Counsel [RWBY AU]

[X] Zaratustra here, do I sound diferent now ? Also, I prefer interesting like in "May you live in interesting times". Now to bussiness, since we are still feelling things out do you have any hobbys, special talents, strange relatives or any other uncomon things in you live ?
[X] I'm interested in the limits we can pass our knowledge on to you. As, many of us wish to help you with your goals, I think this partnership can be mutually beneficial in helping us understand each other and our respective realms. An open channel of knowledge so to speak, but I'm personally interested in what your life has been like so far, and why you wish to become a huntsman. From ComiTurtle.
[X] sorry kid about some of us it's just that we are the kind people who look at your weapons and go "not enough guns" we are sufficient velocity. And we come from a place of no dust, no Grimm, and no faunes. So ask away and we will try to help. Oh and you can call me ash. :cool:
We don't know you, we don't know your world very well at all, we need details. We need to know you assets and abilities, and if you don't have any we need to start getting some.
[X] Damn sorry about that lad one of us got in trouble a bit with the higher powers, And I'm Shadow-86 if your wondering, anyway if we can't conquer the world we might as well rule it through different means but either way we will need to stick with your friends cause I doubt people will look at us funny.
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[X] New voice here, call me Doge. And that was the fist of the administrator coming down upon us. You see, there are greater powers limiting what we can tell you, to preserve your sanity. Yes, you can become even crazier than you are now.
[X] Phantom again, anyway how about we talk shop, tell us about weapon ideas you have and we can try yo refine it with you, keep in mind we're from a society without dust. Also we have a delay before answering sorry about that.
[X] Sup! I'm...well, seeing as you have a problem with our weird names, call me Darron, a new voice here, how do ya' do? I'm a bit of a mad scientist, though don't worry I'm pretty moral myself, or at least I'd like to think so. Mostly I'm probably going to bug you a lot about the applications of Dust, generally combat stuff, but probably mundane as well, and to do experiments. I'm into kick ass weaponry too, but, like, who isn't right? So I'm totally down for helping you out. Oh! And bounce some ideas of me and the others too! It'd be really cool to use something that synergizes well with Dust, and also I think it'd be a good idea to make a weapon that has long range, and close combat capabilities. Preferably something that's also a gun. But hey! That's just me.
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[x] Merely somebody who had angered the forces above us, I believe. Suffice to say, we do not know any more about our predicament than you do, and so we are feeling out our limits as you do with yours. Speaking of which, what were you trying to achieve with your weapon?

'I'm glad you asked!' Grau smiled. 'I've been planning to make this weapon of mine for the last six months; a case with countless weapon parts in it that can mecha-shift together into any kind of weapon with the right presses of a button. A sword, a maul, a rifle, a rocket launcher, anything at all! I'm calling it the Variable Combat Case, and I think I'm starting to make progress on its design but I need to find a way to keep the internal ammunition chamber from detonating whenever I try to mecha-shift it into a gun.' Grau hummed in thought. 'Maybe if I shrunk the size of the bullets...'

[X] Why do you deny me Grimm son? That is who you are and what you are meant to be. I am not Evil. I am of the Dark.

Grau rolled his eyes. 'You said 'burn main kill' earlier when my friends tried to hold me down. Why wouldn't I deny you?'

[X] That was just the wrath of god coming down to smite us sinners, ignore it.

'The wrath of... Oh, so that shaking in my head was- wait a minute, you guys pissed of a God so much that it decided to come into my head to tell you off?! Holy crap, how am I even still alive at this point?!'

[X] Woah, chill dude, no need to go all Arc of the Covenant on us... Yeah, I just did that, deal with it.

'Arc of the... Covenant? What's that? What'd you do?'

[X] Twinkle, twinkle little star, do you wonder what you are? Up above where light is lost, in the Darkness none can cross... We will learn much from you. You will learn much from us. We look forward to further interactions.

Grau's head began to ache, but he shuddered nonetheless from the creepy image of a green skull floating in a jar suddenly appearing in his mind.

'What're you supposed to be, a pickled head?'

[X] Zaratustra here, do I sound diferent now ? Also, I prefer interesting like in "May you live in interesting times". Now to bussiness, since we are still feelling things out do you have any hobbys, special talents, strange relatives or any other uncomon things in you live ?

'Yeah, you sound different now. Like, uh, how radishes are different from carrots I guess.' Grau feels a slight pressure building in his temples, but shrugs it off. 'Wow, damn. Uh, hobbies, let's see... I guess I can say I like experimenting with foods, so cooking would be hobby and a talent. And blowing stuff up, definitely can't forget that.' Grau grins. 'As for strange relatives... I wouldn't call her strange, but I have an aunt living in Vale. Well, more like a distant 'visits-once-every-few-years' kind of relative than an aunt. Her name's Glynda Goodwitch. The last time I met her was... Four years ago, I think?'

[X] I'm interested in the limits we can pass our knowledge on to you. As, many of us wish to help you with your goals, I think this partnership can be mutually beneficial in helping us understand each other and our respective realms. An open channel of knowledge so to speak, but I'm personally interested in what your life has been like so far, and why you wish to become a huntsman. From ComiTurtle.

'How my life's been...' Grau shakes his head, pressure building. 'Ugh. Well, my family moved from Atlas when I was, like, five or something after my mom, a Huntress, went out on a mission and... Never came back. My old man's heart broke and me and him had to raise my little sisters ourselves since then. I still use my mom's weapon, Charlotte, and my sisters want to be Huntresses to find out what happen to her, our mom, I mean.' Grau frowns briefly, sadden, but quickly shakes it and some of his growing headache away. 'My dad got better not long after though, and opened a nice restaurant to keep us fed. I help him out sometimes, probably why and how I got so good at cooking.'

[X] sorry kid about some of us it's just that we are the kind people who look at your weapons and go "not enough guns" we are sufficient velocity. And we come from a place of no dust, no Grimm, and no faunes. So ask away and we will try to help. Oh and you can call me ash. :cool:

'Oh, really?' Grau blinks. 'Huh. Sufficient Velocity. Is that what you guys call yourselves as a whole? Some kind of organization name, or something? Cool.' Grau nods. 'So, no Grimm, Faunus, and Dust. What's it like there? Where you guys live, I mean? Must be real peaceful without the Grimm constantly attacking and the White Fang messing things up.' a sudden flash of pain makes the young man grimace. 'Ow, sorry, headache.'

[X] Damn sorry about that lad one of us got in trouble a bit with the higher powers, And I'm Shadow-86 if your wondering, anyway if we can't conquer the world we might as well rule it through different means but either way we will need to stick with your friends cause I doubt people will look at us funny.

'Ah, right. Okay, was planning to do that anyway, so... Yeah.'

[X] New voice here, call me Doge. And that was the fist of the administrator coming down upon us. You see, there are greater powers limiting what we can tell you, to preserve your sanity. Yes, you can become even crazier than you are now.

'Um... Not to impose, but uh, can you keep that from happening? Me going crazy, I mean.' Grau swallows nervously. 'I-I won't ask for whatever knowledge you guys have, but if I do, can you guys make sure it isn't of the mind-breaking kind? Please?'

[X] Phantom again, anyway how about we talk shop, tell us about weapon ideas you have and we can try yo refine it with you, keep in mind we're from a society without dust. Also we have a delay before answering sorry about that.

'No problem!' Grau grins briefly, before another flash of pain forces it away. 'Ow, what the... Anyway, I was hoping you guys have any ideas on how to fit a lot of small moving parts into limited space. My variable combat case idea needs all the help I can get, and I'm getting tired of using my mom's old sword as my weapon. Not that it's a bad weapon, no! No, no, it just doesn't feel... Right, you know?'

[X] Sup! I'm...well, seeing as you have a problem with our weird names, call me Darron, a new voice here, how do ya' do? I'm a bit of a mad scientist, though don't worry I'm pretty moral myself, or at least I'd like to think so. Mostly I'm probably going to bug you a lot about the applications of Dust, generally combat stuff, but probably mundane as well, and to do experiments. I'm into kick ass weaponry too, but, like, who isn't right? So I'm totally down for helping you out. Oh! And bounce some ideas of me and the others too! It'd be really cool to use something that synergizes well with Dust, and also I think it'd be a good idea to make a weapon that has long range, and close combat capabilities. Preferably something that's also a gun. But hey! That's just me.

'Eheh, yeah...' Grau grimaces. 'Okay, me too. I like experimenting with stuff. And the inevitable explosions that follow, those are, ow, the best.'

[X] Nah, nothing happened. Maybe you are hearing things that do not exist, like voices in your head?

'Fuck you.' Grau winces as a particularly painful ache makes him wince. 'Ow, okay, I think that's enough mind talking for the night. I-I think I should get some sleep.' Grau tries, and fails to, get comfortable despite the restraints holding him down. 'Damn, my head hurts. G'night, guys.' Slowly, fitfully, Grau's eyes slide close as sleep takes him...

({Connection Lost. Host sleeping_})
({WARNING: Surpassed Maximum Connection Limit. Initiating Stabilization Protocols to ensure Host survival_})
({Protocol Initialized. Host survival ensured_})
({Connection Limit has been reduced to 5 per Sequence_})
({All Connection Participants have been Synchronized_})
({Number of Mental Projection uses has been reduced to 3 per day_})
({Updating System. Standby_})
(Update 1.1.2 complete_})
({Returning to Primary Interface. Attempting to re-connect, stand-by_})


[] ???​
I'll assume connection limit reduced to 5 per sequence means that the only the top 5 votes will be used from now on, so...

[x] What is our purpose here?
[X] Aside from advising Grau, do we have any other abilities?



({Re-connection successful_})

The infirmary is well lit. A glance out the window shows it to be at least late morning or early afternoon.

Seated at the nurse's station, Grau is dutifully holding his shirt up with one while the other rubs his wrist. With a stethoscope, the Academy nurse' eyebrows a bunched together in concentration as he runs the listening end over Grau's chest and abdomen.

"Alright." Grau nods as the nurse motions him to lower his shirt, satisfied and setting his stethoscope aside. "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you now, though those scars on your hands are permanent."

"More to my collection." Grau shrugs, rising from his seat. "Anything else, doc?"

"Nope." he shakes his hand and offers a hand. "You're cleared to go, mister Stehlen. Do try to stay out of the infirmary for longer than once every few days; I'm running out of medication for the other students and I'd rather you don't become a permanent addition here."

"No promises, but sure thing doc." Grau takes the hand and shakes. "Thanks again."

The older man simply motions him to the door and Grau lets himself out with a chuckle. Outside is Pyrrha, smiling apologetically behind two identically frowning young girls. Their arms are crossed and Grau rolls his eyes at the glares they shoot him. He's used to it by now, and honestly, after weathering through those same exact looks time and again after so many failed prototypes blowing up in his face, he thinks she's slowly starting to grow bored of those glares.

"Grau," the two girls say simultaneously. "You got yourself hurt. Again."

"Prototype blew up." Grau tries. "I was this close to-ow!"

Lila Stehlen withdraws her extended leg as Grau hops in place, cradling his shin. "What have we told you about experimenting with that ridiculous weapon idea of yours?"

"There can't be progress without-oof!" Grau stumbles back, hand on his stomach. "What the hell, Rosa?"

Rosa Stehlen lets her extended fist fall to her side. "That's for worrying us and dad, and for bothering Big Sis Pyrrha."

"Please," the redhead behind the two places a hand on Grau's sister's shoulders. "It wasn't a bother at all-"

""Yes it was!"" they answer as one, turning to her indignantly.

"That big lug over there does nothing but bother people with him blowing himself up and making a mess of everything!" Lila starts.

"And he doesn't even have the decency to apologize!" Rosa continues. "Just 'I'm so close', or 'one more try', the nerve!"

Pyrrha glances at Grau, who sighs exasperatedly. The two always end up this way whenever you end up in the infirmary from another one of your failed field tests, torn between either worrying over you or berating you for your inability to not blow yourself up.

'I wonder if last night was actually just a dream.' Grau thinks. 'I could really use some advice on this...'

[] ???
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