[X] Oshibana. Another good place to go, it's a central point that connects several of the towns on the railway. It'd be a good place to setup shop for your guild as people from all over would come to the town. No real guild influence there so it'd be easy to move in.
[X] Clover. Small town, they're used to mages and there antics due to having the Guild Meeting Building for Legal Guilds in their town, they probably wouldn't be too adverse to you moving in. Plus, it'd be equal opportunity to, their small town's economy would probably boom if your successful and you could have a relationship much like Fairy Tail had with Magnolia. Plus you wouldn't mind crashing the Guild Meeting the next regular meeting that's called...
[X] Head west see where you can go. Probably not the best idea, those bounty hunters are probably back around there, you should probably steer very clear from Crocus in general.

Don't tell me what to do.
[X] Oshibana. Another good place to go, it's a central point that connects several of the towns on the railway. It'd be a good place to setup shop for your guild as people from all over would come to the town. No real guild influence there so it'd be easy to move in.
Its just a good idea.
[X] Oshibana. Another good place to go, it's a central point that connects several of the towns on the railway. It'd be a good place to setup shop for your guild as people from all over would come to the town. No real guild influence there so it'd be easy to move in.
[X] Head west see where you can go. Probably not the best idea, those bounty hunters are probably back around there, you should probably steer very clear from Crocus in general.
[X] Oshibana. Another good place to go, it's a central point that connects several of the towns on the railway. It'd be a good place to setup shop for your guild as people from all over would come to the town. No real guild influence there so it'd be easy to move in.
[X] Oshibana. Another good place to go, it's a central point that connects several of the towns on the railway. It'd be a good place to setup shop for your guild as people from all over would come to the town. No real guild influence there so it'd be easy to move in.
[X] Clover. Small town, they're used to mages and there antics due to having the Guild Meeting Building for Legal Guilds in their town, they probably wouldn't be too adverse to you moving in. Plus, it'd be equal opportunity to, their small town's economy would probably boom if your successful and you could have a relationship much like Fairy Tail had with Magnolia. Plus you wouldn't mind crashing the Guild Meeting the next regular meeting that's called...
[X] Oshibana. Another good place to go, it's a central point that connects several of the towns on the railway. It'd be a good place to setup shop for your guild as people from all over would come to the town. No real guild influence there so it'd be easy to move in.
[X] Oshibana. Another good place to go, it's a central point that connects several of the towns on the railway. It'd be a good place to setup shop for your guild as people from all over would come to the town. No real guild influence there so it'd be easy to move in.
Its just a good idea.
[X ] Oshibana. Another good place to go, it's a central point that connects several of the towns on the railway. It'd be a good place to setup shop for your guild as people from all over would come to the town. No real guild influence there so it'd be easy to move in
Okay. So I've decided enough is enough after a large amount of thinking. So, here's what's about to happen.

I will be setting up a poll to decide what three quests are going to be active aka the ones I'll be running seeing as I can't make up my goddamn mind, you guys get to do it for me (Note Tower of God quest already is filling up a spot as fourth quest. I've gone too goddamn far with it to give up now, plus it was the first quest I've ever posted and it gained a large following). And as it's a poll, you guys get to chose from any of the quests I have made. YES. Including The Dead Ones.

I'll post the link to it on all of my quests including the dead ones and here's the link.

Help Me SV! I Can't Decide What Three Quests to Run!
[X] Oshibana. Another good place to go, it's a central point that connects several of the towns on the railway. It'd be a good place to setup shop for your guild as people from all over would come to the town. No real guild influence there so it'd be easy to move in.