-Book smart/street dumb

-First Aid
-Hand to hand combat (kickboxing)

Starting Equipment:
-Backpack: first aid kit, box of energy bars, water bottle, swiss-army knife, e-reader, cell phone, picture of girlfriend
-Wearing: Hiking boots, hiking pants, tank top, over shirt and thrift store army jacket

Additional Fun Stuff: Not Required

Group Ties: TBD

Character Quest: Searching for her missing girlfriend

Bio: Under strict parental rules to be a straight A student and eventually be a doctor (currently in medical school), Aviva has lived a relatively sheltered life, though she always enjoyed small rebellions through sneaking out and partying. Aviva de-stressed since middle school by kickboxing, which she convinced her parents to let her do because it would make interesting application fodder. Aviva in her junior year of undergrad began dating Claire, a party girl who has now disappeared.

Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Theme Song:
Hmm, how's this:


Character Name: Fritz Wilde
User Name: @PranksterOliwar
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Birthdate|Age: October 13th| 21
Ticket Stamp: Hopper

Virtues & Vices:
Open-Minded - Fritz can easily see other points-of-view and think outside the box. / Amoral - Fritz truly stands for nothing, and is thus more likely to buy into anything if he stands to gain from it in some way.
Energetic - The young man does not tire easily and needs less sleep than most. / Insomniac - Fritz has trouble sleeping, to the point where he's somewhat narcoleptic and occasionally delirious.
Fast Learner - Fritz picks up new skills and information faster than most. / Scatter-brained - Fritz has trouble organizing and prioritizing his thoughts, resulting in him becoming ineffective for tasks with little time and preparation, and often panicking in high-stress scenarios.
Diplomatic - Fritz' easygoing demeanor gives him a way with words that either puts people at ease or helps others get along. / Push-over - Fritz is very much an appeaser and is more easily persuaded or intimidated into giving what another person wants.

Skills: Demolitions, Stealth, Hacking electronics.
Starting Equipment:
Wearing - Glasses, vest and tie with undershirt, tan slacks, and black dress shoes.
Brown Messenger Bag - inside is an iPad, some notebooks, pencils, a Wacom tablet with all its various accessories (charger, case, pens, etc.), a toolbox containing miscellaneous tools (in other words everything one could reasonably expect to find in a toolbox), the anarchist's cookbook, a portable language translation device, and a wilderness survival guide.
Brown Backpack - Inside are some water bottles, some cans of beans and soup, a cookbook (normal one this time), a lighter, some pots and pans for cooking, a few ladles and spatulas, a bunch of rope and string, and a bunch of eating utensils.


Group Ties: TBD

Character Quest: Record information on all the various worlds he visits to share with others back home.
Bio: A nervous and academic youth even in his childhood and teen years, Fritz never wanted much other than to succeed in school - and his career eventually - while making many friends along the way. Unfortunately for him, his eagerness to befriend people led to him falling in with several rather unsavory groups, most of which he'd rather not talk about. The most he's willing to talk about the matter is admitting that's where he learned his various skills and that he's developed a... well, let's just say "morally relativist" view of life. All he hopes now is that this unexpected journey with strangers turns out better.

Moral Alignment: True Neutral
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Required Information

Appearance: An Eastern European male with dark brown hair, a few days old facial hair, hazel eyes and slightly more body mass than recomended. For this reason, he tends to wear rather loose and darkly colored garments, which currently means a dark blue, collared, long-sleeved shirt with two pockets on the front, and black cargo pants with brown shoes. His hair is dark brown, with little care being paid to it beyond the basics.

Character Name: Lisko Ogonecki
User Name: @Dawiusz
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Birthdate|Age: 23, born on June fourteenth 1995.
Ticket Stamp: Hopper

Virtues &Vices: Lisko is a relatively bright young man, easily absorbing new knowledge and fulfilling the tasks the Education System requires of him. However the PE classes never were his strong side, and his strength, dexterity and general physique remains rather poor.
When interacting with other people he tries to be polite, maintaining a simple smile, regardless of what he truly feels. However it takes a long for him to make closer ties with other people, for he often feels that amiable reactions from other people, are just as much of a veneer, as his own unconditional politeness, and in reality they would prefer for him to leave them alone.
In a similar manner, Lisko prefers to avoid confrontations of any kind, and is more likely than not to keep his anger hidden, unnoticeable. While this provides a benefit of not causing him many enemies, it takes some time and effort to diminish Lisko's displeasure with someone, which is understandably difficult to achieve when that someone doesn't even know he angered Lisko. This also leads to situations where a proverbial 'hair broke the camel's neck' and Lisko explodes with no longer contained anger for the most minor of things, as far as everyone else is concerned.
Lisko is very risk-averse and fairly pessimistic, so before doing even most prosaic things, like starting a conversation with a colleague, he makes a rough plan of how the conversation could go.
Skills: High degree of knowledge about chemistry and decent grasp of general biology that stems from his education, general knowledge about scientific concepts due to his love of sci-fi, capable of keeping cool head in stress.
Starting Equipment: Clothes, as described in the Appearance section, a mobile phone, a solar powered power bank, an ebook, a swiss knife, bullet-shaped lighter, a compass, a bottle of water, two sandwiches, a watch, a simple calculator with a tiny solar panel, a notebook with three pens and a wallet with his ID and some money. All of it can be found either in one of the many pockets of his cargo pants, or the shoulder bag. He keeps a small brass fox in his shirt pocket, which holds great sentimental value to him.

Additional Fun Stuff: Not Required

Group Ties: Will be filled according to what will happen in the IC thread.

Character Quest: Don't die. Become a part of a working team. Return Home. Possibly with a few nice additions along a line.

Bio: Lisko was born to a low-middle class family in a major city. Originally, he was quite a gregarious child, quick to engage in conversations with others. This slowly changed when he went to school and he found himself being consistently outdone by his peers in all sorts of physical activities. At first it didn't pose as much of a problem to him, for he found great success in more academic areas.
However, then bullying started. With teacher intervention being completely ineffectual, and lacking means to personally retaliate, Lisko started distancing himself more and more from the class, becoming silent and withdrawn. It somewhat worked, the bullying became more manageable as the contact with bullies lessened.
As the schools changed, the bullying largely stopped being the problem. Lisko remained cautious, however, and rarely allowed himself to truly trust other people, maintaining a mask of politeness during most interactions, doubtful that anyone would be honestly interested in what he has to say
As he finished his school with great grades, Lisko started studying biochemistry. With more free time and independence being granted to him, he started attending events and convents related to his own interests. There, even if others found him boring or annoying, he could leave at any moment and let his social failures be forgotten. With time he allowed himself to trust a few of his colleagues from these events enough to call them friends, even in his mind. This helped him regain some of his confidence in himself, and though he remains a pessimist when it comes to his social interactions, he learned to care less about how others perceive him.

Moral Alignment: Neutral, with moderate preference to the Lawful end of the spectrum.

Theme Song: This. I am horrible at interpreting music, but the idea is that the subdued, almost melancholic beginning would symbolise Lisko's mental state at the beginning of his backstory, but then the music becomes lighter, as were Lisko's later years.
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Appearance: Sam is a petite, slender Asian-Caucasian woman. She keeps her dark hair in a short bob and dresses in a sleek, androgynous street style inspired by Wong Kar Wai movies.

Character Name: Sam Chao
User Name: Kensai
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Birthdate|Age: 19th January / 27
Ticket Stamp: Hopper

Virtues & Vices:
Bullshit artist / Pathological liar
An eye for the prize / Opportunist
Pacifist / Useless in a fight
Ethical consumer / Really annoying at restaurants

Freerunning, urban cycling
Speed reading with near-perfect recall

Starting Equipment:
Chic leather jacket, Egyptian cotton t-shirt, really nice jeans, vintage Chuck Taylors.
Timbuk2 Stark messenger bag, laptop, smartphone.
Packed lunch (baguette with hummus, halloumi, lettuce, tomatoes, olives and pickles; bottle of lemon-mint water; bag of vegetable chips).

Group Ties: TBD
Character Quest: Figuring out what the big score is on this ride and getting a piece of the action.
Bio: TBA
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Theme Song:

Nice PC. Just need you to edge up the Skills so you start with three, instead of four. Group Ties, Bio and Theme are optional, so you're good to go once thats fixed.

Required Information

Appearance: Aviva is tall (5'9") athletically built woman, she has tan/olive skin, brown eyes and black, shoulder length curly hair.

Character Name: Aviva Bar
User Name: goldiefish
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Birthdate|Age: October, 13th| 25
Ticket Stamp: Hopper

Virtues & Vices:
-Ready for adventure/sheltered and unexperienced
-Protective of friends/slow to trust new people
-Good fighter/too quick to punch a perceived threat
-Book smart/street dumb

-First Aid
-Hand to hand combat (kickboxing)

Starting Equipment:
-Backpack: first aid kit, box of energy bars, water bottle, swiss-army knife, e-reader, cell phone, picture of girlfriend
-Wearing: Hiking boots, hiking pants, tank top, over shirt and thrift store army jacket

Additional Fun Stuff: Not Required

Group Ties: TBD

Character Quest: Searching for her missing girlfriend

Bio: Under strict parental rules to be a straight A student and eventually be a doctor (currently in medical school), Aviva has lived a relatively sheltered life, though she always enjoyed small rebellions through sneaking out and partying. Aviva de-stressed since middle school by kickboxing, which she convinced her parents to let her do because it would make interesting application fodder. Aviva in her junior year of undergrad began dating Claire, a party girl who has now disappeared.

Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Theme Song:

All is good. Stamped with approval , and welcome aboard!

Hmm, how's this:


Character Name: Fritz Wilde
User Name: @PranksterOliwar
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Birthdate|Age: October 13th| 21
Ticket Stamp: Hopper

Virtues & Vices:
Open-Minded - Fritz can easily see other points-of-view and think outside the box. / Amoral - Fritz truly stands for nothing, and is thus more likely to buy into anything if he stands to gain from it in some way.
Energetic - The young man does not tire easily and needs less sleep than most. / Insomniac - Fritz has trouble sleeping, to the point where he's somewhat narcoleptic and occasionally delirious.
Fast Learner - Fritz picks up new skills and information faster than most. / Scatter-brained - Fritz has trouble organizing and prioritizing his thoughts, resulting in him becoming ineffective for tasks with little time and preparation, and often panicking in high-stress scenarios.
Diplomatic - Fritz' easygoing demeanor gives him a way with words that either puts people at ease or helps others get along. / Push-over - Fritz is very much an appeaser and is more easily persuaded or intimidated into giving what another person wants.

Skills: Demolitions, Stealth, Hacking electronics.
Starting Equipment:
Wearing - Glasses, vest and tie with undershirt, tan slacks, and black dress shoes.
Brown Messenger Bag - inside is an iPad, some notebooks, pencils, a Wacom tablet with all its various accessories (charger, case, pens, etc.), a toolbox containing miscellaneous tools (in other words everything one could reasonably expect to find in a toolbox), the anarchist's cookbook, a portable language translation device, and a wilderness survival guide.
Brown Backpack - Inside are some water bottles, some cans of beans and soup, a cookbook (normal one this time), a lighter, some pots and pans for cooking, a few ladles and spatulas, a bunch of rope and string, and a bunch of eating utensils.


Group Ties: TBD

Character Quest: Record information on all the various worlds he visits to share with others back home.
Bio: A nervous and academic youth even in his childhood and teen years, Fritz never wanted much other than to succeed in school - and his career eventually - while making many friends along the way. Unfortunately for him, his eagerness to befriend people led to him falling in with several rather unsavory groups, most of which he'd rather not talk about. The most he's willing to talk about the matter is admitting that's where he learned his various skills and that he's developed a... well, let's just say "morally relativist" view of life. All he hopes now is that this unexpected journey with strangers turns out better.

Moral Alignment: True Neutral

Interesting app. A little ambiguity on how he learned demolitions. Would you be willing to expand a little on that OOC'ly?

Required Information

Appearance: An Eastern European male with dark brown hair, a few days old facial hair, hazel eyes and slightly more body mass than recomended. For this reason, he tends to wear rather loose and darkly colored garments, which currently means a dark blue, collared, long-sleeved shirt with two pockets on the front, and black cargo pants with brown shoes. His hair is dark brown, with little care being paid to it beyond the basics.

Character Name: Lisko Ogonecki
User Name: @Dawiusz
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Birthdate|Age: 23, born on June fourteenth 1995.
Ticket Stamp: Hopper

Virtues &Vices: Lisko is a relatively bright young man, easily absorbing new knowledge and fulfilling the tasks the Education System requires of him. However the PE classes never were his strong side, and his strength, dexterity and general physique remains rather poor.
When interacting with other people he tries to be polite, maintaining a simple smile, regardless of what he truly feels. However it takes a long for him to make closer ties with other people, for he often feels that amiable reactions from other people, are just as much of a veneer, as his own unconditional politeness, and in reality they would prefer for him to leave them alone.
In a similar manner, Lisko prefers to avoid confrontations of any kind, and is more likely than not to keep his anger hidden, unnoticeable. While this provides a benefit of not causing him many enemies, it takes some time and effort to diminish Lisko's displeasure with someone, which is understandably difficult to achieve when that someone doesn't even know he angered Lisko. This also leads to situations where a proverbial 'hair broke the camel's neck' and Lisko explodes with no longer contained anger for the most minor of things, as far as everyone else is concerned.
Lisko is very risk-averse and fairly pessimistic, so before doing even most prosaic things, like starting a conversation with a colleague, he makes a rough plan of how the conversation could go.
Skills: High degree of knowledge about chemistry and decent grasp of general biology that stems from his education, general knowledge about scientific concepts due to his love of sci-fi, capable of keeping cool head in stress.
Starting Equipment: Clothes, as described in the Appearance section, a mobile phone, a solar powered power bank, an ebook, a swiss knife, bullet-shaped lighter, a compass, a bottle of water, two sandwiches, a watch, a simple calculator with a tiny solar panel, a notebook with three pens and a wallet with his ID and some money. All of it can be found either in one of the many pockets of his cargo pants, or the shoulder bag. He keeps a small brass fox in his shirt pocket, which holds great sentimental value to him.

Additional Fun Stuff: Not Required

Group Ties: Will be filled according to what will happen in the IC thread.

Character Quest: Don't die. Become a part of a working team. Return Home. Possibly with a few nice additions along a line.

Bio: Lisko was born to a low-middle class family in a major city. Originally, he was quite a gregarious child, quick to engage in conversations with others. This slowly changed when he went to school and he found himself being consistently outdone by his peers in all sorts of physical activities. At first it didn't pose as much of a problem to him, for he found great success in more academic areas.
However, then bullying started. With teacher intervention being completely ineffectual, and lacking means to personally retaliate, Lisko started distancing himself more and more from the class, becoming silent and withdrawn. It somewhat worked, the bullying became more manageable as the contact with bullies lessened.
As the schools changed, the bullying largely stopped being the problem. Lisko remained cautious, however, and rarely allowed himself to truly trust other people, maintaining a mask of politeness during most interactions, doubtful that anyone would be honestly interested in what he has to say
As he finished his school with great grades, Lisko started studying biochemistry. With more free time and independence being granted to him, he started attending events and convents related to his own interests. There, even if others found him boring or annoying, he could leave at any moment and let his social failures be forgotten. With time he allowed himself to trust a few of his colleagues from these events enough to call them friends, even in his mind. This helped him regain some of his confidence in himself, and though he remains a pessimist when it comes to his social interactions, he learned to care less about how others perceive him.

Moral Alignment: Neutral, with moderate preference to the Lawful end of the spectrum.

Theme Song: This. I am horrible at interpreting music, but the idea is that the subdued, almost melancholic beginning would symbolise Lisko's mental state at the beginning of his backstory, but then the music becomes lighter, as were Lisko's later years.

Everything checks out. Approved, and thanks for joining us!
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