Create Your Own Actual Servants Thread (or refine existing ones)

Basiclus said:
I'll keep it as a skill then.

As for another Noble Phantasm, I thought about giving him Achilles's armor, but I don't think anyone else has had armor as a Noble Phantasm in the series so I scrapped that idea. That and I don't want to rip off God Hand. The other idea was to give him a shield representing the walls of Troy and temporarily give him a defensive bonus, but I thought that might be a bit much with his personal skill.

I did have an idea to use Durandal as Hector's sword when he's summoned into the Saber class, but I was't sure how to use it as a weapon other than a really awesome A+ rank sword to hit people with. I did't want to go the sword beam route though.
Can't remember where I saw it but I once read a story that stated that after fulfilling three miracles for it's owner Durandal would eventually lead them to their death fighting for their cause. Sadly given it's description in lore that would not fit for the Nasuverse version. However since there is little known about it one could assign two more miracles to the "always sharp" part. Even if you go with the "unbreakable' part of the sword's description in legend there is still one miracle left to assign to it.

How about instead of the "sword beam" route you go with it releasing an attack on impact similar to Caliburn? One idea I have had about Durandal is that instead of releasing the light inside the target it use's it to enhance the blade, turning it red hot and causing it to shine with light, essentially making it an extremely sharp "heat saber" with a strong holy attribute. It could be said to gain the ability to cut through most armor with the "light" of the sun or heaven. Such an attack would require an "activation cost" like Excalibur's sword beam. I like this idea as it is using the sword as weapon instead of using it as a medium to launch a projectile as a trump card.

..............I really should get back to that profile of Roland I was working on when I found out about Astolfo.
Allright I am working on a Beowulf profile, and I just remembered that in the Nasuverse Hrunting was incorrectly identified as the weapon which killed Grendel's mother. It was in fact Naegling, which was found in her lair, that killed her.

I intend to fix this error, but in looking at this I just had a thought. In Fate/Prototype there exists a "Beast" class. Yes I know it is "special circumstances" but it does give precedent to intentionally summoning a "Monster". While God's are out of the question this opens up the possibility of some of the more noteworthy creatures of legend being summoned as Servants. Though there will have to be some restrictions, say for example one cannot summon Apophis as a Servant given his status, for despite being a true "Monster" he was also considered a Divinity, and many of the beasts from Greek Legend were purebred Immortals. Similarly the most powerful of these monsters, like Typhon or Echidna, are likely out of the question. A Demigod like the Minotaur however could easily be slotted into this class.

Grendel and Grendel's mother of course would also be a possibility.

Here is my ideas for the Beast Class.


A Servant class focusing on summoning not the Heroes of legend, but the monsters they defeated which have ascended to the Throne of Heroes as Antiheroes along with them. Beast Class Servants are a "Wild Card" class due to the sheer variety of creatures that can be summoned into this class. However there are a few common traits shared by them, such as the Skills Monstrous Power, and often times Enemy of Mankind and of course all members of this Class bear the Monstrous Strength skill. One of the most important things to remember about this class is that nearly all of their Noble Phantasm's fall under the category of "Concepts" rather then "Items". They are based on the powers and terrible feats of those summoned as Beast's. As such they do not wield weapons in battle relying only on their own bodies strength and endurance, as well as whatever special abilities they naturally possess. Most of these abilities, such as a Dragon's incredibly tough scales or high level of Magic Resistance do not fall under the category of Noble Phantasm and as such do not require an "activation" cost.


Monstrous Strength: An ability possessed by monsters and beasts, temporary boost of the Strength parameter by one rank for a time limit determined by the ranking of this skill. All Servants summoned into the Beast Class possess this to some degree.

Monstrous Power: The strength and abilities of those summoned into the Beast Class are legendary. When activated this skill grants the bearer a stat boost similar to Mad Enhancement, but unlike that skill while robbing one of reason it has a different effect. Rather then turning one into a mindless Berserker it enhances the bearers "instincts" turning them into feral creatures that rely on their natural abilities and raw animal cunning. While it does strip them of reason it amplifies their power in many ways. The Minotaur and other "hunters" of men will have their senses enhanced even further, gaining greater ability to track targets. Those like Medusa who are known for a specific ability will be granted an enhancement to this power, for example Medusa's Mystic Eye's will gain an additional + rank bringing them to A++. While all stats are enhanced by this skill it is notable that it is selective in that it will always focus on enhancing the parameters and abilities the user is most known for, leading to oftentimes uneven distribution of stat increases.

Enemy of Mankind: a Skill reserved for those monsters of legends known for the vicious slaughter of humans. They gain a stat boost when coming into conflict with "Humans", based on how "pure" their bloodline is. Those with Divine or Monstrous Blood will not trigger as much of an effect, while fighting against a true "Human" such as a member of the Hashshashin will bring out the full power of this skill. Depending on rank the bearers of this skill will receive either a +(C) ++(B) or a full rank up such as raising B to A (A). It is of importance to realize that no member of the Beast Class can have an EX ranking in this skill as such a being would by nature be one of the "gods" of legend who take monstrous form such as the legendary Furies who punished the wicked. When Combined with Monstrous Strength and Monstrous Power it makes the Beast Class a truly potent threat, maig up for their general lack of high quality Noble Phantasms.

It is only wielded by those who are known to cause suffering to humanity either as an act of cruelty, or for food. Those such as Cerberus and his brother Orthrus who while Monsters are not known hunting down and killing humans do not gain this skill. Of note is the fact that such creatures are in the minority for those who qualify for the Beast class.

So how does this work for expanding on an existing "Class"? Like Berserker the Beast class relies mostly on physical strength and endurance, along with a few hax Noble Phantasms. However whereas Berserker will merely try to kill everything in sight Beast class Servants have the option of stalking their prey, harrying and chasing them down until they are exhausted, as that is a technique often employed by predator animals. The downsides t having legendary monsters as Servants on the other hand are many.

1. They often times don't like humans, and will resist control by a Master.
2. Some don't even have the capacity to understand human speech or even concepts.
3. They require a ridiculous level of energy to support as many of them are explicitly "close to the Gods" in their origin.
4. Virtually impossible to conceal their true identity. Just by looking at them one will generally realize what they are unless they can assume human form, like the original Lamia, a former queen of Libya who transformed into a monster and spawned the Monstrous Race that bears her name the Lamiae, a race with succubus like attributes that can disguise themselves as ordinary women.

To counterbalance this they have these traits.

1. Just because one knows what they are, one does not always have the materials to defeat them. Several monsters of legend require specific weapons to kill them, and cannot be harmed by other weapons unless they carry a very high rank. They are often ridiculously hard to kill due to the sheer durability of their bodies, which in some cases like Grendel's mother can even turn aside a Noble Phantasm like Hrunting.
2. Those skilled as hunters often have natural abilities akin to Presence Concealment allowing them to sneak up on their prey.
3. As ascended Phantasmal Creatures every part of their body can harm a Servant, easily shredding through most Servant's armor, so long as it is not a Noble Phantasm.
4. Many of these monsters possess high levels of Magic Resistance rendering spells of Modern Age Magi completely ineffective and making it difficult for even magic using Servants to effect them if they have high enough rankings in this skill.

And now I am considering making Beast Stat sheets for Lamia, Grendel, and the Minotaur.

So again any thoughts, comments, or complaints? I would like some input on any changes I might need to make before making sheets using this class.
mike21 said:
In Fate/Prototype, isn't the Beast happen to be the one from the book of Revalation? As in the thing that was suppossed to represent the Antichrist (though not actually called that in the book)? The one that came from the sea, with seven heads (I think) and ten horns with a crown on each head and one horn keeps spewing blasphemous things about God?
Correct, however Beast is also listed as a "Class" in and of itself, albeit one made to hold the Beast of Revelation in a "container". In short like the Assassin class it was made to hold one specific type of being, in this case an "enemy of men" in the form of a legendary monster, in this case one predicted to help bring about the End of Days, so like the Assassin class it could potentially be used for others that were not what was originally intended. Not exactly canon I know, but this is the thread for expanding upon an refining Servants. One must also keep in mind that the classes used for the Fourth and Fifth barring the "Knight" classes Saber, Archer, and Lancer other classes have been used, and the Einzbern's have been seen to "create" a new class in Avenger. As such it is possible to bullshit and say that the Beast class which exists in one form (Prototype) might have been used in one of the other Grail Wars.

I was just expanding on it to try and make it easier to use as a Servant Class. Because other then being used to summon the Beast of Revelation we know very little about the Beast Class.
Didn't Durandal have some sorta 'miracle' thing, and being constantly sharp?

Edit: Wiki page of GoB says this about Durandal
Durandal: The Peerless Sword (絶世の名剣デュランダル, Zessei no MeikenDeyurandaru?) is the holy sword favored by the paladin leader of the Twelve Peers, Roland. It was granted to King Charlemagne of the Frankish Empire by an angel, and awarded to Roland. Appearing in the "Song of Roland, it is a symbol of power splendidly forged much like Caliburn, having been the emblem of the Battle of Roncevaux Pass. It is a dazzling sword that possesses three miracles that allow it to maintain its sharpness even after its possessor's prana is depleted. Though Roland, on the verge of death in battle, had wished to destroy it to keep it from falling into enemy hands, it proved to be completely indestructible. It was featured later prominently in the various legends concerning Charlemagne, eventually becoming a symbol of the knight Roland's bravery.[10]
Silver W. King said:
Okay, damn. Just damn. I think this is in a way, even more broken than the first sheet you wrote. Also this makes her the perfect Servant against Angra Mainyu and a lot of other Servants.
I dunno, Gae Bolg curse reversal might give her increased blood pressure or heart cancer.
Zap Rowsdower said:
I dunno, Gae Bolg curse reversal might give her increased blood pressure or heart cancer.
Or she gains the ability to never have her heart damaged ever again. It should remove the curse to give a bless, not a curse in disguise.
Class: assassin
Alternate Classes: archer

True Name: simo hayha
Alignment: (no idea)
Armament: M/28-30 "Pystykorva" sniper rifle (iron sights),Suomi 9mm submachine gun, hunting knife
During his life assassin was just a normal farmer and hunter until he joined the finish militia at age 20. During the winter war (1939–1940) between Finland and the Soviet Union, assassin served as a sniper for the Finnish army against the Red Army in the 6th Company of JR 34 on the Kollaa river . In temperatures between −40 °C (−40 °F) and −20 °C (−4 °F), dressed completely in white camouflage , assassin was credited with 705 confirmed kills of Soviet soldiers. A daily account of the kills at Kollaa was made for the Finnish snipers. Remarkably, all of assassin's kills were accomplished in fewer than 100 days – in other words, an average of at least seven kills per day – at a time of year with very few hours of daylight.
Strength: D
Agility: C
Endurance: D
Prana: B
Luck: C
Np: A
Class skills:
Presence concealment:
A+:Because of how good assassin was at concealing his pin life It is possible to disappear completely and become almost impossible to be detected, even their heartbeat quieted. However, efficacy will decrease once preparations to attack are taken. Unless previously prepared the servant can still be located by means beyond normal senses such as x-ray or thermal vision.​
Battle continuation: B
Because assassin once took a bullet with an explosive charge to his cheek and still managed to make it back to friendly territory assassin has the ability to fight with localized wounds and fight for a short time with a lethal wound. It has the added effect of gaining the chance to escape combat after being defeated and survive long enough to reach allied territory.
Bravery: B
Because assassin was capable of keeping calm under artillery fire assassin gains bravery b
At this rank, the servant is highly resistant to all mental interferences, including distractions, emotions, illusions, etc. The servant gains a chance to completely resist mental interference below the level of High Thaumaturgy, and even if they fail, the duration and potency will be reduced.
Clairvoyance D
Because of assassin capability as a sniper in life assassin is capable of seeing the world more clearly and in greater detail than an average human could hope to he can see at greater distances able to see objects even miles away with no noticeable difficulty. World also appears to move somewhat slower to him allowing assassin to follow objects that would normally be difficult to keep track of with a normal human eye.
Eternal arms mastership: B
Assassin in life fought under conditions that even the finest troops and most seasoned adventurers could not expect to survive. Most fighting skills are still accessible even under heavy mental hindrance. He is in practice immune to E-Rank fighters using his style against him, while D-Rank fighters have a 66% reduction in effectiveness and C-Rank fighters have 33% reduction
Instinct C
Assassin has a strong feeling for how combat might play out, which lets him gauge the threat posed to him by enemies, and lets assassin quickly realize when the fight is turning against him, granting bonuses to defence.
Noble phantasm:
land of the white death A+

when the land of the white death is activated it only takes a medium amount of prana it takes the enemy and assassin to the place were assassin gained his legend. Afterwards assassin dons his white camo clothing. assassin has access to ammo and food in this world while the enemy does not. to the outside world it will appear as ten minutes max that this noble phantasm is used unless dropped earlier by assassin or his master. inside the sphere time will pass differently lasting a hundred days were the occupants will be hunted by assassin. assassin also has the ability to call in reinforcements by the Finnish army there at a max of 50 people at very high prana cost. if the occupants survive the hundred days then the noble phantasm will end. if assassin is killed in the land of white death the noble phantasm ends but assassin will be healed on the outside any non lethal wounds are not regenerated.

This was first time I was doing something like this I apologize if its not very good.
his noble might be a little op but I had a hard time with this okay. bye
Here is probably one of the lowest tier Servants ever and a good example of what the Berseker Class was intended to be.

Class: Berserker
True Name: Tawara Toda
Alignment: Lawful Good

Bio: Tawara was the village idiot. An incompetent fool, he was terrible at anything he tried to do. One day, he decided that he wanted to be a hero, so he enlisted in the army. He was no better at this than he was at anything else. Even after being in the army for a decade, new recruits with barely any training were much better at fighting then he was.

One day, word spread that the Izumo empire was going to invade. Tawara saw this as his chance. He barged into the emperors throne room and demand that he be put on the front lines. The emperor refused and stated that gave him weapons and armor would just be a waste of resources. Tawara did not back down and continuned to pester then emperor. The emperor thtreat to have Tawara's house destroyed and his family slaughtered. Still, Tawara did not back down.

Tawara returned home that evening to find that the emperor made good on his threat. Something inside Tawara snapped. With a roar, he took off running to where the battle with Izumo empire was taking place. With a cry of "You lowly Izumo, none of you shall live to see the dawn!" Tawara ripped a man's head off with his bare hands. The entire battle came to a sudden halt as everyone stared at the unarmed and unarmored man that had just killed a trained solder. Tawara killed to two more people before everyone snapped out of there shock, and the battle resumed.

Tawara, for all of his rage, for all the scorn and injustice that was dealt to him by his nation, not once did he attack his own countrymen in the battle. The emperor was so overcome by the display that he declared Tawara a hero. And as the horns of victory sounded on at the battles end, Tawara succumbed to his wounds with a smile on his face.

Strength: E (C)
Endurance: E
Aglilty: E (D)
Prana: D
Luck: B

Class Skills:

Mad Enhancement: C
The Servant gain two additional ranks in Strength and one in Agility, but loses the ability to speak and is unable to make complicated thoughts. Skills requiring a keen mind will be reduced by 1 rank, and skills that can be learned will suffer a reduction (-) while this skill is activated.

Personal Skills:

Battle Continuation: C
The Servant's overall fighting abilities will not be degraded by localized wounds, and they can keep fighting as long as they do not receive a lethal wound.

Noble Phantasms:

Clarity of Madness: C
The only time Tawara was ever good at anything was when he was consumed by rage. This Noble Phantasm not only negates the negative affects of Mad Enhancement, but also increases his combat skill while Mad Enhancement is in effect.

So yeah, there is Tawara Toda. I'm sorry that I couldn't find a picture of him for the profile image. Turns out there is another hero that was nicknamed Tawara Toda because of a gift he received from the Dragon King*. Any images of Tawara Toda I could find were actually of that guy.

*Tawara Toda roughly means: "My Lord's Bag of Rice".
Obscure Servant is go!

Blas de Lezo was a famous 18th century Spanish admiral and strategist. He fought in the bloody War of Spanish Succession during which he won several remarkable victories, albeit at the cost of losing a leg, an arm and an eye during this conflict. He ascended to the Throne of Heroes thanks to his role in the defense of Cartagena de Indias, where the obstinate three-months-long resistance of his forces ultimately resulted in the defeat of a much larger British army, ensuring the continued existence of Spain's colonial empire.

True name- Blas de Lezo y Olavarrieta.
AKA- Patapalo (Pegleg); Mediohombre (Halfman).
Class- Rider.
Alignment- Lawful Good.


Strength: E.
Agility: B.
Endurance: C.
Mana: B.
Luck: B.
Noble Phantasm: B.

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance (E): Does not cancel spells, but reduces damage somewhat. As a hero who never encountered the supernatural during his life, Blas de Lezo enjoys this degree of protection as a result of manifesting as a Servant of the Rider class.

Riding (B): He can handle most vehicles with above average skill and naval vehicles with extraordinary skill. However, he cannot ride Magical Beasts.

Personal Skills:

Battle Continuation (B): In life, Blas de Lezo was able to keep fighting after having his arm amputated during the Siege of Barcelona and, as a result, enjoys a high rank in this skill. As Rider, he can keep fighting indefinitely as long as he doesn't suffer deadly injuries and has a high chance of returning to friendly territory alive, in case of defeat.

Eye of the Mind (True) (B): Insight refined through experience. As a veteran of dozens of battles, Blas de Lezo is capable of calm analysis even in the face of intense danger and stands a good chance of winning against apparently overwhelming enemies, as long as victory is feasible.

Subversive Activities (A): A true master of asymmetric warfare capable of disabling up to two thirds of an enemy military force prior to combat through use of cunning traps. However, as a result of his high rank his spiritual status is low for a Heroic Spirit.

Voyager of the Storm (A): A rare skill that combines the effects of Charisma and Military Tactics. This represents Rider's exceptional ability to make the ships and armies that he commanded face undaunted oft-dreadful odds.

Noble Phantasms

Pegleg: Victory Through Sacrifice
Type: Support/Anti-Unit
Rank: C/B

Blas de Lezo famously made a career by winning battles in exchange for losing parts of his body and this Noble Phantasm is the crystallization of this aspect of his legend.

By activating this Noble Phantasm, Rider greatly increases his odds of winning a given battle, since it raises in one rank his Luck, Eye of the Mind skill and his other Noble Phantasm for the duration of the engagement. In exchange, a part of his body will be destroyed at the end of the engagement. The first time he'll lose his left leg, the second time his left eye, and the third time his right arm.

After using it for the third time, Pegleg can only be activated one fourth and final time, with radically different effects. To do so, de Lezo must wound his remaining arm and allow his blood to spill to the ground. Doing this will activate a powerful curse of disease that will inflict a particularly virulent form of malaria upon all those involved in the Holy Grail War, representing the epidemic that crippled the English forces during the battle of Cartagena de Indias.

Because of its supernatural nature, the illness will have an aggravated effect on the bodies of Servants (though it will not affect those with Magic Resistance of B rank or above) to the point that those of Endurance C or less face a very real chance of death, and even those less seriously affected will operate under significant handicaps (Strength and Agility downgraded one or even two ranks, while prana consumption will happen at a greatly increased speed whenever an ill Servant takes physical form). Effects are less acute in humans, who will only suffer a severe (potentially life threatening) case of apparently mundane malaria, healable through use of thaumaturgical techniques or purely mundane medicine.

All this power is not without price, however. Blas de Lezo and his own master will be affected by the disease as well, and in the Servant's case it will result in his death three days after the fourth activation of the Noble Phantasm, unless victory in the war is achieved in the interim. Therefore, this is a weapon of last resort, that the Servant will not use unless all other alternatives have been exhausted.

Blas de Lezo: Memorial Vessel
Type: Anti-Army
Rank: B

A Spanish light cruiser named after the Servant which was lost at sea in 1932, crewed by wraiths created by the deaths of Spanish sailors drowned in the service of the crown, and armed with artillery, torpedoes and machine guns. Although not a particularly powerful warship even for the modest standards of its time, the range and power of its guns still make it a threat for any Servant within a dozen miles of the shore.

Blas de Lezo can summon his namesake at any time and it will emerge in the closest suitable body of water. The Servant can control the vessel remotely through mental contact with the wraith crew or ride it into battle, which will enhance it with the benefits granted by the Voyager of the Storm skill.

Though it is a fairly economical Noble Phantasm after activation, summoning the ship requires a rather substantial expenditure of prana, so Rider can only use it a fairly limited number of times, even with the help of his Master.


Rider has a saber and a flintlock gun, both of which he can use with above average skill. Though these aren't Noble Phantasms, as the weapons of a Heroic Spirit, they are still capable of harming Servants and other mystical entities.

LastChronicler said:
I've created a monster.
Did you create Gilgamesh? If Y, then please remain still so that I might extract your soul and torment you, FUCKING NASU I WILL END YOU.

If N, then who cares? The existence of statted Gilgamesh makes him naught but a step to be trodded upon.
Ancient Spirits Of Fandom, Transform This Decayed Thread TO THREAD-RA THE EVERLIVING!!!!!!

So I was thinking for a bit of trying to find an hero that would love mankind's advancement with science. But there are so many that would just come across as cliche. Tesla has already been done in thread. Pythagoras or one of his disciples might be interesting, but then I stumbled on The Hero Of Alexandria.

This gives me ideas. But it also makes me think about other options. What about all famous philosphers, architects and the like? Given the nature of Noble Phantasms they could have some damned impressive "weapons" to call upon that could make up for lack of combat skill. I for one would not want to go up against the Servant version of Sigmund Freud. While a lot of his stuff is considered laughable nowadays he is remembered as the Father of Modern Psychoanalysis, which would make him an utter nightmare in a support role, ferreting out the mindset of Servants and Masters and helping his allies to locate them via something similar to "Investigative Drama Psychoanalysis" as that is sadly what the uninformed masses are presented with constantly.

Who else would be a good "unconventional Servant" that could be a real pain even without direct combat abilities?
Phantrosity said:
Archi- fucking - medes.
Now your just being goddamned cruel to the other Servants.

........Okay now I really want to see Archimedes taking on Gilgamesh, and the Golden Egotist's tendency to underestimate his enemies bite him in the ass like a rabid pitbull.

Because the "Original Death Ray" would likely catch him by surprise.
KageX said:
Now your just being goddamned cruel to the other Servants.

........Okay now I really want to see Archimedes taking on Gilgamesh, and the Golden Egotist's tendency to underestimate his enemies bite him in the ass like a rabid pitbull.

Because the "Original Death Ray" would likely catch him by surprise.
Death ray nothing, Archimedes has that whole 'lever that can move the world' thing, which you KNOW would be an actual thing and not just a metaphor.

Similarly, Plato probably has something relating to the fact that his cave metaphor was basically the first comprehension by humanity of Akasha and the platonic ideals therein.
You know...

I have had one utterly, incredibly bad idea.

Servant Hitler, arguably the most remembered historical figure of the twentieth century.

In less flame-worthy developments, I am giving a look at Davy Crocket. There is certainly enough bullshit in there to Servantize him.
As for NPs, focus on his countless failed assassination attempts, his army, and other cruel things he did.