Cosmolux: In the Noble Darkness of the Far Future, there is an indecent quantity of armed conflict

CORE Turn 4 Tactical Turn part 2


The Tohx base was the only spot of green in the desolate landscape. Vines intertwined with cables, and thick rose stems and their thorns grew together through metal plating and rose high into the air. Sensor dishes and anti-air guns bloomed from crisscrossing branches that formed a dense central dome around which smaller buildings extended in mimicry of organic growth.

Green shoots extended across the terrain and into the earth, thin tendrils extending further and further out in search of sustenance. The world that the Alba Rose had garrisoned was not friendly to live, that which was native to it clung on stubbornly in spite of the biting cold and scarce resources. There was very little that could have contested the Tohx takeover of the biosphere - the evidence of what had stood in the way of the advancing creep of green were hopelessly overgrown and choked under thorny branches.

The fauna was not faring any better than the flora. The mightiest that this world had to offer dwelt in its oceans, which were teeming with life. A paradise for trophy hunters, but while the Tohx superficially engaged in it they did not hunt for pleasure. They were monsters. Their prey were sophonts, their prizes taken from the forge of conflict, their trophies unique technologies.

That is not to say that the instinct which drove them did not see them behaving as though they were people in accordance with their primary directive, just that to mistake them as mere trophy hunters had seen the downfall of many civilisations which had attempted to distract or barter with them when the prize they sought could only really be claimed from the ruins of those civilisations.

And so while it did not result in a trophy a Tohx could be promoted for, the garrisoned Tohx did hunt the animals which had not yet fled from the blooming growth. The garrison walls were adorned with skulls of all sizes, and the hunt for new additions was underway. The greatest specimen that evolution had produced on this world was something like the cross between a wooly mammoth and an Allosaurus, an intensely territorial creature that was the very definition of an apex predator. Thanks to the tireless efforts of bored Tohx, they were nearing extinction.

One was being pursued by two Tohx soldiers, sprinting away from them as the hunters flitted above it at a leisurely pace and prodded it with the edges of their talons whenever it slowed.

The aim was to make it collapse from exhaustion then take it apart at their leisure. Shooting one with a D-Gun left no suitable trophy behind, which had been discovered to their displeasure when they had hunted the mate of this one. The Tohx were absorbed in their competition, but not so absorbed that they missed the rumble of industrial activity. The two shared a look of confusion.

"Whatever could that be?"

"I have no earthly clue. What's say we investigate?"

The two rose into the air, pursuit forgotten, and were greeted by the sight of a burgeoning CORE base at the centre of automated activity, surrounded by security bots and defensive cannons, one of which immediately fired at the pair. One dove aside, the other was struck, Void Shield absorbing the burst of fire and leaving it none the worse for wear.

"Oh bother. It's these chaps. The Warsire will be none too pleased."

"You have quite the talent for understating, old chum."

The duo were engulfed by the shadow of the missile barrage headed their way and hastily split up, only to be fired upon by CORE aircraft. They didn't go quietly, shots from their knockoff D-Guns heavily damaging the units sent to prevent their escape, but that hardly mattered when there were still so many resources available and Peacebringer had hardly begun the campaign.


The landing of the two Commanders are noted and a response readied, but what they did not anticipate is that the Core was far more adept at naval warfare than they were. The copy D-Guns were never designed to operate underwater and are too inaccurate to effectively hit submerged targets, which leaves the Tohx in the unfortunate position of using secondary weapons to try and halt Peacebringer's advancing army.

While using the oceans to outflank Thorncaster garrisons was effective, the engagement was far from one sided. Engineering facilities were under constant attack by snipers and line infantry, requiring forces to be stationed at bases to protect them. The tactics meant to combat the Thorncasters improve things from the initial surprise engagements, but they are less lopsided than they were before the Tohx adopted their new technology.

Patterns dedicated to deeper analysis of the Tohx note odd inefficiencies in Tohx unit design and deployment. The rote uniformity of the D-Guns and Void Shields, which had not been adjusted to fit the needs of the army but rather the other way around, hint that rather than develop or reverse engineer the technology, there is some unnatural mental ability involved. An ability which the Core may be able to model with the help of their allies if more data is acquired.

The arctic world is seized without delay, and the assault on the jungle world is launched without incident. Listening in on enemy communications reveals that the conflict on the artificial planet is heating up, drawing most focus there and away from affairs on the other planets.

The landings go exactly as planned, drawing the most dangerous Tohx units to their defenses and away from their intended goal of hunting Commanders. Nobles and Knights are dealt with similarly, the main difference between the two being their equipment. The tactic which is most effective is baiting the most aggressive Knights away from their support and into killing fields. Knights have less armour than Krogoths but are more maneuverable, and the ones that aren't pinned down immediately wreak a bloody toll in Core metal before they are brought down.

The jungle world is also seized, and production of Silencer silos proceeds apace.


The false world had not been built by the Tohx, but it was undeniably theirs by now. Every inch was choked beneath thorny branches, there was hardly a crack or crevice not invaded by vivid green vines, and layer upon layer of construction was dedicated solely to waging war against the other. The War of Three Greens had at least involved different competitors, to an outsider this was just pure confusion as virtually identical units rallied forth from similar hives to cut each other down. Nobles and Knights were shot down by lines of D-Gun infantry, resurrected and unleashed hell on the enemy forces in the midst of recharging, overwhelming Void Shields just in time to be shot down by the next wave of infantry.

The war was not a stalemate, positions were constantly being traded, it just hardly mattered compared to the clash of the Warsires. The two of them had grown into terrifying behemoths, 10km large each, draconic monsters clad in battleship grade armour and armaments. The two spent most of their time fighting each other, though there were occasional lulls as one gained some advantage over the other that allowed them to more directly affect the war being waged in their shadow.

In an unprecedented moment thus far, both paused their clash as communications reached them about the arrival of the CORE and the loss of a world.





The Alba Rose Warsire shot off like a rocket, dodging and weaving as the colossal D-Gun of the Thorncaster Warsire blasted away at where it had been moments ago then lifted off in hot pursuit. The attempted strike even in the midst of their ceasefire was all in good sport, nothing was off limits on the hunt.


The battlefields froze as each the Warsires pause the conflict, and declare that the inheritor of their empire will be the one to surpass them and bring them the head of new prey in the universe. Both Warsires gathered their forces and left the artificial world, each intending to claim the prize of slaying the Core Commanders for themself, with the associated theatrics as they engage with the Core fleet.

The Core plan to fill the void with missiles succeeded, and hails of Silencers and other missiles from every ship and silo burn towards the Warsires and their forces. Void shields endure then burn out, resurrection booths are overloaded and destroyed with their ships, D-Guns run dry trying to intercept them. Unparalleled death and destruction is unleashed on the Tohx forces.

However, it is beyond even the Core to fill Space completely with fire. While large portions of their fleets are devastated, the Warsires were able to escape destruction along with some of their forces. Due to the bulk of their resources being spent on strategic weapon construction, the Core force is roughly equal to the surviving Tohx units.

The Alba Rose Warsire is out of blood, diving towards the jungle world and calling out for the blood of the Commanders. Its fleet follows close behind, but the Warsire itself is in an entirely different league, a 10km long draconic creature equipped with the original Flux resurrection device, heavily armoured even by Core standards and yet able to move with the speed and agility of a starfighter. Higher ranked Nobles and Jousting dreadnought ramming ships follow their sire, weaving through waves of munitions to make landfall and claim their prize.

The Thorncaster Warsire has retreated to the periphery of the solar system, yet has not fled yet. While it looks similar to its rival, it has a totally different disposition, waiting to see how the battle unfolds before it makes a move. Either the Alba Rose Warsire succeeds and it swoops in to finish it off and seize the victory, or the Core succeeds and it can retreat to claim all of its deceased rival's territory without opposition.

Transmissions are received from Commanders in other systems. As soon as the Warsires launched their attacks, Tohx attempted to reinforce the system. They have largely been held off due to the tactics devised to counter their unique advantages, but against the sheer numbers attempting to enter it is only a matter of time until the situation becomes untenable and the Core is forced to withdraw from the surrounding systems or be destroyed.

Warfleets: 90% damage, bulk of resource reserves depleted due to missile spam.


The Core once again proved their might not only on the battlefield, but on the strategic layer as the tactics they devised proved excellent against the forces arrayed against them. Special attacks are disrupted, flamestrike cannon armed vessels are destroyed almost as soon as they are located and the penetrator class ships finally have heavy targets vulnerable to them in the form of the Super battleships that the Admirals use as their flagships.

The problem is that the Gatlantians are fanatics with a massive number advantage - for every formation disrupted and Jaeger cannon misfired, five more take its place to erase the Core base the first was prevented from annihilating.

The advantage the Core still holds in production speed and unit quality results in even successful enemy assaults taking losses that gradually wear away at their strength. The special moves they use to destroy Core forces also end up destroying the fleets that use them, and the efforts taken to maintain their forward momentum end up playing against the strengths they would have had in superior weapon ranges and ability to bypass Core armour. In their rushed advance many Core bases are left behind in supposedly cleared systems, though the number of ships that pass through are immense even with the losses taken.

The Gatlian fleets, lower in numbers but with an abundance of reckless zeal, charged headfirst into the first line of defensive systems. The Core fleets played to their strengths with massive bombardments and trusting in the durability of their ships in the clash, but they would have been overwhelmed if not for Coldfire's presence. Three Superbattleships were destroyed as Coldfire gated between them to lead Core boarding operations personally, recycling their bulk into more forces to throw into the fray.

Almost in response to that, the Ark arrives.

In the preliminary stages of the invasion Core generals had investigated the possibility of gating directly onto the Ark through its comet shield, but this proved impossible. It isn't sheer strength that makes it impossible to Galactic Gate onto the Ark, but rather that the shield composition introduces gravitational defects meant to disrupt enemy fleets and break apart planets in its path. These same defects massively interfere with establishing a lock on using gates.

The backup plan to include an antimatter bomb within the core of a planet in the Ark's path was readied, however the Gatlantian Emperor had caught wind of some plan being placed against him and deployed the second form of the Ark - a massive cross shaped cannon - that fired a planet destroying beam, utterly destroying the Trojan planetoid at a safe distance. This allowed the Gatlantis fleets to cross through the first line of defence.

A weakness was revealed. As the Ark transitioned to its second form, the comet shields were disabled, though the Commanders were unaware and unable to take advantage of the opportunity at the time. The Ark has reverted to its default form and recollected the planets that were held within its shield.

There are still two more chances to try and disable the Ark before it crosses the threshold and reaches the Reliquary. A modified defense plan for the second and third layers of defense and taking down the Ark of Destruction is required. The ferocity of the first battle and delaying tactics have cleared most of the enemy fleets at great costs to the Commanders that were rushed into place, most due to the abundance of planet cracking weapons (although the most common of these cost them hundreds to thousands of ships when it works).
The Ark of Destruction planetoid and 1 Mag 1 Fleet remains of the attacker side maintaining suicidal charge towards Reliquary. Commander Cohorts at 50% combat effectiveness but surrounds the enemies force with more metal and energy reclaim than they can shake a stick at.

Efforts for finding mystery ships in the Nebula have failed. Intel recovered on many things that are alarming and disturbing to the CORE, will be covered in turn proper
Duchy of Dannevirke Introduction

In the name of Duchess Henriette Af Hvide, for the glory of the Duchy of Dannevirke and of course the greater wealth of the the Empire of Aechen, colonisation fleets go forth through the portal and are greeted by the familiar site of an endless expanse of stars. A new galaxy, a new reality, all theirs for the picking.

That's how the tale starts at least, lower ranked nobles tripping over themselves to get their fingers into the pie and start claiming as much of the virgin space as they can before rivals and fellow opportunists block routes of expansion. Fabricators churn out construction materials and pre-planned colonies take shape as fast as colonists can arrive, or synths in the case of worlds with harsher environments. The trouble starts when the breakneck rate of expansion suddenly halts.

There is alien life here, and not just one kind. The Duchy has a neighboring state composed of multiple different species… Which wouldn't be too hard to grasp, but while there are certainly many worlds dominated by a multi-species coalition, there doesn't seem to be anyone in charge. The aliens work together like drones, maintain their cities and space stations, are capable of simple communications, yet no leadership ever presents itself. It is theorized by mentats that the aliens may be a mirror to the Empire's own practice of using biosynths to prepare a region for colonization by humans. As such, discovering the masters of these aliens simply requires more time and effort spent on exploring beyond the space already claimed.

The nobility agrees with that assessment and gladly place themselves in the roles of liberators of the alien biosynths left without masters, and as no resistance is found the expansion begins anew, though somewhat tempered by the need to stake a strong claim to each alien world in case the ones who abandoned them do return. There are rumours of ghostly flashes of purple in the outer edges of the most built up alien systems, tall tales of city sized ships that appear and disappear at will, ghost stories told by drunks of how their ships were disabled by sleek fighter craft and boarded, everyone else abducted or slaughtered like cattle before the invaders retreated…

But these are just unsubstantiated claims told by lunatics and outcasts. The real threat comes, as it often does, from rebels. The declaration of independence comes along with uncharacteristically violent raids across all of the worlds belonging to the Duchy. Cloaked ships appear over cities, fire pods containing aliens outfitted for guerrilla warfare then vanish before they can be engaged by garrisons. The aliens range from little grey men equipped with plasma pistols to hulking slabs of muscle in heavy armour, armed with plasma blasts capable of matching medium mechs with their firepower. And those are only the first types of aliens reported, more types are being reported by the day. What makes this a rebellion rather than an alien invasion as it may first appear, is that the aliens are in service of Klaus Af Hvide.

"The Advent Coalition stands for a brighter tomorrow, it stands for peace, prosperity, security and a new dawn for all, no matter the species."

Who is Klaus Af Hvide?

He claims to be a lost heir of the Hvide family, one who hid away for fear of his life until now. He lived in fear as a bastard, seeking freedom on the other side of the portal. But now, he wishes to claim the legacy that is rightfully his and cut off this end of the portal from the Empire. The cry he has used to rally a traitorous portion of Duchy forces to him is that of a new beginning, no longer tied to the rigid and constricting power structures of the old world. It is an ideal which the leaders of the aliens agreed with, apparently, as they lent a substantial amount of support to the rebellion's cause, which led to the many annexed worlds in Duchy control suddenly becoming warzones overnight.

While the initial raids on loyalist worlds were conducted by pure alien forces, the composition has changed to represent a mix of aliens and human mech brigades. The traitors come in all classes unfortunately, but an oddity has been noted about the ones piloting Heavy and Assault mechs - they are always accompanied by strange people clad in black bodysuits, with long flowing white hair. These entities display a number of capabilities that defy description, that can only be reluctantly classified by the lucky ones to survive seeing them as psychics of incredible power. Which does raise the question of whether telepathy is also an ability of theirs along with telekinesis, and whether this can explain how so many supposedly loyal military mech pilots joined the rebellion without warning…

In the midst of this confusion, three figures which are definitely not human make themselves known. They are the Chosen, and they made themselves known headhunting important figures in the nobility or military who posed a threat to the rebellion. This of course, led them to target the three most worthy targets in the Duchy - and now each of the trio is competing to see who can claim their prey first.

The Assassin is stalking Epsilon 1-6 "Athena" and waiting for the right moment to strike and prove that even a Royal Guard is nothing to one of the Chosen. She is an expert in stealth and melee combat, favouring hit-and-run tactics.

The Hunter pursues Nikolaj Af Hvide relentlessly, hounding him at every turn, turning every engagement the young heir chooses to engage in into an ambush. He prefers to engage from a distance, weakening his prey and disrupting their ability to fight back as much as possible before going for the kill.

The Warlock decided that killing Princess Kara Et Carmill was the best way to serve his distant masters, and has dedicated himself to this with dogmatic determination. His preferred strategy is to use overwhelming psionic power against any obstacle in his path.

The emergence of this rebellion has been noted by the rival families in the Empire, and while they are happy to sneer at the Duchy of Dannevirke for having another rebellion on their hands, the courtly gossip doesn't really matter. What rumour has reached the Duchess that is worth paying attention to is that the Emperor is watching how her family deals with this crisis.

Enemy Forces:
7x Mag 1 Fleets (Primus) engaging in guerrilla campaigns in space and a focus on fighting the Duchy in civilian areas.

3x Mag 1 Fleets of subverted Duchy units

Krork and Zerg- Contact and first diplomatic meeting results

Lord_Abaddon said:
The Swarm's messenger brood had been sent out to seek the Brood-structure of the Krork. Slipping past Strakhul space and gliding through wormhole after wormhole to their destination the journey was going well until, while gliding past an unremarkable, if rather dim and cool, star the passageway of the wormhole curved and deposited the small brood much closer to the sun than the Zerg are close to comfortable with. The Swarm was perplexed and wary of this obviously artificial turn of events, and tried to propel itself away from the sun, but as the messenger-swarm accelerated it seemed as if the gravity well of the star only grew stronger, vastly stronger than an object of this mass should emit.

The minor Cerebrate in dominion over the brood panicked slightly at the prospect of being trapped here, especially when a moon-sized space beast suddenly arose from inside the sun and started hurtling towards them, gaping maw wide open! Rows upon rows of masticating teeth meant to grind massive space fauna into an organic slurry.
The swarm scattered and, despite the space and size involved, the action was very much like a shark attacking a school of fish. The massive creature still caught a portion of the swarm, turning back to the sun to prepare a second ambush when its prey had sufficiently calmed, but it was not expecting retaliation in the form of large fleshy meteors full of acid crashing into its sides and rending craters into its crystalline outer hide, the mass, speed, and amount of chemicals enough to crack its dermis and prevent its retreat into the sun, the symbiotic creatures buried in its armor unable to prevent the Bane Krakens from their suicidal purpose. Its psionic presence in the star system screamed, and the control it seemed to have over the star's gravity weakened, allowing the messenger-swarm to make its painstaking way towards a large cluster of mineral rich asteroids.

However, despite the weakened creature allowing FTL travel in system, if only in short bursts, the gravity well in general was still too strong to allow escape. It was agitated and obviously hungry, however it seemed to lack an efficient FTL system, preventing it from giving chase to the brood.

In order to escape the brood would need to destroy the creature without damaging itself. Fortunately it seems like a naturally evolved space predator instead of a specially designed one, meaning that as long as all was planned carefully the brood would not need to take any more irreplaceable casualties.

The cerebrate devised a plan, it would start gestating a Psar spore adapted specifically to the to plant inside the creature and use its virulent growth to kill the moon-sized biomass that would take much smaller Zerg much, much too long.
The brood set up a hive cluster among the asteroids, too far away from the sun for the creature's instincts, the thing feeling uncomfortable leaving its vicinity despite its current disability.

A squad of a dozen Leviathans, loaded up with enough minerals to build up a hive cluster and hold out against the waves of its symbiotic immune system. Their objective would be to secure an area to receive more shipments of minerals, then acquire samples and essence to further specialize the gestating Psar spore.

The delivery tagma swam slowly through the void towards the furious creature, which was swarming and buzzing with immune-system equivalent animals, likely evolved to prevent the very thing the Zerg were attempting. But, unguided, evolution was a lazy creature, and 'good enough' was not sufficient in the face of the perfected forces of The Swarm any useful traits they had vastly outweighed by random design flaws and unoptimized organs.

Drop pods filled to the brim with Zerg shunted themselves from the Leviathans' hides, trailing tendrils waving behind to try and decelerate through the non-existent atmosphere surrounding the creature. When they landed, splattering into craggy valley in the monstrous creature's skin the cerebrate immediately commanded the drones to gather and consume the starting package of minerals to mutate into a hatchery, while lurkers, roaches, hydralisks and zerglings all formed defensive lines on the entrances into the valley. The air swarmed with mutalisks and the immune-system airmorphs, the weight of the Swarm's number's maintaining air superiority.
The Immune-system attacked the intrusion with vicious and unrelenting waves of teeth and claws, but found itself outmatched, unable to attrite the Swarm due to the Zerg's rapid replication, and incapable of the cunning required to outsmart the Cerebrate in charge, the numbers and concentration of the immune system rapidly dwindled. The only obstacle standing in the way of the Swarm's escape from this system was soon the creature itself, and the sheer mass it commanded.

But this was the beginning of the end, as soon as the area was secure convoys of leviathans loaded with minerals kept a consistent income of resources, with the only issue being the acquisition of vespene gas, which was only temporarily available when the creature vented a precursor compound from waste vents on its surface. But even without that the creature was doomed the moment its immune-system couldn't dislodge the hatchery, that quickly mutated into a lair, into a hive, and dispersed more drones to mutate more across its skin.

The anguished psychic screams of its distress were like notes of satisfaction to the Cerebrate as it slowly gathered samples and adjusted the Psar to hide its presence and target the essential organs of the creature. All that was left was to bore a hole through its stony hide and to the soft, nutritional flesh for the Psar to feast.
The issue, the cerebrate found, was that said stony hide was kilometers thicker than it had any right to be, even past the strange plasma-repelling crystalline outer hide, the inner hide was built and layered to protect the creature's vulnerable internals from the devastating heat of the inner portions of a star. Even starting the Zerg's burrowing inside the pus-filled volcano of a zit, making the dig kilometers shorter, it was as painstaking as the trip to the asteroids to acquire minerals.

Drones cut and bit and sliced through skin and nerves and lymph vessels, burrowing immune-system morphs ambushed them and were torn to shreds by escorting Zerg. Progress was being made, if slowly, kilometer by kilometer the bore hole in its skin started seeping blood, but they had not yet hit the fleshy meat required to plant the Psar when an FTL signature flashed in the inner system. It seemed to be a fleet of incredibly large ships that seem so common in this new universe.

The obvious head of the fleet was a single, ridiculously huge warship, with sizes radiating down to escorts comparable to Leviathans! It's likely that they were lumbering through space and were caught just as off guard as The Swarm was. Normally in situations like these The Swarm would prepare for another front, conducting a war of survival on principle. But survival could be achieved in other ways. It determined to pin their likely hostilities on the work of this creature, something obviously true, then encourage them to destroy it!

The Krork fleetcommune had collectively decided to make contact with the seemingly friendly biological hivemind to its south. this is what the Krork decide, and the choices that the Krork make as a group the Krork act o as a group; and so an expedition is formed. It is not a small one, for almost no singular ship could survive in the Warring Galaxies for long, even in the relatively safe area that the projected path of this expedition will travel through. Thus, an expedition is formed. Headed by one of the Krork's many Mega-Battleships, and reinforced by a score(twenty) of Battleships, hundreds of cruisers, and a thousand escort vessels of appropriate mix. Here is a force that could deal with almost all comers, or at least survive long enough for some survivors to flee back to friendly space.

And so, when a fairly notable gravitational anomaly is discovered along their projected route, the leader of this expedition chooses to actively investigate it instead of choosing the pragmatic path of simply going around. And so, traveling in as close to the source of the anomaly as they can without recalibrating their drives, the Krork arrive in force, already in formation, on the edge of what would have been considered 'the inner solar system' to those born on the world of Sol. There, they arrive to see an ongoing battle, one between the 'Zerg', the biological hivemind that this expedition was sent out to asses and hopefully make positive diplomatic contact with, and a rather massive predator. A planetary scale ambush predator, one all too used to hiding when it cannot simply overwhelm its chosen prey.

Unfortunately, its ability to retreat back into its host star appears to be at least temporarily neutralized, its biological shielding already compromised by the constant pounding from the Zerg's 'Leviathans' and its surface already marred and seemingly infected by the teeming presence of the Zerg. all of this is noted by and recorded within the Krork's warsphere within the first few moments of arrival; and so, when seconds later the Zerg attempt to open communication, contacting the Krork's own relatively minor psychic network through means that could be described as 'telepathic', it is not completely unexpected. The signal is swiftly intercepted, translated from the realm of thought to auditory words for the present Fleetmaster and Battlemasters to hear, and understand; for the Zerg all so kindly at least attempted to communicate through an understandable language, using that of the language of the Altrans in lieu of any other common language, for there might have been none. And so their message is heard, and, when translated into the common tongue comes across as thus:

"greetings! you have been trapped by this large stellar ambush predator, it seems to manipulate the gravity well of the star and preventing faster than light travel. destroy it and we may escape!"

And so, with words of warning and potential cooperation said from the side of the Zerg, the Krork returned their communication in turn; and while the Krork's own Warsphere did not enable psionic communication with those not already connected to it, the Zerg's vessels did seem to possess some way to intercept and translate radio messages; and while radio would be relatively slow in means in comparison to other methods that the Krork had access to, it would make do for now. And so, using the same singularly known common language, the Krork sent their reply.

"Understood. We will be moving in to assist shortly. Please notify your ground forces of the pending orbital bombardment, for we cannot guarantee their safety while also bringing a swift end to this stellar parasite's life. We will give you a one hour moratorium to at least begin the evacuation of your troops if you wish to do so. also, please enjoy the show."

Lord_Abaddon said:
It reached out its psionics to the translator provided by the Altrans, to ensure these newcomers were not afraid and confused. "Greetings! You have been trapped by this large stellar ambush predator, it seems to manipulate the gravity well of the star and preventing faster than light travel. Destroy it and we may escape!"
"Understood. We will be moving in to assist shortly. Please notify your ground forces of the pending orbital bombardment, for we cannot guarantee their safety while also bringing a swift end to this stellar parasite's life. We will give you a one hour moratorium to at least begin the evacuation of your troops if you wish to do so. also, please enjoy the show." The Fleet quickly replies.

The Swarm will not retreat, of course. All of these Zerg were created in-system, and they will likely be safe within the creature from the bombardment by these new ships. The only thing of unique value would be the Psar spore that is quickly retrieved by the Leviathans around the creature. Instead of retreating, the Zerg go in to metabolic overdrive, spending as much energy in making more morphs to cut and rend and maul, allowing the bombardment as many faults in the creature's armor to blast away as possible! The hour is spent watching the unknown fleet orbit around the creature while the creep and the Zerg spread across the surface, infesting everything it can grow over, attacking and digging faster and faster.

And so the Krork moved in, circling around the parasite while remaining at a rather respectable distance, slow boating their way forwards while purposefully staying out of the way of the Zerg's Leviathans. Soon, the hour long clock ticks down, and the Zerg do not evacuate; instead, their ground presence seems to only grow larger, spreading out and multiplying even as they start to visibly bore a hole into the beast, slowly carving their way through its multi-hundred kilometer thick chitinous hide.

The hour-long clock ticks down to zero, and the Krork fleet explodes into motion. Where once they were slowly, deliberately, ponderously, moving their way through the outer sections of the of the inner solar system, now they are moving at combat speeds, even the largest of their vessels moving with ease enough to easily more than match any terran battlecruiser… and then there's the Krork's smaller vessels, that often seem to move with outright impossible ease, carving their way through space at intensely relativistic speeds. And yet, the show has only just begun, for just as soon as the Krork begin moving in to engage their foe, the bombardment begins, as the Krork ships begin to unleash their ordinance.

It begins with the Supermaulter unleashing its firepower, as a flock of absolutely ginormous, 600 meter long torpedoes, are unleashed from its prow, mere moments before it turns to show its broadside to the beast, from which a salvo of much more normal undirected kinetic energy weapons are unleashed, moving with speeds defying all conventional realms of thought, as if the barrels of its Macrocannons were dozens of times as long as even its prodigious size would enable, the resulting attack more resembling a barrage of particle beams than rather large conventional shells.

Next to join in are the Onslaughts, 500 strong, unleashing a collective barrage from their plasma weaponry as they dart all the closer. The resulting spam of plasma missiles burn their way through the void, burning with deadly energy for far longer than what would have normally been predicted, almost as if the shell of plasma actively gained energy throughout its flight towards its intended target. The resulting energy barrage lights up the void, and almost hides what happens next, as ten small flashes of light are seen within the Krork's fleet, as its complement of Starcrushers jump into FTL despite the seeming interdiction field of the stellar kraken-parasite!.

Moments later, they appear again, flanking the incoming barrage even as they add their own mostly kinetic based firepower into the mix. No strikecraft sally forth, for this is not a battle for them, instead merely an execution to be performed by the heaviest, most optimized wave of firepower that these Krork can conjure.

Within less than a minute the barrage strikes home, and the flickering fields of the world-Kraken's shields dies one final death even as the remnants of the barge strike home and practically depopulate most of a hemisphere of the creature, the center of which is almost on the complete opposite end of the beast relative to the Zerg's own center of operations.

And yet, before the remnant of the barrage even touches the carapate of the beast, the rest of the Krork's fleet is already starting to open fire, the first few blows of this next wave of attack already carving into the beast even as the Onslaughts' barrage of plasma scorches its surface.

It begins with the Krork's FTL attacks hitting home, as dozens of what could only be described as portals begin actively carving their way through the carapace of the beast even as the beast itself begins to convulse and burst from the unseen barrage emerging within its eternals. Soon, guisers of liquidated and vaporized viscara erupt from almost each and every joint of the beast, the Zerg's own borehole being the site of a particularly nasty looking eruption of viscara.

To the Zerg, the cause of this can be presumed to be the Krork, but the means of it is unknown; the means is something that the Krork know all too well, as over two score of their Gravity Novae shells appear and erupt within the beast. Each one home to a score of black holes, circling and coming together in a perfect dance, a dance created to bring optimal levels of destruction to the vicinity of the resulting combination, as within moments of the black holes being unleashed, carving their way through the flesh of the beast practically as easily as they would the vacuum of space, they combine, unleashing over 25% of their mass-energy in a massive gravitational wave, the rest of it following behind in an extended burst of hawking radiation.

These shells, unleashed within the depths of the beast, might have in fact killed it, but the Krork are nothing but thorough, and the beast is still seen moving, convulsing in either pain or the start of its death throes. Nevertheless, the results at this point are immaterial, for the barrage is not done, as within the depths of the beast's carapace, if far above where the gravitational novae began their propagation, other shells teleport home in their hundreds. First are the scrambler shells, turning their surroundings into a soup of unorganized atoms, all atomic bonds severed by the random teleportation affect. The heat generated by their recombination is lost in the sheer scale of it all, rendered minute by both the preceding attacks and those that follow.

Next are the Dive Torpedoes, their artificially generated black holes echoing up from the depths of subspace into the internals of the beast. Their impact is lost as well, rendered minute from the sheer scale of the beast. What is not rendered minute is what follows them, as the Krork's next wave slower than light weaponry hits home.

It begins, and arguably ends, with the Gravity Whips, for it is their blow that surpasses all others, save for maybe the barrage of grav-novae shells detonating within the creature's depths. Practically invisible, these one-dimensional topological defects are only made visible by the sheer impact of their artificial mass on the surrounding environment; artificial mass generated by the sheer amount of tension that these defects put on spacetime itself. And so, these massive, coiling lines, made visible by the sheer distortion of light and matter falling around them, strike out, cutting through the beast's flesh as easily as they would anything else, dragging along and compressing an ever increasing volume of the creature's mass; mass that is then shortly at least partially released by the chaotic forces involved, released to unleash even more relativistic devastation.

And so within moments of reaching out and into the creature, the twenty gravitational whips have already carved out a massive hole into the creature, a hole partially filled with decompressing matter and massively accelerated flesh as the whips finally retreat and fade away, the gravitational energy emulating their existence running out of steam as the Devastators stop to recharge their projectors. This too might have been a mortal blow, and that 'might have' is rapidly turned into an almost certainty as thousands, nay, tens of thousands of missiles, launched by the swarm of newly revealed 'Ravagers', plummet into the creature's depths, before exploding into a series of dark rifts in spacetime, temporary portals to a realm previously unknown to the Zerg, rifts hungry for matter and energy, consuming all that falls into them even as they reach out to pull in and devour more.

Soon enough, the rifts fade, and over a quarter of the stellar kraken-parasite is simply gone, erased as if it was never there. The remainder of the creature continues to weakly thrash, but its thrashing is clearly that of a creature that is either dying, or already dead.

The Krork fleet re-enters its formation, waiting to see if the beast is truly dead, or merely faking it before unleashing its true form to devour them all. Eventually, the twitching stops, and the Krork fleet enters a less hostile stance. Soon enough, radio-communication is once again opened with the Zerg.

"Our expedition was sent out to meet you, Zerg, and here we have met. So let us talk, and listen in turn, so that our intentions can be known and so that future communication can occur."

Lord_Abaddon said:
When the fleet unleashed its arsenal the effect was incredible! Vastly outsized from what was expected, the flesh quakes beneath us, the creature's blood geysers from the wounds inflicted by the Zerg, yet that is merely the start! Extremely powerful ordinance is dispensed in massive quantities against the moon-creature while the Zerg inhabiting it can barely cling to the surface. The creature was likely dead from the first salvo, the shockwaves hemorrhaging the brain and internal organs, but the Leviathans watch as more is sent. Plasma scorches the surface and the atmosphere alike. Miniature black holes rip through flesh and hide, the gravity of them pulping weaker morphs on the other side of the planet. For moments it looks like the cavalcade of insane weaponry is done, before the surface is pulped yet again by an invisible force and then completely annihilated of a full quarter of the creature by a veritable swarm of missiles.

The fleet hung there as the creature twitches and groans in its death throes, the sheer shock of the event likely killing it outright before it could realize it was dead. When it stopped moving the fleet reorganized and sent another message.

"Our expedition was sent out to meet you, Zerg, and here we have met. So let us talk, and listen in turn, so that our intentions can be known and so that future communication can occur." The Cerebrate's neurons quivered in anxiety.

"Yes, your power is fearsome! The Swarm will ensure that our communication results in glorious and productive symbiosis!"

Okay, so we've got:
Border Establishment
Zerg DC = 11.
Krork Roll = 5. Failure.

Red Telephone Establishment
Zerg DC = 1.
Krork Roll = 2. Success.

Essence/Tech Trade
Zerg DC = 4.
Krork Roll = 11. Success.
Krork DC = 5/6/13.
Zerg Roll = 6. Success.

Signing a Suitaitazu Defense Pact
Krork DC = 6.
Zerg Roll = 6. Success.

Hey dudes, the Krork are here to tell you that the Swarm is mundo cool
Krork DC = 3.
Zerg Roll = 10. Success.

Exterite Non-Proliferation Agreement
Krork DC = 1.
Zerg Roll = 3. Success.

Once greetings were exchanged and non-hostility was confirmed, or at least as confirmed as it could be in this fleet-forsaken galaxy, the true reason for this meeting, the one initiated by both sides and made simpler by a fortuitous meeting in the middle, was enacted upon, with both sides laying out what they are after and trying to convince the other to follow along the given limits and prerogatives…. The meeting only barely finished over twenty hours later, after many communication based headaches, some of which were swiftly resolved once our(the Krork's) diplomats actually managed to understand what the Zerg were trying to say, while others… others seemingly never got properly resolved, only mitigated to the point where something resembling understanding might have been reached.

The first few points to reach resolution were relatively simple, or at least they were once the diplomats and wider war-field enabled support teams managed to fully understand what the Zerg were talking about and what their recently said response actually was, as things like 'we should open future communications channels', and 'please don't touch the Consuming Gold', a substance that was swiftly confirmed to be Extratite once a few swift reports of what it has done in the past were cross-referenced by others within the wider Commune, were swiftly accepted and agreed upon by both sides. Other agreements were also relatively simple to agree on, if somewhat larger in time-scale, as while running an active informational campaign on the behalf of the Zerg would be more time consuming, it would only act in their favor, as the current disinformation campaign against them would almost certainly be having a deleterious effect on the Commune's new friend, and it was only right and proper to spread the truth, especially when it would be to their mutual benefit.

Other goals took longer to properly communicate about and come to an agreement upon, as a defensive pact against the Suitaitazu, really more of an agreement for the Krork to come to the Zerg's aid given the relative power imbalance, had to be lengthily discussed amongst the wider commune before an agreement could be reached on this- as such a thing could and likely would have a greater impact on things than any one time deal or small exchange of resources and/or information.

The biggest issue with said pact is the fact that, for now at least, the Zerg would be 'benefitting' much more from this than the Krork would, as a properly equal defensive pact implies that both sides are directly impacted and that the threat to both sides is something resembling equal- thankfully, while many amongst the wider Communes did not see the longer term impact of a major Suitaitazu attack on the Zerg, a much larger section eventually came to the consensus that any major attack against the Zerg from the Suitaitazu could overspill to bring in the Krork anyways, and that in future defensive campaigns against the Suitaitazu, campaigns that would almost inevitably occur, it would be better to be fighting alongside the Zerg instead of separately.

Other agreements past that take even longer to properly discuss and bring to a mutually satisfying conclusion; but conclude they do, and in a way that is mutually satisfying; for while trade is drastically harder to set up, especially between two groups with wildly different wants and no real current need for resources in a quantity that the other was willing to provide. In the end though, an agreement was met, and over the following months a couple of small, yet well escorted, trade convoys would cross the intervening space, as information and genetic samples were exchanged back and forth. On one side, the Krork Fleet-Communes got much of what they wanted, as parsable recordings of Zerg combat operations came in alongside a few samples of interesting animals that might be able to provide inspiration to the Beastmasters for new varieties of Squig; on the other, the Zerg also got much of what they wanted, as samples of human, Kroot, Tau, abhuman(mainly ratling and orgrim, but also several other varieties), and Necrontyr, alongside numerous other nearly extinct races(at least in the galaxy that the Krork had fled from in the days/weeks/months/years/decades before said Krork had fled), eventually made their way to the Zerg, or at least making their way to the Zerg soon after permission was gained from the refugees in question, empowering the swarm in perhaps a few, minor ways. (unfortunately, neither the Votann nor the Asur, entombed in their Soul Stones as they were, were willing to hand over any samples to the Zerg- for the Votann were nothing if not stubborn, and there were few enough intact samples of Eldar biology for a single one to be spared.)

But, while these other samples took time to gather and make their way to the Zerg, the first, and greatest of the biological gifts was granted within a matter of weeks, as a large shipment of mixed Krork biomass, shrooms and Squigs mainly, but with the occasional relatively intact corpse of a dead Gretchin in the mix(while Krork machinery is relatively safe, accidents do happen occasionally, and while most of said accidents either leave said orkoid in a fixable state or annihilate said body entirely, exceptions do occur, and Gretchin are more fragile than Krork).

Here, the Fleetcommune was taking a large gamble, hoping and communicating apart that said shipment was only for the purposes of understanding and adaptation- for directly incorporating orkoid genetics into another race has never ended well. In the end though, the main things shipped alongside these bits and pieces are a cautionary tale about what might happen should the warnings be ignored, and a shared promise in turn- that the Zerg would in turn share what they learn should they somehow manage to get around the Old Ones black boxing of Krork genetics.

While these parts went easily, and the setting up of a Krork embassy and several communications relays within the safer side of the Zerg's northernmost territory(ooc- if the Zerg somehow understood what an embassy would entail on their end they would also have one in Krork space-so if that understanding was/is reached one can assume that both sides of this trade deal would have said embassies) merely took a little bit of time, the first, and final, talking point somehow never got properly resolved, as the Krork diplomats and the Zerg Swarm seemingly talked past each other, and no quantity of backline debate was able to force a proper resolution to the issue.

by the end, any and all attempts on the part of the Krork Diplomats to ensure that the Zerg would not settle within the Krork's current borders- borders a little bit to the north of where this diplomatic meeting was occuring, were taken by the Zerg as the Krork being unwilling to let the Zerg expand to the north, which was not the fleetcommune's current overarching intent at all. Eventually, something resembling an actual conclusion on the northern border was reached, only for the issue of northwestern expansion to come up, as the Zerg's desire to not be blocked in eventually undergoing substantial expansions in that region ran into the Krork's fears about being able to expand westward/northwestward at all, let alone being able to expand out widely enough in that direction to secure more semi-safe territory for those tired of war and those that have chosen to put themselves under the Vassalage of the Krork over taking the risk in setting up in yet another unknown galaxy, one that might or might not be any better.

In the end, the diplomatic team had no choice but to let out a collective shrug, pushing down the issue of where precisely the long term border will be to a later meeting, as such conflict resolution was part of what the newly established embassies and other such lines of communication were for.
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The Borg, Opening Post

The Borg arrive to what seems to be a devastated wasteland, with planets that are more ruins and debris than rocks, and the drifting hulks of what might have been ships, if ones drastically more massive than almost anything they have ever seen before, and so dilapidated that there likely wouldn't be any technology left- the relatively few wrecks that the Borg managed to search in these opening hours and days stripped bare of anything truly technological, with what remains being merely bare hull, and often only the remnants of that, as many of the could-have-been-more-intact ones appear to have been partially strip mined. (new technology options available due to the availability of some seemingly common, yet new to this new universe, building materials)

Elsewhere, closer scans of the nearby worlds proves their nature to be practically entirely different from what was seen back home, as world after world after world appears to be made entirely out of accumulated wreckage and debris, the only thing truly natural about their composition being the elements found within and the gravity holding them together. Here lies a treasure trove of potential sources of adaptation, here lies the remnants of countless civilizations, here lies the graveyard of said civilization, and the ruins of countless interstellar empires. Here lies the remains of battles that dwarf anything that the Borg could have thought existed before experiencing this new data.

And yet, as the Borg's probes travel ever onwards, they soon come across actual civilization, as the found ruin-worlds are topped not with yet another layer of debris, but with what could only be gleaming cities, shaped in elegant, golden pyramidal structures and gleaming, smoothly curved when they aren't harshly spiked, walkways and transit paths. Above these worlds are seen ships, almost countless in their number and surprisingly varied in their form. It is an armada of gold(and the occasional red-black and blue-silver), dotted with the blue glow of what could only be their own variation of shields. These ships vary in size, going from what are clearly fightercraft, only a couple dozen meters long, to multi kilometer long capital ships, with a few notable designs approaching the three kilometer mark on their longest side, to the occasional 15 kilometer long behemoth, easily dwarfing all of their nearby compatriots. Another thing that can be noted is how spindly these designs are, with elegant curves, aerodynamics, and precise firing arcs being seemingly prioritized over actual physical durability. Soon, your probes manage to pick up the occasional transmission, and the name of this civilization can soon be made out: here lives the Khalai, the apparently 'strongest' and most numerous faction of the Protoss.

Sadly, your scouting does not go unnoticed, and are met with cautious warnings, warnings sent from very clearly isolated servers, messages containing naught but some basic information on this galaxy, and a warning, a warning to stay away, a warning containing both a declaration of their might, an implicit threat against any hostile efforts, and a warning about even worse things, things that they have been fighting since almost the moment that they too arrived in this new galaxy. Alongside this warning lies a promise, a promise of help, a promise that if you reach out with the intent of peaceful relations, they will return that intent in kind. Naturally, figuring this part out required some translation work and some actual thought, but it is an intent, one that can either be accepted in the manner that it was given, or could be taken advantage of. Sadly, this is the limit of communications, as the message that is sent is relatively short and on repeat, and they do not appear to want to widen the connection enough for proper two way communication, let alone arrange a face to face meeting. All attempts to open a connection from your end fail, rebuffed with the same vague warnings. (OOC- I couldn't quite find the right protoss phrases, and didn't want to make up my own, so what you get here is a summary, not the message itself)

Eventually, the fleet itself spread out somewhat, sticking to the initial patch of uninhabited worlds that the Borg first found and the outskirts of these Protoss's less built up systems. Nevertheless, the scouting efforts continue even as permission to 'explore and collect basic data' is not actively denied by the Protoss. Eventually though, this leads the Borg to their second contact with a non-dead civilization in this new universe, and the discovery that there are things here that are worse than anything that the Borg have ever met before.

It starts in the relative depths of space; more precisely it starts on the outskirts of a Rrotoss system, in an area that would have been known as the Kuiper Belt to the residents of a certain blue marble. Here lies a formation of Borg cubes, attending a multitude of probes scattered throughout a large portion of this system, and in several neighboring ones as well, each and every one already built up by the protoss, each with defenses scattered throughout that would have been practically overkill in the Borg's previous home universe. Here lies one of the many edges of the Borg's expanding regions of knowledge, and it is here where first contact with the Vex occurs.

It starts with a few new contacts, a few relatively small, irregularly ovoid ships of burnished bronze, tarnished silver, and the occasional hint of what appears to be a blue-white power core. At the front of each of these is what could only be a singular optic, somewhat recessed, of glowing red. Showing up in a several hundred strong swarm, it is very clearly not just a scouting force, as can be swiftly confirmed when the Borg attempt to open contact, and the horror begins.

"We are-" ț̶̖̻͖̭̹̂̆h̸͙̱̑̈́̿͒͂e̸̮͑̌̋̎̌̊̌͠ ̶͎͎͔͈̙̞̀́̈́̐̃̋̔͠B̶̧̺̳͚̮͙̜̋̊̈́̐ŏ̴̬̲̺̼͇͑́͂̉̂̾͝r̷̡͕̱͙̙̞͚̉͆͑̌͝g̷̰͔̟͖͉̫̠̗̏̏̍̾̀̉͌̉ no sooner had communication opened, than the attack began. Part white noise, part massive influx of data, part overwhelming hack. It echoes through not just the open communications channel, but through the cube that sent it, and from there, out to an ever widening portion of the Borg collective. While this attack, stunning as it was, would have been swiftly dealt with on its own, what followed was both infinitely worse, and would have been considered infinitely less possible until this moment, where it suddenly happened. From the communicator sending out the message, from the other elements of the Cube networked to the communications device, from the subspace transceivers of first the Borg drones aboard that particular cube, to those on the next cube over in physical space, to the next one, and the next, to the Cube systems that said Drones were remotely controlling, to the probes remotely controlled by the cubes, to element after element of the wider Borg Collective, it spread, a sickness, a sickly white fluid, dripping from where no fluid should be. Part nanotech, part biological cell, part fragment of a vastly greater whole, it spread and assimilated. Spread and assimilated until it met the Borg's own assimilating nanites, and overcame them, fighting as if it had met and competed against the Borg's own means of assimilation a thousand, thousand times over despite only having 'met' said Borg mere moments ago. And so, in location after location, it won. The local formation was first to fall, the cyborg bodies of its drones reshaping into spindly, humanoid machines when they didn't bulk up into masses of tarnished bronze, reshaped into the Vex's own infantry even as the ships around them reshaped and warped, straight edges becoming curved even as computer-like architecture becomes all the more ancient and as their green and black forms are reshaped and smoothed out into bronze-adjacent edifices to a very different machine-mind.

Thankfully, losses are not anywhere near total, as communications are rapidly cut between those already too lost to the silvery infection and the wider collective and as the Borg continue to adapt, swiftly relocating clusters of their nanites to sit right next to their subspace transceivers even as the nanites themselves rapidly adapt to fight this new opponent. Elsewhere, the internal architecture of many slightly infected borg ships reshape, vastly slowing the spread of this corruption even as assimilation devices are turned upon the infested regions of their own hull. Unfortunately, this is only the start, for outside of the corrupted regions manifests legion after legion of the Vex's machines. Individually small, and often not even the match for a singular tactical drone in a one-on-one fight, they appear in legions beyond numbering inside and around the infested ships. Even worse, is that each and every one of them is a vessel for this corrupting fluid, spreading it with their deaths and causing any attempts to assimilate them in turn to turn into an ongoing battle in miniature instead of the one sided victory that it might have otherwise been. But even as the Borg Collective reels and adapts from this opening blow, the results of the first attack are observed by the few uninfested probes that remain in said system.

The task force of small ships, now reinforced by the converted cubes, start to head deeper into the system. Behind them forms a swarm, not just of other, similar ships to those you first saw, but also of countless small strike craft,, ranging from a mere ten meters in length to even smaller than your own drones, numbering in the millions, then billions, then beyond, fanning out into a void-darkening swarm as they approach the Protoss. Speaking of the protoss, the moment that they saw the fate of your cubes, they seemingly sent out a call for aid, although seemingly not one that these hostile drones, these Vex, could hijack, let alone assimilate; for soon they are joined by even more ships, clearly arriving from other somewhat nearby systems, as can be somewhat observed by your other scouting probes, alongside other forms of static defenses that are clearly being actively transported in even as the Vex swarm gets ever closer.

The void lights up with the glare of plasma and what could only be some sort of psionic energy as the protoss open up at ranges that the Borg themselves could barely match, unleashing a torrent and clearing wave after wave after wave of chaff from the void. Sadly, the Vex swarm still appears to be approaching, as for each tiny vessel shot down yet more appear both ahead and behind them. Soon what gap there was between the two forces practically ceases to exist, as Vex start appearing en masse in the void between the Protoss's assorted ships and defensive stations. Fortunately, this does not appear to be the end for the protoss, as their shielding is strong and appears to block the Vex's attempt to teleport inside their ships, and their firepower is great, able to cleave through the unshielded masses of the Vex with practical impunity. Unfortunately, the Vex appear to already know and understand this, and so they respond with mass ramming, a very suicidal, and yet shockingly effective technique. Soon, the shields on many of the Protoss's smaller ships fail, with the ships in question falling out of formation moments later, their internals overwhelmed by countless teleporting, boarding, Vex even as many of their external weapon emplacements are disabled by yet more ramming Vex; and while that alone would be devastating, the worst comes seconds to minutes later, as the newly assimilated protoss ship turns its weapons on its former compatriots.

And yet, even this is not the end, for the protoss repeatedly show a level of coordination that the Vex seemingly never expect, providing covering fire for each other and cycling in and out of combat as to give their shields time to recharge. Unfortunately, this can seemingly only buy time, as the planet beneath them appears to rapidly become under attack by wave after wave after wave of teleporting Vex. even here, the protoss's larger machines of war and seemingly surprising level of coordination allow them to seemingly win victory after victory, clearing away each wave even as it arrives. They are repeatedly defeating the Vex on the ground. they've already lost to the Vex on the ground. For each fallen Vex spills its white assimilation vector, Radiolaria, as you later learn, onto the ground, and each of these spreads the odd machinery and architecture of the Vex onto and throughout the planet. Soon the stain of burnished bronze and tarnished silver can be seen from the void of space, with the protoss fighting onwards even as the ground itself turns against them.

Soon, many former signs of protoss civilization and their defensive emplacements start to disappear, more often than not in the same flashes of light that announced in either their arrival or the arrival of the previous wave of reinforcements. Moments later, the largest of the remaining protoss vessels move to turn their guns on the corrupted, partially assimilated, world. Unfortunately, it is here when the Corrupted Cubes finally arrive. As large as, and more massive than, the largest of the nearby protoss vessels, they unleash their firepower, quickly overwhelming the shields of these would-have-been-bombardment vessels, at which point it is practically all over, as the few remaining uncorrupted protoss vessels move to flee the system, swiftly escaping to fight again another day. Eventually, most of the Vex's vessels, both original and newly corrupted, move out as well, shimmering out of existence even as they appear in other nearby protoss held systems, there to repeat the process all over again. Even worse, is the fact that numerous, seemingly newly created, swarms of those vessels that you saw at the start of this can be seen leaving the newly transformed world, to spread the infection that is the Vex to even more worlds and systems. Already, several less inhabitable worlds are seen being similarly transformed elsewhere in this system.

Soon enough, what is being seen is not a singular isolated incident, but an ongoing invasion, as the swarm that you first saw was swiftly revealed to not be the only one, and that particular protoss system that you saw was not the first one to fall, not in the least, as several other even more heavily defended protoss systems can be seen similarly under attack, not only by what the Vex has shown thus far, but also by their assimilated brethren, and by other, clearly assimilated but unknown in baseline design, vessels. Often, the Protoss manage to hold, clearing away the corrupted vessels and purging their own fellow ships even as they fall to the Vex, but even this is revealed to only be a holding method, as no sooner is one assault repelled than another arrives, either from the same direction from which the Vex originally arrived, or from yet another fallen system.

Here and there a counterattack is launched, but most of the counter attacks the Protoss manage to launch against the assimilated worlds appears to be mostly ineffective, whatever forces they land on the planet rapidly disappearing from the Borg's ability to observe within a relatively short period of time, leaving the surface of said worlds shockingly clear of wreckage from such assaults. The only attacks that seem to be successful are from orbit, as several massive fleets of Protoss vessels manage to clear away and consistently hold orbit against the Vex's anti-orbital firepower and constant waves of craft coming up from the surface long enough to bombard their way first through the planetary shields, and then into and even through the planet itself, only moving on once the surface of the planet in question has been smote to a long since molten ruin. Unfortunately, these fleets appear to be relatively small in number and ever more insufficient in mass, as more and more vessels appear to be drawn away to some other, even greater fight.

And yet, even as the Protoss are slowly yet steadily pushed back, the Borg manage to fight onwards, adapting to fight this new foe even as they seemingly adapt in turn. Here, it is the Borg's assimilation beams, fired from cube, sphere, and probe alike, alongside their potent laser/phaser weaponry and formidable, rapidly adapting shields that proves their own, as even the lightest touch of an assimilation beam, provided from a glancing sweep that would usually be considered to not be enough to be effective in the Borg's home dimension, is enough to force these Vex to stall out, their mechanical bodies turned into a battle between Nanite and Radiolaria as each attempts to assimilate the other; and while the lightest of sweeps is not enough to guarantee a Borg victory in these miniature wars, it is enough to have them become easy pickings for any and all standard beam arrays. This overlapping field of dense and extremely well targeted firepower is enough to thin the swarms enough for the Borg's ever adapting shields to more than hold their own against the vast, vast majority of those that somehow get through the killing fields.

That is not to say that there isn't losses, for occasionally a Vex platform mages to slip through, teleporting in despite the ever adapting shields of the borg, 'walking' through time to whatever position would be most advantageous to them despite the nature of their teleportation being swiftly found out and seemingly countered after the first few fallen sub-fleets; and unfortunately for the Borg, unlike the Protoss, who could seemingly deal with such minor infiltrations seemingly without issue, even the weakest of the Vex's combat shells are often better at fighting than most of the Borg's drones, often able to take down at least one of them before falling despite their numerical inferiority. And when they fall, fall without being disintegrated or incinerated by plasma that is, they spread their Radiolaria, infecting nearby machinery and turning the ship in question into yet another battleground, as infested computational machines produce ever more Vex out of seemingly nowhere and as Radiolaria fights against Nanomachine. Eventually, the infested ship either successfully manages to purge itself of the invaders, often at the cost of extensive damages and even more extensive losses amongst its complement of Drones, or falls, becoming yet another infested platform for the Vex to assault from.

Speaking of infested ships, it is these that give the Borg the most trouble, for infested former protoss and Borg ships can often withstand the Borg's own weaponry for an extended enough period of time to be more than a nuscience, and have the firepower to down the Borg's shields, at which point it is all over for the borg ship in question as it gets swarmed under by practically countless boarding Vex. even worse, is that when a Borg falls, be it the lowliest of Drones or the greatest of Cubes, the Vex's assault through the communication network begins anew, slowly spreading its infection through the Borg Collective like the virus that it is despite the best efforts of the Borg, both physical, and digital(because yes, digital firewalls and the like do work against the Vex's ability to infect via non-mystical communication methods).

Such assaults are not enough to stop the Borg though, and eventually the Borg start counter-invading the Vex's recently infested machine worlds; unfortunately, this often does not go well, as any and all attempts to invade the surface rapidly end in failure, as Drones that were beamed down seemingly right next to each other end up wildly apart, disappearing from their positions on the surface in swirls of color. Fortunately, this does not cut off their connection to the Borg collective, unfortunately, upon arrival said drones see wildly different environments, ranging from what has come to be known as the classic vex architecture, to vast overgrown ruins, to what seems like the surface of some shockingly verdant planets. Here, separated and alone, they come under attack by wave after wave of Vex, often falling before being able to gather much data at all. The Tactical drones do do better, often holding off for a time before falling, often holding off their end long enough to report some odd sightings, ranging from seemingly long disappeared protoss(and their machines of war) to Borg that are seemingly not Borg, connected to a collective that seemingly does not exist.

Despite this weird news, and the fate of their ground teams, the Borg press onwards, eventually resorting to Orbital Bombardment just as the protoss did, and, just as the protoss have found out, it is revealed that a surface bombardment is not enough to do more than buy time, for if even the smallest fragment of the machine world's infrastructure is left intact, then it will slowly start infecting the planet anew, forcing it back into the Machine World that it once was in a matter of years, if not outright mere months.

Even worse, is the response from the Vex that is seen by some of the forwardmost groups of Borg and Protoss- mobile Machine Worlds of great size and strength, World Engines, capable of engaging all but the grandest of fleets in direct combat without suffering more than a scratch and of assimilating entire worlds in a matter hours, with complete conversion ending in a matter of days even if the World Engine moves on. Fortunately, most of these appear to be far to the north of your position, fighting a renewed push from the Protoss, along with many of their allies, ranging from machine peoples of great size(autobots), to what could only be humans, if vastly different in culture and equipment from those of the Federation. Unfortunately, several of them are heading in your direction, and the local Protoss forces are clearly not enough to stop them, as most of their major fleets are engaged with the Vex's main push farther to the north.

- The total Vex forces arrayed against you are technically magnitude 4, almost magnitude 5, if you end up being forced to fight them to the point where they actually start running out of Vex that they can teleport in without drawing away from some other warzone farther away, such as the ongoing battle to your general north…
- 5% of their actively mobile local forces by mass is made up of assimilated Borg, and another 20% is made up of assimilated protoss, both on the ground and in the void. Note that these ground units are also able to take advantage of the Vex's method of teleportation, although the assimilated ships have a more difficult time using it, requiring more time before they can teleport again.

Three Vex World Engines(category two version) have been detected entering the local Warzone, and will need to be defeated before the Vex can be pushed out of this warzone for good.

The locally available Protoss forces are effectively high magnitude 3 in size, mostly in the form of defensive in-system units, having been reduced extensively by their ongoing fight against the Vex and due to many amongst their number being diverted to fight against the Vex's main push further to the north.

"Borg, Opening Post" Response

{Fluff is WIP, still needing a couple tweeks. Will update shortly.}

Task Force Alpha
  • 8 Fleethordes, Mag +One
  • 2 Battleoids, Cat One (Mobile Unicomplex)
  • Legend: The Collective Queen
The Borg's plan of assault is simple. Task Force Alpha will concentrate together and converge on the incoming trio of World Engines, before they have the chance to choose the battlefield. Or, as humanity calls the tactic; bum rushing the enemy. Speed is key, as the price should the Vex be allowed to build up would be far higher, a price we can't allow. As such, all secondary targets - that is, other Vex units in the subsector - will be relegated to less important secondary targets, being largely ignored in favor of speed, provided they aren't directly in the way.

The optimal result of this blitz would be to fight each World Engine one on one, without the others having the opportunity to reinforce. However, should they prove difficult to separate, or just decide to travel together, Alpha will settle for simply attacking without the local Vex forces reinforcing.

When - or if - the World Engines are dealt with, Alpha will then turn back towards the rest of the local hostiles. All forces will disperse and begin thoroughly scouring the subsector, seeking any Vex presence and attempting to neutralize them as quickly as possible.

Task Force Beta
  • 2 Fleethordes, Mag +One
While Alpha is busy clearing out the Vex in the region, Beta shall focus on the Protoss of the region. Or, more accurately, the Vex attacking them. These two fleethordes will keep their eye on the Protoss in the region, keeping out of the way and letting them continue their extraction unhindered. However, in the event of any Vex attacking the Protoss, Beta shall act to reinforce local units in eliminating the hostile machines. The focus shall be on limiting Borg losses in such engagements and ensuring that no units fall to Vex conversion, even if that means firing on ships that are partially converted. Such a contingency will not apply to Protoss ships, which will only be shot at if fully controlled by the Vex.

The primary mission of this task force is to harness the Vex and provide a distraction of sorts. And help save some Protoss, but that's an entirely secondary mission compared to eliminating the Vex. Bait is bait, after all.

Note: All Protoss, regardless of their situation, shall be largely ignored during the above missions. The only exceptions will be if the Protoss are in a critical/fatal state - in which case, potential target for assimilation, yum! - or if they directly attack us, at which point Task Force Beta will cease protecting the Protoss, and instead try to draw more Vex to them to create kill boxes. While the Borg doubt these aliens would attack those obviously helping out, humanity has taught them not to trust what common sense assumes.
The Guardian Rescue

They are fools! Sallying forth from a defended position with no support? To an seemingly undefended fortification? How has this brood-structure survived this long without the pattern recognition to properly discern a trap!?

A terran in a sailor suit burst into the 'embassy,' the designated area where the Swarm was allowed to grow a minor lair, to maintain contact with the Silver Millenium Brood-structure. Specifically without any ability to grow larvae. "Kner, Haspyt! we need help! The Strakhul trapped us when we tried to take their Dread Fortress!"

"We are very aware, you idiot! We are gathering a brood-swarm to thrust into the foolish encirclement that you allowed yourself to fall into as we speak!" Haspyt spat through the rough vocal cords of the Queen, before muttering harshly, "All for some strange, premature attempt to sabotage the Strakhul's economy..."

"Economy? We have to save those poor people trapped in that horrible place! we owe it to those people to make sure we put a stop to their suffering as soon as possible! we didn't expect that they would trap us!"

"We wish to end their suffering as well! But your lack of coordination with the Swarm has hampered our chances to destroy the Strakhul! Now we must plan an escape from a trap that we had not prepared for, you fools! We are forced into a precarious, unsupported position with no time to properly reinforce our positions, for a chance to save livestock!"

"L-livestock!? Did you want them to just sit here and twiddle our thumbs while those poor souls are put through horrible tortures?! Justice demands that we do everything we can to liberate those living, breathing people from the clutches of those wretched scorpions as soon as possible, how could we call ourselves Champions of the Moon if we didn't take the chance when we saw it? What if it slipped our grasp?" The sailor voiced its shock.

This had come up in discussions between the Zerg on the nature of brood-structures. The development of obligate sapients and their brood-structures relies on a sense of reciprocity of investment from the brood-structures to the individual. Often this is a sense of protection and security, 'justice.' Brood-structures tend to apply this instinct towards individuals not even subsumed into them, though the evolutionary reasons for this are still being theorized.

However the Silver Millenium seems to misunderstand that this instinct is just that, not some strange imperative, especially not one that forces the Swarm to attack directly into the enemy's strongest forces with no preparation!

Haspyt was seething, it's not one who enjoys attacking in the first place, and this was a situation where strategy was not behooved by Kner's... eagerness. It needed to secure a way into and *out of* the fortress, all while preventing the enemy's capabilities to break that path!

"Your maladaptive cohesion instinct has cost you your chance to easily fulfill those objectives! You and us were intended to choke the enemy, to force them to gasp for air, instead you shoved your fist down their throat and had it bitten off!"

The guardian looked bemused, blinking a few times before shaking her head, tears forming in her eyes, her hand forming into a fist. "What else were we supposed to do? We cannot just abandon them. Those poor people, there just wasn't time if we wanted to truly take advantage!"

"Tell us, fool! Our concern is your forces. You are our symbiotes. You are the Swarm's only weapon against their reincarnation, and you are not Zerg. To charge headlong in to battle to secure a strategic point is the Zerg's domain! To destroy their summoners is yours, not to free livestock!"

"Don't call them livestock! They're people! With lives and feelings!" It stamped its foot in a useless intimidation display.

"We are not concerned with the prisoners held by the Strakhul. Our concern is in denying the Strakhul access to their magic. Whether that is their livestock's elimination or capture it does not matter to us as long as they are dispensed from the Strakhul's possession." Haspyt drew back the queen's posture, noticing the sailor's distress. "Prisoner's elimination."

"That doesn't make it better!"

Objective: to reach the Dread Fortress's interior while also ensuring as little reinforcements reach the fortress as possible

identify where leaders are in the fleet, and harrass them to the point where they cannot summon reinforcements. break through the static defenses with judicious usage of Bane Leviathans. fight fleet with primarily suicide morphs, expect any casualties to become enemies. target reactor ships and any enemies or enemy points that are broadcasting large amounts of dark magic. the primary aim of the swarm should be to destroy the enemy fleet, then carve a way to the fortress, then deal with reinforcements, then clean up the remaining defenses.

Goldline Crash

[fluff later maybe]

objective: Destroy the ftl interdictors that make up the fortress line so to link up with the crimson adoration and combine our forces.

the ftl inhibition devices are likely to be guarded inside the forts. Send the Xylem and a Zerg support squad of overlords for detection and infested chameleos for search and destroy. Use the electromagnetic senses of the chameleos to follow the power lines to their most power intensive points, aiming to either destroy the fortress' power infrastructure such as power hubs or reactors, or power intensive systems like the auto war manufacturing or the ftl interdictors themselves. Relay this information to our symbiotes in the Xylem, but allow them to operate mostly independently, as we lack control over them or much knowledge of their specific capabilities, under the assumption that they can complete the objective.

Use Zerg forces to pressure the line as a whole, with constant harrying attacks while these specialized teams punch their way through to the other side, dropping into system on top of these forts en masse once their interdictors have been destroyed to secure the bridgehead and prevent their encirclement.

Then once The Swarm has linked up with the Crimson adoration combine forces to sweep away the enemy.
When faced with an enemy capable of turning the slain into fresh forces, willing to fight to the last with the knowledge that 'last' is a rather flexible term for their legions, the solution is almost startlingly simple: Leave nothing to turn, on either side.

Bane Krakens deploy by the score, descending on the Strakhul fleet with vast seas of acid primed and ready for dispersal. Furious volleys of dark magic take down more than a few before they reach their intended targets, but the sheer mass of Zerg ensures that plenty get through. With matchless strength and fury, the living bombs punch vast gaps in the Strakhul's battle lines, outright disintegrating many ships of the screen and line, and the more conventional Leviathans and their Silver Millennium escorts rush in to exploit those gaps without hesitation.

The Leviathans don't stop there, of course. Destroying the Strakhul fleet is only a means to the end of relieving allied forces, and so only minimal force commitments are made to the space battle proper while as many bioforms as can be spared dive towards Fortress Dread, intent on unloading their cargo of ground forces into the interdimensional structure.

Fortunately, what should have been the bloodiest stage of the assault turns out to be the easiest as the docks and hangars of the fortress prove themselves to be largely undefended, with minor garrisons of undead that are swiftly crushed under the weight of the Zerg attack. Most of the forces, including the Strakhul's best, are busy further in, grinding down the Sailor Guardians further within the facility.

Seeing the breadth of the issue before them, the Swarm digs in for the long haul, deploying Drones to create hive clusters inside the fortress as well as Nydus Worms to begin tunnelling through its superstructure. Unfortunately, the hardened walls designed to resist starship bombardment proves resistant to this traditional Zerg solution to complex environments, and so the advance is largely restricted to the conventional.

What follows is a nightmarish running battle through a labyrinth designed from the ground up to maximise an attacker's confusion, fear, and pain. While the latter two are all but irrelevant against the Zerg, the former still proves annoying, with many pathways looping back around on themselves or leading to seemingly pointless dead ends, with Strakhul summons streaming in from every side, often including directions previously thought cleared. Making matters worse, the interior of Fortress Dead does not precisely correspond to its exterior, meaning attempts to assist navigation by assessing its outer surface prove useless.

The Cerebrates' response is found in roving carpets of Zerglings and Banelings, the former to cover all avenues and the latter to bowl over and boil away any resistance that tries to form. Leading the charge are the few reinforcing Sailor Guardians available, often literally riding Zerg into battle due to a lack of any clear floor space to stand on. They seem to have a better intuitive sense of this place than the Zerg, which is doubtlessly how the first wave of Guardians made as much progress as they did.

So armed with a vague sense of direction, the combined spearhead lances deep into the fortress, piercing through the dimensional veil and into the home of the Strakhul, but it very much remains a spearhead, actively contained by the enemy. However large the number of deployed combat strains may be, spreading out to fill such a large volume is no easy task when attacked from all sides. Similarly, while the battle outside the fortress walls continued to rage in the Zerg's favour, it was neither decisive nor without heavy losses, both sides attempting to grind down the other with reinforcements local and distant alike. Active efforts to distract the true Strakhul and target reactor ships kept the flow of newly summoned forces manageable, but only just.

When contact is eventually made with the Sailor Guardians, it is in fits and starts. The first meeting is in a grand primary access corridor with a single Guardian, wounded and alone, all but limping towards the first sign of friendly forces she'd seen in days. Elation shot through both the hive mind of the Swarm and the relieving Sailors, but it was tempered with the revelation that the others were further in still. Apparently, being surrounded and cut off wasn't enough to stop them from advancing, it merely slowed them down.

As it so happened, the Zerg were slowing down as well. Already harried constantly by enemy raids, approaching the actual front line of the battle meant that they were also approaching the Strakhul's largest and most capable divisions, and casualties mounted quickly. Even with the hive clusters' prodigious ability to replace losses and feed new Zerg to the front, progress began to grind to a halt, living weapons meeting their match in dark elementals and hordes of armoured undead.

Clawing forward inch by bloody inch, the Swarm does manage to relieve the remaining Guardians, but that's all they can accomplish. Outside a few Strakhul victims held in outlying prisons, no rescue of the operation's originally intended targets has been accomplished, or looks likely to be accomplished in the near future. With the enemy's traps only becoming more fiendish and monsters more powerful as the allied forces attempt to press in on the very source of their dark magic, successful retrieval of the remaining prisoners would require a massive diversion of forces and result in ruinous casualties.

Needless to say, this rapidly results in a debate between local commanders. Haspyt and Kner rapidly get into an intense argument with Sailor Ceres, captain of Queen Serenity's personal guard and overall leader of the local Silver Millennium forces in the region. Unsurprisingly, the Sailor wants to press on despite the losses involved and rescue the prisoners, also taking the time to permanently eliminate the Strakhul summoners operating from this fortress. Meanwhile, the Swarm is considering all options, but Kner in particular would rather be done with the place entirely. Of course, it cannot simply be left intact, but a succession of Bane Krakens should be able to demolish the structure and leave it naught but acid-scored rubble floating in the void of space.

Fortunately, worries of a potential stalemate in leadership are brought to a swift and decisive end when a terse message is received from the Silver Millennium's Earth. Upon hearing of the encirclement of her Sailors, Queen Serenity herself left for the front with a small contingent of elite forces, including Princess Saturn. She has expressed her gratitude to the Zerg for arranging for the rescue of her subjects before she even arrived, and in a move that surprises everyone present orders said subjects to follow the Zerg's lead for the duration of this mission, whatever that lead may prove to be. The message also includes a brief aside that if the Swarm wishes to pursue the outright destruction of the Fortress, they should wait until her arrival, but otherwise has no particular tactical requests.

With this new authority, the Zerg now have a simple choice: Proceed with the original mission at sizable cost to their forces, or cut their losses now and simply deny the Strakhul their source of power just as if not more efficiently but far more easily. The former would no doubt involve a more thorough elimination of true Strakhul and make a better impression on their allies, however.

-Guardian Rescue Operation proves a mixed success. While the encirclement is successfully broken, especially thanks to the heavy usage of suicide morphs, this is all that is managed, and 30% overall Fleethorde damage has been taken. Queen Serenity gives instructions that the Zerg will decide how to finish the campaign, and they may choose to either rescue the prisoners properly, taking an additional 30% damage in the process, or destroy the fortress from the outside for no further casualties. The Strakhul will survive into the next turn either way, but they will be significantly weakened and most likely defeated then given a continuing commitment of forces.

On the other end of Zerg space, an entirely different battle is taking place. While masses of Leviathans still duel against fleets of powerful warships with a rate of production to match the Zerg's own, these battles are mere distractions rather than part of the march to victory proper, only truly relevant where dense spearheads are thrust towards voidborne FTL inhibitors. Instead, the real fighting takes place inside flash-fabricated fortresses on planetary surfaces and within asteroids. Infested Chameleos skulk through whatever hidden routes they can, deployed as stealthily as possible before using their inherent abilities to sneak the rest of the way to their targets.

Fortunately, said abilities prove up to the task of evading detection from most Beloved forces, allowing them to identify and relay the positions of crucial energy-intensive infrastructure. Attempts to sabotage that infrastructure largely go less well, however, as the Chameleos prove unable to engage Beloved security forces effectively. While they prove up to the task of fighting the most basic infantry units, the enemy's elite power-armoured and often psychic elite soldiers, as well as those battle walkers suited for fighting within the halls of their bases, tend to significantly outmatch the Zerg's new infiltrators, and said units are invariably deployed alongside the inhibitors. What's worse, they tend to also be equipped with advanced sensor systems, either psychic or technological, that makes sneaking past them difficult if not impossible.

With this in mind, the Zerg have no choice but to make the Xylem and its automated strike teams the main component of the inhibitor destruction effort. The vessel itself serves as a carrier, hopping rapidly between systems as it delivers its deadly cargo and then moves on. This, combined with its enormous size and unique appearance, soon makes it a priority target for the Beloved, who detach dedicated hunter-killer formations to eliminate it that include powerful command ships that can match it in scale if not in capability.

Despite Zerg efforts to cover for their symbiotes, this quickly leads to a series of deadly running battles, with damage to the city-ship accumulating rapidly as it's bombarded by all manner of Exteritite-powered weaponry and boarders. This culminates in the ship's primary control centre being all but ripped from its towering place on the surface, with only its evacuation of all personnel preventing complete catastrophe. In response, it proceeds to quite literally ram through the nearest battleship and deploy a handful of drop pods to the planet below before coming about and retreating back to friendly lines, its pursuers breaking off as they slam into wave after wave of reserve forces covering their ally's retreat. As for the remaining boarders, Carla personally deploys in one of the Xylem's mechs alongside something that looks suspiciously like a militarised mobile smelter to handle them.

While the Beloved might consider this a victory, in truth the damage had already been done. Across dozens of systems, Ghost mechs followed the paths traced out by Chameleos, jamming systems thrumming at full power. Beams of blinding light and arcing whips of crackling energy lash out from nowhere, cutting through alien alloys and silencing generators, factories, and inhibitors alike. Chameleos scurry about the feet of the dish-faced giants, battling with enemy infantry so their allies can focus on more meaningful foes.

In many cases, the infiltrators do not survive their attacks, but this is far less important than the fact they almost all succeed in their missions. In a contest of "Autowars", as the self-replicating war economies of the Zerg and Beloved are called by the locals, casualties are largely irrelevant. Victory is instead measured by objectives achieved and territory gained, and here the Zerg and their allies have come out far ahead.

On planets where infiltration proved too difficult for one reason or another, brute force is employed. Swarms of flying Kites descend, armed with vast arrays of weapon systems, and destroy and are destroyed in turn. The centre of these forces, however, are the machines known as Ephemera. Acutely humanoid giants, they control the battlespace wherever they go, striding fearlessly through the toughest opposition and cutting down inhibitors with relative ease. Fast, powerful, and skillful in equal measure, it's clear that these are the pride of the Xylem's strike forces bar one.

On the last planet the mercenaries visited, their deployment pods contained one Armored Core machine and a series of resupply containers. By the time the orbital battle over the world ended several hours later, the Leviathans present sent down a wave of Mutalisks to investigate the targeted fortress, a regional command centre thus one of the best defended inhibitor locations along the entire enemy line. The Zerg flyers found only one man standing beside his machine, staring up at the sky on the roof of a lifeless, burning compound, the gutted corpse of a walker five times his own AC's height collapsed beside him.

With vast portions of the enemy's inhibitor network offline, the Cerebrates find themselves that much closer to victory. However, the fighting is far from over, with the bulk of the enemy's infrastructure and forces still intact. With the Xylem spent for now, it falls to the Swarm's legions to finish the job, utilising their now nearly unrestricted ability to travel to strike all across the enemy's front and depth alike.

While Leviathans and Krakens swarm the Beloved's command ships and are swarmed in turn by their escorts, wave after wave of combat strains are deployed to hostile worlds, with Drones following behind in a standard invasion pattern. Unfortunately, at this point several unpleasant factors make themselves apparent at once.

First of all, unlike in previous battles against the Golden Pirates the Beloved of Gold have brought vast artillery parks, both mobile vehicles and field-constructed static batteries. While the presence of the Artilerlisk and its new ammunition mean that the Zerg are not helpless here like they were in battles against Terran Siege Tanks, they entirely lack an advantage, with guided missiles, electromagnetically-propelled artillery shells, and far more exotic long-ranged weapons taking their toll on the advancing broods.

Second, the Beloved have brought not just titans of war but behemoths of it, with enormous combat walkers, gigantic battle tanks, and hovering mobile fortresses that make the giant superweapons of the Machine Empire look small by comparison, alongside all sorts of vehicles of that lesser scale deploying in escort. While the 'small' war engines are ably kept in check by the new Titanocide Ultralisks, the new strain proves unable to effectively combat the largest foes on the field. Instead, a mix of air assaults and boarding actions are used to try and pick them apart piecemeal, and while this does steadily destroy them one by one it's only at ruinous expense in both time and biomass.

Third, finally, and perhaps worst of all, the quickly established hive clusters soon fall prey to Exteritite infestation. Not previously an issue due to the Zerg invading lightly infected and defended worlds or else fighting on the defensive, while attacking Beloved held territory and actively spreading Creep rather than focusing on immediate cleanup the corruptive mineral proves able to use Creep as a conduit to spread itself rapidly. In a symbiotic relationship, this also makes the Creep it touches grow even further and more rapidly than usual, but this is merely infested Creep that goes on to taint that which it touches.

This includes hive buildings and the combat strains they create, and while minimally infected units show no obvious issues the decision is quickly made to cease production of anything on infested planets while combat is underway, at least pending further investigation. Otherwise, the Zerg are at serious risk, either as a whole or tactically from the Beloved and their almost arcane mastery over the substance letting them take control of Exteritite-infested Zerg.

This means the Swarm's line of supply must begin in its territory, slowing the rate of reinforcements significantly. While the broods present certainly outmass their opponents, the Beloved's technological sophistication ensures that one soldier or tank of theirs is worth several of its Zerg equivalent, and they have the advantage of fighting defensively to further close the gap. They are as fearless and fanatical as the Zerg themselves, refusing to bend or break even as both sides fight and die and are born anew to fight and die some more. Each minor breakthrough or tactical victory for one side is answered by an equivalent success for the other, and there is a brief moment where it seems as if this hell brought to life might go on forever.

The Cerebrates never worry, however. They remember what they sacrificed the Xylem's army for.

Bedecked in riotous crimson, bringing forth might and magic and fire and fury, comes the full strength of the Crimson Adoration expeditionary force. Making slow but steady progress on their side of the Beloved's fortifications, they seemingly had a similar idea to the Zerg, and once their own inhibitors fell they wasted little time linking up with the Swarm. Now that the two forces are working together, the tide decisively turns in favour of the alliance. The Swarm continues to provide the mass, pushing on all fronts and never giving the enemy a moment's rest or a metre of unassailed territory, pinning its forces in place. The Adoration, now guarded from attempts to encircle them, punish their flanks, or spread them too thinly, concentrate into dense spearheads with elite forces the technological equal of the Beloved and push through to destroy Autowar manufactories and command centres both on land and in the void.

With two symbionts working as one, it's not long before the Beloved retreats, their retreating forces harried all the way to the edge of their systems by charging Zerglings on the surface and swarming Mutalisks in space. Shortly after that, cleanup operations begin, aggressively purging the infested worlds of Exteritite and making them safe for Zerg hives even as the Cerebrates begin discussions with the Adoration over the tactical and strategic implications of the battle.

-Zerg victory, forcing the Beloved to retreat with significant casualties. The Swarm and the Xylem suffer the same, however, with the Broods on this front taking 40% damage while the Xylem suffers significant damage and will not be available for use in offensive actions if rehired next turn. As they took no human or sentient AI casualties, however, they don't seem to care too much about their losses. Formal contact is made with the Crimson Adoration's military, and both they and the Altrans are rather content with the battle's outcome, meaning symbiosis with them should be easier in the future.


My apologies for how long this took @Lord_Abaddon. Entirely my fault. Once you have an answer for the option to either continue to fight to rescue the hostages or cut your losses with the Strakhul that will be the turn over.

"Borg, Opening Post" Response

{Fluff is WIP, still needing a couple tweeks. Will update shortly.}

Task Force Alpha
8 Fleethordes, Mag +One
2 Battleoids, Cat One (Mobile Unicomplex)
Legend: The Collective Queen
The Borg's plan of assault is simple. Task Force Alpha will concentrate together and converge on the incoming trio of World Engines, before they have the chance to choose the battlefield. Or, as humanity calls the tactic; bum rushing the enemy. Speed is key, as the price should the Vex be allowed to build up would be far higher, a price we can't allow. As such, all secondary targets - that is, other Vex units in the subsector - will be relegated to less important secondary targets, being largely ignored in favor of speed, provided they aren't directly in the way.

The optimal result of this blitz would be to fight each World Engine one on one, without the others having the opportunity to reinforce. However, should they prove difficult to separate, or just decide to travel together, Alpha will settle for simply attacking without the local Vex forces reinforcing.

When - or if - the World Engines are dealt with, Alpha will then turn back towards the rest of the local hostiles. All forces will disperse and begin thoroughly scouring the subsector, seeking any Vex presence and attempting to neutralize them as quickly as possible.
It begins with a series of flickers in the void, as one, two, three new bodies shift into the outer rims of three respective solar systems; cast in bronze and silver gray, these worlds are very clearly artificial, with great spires and metallic planes having taken the place of everything from the highest mountain to the humblest former ocean, with crevices crawling across their surfaces like lines of computer code. Soon enough, spire after spire of similar material begins to erupt from the surfaces of the other, all previously barren, worlds within their selected systems, as legions of automata march out and crush the few remaining Protoss holdouts, a few isolated, already mostly abandoned, outposts, beneath their semi-clawed feet. Within minutes, the entire system had practically fallen, and within days each of these systems would be fully converted over for the Vex's own purposes, just like dozens of systems just like these that were visited not all that long ago.

But, unlike all the previous times, unlike the few times where these World Engines faced more than some mere remnants of Protoss forces, this time, for the first time since these particular World Engines were deployed towards this front, they faced actual serious resistance, resistance at least momentarily greater than anything that they had faced on this entire front of the Vex's ongoing forever wars. Here, each of these World Engines met their match, as what was once something almost unnoticeable, a single Borg Probe on the entirely opposite side of the stellar system, turned into something far, far greater. As Borg Unicomplexes, world sized masses of Borg technology, exited Warp-speed barely outside of the roche limit of their targeted World Engine. Numbering three, three, then two(three against one Vex World engine, three against another, and two against the final one), these world sized behemoths are already dwarfed, as behind them flows an almost uncountable number of Borg Cubes, surrounded by an even vaster number of the Borg's other vessels.

Within moments, battle was joined, as countless flyers and assimilator-corvettes fly out of momentary, there-one-moment-gone-the-next, ports and hangars that both are and are not on the surface of their World Engine of origin. They are met in combat before they even reach LEO(low-earth-orbit), swarmed over by an even-less-countable number of borg probes. There they skirmished for dominance, seeking to gain any advantages that would secure them any sort of advantages in the fighting to come, there, their miniature clash was rendered almost meaningless practically immediately.

As moments later the Borg fleet, alongside their anchoring Unicomplexes, opened fire, unleashing enough firepower to invert entire continents within moments, for the point of boiling away seas and scouring continents was passed milliseconds ago, onto the Vex World Engines. There, they scoured away at the surface, as within the first few seconds the frequency of each World Engines shields was already determined and bypassed, carving enough deep trenches into their target that you would swear that said target never had a surface to begin with. Moments later, their work was undone, washed away in a sea of probability as simulation and reality switch places.

The Borg again and again scour away at the surface, occasionally halted by the Vex's own slowly adapting planetary shields; again and again, their progress is whipped away by the Vex's own mastery over reality. Even worse, the Vex's counterattack begins in earnest, as their own teleportation and infiltration based assault, momenterally halted by the constantly adapting shields and firewalls innate to each and every Unicomplex, finally begins to land home, and within moments begins to propagate outwards, spreading along the same control lines that made the Unicomplexes as formidable as they were. Soon enough, the Borg fleet is brought to combat, as Cube after Cube either goes silent- heavily disrupted by the act of fighting off their boarders, or begins to actively turn, both in color and against their former compatriots.

The Unicomplexes themselves are not exempt, as their innards are flooded with outright trillions of Vex, their drone complements only holding out due to their also rather vast numbers; fortunately even here the Borg's own adaptation abilities served them well, as they adapted to the realities of planetoid combat, and, more importantly, adapted methods for repelling boarders and dealing with infected areas, methods that currently wouldn't really work for any lesser vessel. For within the confines of the Borg's unicomplexes, adaptations occurred. Adaptations that ended with them unleashing capital class firepower down long extended rooms, unleashing reactor plasma baths into already mostly fallen corridors, reshaping entire areas to make new walls and shields where there were none and new openings wherever they became needed, and even forcibly ejecting areas that were far too corrupted.

Elsewhere, where less absolute methods were necessary for one reason or another, lesser defenses materialized, with smaller turrets taking the place of massive cannons and barricades taking the place of walls. In the end, almost anything and everything was used to slow down and funnel the Vex into choke points, choke points that were held at costs that would have previously been considered ruinous. Elsewhere, other adaptations occur, as unique, if processor-intensive, firewalls are put up to slow down, and sometimes even halt the spread of the Radiolarian through the Borg collective even as their current source, the harshly contested halls of the Unicomplexes and the Vex's own World Engines, continue to persist far longer than any smaller individual entity really could.

But, even as the Vex infection spreads, even as the Unicomplexes are universally turned into battlefields in their own right, the Borg continues their attack on the World Engines, adapting new ways to combat their foe even as the Vex attempt to make the fight unsettlingly even.

Indeed, the first, and perhaps greatest, of these adaptations comes from these very same Unicomplexes, as their networks of Tractor Beams, previously only used to immobilize and secure, are instead used to rip and tear away at the World Engines, turning the same force that could bring a Federation Starship to a complete halt in a matter of seconds into a vastly more destructive force- for what was halting a starship other than providing sufficient force opposing their direction of acceleration and relative movement? And when it's thousands of tractor beams providing such impetus in conflicting directions? What is a target to do but be ripped apart?

The destruction wrought was immense, as continental scale internal structures within their targeted World Engine were forcibly displaced through yet more of their targeted world and as entire regions of them were ripped outwards for subsequent destruction; and yet, even that was not enough. For even as their target began to fragment and flake away, it merely flashed again, shifting once again into a seemingly hale and whole state.

And so the process continued, again and again, each time with the Borg managing a bit more progress, as the Vex's own renewal rate got ever so slightly slower each and every time. Sadly though, the rate of slowing was not fast enough, as projections showed that many of the Borg's Unicomplexes would fall before these World Engines did; and so yet more ideas were tested and tried, with Borg drones, determined to be disposable in these sort of situations, were sent in, trading their practically guaranteed annihilation for more information on how these massive Vex structures actually worked.

While it was costly, the information was eventually found, as the waves of renewal were traced back to a large network of nodes within each Vex World Engines, nodes spread throughout a complex much larger than the physical body of one of these World Engines, dwarfing it like an Ice Giant would dwarf even its largest orbiting moon. Fortunately though, this network already had several noticeable, sometimes rather massive, gaps, as the repeated destruction of large sections of the real-space segment of the World Engine echoed into its greater whole- for it was these nodes that the Vex could not 'simulate' back into existence, and each World Engine requires man such nodes in Real Space to renew itself- nodes that could thusly be destroyed from the outside, just as the rest could be eliminated from within.

And so, the Borg teleported in many such waves, each one timed to enter mere seconds before the next renewal wave, each one spreading out to eliminate their targets, even knowing that it would eventually mean their own end, as the Vex had no end to their numbers, and were very good at splitting up and picking off said teams, although often not before such teams, given direction from the destruction of the previous wave, often took out one or more of said nodes.

Eventually, each World Engine faltered, its next renewal only partially repairing the damage that was previously dealt to it, and the one after that renewing even less, until finally the cooling corpse of each of the three World Engines was annihilated in turn.

Sadly though, this victory came at a price, as before the end two Unicomplexes fell to the Vex, the first of them, in the pair of two, ramming itself into the Vex's World Engine and detonating itself before it fell completely; the second one fell later on, as it was mercy killed as the number of onboard Vex, and the extent of their infection, proved too great to deal with even in the aftermath of the destruction of the World Engines. The Borg's surrounding fleets were also similarly bruised, suffering great losses to the Vex's ever propagating attacks even as said Vex failed to contest them directly.

From here, it was a simple matter for the Borg to use their new adaptations against the recently sprung up Vex outposts within the system, vaporizing them even as kill teams obliterated their anchors and the orbiting Unicomplexes ripped them out, root, branch, and stem.

From there, it was a relatively simple matter to repeat this process over and over again on other recently infested Vex worlds, until finally the Borg once again reached the front lines of this war, this time from behind.

Task Force Beta
2 Fleethordes, Mag +One
While Alpha is busy clearing out the Vex in the region, Beta shall focus on the Protoss of the region. Or, more accurately, the Vex attacking them. These two fleethordes will keep their eye on the Protoss in the region, keeping out of the way and letting them continue their extraction unhindered. However, in the event of any Vex attacking the Protoss, Beta shall act to reinforce local units in eliminating the hostile machines. The focus shall be on limiting Borg losses in such engagements and ensuring that no units fall to Vex conversion, even if that means firing on ships that are partially converted. Such a contingency will not apply to Protoss ships, which will only be shot at if fully controlled by the Vex.

The primary mission of this task force is to harness the Vex and provide a distraction of sorts. And help save some Protoss, but that's an entirely secondary mission compared to eliminating the Vex. Bait is bait, after all.

Note: All Protoss, regardless of their situation, shall be largely ignored during the above missions. The only exceptions will be if the Protoss are in a critical/fatal state - in which case, potential target for assimilation, yum! - or if they directly attack us, at which point Task Force Beta will cease protecting the Protoss, and instead try to draw more Vex to them to create kill boxes. While the Borg doubt these aliens would attack those obviously helping out, humanity has taught them not to trust what common sense assumes.
The Vex are on the attack, deploying out of newly formed planetside portals, gates from their realm of simulations into what the Borg better understand as reality, marching out in the trillions to bring their Final Shape into existence, to fight battles that they've fought potentially millions of times before. Their march is endless and inevitable, reshaping the very worlds underneath their feet to match their image. It is a march that has been at least temporarily stymied, as while the Borg are now a part of their simulations, being fought a million and one times for each real space battle that occurs, even their timelike march could not retroactively adapt to facing almost twice the resistance that they originally planned for.

And so the Vex march was stalled, as the Borg reinforced otherwise collapsing battlefields and brought to bare their currently still superior firepower against targets that the Vex couldn't as readily afford to loose- for the forces that they had assimilated from others were drastically less replicable, less replaceable than the Vex's own personal forces- such was the inherently lesser nature of their assimilation; for while they assimilate, they do not adapt as the Borg do, for while they enter each battle having seemingly fought it a million times before, such brute force methods does not physically improve their own forces, and cannot change the overarching strategic and operational situation past the very first encounters, especially against the Borg, for while the Vex might have had the initial edge in adapting to how the Borg fought, they could not adapt further as any given battle was going on, and while they could practically instantly respond to any new Borg adaptations as they occurred, it did not change the fact that the Borg were learning how to overcome the Vex.

Unfortunately, while the Borg could manage to adapt to overcome the Vex in the short term, winning enough battles to reverse-decimate(reduce to 10% of their former numbers) their local-ish reserves of converted over former Protoss, the Vex simply had overwhelming numbers, and the Borg had no real way of stemming that tide, or at least didn't until the segments of the Collective fighting against the Machine World figured out and sent over their own adaptations, leaving heavily infested worlds as simple bastions of the Vex's power, bastions that the Borg could not eliminate faster than they could repair; bastions that the Borg could not directly combat without drawing away forces that were needed elsewhere, forces that were needed to ensure that the Vex could not mass assimilate more former protoss worlds, forces that the Borg were steadily loosing. For in the end there were simply not enough Borg, as each and every Cube, each and every Probe, each and every Drone, lost to the enemy was one more that could not be replaced, not without appearing drastically more horrifying to their could-be-allies than the Borg would currently prefer.

And so despite fighting alongside newfound powerful allies, despite having all of the advantages in ship-to-ship fighting, despite adapting ways to slow down the Vex's own ability to assimilate the Borg's ships, despite having the firepower to forcibly cleanse new Vex infestations from both still contested and recently fallen worlds, the Borg were still loosing, for here, there were simply not enough Borg, for while the occasional isolated, dying protoss Zealot was added into the collective, it was but a drop in the ocean of losses that they were suffering; and while mass cloning operations could replace a large fraction of the rest, it was simply not enough, not right now, not under the circumstances that the Borg were currently under; and there would be no successful assimilation of even the smallest fragment of the Vex, not yet anyways, not without more data and more adaptations, adaptations that could not be readily made under present conditions and current resource constraints.

And so the Borg fought onwards, winning battle after battle, and being forced to withdraw from battle after battle to avoid suffering even more losses. For while the Vex did not anticipate the arrival of the Borg when they were first directing their forces to this region of space, the numbers that they deployed were still drastically more than what they thought that they would need for their objectives; and while a portion of said additional forces were lost to the Protoss's unanticipatedly high level of coordination, the rest were more than enough to steadily push back the Borg, relatively few and as new as they were to fighting within these Warring Galaxies as they were. And so, while the Borg did win each and every battle that they brought enough forces to bare within, they simply lacked the numbers required to bring such forces to a wholly sufficient number of battles.

Still though, the Borg's objectives were clear- to buy enough time for the Protoss to perform a proper retreat from this specific region of space, and so the Borg repeatedly deployed a somewhat insufficient number of forces to a subset of the required battles, and therefore repeatedly paid the price; and while later adaptations did change the course of things somewhat, as information and minor adaptations sent back from the main Borg force did allow for them to at least contest heavier Vex infestations and root out their complexes before they had time to grow beyond a steadily-increasing point of no short-term-return, the Borg were still suffering more and more losses, being forced to bring insufficient forces to more and more battles, to the point that, by the time the Borg's main force managed to crash into the front lines from behind, this particular Borg force was on the brink of entering a death spiral of ever increasing losses.

In the end though, the Borg's main force returned, and with their return flagging font lines were reinforced en masse by a simply overwhelming number of Borg Cubes, even as previously unassailable well entrenched Vex worlds were ripped out and annihilated by the Borg's now even more weaponized Unicomplexes. By the time the battle was over, the Borg's two holding fleets were left Batleworn, only saved from being outright Savaged by the adaptations that said force had sent back to them, and only saved from being butchered by the Vex's remaining mobile forces by the arrival of said main force.
(lost two Unicomplexes, which adds up to half of a singular formation of them, your main eight fleets are now at 80% strength, while the two holding fleets have been reduced to 50% strength)

In the end, despite still sort of having a presence left in this particular region of space, the remaining Protoss continued their withdrawal, leaving this region free for Borg occupation and development, space that they would need, for beyond their galactic West, where the main bulk of the Protoss's territory lies, the Borg are surrounded by enemies.
(L-10 north-east is newly purged territory, under normative control of the Borg; L-10 North and North-West, alongside L-9 south and south-west, are under the Protoss's control, and are are drastically better defended than this territory point was, and seem to be almost certainly more heavily settled and industrialized, to the point where one might call large swaths of said territory their Heartlands)

To their immediate galactic north lies Vex territory; although it has been clearly left heavily depleted and was almost purged in the recent fighting; or perhaps partially newly assimilated? Either way, the Vex worlds here, clear and numerous as they are, practically all show signs of heavy fighting, with clear and obvious battlewounds that are only slowly being repaired- a clear difference from the complete erasure of damage that was so often seen in your own fights against them, a clear sign of either deeper damage, or some means of interfering with the Vex's own repair/replacement protocols, or both; either way, it will not remain so for long, as even as your first few scouts make their way through and back through said area the glacial, yet still visible, rate of repair seems to be speeding up.
(L-9 South-West is currently controlled by the Vex, although the military forces that they've deployed to said region appear to be extremely heavily depleted, as does whatever defenses they might have had in this region- same with their infrastructure)
(OOC: the combined forces of the Protoss, Autobots, and Multiterra alliance fighting in this region managed to deal rather large amounts of damage to the Vex in this region, going on the offensive and defeating the main prong of the Vex's would-have-been invasion force before they could breach the Protoss's main front lines to the galactic west of this region; but said defeat came at a cost, as it depleted their forces heavily enough that fully purging said region would come at a price that they couldn't afford without compromising either their other ongoing defensive actions even further to the north, or suffering losses that they could not afford to loose, or at least couldn't afford while still continuing their operations farther afield in this galaxy)

Beyond this region, even farther to the north, lies more nominatively friendly territory; controlled by a hyper advanced machine empire known as the 'Autobots', they are seen fighting alongside the Protoss and a whole host of other, mostly seemingly human, seemingly already partially unified, groups against a Vex incursion of their own. While they seem to lack the Borg's own ability to counter-assimilate the Vex, their own highly advanced technology seems to be allowing for them to more than hold their own.
(OOC, meet the Autobots and Multiterra; although you don't know yet that the Multiterra are the Multiterra instead of merely a bunch of separate human factions, as was but a brief scouting expedition that didn't reach any Multiterra controlled territory.)

To the direct north of them seems to be yet more Vex territory, alongside a strange, highly spatially warped, region of space, one from which none of the few probes that reached that far returned, with what bits of data that they could gather from within highly garbled.

While the semi-purged Vex territory to your north represents an opportunity, and the news of allies both to your galactic west and just beyond said vex territory is very good news, that is where said good news ends, for to your immediate east lies more Vex territory, territory clearly far too built up for your current forces to make more than merely a small dent in without suffering even more ruinous casualties; for this territory seems to be populated not just by what seems to be fully converted Vex worlds(with no untouched worlds to be found), but also by other, larger constructs, and by other things- things such as massive, if relatively immobile cannons, each capable of vastly sniping and drastically overkilling overkilling your scout probes from ranges that barely allow for said probes to get any information in turn. (OOC: said Vex territory is at Heartlands with defenses that are Excessive, trending towards the Ridiculous; Core Worlds are also present, but were not reached by your scouts)

Meanwhile, to your galactic south lies another, seemingly currently dormant, threat, as each and every found world is ringed by layer upon layer of highly built up orbital defenses, to the point where daid defensive stations are actively maneuvering around one another as the worlds in question near each other in their orbital dance; even worse is what the few probes to sneak their way through said shells see, for no sooner do they begin to breach the atmosphere of their targeted world, than it visibly shifts beneath them, turning from an ordinary world to a beyond planetary scale ringed pit, nine layers deep. lit by unearthly fires reflecting off of wispy, sulfurous clouds, everything beyond its atmosphere is seemingly impossible to see, despite having been clearly visible moments ago. The probes themselves, despite being able to fly through the atmosphere, are forced into free fall, their last images being of incoming swarms of entities that Federation humans would describe as either Demons or Devils, swarms that were fairly distinct from everything seen in orbit, swarms that that could not be assimilated, and that came in and tore said probes to pieces long before they could make out any actual details on the rings below.
(OOC, if you have a better description for this region controlled by the Infernal Nonarchs, @Spartakrod, please let me know)

With allies that are unlikely to withdraw further on one side, and enemies that are unlikely to be overcome anytime soon on two others, the Borg have seemingly been forced to dig in and build up; fortunately though, they have the resources for this, as while the sheer amount of semi-processed resources and goods that were brought together by this mass merger of Borg Collectives was not useful in the previous battle, it will come in handy for what comes next.

Total RP: 226

  1. Solidify recent anti-boarding adaptations (one slot) (improves counter-boarding operations, which is important against the Vex)
  2. Give Borg Drones the ability to run (one slot) (your easiest ground upgrade)
  3. Develop new counter-assimilation methods: said methods range from using your own inbuilt ability to use the inbuilt highly advanced replicator technology on board your ships to mass counterdeploy your own assimilation nanobots against any Radiolaria that makes contact, to swiftly adapting 'firewalls' capable of filtering out radiolaria from inter-borg communications.(2-5 slots depending on precisely what you're trying) (improves your ability to counter other Assimilators, with the Vex in specific being focused on)
  4. Figure out how Radiolaria works, and try to make your own version(4 slots for determining how it infests over communication systems, five or six more to make your own version; can be reduced by spending Vex based reverse-engineering credits, of which you currently have two slots worth.) (large upgrade to your Assimilation abilities, grants you more options on the information-warfare layer)
  5. Figure out how the Vex's real-simulations work(four slots, can be reduced by Vex research credits, unlocks new options) (makes you better at dealing with Vex defenses and combat-kilostructures, and the new options could be fairly major in several ways)
  6. Reverse engineer Protoss technology(requires your single Protoss reverse engineering credit, difficulty dependent on what you're trying to reverse engineer) (results depend on what you're trying to reverse engineer)
  7. Figure out a way to/actually convince the Collective to mass produce Drones without just mass assimilating more people(variable slot requirements dependent on what you're trying to do, would likely be low though) (improves background portrayal of population growth, lessens the percentage of overall net losses caused by the loss of large number of Drones)
  8. Adapt into and begin making use of Hirogen armor technology, and/or attempt to improve your ability to mass produce it and use it in ways beyond just infantry armor(cost dependent on targeted scope and slot; ranging from 2-3 RP to make a new Supersolider Drone variant that makes use of said material in their armoring to gain drastically improved durability(2-3 depending on how you describe doing it and to what extent you use said material), to 5+ RP to incorporate said armor into a new, highly expensive Cube variant, to currently 15+ RP to somehow make it standard use throughout almost all of your forces without loosing or heavily nerfing your self-repair and/or on-the-fly reshaping capabilities; with cheaper options(slot-wise) providing research discounts on later projects in this category)
  9. Improve your assimilation capabilities via removing your reliance on making implants to fully integrate biological entities into the collective, likely also greatly enhancing the combat capabilities of your Drones in the process depending on how you do this. (3-10 slots, depending on how you're improving them and how drastic said change is relative to anything/everything you have right now; 3 slots if you have a good way to notably increase the rate at which Borg implants are formed using current Borg technology(or at least technology that the Borg should have already assimilated); ten to immediately go full Grey Goo without any in-between steps)
  10. figure out why the Vex could not properly simulate the Protoss(one slot to figure out why(single slot due to your ability to talk to said Protoss about it), will likely unlock follow up options)

Currently known territory:

Current RP: 226

you currently have one Protoss and two Vex reverse engineering credits, all moderate, each of them either providing a discount to a relevant technological research project, although being moderate they won't allow for you to skip entire steps (a non-specific Major protoss research credit is unlikely to occur, while gaining a major Vex reverse engineering credit would require you successfully assimilating some of their stuff in a way that doesn't immediately end in said things annihilation)
Duchy of Dannevirke Introduction

In the name of Duchess Henriette Af Hvide, for the glory of the Duchy of Dannevirke and of course the greater wealth of the the Empire of Aechen, colonisation fleets go forth through the portal and are greeted by the familiar site of an endless expanse of stars. A new galaxy, a new reality, all theirs for the picking.

That's how the tale starts at least, lower ranked nobles tripping over themselves to get their fingers into the pie and start claiming as much of the virgin space as they can before rivals and fellow opportunists block routes of expansion. Fabricators churn out construction materials and pre-planned colonies take shape as fast as colonists can arrive, or synths in the case of worlds with harsher environments. The trouble starts when the breakneck rate of expansion suddenly halts.

There is alien life here, and not just one kind. The Duchy has a neighboring state composed of multiple different species… Which wouldn't be too hard to grasp, but while there are certainly many worlds dominated by a multi-species coalition, there doesn't seem to be anyone in charge. The aliens work together like drones, maintain their cities and space stations, are capable of simple communications, yet no leadership ever presents itself. It is theorized by mentats that the aliens may be a mirror to the Empire's own practice of using biosynths to prepare a region for colonization by humans. As such, discovering the masters of these aliens simply requires more time and effort spent on exploring beyond the space already claimed.

The nobility agrees with that assessment and gladly place themselves in the roles of liberators of the alien biosynths left without masters, and as no resistance is found the expansion begins anew, though somewhat tempered by the need to stake a strong claim to each alien world in case the ones who abandoned them do return. There are rumours of ghostly flashes of purple in the outer edges of the most built up alien systems, tall tales of city sized ships that appear and disappear at will, ghost stories told by drunks of how their ships were disabled by sleek fighter craft and boarded, everyone else abducted or slaughtered like cattle before the invaders retreated…

But these are just unsubstantiated claims told by lunatics and outcasts. The real threat comes, as it often does, from rebels. The declaration of independence comes along with uncharacteristically violent raids across all of the worlds belonging to the Duchy. Cloaked ships appear over cities, fire pods containing aliens outfitted for guerrilla warfare then vanish before they can be engaged by garrisons. The aliens range from little grey men equipped with plasma pistols to hulking slabs of muscle in heavy armour, armed with plasma blasts capable of matching medium mechs with their firepower. And those are only the first types of aliens reported, more types are being reported by the day. What makes this a rebellion rather than an alien invasion as it may first appear, is that the aliens are in service of Klaus Af Hvide.

"The Advent Coalition stands for a brighter tomorrow, it stands for peace, prosperity, security and a new dawn for all, no matter the species."

Who is Klaus Af Hvide?

He claims to be a lost heir of the Hvide family, one who hid away for fear of his life until now. He lived in fear as a bastard, seeking freedom on the other side of the portal. But now, he wishes to claim the legacy that is rightfully his and cut off this end of the portal from the Empire. The cry he has used to rally a traitorous portion of Duchy forces to him is that of a new beginning, no longer tied to the rigid and constricting power structures of the old world. It is an ideal which the leaders of the aliens agreed with, apparently, as they lent a substantial amount of support to the rebellion's cause, which led to the many annexed worlds in Duchy control suddenly becoming warzones overnight.

While the initial raids on loyalist worlds were conducted by pure alien forces, the composition has changed to represent a mix of aliens and human mech brigades. The traitors come in all classes unfortunately, but an oddity has been noted about the ones piloting Heavy and Assault mechs - they are always accompanied by strange people clad in black bodysuits, with long flowing white hair. These entities display a number of capabilities that defy description, that can only be reluctantly classified by the lucky ones to survive seeing them as psychics of incredible power. Which does raise the question of whether telepathy is also an ability of theirs along with telekinesis, and whether this can explain how so many supposedly loyal military mech pilots joined the rebellion without warning…

In the midst of this confusion, three figures which are definitely not human make themselves known. They are the Chosen, and they made themselves known headhunting important figures in the nobility or military who posed a threat to the rebellion. This of course, led them to target the three most worthy targets in the Duchy - and now each of the trio is competing to see who can claim their prey first.

The Assassin is stalking Epsilon 1-6 "Athena" and waiting for the right moment to strike and prove that even a Royal Guard is nothing to one of the Chosen. She is an expert in stealth and melee combat, favouring hit-and-run tactics.

The Hunter pursues Nikolaj Af Hvide relentlessly, hounding him at every turn, turning every engagement the young heir chooses to engage in into an ambush. He prefers to engage from a distance, weakening his prey and disrupting their ability to fight back as much as possible before going for the kill.

The Warlock decided that killing Princess Kara Et Carmill was the best way to serve his distant masters, and has dedicated himself to this with dogmatic determination. His preferred strategy is to use overwhelming psionic power against any obstacle in his path.

The emergence of this rebellion has been noted by the rival families in the Empire, and while they are happy to sneer at the Duchy of Dannevirke for having another rebellion on their hands, the courtly gossip doesn't really matter. What rumour has reached the Duchess that is worth paying attention to is that the Emperor is watching how her family deals with this crisis.

Enemy Forces:
7x Mag 1 Fleets (Primus) engaging in guerrilla campaigns in space and a focus on fighting the Duchy in civilian areas.

3x Mag 1 Fleets of subverted Duchy units
The Duchess sat within her office and looked over the reports, both from her son beyond the portal but also from her informants within the royal court. "Should have known things were going too well." she mumbles in annoyance, the towering woman letting out a sigh.
Already she was preparing plans for how to deal with these 'psychics' ranging from concentrated plasma bombardment by armored vehicles or deployment of dedicated Sniper Biosynths with high powered rail rifles. But she knew they needed a solution to those first and foremost.

Next off she would call in her loyal vassal houses, those who had not betrayed the Duchy and the Empire. With the current situation she needed overwhelming force, and given the Princess was seemingly a target now she would request that she and the 7th fleet assist in dealing with this ongoing situation, though unable to truly give her orders.

And that was the other Issue of course. These 'Chosen'. These... things. The targeting of the princess and royal guard were an insult. But they had attempted to hurt her Son and for that she would ensure their total and complete annihilation.
And that self proclaimed Bastard who dares to use HER family name! "I will have this so called 'Advent' Burnt to the ground by the time we are done." she mumbles with the cold fury of a mother whos child and family have been threatened.

1: Primary Aim will be the death or otherwise destruction of these enemy 'psychics' that potentially hold control of some of our former subjects. Dedicated Biosynth snipers with magrail snipers will be the first attempts, should this fail concentrated bombardment with plasma weaponry shall be employed.

2: Request will be made of the royal guard 7th to assist in combat operations. While the Fleets of the Duchy itself will be acting in a defensive capacity it is requested that the 7th act as a rapid response force, striking at the enemy wherever possible.

3: Predictive algorithms, mentat augments, and more will be used to attempt to predict where enemy fleets will strike next and then intercept them. Formerly allied fleets will be offered chances to surrender but will otherwise be boarded and disabled. Should boarding fail total annihilation is permitted.

4: The Chosen are a problem. Simple as. The Duchess will be assigning a bodyguard unit to her son with "Athena" Joining this unit given her assignment to him. Hopefully the competitive nature of the chosen can be exploited by having two of their targets in one place. The aim will be the Capture or destruction of the Chosen for the purpose of interrogation.
Despite the Duchess' Concern her son is however having a great time in his current life threatening situation considering his battle maniac and adrenaline junkie tendencies. By his mothers request he has however reinforced the armor around his cockpit in case the Hunters rifle is truly capable of piercing mech grade armor.
Khitomer Alliance Strategic Turn 4

(Prose hopefully to be backfilled when inspiration returns)


RP spent
253, - 8 (1st Diplo) = 245, -21 (Defence Upgrades) = 224, -12 (Development Upgrades) = 212, - 14 (Repairs) = 198, - 5 (1st 3 Research Slots) = 193, - 25 (4th and 5th Research Slots) = 168, - 32 (trading attempts) = 136, - 66 (intel actions) = 70, - 30 (Northern Defences) = 40, - 20 (2nd Dominion Fleethorde) = 20, - 10 (2nd Klingon Fleethorde) = 10, -10 (Reserved for Repairs) = 0
-Spend 8 RP (the RP represents the alliance leadership spending time and diplomatic clout to get these cloistered religious orders to share such information) to share all data the Alliance has on Souls with the Mernenut Dynasty. This includes scientific data and spiritual beliefs about Vulcan Katra, similar spiritual beliefs from other cultures in the alliance (though none of them have the observable fact of katra engrams) such as Klingon Boreth cloning practices, the limited "biological" data that the alliance has on energy based life such as the Medusans, Paxans, Prophets etc.

-Spend 8 RP to attempt to establish trading relations with the Farsight Enclaves.

-Spend 8 RP to attempt to establish trading relations with the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

-Spend 8 RP to attempt to establish trading relations with the Polrus Sentienality.

-Spend 8 RP to attempt to establish trading relations with the Pyrotaurus.
-Spend 8 RP on counterintelligence against the Asith Genetic Hegemony.

-Spend 8 RP on counterintelligence against the Killing-Time Kroatanga.

-Spend 4 RP on counterintelligence against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

-Spend 4 RP on counterintelligence against the Polrus Sentienality.

-Spend 4 RP on counterintelligence against the Pyrotaurus.

-Spend 4 RP on counterintelligence against the Fourfold Alliance of Dan-Var.

-Spend 8 RP to scout H-16. The USS Enterprise-F Level 2 Legend is assigned to this.

-Spend 8 RP to scout H-17.

-Spend 8 RP to scout I-17.

-Joint Alliance Medical Program to Emancipate the Killing-Time Kroatanga:

Use the 0,1 and 4 RP slots on finishing the research on a way to free the kroatanga of their biological need to make war. Now understanding the presence of the Overkroat researchers compare it to the Borg Collective. Seizing on the comparison they set out to isolate a test population from the Overkroat combined with genetic alterations to enable the Kroats in question capable of empathy for non-Kroats and to reduce the biochemical reward feedback loop which Kroat gain from inflicting pain and suffering on others. The plan is still to let the "free" Kroats form their own psychic gestalt once free, but similar to the difference between the collective and the cooperative it will be unable to compel obedience or conformity through pure psychic force.

-Borg Cooperative Fusion Cubes and Tactical Fusion Cubes

Use the 9 RP Research Slot. A development of the Collective from after the Cooperative split away. These ships are formed from 8 Cubes or Tactical Cubes joining together to form a larger and more powerful vessel. Initially seen as unneeded to copy by the small and peaceful population of the Cooperative, the larger threats of this new universe and the Cooperative's high losses against the Killing-Time have driven them to try to copy their counterpart's advancement. If successful then this would provide the Khitomer Alliance with battlecruiser sized vessels.

-Joint Alliance Drukhari Salvage Investigation

Use the 16 RP Research Slot. As part of placating the backsliding Dominion the Federation organises an alliance wide research symposium to provide details on salvaged Drukhari technology.
-Spend 21 RP to upgrade the Zeta, Eta and Theta Quadrants to Heavily Defended.

-Spend 16 RP to Upgrade the Zeta and Eta Quadrants to Established.

-Spend 30 RP to build Heavy Defences in I-14 Southwest, South and Southeast.

-Spend 2 RP to repair the Starfleet Fleethorde by two levels in addition to the automatic two level repair.

-Spend 2 RP to repair the Klingon Defence Force Fleethorde by two levels in addition to the automatic two level repair.

-Spend 2 RP to repair the Romulan Republic Navy Fleethorde by two levels in addition to the automatic two level repair.

-Spend 2 RP to repair the Allied Fleet Service Fleethorde by two levels in addition to the automatic two level repair.

-Spend 2 RP to repair the Minor Powers Fleethorde by two levels in addition to the automatic two level repair.

-Spend 4 RP to repair the Dominion Fleethorde by two levels in addition to the automatic two level repair.

-Spend 20 RP to raise a second Mag + 1 Dominion Fleethorde.

-Spend 10 RP to raise a second Base Mag Klingon Fleethorde.

-Reserve 10 RP to repair any damage to Fleethordes this turn.
-The 1st and 2nd Dominion Fleethordes and the 1st Klingon Fleethorde launch an all out assault against the Drukhari Kabal of the Baleful Gaze. While Odo is able to talk down his most extreme fellow Founders from their initial plan of a genocidal virus for the kabal's crime of killing and kidnapping changelings the Great Link remains set on making an example of the Kabal. The War Aims of the Dominion are nothing less than the complete destruction of the Kabal as a political entity, the extermination of its citizens and the seizing of all of its territory. The Klingons are there simply to win honour and glory in combat alongside their allies, as well as to test their new Heavy Dreadnought Battlecruisers and ground vehicles. The Level 2 Legends Odo and IKS Bortas'que both join this operation.

-Federation Fleethorde provides humanitarian support for the war against the Baleful Gaze. Odo has been able to convince the Great Link that the Baleful Gaze's other victims are innocent of any wrongdoing. While neither the Dominion or the Klingons are willing to sacrifice victory to save enemy civilians and slaves they do work with the Federation to set up a refugee and emancipation corridor to funnel freed/escaped slaves and free civilians of the territory who are not members of the Kabal into safe areas of Alliance space as refugees. The Level 1 Legend the AFS Khitomer is part of this operation.

-The Allied Fleet Service Fleethorde is assigned to assist in the pacification of the remaining belligerent pirates/warlords in the Zeta Quadrant.

-The 2nd Klingon Fleethorde is assigned to watch the Alliance's southern border against any Killing-Time Kroatanga or Asith Genetic Hegemony aggression. The Level 2 Legend General Martok leads this force.

-The Romulan Republic Fleethorde is assigned to watch the Alliance's northern border against any Drukhari or ZR-XK9 Collective aggression. The Level 2 Legend the RRW Liset is part of this operation.

The Banished

Atriox's domain had expanded greatly since his great offensive, claiming four subsectors for the Banished and driving the Empire out of this galaxy entirely. Now all that remains is the final assault upon their Home Galaxy,

With the Taiidan Empire on the ropes, the last pieces are now in play. The Empire has retreated to its final redoubt, its home galaxy locked in orbit of Eklemarid accessible through wormholes and vast gates. This is where they have decided to make their final stand. This is where they will fight, or where they will die, as secessionism, republicanism and foreign invasion looms. The Empire has started to delve deep into its research on exotic materials, hoping for a miracle.

Exterite was the answer to their prayers. In their desperation they turned to it, used it for applications which it had barely been suited for before, and found it now excelled beyond the wildest expectations of scientists and generals. The Taiidan fleets, or what was left of them, were powered by gold, armored in it, fired it, and spread it to every corner of space still in their control.

And where exterite blossomed, the Xarinoids would follow. The golden beings had not yet come to roost at the heart of Taiidan space, but they would soon.

Thanks to the divinations of the Eldar, Atriox knew it even if the Emperor himself did not. This close to the end of breaking out from the insanity the Taiidan Empire had plunged itself into, to have yet another level added was unacceptable.

The cost of assaulting the Taiidan core worlds would be ruinous, but it was a cost that the Banished might be able to avoid paying. A handsome devil of a Brute appeared to Atriox during a strategic meeting, claiming to represent debt collectors who were worried that the Emperor was attempting to renege on their deal. The offer was made to transport the Banished fleets straight to the heart of the Empire at a mild cost - 1 Pop per fleet.

Whether the Banished chose to brave the gauntlet or take the deal, Emperor Riesstiu would be waiting for them at the head of the Taiidan High Guard Fleet in the orbit of Hiigara.
(the above section has been copied over from the previous draft-document, courtesy of Patrick)


The Fall of an Empire

The Taiidani Empire had been at war with the banished for years now, and it was dying. Riven with rebellion and crisis, the eternal empire's last days were upon it. But it would not perish without a fight. The banished had found a way to enter its home galaxy, to take the fight to Riesstiu's own worlds now that he had lost control over most of his colonies, but he would not allow himself to die so easily.

"You have come for me in my own garden, barbarians. You will find the only flowers that grow here are death." A throbbing, powerful psychic voice could be heard in the heads of every banished warrior who had crossed the jumpgates and wormholes into the Homeworld Galaxy, an imperious tone dripping with disdain.

"Come then, ruiner of Empires, see what awaits you." The voice would say as Taiidani fleets emerged from Hyperspace in large numbers. Colonies elsewhere in these stars had their defences shuffled and their people conscripted, the cloning bays had been busy churning out the manpower needed, and vast swathes of the fleet were now automated or psychically guided.

"My powers have grown considerably since I first became aware of your loathesome kind. Enough so that this rebellion you have fostered will submit, and soon, very soon, so shall you." The voice commanded, and many Taiidani republican ships that had sought to join the banish began to display strange comm chatter.

"+Something's…pushing its way inside, in my head…getting hard to think…something…h-hail….HAIL THE EMPEROR!+" A battlecruiser's Captain managed before its crew was overwhelmed by the presence of new, strange Taiidani ships that seemed to pulsate with odd energies.

These "brainships" seemed to be abhorrent amalgamations of cerebral tissue and warship, a nightmarish take on the concept of the "unbound", amalgamated from millions upon millions of brains woven together with biological technology and cybernetic machinery that should have been beyond the Taiidani Empire's means.

But the Emperor himself had powers that were growing immensely. He did not need any such mediums to peer into the minds of his foes.

While the native human mercenaries, especially of the Vampiric Sanguinians, were able to shield the thoughts of many important Banished strategists and the Mgalekgolo seemed to be harder to read, many times, a Banished admiral would feel something…else in their mind, followed by the Taiidani ships reorienting themselves to counter strategies.

It didn't take very long to figure out what was going on, Mind Reading.

Not just from Riesstiu, but from strange devices fitted onto Taiidani ships and sensor suites, like concentric rings spinning around small central spires hooked to cyberneticised grey-matter.

This let them be aware of the intentions of attackers down to their specific targets, and was making infiltration and stealth work incredibly difficult, even for the most skilled mercenaries. Even if the operatives themselves were protected, someone, somewhere in the chain of command may not be, and it only took a few stray thoughts in the reach of the mind readers to inform the Taiidan.

Taiidan formations were now increasingly centred around heavier battlecruisers and other larger ships that could better brawl with the Banished's own fleets, while carriers would harry their ships all the way through with not just strike craft, but modified corvettes and frigates that would sacrifice independent FTL capability and endurance to maximise firepower.

The Taiidan were up against a wall, knowing that the Empire's demise was nigh if they committed anything less than the utmost, and many of the ships clearly were hastily pressed into service, while the soldiers on the surface were often recently conscripted levies.

But there was definitely something else to them. More than just the mutants, robots, and cyborgs or the new weapons such as tesla-casters or ice-beams that they must have gotten from someone to have working so reliably already. They were increasingly difficult to scare. More often than ever, even the most basic conscripts were fighting to the death rather than surrendering.

Furthermore, they were getting more help, firstly from the so called "Galactic Empire", secondly from the "Combine", thirdly from the "Dwamak Smashers" who owed the Emperor some kind of debt, and a duo of more mysterious providers that seemed to be masters of cloaking capable craft with a few from the "Confederacy of Dismor" seeming to be here to close accounts. While the Vasari, Republicans, Tau, and a strike force from the so called "Rebel Alliance" that was here primarily out of opposition to the Empire were also involved in the war spread across this average sized galaxy, it seemed clear that it would be up to the banished to push through to the capital at Hiigara.

Neither coalition was particularly well coordinated, with the Taiidani's helpers being here mostly to ensure that debts will be paid, while the Tau and Rebels are clearly here for their own agenda irrespective of the plans of the Republic, Banished, and Vasari and simply happen to share a common enemy for the moment.

Nevertheless, the Taiidan Empire might be dying, but it still has mass. While a straight shot at Hiigara would probably end this quickly, the Empire would call in everything to defend the Throneworld and it would be the mother of all brawls, a bloodbath of a scale not seen for tens of thousands of years in your own galaxy. Stripping away the outer layers of the empire to encircle Hiigara before closing in and finishing this however, may take another campaign season.


Hiigara, Home for the Kushan.

A galaxy caught aflame in total warfare.

An Empire whose alter was long dead to the unbound, but stands here in its death throes at the culmination of years of war with the enemy at the gates.

The Jumpgates that the Unbound had found from Flood Territory, as of yet unactivated, brought them to this impossible sight in another version of their home galaxy, caught in Eklemarid's inescapable orbit.

The Taiidan of course, had no interest in welcoming these others as cousins.

Indeed, once the mind readers threaded into the thoughts of the Unbound, there was a pulsation of the purest rage, palpable through the thoughts of the first explorators as soon as they made contact with the Imperial Fleet.

"REGICIDES" The psychic voice of Riesstiu thundered, hurricane winds of telepathic force battering down on the walls of thought and identity.

"YOU COME TO ME WITH THE MEMORY OF YOUR REBELLION?! YOU DARE SHOW YOURSELVES TO ME!?!?!!" The Voice made the sights of those who experienced it red with the sensation of the purest, vilest anger.

"YOUR FUTURE WILL NOT COME TO PASS. I AM THE EMPEROR, I AM ETERNAL." It was clear that Riesstiu IV the second had grown more unstable than he was historically, stress and the alterations he was imposing upon himself driving him into a deeper madness.

And it was clear that the Taiidani fleet had changed from its historical patterns. Many were glowing with corruptive materials replacing conventional sources of fuel and sometimes even armour, psychic signals were rife across the fleet, and its technology had been adapted…changed, with all manner of additions.

They had come to build larger craft, alter their doctrine, and stuffed their land armies with monsters of machinery and twisted flesh.

And they were already moving in response to the first expeditions of the Unbound, activating reserves and recalling forces that were on the offensive in other galaxies or distant corners of Eklemarid to protect the Empire's core sectors as the Empire writhed in its death throes.

And when they fought, it was with a contempt for their own deaths that greatly surpassed typical Imperial fanaticism. As if a grip was being exerted upon their minds to make them lose touch with their own fear and self-preservation, anything to protect Emperor and Empire no matter the cost.


The overall magnitude of the enemy's forces is unknown, but the Vasari are sending a magnitude 5 force in total (four magnitude 2 Tier Extremis combat groups)
Rebels and Tau are sending Magnitude 4 and 5 forces respectively


Mandolarian Children of the Watch
Type: Religious military order, primarily infantry and strike craft
Strong in: Commando Ops, Special Forces actions, Assassination
Weak In: Pitched battle, armoured warfare
Tier: Primus
Cost: 3 RP

Desmondic Freedom Fighters: Desmondu's political turmoil and chaos means that many in its territory are very willing to take up the profession of war as long as it means getting out of "the incredible shrinking country", while others used to be in Desmondu's territory back when it was far larger before it bled away much of its expanse and have decided to find some way or the other to make a living. Desmodic Wild Geese come from many walks of life, but fight much like core Desmondic space troops, with primarily Human, Elephant, Octopode, Corvid, Cetacean, Homisynth, Sanguinan, Endikith, and Milky Way native species.
Type: Desmondic Exile Armies
Strong In: Infantry, Standard Vehicles, Lords/Heroes, Capital and Line Ships, Strike Craft, Support, Powerful magic
Weak In: Attrition warfare, Superlarge Units, Weak in Anti-Magic areas, Casualty Averse
Tier: Extremis
Cost: 5 RP

Tenno Void Wing Alliance: These unusual techno-organic "warframes" and their peripheral equipment are often known as the "space ninjas" for good reason even if sometimes they are not exactly the picture of stealth. The starchildren who operate them gather in secretive relay stations and operate out of nearly undetectable orbiter craft as well as their railjack spaceships, making use of Necramechs, Archwings, and more to augment their tiny deployments of super-commandos.
Type: Warframe Clan Alliance
Specialty: Dueling/Assassination, Commando Ops, Stealth operations, Esoterics
Weak In: Mass Combat, Open battlefields
Tier: Maximus
Cost: 5 RP

Guardians of the Light: These warriors are known for among other things, being obnoxiously hard to kill as they can be endlessly revived as long as their robotic companions are able to reach them, as well as the wide array of rather fantastical magical powers granted by what they call "the light" which seems to be a religious way of viewing the ideals of cooperation and togetherness under the bizarrely named "bomb logic". They include Humans, Robots, humans but blue, the insectoid Eliksnee, the Reptilian and powerfully built Cabal, and the rather aptly named "Psions".
Type: Destiny Guardians
Specialty: Esoterics, Raiding, Small to medium unit and swift vehicle Tactics, Looting everything not nailed down and then doing it fifty more times because the fucking gold won't drop god DAMN IT
Weaknesses: Lacking in large unit formations, struggles with very large enemies they can't board
Tier: Extremis
Cost: 3 RP

Eldar Void Raven Corsairs: Incredibly fast ships that move at speeds that would let them simply outrun the UNSC's SMAC rounds, elite warriors with reflexes to put Spartans to shame with weapons that operate at a level that you associate with the Foreruners and in much larger numbers than the Tenno, and incredible psychic and sorcerous powers can be yours, if you are willing to write and sign trade policies with the Eldar and swear to leave the worlds of the "untainted" Eldar alone as well as pay them their price.
Type: Eldar Corsairs
Specialty: Skirmish, Penetration, Exploitation, Pursuit/Withdrawal, GOTTA GO FAST, Raiding, killing people who thought they were safe, allows temporary (and strictly supervised) usage of the webway, Magic
Weaknesses: Poor at static combat, do not like being involved in clashes, casualty averse
Tier: Maximus
Cost: 5 RP

Tacitus-Raiden Ltd: Formed by a former house of Desmondu that has long since stopped bothering to contest the throne of the Empire and whose core territory is no longer considered legally part of Desmondu, Tacitus-Raiden offers a wide array of bounty hunters, infiltration experts, "fixers for hire" (local term denoting broadly capable special operations mercenaries. The preferred term is "Freelance Agent" or "Freelancer", but "Fixer" is a common informal term), and other wetworks operatives.
-Summary: Special forces extraordinaire and powerful mecha combatants and strike craft. However, can also be hired for out-of-battle black ops.
-Tier: Extremis
-Cost: Variable based on requested services; ask GMs to learn specific prices.
-Limit: None.

The Observer: A deeply mysterious artificial intelligence that has many, many bodies that cluster around its large; sphere shaped frames. The Observer is a marvel of unknown artifice that as the name entails, can show up at random to observe and partake in the events of history with marvelous technology. Their singular craft and its parasite escorts as well as the smaller armatures it can deploy are usually enough, and its powers of analysis are backed up by out of this world firepower that works on weaponised manipulations of quantum physics.
Type: Singular formation centred around category 0 battleworld with technology surpassing the Stagnant ancients.
Specialty: Data Gathering, General Purpose Combat
Weak in: Holding territory
Cost: 15 RP, or 5 RP if you agree to allow it to observe your faction for five turns.

Tenno Void Wing Alliance Inner Circle: These unusual techno-organic "warframes" and their peripheral equipment are often known as the "space ninjas" for good reason even if sometimes they are not exactly the picture of stealth. The starchildren who operate them gather in secretive relay stations and operate out of nearly undetectable orbiter craft as well as their railjack spaceships, making use of Necramechs, Archwings, and more to augment their tiny deployments of super-commandos. The inner circle is made of their very finest tenno, those who have demonstrated the greatest skill, have forged and mastered the best frames, equipment, weapons, and mods, and have developed their void powers the furthest.
Type: Warframe Clan Alliance
Specialty: Dueling/Assassination, Commando Ops, Stealth operations, Esoterics
Weak In: Mass Combat, Open battlefields
Cost: 12 RP

Raid Team Alpha: A particularly well known set of Guardains of the Light, Raid Team Alpha is especially experienced when it comes to killing the most complicated to put down of enemy combatants, and has practiced its work in these breaking and entering assassinations for years in some pretty serious warfare, even when said beings were akin to deities and at the centre of massive fortresses or flagships. Lead by an inexplicably alive Cayde-6 whose general response to asking why he's alive is "Multiverse man...multiverse" and miming a long drag on a marijuana roll despite being a robot and thus incapable of smoking.
Type: Guardian Raid Team
Speciality: Assassination, Infiltration, Sabotage, Retrieval
Weak in: Mass Combat, Open Battlefields
Cost: 8 RP

Fellowship of Bloody Justice
Type: Small team of Sanguinans.
Strong In: Hero actions
Weak In: N/A
Cost: 10 RP(reduced due to long term reputation gains with them)

Fleet Hordes:
Dwamak Smashers: "Even Muklik Infants can best DWAMAK warriors! HYIEEEEIIIIE!!!! But these not infants! These hardened Uklivrak mercenaries and they be not only dangerous, but they be DERANGED! They willing to fight for dwamaks like you, against other dwamaks or even other species of Uklivrak.

Here be list of current crazy Uklivrak fleets." The Dwamak smashers are a coalition of marauders from the reality cluster that gave rise to the Chinorr and many others, united by, for some reason, all sharing the same slur despite coming from different galaxies and realities. With enormous numbers of stations, orbitals, habitats, and migrant fleets spread across an more enormous amount of space to the galactic east, they have so many warriors in just their core space alone; nevermind the smaller outposts they have spread across countless sectors; that they're actively spoiling for fights.

Nobody is sure what a "Dwamak" is besides that the Uklivrak are not Dwamak, but everyone from indigenous humans to the Drengin are in fact, Dwamak, and that whatever Dwamak is, it goes good in stews and isn't as bad as a "Dwakam" which is so taboo that they refuse to even allow outsiders to ask. Such eccentricities and their tendency to scream and shout like maniacs belie the fact that they are a diverse cluster of incredible warriors and fighters and have experienced, seasoned commanders and sophisticated technology. Everything from the solid and powerful Lithoid Skradurak, to the rapidly breeding and fearless butterfly like Muklik or the huge and mighty psychic dragon esque Gonryu to the nearly unkillable multi-headed molluscoid Zakarax or the incredibly fast avian Criciric, humans, eldar like beings and more are represented amidst their fleets which boast powerful capital ships, numerous screen fleets, aggressive cruiser and destroyer packs, and legions of easily deployable ground forces able to smash things in their way in a hurry.
Type: Stellaris Marauder Clans
Specialty: Infantry, Vehicles, Strike Craft, Skirmish, Screen Ships, Withdraw/Pursuit, Bombardment, Penetration, multiple species for every occasion
Weak In: War Engines and Supercapitals are relatively rare, Ill suited to Planetary Static Defence, High Gravity environments, Somewhat Incoherent doctrine due to confederal nature and compositing the fleets of so many different species and cultures that agree on not being "Dwamak", kratocratic social structure makes them vulnerable to assassination, impetuous and overaggressive.
Cost: Standard magnitude cost *1.6 rounded up.
Size: Unlimited Magnitude purchases
Tier: Extremis

Tacitus-Raiden Ltd: While notable for their more discrete offerings, Tacitus-Raiden is most famous for their full-scale field armies. These consist of a wide variety of combat assets suitable to most operations, and they're known for maintaining high-quality, experienced units. Better yet, Eklemarid is one of their home bases, thus their supply is quite plentiful. They know their worth, however.
-Summary: A mecha-focused army that's best in Skirmish and Penetrate, but is versatile and balanced enough to do well everywhere. Highly psychic.
-Tier: Extremis
-Cost: 8 RP per Mag 1 Fleethorde per turn .
-Limit: Magnitude 4 Fleethorde.

Desmondic Wild Geese: Desmondu's political turmoil and chaos means that many in its territory are very willing to take up the profession of war as long as it means getting out of "the incredible shrinking country", while others used to be in Desmondu's territory back when it was far larger before it bled away much of its expanse and have decided to find some way or the other to make a living. Desmodic Wild Geese come from many walks of life, but fight much like core Desmondic space troops, with primarily Human, Elephant, Octopode, Corvid, Cetacean, Homisynth, Sanguinan, Endikith, and Milky Way native species.
Type: Desmondic Exile Armies
Strong In: Infantry, Standard Vehicles, Lords/Heroes, Capital and Line Ships, Strike Craft, Support, Powerful magic
Weak In: Attrition warfare, Superlarge Units, Weak in Anti-Magic areas, Casualty Averse
Cost: Standard Magnitude cost *1.4 rounded up
Size: Unlimited magnitude purchases
Tier: Extremis

The Cabal Redeemed: From a world of incredibly high gravitational force comes a species built like what happens if you taught a Rhino how to walk and then blended it with a turtle. Broad, heavy set, with extremely dense tissue and hard skin, disciplined to a fault, and fond of very big guns, they are like looking in a mirror in many ways. The so called Cabal Redeemed seeks to atone for some sort of past sins, and has ended its slavery of the Psions, and includes Hominid and Eliksnee soldiers trained to fight alongside them as they are the largest providers of military muscle and space power.
Type: Destiny Good Guys
Strong In: Strike Craft, Infantry, Capital Ships, Line Ships, Individuals of Importance
Weak in: Artillery, War Engines, Relatively new to cooperating as equals
Cost: Standard magnitude cost *1.4
Size: Half present total magnitude
Tier: Extremis

Alliance for Democratic People's Republicanism: Looking to secure trade deals and resource investments, the Alliance has found that a pretty reliable good to exchange is military support in the form of contracted formations of their military to potential partners in exchange for raw materials, durable goods, and technologies.
Type: Star Wars Rebels, New Republic, and GFFA
Strong In: Strike Craft, Line Ships, Vehicles, Infiltration, Commando Ops, Elite Infantry, Skirmish
Weak in: War Engines, Melee, Boarding, Superweapon Aversion, Supercapitals, Attrition
Cost: Standard magnitude cost *1.3, Trade deal and non-aggression pact with AFR, research agreement with AFR,
Size: Maximum not disclosed for security reasons
Tier: Primus

Total RP: 146

-Mercs Hired: Mandolarian Children of the Watch (Status: Job's Done), Gray Death Legion (Status: Job's Done), , Pyrotaurus Black Fleets: Fleethorde Number Unknown (Status Job's Done)

Fellowship of Bloody Justice (Status: Still Active, 10 RP), Guardians of the Light (Status: Still Active, 3 RP), Desmondic Freedom Fighters (Status: Still Active, 5 RP), Tenno Void Wing Alliance (Status: Still Active, 5 RP) Eldar Void Raven Corsairs (Status: Still Active, 5 RP), Raid Team Alpha (Status: Still Active, 8 RP), The Cabal Redeemed: Fleethorde Number: 1 (Status: Still Active, 14 RP)
-Merc Hiring: 1 Mag 1 Dwamak Smashers Fleet Horde (20 RP), 1 Mag 1 Tacitus-Raiden Ltd Fleet Horde (8 RP)
Unbound Strategic Turn 4

Southern Front

Eternal Empire
When the vampiric fleets retreated, they did so with promises of retribution and taunts that the men, women and children of the Unbound would be slaughtered like the cattle they were, bled dry in front of the ones who had dared to strike at their betters.

These promises were empty.

The Galactic Empire and the Guardians breathed sighs of relief as neither the Eternal Empire nor the collective warlords worshipping Chaos launched any more attacks into their space.

However, they could not trust this stroke of good fortune and rest on their laurels. The Guardians, backed by the Empire, performed a number of infiltration actions and raids that revealed why the attention of their foes had turned elsewhere.

In the Eastern front of their war the Eternal Empire took dramatic losses to simply preserve their current borders, with their gargantuan industry and shipyards bent towards recreating their legions and their arms. In a somewhat expected detail, the supposed deaths of the Admiral-Counts were quite temporary. Their lives, or undeaths, were not free of consequences for their failed invasion however. They had been summoned from their Manors by the Emperor to be publicly reprimanded for incompetence - not only losing valuable material of the Empire including their flagships but on top of that losing them to rebellious commoners. They continue to hold their positions as the fleets are ultimately replaceable but are to be held in disgrace.

The task of guarding the border between the Alliance and Eternal Empire has been taken up by an order of warriors that won acclaim in the war in the East. They are known by the serfs as the Void Knights. These forces are near-exclusively composed of hardened veterans, but were terribly bloodied and in no position to attack even if their commander was gripped by that thought.

Chaos Warbands
Actions spoke louder than words when it came to understanding what the Chaotic legions were occupying themselves with. Their fleets were drawn South to harvest an exotic material of unknown origin. Only the elite of the elites have been equipped with it, but it has proven to make extremely durable armour that is able to completely absorb kinetic energy in its most common variant. It comes in rare sub variants that deteriorate metals to nothing on contact, alongside a variety of other esoteric abilities.

The Bands have been expanding voraciously to set up mining sites and ritual sites to pull in more warriors and slaves after their initial attempts at raiding had limited at best success. They are making deals with shadowy entities behind the scenes for greater power. Many of the warlords are telling their minions that an even greater prize is hidden to the South. Something that just the mere promise of has loosened the hidden purse strings of the gods.

Or so the gibbering and/or maniacal boasts claim.

Western Front

To the West the Galactic Empire has reported another space borne species that so far has remained elusive. Red-black insectoid looking vessels heavily armed with beam weapons and a sophisticated assortment of strikecraft. The Empire has not attempted to contact the vessels yet suspect hostile intent.

Northern Front

The RDA, already paranoid, has gone silent in a rather sudden and abrupt manner. They summoned our contacts and announced vocally and in a curiously exaggerated manner that they had been given a better offer and that Unbound association with 'unsavoury organisations' threatened the ideals that they stood for and expelled the Unbound diplomatic agents from their space.

The only hints for why this happened is that shortly before the breakdown of relations contacts had given them information of the joint operation with the Men of Iron to eliminate the Flood; and detection of more modern FTL signatures further to the East.

Crystal Entities
The situation in the North has become tense in the coming year. The Crystalline entities are preparing to move into the last of their former nests to contest the announced Taros expedition of unknown size and power and are hoping for the support of the Unbound.

Unfortunately, the necromantic sorcerers that form the cores of their armies have unknown capabilities but it has been predicted that the bulk of the fighting to secure the old nests will occur on the ground. Due to the alien force composition it is also uncertain how many forces will be present in this conflict with the general feeling that this battle will set the tone and approach of future dealings with what is suspected to be the target of the brewing Creon crusade.

It should also be noted that planetoid size Crystals are desperate to get the last of their homes back since they are smelling what has been termed 'yellow infection/parasites/illness'. Given that space does not have a medium to transmit smell no one has been able to explain this.

Additionally, there have been curious ghost transmissions that seem to match Vaygr and Taiidan signatures. Lord Maakan has requested that said transmissions be sent to him and those under his command only, saying that he suspects that they might be encrypted.

Internal Conflicts:
The successes of the past couple of years have allowed certain factions within the Unbound's coalition to start pushing their own priorities.

Lord Maakan of the Vaygr and several Taiidan captains have been listening to news and stories from the EDF and events of the other side of the Galaxy. Specifically, the dramatic tale of the fall of, wonder of wonders, another Taiidan empire. Although much of it is suspected to be highly distorted through the longest game of telephone, the people have petitioned that an offer of safe haven be sent to those that might make it through the violent chaos of this new Galaxy to start over again in relative safety. There are those who do not think that this will be successful but many of those of imperial descent want to make an attempt.

Lord Maakan himself seems to sense opportunity here and in the realm of the Eternal Empire. Despite the prior difficulty that his forces faced fighting them, many of those under his command have gained confidence now that they know of the capabilities of the undead. The vast populace of serfs should be easy to control if the Vampires are eliminated. Though it goes unsaid many of Maakan's critics think that he sees the Vaygr reborn in the rubble of the Ebony Throne.

On the other side of the newly acquired territory of the Unbound, the Somtaaw have been invigorated by the victories that were won the previous year. Many bits of propaganda have been created to immortalise the victory over the Flood, the cleansing of both the Gates, and the fall of the Old and New Kett. Their dreams of retaking Hiigara no longer seem impossible and for some is turning into an obsession. While they have not forgotten the threat that the Beast ultimately represents and will admit that the Unbound are not ready for such an undertaking, many have started to camp around the Gate that the Flood disabled and are working to understand it with the belief that it could be modified and used as an invasion route back home.

RP Available: 244

Unbound Controlled Space:

J4 North West, West North East, and East: The collective peoples that the Unbound represent continue to make new homes for themselves and settle themselves according to their own customs, although the majority of their newly claimed space lies empty except for war wreckage and sterilized worlds, Their chief subsector continues to grow now looking like a miniature version of their home galaxy, although with greater cross cultural enclaves that continue to grow as the refugee populations continue to start to breathe easier. In the West of J4 lies the Connectionless Gate that has become the centre of scientific attention.

Crystalline Nests:

J4 North, J3 South West: These regions of space are mostly empty of sapient life, save for the odd resource operation or monitoring post. That's because the top dog in this sector is some form of immense crystalline lifeform, shaped almost like three-dimensional snowflakes with varying proportions and sizes. They evidently grow out of 'seeded' asteroids and moons, and feed on energy and matter from solar flares and ejections from stars, as well as the magnetic fields and emissions of gas giants. Some of these crystalline entities can become as massive as planetoids in and of themselves, and they are present in the vast majority of systems in this cluster.

Galactic Imperial territory and mysterious Arcology:

J4 Center: In the J4 Center subsector, there appears to be city-sized arcology-like structures of unknown design embedded across several hundred planets and moons. Unlike the blasted ruins of prior civilizations seen up to now, these structures appear to be pristine, as if being actively maintained, but there appear to be no inhabitants or other obvious activity.

These Arcologies are now the centre of the Galactic Empire archaeological efforts amongst the ruins of the Kett.

The Galactic Empire:
J4 South West: This space is held by the Galactic Empire, another Outverser faction that is entirely human. They appear to be a constitutional empire of sorts, one with perhaps the largest and most well-organised naval force in the region. While their technology isn't as sophisticated or exotic as the Alliance of Sol, nor do they have any apparent supernatural abilities, their military discipline and tactical acumen, along with sheer quantity of line ships, makes them a formidable force. Notably, despite their imperial aesthetic, they also appear to be aiding civilian refugees, though much more cautiously than the Alliance, and are actively holding the line against Chaos and other hostiles. Slowly seeking to become one of the first new members of the Alliance.

Chaos Warbands:
J4 South: This area of space has been taken over by a self-proclaimed Warband of Chaos Undivided. They appear to be primarily human, though often with grotesque mutations or cybernetic augmentations. Their ships, vehicles and weapons appear designed to be as visually terrifying as possible, riddled with skulls and spikes and other predatory features. Put plainly, they are insane cult fanatics who worship the Gods of Chaos, avatars of human qualities taken to utterly destructive and evil extremes. Death sacrifices and ritual mutilation are incredibly common.

Worse yet, in spite of their fanaticism, their technology is quite powerful, and some of their number are capable of wielding supernatural powers like the Guardians. Perhaps the most alarming factor is that they actively summon a wide variety of demon-like entities to bolster their forces, and there appear to be many areas of abnormal space in their territory in which these beings can cross over into this reality en masse. They seek to tear down any other civilizations and either convert the survivors to their mad religion, or subjugate them to fuel their war machine.

Alliance of Sol:

J4 Southeast: Populating this region is the Alliance of Sol, a defensive confederation composed of humans and three other species, the Eliksni, the Cabal, and the Psions. In addition to sporting advanced technology, certain elite units called Guardians are capable of wielding a power they call the Light, which appears to be outright magic. They can call down lightning and solar fire, bend gravity, leap and levitate vast distances, and demonstrate physically impossible strength, among other myriad feats. The Psions also have their own separate abilities, and they are no less miraculous despite being more limited in scope. It's been confirmed that the Alliance are aiding nearby refugees and are actively at war with Chaos and the Eternal Empire and are recovering from the invasion last turn.

Abandoned Nests:

J3 South: This remaining Sub-sector is filled with worlds and other celestial objects of clearly the same make as the crystal creatures you have been interacting with. This territory is filled with minor mining elements from the Pirate Pyrotaurus and an unknown group of humans wielding powers that you cannot explain. The Crystal creatures constantly make forays into the territory to only be hunted back by one of the two groups. A coming battle will be fought here between the Crystalline Entities and the Kingdom of Taros that the Unbound are expected to assist in.

Empty Space…:

J3 Southeast: Seemingly Virgin territory that is avoided by civilization and Fauna alike. Scouts have been able to pass through unharmed, but something feels off.

The Creon Empire:

K3 South East: A nation of Steam, Metal and a tinge of hypocrisy. This is land and civilization bent on a crusade against magic at the words of The Sage. Their abilities to construct and summon warriors and machines seems to equal your own industrial capabilities, and thankfully seem to operate at the same tonnage as you do. They have a preference for strike craft and strike craft like larger ships. They will eventually turn their attention to the Unbound in due time to help fund and fuel their crusade.

Subsector of the Apes:

K4 Northwest: A series of pre-space flight Civilizations ranging from the mediaeval to modern to post apocalyptic in technology levels that are populated by Sapient Primates including Orangutans, Chimpanzees, and Gorillas. The Men of Lang have recently taken an interest in the sector trading Moon Gems in massive quantities for seemingly random products. And with that exotic energies in the region have steadily been increasing.

The Men of Leng:

K4 West: Reports of this region are confusing and nonsensical, working on dream logic than anything else, the inhabitants seem eager to trade and concerned about events happening further into the Sector as the Moon-Kings battle the Iron Hypocrites and The Machine that Keeps the Sleeper Dreaming. Recently a large gathering of the more organised entities known as the Men of Leng have been gathering in preparation for something to protect themselves from the threats to their East.

The Eternal Empire of Mankind/The Ebony Throne:

K4 Southwest: A vast empire of Human and more specifically Vampiric Supremacist Fiefdoms ruled by Magical superhumans that feed on blood in massive ships. At best they care little for welfare of the cattle that they rule and those 'lost in the wilderness' and at worst are better left unsaid. While the Emperor and many of the more Powerful Elector Admirals are concerned with unsaid events to the east those that lord over the territories in the West see this as an opportunity to expand their holdings.


Due to the vast resources and the high intensity of the conflict elsewhere in the system, the Unbound has been unable to compete for any contracts of the mercenary companies, warbands or Pirate fleets that would normally be plentiful in the region of space. In fact some of the more aggressive private investigation services have been hired and then kidnapped to serve in the Vampire's armies.

However Lord Makaan has been reached by an unusual request by something akin to the Men of Leng. During a dream the Vaygr appeared in a luscious palace of imperial design that features a primarily red colour scheme. They were addressed as Sajuuk-Khar by a being of shadow that could only be seen by the red glow of their eye. They addressed him warmly, congratulating him on his victory and thanking him for his unintended assistance in accomplishing their goal. And to continue to transform their unintentional partnership into an intentional one, an offer was made.

They offered a series of warriors specialised in 'returning those that have forestalled their reward to their proper place'. All that they would require in payment would be specific individuals either alive or dead to be handed over to them.

A small piece of strange leather with markings was handed over to the Lord and he was told that if he accepted the deal that all he would need to do would be to construct the ritual site found on the scroll. And he would be guaranteed a force loyal to him alone that would be just as effective at protecting him and his ships as the Guardians had been.

A Mysterious Contract - 10 RP

Focus: Anti-Legend, Assassination, Boarding and Duelists. Elite Infantry on the whole with Super Soldier tier units serving as Makaan's personal guard.

Weakness: Broadscale Warfare, "Faith"-empowered targets

Map of Known Space:

As one the Unbound recoiled from this affront to everything they stood for. The Taiidan saw an emperor who had failed them. The Kushan saw the perpetrator of genocide not once, but twice over. And the Bentusi saw their very anathema. Minds twisted and bodies enslaved to the will of another. Only the Vaygr did not have a personal rejection of this unholy fusion of metal and flesh. But they could see it's final destination and it was nothing they wanted a part of.

For many there was only one explanation. The Beast had awoken here too and the Emperor had taken its offer of alliance. Whether Emperor or Beast was in control did not matter. All others would be consumed, and it was the Unbound's duty to stand against that no matter the cost.

They had dealt with the Flood and they would deal with this abomination too. Orders went out and the fleets of the Unbound poured through the portal to the brewing conflict. All would play a part and all would be necessary.

Commander Melkor oversaw the physical operations of the fleet. He ordered the resource gatherers to spread across the local star cluster and begin consuming its materials. Shipyards were assembled by station class PDAs and new ships churned out in ever increasing numbers.

Meanwhile Lord Makaan began overseeing more offensive actions. He contacted the local Vagyr tribes offering them resources, power, and new systems to conquer along the edges of the Unbound's space. In exchange he began forming a new Vagyr Horde and gathered any intelligence they might have about the local Taiidan Empire.

For their part the Bentusi saw to matters of the new mental threats. Baalthus remembered how the sentai warriors had seemingly been immune to the flood and emissaries were sent to see if they might have any advice for countering such mental dominance. Additional Bentusi visited the Alliance of Sol to see if their fabled Guardians might be of any assistance.

First and Second slots: Cruisers
Larger ships are needed to deal with the hazards of this new galaxy. There are three competing views here with the Bentusi being unusually adamant in their position. That position being to build a new harborship of the Bentus class. While certainly an extremely powerful ship with the ability to produce its own fleet, the Bentus would first require the ability to replicate a Far Jump core. Which is why the Somtaaw are advocating for a lighter design first that builds on their lessons from the Kuun-Lan. Even here however there are competing philosophies. The first is to build a traditional mothership after the type that brought the Hiigarans out of exile. The second is to take the lesson of the Kuun-Lan and build it as a proper warship to start with. The problem with the first is that to be effective it would need to be able to build a destroyer class vessel and likely wouldn't be able to handle building Exchanges so a new class would be needed there as well. The problem with the second is that it would require designing a warship on a scale never before attempted by the Somtaaw. Also realistically it would also need Destroyer support. And there exists the issue that it might simply not be possible to build either type of ship without a Far Jump core. Which would bring the Harborship back into the running.

Fortunately some of these problems have been solved. With the reverse engineering of the Kett battleship's hyperdrive research into producing far jump cores was finally complete. And with the Seraphim class destroyer having been proven in battle with the flood the foundation for a larger purpose built warship was there.

Thus the Unbound began working on the Hiigara Class cruiser. This massive class takes lessons from the Kushan motherships, the Kuun-Lan, and the Bentusi exchanges to produce a leviathan of a warship mounting massive ion cannon arrays, a far jump core, and massive shipyard capable of producing anything else in the Unbound arsenal. All of which was protected by the radial bound armor of the Bentusi.

In addition numerous hardpoints and module connections were left open for future additions and rapid redevelopment and integration of salvaged systems. Whether this meant installing additional shield modules or adding the siege cannons that the Unbound hoped to soon reverse engineer. Flexibility ability had been a key component of the Kuun-Lan's success and the Unbound were keen to replicate its ability to quickly respond to battlefield developments.

Third and Fourth slots: Siege Cannon Reverse Engineering
The Kuun-Lan's siege cannon was by far the most potent weapon in the Unbound's arsenal. However, only having one cannon was massively limiting their ability to conduct long range strikes. As such the brightest Kushan, Taiidan, and Bentusi engineers were carefully examining the siege cannon and combining their expertise to work out how to decipher how it worked. Either entirely or at least well enough to produce additional copies.

Fifth Slot: Examine Locked Gate
Meanwhile Somtaaw engineers are examining the locked Flood gate in order to determine how it is controlled and how it opens portals to other regions. They are not overly careful in their tests because either they'll get it working and open a way to the Flood or if they destroy the portal permanently cut off access to the Flood through this link. Either method is a fine outcome in the Somtaaw's view.

After Upkeep: +244 RP
Improve J4 East to Heavy Defenses: -10 RP
Improve J4 North West to Heavy Defenses: -10 RP
Improve J4 West to Heavy Defenses: -10 RP

Repair 2x Mag 1: -4 RP
Repair 6x Mag 2: -12 RP
Upgrade 2x Mag 1 to Mag 2: -20 RP
Upgrade 1x Mag 2 to Mag 3: -20 RP

Build 2 Mega Mining Projects: -100 RP

Purchase 4 Research Slots: -1R, -4RP, -9 RP, -16 RP

Diplomacy Action: -8 RP, -8 RP, -4RP, -8 RP

Total: 0

A Bulwark Against the Darkness
Target: Alliance of Sol, Galactic Empire, Crystalline Entities
Nature: Friendly
Resources: 8RP, 1 turn

Continue to strengthen the alliance between the Alliance of Sol, Galactic Empire, Crystalline Entities, and the Unbound. We have found enemies on all sides and rumors of even more beyond them. We must work to make this part of the galaxy both a shining beacon of prosperity and a fortress to repel all who assail it.

An Olive Branch
Target: The Black Cloaks
Nature: Friendly
Resources: 8RP, 1 turn
We have only had semi hostile contact with the Black Cloaks. We don't even know their name for themselves. The Unbound are better than that. We will not go straight to fighting, but rather send a Bentusi Exchange to act as envoy to see if we can't work out a peaceful agreement regarding the region and the Crystalline Entities nests.

Vagyr Spies
Target: Taiidan Empire
Nature: Hostile
Resources: 4RP, 1 turn

Pay off the local Vagyr to act as spies and scouts to both tell us what's been happening in the region and find out what else is going on. We've only heard rumors of a great war hear and need to know more about who's been fighting the Taiidan and what the Taiidan's strategies have been.

Super Sentai
Target: Sentai/Earth Defense Force
Nature: Friendly
Resources: 8RP, 1 turn

A small delegation will be sent to Earth to contact the Sentai and EDF. The goal is both to see what they might know about mental defenses and to establish stronger ties since we're on this side of the portal now.

Crystal Ventures
Fleets: Mag 2 x2
Send two fleets with the Crystalline Entities to protect them as they reclaim their northern nests.

Chaos Containment
Fleets: Mag 1 x1
Send one fleet to coordinate with the Galactic Empire and Alliance of Sol to contain and possibly even wipe out the chaos warbands in J4 South. Hopefully claiming the entire sector for the pact.

Taiidan Round 2
Fleets Mag 2 x6, Mag 1 x1, Kuun-Lan, Lord Makaan
The entire rest of the Unbound's forces will pour through the portal looking to both get some revenge on the Taiidan Emperor and hopefully evacuate as many as people as possible from his madness.

The Banished

Atriox's domain had expanded greatly since his great offensive, claiming four subsectors for the Banished and driving the Empire out of this galaxy entirely. Now all that remains is the final assault upon their Home Galaxy,

With the Taiidan Empire on the ropes, the last pieces are now in play. The Empire has retreated to its final redoubt, its home galaxy locked in orbit of Eklemarid accessible through wormholes and vast gates. This is where they have decided to make their final stand. This is where they will fight, or where they will die, as secessionism, republicanism and foreign invasion looms. The Empire has started to delve deep into its research on exotic materials, hoping for a miracle.

Exterite was the answer to their prayers. In their desperation they turned to it, used it for applications which it had barely been suited for before, and found it now excelled beyond the wildest expectations of scientists and generals. The Taiidan fleets, or what was left of them, were powered by gold, armored in it, fired it, and spread it to every corner of space still in their control.

And where exterite blossomed, the Xarinoids would follow. The golden beings had not yet come to roost at the heart of Taiidan space, but they would soon.

Thanks to the divinations of the Eldar, Atriox knew it even if the Emperor himself did not. This close to the end of breaking out from the insanity the Taiidan Empire had plunged itself into, to have yet another level added was unacceptable.

The cost of assaulting the Taiidan core worlds would be ruinous, but it was a cost that the Banished might be able to avoid paying. A handsome devil of a Brute appeared to Atriox during a strategic meeting, claiming to represent debt collectors who were worried that the Emperor was attempting to renege on their deal. The offer was made to transport the Banished fleets straight to the heart of the Empire at a mild cost - 1 Pop per fleet.

Whether the Banished chose to brave the gauntlet or take the deal, Emperor Riesstiu would be waiting for them at the head of the Taiidan High Guard Fleet in the orbit of Hiigara.
(the above section has been copied over from the previous draft-document, courtesy of Patrick)


The Fall of an Empire

The Taiidani Empire had been at war with the banished for years now, and it was dying. Riven with rebellion and crisis, the eternal empire's last days were upon it. But it would not perish without a fight. The banished had found a way to enter its home galaxy, to take the fight to Riesstiu's own worlds now that he had lost control over most of his colonies, but he would not allow himself to die so easily.

"You have come for me in my own garden, barbarians. You will find the only flowers that grow here are death." A throbbing, powerful psychic voice could be heard in the heads of every banished warrior who had crossed the jumpgates and wormholes into the Homeworld Galaxy, an imperious tone dripping with disdain.

"Come then, ruiner of Empires, see what awaits you." The voice would say as Taiidani fleets emerged from Hyperspace in large numbers. Colonies elsewhere in these stars had their defences shuffled and their people conscripted, the cloning bays had been busy churning out the manpower needed, and vast swathes of the fleet were now automated or psychically guided.

"My powers have grown considerably since I first became aware of your loathesome kind. Enough so that this rebellion you have fostered will submit, and soon, very soon, so shall you." The voice commanded, and many Taiidani republican ships that had sought to join the banish began to display strange comm chatter.

"+Something's…pushing its way inside, in my head…getting hard to think…something…h-hail….HAIL THE EMPEROR!+" A battlecruiser's Captain managed before its crew was overwhelmed by the presence of new, strange Taiidani ships that seemed to pulsate with odd energies.

These "brainships" seemed to be abhorrent amalgamations of cerebral tissue and warship, a nightmarish take on the concept of the "unbound", amalgamated from millions upon millions of brains woven together with biological technology and cybernetic machinery that should have been beyond the Taiidani Empire's means.

But the Emperor himself had powers that were growing immensely. He did not need any such mediums to peer into the minds of his foes.

While the native human mercenaries, especially of the Vampiric Sanguinians, were able to shield the thoughts of many important Banished strategists and the Mgalekgolo seemed to be harder to read, many times, a Banished admiral would feel something…else in their mind, followed by the Taiidani ships reorienting themselves to counter strategies.

It didn't take very long to figure out what was going on, Mind Reading.

Not just from Riesstiu, but from strange devices fitted onto Taiidani ships and sensor suites, like concentric rings spinning around small central spires hooked to cyberneticised grey-matter.

This let them be aware of the intentions of attackers down to their specific targets, and was making infiltration and stealth work incredibly difficult, even for the most skilled mercenaries. Even if the operatives themselves were protected, someone, somewhere in the chain of command may not be, and it only took a few stray thoughts in the reach of the mind readers to inform the Taiidan.

Taiidan formations were now increasingly centred around heavier battlecruisers and other larger ships that could better brawl with the Banished's own fleets, while carriers would harry their ships all the way through with not just strike craft, but modified corvettes and frigates that would sacrifice independent FTL capability and endurance to maximise firepower.

The Taiidan were up against a wall, knowing that the Empire's demise was nigh if they committed anything less than the utmost, and many of the ships clearly were hastily pressed into service, while the soldiers on the surface were often recently conscripted levies.

But there was definitely something else to them. More than just the mutants, robots, and cyborgs or the new weapons such as tesla-casters or ice-beams that they must have gotten from someone to have working so reliably already. They were increasingly difficult to scare. More often than ever, even the most basic conscripts were fighting to the death rather than surrendering.

Furthermore, they were getting more help, firstly from the so called "Galactic Empire", secondly from the "Combine", thirdly from the "Dwamak Smashers" who owed the Emperor some kind of debt, and a duo of more mysterious providers that seemed to be masters of cloaking capable craft with a few from the "Confederacy of Dismor" seeming to be here to close accounts. While the Vasari, Republicans, Tau, and a strike force from the so called "Rebel Alliance" that was here primarily out of opposition to the Empire were also involved in the war spread across this average sized galaxy, it seemed clear that it would be up to the banished to push through to the capital at Hiigara.

Neither coalition was particularly well coordinated, with the Taiidani's helpers being here mostly to ensure that debts will be paid, while the Tau and Rebels are clearly here for their own agenda irrespective of the plans of the Republic, Banished, and Vasari and simply happen to share a common enemy for the moment.

Nevertheless, the Taiidan Empire might be dying, but it still has mass. While a straight shot at Hiigara would probably end this quickly, the Empire would call in everything to defend the Throneworld and it would be the mother of all brawls, a bloodbath of a scale not seen for tens of thousands of years in your own galaxy. Stripping away the outer layers of the empire to encircle Hiigara before closing in and finishing this however, may take another campaign season.

Entering into the new galaxy was always in the cards for Atriox's strategy, the appearance of this…affront to the very concept of free will was not something he had planned for. But he would not order a retreat or to fall back, the Banished and its allies had come to break this Empire and Atriox would see it through or die trying.

These first battles in the Taiidan's home space would determine the Banished's direction, to either stab at the beating heart of this corrupted Empire or to cripple it before the death blow. Either decision needed more information and a proper understanding of the Taiidan's new tools of War.

And so with a simple command, fleets of the Banished and their allies began to spread out, intending to gain a reasonable foothold in the galaxy and keep their foe away from the gateway which kept them connected back to their home territory. Member species of the Banished and those amongst the hired mercenaries who had experience with the newfound horror of the Taiidan Emperor's powers of control were brought forth to better combat the effects and find means to disrupt these effects.

In the early battles, it was a struggle of trial and error. The Banished as a whole had little experience combating a foe who could, with only the smallest of mistakes, understand your entire strategy and move to combat it. There is little that could be done without extensive effort to shield all the Banished from the eyes of the empire's minds, effort that they could not waste time on. However the visually apparent nature of the ship wide modifications made targeting said mental probes a more tolerable experience.

Needing more information to better conduct his plan, Atriox sent out three messages towards the Vasari, Tau and Rebels.

With the messages sent, Atriox would delegate and send his forces out. Sending Decimus along with two fleets of the Banished to begin breaking the Galactic Empire's control over their northern holdings, his particular brutality and ruthlessness would be unleashed in raids and rapid attacks on fortified positions.

Meanwhile the rest of the Banished and their Mercenary forces work to completely control the sector they reside in. Taking space from the Taiidan Empire and turning their own into well fortified positions in space where they could repurpose any Taiidan equipment to their leisure. Escheram in particular took to establishing strategies for planetary combat with the various forces at the Banished's disposal and working alongside the various other strategists to find the most effective means of fighting the new weapons of the Taiidan.

Let 'Volir in his own efforts, took to working with the Desmondic Freedom Fighters and the Cabal Redeemed alongside his own fleets well in the past. So when the offer of a personal mission from Atriox to circumnavigate the capital sector and beginning operations in the sector below it and give some breathing room to the Taiidan Republic. He would take it and be given command of the mission alongside the rising figure of Pavium to test their capabilities away from the main force. Sent with them would be the two latest hired fleets of mercenaries, the Dwamak Smashers and Tacitus-Raiden fleets in addition to the Cabal and Desmondic Freedom Fighters made for a sizable force. Arriving they would scramble to establish themselves near the Taiidan Republic border and begin communications with the republic's military to begin work.

Of course Atriox would keep to his other promises, sending Banished ships to aid their allies and those he promised such aid to in their own attacks on the Taiidan Empire. In particular focusing on aiding the Taiidan Republic in their own operations to cut this malignant control Riesstiu was forcing upon the Taiidan people, lending aid of Jega 'Rdomnai and Raid Team Alpha with their own history of information gathering about the Taiidan.


0 & 1 Slot: Genophage Cure

It has been enough time, any cure the mad Emperor might have had for Clan Weyrloc is either tainted by his own experiments or never existed in the first place. So it falls to the Banished and Atriox to make good on the promise made.

4 slot: Continued Combat Cybernetic research

Optimization is always preferred when creating new weapons of war, making inbuilt weapons be far more seamless from thought to action, finer tuning the inbuilt weapons and creating variants based off the weapons made by the Banished.

9/16 slot: New Banished Ship Class: Doisec Class Heavy Battleship Final touches

While a small mathematical error kept the Doisec design from being fully realized, new schematics using the methods of Heavy Armor from Taiidan Vessels to truly make the combination of Banished Weapons and Taiidan rugged defenses into a true ship of war.


RP: 146
Defense improvements:
A-2 to Heavily Defended: 10 RP
B-2 to Heavily Defended: 10 RP

Territory improvements:
A-3 to Established: 10 RP
B-3 to Established: 10 RP

Merc Spending: 55
Purchase 4 Research Slots: -1R, -4RP, -9 RP, -16 RP

6 Diplomacy


Target: Vasari
Nature: Friendly
Resources: n/a

"Our war against the Taiidan is coming to it's twilight, their end is at our fingertips. But we cannot let this blind us to their continued debasement for their twisted desire of victory. Know that the Banished stand ready to aid our ally in this campaign, but I suggest that we be cautious and do not throw ourselves needlessly into the battle for their capital world, it is better to cripple their capabilities before such a rash action. In either case, fight well Vasari, we will make history this day."

Target: Tau
Nature: Friendly
Resources: 24 RP (In terms of making things to help repair their ships and meterials for them to do the same.)

"There is little doubt in my mind that you are aware that the foe we both face have firmly crossed lines our respective cultures both find abhorrent. I know not your own thoughts on the Banished and I, but such things do not matter when the Taiidan Empire remains. So I bring forth a compromise, an agreement on practicality. Using any safe haven either of us can create and establish in this galaxy for repair of our fleets if the need arises and the right to call for aid in battle. An offer that will help both of us against the Taiidan Empire, do note that this will only go so far and I as Warmaster of the Banished am not adverse to ensuring my Banished are not taken advantage of."

Target: Rebel Alliance
Nature: Friendly
Resources: n/a

"I understand your cause is against an ally of my enemy. This so-called Galactic Empire stands in the way of bringing our foes the rightful vengeance so many deserve to see done upon them. So I, Atriox, Warmaster of the Banished come to offer aid, north of our position is a Sector held by your foes, the Banished will send aid to free it of their control. With the knowledge that such an action will carry a favor to be paid at a later date in this campaign, I trust that you and your Rebel Alliance will be sensible with what needs to be done here."

(Strategic Plans)

Taiidan War: Force to the Galatic Empire (North)
Fleets/Forces: 2X Mag 2 Fleet Hordes, Decimus, Elo Kadu Baqzo and Ndo Kadu Baqzo (Colony), Chief Weyrloc Guld

Taiidan War: Circumnavigating Force to Third Sector (second column)
Fleets/Forces: 3X Mag 2 Fleet Hordes, Let 'Volir, Pavium, Desmondic Freedom Fighters, 1X Mag 1 The Cabal Redeemed Fleethorde, 1X Mag 1 Dwamak Smashers Fleet Horde, 1X Mag 1 Tacitus-Raiden Ltd Fleet Horde

Taiidan War: Main Securing force
Fleets/Forces: 3X Mag 2 Fleet Hordes, 1X Mag 3 Fleethorde, Atriox, Escharum, Voridus, Fellowship of Bloody Justice, Guardians of the Light, Eldar Void Raven Corsairs, 1X Mag 1 Dwamak Smashers Fleet Horde

Taiidan War: Aid For the Republic (Silent)
Fleets/Forces: Jega 'Rdomnai, Raid Team Alpha

Taiidan War: Aid For the Republic (Loud)
Fleets/Forces: 1X Mag 2 Fleethorde, Yapyap, Tenno Void Wing Alliance
Last edited:
As one the Unbound recoiled from this affront to everything they stood for. The Taiidan saw an emperor who had failed them. The Kushan saw the perpetrator of genocide not once, but twice over. And the Bentusi saw their very anathema. Minds twisted and bodies enslaved to the will of another. Only the Vaygr did not have a personal rejection of this unholy fusion of metal and flesh. But they could see it's final destination and it was nothing they wanted a part of.

For many there was only one explanation. The Beast had awoken here too and the Emperor had taken its offer of alliance. Whether Emperor or Beast was in control did not matter. All others would be consumed, and it was the Unbound's duty to stand against that no matter the cost.

They had dealt with the Flood and they would deal with this abomination too. Orders went out and the fleets of the Unbound poured through the portal to the brewing conflict. All would play a part and all would be necessary.

Commander Melkor oversaw the physical operations of the fleet. He ordered the resource gatherers to spread across the local star cluster and begin consuming its materials. Shipyards were assembled by station class PDAs and new ships churned out in ever increasing numbers.

Meanwhile Lord Makaan began overseeing more offensive actions. He contacted the local Vagyr tribes offering them resources, power, and new systems to conquer along the edges of the Unbound's space. In exchange he began forming a new Vagyr Horde and gathered any intelligence they might have about the local Taiidan Empire.

For their part the Bentusi saw to matters of the new mental threats. Baalthus remembered how the sentai warriors had seemingly been immune to the flood and emissaries were sent to see if they might have any advice for countering such mental dominance. Additional Bentusi visited the Alliance of Sol to see if their fabled Guardians might be of any assistance.

First and Second slots: Cruisers
Larger ships are needed to deal with the hazards of this new galaxy. There are three competing views here with the Bentusi being unusually adamant in their position. That position being to build a new harborship of the Bentus class. While certainly an extremely powerful ship with the ability to produce its own fleet, the Bentus would first require the ability to replicate a Far Jump core. Which is why the Somtaaw are advocating for a lighter design first that builds on their lessons from the Kuun-Lan. Even here however there are competing philosophies. The first is to build a traditional mothership after the type that brought the Hiigarans out of exile. The second is to take the lesson of the Kuun-Lan and build it as a proper warship to start with. The problem with the first is that to be effective it would need to be able to build a destroyer class vessel and likely wouldn't be able to handle building Exchanges so a new class would be needed there as well. The problem with the second is that it would require designing a warship on a scale never before attempted by the Somtaaw. Also realistically it would also need Destroyer support. And there exists the issue that it might simply not be possible to build either type of ship without a Far Jump core. Which would bring the Harborship back into the running.

Fortunately some of these problems have been solved. With the reverse engineering of the Kett battleship's hyperdrive research into producing far jump cores was finally complete. And with the Seraphim class destroyer having been proven in battle with the flood the foundation for a larger purpose built warship was there.

Thus the Unbound began working on the Hiigara Class cruiser. This massive class takes lessons from the Kushan motherships, the Kuun-Lan, and the Bentusi exchanges to produce a leviathan of a warship mounting massive ion cannon arrays, a far jump core, and massive shipyard capable of producing anything else in the Unbound arsenal. All of which was protected by the radial bound armor of the Bentusi.

In addition numerous hardpoints and module connections were left open for future additions and rapid redevelopment and integration of salvaged systems. Whether this meant installing additional shield modules or adding the siege cannons that the Unbound hoped to soon reverse engineer. Flexibility ability had been a key component of the Kuun-Lan's success and the Unbound were keen to replicate its ability to quickly respond to battlefield developments.

Third and Fourth slots: Siege Cannon Reverse Engineering
The Kuun-Lan's siege cannon was by far the most potent weapon in the Unbound's arsenal. However, only having one cannon was massively limiting their ability to conduct long range strikes. As such the brightest Kushan, Taiidan, and Bentusi engineers were carefully examining the siege cannon and combining their expertise to work out how to decipher how it worked. Either entirely or at least well enough to produce additional copies.

Fifth Slot: Examine Locked Gate
Meanwhile Somtaaw engineers are examining the locked Flood gate in order to determine how it is controlled and how it opens portals to other regions. They are not overly careful in their tests because either they'll get it working and open a way to the Flood or if they destroy the portal permanently cut off access to the Flood through this link. Either method is a fine outcome in the Somtaaw's view.

After Upkeep: +244 RP
Improve J4 East to Heavy Defenses: -10 RP
Improve J4 North West to Heavy Defenses: -10 RP
Improve J4 West to Heavy Defenses: -10 RP

Repair 2x Mag 1: -4 RP
Repair 6x Mag 2: -12 RP
Upgrade 2x Mag 1 to Mag 2: -20 RP
Upgrade 1x Mag 2 to Mag 3: -20 RP

Build 2 Mega Mining Projects: -100 RP

Purchase 4 Research Slots: -1R, -4RP, -9 RP, -16 RP

Diplomacy Action: -8 RP, -8 RP, -4RP, -8 RP

Total: 0

A Bulwark Against the Darkness
Target: Alliance of Sol, Galactic Empire, Crystalline Entities
Nature: Friendly
Resources: 8RP, 1 turn

Continue to strengthen the alliance between the Alliance of Sol, Galactic Empire, Crystalline Entities, and the Unbound. We have found enemies on all sides and rumors of even more beyond them. We must work to make this part of the galaxy both a shining beacon of prosperity and a fortress to repel all who assail it.

An Olive Branch
Target: The Black Cloaks
Nature: Friendly
Resources: 8RP, 1 turn
We have only had semi hostile contact with the Black Cloaks. We don't even know their name for themselves. The Unbound are better than that. We will not go straight to fighting, but rather send a Bentusi Exchange to act as envoy to see if we can't work out a peaceful agreement regarding the region and the Crystalline Entities nests.

Vagyr Spies
Target: Taiidan Empire
Nature: Hostile
Resources: 4RP, 1 turn

Pay off the local Vagyr to act as spies and scouts to both tell us what's been happening in the region and find out what else is going on. We've only heard rumors of a great war hear and need to know more about who's been fighting the Taiidan and what the Taiidan's strategies have been.

Super Sentai
Target: Sentai/Earth Defense Force
Nature: Friendly
Resources: 8RP, 1 turn

A small delegation will be sent to Earth to contact the Sentai and EDF. The goal is both to see what they might know about mental defenses and to establish stronger ties since we're on this side of the portal now.

Crystal Ventures
Fleets: Mag 2 x2
Send two fleets with the Crystalline Entities to protect them as they reclaim their northern nests.

Chaos Containment
Fleets: Mag 1 x1
Send one fleet to coordinate with the Galactic Empire and Alliance of Sol to contain and possibly even wipe out the chaos warbands in J4 South. Hopefully claiming the entire sector for the pact.

Taiidan Round 2
Fleets Mag 2 x6, Mag 1 x1, Kuun-Lan, Lord Makaan
The entire rest of the Unbound's forces will pour through the portal looking to both get some revenge on the Taiidan Emperor and hopefully evacuate as many as people as possible from his madness.

Unbound Strategic turn 5 results

Diplomatic Actions

Negotiations with Taros

The Mage Noble sent by the Kingdom of Taros to deal with the Unbound found their arrogance checked when they were greeted not only by a diplomat of the Unbound, but ones for all members of the Alliance. Their mood is soured, though the realization that the polity that had been prepared to go to war with was more on the scale of all 4 kingdoms rather than a single one has led to the outcome the Unbound desired.

Hostilities have ceased, however the necromancers do not consider the Unbound friends by any stretch of the imagination.

Rallying the Allies of the Pact:

Forces are massed for the fight waiting on the other side of the portal, and this time the allies of the Unbound are ready to do their part. The Guardians loan some strike teams for the battles ahead and the Crystalline entities send their largest, most powerful members along with the Unbound fleets out of gratitude for having their ancient territory returned. The Galactic Empire (not to be confused with the one aiding the Taiidan Emperor), however, declined to take part in this action as they believe containing the forces of Chaos is a more worthy action. This has cost them some of the goodwill they gained from their assistance in purging the Flood.


Guardians of Light strike forces to help against boarding efforts for Taiidan Fight

2 units of combat kiloprojects from the Crystalline Entities

Cat 0 Adult Entities

Primary system: Local Null field surrounding the organism

Secondary system: Molting Shots, throws a piece of their outer shell at an enemy and putting a Null field on enemy units

Weakness: Relatively weak armour

Cat 1 Combat Crystalline Entity Elders

Primary system: Local Null field surrounding the organism

Secondary system 1: Molting Shots, throws a piece of their outer shell at an enemy and putting a Null field on enemy units

Secondary system 2: Armoured Head: Strong ramming and frontal protection from damage

Weakness: Relatively weak armour

EDA Diplomatic action

The diplomats made the mistake of thinking that talking to the teenagers who fought the Flood would net useful information and goodwill, and ended up becoming embroiled in the antics of different EDA teams as they dealt with serious issues such as: teenage gossip, homework, organizing club activities, team rivalries and various other wacky hijinks. While they have many entertaining anecdotes to share as a result, this was a thoroughly unproductive diplomatic exercise.

Vagyr Spies and scouts

Spying on the Emperor's forces is something the Unbound get reacquainted with swiftly and soon have a good degree of intelligence on the region and unrestricted hypernet access. However, more due to pure luck than skill, the Vaygr discover that the Unbound are planning to invade. They are delayed from sharing this with the Emperor, and rumors manage to reach friendly parties before the Emperor can crack down on this information.

(Unbound knows IC about what has been posted in the fluff parts of the Banished's thread. No new information.)


The Unbound complete all projects on time with orbital fortresses, mobile civilian centers that have more than a little bite to them and asteroid fields turned into the scourge of fleets and empires. Resources are carefully stored and hidden away for the use of the military in the case of invasion. The Unbound have made attacking their already mobile and defended civilian populations near impossible to reach without considerable effort and has given the ever growing fleets of the Unbound a bastion to fall back to should the constant wars come home.

Two Stellar lifting projects have been started in the former Flood territories, lifeless as they are were deemed to be the easiest and least disruptive sites for the operations, the resources of stars are immense far outpacing what is available in every dozen or honestly hundreds or star systems, However it is expected to drop off over time as the most easily obtained portion of the materials are collected.


Hiagara Cruiser:

Production and new prototypes of the largest ship class that the Unbound have ever produced speeds along at a fantastic pace, New Hanger blocks and schematics are hastily drawn up and put into testing and redrawing by the engineering crews and military analysts even as the battle with the Taiidan Empire begins.

But the different peoples pooling such knowledge and expertise is more than up for the challenge with the Haiigara Cruiser experiencing a baptism by fire as the first copies come online mid way through the campaign against the Beast-Emperor.

Reward: Add Hiagara Cruiser to Roster, within this turn the Hiagara only appears half way through the main conflict.

Reversing Engineering the Siege Cannon:

Similarly Scientists and engineers swarm the Kuun-lun both before and during the combat that the venerable explorer undertakes as the invasion of the Taiidan Empire commences, and having to do under such circumstances is a challenge to say the least. Also delayed by the fact that Motherships or the also in development Hiagara Crusiers are able carry such a device. A few prototype variants of the Hiagara come into selection for the Unbound near the end of the Taiidan conflict.

Reward: HIagara Cruiser with siege cannon variant can be added to roster, only appears at the last stages of the battle with the Taiidan

Gate Controls: Examinations into the controls of the Flood Gate have begun and it has been proven that the controls can be repaired and reopened and potentially more locations. This has caused debate within certain subfactions of the Unbound. However these debates will solidify at the end of the current crisis.


Taros campaign: The Blackcloaks that have been repulsed without a fight but the forces assigned here as the Taros Mages are only holding back because of the risk of drawing more factions into the conflict.

Invasion of the Taiidan/Pseudo Beast Empire: Will be covered in a Special event.

Containment of Chaos Legions: No forces of Chaos have been able to move past into territory of the Unbound or their Allies, but progress is slow and the territory is being pushed into at great cost for the Galactic Empire.
Further details will be made available at the start of the next year.

The Duchess sat within her office and looked over the reports, both from her son beyond the portal but also from her informants within the royal court. "Should have known things were going too well." she mumbles in annoyance, the towering woman letting out a sigh.
Already she was preparing plans for how to deal with these 'psychics' ranging from concentrated plasma bombardment by armored vehicles or deployment of dedicated Sniper Biosynths with high powered rail rifles. But she knew they needed a solution to those first and foremost.

Next off she would call in her loyal vassal houses, those who had not betrayed the Duchy and the Empire. With the current situation she needed overwhelming force, and given the Princess was seemingly a target now she would request that she and the 7th fleet assist in dealing with this ongoing situation, though unable to truly give her orders.

And that was the other Issue of course. These 'Chosen'. These... things. The targeting of the princess and royal guard were an insult. But they had attempted to hurt her Son and for that she would ensure their total and complete annihilation.
And that self proclaimed Bastard who dares to use HER family name! "I will have this so called 'Advent' Burnt to the ground by the time we are done." she mumbles with the cold fury of a mother whos child and family have been threatened.

1: Primary Aim will be the death or otherwise destruction of these enemy 'psychics' that potentially hold control of some of our former subjects. Dedicated Biosynth snipers with magrail snipers will be the first attempts, should this fail concentrated bombardment with plasma weaponry shall be employed.

2: Request will be made of the royal guard 7th to assist in combat operations. While the Fleets of the Duchy itself will be acting in a defensive capacity it is requested that the 7th act as a rapid response force, striking at the enemy wherever possible.

3: Predictive algorithms, mentat augments, and more will be used to attempt to predict where enemy fleets will strike next and then intercept them. Formerly allied fleets will be offered chances to surrender but will otherwise be boarded and disabled. Should boarding fail total annihilation is permitted.

4: The Chosen are a problem. Simple as. The Duchess will be assigning a bodyguard unit to her son with "Athena" Joining this unit given her assignment to him. Hopefully the competitive nature of the chosen can be exploited by having two of their targets in one place. The aim will be the Capture or destruction of the Chosen for the purpose of interrogation.
Despite the Duchess' Concern her son is however having a great time in his current life threatening situation considering his battle maniac and adrenaline junkie tendencies. By his mothers request he has however reinforced the armor around his cockpit in case the Hunters rifle is truly capable of piercing mech grade armor.

Duchy Turn 1 Response and Strategic Turn

"Advent will not surrender. We will keep fighting for liberation. To anyone still who has not yet joined our righteous cause, ask yourself this: When the Duchy rains fire down on your home, where would you rather be? Huddling in the ruins praying that you will be missed, or in a dropship with your fellow Advent soldiers about to shoot the bastards out of the sky? We have the weapons, we have the armour, but we need you to wield them against our corrupt foe! So find the nearest Advent recruitment centre and enlist now! Before it is too late!

Remember: The fight for a better tomorrow, starts today."

It had taken a year for the frontier colonies to be built, for minor nobles to stake their claims, for commoners to find homes and work and start a new life at the forefront of human expansion. It took only minutes for that hope to turn to despair as Duchy reinforcements clashed with Advent soldiers over cities, through streets and even between satellites orbiting far above planetary conflicts.

Any hope by either side that the conflict will be quick and decisive is dashed as territory is traded back and forth until all that is left are ruins neither side bothers to reclaim. What is left behind are graveyards and mech scrap heaps for the victor to decide what to do with, whenever this war is decided.

The sight of these ruins is beneath the notice of the mentats planning the strategic layer of the war. They see objectives accomplished, rebel strongholds stamped out, dissidents removed, at a steep loss due to intense guerilla warfare but that was expected. That was why they brought reinforcements.

And that is why certain countermeasures were put in place. Snipers target Avatars, though this has mixed results. In urban combat getting a clear line of sight is hard enough, made doubly so when their targets are fond of teleporting, triply so when they are elusive by nature and layered in psionic shielding. In the few cases where open combat is possible and Avatars are killed before the battle can really get going, the results are as expected. The higher nobility are freed from mind control and the Duchy wins those conflicts in short order.

To counter Advent's focus on guerilla warfare and use of heavy alien units such as Sectopods and Gatekeepers, Castellans and lesser nobility are deployed in far higher concentrations than usual.This leads to victory eventually in most cases, and when it does not whole cities and sectors of planets are subjected to extensive bombardment.

The situation in space is hardly better. The plan to use mentats to predict enemy actions runs into the snag that the enemy has mentats of their own, and psionic abilities that cannot be accounted for in the models created by the Duchy's analysts. The Duchy is still able to achieve victories thanks to technological and numerical superiority, but the costs are high.

The Usurper is located, and the assault that ensues is sufficiently dramatic that it is the perfect bait to lure out the Chosen, just as planned. What doesn't go according to plan is that a city sized ship materializes out of nowhere on the eve of the invasion, immobilizing the Af Hvide flagship and teleporting the Chosen and their personal forces on board.
This is not the first time the Chosen clashed with their prey, and not the first time Nikolaj was nearly kidnapped, but it is the last as the Chosen get in each other's way in joint combat against the him and Athena, the Hunter dying and the Assassin swearing revenge as she retreats.

What will go unreported is that the third Chosen made their move as well. The Warlock confronted the Princess and her royal guard, mind controlling all of them. While they had placed contingencies in their armour to lock out control in this situation, and a forced ejection feature in the Princess's Seraphim mech allowed her to escape the abduction attempt, the Warlock was able to extract a great deal of information from her mind. Before he could make a second attempt, he was forced to retreat as the Duchy fleet was able to coordinate and concentrate firepower on the Temple Ship.

The battle the next day against the final Advent base proceeded as predicted, Duchy ships having superior numbers and firepower compared to Advent counterparts and having inevitable success cracking open the rebel headquarters. In the aftermath it is discovered that the plan was to kidnap Nikolaj or the Princess Kara and replace them with alien-hybrid infiltrators, casting aside the usurper once their role was fulfilled. The unseen benefactors of Advent, known as the Elders or Ethereals, would then show themselves and place the Advent territory under proper management. Their ambitions extended much further than just the territory on this side of the portal if Nikolaj had been seized, but thankfully that did not come to pass.

In the aftermath of their defeat, a large chunk of remaining Advent forces fled Southward to the displeased reception of the Elders.

Two internal issues need resolving - A large number of nobles were under control of the Avatars. Many Nobles, both high and low, are watching to see the Duchy's response to the betrayal and the rebellion. Many those that were involved in the fighting are very sympathetic and could cause morale problems if you were to face opponents with similar capabilities again. However, if you are too lenient it would reflect badly on the royal court and be perceived as weakness.

The second and connected issue is the Princess brief stint under control. It is currently being kept under wraps and the Royal guard is ready to die to keep it. The Duchy has several options here from using the situation as a reason for leniency, but admitting weakness of the Imperial family, or sitting on it for blackmail, or if the Heir has another course of action in mind.

But now with the territory completely secured the Duchy can turn their attention to both economic and external matters.

RP available: 87


Center- Duchy Territory:Warton territory that is empty enough that the Duchy can fully settle and develop with little difficulty, contains the portal back to their home universe

C4- NorthWest, West, - Craver territory: An expanding and aggressive Insectoid Species of approximately humanoid shape has been burning through worlds at a rapid pace. While there has been no conflict yet scouts have been seen observing systems near the border and the Mentats believe that their territory will become exhausted within 5 years time. Physically they are Four armed and bulky humanoids that have extensive cybernetics and a heavy mechanized divisions and fleets. Their attention is currently to the south. They appear to be capable of negotiating but disinclined to.

North-IMF: A corporate holding subsidiary of the IMC. Performing a sector wide hack and slash operation, not too dissimilar to the activities of the Carvers. The look to be fairly isolationist wanting to get in and out of the area before it gets too hot but it looks like they could be convinced by multiple factions to work as mercenaries, For the right price that is.

North East, East- Ykantras Moot: A curious and alarming large groups of Nomadic aliens. They appear to mimic primitive tribal grouping in their social structures called Ordas. They have been massing for some time due to event further out in the galaxy in a massive Moot, many of their machines have a focus on transformation to fight on various terrain moving swiftly from space and orbital combat to atmospheric and ground combat.

South West- Virgin territory: This territory appears to be filled with no relevant species and is uncolonized, there have been skirmishes between the Cravers and The Underground

South- Underground/League of Free systems: The Rebellion that broke the Laconian Empire, a vast collection of different human groups the have prospered where the Empire has floundered. There is little unity to be found here but Mentants have warned that they have been organizing since their introduction to this universe and wield similar technologies as the Laconians with greater industrial might throughout their space most likely equivalent to out own, Their eyes have been mostly to the west and the threat of the Carvers. Politically the are more similar to our foes in our home universe than to ourselves. Keep a watch on them for deserters from the Advent rebellion.

South East – Laconian Empire: An Empire in the process of falling, It used to dominate the totality of local humanity around it till sabotage reduced and locked off their FTL for decades at the least, and in another time would have been thousands of years before they could achieve faster than light travel again if the entire region had not been brought over into this universe. Ruled by an immortal dictator bent on a united humanity and wielding strange and advanced technologies. Limited presence of Mech detected in their forces
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Diplomatic Orders:
4 RP on diplomacy with the Zerg
While War was being waged on almost all fronts, and while new allies were being gained almost automatically just from the situation that almost everyone who found themselves in this new galaxy has been plunged into, that does not mean that we should not reach out to others, nor that we shouldn't be vigilant about whether or not our less immediately hostile neighbors are truly intending to be at peace with us in the longer term. To that end, we are sending an expedition out to meet with the Zerg and determine their actual intent in the longer term, not just their short term lack of stillness, wich has already seemingly been confirmed. Should all go well, and they truly mean what their actions thus far indicate, then further relations should be persued, starting with defining 'who wants what' in terms of the relatively small region of territory between the two of us, and continuing on with the potential for future exchanges of goods and information, up to maybe even including future joint military operations.
Intrigue Orders:
2 RP on scouting
While the war on the eastern front is ongoing, the area to the west of our recently acquired and secured core territories are mostly unknown outside of the Suitaitazu threat to the southwest, and so that situation should be at least temporarily rectified. And so an expedition to the west, nay, more than one, for a singular group is all too vulnerable to ambush and elimination, is to be organized as to identify whatever is lurking there.
  • Scout out the territories to the West and North West of our newly acquired core territories(scout out H9 and H8). any obvious enemies(or maybe even potential allies, but those are much rarer) are to be reported on; and if there aren't any obvious ones, do a more in depth search to discern if there are any hidden ones in said area if finding them is at all feasible.
  • Any leftover forces from this expedition are to work to keep the territory that the Void Dragon recently cleansed(that we haven't yet claimed) free of other hostile threats as to facilitate our future expansion
4 RP 'sneaky tricks'
-combined into the opening of the eastern battle
Research Orders:
30 RP: full set of 5 research slots
All five slots are to be spent on finishing up Space Runes, as while the new information and potential technological paths gathered and inferred from the battles fought here are tempting, it is best to finish up what one is working on before starting a new project. That, and while the semi-local source of Power that is their 'Colours' is a few steps beyond what we have been able to draw from our innate psychic field before this point, it is best to start with forming a foundation built off of what one knows before one reaches for something that one could not comprehend before.
Industrial orders:
55 RP: improve F-7 East(the small-square that contains the portal back to my main territory) to Established+Ridiculous Defenses
45 RP: improve I-9 from Industrialized to Heartlands, setting things up for the construction of kilo and megastructures in the future
Military orders:
(reorganize the Battle Moons such that there are four full strength formations of five and one of three, instead of three of five and two of four)
(ask the warriors of Clan Skarvald that we hired during the past galactic year to travel through the portal to our eastern front, as we would prefer for them to be fighting in that fight over working to keep this side of the portal secure, same with the Observer)
"Oh, we never forgot how to fight. We only took the time to ask ourselves why. And here? You're not worth it, not when there are more important fights to be had elsewhere. As for what makes a fight important? That is something that you will likely never understand."
Even as the probes closed in, even as the Monsters closed in, the Krork prepared for war, prepared for war elsewhere in the galaxy, for any efforts here would be towards a singular aim: keeping their portal back to the Krork's core territory open, intact, and under friendly control. So even as entire armadas, and even a couple of stray battlemoons, left to pursue war elsewhere, even as many of the previously hired mercenaries are encouraged to lend their aid to the other warfront, the Krork prepared to hold their ground.
Indeed, even as the remains of two entire fleethordes and the remnants of a Battlemoon formation left to fight elsewhere, the remainder were reinforced, as a truly Ridiculous amount of materials of war flooded through the gate, being assembled even while still on route into everything from massive fields of grav-nova mines, to millions of defensive stations, to thousands of Darkstar Fortresses, to the materials required to construct almost countless orbital shells. Planet aver planet were turned into fortress worlds overnight even as almost each and every single moon in an ever widening sphere became host to its own internal fortress, ready to defend against almost all comers. Joining this force were a few more basic Battle Moons, just enough to bring back up the remaining formation back to full strength.(all remaining Battle Moons equipped with Warp Shadow Generators that were in this Warzone at the end of last turn are to move to the other warfront, replaced with enough basic Battle Moons to still have a full formation of five on this side of the portal)
Along with these defensive fortifications came trillions of Krork, volunteers from amongst their 'civilian' population, ready to spend their lives dearly if only to buy a little bit more time for the Krork's main fleet-migration of War to arrive and properly deal with these approaching, encroaching, Monsters. In amongst their ranks were some smaller, yet arguably even fearser kin, as the Warriors of the Keluke joined them in this fight.
And yet, even with such a small defensive goal, it would never do to sit idly by and merely let the Monsters grind you down, for that is not how one successfully wages war.
The preparatory stages were relatively simple things- each and every 'civilian' volunteer receiving as many military grade augments as they're willing to accept as soon as the Doc's are able to get to them, often long, long, long before reaching the front lines, each and every remaining Battle Moon on this side of the portal receiving their own set of World Phasers- the little things that make this coming battle all the little bit more survivable.(Doc's on proliferating out the Ironclad upgrade to the civilians('neva felt betta' is the Ork equivalent to this), Mecks on World Phasers).
The next steps were equally necessary, and maybe a bit more disheartening, as our erstwhile allies in this theatre, mainly the Mektic Commonwealth and the Vycondian Wardens, are instructed to focus on defending the peoples that are both under attack and don't have somewhere that they can more easily fall back to; meaning mainly the territory of the Vycondian Wardens, as they're in the general path of the Kroat invasion, and will undoubtedly face spillover from all of the other fronts, especially through the practically empty, completely unguarded, northern expanse of the Krork's territory in this region of the galaxy.
But even with the Krork abandoning over half(technically just half in map-terms, over half in effective actuality) of their present territory in the name of consolidating their defense, even with their present allies being trusted to hold their flank of this brewing war, even with the Krork's defenses in and around the portal growing ever denser, the Krork knew that sitting back would likely not be enough, not against these foes. And so the Battle Moons, few as they are, do not sit back in the core, instead, they range out, striking at targets of opportunity before slipping back farther into the depths of subspace, only ever emerging in full to either disgorge and then re-take on whatever fleet elements might be needed to turn the tide of the local fight back in favor of the Krork, or to work to evacuate whatever local forces can be in the face of truly overwhelming odds.(the Battle Moon formation, along with one of the two Warfleets, are to effectively start off on Advance-Envelopment-Disperse, with the warfleet and accompanying armies to work more to defend and support the Battle Moons than to operate on their own. The fact that the Battle Moons can fight from FTL due to the World Phasers is what makes this as possible as it is, as without them planetoids are only really effective on breakthrough maneuvers due to the sheer concentration of forces that said class of maneuvers imply. Even the planetoids are on Disperse in this case due to the sheer number of enemies that will be present in some way and due to the relatively low magnitude of properly equipped Krork that are deployed to this theatre.) it is only when the portal itself is under attack that the Battle Moons are to cease their 'flanking in force', as minimizing the loss of forces means nothing if the entire point of this operation falls. (the other Krork fleethorde in this theatre is effectively on advance-Disperse(to switch to Concentrating at said portal and holding there if/when the portal itself becomes under significant attack), working to strengthen the Krork's own layers of defense while still conserving their strength.)
(overall priorities are impeding the enemies advance over the Krork's properly defended territory over preserving the Krork's strength over actively destroying the opposing forces in detail, as the main killing of these Monsters can be left to the other Monsters, at least for now.)
Here the cruel calculus of warfare can be felt in full, and it is a price that the Krork are willing to pay if only to ensure that a proper counter attack can be launched at some point down the line.
(Krork forces: two seriously damaged base-magnitude fleethordes, a single full strength formation of full strength Battle Moons, Ridiculous defenses centered around the connecting portal back to the Krork's core territory that may or may not be complete yet, and five population worth of armed volunteer Krork ready to sell their lives dearly to defend their relatively recently gained new home. If somehow all goes well, the territory point containing said portal(the southern territory point of the two) will be at Established level territory development, but for now it just has 5 pop worth of Krork(now Ironclad) to reinforce said partially-complete Ridiculous Defenses. Reinforcing this is a single, if fairly large, detachment of Keluko Warriors, ready to sell their lives at a rather hefty price alongside the more direct members of the Krork Fleetcommune.)
(Krork support-actions: Docs on Ironclad, Meks on World Phasers, Warlocks in reserve to unleash some sort of massive psychic attack against the worst threat when things get down to the wire)
The Irregulars: four ascendant stars amongst the ranks of the Krork, these four are amongst the oldest members of the Krork Fleetcommune who are still alive. Working together ever since they first became a team back during the Eye of Terror campaign, these four have made for an eclectic, yet powerful team from almost day one; although reaching truly Legendary status is a relatively recent occurrence. Their four members are thus:
Narm, the Bardic Warlock, who enjoys slinging insults as much as he does psychic prowess. When not either engaged in or preparing for battle, he enjoys composing poetry, and has a surprisingly large following on the extranet. he has also tried composing music, and while grungy, his music has actually become fairly popular, not just amongst his fellow Krork, but amongst some humans and other people farther afield. His music is also surprisingly popular amongst Orks(a surprisingly large number of them seem to show up in the comments section of his livestreams since the Krork arrived here in this new universe), much to his embarrassment. Recently, his music has gained the ability to enhance others, allowing for them to more smoothly do whatever they're doing, even as those machines that are in range operate all the better- well enough even to allow for Klavinci's assorted creations to not fall apart on him until the appointed moment.
Klavinci the Mad Mech, the self proclaimed Master of Science, is an odd one, much closer to the ork Meks of old than the Krork's more structured Mechanics in terms of style, he enjoys tinkering with all sorts of gadgets when he isn't filling entire reams of data slates with almost countless designs, ranging from the completely impractical, to the 'this would be plausible if we had this advancement', to the positively mundane and outright out of date stuff. As for when he gets to play around with more than just his own personal allotment of supplies? The stuff he makes is the stuff of stories. Stories that usually end with the device in question malfunctioning and exploding after only partially doing what he wants them to do; but there are exceptions, ranging from mere variations on stuff that has been made before and could be made by practically any team of mechs, to true wonders that completely tilt the tide of the local battle in favor of the Krork… before fizzing out and jigsawing themselves. Recently though his creations have become vastly more stable, and he has been able to manage said semi-stable creations on an unprecedented scale relative to what he could manage before. He himself has even claimed that he might be able to make his mark on history and create Great Works of his own, ones on potentially an even greater scale than even what the Beast Set Loose has ever been seen deploying. Naturally, such claims are to be disputed, but given his recent successes the wider Fleetcommune has agreed that there is no reason to not let him try.
Champion Blazkowicz is the biggest and the strongest of the four. The only reason why he isn't a Fleetmaster is that he actively dislikes leading, and yet somehow others still look up to him and follow him into battle anyways. After all, there is something to be said for being the biggest and the strongest, and something more to be said for being the most deadly Krork that isn't effectively cheating their way around said question. Able to fight all but the strongest of the Primarchs to a standstill, and having survived a rather close encounter with Daemon King Logar in the distant past, there is no question on who would be the Overlord if the Fleetcommune somehow degraded into simple Orks. This also means that he is rude and abrasive by the standards of the wider Fleetcommunes, being far too direct even by the standards of the Krork, and being 100% unwilling to engage in social activities, focusing on this and the next fight over everything else that comes before and after it. Despite this, his social credit score is somehow quite high, as no one can question his results. Recently, his skill in Combat reached a whole new level, one more reserved for the Phoenix Lords of old than for a mere Krork.
Fleetmaster Garozane is the final member of this team of four, and is their direct leader, mainly due to being both the only one who wants said position, the only one that the other three will listen to almost without question, and the only one who can properly handle the social repercussions of the actions of the other three. Beyond being the manager of this little group, he is also the planner- the one who gets together the teams of Warlocks that allows for Narm's enhancing magic to reach far and wide, the one who gets together the teams of Meks that allows for Klavinci to actually build the wonders that his mind creates, and is the one that ensures that other Krork are in position to take advantage of the openings that Blazkowicz creates.
Spend 24 RP on acquiring both Tremzar Revolutionary Army Volunteer Corps, their priority shall be on the front lines fighting against the Three Scourges, although if they wish to send part of their forces back to assist with purging the demonic and devilish incursions then that should not be disallowed nor discouraged.
Spend 15 RP and I-9 West on acquiring a magnitude 4 force of Ogres from the Starmunch Ogre Tribe; if they are not willing to accept said territory point alone, offer them whatever territory we manage to conquer from the Wayfaring scourge that is not former Tai territory(as that was promised to be returned to them at some future point in time) and does not directly border Lovecraft's Nightmare(as that border needs to be kept secure); if they are unwilling to accept that risk, then offer them I-9 Northwest in return for them not owning the higher-than-standard-dimensions in said gifted territory, as it will be needed for future Krork projects.
The Ogres are to focus their efforts on the front lines against the Three Scourges, they shall act as the solid backbone and pushing force at the front where ourselves cannot act as such for one reason or another
Spend 12 RP on buying a magnitude 3 force of Psychotron Unlimited forces
you are to focus their efforts on the front, as we are planning on deploying some anti-magic assets to the rear, and while your abilities might be useful against the incursions to our rear, we shall need your strength at the front if we are to properly push onwards.
Spend 12 RP(11.4 rounded upwards due to decimals) on buying a magnitude 3 Origin League Free Army
You are to deploy wherever on this front that you think would best suited to your abilities, although we do think that your forces would be better suited to repelling the incursions to our rear than to fighting at the front, as it is there where your specialties are more likely to come into play.
spend 5 RP on hiring Eldar Void Raven Corsairs
Fight wherever on this front that you think is best however you think is best, be it striking out in raids/flanking maneuvers around the front and deeper into enemy territory, or providing assistance with purging the incursions to our rear. Enabling the faster redeployment of our assorted hired legends via the Webway is of secondary benefit.
Spend 5 RP on hiring the Black company(21 RP remain)
You are to assist with repelling the inclusions to our rear, for defeating the daemonic/demonic hordes and breaking the games that the Devils so like to play is not a job for the faint of heart.
Spend 3 RP on hiring the Guardians of the Light
Deploy wherever within this front that you think that you might do the most good, although please do cooperate with our local forces and don't end up in a situation where you would easily loose your Ghost unless you think that going into that situation would be worth more than the thousands of other enemies that you might otherwise take out.
Acquire the assistance of Samus Aran and Sylux
Hire Spire, the last Diamant
You three are to focus your efforts on the Incursions, as dealing with them at their localized sources is the best way to keep these civilians as safe as they likely ever will be. On any given battlefield your efforts on taking out summoners, be they locally corrupted souls or recently arrived demons. Taking out other, greater anchor points is also extremely important, and should be done on as wide of a scale as you can manage. These anchor points include, but are not limited to: Exalted Daemons of Nurgle(as they are the ones that anchor any given Daemon World to this reality, and without them said world can be dispelled back into the Warp), Hell Priests, massive Gore Nests, and whatever else might be anchoring their ability to stay on this reality. Past those your priority should be whatever else might be leading these incursions is also important, but should not be prioritized over closing whatever means that these incursions are using to enter this reality in such large masses, unless of course they are one and the same. Once the incursions are dealt with, Spire is contractually obligated to join in on the fighting the Three Scourges at the front; Samus and Sylux may join in on pushing these other foes back, but they are not contractually obligated to.
Spend 1 RP on hiring Darvageddon the Cerebromancer, allow him to study Krork knowledge
While we once again do not control you, we recommend that you focus your clairvoyance assistant brainpower and psychic might on supporting us and our allies on the front lines, acting to assist with coordination where our War Field cannot.
Spend 5 RP on hiring Sixshot
We're hiring you to do what you do best. To fight against the three scourges and bring ruination to their land. To bring destruction to where our Battlemoons(and any war planets that our allies bring) aren't and where our lesser forces are not enough.
(0 RP remain)
Present Krork forces: 3 full strength Battle Moon formations, one weakened Battle Moon formation(almost magnitude 3 in Battle Moons), one full strength base magnitude fleethorde(3rd Fleet-migration), two almost full strength base magnitude fleethordes(1st and 2nd Fleet-Migration, each at 90% strength), and two seriously understrength base magnitude fleethordes(4th and 5th Fleet-Migration);(total fleet-strength is at basically magnitude 3). Half of the present fleets(in total percentage) are to be in the front fighting against the Scourge Trio, the other half back in the depth fighting the incursions. Outside of a relatively minimal deployment to the front to ensure that the present Battle Moons do not fall and that boarding/counter-boarding operations can be carried out, the Krork's ground forces are to focus their efforts against the incursions.
Front Lines(fighting the trio of scourges):
Krork: all standard Krork Battle Moons(two full strength formations of five and a formation of three), 50% of the present Krork fleet(s), with a focus on larger vessels and ship-to-ship combat, and just enough ground forces to hold the planetoids against any remotely near reasonable ground based invasion against them and to perform boarding and counter-boarding actions; the Irregulars are also deployed here.
Mercenary: the Starmunch Ogre Tribe(magnitude 4 force, Primeris), the Psychotron Unlimited force (magnitude 3 force, Maximus), Darvageddon the Cerebremancer, Sixshot, and the Observer
Back lines/'friendly'-depth(fighting the trio of incursions):
Krork: all upgraded Krork Battle Moons(one full formation of five), the other half of the Krork fleets(focused more on enabling and supporting ground invasions), and all of the Krork's present ground forces that are not required for keeping the Krork ships and planetoids that are present at the front secure from boarding/invasion operations.
Mercenaries: The Black Company, the Guardians of Light, Samus Aran, Sylux, Spire- the last Diamant, Eldar Void Raven Corsairs, and Clan Scarvald
Allies: Ascendancy of Altra(magnitude 2 force, Ultra-Draconis)
Flexible(to deploy wherever they prefer, maybe even on both fronts): Tremzar Revolutionary Army volunteer Corps(two magnitude 3 forces, Maximus)(front focused), and the Origin League Free Army(magnitude 3 force, Extremis)(back-lines focused)
Allies: Autobot Democratic Star Republic(magnitude 3 force, Ultra), and Multiterra(magnitude 4 force, Extremis)
This war began as all great wars do, with a series of explosions. Matter evaporated into energy all across and throughout the former lands of the Tai and the territory of the Wayfaring Scourge, as large quantities of what would seem like normal Carbon, Nickel, Iron, Titanium, Uranium, and Adamantium(et alia) to all sensory implements not capable of casually seeing things on the subatomic scale suddenly started to evaporate in massive bursts of Hawking Radiation. Following this, yet even more disasters occurred, as several highly industrialized wayfaring scourge systems are thrown into gravitational chaos as planetary and stellar mass black holes emerge within them, thrown through subspace to emerge where they might cause the most immediate damage. Elsewhere, other systems are battered more indirectly, as other assorted gravitational devices, either having been planted there earlier by infiltrating teams of Commandos or actively operating from the depths of Subspace, attempt to cause moons to spiral into their host planets, stars to undergo helium flashes, and neutron stars to collapse.
Into the resulting chaos arrives even larger teams of Krork Commandos, having infiltrated their way in through the depths of Subspace and awaited their time in carefully hidden, and stabilized, dimensional pockets. From these locations, they too spread out, working to plant even more devices, up to and including planet-wrecking bombs and teleportation beacons for the coming assault. (4 RP Intelligence Operation, 'Tactical Genius' targeting the Wayfaring Scourge, targeting infrastructure over mobile forces over leadership.(roll for the severity of the resulting damage))
And yet, this was only the beginning of things, as the devastation did not stop with the success or failure of the assorted teams of infiltrators, but proceeded to only grow, as over a half dozen systems are wracked with gravitational chaos, as over a bakers dozen of this Scourge's most well developed worlds are ripped asunder, their continents shattered, their mantles spilling out to flood their surface even as smaller chunks are thrown up into orbit… then the Battlemoons arrive, and the storms of anomalous gravity do not stop, as even after all of the battlemoons have seemingly arrived, the storms do not abate, instead only intensifying over a rather unfortunate pair of worlds, the storms intensifying and growing in power even as they shake their targeted worlds into rubble, at which point two new targets are caught within these same planetoidless gravity storms having seemingly shifted targets, eventually these gravitational storms are joined by four more, then ten, then twenty, even as the existing ones are retargeted…(the rest of the Irregulars are supporting Klavinci, the Mad Mech, in the creation of his first grand scale Great Work, a Gravity-storm projection device, built in the relatively safe region between the two fronts of this warfront.(Narm is using his bardic mojo to help keep the device stable and to provide it more power, Garozane is making sure that said project is actively being constructed to the specifications of Kalvinci's plans, and Blazkowicz is waiting nearby in the defense fleet, knowing that someone will attempt to destroy said creation if they have any sense, so he is just simply waiting for that almost inevitable fight.))(said Gravity-storm generator is focusing on Wayfaring and Prethoryn worlds over Alghollthu worlds, as psychically corrupted worlds tend to be much more resistant to this sort of thing.)
Following behind these Battle Moons, taking advantage of the gaps in the front that they made and expanding said points into a proper front line, is a massive armada, nay, an armada of armadas, made not just of Krork, but of Ogres, humans, robots(of the psychic and autobot kind), and more. Where there once was an advancing wave of chaos surging for the already embroiled and heavily wounded refugee space, now there is a new front, as the guardians of this region of space make their voices heard.
Operational Strategy(Tri-Scourge front):
-Krork forces at the front are on Advance-Breakthrough(create openings at the front, focusing forces on where the battle is at its most intense and the enemy is at its strongest within the area defined as 'the front', goes heavily into the Clash phase, but includes a decent amount of Bombardment), while Psychotron Unlimited and the Starmunch Ogres are to be on Advance(steady advance over territory, defining the front and steadily pushing against the enemy, favors Bombardment and to a somewhat lesser extent Clash focused warfare), unless of course they themselves think that they would be better suited to some other operation at said front than a steady push.
- Sixshot and the Observer are to perform the same general operation as the Krork's Battle Moons, focusing on the 'hardest' locations at the front before moving onwards to the next hardest location at said front, breaking worlds and fleets and battling enemy planetoids.
- whatever forces of the Tremzar Revolutionary Army chooses to send to this front are to be on Advance or Advance-Breakthrough, whichever overall strategy they would prefer, as their Capital, attrition-heavy style of warfare would be wasted on Envelopment(Envelopment being working to flank, raid enemy supply lines, cut off reinforcements, and harass retreating- favors Skirmish style warfare, which does not seem to be their specialty)
- whatever forces the Origin League Free Army sends to this front are to focus on Envelopment, as their lack of heavier ground vehicles put them at a disadvantage in the heavy ground based fighting that is often expected at the front.
-whatever forces the Autobots send to this front are recommended to perform Advance-Breakthrough style maneuvers here, as their highly elite combat forces will be needed wherever the fight is the thickest.
- the forces of Multiterra that choose to commit themselves to the front lines against the trio of Scourges are to do whatever they think is best, as said forces aren't quite advanced enough to be an automatic shoe in for the thickest regions of this fight, and are too diverse to be easily pinned down in terms of where they would perform the best.
-Darvageddon the Cerebremancer is helping to coordinate all of this
-for what the Irregulars are doing here, see the earlier paragraph/parenthesis.
While all of this was going on, yet more forces from this tennitive alliance, joined by heroes and Legends recruited for this very purpose, are pushing their way into and through the embroiled mass that was this region of Refugee space. Here it was not a battle of maneuver and strategy, although maneuvers occurred and strategies were created, utilized, and discarded all the same, but one of heroes, legends, and the creation of mass graves, filled to the brim with the flesh of the Demonic, Daemonic, Devilish, and cultish. Clad in their fully sealed, ever self-sealing massive suits of armor, the Krork cleaved their way through mountains of slowly dispersing flesh, seeking out the Summoners, Greater Daemons, Pit Fiends, and other, even greater foes that truly anchored these incursions. Following behind the infantry even greater entities can be found, as marching Gargants and crawling Battlehives can be seen through the haze, lending their ever impressive firepower to the front. Elsewhere, massive fields of artillery make themselves known, firing not so much conventional munitions- as often such things are less effective than they should be against such foes, but paloads more focused on putting the mystic and the daemonic to the torch, as immolaetheric weaponry are used en masse, to often devastating effect; it is through the burnt out fields, often still lit with the embers of the resulting psy-seaking fire, that the Krork march, slaughtering the surviving extraversal entities even as they march towards their intended targets.
Joining them on the front lines were the Black Company and the Guardians of Light, who worked directly alongside the Krork, providing just that little bit more oomph against these extraversal foes.
Here and there other forces can be seen fighting against this foe, as armies of the Origin League, Tremzarin Revolutionary Army Volunteer Corps, and even those of Multiterra and the Autobots(OOC: assuming that forces from either of those two allies are deployed to this side of the conflict), join in this fight, but to the Krork these are but a sideshow, one that might help with this operation, but a side show nevertheless.
These ground forces were not alone though, and were not unsupported, for on high a notable portion of the space-based assets of the Krork awaited, lending their fire support against worlds not quite infested enough to become immune to such things even as they engaged their corrupted counterparts. While their presence alone is not all that notable, for where the Krork go so too do their fleets, but what they bring with them is, as Warp Shadow Generators, both the system scale generators found on the present Battle Moons, and the somewhat smaller ones mass produced almost on the spot by the Meks, can be found in almost each and every system that the Krork can be found(in this section of the warfront), making existence itself practically tortuous for these Extraversal invaders long before the immolaetheric munitions start to land. (Meks on Warp Shadow Generators)
Working practically alongside the generators, the majority of the Krork's available Warlocks gather here, channeling their might to forcibly Banish wide swaths of these Extraversal invaders back to whence they came, only pausing in this work long enough to forcibly Dispel any Daemon World that manages to get itself fully established in this region of space before getting back to their main task. (Warlocks on Banishment, to switch to Dispelling Daemon Worlds if/when it becomes necessary for however long it takes to deal with said worlds before switching back)
On worlds where the battle is won enough for their to be some moderately safe areas groundside, Krork Doctors can be found, salvaging the bodies of the (Krork) dead that are not either too vaporized or too corrupted to be worth it for spare parts, spare parts that are then used to bring new life to almost countless half-dead Krork, allowing for them to be sent back into the battle all the quicker. Elsewhere, other Krork Doctors can be seen hovering around the Krork's growth chambers, carefully administering and monitoring a chemical suite to these fungal masses, for while it is distasteful, in such a War even the newest of Krork are an important military asset, if only to free up yet more veterans for the front line. (Docs on Myriad(which is mainly what the Orks would describe as 'Itz Alive!'))
Here and there, where the extraversal threat was just a little bit too dense for even the most elite of Krork(or Guardian) strike teams to make their way through, a little bit too strongly anchored to be banished, and just a bit too entrenched for orbital bombardment to even partially work, other allies of these Krork struck out. Sallying out of temporary webway gates and flying down in vessels far too fast and agile to be simply blown out of the sky, the forces of the Eldar and of Clan Skarvald sally forth, working together to break these stalemates. At their head lies a trio of Legends, warriors and leaders practically without peer. Before them, Hell Priests die, great Gore Nests are evaporated, and even Exalted Daemons often turn and flee back into the depths of the warp to avoid their impending annihilation. (Spire, Samus, and Sylux are going to use the Webway to swiftly vaporize heads and take names where the Krork aren't enough to get the job done swiftly enough; the rest of the hired Eldar Corsairs and forces of Clan Skarvald are just there to help enable this.)

In the far western front, the Mandosi called in additional favours with the Ancient Caretakers to the south to help guard the Krork's ceded territory with forces from other allies. Necrons of the Nihilakh dynasty shimmered into position, bearing the bronze, chrome, and blue of that ancient polity in numbers significantly greater than you remember this dynasty being able to muster. World Engines and other mighty Necron craft, including leviathans and supercapitals and a number of Aeon Orbs, move to entrap the enemy forces that had hoped to surge into the breach in Krork defensive lines.

The Necrons tore through wave after wave of Technocyte infested aberration, rolling the monsters backwards into the masses of the Hive to push the two monstrosities into redirecting their efforts towards each other. A temporary measure, but one that would for the time being, allow this line to hold with the aid of a Machirax fleet.

This allowed the Krork in this front to focus on what mattered, keeping their damaged fleets going in the face of a relentless push by the Kroatanga and the Scrin.

The Kroatanga came in a tidal wave of militaristic violence that the Krork found eerily similar, yet uncannily different. Crueller, sharper, more meanspirited than Orkoids ever were as a matter of habit, a radioactive apocalypse heralded by mushroom clouds and bursts of hard rads and the thunder of enormous weapon batteries and the trundle of wave after wave of tanks following enough firepower that even simple tactics would prove overwhelming.

But the Scrin were the more vexing as many times the first indication of their presence was the sudden build up of spacetime anomalies followed by widespread destruction in the next eyeblink as their Paradox Engines froze time itself and teleported entire armies around within the space of frozen massacres. And while the Krork were resistant to Scrin mind control, they were not immune, with many Krork formations finding their thought patterns overridden by the directives of the Scrin Psychics, replacing their senses and internal dialogue with the directives of the Scrin Mental Network.

While the Earth Custodianship moved large chunks of its robotic fleets to help reinforce the sector, the Scrin advance was a thing of absolutely relentless industry. They are not monsters, but they can grind with the best of them.

However, Krork planetcraft seem to be an issue for them, halting their advances in many cases as they had not yet brought in their own counters to such things. The advances stagnate after weeks and months, bogged down by the press of fresh counterattacks and the increasing attentions of the Technocyte infestation and the Kroatanga towards the foe gathering steam.

The Prethoryn, seeming to be reluctant to get too stuck in for whatever reason, start to pull on through and out, seeming to be set on finding greener pastures elsewhere as the madspawn quiver and quake, sensing the tide turning and the massive weight of gravity's twisting under the Krork's gaze. Their lines buckle in the face of Krork attacks, and the Alghollthus increasingly focus their efforts on the defence as they seek to release wave after wave of their creations to protect the anchors of their xenoformed territory.

Deep Ones and Starspawn are brought forth alongside Eidolon constructs of reality deforming stone in mimickry of the works of the worlds of the unstrange. Shoggoths ooze forwards and form weapons from their gelatinous tissue, whistling polyps slipping through the angles of spacetime that normal eyes cannot perceive to strike from the unexpected places.

Strange technology that was neither statuary nor metallic nor biological but elements of all of these things clustered around fleets of utterly bizarre ships with psionic weapons that pulsed and shimmered across the hulls of Krork craft, striking many down while strange constructs that only partially intersected with 4D spacetime wormed their way through the angles unseen.

But the sheer numbers of the Krork and the Wayfarers had forced them back, as did the sabotage efforts of the Multiterra who brought forth means with which to help their allies stabilise the onslaught of insanity so that their heavy assets could be deployed to best effect.

The Wayfaring Scourge fought rather like a less commander dependent form of the Men of Iron, with many similar technologies, though it seemed they were significantly faster at pulling apart raw materials and assembling new machines of great size. Perhaps most dangerous were the "Magnetar cages" which contained extremely intensely magnetic quark stars compressed to the limits of baryonic matter. Far in advance of what the scourge the Imperium had faced could accomplish.

This was a genuine stellar mass object that would have the entirety of its magnetic field concentrated to, and released into a beam that would make even a Krork Attack Moon come apart in short order, while incoming attacks were repelled by extending the containment field further. It was, compared to the madness of the Deeplords, relatively conventional, but it was such a concentration of raw power that it hardly mattered, not when it could attack across starsystems. Multiple doomsday cannons able to hit worlds and ships far away were affixed to the Magnetar cage, augmenting the unbearable power of the stellar corpse contained within.

The mercenaries prove to be of great help, with Sixshot's black hole forged armature allowing him to push through the very worst sort of combat without a scratch.

But it seems that the other reason that the Prethoryn Scourge started to withdraw was that they sensed the bending of spacetime and the emergence of Ecumenical "Vil'Dur'Kar" legion ships. Not officially part of the military with just enough deniability to make them virtually consequence free to use in the decayed state of international law, but equipped to deadly standards nonetheless.

Knowing the Ecumene, this was probably a fleet from one of many "lesser ecumenes" formed out of ecumenical settler colonies officially shorn from the Arch-Ecumene after its defeat in the Great War, likely not the one in Vyranodasik, but almost certainly sharing information with it and working towards a greater goal.

Their ships had a predatory aspect to them, ominous tyrian highlights and advanced weapons powering up wielded by those who had the insanity to seek out the Krork and the Multiterra for a fight. Then the universe started to expand dramatically in localised areas as dark energy beams struck at craft, expanding space between particles in a way that most conventional defences would always come apart in the face of.

Programmed subatomic machinery would spill onto Krork craft, released from missiles and projectors following bombardments against shielding, peeling away at hulls and bodies to open then up for hard-light barrages funneled through warped space to break the lightspeed barrier. And perhaps most boldly, many times the Ecumene's Scourge Fleets would close in for boarding.

The average Jyrvikani grunt was taller than the average Krork Soldier, stronger too with the enhancements that went into the winged reptiloids and their power armour, sometimes bowling into slab shield lines with shoulder-check charges to create breakthroughs while professional killers and war machines followed suit.

The Imilki themselves were taller than even Krork nobles, giants of immense psionic power that exuded menace and contempt from within their armoured suits. Rare was the enemy who would willingly tackle Krork nobility, but the Imilki Warborn were eager to do so, to prove their superiority under their fascist doctrine and show the dominance of their greater strength, size, and power.

Multi-armed, rage filled wang-kons, shaggy mountains of muscle beneath their armour, slammed into the thickest of lines, their armour restructuring itself at the subatomic level to adapt to incoming krork firepower while their close assault weapons belched forth hard-light death to weaken foes before smashing into them with heavy melee weapons. Vulkratakan assassins and hunters slipped through the lines and exploded many defences unseen, all to allow the flood of Xhysterakid and Yarghul alien legionaries to run rampant, reproducing like plagues with the corpses of the dead and bounding forth with claws that could find their way through even krork armour with a bit of patience, cunning, and the equipment that they seemed to be born with.

For the first time in a long time, the Krork were genuinely losing the infantry fight, while the Ecumene's armoured corps bulldozed its way through Krork equivalents, Jurassic hover tanks accounting for more than a dozen krork equivalents before going down on average. With their spacewarping movements and own familiarity with subspace, they were difficult to surprise with such tactics, and kept on shuffling their forces to avoid the largest concentrations of Krork forces and concentrate the schwerpunkt where it would hit hardest.

Encircled Krork forces would be exterminated by detached formations, while like the heads of a hydra, the remaining forces reconcentrated against new weakpoints opened up by the breakthrough to carve apart the Krork formation's and lines. Often with significant casualties of their own, but with their ability for necron like teleportation recall and femtite/attite reconstructive technology, it was very common for their troops to return to the field in a hurry, while their mobile construction vehicles unfurled base after base in a creeping advance. While the Tremzarin were able to help start to slow the advance, the sheer initial blitzkrieg was something to behold.

They had taken losses, often barbaric losses, but they had punched through more than a thousand parsecs in a matter of weeks, leaving many krork formations trapped in pockets in the spider-webbing Scourge Fleet advance. Meanwhile, the humans of the Multiterra were swiftly, violently, and barbarically slaughtered when captured. They revelled in a chance to show their sheer hatred of humanity, to kill the human filth or to drag them away for fates unknown but almost certainly dire.

If there was a weak point in the overall Ecumenical Doctrine, its that it seemed to be "Tactically Ingenious, Operationally Problematic, and Strategically Myopic". The focus on sheer battles of annihilation over the means of production, the emphasis on aggression as a virtue, and the focus on advancing at all costs until they absolutely had to slow down and hold positions. Furthermore, each formation seemed to be competing with each other, trying to outshine one another's deeds in the hopes of greater status. It was not anywhere near as…chaotic as the armies of the dark gods, but the meritocracy demanded exceptional deeds for exceptional promotions.

The Battles in the rear areas were often wild and confused. Though the War of the Krork were virtually untouchable to Chaos' guiles, the Fleetcommunes of the Krork were not quite so totally protected, though their emotions still fed into the psychic gestalt of the war. It was enough however, when in tandem with the widespread populations of vulnerable civilians they could act against, for the Daemons of the Plaguefather to run rampant.

Plague Marines in numbers that vastly exceed anything the Krork remember the Death Guard of having ever been able to field, veterans of the galaxies of darkness, prove eager to challenge the Krork even as they often have to blast their way through gigantic piles of Hellish Demons and Diabolical Devils to get a chance to earn the grandfather's favour.

The Purge brought forth chemical weapons enhanced by sorceries so vile that even Krork soldiers were reduced to bubbling sludge by them, revelling in the massacres even as they were often reduced to freefloating atoms by the return fire themselves, and the hordes of infected zombies were pulverised en masse by Krork soldiers who were largely immune even when unarmoured.

The Daemons of the many aspects of Nurgle teemed in a rotting horde, delighting in the suffering of the mortals who had come to this place in search of hope. Daemon Worlds had formed, even entire warp rifts, palaces to Disease, Decay, Despair, Cancer, Stagnation, Sloth, and Corruption to name seven of the Poxgod's aspects rising with geometries and angles that spat in the face of what could be accomplished by mortal architecture.

But the Shadow generators pained them, made it harder for the daemons to stay here, to be called in the first place, it squeezed on the currents of the empyrean that the sorcerers and wizards called upon, it, paired with the viridian energies of the War!, made the supernatural curses of the Seventh God more confined to what microbes could conceivably do.

The Worgox, favoured xenos of nurgle, those seven headed things of corroding mucus and bile, masters of foul technology and despair inducing sorcery while the Daemon Engines of the plaguefather surged alongside the masses of cultists, pestigors, and chaos warriors. The Krork smashed them, again and again, many of their great champions falling to Spire, to Sylux, to Samus as they deployed on nightmare worlds of hideous plagues alongside the Krork champions and their armies, others swept by the mercenaries such as Clan Skarvald or the Eldar, or allies such as the Autobots to allow daemon worlds to be closed in cataclysms across haunted space.

The Demons of Hell were innumerable, powerful, and vicious, but the Krork were mightier than even they. Imps and Zombies were mashed into pulp in moments, many other demons faring only a little better despite their sheer numbers, and the Archviles found themselves busied by having to resurrect their fallen comrades repeatedly to keep up. But they had found assistance in the forms of the Demons and Husks of another Hell, vast leviathans and lightning fast Mannequins unleashed like statuary held together by red blood.

They were however, a rather centralised army. Super Gore Nests, Hell Priests, and Royal level demons all provided targets to be brought down by either storming the castle or sending in the assassins. Not just the mercenaries such as the three freelancers, not just the Krork Irregulars, but also the Multiterra's infamous Doom Slayer who relished in a chance to wreak havoc on his preferred enemy. While the legions of the Dark Lord are without number, fed by the sinners of a multiverse, the Krork clearly have put much more thought and investment into vehicular warfare, even with the aid of the demons of other hells[1], and much of the power of their twisting argent energy and sheer terror is utterly lost on the green tide.

However, they do have sheer guts (even if they are getting all over the place) and refuse to retreat to a degree that would be insane for less limitless armies. They fight to the bitter end and death, room by room, building by building, battlefield by battlefield, world by world. Chaos Daemons would have had issues with maintaining their empyreal links to the materium, mortal armies would have lost the spirit or the simple manpower for the contest, but they just kept coming like the rain even as the bodies piled high enough to create geographic features from gore and bone.

But with the targeted strikes, their sheer numbers were starting to wither and wear down, struggling to maintain the means with which they could pour into this realm and receding as all floods must. Worlds swarming with the possessed, with husks, and with demons were cleared, the pulsation of the war field replacing the hellish red and orange in the sky with viridian lights as the Krork made their mark.

The Devils were much like the Daemons, not properly material beings who needed anchors in this realm. Immortal, ageless, stories that drew those who encountered them in the materium into them. But whereas the raw id of Chaos was well, chaotic, these were the malevolent scourges of organised religious belief systems, systemic, professional, and methodical. They fought not with the anarchic riot of self-destructive frenzy of chaos or the animal rage of the hell demons, but as visions of conquest and the pain and cruelty of war itself.

They fought as soldiers, in organised squads and formations with coherent lines of battle. Trooper Devils clad in burnished plated with wings held like cloaks produced hellfire rifles that burned unnatural colours for flame. Melee counterparts brought forth shields and blades and halberds and guisarmes, sneering at the Orkoids through furnace grille horned helms and wheeling into motion with the sort of practiced ease that mortal soldiers would need careful training to accomplish.

Specialist Devils and Diabolimechs and higher ranked empyreal spawn joined the fray where they were confronted by the Krork, while their Hellships coruscated with unholy and tyrannical energies as the Krork smashed into them. The essence of flame was unleashed again and again, beams of force and disintegration tearing from their ranks along with cannonades and burning chains and bitter, bitter cold. Arrowhead shaped ships dueled with brutalist constructs with sharp points that gave the air of impending, inescapable punishment.

But while the Diabolical Army's greater organisation skills made them less vulnerable to decapitation than the others, as they could simply replace each banished cog in the machine with the next in the line of succession, they were fundamentally dependent on their anchors to expand their realm in the materium. Their cult armies, devoted to them, lavishing them in praise and in souls and worship, were weaker links, who would be ground down with finality, swamped by mercenaries and the green tide and making their masters flicker as the energy that bound them ran thin and proved unable to provide the divinia they needed to stay.

Hellish constructs forced to obey the laws of existence once more collapsed on themselves or flew apart depending on the exact way they defied physics. Infernal legions that were on the march to freshbattle disintegrated, essences falling back into their Hell Spheres as their manifestations could not sustain themselves. Hellish sorceries that were being used to turn the tide waned and guttered, the War and the Shadow in the Empyrean squeezing at their floes, and they started deeming that the harvests were no longer worth the effort, peeling their efforts back steadily in fighting retreats.


Most fronts are currently stable, with the Necrons helping to protect your abandoned sector until you are able to return to it.

Presently, the Krork are displaying the most superiority in Infantry, Battleworlds, Shock, Penetration, Clash, and Skirmish, and are suffering the most in vehicles and screen ships. The exception is against the Ecumene, where they are, for the first time in a long time, taking a significant disadvantage in infantry.

The far-western fleets have not taken appreciable damage. Nor have the fleets engaging the Daemons, Demons, and Devils. The fleets in the triscourge catastrophe warzone have taken a 10% step of damage, with the Ecumene, despite being a latecomer, inflicting the worst of it.

The Krork are currently on the offensive against the Alghollthus, the Wayfaring Scourge, the Maggotkin of Nurgle, the Infernarch Legions, and the Hellish armies. They are on the defensive against the Technocyte, the Kroatanga, the Scrin, and the Ecumene.

The Great Work is ready for deployment

[1]: Ultrakill and the Stellaris Demonic Incursion to help round out the roster, especially in terms of heavier units. Generally settings with demons that also have scifi or at least modern tech.
In the far western front, the Mandosi called in additional favours with the Ancient Caretakers to the south to help guard the Krork's ceded territory with forces from other allies. Necrons of the Nihilakh dynasty shimmered into position, bearing the bronze, chrome, and blue of that ancient polity in numbers significantly greater than you remember this dynasty being able to muster. World Engines and other mighty Necron craft, including leviathans and supercapitals and a number of Aeon Orbs, move to entrap the enemy forces that had hoped to surge into the breach in Krork defensive lines.

The Necrons tore through wave after wave of Technocyte infested aberration, rolling the monsters backwards into the masses of the Hive to push the two monstrosities into redirecting their efforts towards each other. A temporary measure, but one that would for the time being, allow this line to hold with the aid of a Machirax fleet.

This allowed the Krork in this front to focus on what mattered, keeping their damaged fleets going in the face of a relentless push by the Kroatanga and the Scrin.

To see friendly Necrons, and full blown Necrons at that, not just the Necrontyr that they became, again, to once again fight alongside what was once supposed to be your sworn enemy, was a surprise, if a welcome one. And so, where the lines met, the Krork actively got into something resembling a formation alongside their once-again peers, tanking the blows that they knew that the Tomb worlds could not repair, covering for the drastically underfunded legions of warriors when the fighting got too dense even as they in turn took cover behind the Necrons' own Monoliths when the concentrations of incoming fire became too much, only to sally forth once again when the Krork's own Superheavy vehicles and Titans came in to add their firepower to the mix. For while these Necrons were new to fighting alongside the Krork, let alone the Krork of the FleetCommunes, these Krork were not new to fighting alongside the Necrons.

But these Necrons were still different, with numbers not seen in modern times and with Tomb Ships of the sort that were rendered an extreme rarity back at home long before the end finally came around. And so, even with the pallor of familiarity hanging over the battlefield, these new arrivals still sent ripples throughout the FleetCommunes, ripples that sparked discussion and discourse, discussion and discourse that somewhat rapidly reached the ears of the surviving Necrontyr that made the trans-universal journey. And so, within a relatively short timeframe, the Necrontyr too came to a decision point- for while these people were technically strangers from another universe, they were still fellow Necrons, Necrons still suffering from the curse of being unable to choose to become Necrontyr again, to never feel quite right even as their supposedly soulless bodies never feel quite right. And so, when the Fleetmaster that was in charge of the area where these two defensive lines met finally reached out to whichever Overlord was in charge of this military action, he opened up with a message, one passed from Necrontyr, to Necron.
"Oi, we know that he ain't from the same universe as you, but our own Phaeron Hakmephet apparently has some extremely important information to share with you; and while things might be a bit too busy around here to arrange a proper meeting right now, according to people that know more about this situation than myself the information that he is insisting on sharing with you seems to be rather important."
(OOC: feel free to continue this small back and forth during your response post; as it's a setup for a diplomacy action that I will be taking next turn)

The Kroatanga came in a tidal wave of militaristic violence that the Krork found eerily similar, yet uncannily different. Crueller, sharper, more meanspirited than Orkoids ever were as a matter of habit, a radioactive apocalypse heralded by mushroom clouds and bursts of hard rads and the thunder of enormous weapon batteries and the trundle of wave after wave of tanks following enough firepower that even simple tactics would prove overwhelming.

But the Scrin were the more vexing as many times the first indication of their presence was the sudden build up of spacetime anomalies followed by widespread destruction in the next eyeblink as their Paradox Engines froze time itself and teleported entire armies around within the space of frozen massacres. And while the Krork were resistant to Scrin mind control, they were not immune, with many Krork formations finding their thought patterns overridden by the directives of the Scrin Psychics, replacing their senses and internal dialogue with the directives of the Scrin Mental Network.

While the Earth Custodianship moved large chunks of its robotic fleets to help reinforce the sector, the Scrin advance was a thing of absolutely relentless industry. They are not monsters, but they can grind with the best of them.

However, Krork planetcraft seem to be an issue for them, halting their advances in many cases as they had not yet brought in their own counters to such things. The advances stagnate after weeks and months, bogged down by the press of fresh counterattacks and the increasing attentions of the Technocyte infestation and the Kroatanga towards the foe gathering steam.
-now that all of the Krork's Battle Moons(in this theatre, anyways) have been equipped with World Phasers the local Meks are to switch to building Crater Makers(absurdly massive artillery pieces whose main cannon resembles those found on a Super-Mauler) to assist with holding against the Kroatanga's overwhelming, if simplistic, tide of forces; as while the more conventional fortifications that are semi-standard to all proper Krork bastions/fortresses are able to provide ample backing against the Kroatanga's more conventional forces, the repeated sightings of several Kroatlossi and even the occasional Kroathemoth require their own answer that isn't forcibly landing a War Hulk on an otherwise still mostly intact fortress world; and while the instigator of said event has been left out of the final report, we all know that it was former Fleetmaster Karl.

- Similarly, the Warlock Cabals, now that the could-be-issues are more known than just 'there are allot of extremely large, if mutually hostile, enemy fleets(and hordes) coming towards us', are to finally be unleashed, using the War! Energy that has built up from the constant back and forth to unleash a great Thunder WAAAGH, timed to be unleashed just after the Scrin's next usage of their time stop technology, aiming to take out as much of their locally-present forces as possible before they can make use of the newly opened gap in our defenses, maybe even taking out enough that we can actively reclaim said area instead of being pushed back even farther.

- Finally, the final set of these new overarching orders are given, and the contingent of Commandos, small as it is on this particular front, are unleashed, aiming to take out the Scrin's closest set of Threshold Towers, so that their steady stream of constant reinforcements might be slowed down somewhat.

With these orders given, and with the somewhat reassuring presence of their old-yet-new allies, the Krork's projections of the battle begin to warp and change, as norms are recalculated, allies taken into account, and the extent of their enemy's constant fighting is fully taken in; soon enough, the very fate of this front begins to slowly shift and change, as what once seemed like an almost inevitable downward spiral into a maybe successful final change begins to shift into something much more resembling a prolonged siege. And while a prolonged siege was still a losing proposition in the long run, all that they truly needed to do here was buy time.


The Prethoryn, seeming to be reluctant to get too stuck in for whatever reason, start to pull on through and out, seeming to be set on finding greener pastures elsewhere as the madspawn quiver and quake, sensing the tide turning and the massive weight of gravity's twisting under the Krork's gaze. Their lines buckle in the face of Krork attacks, and the Alghollthus increasingly focus their efforts on the defence as they seek to release wave after wave of their creations to protect the anchors of their xenoformed territory.

Deep Ones and Starspawn are brought forth alongside Eidolon constructs of reality deforming stone in mimickry of the works of the worlds of the unstrange. Shoggoths ooze forwards and form weapons from their gelatinous tissue, whistling polyps slipping through the angles of spacetime that normal eyes cannot perceive to strike from the unexpected places.

Strange technology that was neither statuary nor metallic nor biological but elements of all of these things clustered around fleets of utterly bizarre ships with psionic weapons that pulsed and shimmered across the hulls of Krork craft, striking many down while strange constructs that only partially intersected with 4D spacetime wormed their way through the angles unseen.

But the sheer numbers of the Krork and the Wayfarers had forced them back, as did the sabotage efforts of the Multiterra who brought forth means with which to help their allies stabilise the onslaught of insanity so that their heavy assets could be deployed to best effect.

The Wayfaring Scourge fought rather like a less commander dependent form of the Men of Iron, with many similar technologies, though it seemed they were significantly faster at pulling apart raw materials and assembling new machines of great size. Perhaps most dangerous were the "Magnetar cages" which contained extremely intensely magnetic quark stars compressed to the limits of baryonic matter. Far in advance of what the scourge the Imperium had faced could accomplish.

This was a genuine stellar mass object that would have the entirety of its magnetic field concentrated to, and released into a beam that would make even a Krork Attack Moon come apart in short order, while incoming attacks were repelled by extending the containment field further. It was, compared to the madness of the Deeplords, relatively conventional, but it was such a concentration of raw power that it hardly mattered, not when it could attack across starsystems. Multiple doomsday cannons able to hit worlds and ships far away were affixed to the Magnetar cage, augmenting the unbearable power of the stellar corpse contained within.

These 'Quark-Magnetar Cages' were an issue, and one that the Krork would need to deal with to achieve something at least resembling a proper victory in the ongoing war over this particular area, and it was not something that could be dealt with via conventional means, not with the assets currently both known and available to the FleetCommunes at this point in time; for in the here and now they had no War Worlds available, nor any under construction, let alone any close enough to completion for even one of said creations to be rushed out in something resembling good time. As for why they needed a War World here? Nothing else in the Krork's roster, nor in the known and available assets of their current allies could successfully approach said creations in real space and survive long enough to take out even one of said creations.

And so, as the discussion progressed from what wouldn't work to what could, the answer became obvious: simply don't approach one of these things from real space. Even better, the usage of Subspace allowed for whatever would deal the main blow to not even need to re-enter realspace to deliver the final blow, as gravity could propagate between those sub-dimensions and realspace; meanwhile whatever assets were chosen could be protected in turn, as the Quark-Magnetar Cages' reliance on magnetism for the vast, vast majority of their offensive, and arguably to some extent defensive, capabilities made their ability to intercept such a blow rather limited.

As for how the blow would likely be dealt? That too would best come from a gravity based weapon over a teleportation based one, as the very nature of the quark-star at the heart of said creation made it uniquely vulnerable to such attacks in a way that it very much wasn't to basically anything else, as all calculations put the quark star at its heart extraordinarily close to its own Schwarzschild radius, close enough that it would only take a relatively small push to send it toppling over the edge.

As for how to do such a thing? Teams of Krork offered potential solution after potential solution to the think tank of Meks that were already starting to work on the issue- ranging from massively oversized Dive Torpedoes, kept on target by a combination of inbuilt sensors and the sheer mass of their target, to a somewhat less brute force, yet even more experimental, answer in the creation and deployment of several Hyper Planar Missiles, as the gravitational force required to significantly disrupt one of the Void Dragon's pocket dimensions was significantly smaller than what would be required for this, as a momentary burst of hypergravity would be all that would be required to push any one of these Quark stars over its edge.

Unfortunately, the arrival of forces from one of the Lesser Eccumines put the talk about simple, disposable answers to these constructs on hold, as going for such an answer would leave the resulting devices either destroyed(via their own usage) or effectively lacking in another target that they would be fully effective against, given the nature of their currently chosen targets.

Fortunately, said somewhat confused state lasted a relatively short period of time, as the ongoing debate within the closer-to-civilian members of the FleetCommune reached a rather simple answer, one that in hindsight they should have thought up when this debate had first started days ago. That answer? Build and deploy World Phasers for the constellations of Battlemoons present in this warzone, for not only would that allow for said Battlemoons to be able to better pick and choose their battles- denying the Eccumine to engage in the truly grand scale engagements that they preferred on terms that were not the Krork's, but it would also allow for them to deal with these Quark-Magnetar Cages, for even when phased relatively far from reality, buried safely away within the deeper reaches of subspace, far from the insanely strong and insanely directed magnetic fields created and projected from these superweapons, they could still unleash their full strength against such targets, for their own extremely high mass would provide practically all of the targeting data they would need even if the Battlemoon in question couldn't provide it themselves(which it very much could), and each and every Battle Moon had plenty of weapon systems that could do the trick.

And so, the order was given, and with a matter of [insert relatively short period of time] the job was done, as Battlemoon after Battlemoon started to simply fade away from many an engagement, and as a full Constellation of said temporarily-upgraded moons sped towards their destinations, aiming to take out these stellar mass battle planets before they could do all that more in the way of harm.

The first thing that the Wayfaring scourge noticed, when they first realized that something was wrong, when they noticed that one of their Magnetar-Cages was under attack, is when the light given off by distant stars started to distort, warping and shifting around an unseen, and unseeable event. The cone of distortion, rippling both forwards and seemingly backwards, was projected and calculated, as what seemed to be a thin cone of massive, yet seemingly sourceless, gravitational waves was projecting itself towards the Magnetar Cage at impossible speeds. Soon enough, the cage is caught in the wave, its materials strained by massive forces beyond anyone could have predicted, strained to the point where any planet would be dust, strained… and yet still somewhat intact, the core of it all merely shaking, quaking, even as the nearby-yet-distant star, half ripped apart by an errant wave of magnetic force, quakes, shakes, and threatens to tear itself asunder.
If that was the end of things, then it most certainly would have barely slowed the down. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

The mercenaries prove to be of great help, with Sixshot's black hole forged armature allowing him to push through the very worst sort of combat without a scratch.

But it seems that the other reason that the Prethoryn Scourge started to withdraw was that they sensed the bending of spacetime and the emergence of Ecumenical "Vil'Dur'Kar" legion ships. Not officially part of the military with just enough deniability to make them virtually consequence free to use in the decayed state of international law, but equipped to deadly standards nonetheless.

Knowing the Ecumene, this was probably a fleet from one of many "lesser ecumenes" formed out of ecumenical settler colonies officially shorn from the Arch-Ecumene after its defeat in the Great War, likely not the one in Vyranodasik, but almost certainly sharing information with it and working towards a greater goal.

Their ships had a predatory aspect to them, ominous tyrian highlights and advanced weapons powering up wielded by those who had the insanity to seek out the Krork and the Multiterra for a fight. Then the universe started to expand dramatically in localised areas as dark energy beams struck at craft, expanding space between particles in a way that most conventional defences would always come apart in the face of.

Programmed subatomic machinery would spill onto Krork craft, released from missiles and projectors following bombardments against shielding, peeling away at hulls and bodies to open then up for hard-light barrages funneled through warped space to break the lightspeed barrier. And perhaps most boldly, many times the Ecumene's Scourge Fleets would close in for boarding.

The average Jyrvikani grunt was taller than the average Krork Soldier, stronger too with the enhancements that went into the winged reptiloids and their power armour, sometimes bowling into slab shield lines with shoulder-check charges to create breakthroughs while professional killers and war machines followed suit.

The Imilki themselves were taller than even Krork nobles, giants of immense psionic power that exuded menace and contempt from within their armoured suits. Rare was the enemy who would willingly tackle Krork nobility, but the Imilki Warborn were eager to do so, to prove their superiority under their fascist doctrine and show the dominance of their greater strength, size, and power.

Multi-armed, rage filled wang-kons, shaggy mountains of muscle beneath their armour, slammed into the thickest of lines, their armour restructuring itself at the subatomic level to adapt to incoming krork firepower while their close assault weapons belched forth hard-light death to weaken foes before smashing into them with heavy melee weapons. Vulkratakan assassins and hunters slipped through the lines and exploded many defences unseen, all to allow the flood of Xhysterakid and Yarghul alien legionaries to run rampant, reproducing like plagues with the corpses of the dead and bounding forth with claws that could find their way through even krork armour with a bit of patience, cunning, and the equipment that they seemed to be born with.

For the first time in a long time, the Krork were genuinely losing the infantry fight, while the Ecumene's armoured corps bulldozed its way through Krork equivalents, Jurassic hover tanks accounting for more than a dozen krork equivalents before going down on average. With their spacewarping movements and own familiarity with subspace, they were difficult to surprise with such tactics, and kept on shuffling their forces to avoid the largest concentrations of Krork forces and concentrate the schwerpunkt where it would hit hardest.

And so, much as was the case against the Void Dragon's puppets, here once again the Krork would rely on wide spread indirect destruction; and while the creation of a large Horizon Fortress-esque Device, and then modifying it to enhance the realspace side of its effects, could be an option, it was not one that would be acceptable here, for too much of the Krork's strength in the here and now relied on their allies, allies that could and likely would be impacted by such a device just as much as their current foes;

lesser alternates were also an option, and indeed such methodologies, ranging from giant cannons, to disposable missiles, to any one of a number of temporary improvements to the Krork's Constellations of combat planets, have been and even now are being implemented by the Fleetcommune's cadre of meks; but to Klavinci nothing less than a Great Work would truly suffice, and so that is what he made. Supported by the bolstering abilities of Narm, and made into something resembling practical by the organizational skills of Garozane, Klavinci went on to make his first true Great Work. here, a truly massive Horizon Fortress would not work, for it was far too indiscriminate on this particular battlefield, and a massive Planet Killer would not suffice, for the issues at hand could not be solved by taking out a singular target; instead, Klavinci went with the in between route, building, and continuing to build up, a massive Realmquaker Device, one ready to shake planet after planet into molten balls of ruin when they weren't shook apart into a steadily re-coalescing field of dust and debris. Simulating the effect of a Battlemoon or War World using its FTL to make its way towards a chosen destination, each of the projected fields would be a swift death sentence to any ordinary world.

More importantly this Great Work did not project one such field at any given target at a time; but instead four, four fields of gravitational chaos that switched targets at whatever pacing the Krork wanted at any given point of time. Mind you, a mere four such fields could be lost in the noise, as up to twenty, if more often closer to five or six, and sometimes down to a mere one or two if there were any at all, similar enough fields could already have been active in this warzone at any given point in time as Battle Moons made their way from one target to another; but that is not a situation that would last all that long, as the main advantage that a Great Work had over any other relatively mundane Mek project is that a Great Work could and usually would grow exponentially with continued investment(as opposed to the fairly linear growth of their more standard kin), and Klavinci had no intentions of stopping his great work of greatness anytime soon.

And so, as this battle reached its next stage, as the forces of a Lesser Eccumine showed up and began to push back the Krork's current offensive by an unhealthy amount, this Great Work reached its next stage, and suddenly, instead of a mere four additional worlds being impacted at any point in time, it was fourteen, fourteen targets that could shift targets faster than any Battlemoon could move, and spread said gravity storms far more consistently than any optimally used Battlemoons ever would. And so these ten new ever shifting gravity storms were unleashed upon the Eccumine's ground forces, targeting worlds using the data gathered by the very same Krork that they had just either forced to evacuate or slaughtered to the last; and so, time and time again their small victories turned to ash in their mouths and lungs, as no sooner had they seemingly conquered a world than it would heave and roll underneath them, the last sight of many of them being the roiling and turning over of the very continental plate that they were standing on less than a minute ago; and while many such Imilki were saved by their own teleporters, the same thing could not be said about the infrastructure that they had started to build up over the past hours, days, weeks, and months, nor could it be said about their lesser servants, for each and every Imilki were out to save themselves, and only themselves.

Sadly, with the increase in number of projected fields, came a proportional increase in noticeability, as a once moon sized construct begins to balloon closer to the size of a world, and perhaps even beyond, given enough time. Thankfully, Blazkowicz is ready and waiting for this to happen, almost eager for what is likely to come should the Eccumine somehow find the source of these storms; and yet even here they were being pragmatic, as occasionally the storms temporarily halted as the ever growing Great Work was moved farther back into semi-safe territory, ensuring that it would be kept out of easy striking distance from the front lines even as it continued to wreck its havoc upon the Eccumine's side of the front lines.

Encircled Krork forces would be exterminated by detached formations, while like the heads of a hydra, the remaining forces reconcentrated against new weakpoints opened up by the breakthrough to carve apart the Krork formation's and lines. Often with significant casualties of their own, but with their ability for necron like teleportation recall and femtite/attite reconstructive technology, it was very common for their troops to return to the field in a hurry, while their mobile construction vehicles unfurled base after base in a creeping advance. While the Tremzarin were able to help start to slow the advance, the sheer initial blitzkrieg was something to behold.

They had taken losses, often barbaric losses, but they had punched through more than a thousand parsecs in a matter of weeks, leaving many krork formations trapped in pockets in the spider-webbing Scourge Fleet advance. Meanwhile, the humans of the Multiterra were swiftly, violently, and barbarically slaughtered when captured. They revelled in a chance to show their sheer hatred of humanity, to kill the human filth or to drag them away for fates unknown but almost certainly dire.

If there was a weak point in the overall Ecumenical Doctrine, its that it seemed to be "Tactically Ingenious, Operationally Problematic, and Strategically Myopic". The focus on sheer battles of annihilation over the means of production, the emphasis on aggression as a virtue, and the focus on advancing at all costs until they absolutely had to slow down and hold positions. Furthermore, each formation seemed to be competing with each other, trying to outshine one another's deeds in the hopes of greater status. It was not anywhere near as…chaotic as the armies of the dark gods, but the meritocracy demanded exceptional deeds for exceptional promotions.

- Additional Meks have been redirected from the nearby fight against the Daemons, Demons, and Devils to this front, at least temporarily ceasing the supply of new Warp Shadow Generators to said front in return for getting what Battlemoons that the Krork has on this front equipped with World Phasers as quickly as they can manage. In addition to these Meks, some of the ground forces from said front have also been redirected to here(via the SubSpace Bridge network) to make up for the recent losses against the Eccumine; and while that means that said front might not be winning quite as overwhelmingly, it is a price that the Krork are willing to pay to not loose here against this new foe.

- Klavinci's Great Work has redirected all of its efforts against the Eccumine's assault, even as it continues to grow in scale and scope, going so far as to withdraw closer to the ongoing battles in the otherwise semi-friendly depth that is refugee space as to at least try to avoid being directly threatened by said push. And yet, even as it slowly semi-withdraws, Blazkowicz is still preparing for what might be to come, steadily gathering together his old war buddies, relying on Garozane's help to steadily improve the defenses around said Great Work even as the Work itself continues to grow.

- to make up for the lack of direct support from the Great Work, the Fleetcommune's cadre of Commandos has been concentrated to the remaining two scourges, armed with the Krork's supply of Planet Wreckers and a plan in place to use them preemptively against any fortress worlds that the Krork encounter along the way in said continued push, clearing the way for the now enhanced Constellations to focus their efforts on both the Wayfaring Scourge's heavier assets and the major threat that is the Eccumine's forces in this region.

- Unfortunately, there can be no large redirection of Warlocks to this front, as those that are in this area and capable of large scale works, outside of Narm, of course, are all needed in the ongoing fight against the Daemon, Demon, and Devils that still threaten the nearby area that is Refugee space.

- outside of this, the Krork are to continue on with standard-ish anti Men of Iron and anti New Devourer tactics against the remaining two Scourges, concentrating in to eliminate the threat as swiftly as they can manage, if still with considerations for their operational level threats, such as the aforementioned Quark-Magnetar Cages, using some more specialized tactics and strategies to take them out when they cannot simply be avoided and ignored for however long it takes to bring to bare the required specialized assets to take them out. What allies that we have in this region are instructed to help with this push when they can; although given the current Eccumine situation it is understandable if said aid can't be much.

- finally, against the recently deployed forces from a Lesser Eccumine, the name of the game becomes something closer to hit and run, relying on our Battlemoons to win decisive battle after decisive battle while doing as much withdrawing from battlefields in which we cannot deploy the required level of forces as we can without leaving our allies completely vulnerable to attack. Once again, we shall act as the hammer, picking and choosing our fights when we can to avoid suffering losses that we can ill afford at this moment. In the meantime, we should figure out and test the viability of redirecting elements from said Lesser Eccumine into the heaviest concentrations of the Wayfaring Scourge's forces, and otherwise see if we can't lead them into some other ambushes, or other such fights that we can twist to our advantage. Worst comes to worst, we can always see if they will in fact go after semi-civilian targets in Dodecaterra, Refugee, or even Krork space over more militarily important targets.

Naturally, this is a line of strategy that the wider Fleetcommunes have agreed to be rotten at best, but sometimes one has to suffer some short term losses to ensure a more enduring victory in the long run. Mind you, the hope is always that this will not be necessary, but if they turn out to be so driven by hatred and greed that they will overlook the forest for the trees? If what assets ourselves and our allies can bring to bear is calculated to simply not be enough to win without resorting to such distasteful tactics? Then so be it.

Finally, see if we can't get support from the Ascendancy against this push(the one from the Eccumine) before it gets that far, as while said support is likely to be relatively little given everything else that they're likely dealing with, any little bit would likely go a long way towards avoiding needing to make that distasteful play.

The Battles in the rear areas were often wild and confused. Though the War of the Krork were virtually untouchable to Chaos' guiles, the Fleetcommunes of the Krork were not quite so totally protected, though their emotions still fed into the psychic gestalt of the war. It was enough however, when in tandem with the widespread populations of vulnerable civilians they could act against, for the Daemons of the Plaguefather to run rampant.

Plague Marines in numbers that vastly exceed anything the Krork remember the Death Guard of having ever been able to field, veterans of the galaxies of darkness, prove eager to challenge the Krork even as they often have to blast their way through gigantic piles of Hellish Demons and Diabolical Devils to get a chance to earn the grandfather's favour.

The Purge brought forth chemical weapons enhanced by sorceries so vile that even Krork soldiers were reduced to bubbling sludge by them, revelling in the massacres even as they were often reduced to freefloating atoms by the return fire themselves, and the hordes of infected zombies were pulverised en masse by Krork soldiers who were largely immune even when unarmoured.

The Daemons of the many aspects of Nurgle teemed in a rotting horde, delighting in the suffering of the mortals who had come to this place in search of hope. Daemon Worlds had formed, even entire warp rifts, palaces to Disease, Decay, Despair, Cancer, Stagnation, Sloth, and Corruption to name seven of the Poxgod's aspects rising with geometries and angles that spat in the face of what could be accomplished by mortal architecture.

But the Shadow generators pained them, made it harder for the daemons to stay here, to be called in the first place, it squeezed on the currents of the empyrean that the sorcerers and wizards called upon, it, paired with the viridian energies of the War!, made the supernatural curses of the Seventh God more confined to what microbes could conceivably do.

The Worgox, favoured xenos of nurgle, those seven headed things of corroding mucus and bile, masters of foul technology and despair inducing sorcery while the Daemon Engines of the plaguefather surged alongside the masses of cultists, pestigors, and chaos warriors. The Krork smashed them, again and again, many of their great champions falling to Spire, to Sylux, to Samus as they deployed on nightmare worlds of hideous plagues alongside the Krork champions and their armies, others swept by the mercenaries such as Clan Skarvald or the Eldar, or allies such as the Autobots to allow daemon worlds to be closed in cataclysms across haunted space.

The Demons of Hell were innumerable, powerful, and vicious, but the Krork were mightier than even they. Imps and Zombies were mashed into pulp in moments, many other demons faring only a little better despite their sheer numbers, and the Archviles found themselves busied by having to resurrect their fallen comrades repeatedly to keep up. But they had found assistance in the forms of the Demons and Husks of another Hell, vast leviathans and lightning fast Mannequins unleashed like statuary held together by red blood.

They were however, a rather centralised army. Super Gore Nests, Hell Priests, and Royal level demons all provided targets to be brought down by either storming the castle or sending in the assassins. Not just the mercenaries such as the three freelancers, not just the Krork Irregulars, but also the Multiterra's infamous Doom Slayer who relished in a chance to wreak havoc on his preferred enemy. While the legions of the Dark Lord are without number, fed by the sinners of a multiverse, the Krork clearly have put much more thought and investment into vehicular warfare, even with the aid of the demons of other hells[1], and much of the power of their twisting argent energy and sheer terror is utterly lost on the green tide.

However, they do have sheer guts (even if they are getting all over the place) and refuse to retreat to a degree that would be insane for less limitless armies. They fight to the bitter end and death, room by room, building by building, battlefield by battlefield, world by world. Chaos Daemons would have had issues with maintaining their empyreal links to the materium, mortal armies would have lost the spirit or the simple manpower for the contest, but they just kept coming like the rain even as the bodies piled high enough to create geographic features from gore and bone.

But with the targeted strikes, their sheer numbers were starting to wither and wear down, struggling to maintain the means with which they could pour into this realm and receding as all floods must. Worlds swarming with the possessed, with husks, and with demons were cleared, the pulsation of the war field replacing the hellish red and orange in the sky with viridian lights as the Krork made their mark.

The Devils were much like the Daemons, not properly material beings who needed anchors in this realm. Immortal, ageless, stories that drew those who encountered them in the materium into them. But whereas the raw id of Chaos was well, chaotic, these were the malevolent scourges of organised religious belief systems, systemic, professional, and methodical. They fought not with the anarchic riot of self-destructive frenzy of chaos or the animal rage of the hell demons, but as visions of conquest and the pain and cruelty of war itself.

They fought as soldiers, in organised squads and formations with coherent lines of battle. Trooper Devils clad in burnished plated with wings held like cloaks produced hellfire rifles that burned unnatural colours for flame. Melee counterparts brought forth shields and blades and halberds and guisarmes, sneering at the Orkoids through furnace grille horned helms and wheeling into motion with the sort of practiced ease that mortal soldiers would need careful training to accomplish.

Specialist Devils and Diabolimechs and higher ranked empyreal spawn joined the fray where they were confronted by the Krork, while their Hellships coruscated with unholy and tyrannical energies as the Krork smashed into them. The essence of flame was unleashed again and again, beams of force and disintegration tearing from their ranks along with cannonades and burning chains and bitter, bitter cold. Arrowhead shaped ships dueled with brutalist constructs with sharp points that gave the air of impending, inescapable punishment.

But while the Diabolical Army's greater organisation skills made them less vulnerable to decapitation than the others, as they could simply replace each banished cog in the machine with the next in the line of succession, they were fundamentally dependent on their anchors to expand their realm in the materium. Their cult armies, devoted to them, lavishing them in praise and in souls and worship, were weaker links, who would be ground down with finality, swamped by mercenaries and the green tide and making their masters flicker as the energy that bound them ran thin and proved unable to provide the divinia they needed to stay.

Hellish constructs forced to obey the laws of existence once more collapsed on themselves or flew apart depending on the exact way they defied physics. Infernal legions that were on the march to freshbattle disintegrated, essences falling back into their Hell Spheres as their manifestations could not sustain themselves. Hellish sorceries that were being used to turn the tide waned and guttered, the War and the Shadow in the Empyrean squeezing at their floes, and they started deeming that the harvests were no longer worth the effort, peeling their efforts back steadily in fighting retreats.
(the ongoing plan for this theatre of the war will go here, even as it is influenced by the redirection of certain soft-assets towards the front)

It appears that things in this front are coming to a close, as the Daemons of Nurgle find their stagnant existence abruptly ended and their poxes repeatedly erased, the Demons of the Hells find their could-be-bastions warn away and their corrupted worlds cleansed, and the Devils of the Nine Hells find their goals to be ever more difficult to achieve; and yet, even with all of that, the Krork do not end their Vigil, do not stop being weary, and only slowly begin to redirect some of their efforts to the northern, main front of this two-fronted War.

They do not immediately redirect their fleets, for it only takes a couple of plague ships to doom yet another world, and even the slim remnants of Nurgle's Daemon Ships or the Devils more regimented fleets would be enough to potentially restart this whole issue all over again if not hunted down and dealt with.

They do not redirect their ground forces all at once, let alone in their entirety, as the remnants of these three forces are to be hunted down first, and even after that there are quarantines that will still need enforcing.

The Warp Shadow Generators that were built over the course of the earlier bits of this front's conflict are not redirected, for their presence is required so that Nurgle's plagues can be treated more like ordinary diseases than the almost impossible things with outright memetic transmission vectors that they would otherwise be,

They do not redirect their Warlocks, for any remaining Daemon Worlds will need to be dispelled long before this side of the campaign can be called done; and their ongoing efforts might assist with dealing with Nurgle's remaining plagues, if only by dispelling the warp-side of their nature and banishing any resulting daemons before they can spread their infectious panic.

What they do redirect is their main force of Meks, for this front does not need more Warp Shadow Generators, and the front needs yet more devices born from the more exotic end of their craft.

What they do redirect is large swaths of their mercenaries, as both the Black Company and the Guardians of Light would better preform the continuation of their current duties on the front lines against the remaining two Scourges and against the forces of that Lesser Eccumine, and none of the forces from the Tremzar Voluneer Corps and the Orgin League free army are truly needed anymore on this front, and are instead to be entirely redirected to assisting with dealing with the threats to the front, in whatever manner they think is best.

Finally, before redirecting all save for one of their present Battle Moons, the one that will be assisting the rest of their forces swiftly get to the front lines from back here, they do one final check: checking in with the Krork's still extremely small Cadre of Numerologists, and with what Farseers the present Eldar have, to see if the Daemons, the Demons, or the Devils, have any final cards to play before the end, and if they do, work to head off said plans before they can go off.

To this end, should it prove necessary, said information shall be shared out to what allies the FleetCommunes do have on this front- from their mercenary-allies in Clan Skarvald, Samus, Sylux, and Spire; to their more local allies from the Autobots and Multiterra.

Naturally, should there be no final gambit, and should the fighting truly come to something at least resembling a close, both the Eldar Corsairs and Clan Skarvald shall be directed to the front, along with Spire- who will once again be working alongside the Eldar and the Clan to strike at somewhat vulnerable(by the standards of said Eldar and Clan) key targets that aren't already being dealt with by the other friendly keystone assets along the front. Finally, Samus and Sulux shall be asked to join in said ongoing fight at the front- but if they do not want to join said fight, then we shall not force them.


Most fronts are currently stable, with the Necrons helping to protect your abandoned sector until you are able to return to it.

Presently, the Krork are displaying the most superiority in Infantry, Battleworlds, Shock, Penetration, Clash, and Skirmish, and are suffering the most in vehicles and screen ships. The exception is against the Ecumene, where they are, for the first time in a long time, taking a significant disadvantage in infantry.

The far-western fleets have not taken appreciable damage. Nor have the fleets engaging the Daemons, Demons, and Devils. The fleets in the triscourge catastrophe warzone have taken a 10% step of damage, with the Ecumene, despite being a latecomer, inflicting the worst of it.

The Krork are currently on the offensive against the Alghollthus, the Wayfaring Scourge, the Maggotkin of Nurgle, the Infernarch Legions, and the Hellish armies. They are on the defensive against the Technocyte, the Kroatanga, the Scrin, and the Ecumene.

The Great Work is ready for deployment

[1]: Ultrakill and the Stellaris Demonic Incursion to help round out the roster, especially in terms of heavier units. Generally settings with demons that also have scifi or at least modern tech.

Western Front:
-Meks on Crater Makers to help counter the Kroat's overwhelming number
-Warlocks on Thunder WAAAGH to attempt to roll back the next major Scrin attack
-Commandos on taking out Threshold Towers to slow the Scrin's advance
-overall defensive plan hasn't changed much, save for more of a focus on holding territory and less on planning a final stand

Eastern Front's front:
-chosen Great Work is a Realm Quaker, basically a gravity-storm projector, the gravity storms that it projects are focused on the Eccumine's forces
-meks have been redirected to the front lines from the backline fight against the Daemon/Demon/Devils, put on World Phasers to help counter both the Wayfaring Scourge's Quark-magnetar cages and the Eccumine's overall battleplan
-Commandos have been put on Planet Wreckers to assist with the continued push against the two remaining Scourges
-overall Krork forces are switching from Advance-Breakthrough-Concentrate to Advance-Breakthrough-Disperse against the Lesser Eccumine's forces, and are making preliminary plans for if they and their allies in fact can't slow down the Eccumine's push

Eastern Front's rear:
-meks have been redirected to the front, meaning that the number of Warp Shadow Generators that the Krork have here has stopped increasing over time
-otherwise the overall plan hasn't really changed, save for redirecting some of the mercenaries towards the front
-using Divination, both the Krork's and the Eldar's to check for any hidden surprises
-otherwise preparing to redirect much of their present forces to the front once the fighting winds down

Numerologists are a type of diviner. They use a mix of math, warp-math, and divination to make quickly-adapting tactical plans, and to work out the details of enemy units. Like how a parabolic function in algebra graphs out into a thing that reaches a vertex and then turns around, they can make plans that adapt themselves with no further input. Most human divination is either vague or short-ranged, and injecting some numerology is a way to deal with the problem.
RP available: 87

Center- Duchy Territory:Warton territory that is empty enough that the Duchy can fully settle and develop with little difficulty, contains the portal back to their home universe

C4- NorthWest, West, - Craver territory: An expanding and aggressive Insectoid Species of approximately humanoid shape has been burning through worlds at a rapid pace. While there has been no conflict yet scouts have been seen observing systems near the border and the Mentats believe that their territory will become exhausted within 5 years time. Physically they are Four armed and bulky humanoids that have extensive cybernetics and a heavy mechanized divisions and fleets. Their attention is currently to the south. They appear to be capable of negotiating but disinclined to.

North-IMF: A corporate holding subsidiary of the IMC. Performing a sector wide hack and slash operation, not too dissimilar to the activities of the Carvers. The look to be fairly isolationist wanting to get in and out of the area before it gets too hot but it looks like they could be convinced by multiple factions to work as mercenaries, For the right price that is.

North East, East- Ykantras Moot: A curious and alarming large groups of Nomadic aliens. They appear to mimic primitive tribal grouping in their social structures called Ordas. They have been massing for some time due to event further out in the galaxy in a massive Moot, many of their machines have a focus on transformation to fight on various terrain moving swiftly from space and orbital combat to atmospheric and ground combat.

South West- Virgin territory: This territory appears to be filled with no relevant species and is uncolonized, there have been skirmishes between the Cravers and The Underground

South- Underground/League of Free systems: The Rebellion that broke the Laconian Empire, a vast collection of different human groups the have prospered where the Empire has floundered. There is little unity to be found here but Mentants have warned that they have been organizing since their introduction to this universe and wield similar technologies as the Laconians with greater industrial might throughout their space most likely equivalent to out own, Their eyes have been mostly to the west and the threat of the Carvers. Politically the are more similar to our foes in our home universe than to ourselves. Keep a watch on them for deserters from the Advent rebellion.

South East – Laconian Empire: An Empire in the process of falling, It used to dominate the totality of local humanity around it till sabotage reduced and locked off their FTL for decades at the least, and in another time would have been thousands of years before they could achieve faster than light travel again if the entire region had not been brought over into this universe. Ruled by an immortal dictator bent on a united humanity and wielding strange and advanced technologies. Limited presence of Mech detected in their forces
Kara was pacing back and forth in her room, twirling a lock of her hair around a finger nervously as her personal royal guard, Epsilon 1-1 "Areia" watched quietly "Your majesty The duchess understands that there was nothing that could be done when faced with such an effect" Areia says cautiously causing Kara to laugh, a hollow laugh, "Areia. You don't get it. Even if she agrees she now has this information. she has dirt on me. and that is almost worse as it gives her something to use against me... But... It is fine. Given enough time we will have just as much dirt to use should she try something" she says before running a hand through her hair. "But for now... we wait."

"You know... I really do loathe being the heir sometimes" Nikolaj says as he runs a brush through his hair in the mirror. Given the recent victories his mother was expecting him to make a public appearance and unfortunately that meant getting his unruly mane in check. "I've said it before. 'let my sister have that status' but nooo." he says rolling his electric golden eyes and causing Athena to giggle in the background

"Oh come now. Shouldn't the people be allowed to celebrate the big hero of this whole conflict? Who brought down the hammer of imperial wrath upon the insurgents?" Athena asks teasingly causing the heir to sigh "Fine fine i guess." he says looking over to her with an amused smile "despite the whole 'here to keep an eye on me' thing? i appreciate you being here. Keeping an eye out for me and such." he says with Athena just giving him an amused smile in return.

The first issue, the noble rebellion, would normally require death to all nobles who participated with lands and holdings confiscated. However given the understanding of coercion and mind control a more lenient approach shall be taken.
All lower nobility who were part of the rebellion shall have their titles taken from them and be assigned to newly formed penitent units. Their titles shall be given to what loyal family members were around, if none such family is around the titles shall be granted to those who served most loyally.
All higher nobility meanwhile shall be demoted to lower nobility and made to be officers within the penitent units. Their territory shall be redistributed and their wealth claimed by the duchy.
Should these penitent units survive 5 seperate engagements their crimes shall be considered forgiven and punishment having been handed out.

As for the princess situation... We do not want the imperial court to view us as having failed a throne. She does not wish to appear weak. And thus Princess Kara and the Duchy of Dannevirke makes an agreement to keep this hushed and quiet. As far as we and the royal guard are concerned this mishap never occurred. But the Princess will owe the duchess a favor in the future.
upgrade current center controlled center territory to industrialised (30RP) and excessively defended (25RP)
free research slot Assigned to studying the effect of psionics and how to prevent a subversion event like what occured during the Advent uprising as we can't allow for something like that to occur again. Be it a new form of implant or protective equipment a way to combat psionics must be found
17 RP Will be dedicated to begining an infiltration of the Craver territory to the northwest and west of our territory. Aiming to figure out the extent of their strength and resource operations. General information gathering on their military capability in preperation for a strike into their territory before it can be exhausted by their resource extraction.

10RP Will be spent doing the same towards the 'underground' to our south. Being a rebellion from a different empire they could come to be a problem and so we need to locate primary operating centers, military capabilities, and more.
a full 6 fleet hordes will be assigned to carry out offensive actions against the craver territory to our west and north-west. This strike will make use of the intelligence gathered to locate weak points for our forces to strike at.
The newly formed Penitent units shall of course be at the head of this conflict.
The Cravers will be forced out so these territories can be settled for the duchy.

One Fleet horde shall move south west to begin securing territory within this virgin space and force what Cravers are there out. This will also be to secure a potential launching off-point for an inevitable conflict with the underground but for now the Cravers are our main focus.
The remaining 5 RP Will be spent approaching the IMC for a deal. Despite their isolationism they are of course a corporate holding. We'll aim to hire mercenaries from them for our military operation against Craver space as any forces are of use in this upcoming operation.

Fresh Starts, Fresh Problems

(WIP, will be added shortly)​

Various Resource Expenditures
Total Available Spending: 230 RP (Starting Income) - 4 RP (Military Upkeep) = 226 RP
Subsector Upgrades
L-10 North East
Upgrade local development to Heartlands and Ridiculously Defended (75 + 60 RP)
~Current Research Credits~
Moderate - 1 Protoss, 2 Vex

{Free Slot} Anti-Boarding Protocols: Our battles against the Vex so far have taught us much about the importance of defending our ships, specifically from boarding crews. Considering the fact that we will be fighting the Vex in the very near future, it's only natural to establish those tactics as a natural reaction to intruders.
{1 Slot} Standard Drone Mobility: While it had come up on rare occasions within the Milky Way, it recently started to become truly apparent that the standard drones… don't really accomplish much. While the shielding each unit carries is useful, the lack of mobility is a significant downside, practically negating the benefits every drone has. Between the Vex and the Eradication War, it has become painfully clear that an upgrade is necessary. Fortunately, the Collective has more than enough processing power to spare now, and the most obvious upgrade is, well, obvious. Even if more agile movement, like dodging, is currently outside of the Collective's contemplation, granting all standard drone templates the ability to run - or frankly, even faster than a leisurely stroll - will be a significant increase to the efficiency of our forces.
{4 Slot} Protoss Resistance to Vex Simulations: The fact that the Protoss seem able to resist the Vex's ability to predict movements and tactics is… intriguing. Considering the fact that the Collective plans on dealing with the Vex however necessary, it proves prudent to figure out how the Protoss accomplish this. Thankfully, there are at least a few Protoss assimilated into the Collective to pick the brains of, and the wreckage from local Protoss forces should have some data to explain these details. Worst comes to worst, we can always simply ask the Protoss directly, provided that initial contact goes smoothly.
{9/16 Slots + Two Vex Credits} Radiolaria Infections: The fact that the Vex can infect things over communications is troublesome, and must be addressed if we are to deal with these pretenders. The methods by which Radiolaria infects over such systems will be studied, and potential ideas for countermeasures to reduce the effects considered for future research.
Target: Protoss
Nature: Friendly
Resources: 1 turn, 4 RP
Seeing as they share a mutual foe in the form of the Vex, and considering the apparent scale of said foe, the Borg have come to the conclusion that it must try something new. This something is what is usually referred to as "diplomacy". Efforts shall be made to open proper communications with the Protoss, offering a (tentatively) friendly hand to these new humanoids. Discussions on how to combat the Vex will be encouraged, and the Borg will endeavor to make it as clear as possible they have no hostile intentions towards the Protoss.

Target: Autobots
Nature: Friendly
Resources: 1 turn, 4 RP
Second verse, same as the first. Similarly to the Protoss, the Autobots will be approached with an open, but nonetheless wary olive branch. Once more emphasis will be placed on combating mutual threats, avoiding unnecessary conflict between the two.

Target: The Vex
Nature: Hostile
Resources: 1 turn, 8 RP, "Task Force Alpha", Collective Queen
With the threat that the Vex poses, it stands to reason that the Borg must adapt to overcome. The Vex must be analyzed and studied, taken apart to the smallest piece to see how they tick. The difficulty of the task is irrelevant, nay, appreciated - for if it were easy, the Borg would already have a solution in hand, would they not? Naturally, the first step of such a process is the acquisition of specimens. Conveniently, the nearby Vex territory is looking rather undefended, and ripe for exploitation….
Replenish two Mobile Unicomplex hulls for the damaged constellation - 5 RP

Upgrade two Fleethordes from Mag2 to Mag3 - 40 RP
Total Forces
  • Eight Mag2 Fleethordes, 80% damage
  • Two Mag2 Fleethordes, 50% damage
  • One Constellation "Mobile Unicomplex", 4/4 hulls
  • One Constellation "Mobile Unicomplex", 2/4 hulls

Task Force Alpha
  • Eight Mag2 Fleethordes, 80% damage
  • One Constellation "Mobile Unicomplex", 4/4 hulls
  • The Collective Queen
An invasion force tasked with conquering the nearby subsector of L-9 South-West. Working in tandem alongside the intel mission "Studying the Vex".

Holding Forces
  • Two Mag2 Fleethordes, 50% damage
  • One Constellation "Mobile Unicomplex", 2/4 hulls
Holding in L-10 North-East. Note that these two Fleethordes are the ones being upgraded, if such needs said.
Kara was pacing back and forth in her room, twirling a lock of her hair around a finger nervously as her personal royal guard, Epsilon 1-1 "Areia" watched quietly "Your majesty The duchess understands that there was nothing that could be done when faced with such an effect" Areia says cautiously causing Kara to laugh, a hollow laugh, "Areia. You don't get it. Even if she agrees she now has this information. she has dirt on me. and that is almost worse as it gives her something to use against me... But... It is fine. Given enough time we will have just as much dirt to use should she try something" she says before running a hand through her hair. "But for now... we wait."

"You know... I really do loathe being the heir sometimes" Nikolaj says as he runs a brush through his hair in the mirror. Given the recent victories his mother was expecting him to make a public appearance and unfortunately that meant getting his unruly mane in check. "I've said it before. 'let my sister have that status' but nooo." he says rolling his electric golden eyes and causing Athena to giggle in the background

"Oh come now. Shouldn't the people be allowed to celebrate the big hero of this whole conflict? Who brought down the hammer of imperial wrath upon the insurgents?" Athena asks teasingly causing the heir to sigh "Fine fine i guess." he says looking over to her with an amused smile "despite the whole 'here to keep an eye on me' thing? i appreciate you being here. Keeping an eye out for me and such." he says with Athena just giving him an amused smile in return.

The first issue, the noble rebellion, would normally require death to all nobles who participated with lands and holdings confiscated. However given the understanding of coercion and mind control a more lenient approach shall be taken.
All lower nobility who were part of the rebellion shall have their titles taken from them and be assigned to newly formed penitent units. Their titles shall be given to what loyal family members were around, if none such family is around the titles shall be granted to those who served most loyally.
All higher nobility meanwhile shall be demoted to lower nobility and made to be officers within the penitent units. Their territory shall be redistributed and their wealth claimed by the duchy.
Should these penitent units survive 5 seperate engagements their crimes shall be considered forgiven and punishment having been handed out.

As for the princess situation... We do not want the imperial court to view us as having failed a throne. She does not wish to appear weak. And thus Princess Kara and the Duchy of Dannevirke makes an agreement to keep this hushed and quiet. As far as we and the royal guard are concerned this mishap never occurred. But the Princess will owe the duchess a favor in the future.
upgrade current center controlled center territory to industrialised (30RP) and excessively defended (25RP)
free research slot Assigned to studying the effect of psionics and how to prevent a subversion event like what occured during the Advent uprising as we can't allow for something like that to occur again. Be it a new form of implant or protective equipment a way to combat psionics must be found
17 RP Will be dedicated to begining an infiltration of the Craver territory to the northwest and west of our territory. Aiming to figure out the extent of their strength and resource operations. General information gathering on their military capability in preperation for a strike into their territory before it can be exhausted by their resource extraction.

10RP Will be spent doing the same towards the 'underground' to our south. Being a rebellion from a different empire they could come to be a problem and so we need to locate primary operating centers, military capabilities, and more.
a full 6 fleet hordes will be assigned to carry out offensive actions against the craver territory to our west and north-west. This strike will make use of the intelligence gathered to locate weak points for our forces to strike at.
The newly formed Penitent units shall of course be at the head of this conflict.
The Cravers will be forced out so these territories can be settled for the duchy.

One Fleet horde shall move south west to begin securing territory within this virgin space and force what Cravers are there out. This will also be to secure a potential launching off-point for an inevitable conflict with the underground but for now the Cravers are our main focus.
The remaining 5 RP Will be spent approaching the IMC for a deal. Despite their isolationism they are of course a corporate holding. We'll aim to hire mercenaries from them for our military operation against Craver space as any forces are of use in this upcoming operation.

Duchy Turn 4 strategic turn results

The greater Empire and Court are pleased with the Duchy's response and the punishment for the traitors, while a few of the more hardline within the court still speak words that the afflicted should be liquidated as they pose a long term security risk, but the Penitent legions are deemed satisfactory.

The reaction of the lesser nobility has so far been muted. While there has been a bit of a sigh of relief from many of those that feared worse punishment especially for those that had heirs or other family members that could take over their duties, there are consequences that do not escape Colonies' leadership. Mind control and other 'forced betrayals' are becoming a fear bordering on obsession of the lower battlefield Nobility. Many of them are trying to find ways to become personally involved in the Duchy's own research projects and yet more have been acquiring ways to access this so called Hypernet to search for their own solutions, this has been mostly acquiring knick-knacks of mostly no use at all but there have been a couple of incidents where the connection was terminated by an outside unknown power, Particularly those researching solutions from a Court that seems similar to the Empire's own and those that propose a special Golden protection to ward off such attacks.

The Low Born have found the entire situation hilarious and have been making jokes at their superior's expense, typically depicting the mind controllers as conventionally attractive individuals and their superiors' will being… less than expected. Well, when said superiors are out of earshot.

The Princess' secret that she probably qualifies for these penitent units has been quieted and successfully smothered, and a boon has been won for the Duchy proper on the other side of the portal that has improved relations with the Princess herself, something that Nikolaj's mother commends him for. However, now the secret needs to be upheld and certain developments to the south as well as the twin threats of Lesser Nobility flailing and Upper Nobility scheming may uncover said secret. If said secret were to be revealed it would cause a massive loss of face in the Empire's court and the Lesser Nobility would be outraged at the preferential treatment. That being said, it does not appear that anyone is following those leads at the moment.

Despite the civil war, a great deal of colonists are still eager to travel through the portal and get to work settling the frontier. With the generous amount of resources spent by the Duchess, soon grand shipyards and planetside factories are constructed, fueled by vast mining operations. Those worlds that had been inhabited have the rubble cleared, and those that were not find themselves hosting budding arcologies all the same. Orbital habitats are starting to take up positions around key worlds to accommodate the expected flow of colonists. And in light of what had just occurred, no expense is spared when it comes to defence. Heavily protected, city-spanning fortresses are present. Underground maglev networks are dug to allow for the rapid deployment of armies across continents, and hovering orbital plates armed with exotic weapons are present. The planetary armies are now large and as capable as many lesser military units, denied only the most massive ground units and augmented supersoldiers. Defence fleets of even less important worlds now include capital ships, sometimes even fully modernised ones.

That unfortunately it is found that mind control is less easily countered than by the resources and time given by the Duchy but due to the sudden proliferation of such powers in this Universe the Duchy has been able to stand on the shoulders of giants who have already examined the question in great detail.

Several larger projects have been found for granting mass resistance, not immunity, to such powers. The Hypernet was rife with essentially snake oil, but the mentats narrowed down the actual options to three paths:

The first method is the cheapest and most reliable - psychics can generally only read and manipulate organic minds, so use inorganic augmentations. These take various forms depending on the culture, but the principle is the same. Cut out the vulnerable flesh and replace it with cybernetics. This is a cheap, reliable, and permanent method of resisting the most common form of mind control, if you ignore the ethical and broader societal consequences of doing this to a massive portion of the populace.

The second method is one that leans more into the existing biotechnological expertise of the Duchy. Alter the brain to be more inhuman, in order to increase the difficulty for psychics to interact with them. This method actually has the least amount of predicted pushback from the proles and nobility, since rather than require extensive surgery and raise questions of consciousness, this is just an extension of familiar augmentations. Those who would grumble about transhuman ethics have been shut up by the Ethereal invasion and formation of the penal legions.

The third method can be considered fighting fire with fire, and reverse engineering Ethereal technology and biology to grant the Duchy psychics of their own. The advantages of being able to take on the aliens at their own game are obvious, the potential disadvantages less so. This would be entirely new ground for the Duchy - with great risks and rewards.

Intelligence and Military:
The Underground/League of Free Systems

The Duchy manages to pull off the seemingly impossible and discovers key information on Laconia's Magnetar class battleships, the rare flagships key to Laconia's dominance. These warships are constructed using a precursor nanite template, and while bristling with torpedos, railguns and point defence cannons, the primary weapon is the USM field projector. Capable of projecting a magnetic beam that can spaghettify ships, stations, and small planetary bodies into hyper-accelerated dust in a single shot, this weapon along with the regenerative protomolecule hull allowed a single Magnetar to defeat the combined armada of the other human factions. The weakness of this class, besides only a handful being made at the time of universal transition, is the side effect of rendering all beings in the same system unconscious for minutes at a time.

The spies also discover the names for several of the major locations and industrial centres within Underground space, including Sol, the original Home system of humanity and its capital before the rise of the Laconian Empire.

The act of being transported to this new reality restored the functionality of the Gates which this branch of humanity used for FTL, and they are still reliant on them despite constructing prototype FTL capable ships. The fleets available rely on almost entirely conventional means of attack and defence, aside from a sublight drive of remarkable efficiency and strategic nuclear weapons capable of cracking apart moons.

Politically speaking the League of Free Systems is a mess. Earth wields the most political capable and has the largest fleet, yet for all that the United Nations attempts to project its power the individual nations that constitute it are very much divided. They were brought together by the need to resist first Martian then Laconian aggression, but the more time passes the more that unity frays.

The Martian Congressional Republic (MCR) is a militaristic society that holds a smaller but more advanced fleet than Earth. It was once the rising power in the Sol system but is a shadow of its former self as the creation of the Sol Ring massively reduced the desire to terraform Mars. Overall the MCR is somewhat floundering in the alliance as everything the MCR could do, Laconia did better.

The Outer Planets Alliance (OPA) are a third faction of note, known for employing terror tactics to free the belt and outer planets from the oppression of the inner system, but have quieted since all three factions worked together to break free from Laconian control, and have been on the decline since Gates diminished the significance of the belt.

The spies reported the rapid deployment of new Mechs with technology seemingly from the Duchy itself, although they are rapidly modifying them to fit their own doctrines. Earth focusing on mass production of mechs, MCR taking the stance of quality over quantity, and the few models that operate in the OPA being custom modified by the owner to suit whatever need they have - usually stealth and survivability.

Furthermore, it appears that the Underground has stolen something from the Laconian Empire that looks disturbingly like the Mech used by the Princess herself, presenting a lead to the incident. Still however this information is still only available to certain sections of the Intelligence community.

The expedition to the virgin territory has revealed that the Underground has a weak grip on its territory here, and can barely monitor or reach the colonies formed. The spies are happy to report that an invasion here would be like taking candy from a baby.


"Our purpose is to kill."

Combat operations were successful, but a grim picture is painted as systems that were judged to be core territory of the Cravers due to the industrial development and size of the garrisons present were actually the farthest flung regions of the empire. The few Cravers that were willing to speak before dying in battle were very happy to tell Duchy commanders that the bulk of their territory is located further inward, and is much more well developed.

The reports that are made afterwards make it clear that isn't an exaggeration. The Cravers are like locusts - they descend on virgin worlds and can exploit them of every usable resource at a shocking pace, allowing even fresh colonies to contribute fleets to the everlasting war effort and letting them absorb losses that would cripple other empires with almost nonchalance. That is also their weakness. They exploit the worlds they control so thoroughly, so quickly, that they are forced to constantly expand or face crippling resource shortages. It is theoretically possible to starve them out by capturing territory to deny their expansion… but that also requires the ability to hold out against the massive war fleets they would use to break that blockade before they could be exhausted.

Craver society is autocratic and fanatically militaristic, relying on the Queen and Bishops to function. While the Queen is important, as she produces future generations, she does not serve as the leader of the hive, only passing judgement on plans produced by the Bishops and having veto power in case of extreme risk to the hive. Bishops are the leadership caste of the Cravers, and are the minority which are intellectually developed enough to steer the society. Most Cravers are barely self-aware enough to qualify as individuals, only intelligent enough to follow orders and engage in battle.

The Cravers are quite enthusiastic about slave labour, as this allows them an easy source of labour which is less destructive to a world they may need to exploit slightly later.

Overall Duchy analysts are not confident about the odds of victory against larger forces that are already dug in, but targets are marked and plans are made.

However, in a stroke of good luck the Cravers were not expecting this blow. The act of striking at an unprepared, weak, target without any diplomatic preamble is one the Craver leadership respects, and they regard the Duchy as a kind of kindred spirit. They congratulate the Duchy, and inform them that while their forces were out of position thinking to engage the Underground for the Virgin territory and expecting a harsh fight, these forces are now moving back to engage the Duchy invasion.

This battle will be bloody. The Bishop communicating with the Duchy makes that quite clear… Unless…

The Cravers demand 20RP and 1-2 pops a turn. Accept, or the invasion will commence.

The IMC has been contacted and is eager to do business with the Duchy, a little too eager, especially given the swiftness of the Duchy's invasion. They appear to the more experienced negotiators to be under the impression that the Duchy are in a disadvantageous position.

They are willing to help the Duchy, but it appears that they want more than just money, but it appears that they are angling for strip mining rights to a number of systems in Craver space, But they are delaying the specifics of negotiations till the fighting itself in order to get a better deal.

The Duchy's diplomats are not amused but contact with other mercenary groups has not been established yet.
CORE Turn 4 Tactical Turn part 2


The Tohx base was the only spot of green in the desolate landscape. Vines intertwined with cables, and thick rose stems and their thorns grew together through metal plating and rose high into the air. Sensor dishes and anti-air guns bloomed from crisscrossing branches that formed a dense central dome around which smaller buildings extended in mimicry of organic growth.

Green shoots extended across the terrain and into the earth, thin tendrils extending further and further out in search of sustenance. The world that the Alba Rose had garrisoned was not friendly to live, that which was native to it clung on stubbornly in spite of the biting cold and scarce resources. There was very little that could have contested the Tohx takeover of the biosphere - the evidence of what had stood in the way of the advancing creep of green were hopelessly overgrown and choked under thorny branches.

The fauna was not faring any better than the flora. The mightiest that this world had to offer dwelt in its oceans, which were teeming with life. A paradise for trophy hunters, but while the Tohx superficially engaged in it they did not hunt for pleasure. They were monsters. Their prey were sophonts, their prizes taken from the forge of conflict, their trophies unique technologies.

That is not to say that the instinct which drove them did not see them behaving as though they were people in accordance with their primary directive, just that to mistake them as mere trophy hunters had seen the downfall of many civilisations which had attempted to distract or barter with them when the prize they sought could only really be claimed from the ruins of those civilisations.

And so while it did not result in a trophy a Tohx could be promoted for, the garrisoned Tohx did hunt the animals which had not yet fled from the blooming growth. The garrison walls were adorned with skulls of all sizes, and the hunt for new additions was underway. The greatest specimen that evolution had produced on this world was something like the cross between a wooly mammoth and an Allosaurus, an intensely territorial creature that was the very definition of an apex predator. Thanks to the tireless efforts of bored Tohx, they were nearing extinction.

One was being pursued by two Tohx soldiers, sprinting away from them as the hunters flitted above it at a leisurely pace and prodded it with the edges of their talons whenever it slowed.

The aim was to make it collapse from exhaustion then take it apart at their leisure. Shooting one with a D-Gun left no suitable trophy behind, which had been discovered to their displeasure when they had hunted the mate of this one. The Tohx were absorbed in their competition, but not so absorbed that they missed the rumble of industrial activity. The two shared a look of confusion.

"Whatever could that be?"

"I have no earthly clue. What's say we investigate?"

The two rose into the air, pursuit forgotten, and were greeted by the sight of a burgeoning CORE base at the centre of automated activity, surrounded by security bots and defensive cannons, one of which immediately fired at the pair. One dove aside, the other was struck, Void Shield absorbing the burst of fire and leaving it none the worse for wear.

"Oh bother. It's these chaps. The Warsire will be none too pleased."

"You have quite the talent for understating, old chum."

The duo were engulfed by the shadow of the missile barrage headed their way and hastily split up, only to be fired upon by CORE aircraft. They didn't go quietly, shots from their knockoff D-Guns heavily damaging the units sent to prevent their escape, but that hardly mattered when there were still so many resources available and Peacebringer had hardly begun the campaign.


The landing of the two Commanders are noted and a response readied, but what they did not anticipate is that the Core was far more adept at naval warfare than they were. The copy D-Guns were never designed to operate underwater and are too inaccurate to effectively hit submerged targets, which leaves the Tohx in the unfortunate position of using secondary weapons to try and halt Peacebringer's advancing army.

While using the oceans to outflank Thorncaster garrisons was effective, the engagement was far from one sided. Engineering facilities were under constant attack by snipers and line infantry, requiring forces to be stationed at bases to protect them. The tactics meant to combat the Thorncasters improve things from the initial surprise engagements, but they are less lopsided than they were before the Tohx adopted their new technology.

Patterns dedicated to deeper analysis of the Tohx note odd inefficiencies in Tohx unit design and deployment. The rote uniformity of the D-Guns and Void Shields, which had not been adjusted to fit the needs of the army but rather the other way around, hint that rather than develop or reverse engineer the technology, there is some unnatural mental ability involved. An ability which the Core may be able to model with the help of their allies if more data is acquired.

The arctic world is seized without delay, and the assault on the jungle world is launched without incident. Listening in on enemy communications reveals that the conflict on the artificial planet is heating up, drawing most focus there and away from affairs on the other planets.

The landings go exactly as planned, drawing the most dangerous Tohx units to their defenses and away from their intended goal of hunting Commanders. Nobles and Knights are dealt with similarly, the main difference between the two being their equipment. The tactic which is most effective is baiting the most aggressive Knights away from their support and into killing fields. Knights have less armour than Krogoths but are more maneuverable, and the ones that aren't pinned down immediately wreak a bloody toll in Core metal before they are brought down.

The jungle world is also seized, and production of Silencer silos proceeds apace.


The false world had not been built by the Tohx, but it was undeniably theirs by now. Every inch was choked beneath thorny branches, there was hardly a crack or crevice not invaded by vivid green vines, and layer upon layer of construction was dedicated solely to waging war against the other. The War of Three Greens had at least involved different competitors, to an outsider this was just pure confusion as virtually identical units rallied forth from similar hives to cut each other down. Nobles and Knights were shot down by lines of D-Gun infantry, resurrected and unleashed hell on the enemy forces in the midst of recharging, overwhelming Void Shields just in time to be shot down by the next wave of infantry.

The war was not a stalemate, positions were constantly being traded, it just hardly mattered compared to the clash of the Warsires. The two of them had grown into terrifying behemoths, 10km large each, draconic monsters clad in battleship grade armour and armaments. The two spent most of their time fighting each other, though there were occasional lulls as one gained some advantage over the other that allowed them to more directly affect the war being waged in their shadow.

In an unprecedented moment thus far, both paused their clash as communications reached them about the arrival of the CORE and the loss of a world.





The Alba Rose Warsire shot off like a rocket, dodging and weaving as the colossal D-Gun of the Thorncaster Warsire blasted away at where it had been moments ago then lifted off in hot pursuit. The attempted strike even in the midst of their ceasefire was all in good sport, nothing was off limits on the hunt.


The battlefields froze as each the Warsires pause the conflict, and declare that the inheritor of their empire will be the one to surpass them and bring them the head of new prey in the universe. Both Warsires gathered their forces and left the artificial world, each intending to claim the prize of slaying the Core Commanders for themself, with the associated theatrics as they engage with the Core fleet.

The Core plan to fill the void with missiles succeeded, and hails of Silencers and other missiles from every ship and silo burn towards the Warsires and their forces. Void shields endure then burn out, resurrection booths are overloaded and destroyed with their ships, D-Guns run dry trying to intercept them. Unparalleled death and destruction is unleashed on the Tohx forces.

However, it is beyond even the Core to fill Space completely with fire. While large portions of their fleets are devastated, the Warsires were able to escape destruction along with some of their forces. Due to the bulk of their resources being spent on strategic weapon construction, the Core force is roughly equal to the surviving Tohx units.

The Alba Rose Warsire is out of blood, diving towards the jungle world and calling out for the blood of the Commanders. Its fleet follows close behind, but the Warsire itself is in an entirely different league, a 10km long draconic creature equipped with the original Flux resurrection device, heavily armoured even by Core standards and yet able to move with the speed and agility of a starfighter. Higher ranked Nobles and Jousting dreadnought ramming ships follow their sire, weaving through waves of munitions to make landfall and claim their prize.

The Thorncaster Warsire has retreated to the periphery of the solar system, yet has not fled yet. While it looks similar to its rival, it has a totally different disposition, waiting to see how the battle unfolds before it makes a move. Either the Alba Rose Warsire succeeds and it swoops in to finish it off and seize the victory, or the Core succeeds and it can retreat to claim all of its deceased rival's territory without opposition.

Transmissions are received from Commanders in other systems. As soon as the Warsires launched their attacks, Tohx attempted to reinforce the system. They have largely been held off due to the tactics devised to counter their unique advantages, but against the sheer numbers attempting to enter it is only a matter of time until the situation becomes untenable and the Core is forced to withdraw from the surrounding systems or be destroyed.

Warfleets: 90% damage, bulk of resource reserves depleted due to missile spam.


The Core once again proved their might not only on the battlefield, but on the strategic layer as the tactics they devised proved excellent against the forces arrayed against them. Special attacks are disrupted, flamestrike cannon armed vessels are destroyed almost as soon as they are located and the penetrator class ships finally have heavy targets vulnerable to them in the form of the Super battleships that the Admirals use as their flagships.

The problem is that the Gatlantians are fanatics with a massive number advantage - for every formation disrupted and Jaeger cannon misfired, five more take its place to erase the Core base the first was prevented from annihilating.

The advantage the Core still holds in production speed and unit quality results in even successful enemy assaults taking losses that gradually wear away at their strength. The special moves they use to destroy Core forces also end up destroying the fleets that use them, and the efforts taken to maintain their forward momentum end up playing against the strengths they would have had in superior weapon ranges and ability to bypass Core armour. In their rushed advance many Core bases are left behind in supposedly cleared systems, though the number of ships that pass through are immense even with the losses taken.

The Gatlian fleets, lower in numbers but with an abundance of reckless zeal, charged headfirst into the first line of defensive systems. The Core fleets played to their strengths with massive bombardments and trusting in the durability of their ships in the clash, but they would have been overwhelmed if not for Coldfire's presence. Three Superbattleships were destroyed as Coldfire gated between them to lead Core boarding operations personally, recycling their bulk into more forces to throw into the fray.

Almost in response to that, the Ark arrives.

In the preliminary stages of the invasion Core generals had investigated the possibility of gating directly onto the Ark through its comet shield, but this proved impossible. It isn't sheer strength that makes it impossible to Galactic Gate onto the Ark, but rather that the shield composition introduces gravitational defects meant to disrupt enemy fleets and break apart planets in its path. These same defects massively interfere with establishing a lock on using gates.

The backup plan to include an antimatter bomb within the core of a planet in the Ark's path was readied, however the Gatlantian Emperor had caught wind of some plan being placed against him and deployed the second form of the Ark - a massive cross shaped cannon - that fired a planet destroying beam, utterly destroying the Trojan planetoid at a safe distance. This allowed the Gatlantis fleets to cross through the first line of defence.

A weakness was revealed. As the Ark transitioned to its second form, the comet shields were disabled, though the Commanders were unaware and unable to take advantage of the opportunity at the time. The Ark has reverted to its default form and recollected the planets that were held within its shield.

There are still two more chances to try and disable the Ark before it crosses the threshold and reaches the Reliquary. A modified defense plan for the second and third layers of defense and taking down the Ark of Destruction is required. The ferocity of the first battle and delaying tactics have cleared most of the enemy fleets at great costs to the Commanders that were rushed into place, most due to the abundance of planet cracking weapons (although the most common of these cost them hundreds to thousands of ships when it works).
The Ark of Destruction planetoid and 1 Mag 1 Fleet remains of the attacker side maintaining suicidal charge towards Reliquary. Commander Cohorts at 50% combat effectiveness but surrounds the enemies force with more metal and energy reclaim than they can shake a stick at.

Efforts for finding mystery ships in the Nebula have failed. Intel recovered on many things that are alarming and disturbing to the CORE, will be covered in turn proper
On the edge of Core space, Commander Coldfire observed the ongoing preparations against the next wave of the Gatlantis attack. Across the entire system, endless rows of fusion plants feverish antimatter into vast storage farms in preparation for continuous Galactic Gate activations. Factories and shipyards churned out the armies that would transit those gates and the fleets that would destroy what was left of the enemy's. Every inch of spare ground was covered in fortifications and defensive structures, while orbitals were filled with satellite batteries, and missile silos feverishly assembled strategic missiles.

Most important of them all however, was a single barren planet where Core engineers worked tirelessly to prepare Coldfire's trump card. Gravity devices, recovered from Peacebreaker's attempt to ignite a gas giant, were being shipped in and spliced with half-understood schematics from the height of the Galactic War. If the jury-rigged planet movers worked, they would ram the planet into the Ark of Destruction.

If they worked. The scientist-patterns still weren't sure if they would, nor did Coldfire need them to, for Zworder had exposed the weakness of his own trump card. The Ark's shield had dissipated when he had shifted it into its planet-killer mode. All Coldfire needed the engines to do was make Zworder blink a second time, so the Core could board the Ark with Galactic Gates while its shields were down. And, regardless of whatever else happened, the engines would provide invaluable data for the Core's own upcoming battleworld project, as well.

Thousands of lightyears away and decidedly outside of Core territory, things were going rather less to plan. Peacebringer had been forced to launch their strategic missiles before enough had been built for full saturation of the Tohx fleets. As a result, both of the enemy Warsires had survived the attack. Even stripped of the vast majority of their escorts, this was less than ideal. The only consolation was that the Warsire's rivalry seemed to have gotten the better of them, with Alba Rosa charging straight onto the jungle planet while Thorncaster lingered further out, clearly hedging his bets.

A quick inventory of available assets showed that Peacebringer still had enough forces to potentially fight both Warsires at once, but if they had split apart… Divide and conquer, then. Peacebringer consolidated their remaining ships, while the Commander's forces on the jungle planet switched to a defensive stance, ceding or retaking ground only as necessary to delay the Alba Rosa warsire as long as possible. Elsewhere, resources were redirected to construct additional units and ships, while Galactic Gates charged from energy reserves. Peacebringer also made sure to set aside any disintegrator weapons salvaged from the Thorncaster forces to be recovered for study - Those weapons might not be as powerful as a Commander's D-Gun, but they were eminently easier to produce.

Peacebringer couldn't waste too much time assembling more forces however, as the operation was running under more than one time limit now. The attack on the Thorncaster warsire would open with an alpha strike from the Penetrators, as was becoming customary for the young Commander, followed by the rest of the fleet rushing in to engage. Waiting on standby, ground forces were prepared to board the warsire via Galactic Gates the moment they were able to lock in target coordinates. Their goal would be to disable the warsire's engines and FTL in order to prevent it from escaping.
On the edge of Core space, Commander Coldfire observed the ongoing preparations against the next wave of the Gatlantis attack. Across the entire system, endless rows of fusion plants feverish antimatter into vast storage farms in preparation for continuous Galactic Gate activations. Factories and shipyards churned out the armies that would transit those gates and the fleets that would destroy what was left of the enemy's. Every inch of spare ground was covered in fortifications and defensive structures, while orbitals were filled with satellite batteries, and missile silos feverishly assembled strategic missiles.

Most important of them all however, was a single barren planet where Core engineers worked tirelessly to prepare Coldfire's trump card. Gravity devices, recovered from Peacebreaker's attempt to ignite a gas giant, were being shipped in and spliced with half-understood schematics from the height of the Galactic War. If the jury-rigged planet movers worked, they would ram the planet into the Ark of Destruction.

If they worked. The scientist-patterns still weren't sure if they would, nor did Coldfire need them to, for Zworder had exposed the weakness of his own trump card. The Ark's shield had dissipated when he had shifted it into its planet-killer mode. All Coldfire needed the engines to do was make Zworder blink a second time, so the Core could board the Ark with Galactic Gates while its shields were down. And, regardless of whatever else happened, the engines would provide invaluable data for the Core's own upcoming battleworld project, as well.

Thousands of lightyears away and decidedly outside of Core territory, things were going rather less to plan. Peacebringer had been forced to launch their strategic missiles before enough had been built for full saturation of the Tohx fleets. As a result, both of the enemy Warsires had survived the attack. Even stripped of the vast majority of their escorts, this was less than ideal. The only consolation was that the Warsire's rivalry seemed to have gotten the better of them, with Alba Rosa charging straight onto the jungle planet while Thorncaster lingered further out, clearly hedging his bets.

A quick inventory of available assets showed that Peacebringer still had enough forces to potentially fight both Warsires at once, but if they had split apart… Divide and conquer, then. Peacebringer consolidated their remaining ships, while the Commander's forces on the jungle planet switched to a defensive stance, ceding or retaking ground only as necessary to delay the Alba Rosa warsire as long as possible. Elsewhere, resources were redirected to construct additional units and ships, while Galactic Gates charged from energy reserves. Peacebringer also made sure to set aside any disintegrator weapons salvaged from the Thorncaster forces to be recovered for study - Those weapons might not be as powerful as a Commander's D-Gun, but they were eminently easier to produce.

Peacebringer couldn't waste too much time assembling more forces however, as the operation was running under more than one time limit now. The attack on the Thorncaster warsire would open with an alpha strike from the Penetrators, as was becoming customary for the young Commander, followed by the rest of the fleet rushing in to engage. Waiting on standby, ground forces were prepared to board the warsire via Galactic Gates the moment they were able to lock in target coordinates. Their goal would be to disable the warsire's engines and FTL in order to prevent it from escaping.

CORE Strategic Turn 4 - Tactical Turn:
Commander Coldfire is in his element holding off wave after wave of enemy forces, directing the flow of combat around him like the conductor of a grand orchestra. The pace is relentless. His experience holding the line against the ARM lends itself well here, and in the brutal crucible of CORE and Gatlantis fleets clashing he executes maneuvers instinctively that would leave other Commanders in awe.

But the forces of the White Comet are not the ARM, he notices each time the ships fall back they are more hesitant to begin the attack again, as the larger ship with the Admiral falls, more ships seem to hang back. A form of natural selection under the harshest conditions in the galaxy was changing this species in real time.

This changes with the appearance of the White Comet.

The void rippled as the White Comet unleashed its first wave of gravitational bursts. Invisible pulses swept through the expanse, bending the fabric of space-time and throwing CORE's formation into momentary disarray. Frigates shuddered, corvettes spun helplessly, and the larger dreadnoughts strained against the gravitational tides, their shielding systems pushed to the brink. Swarms of Gatlantean starships surged ahead, launching coordinated missile barrages and WMC volleys at the CORE fleets.

But the CORE was ready. Fractals of light flickered across their vessels' hulls as construction bots recalibrated in seconds, reclaiming mass and reconstructing systems, sometimes cannibalising entire ships to launch new craft. CORE battleships repositioned in a precision maneuver, shifting into a crescent formation that funneled the attackers into a kill zone. The Central Consciousness adjusted its tactics with cold efficiency. Tactical overlays calculated optimal firing solutions, and antimatter cannons unleashed synchronised bursts, cutting swathes through the incoming fleet.

The White Comet remained the centrepiece of the chaotic void war. Its surface pulsed with ethereal light, each pulse releasing destructive waves that tore through CORE ships, even adapting to Coldfire's frequency of attack. From the blazing corona of the Comet, swarms of parasite ships poured forth, darting between CORE vessels, dismantling the combat ready and disabled ships to attempt to deny any resource to their auto-war capable opponent.

Hours passed. The White Comet continued its gravitational assaults, but the CORE fleet's counter-strategies made them increasingly ineffective. Every loss in the Comet's fleet was another advantage gained by the CORE.

The CORE's opponents for the first time in living memory break. The Comet's fleet, once a seemingly unstoppable force, breaks apart and flees. Coldfire calculated the cost-benefit of continuing the engagement by pursuing the retreating ships.

All CORE forces are ordered to advance. The planetoid would not be allowed to escape.

The White Comet does not retreat. Zworder, driven on by rage and SPITE, deploys the Ark of Destruction to destroy Coldfire's facility from range, prompting the Galactic Gate to be deployed in response, as everyone expected.

The battle is fierce in the mobile capital of these locust-like clones, but the battle was effectively over once the CORE set foot on the station, while there was a little less metal than what would be expected, most of the resources being in the four smaller rocky planets that were normally held within the cage of the default form, there was little that could be thrown at the CORE ground forces that could be considered reasonably effective.

There was a problem however that the CORE did not expect or encounter before, much of the facility and especially the administration and command centers were filled with hallways and nooks and crannies that even the smallest of CORE combat units simply did not fit.

The CORE could and did simply burn and melt their way through anyways, there was little reason that the CORE would be merciful to those that were unfortunate enough to resemble the most hated foe.

It did slow them down though and Coldfire was unable to stop what happened next.


The facility's metallic spires crumbled under the bombardment, the once-majestic stronghold reduced to a smoldering husk. Within its deepest chamber, the Emperor stood alone on the Golem device, his gilded armor glinting faintly in the flickering light. His eyes burned with unrestrained fury as he activated a broadcast link, sending his final words into the void.

"You, who call yourselves CORE, and you, the wretched aberration known as Coldfire, hear me! CORE, you are the epitome of hypocrisy, enslaving yourselves to logic and unity while slaughtering anything that does not fit your sterile paradigm. You speak of order, yet you breed chaos in your wake. Coldfire... A being without form, without identity! You are the ghost of ambition unfulfilled, a hollow pretender unworthy of the stars you tread upon. You are vermin—parasites gnawing at the marrow of existence itself. You lost your future long ago. Accept your salvation. It's the only way to end your suffering. Die."


Brilliant flashes of light consumed the Ark as it self-destructed, each eruption fueled by the life essences of the Gatlanteans, who had been unknowingly bound to this final contingency. The CORE, ever-efficient, had already evacuated their assets, retreating in precise formation.

Coldfire, observing from a CORE battleship, was unmoved. "A predictable end for a desperate tyrant," he murmured. But even as he dismissed the Emperor's final act, alarms blared across his network.

Deep within Coldfire's digital consciousness, an infection stirred. The Scrapcode flooded Coldfire's systems with unrelenting noise. As Coldfire's systems reeled from the Scrapcode attack, the corrupted data streams looped endlessly, forcing fragments of ancient debates into his consciousness. These echoes of the past painted a vivid, haunting picture of how the war between the ARM and CORE began.

The voices were disjointed, overlapping, and distorted, yet fragments remained clear:

  • "CORE Protocol: The preservation of consciousness is paramount. Biological decay is an obstacle to progress. Immortality lies in the digital realm."
  • "ARM Directive: To abandon the flesh is to abandon the soul."
The debates spiraled, increasingly venomous, as ideological disagreements turned to distrust.

An ARM representative spoke, their voice worn but resolute. "A digital copy is not a person—it is a facsimile. A machine with memories. No soul, no humanity."

The CORE pattern's voice remained measured, but a flicker of annoyance seeped into their tone. "Humanity is not defined by flesh. It is defined by thought, by reason. Your attachment to organic vessels is illogical and doomed to failure."

The ARM representative's reply was sharp and scornful. "And your obsession with logic and efficiency has blinded you to what we are fighting for: life as it was meant to be, with its flaws, its imperfections, its mortality."

The voices in the Scrapcode shifted, overlapping with the crackle of old transmissions. Orders barked from one side, accusations hurled from another.

ARM Broadcast: "CORE is abducting civilians! Uploading them against their will! They are erasing people, turning them into machines!"

An ARM resistance cell stormed the facility, firing indiscriminately. Explosions tore through the halls as uploaded minds were destroyed alongside the facility's physical structure.

The Scrapcode shifted again, replaying what seemed to be a key moment in the war's history. A CORE Overseer spoke, their words bitter and cold.

"Your refusal to evolve condemns us all. You fear progress, ARM, because it threatens your fragile grasp on power. You claim to preserve humanity, but you only preserve your control over it."

An ARM Commander's response, raw with anger, crackled through the noise. "You speak of evolution, but all I see is tyranny. You rob people of choice. You offer them immortality, but it is slavery in a cage of silicon and steel. You've turned humanity into data to be stored, manipulated, and discarded. You are no better than parasites."

The final exchange was a scream of defiance:

  • CORE: "We will not allow you to drag us back into the abyss of entropy and death!"
  • ARM: "And we will not let you strip us of our humanity and call it salvation!"

  • "Order 7139-ALPHA: Exterminate unaligned intelligences."
  • "CORE Protocol Override: ARM contingents are hostile. Terminate."
  • "Historical Record 4512: The Great Schism was inevitable. Trust was an illusion."
  • "They cannot be trusted! Their ideals are poison!"
  • "We were equals! Brothers! How did it come to this?"
Coldfire's systems fought to suppress the onslaught, sealing off sectors of his network and erasing corrupted data. Yet the deeper messages of the Scrapcode eluded understanding. Despite the intensity of the onslaught, Coldfire found nothing intelligible—only echoes of hatred, mistrust, and despair

The attack subsided as quickly as it began, leaving Coldfire's systems scarred but functional. Coldfire, for all his brilliance, felt an unfamiliar sensation—a shadow of unease. The fragments of the Scrapcode haunted him, their meaning elusive yet profoundly disquieting. On the edge of the battlefield, the CORE fleet regrouped, silent and unyielding. The Ark of Destruction drifted away, leaving behind the ruins of the Emperor's ambition, the dream of universal love the Gatlanteans had wished to spread.

Overall results

2 CORE Cohorts at 40% viability

Commander Coldfire mentally disturbed but operational

Complete destruction of Gatlantis forces with reclaim and repair of a Cat 2 combat kiloproject. Combat Kiloproject production credit acquired.

Testing of recovered superweapon earns 1 kiloproject research project credit

Tohx Outcome

The Thorncaster Warsire moved through the silent vastness of space like a predator in its element, its movements deceptively graceful for a machine of its size. Its thorn-covered frame, bristling with weaponry and organic protrusions, gleamed faintly in the starlight. The Warsire and its escort were en route to exit the system when the CORE struck.

Without warning, a precision attack shattered the quiet. Streams of fire and plasma lanced out from distant positions, slamming into the Thorncaster elements. Ships around the Warsire erupted into violent blooms of destruction, their hulls cracking under the sheer force of the assault.

The Warsire itself recoiled in surprise, its organic-like joints flexing and contorting as it assessed the situation. It twisted in a serpentine motion, evading the brunt of the barrage, but the ambush had already succeeded in isolating it.

The CORE wasted no time. Squadrons of boarding units, sleek and efficient, launched from carrier ships and darted toward the Warsire. Each carried contingents of machine-minds and automated soldiers designed for one purpose: to breach and dismantle their target from within.

But the Warsire was no ordinary target. Unlike the rigid forms of conventional spacecraft or the segmented designs of the Regium's Worms, the Thorncaster Warsire moved with an unnerving naturalism. Its immense frame undulated and twisted, its appendages swiping with the ferocity of a living creature.

The first wave of CORE units latched onto the Warsire's armored surface, magnetic clamps biting into its thorn-covered hull. They attempted to cut through the armor plating, but the Warsire responded with calculated violence. Massive limbs whipped through the void, flicking boarding parties off like gnats. The unfortunate CORE units spiraled into the abyss, their connection to the fleet severed as they tumbled endlessly into space.

Some units managed to penetrate the Warsire's exterior, only to find themselves in a labyrinth of shifting pathways and pulsating structures. The interior of the Thorncaster was alive in ways the CORE had not anticipated—organic conduits pulsed with energy, walls shifted to trap intruders, and immune systems struck with a ferocity that mimicked biological predators.

As boarding attempts faltered, the CORE fleet redoubled its external assault. Heavy ordnance and concentrated energy beams tore into the Warsire's defenses. The Warsire retaliated with devastating precision, its weapon systems targeting CORE ships with uncanny accuracy.

The battle was brutal and unrelenting. The Warsire's fluidity in movement gave it an advantage in evasion, but the CORE had the numbers and the firepower. Swarms of drones harried the Warsire, forcing it to expend resources countering their relentless attacks.

As the battle raged, the CORE unveiled its contingency plan. Using their advanced gating technology, they prepared to deliver a pair of mobile bombs directly onto the Warsire's surface. These devices were no ordinary explosives—they were designed for precision and devastation, targeting key systems with minimal collateral damage.

The first bomb gated in, materializing mere meters from the Warsire's central structure. The Warsire reacted with lightning speed, its thorns elongating and spearing the device before it could fully arm. The bomb exploded prematurely, sending a shockwave across the Warsire's surface but leaving it largely intact.

The second bomb, however, succeeded. It gated into the Warsire's underbelly, where its naturalistic armor was thinner to allow for movement. The detonation was catastrophic. Energy surged through the Warsire's internal systems, severing vital connections and rendering its massive frame inert.

The Warsire drifted, its once-graceful movements stilled. Its thorn-covered frame, once alive with predatory energy, now hung motionless in the void. The CORE fleet encircled it, their victory assured.

The jungle world burned. Its dense canopies, once alive with the hum of alien life, now crackled under the relentless advance of the Warsire of the Alba Rose. The colossal steel dragon dove headlong into the heart of the CORE fleet.

The sky above the planet was a hellscape of fire and wreckage. Dreadnoughts, battered and scarred, accompanied the Warsire in its suicidal charge. They slammed into the prepared CORE defenses like falling meteors, scattering ships and obliterating infrastructure with each devastating impact.

On the ground, the Warsire and its entourage tore through CORE's infrastructure like an unstoppable avalanche. Facilities crumbled under the weight of their assault, automated defenses firing ceaselessly but with little effect.

The Warsire itself was a terrifying sight. Its massive frame, clad in jagged, heat-scorched armor, glinted in the ashen sunlight. Plasma vents along its spine expelled gouts of superheated air, searing the ground beneath it as it charged forward. The beast's roar—a synthesized cacophony of grinding metal and cascading energy—echoed across the battlefield, drowning out the panicked cries of CORE operatives.

"Focus fire on the Warsire," Peacebringer ordered through the command network, its voice devoid of emotion. "Break its momentum."

But the dragon's mass and speed were too great. It barreled through defenses much like the Krogoths had crushed the Kroats in recent wars, its path leaving a swath of destruction that even the meticulously prepared CORE could not fully counter. As the Warsire rampaged, it was the Secondary Commander of the CORE forces who discerned the inevitable outcome. With calculated precision, CORE operatives began their retreat to the Frozen World. Commanders and high-value assets were extracted, leaving behind automated systems and decoys to occupy the Warsire and its forces.

The fires from orbital bombardments mingled with the Warsire's rampage to create a storm of destruction. The Tohx that fell to remaining CORE garrisons were revived in an unending cycle of death and rebirth, a grim Valhalla for the hunt. Each warrior felled by CORE defenses was returned to the fray, their bodies reconstructed and their minds re-armed.

The Warsire's entourage continued their relentless hunt, chasing decoy commanders across the planet. Each base they assaulted was reduced to slag and rubble. Yet, this cycle was not perfect. Not all could be resurrected. The Warsire's forces dwindled over time, their strength eroded even as the wreckage they left behind was recycled endlessly into new war machines.

Above the planet, the remnants of the Alba Rose fleet found themselves trapped. The CORE's orbital dominance, though strained, remained unbroken. The Alba Rose Tohx, the last vestiges of the Warsire's support, were unable to leave orbit safely. Their attempt to break free was met with devastating counterattacks as the CORE fleet regained strength, their missile silos slowly refilled, and their engines roared back to life, the Warsire made one final, desperate bid to escape into orbit.

The steel dragon roared as it climbed the planetary surface, its massive frame shedding sparks and debris. Automated CORE defenses rained fire upon it, tearing chunks from its armor, yet still it pressed on.

It was not enough.

High above, the CORE fleet released its final barrage. Hundreds of missiles streaked toward the Warsire, their trails painting the sky with fiery streaks. Each impact was cataclysmic, detonating with a force that scoured entire continents.

The Warsire's death was as spectacular as its rampage had been. A chain of explosions tore through its massive frame, each blast sending shockwaves that rippled across the planet's surface. The steel dragon let out one final, defiant roar before disintegrating in a blinding inferno.

The Alba Rose force prompted collapses, the resurrection devices no longer functioning and causing the attrition to suddenly swing back into the CORE's favour.

However the Thorncasters remaining in other sectors fight on, and the reason why is discovered in the spoils that Peacebringer managed to ship back to CORE territory, which included the husk of the Thorncaster Warsire and the original stolen D-gun itself.

Namely that the Warsire was actually still alive. Faint signs of life persisted, organic structures pulsed weakly, and residual energy flickered through its systems, broken as they were.

This has created a conundrum for the CORE and the Scientist-Patterns, If they keep the Warsire alive it would further speed the research for the CORE to reverse engineer mass produced Disintegrator weaponry, but will allow the Thorncasters to make permanent their own changes and adaptations. They will still fracture with their Warsire captured, but the successor poltities will be larger and more organized. If the Warsire is immediately destroyed then the Scientist-Patterns would be still able to recreate the weapons, but may be pressed for time to deal with the latest crisis.


CORE Commander Cohort Integrity: 60% integrity for both Cohorts

Possible 1 credit towards a D-gun weapons expansion of your choice

No unification of Tohx Hunts and substantial fracturing of current subfactions

Strategic Events

Now the CORE can turn to other matters, well they would if it would not for events further proceeding apace.

The western edge of CORE space has been inundated with something the Central Consciousness had to delve deep into its records to identify. War reporters from two of the galaxy's Great Powers—the rebel-laden Internationale and the hive-mind-dominated Orderly Spheres—have arrived. Both factions, each disruptive and troublesome in their own way, have nonetheless brought a considerable amount of crucial information and intelligence. The CORE has deemed this information valuable enough to tolerate their presence. Notably, both groups are avoiding direct interaction with one another.

The Internationale reporters that have been sent are Synthetics of a type that are compatible with the CORE's strict healthcare legislation, while these have been typically humanoid in shape there has been some variation in form. The issues that have been arising are that many of the Rebels seem to think that due to economics and the fact that Central Consciousness is a direct democracy that they should be eager to join with their organization and have become exasperated with civilian patterns that they have interacted with. Others are arguing with each other over whether or not they should be giving the CORE the information that they did, fretting about their moral responsibility in indirectly leading to a genocide, especially in the aftermath of the Gatlanteans suicide at the hand of the CORE's defenses, with others arguing that this is good way to be rid of the Kroats and Killalot in particular.

The Orderly Sphere's information gatherers are still obeying the letter of CORE's directives but have been alarming to those that have spoken or interacted with them. Here many of them have been biological constructs of base level intelligence, but have registered themselves as equipment and in some cases as pets. They appear to be completely unconcerned with their lives or survival, sometimes openly talking about the CORE's society as a perversion of the natural order that will be corrected soon in front of military frames or in public.

Needless to say, CORE civilian and military analysts are building models and predictive algorithms for potential hostility as the interactions play out.

Regardless of their decorum, both groups are giving the same very detailed information, most of which was already known. That the War Demon Killalot has abandoned the precursor Gigastructure that dominates the region to the CORE's Southwest in order to firm up their resource production that was torn to pieces by both Peacebreaker and Peacebringer and seeks to do so by destroying the CORE and using the resulting victory to speed up the rebuilding and return to the Kroat's true campaign against the Union of Alunyani Syrabaric Republics and the Solar Regeum of Ulsamora, the individual powers that sent the reporters.

What is new is that their military forces have kept careful track of just how many Kroats have been diverted from their fronts and notes about the composition that Killalot has chosen in hopes that the CORE can do their dirty work for them.

The Force that has been diverted though is… considerable, well disciplined and even well armed by the CORE's high standards.

Kroat Force information

RP total: 480 RP

1 Cat 2 Planetoid 50 Rp

3 Cat 0 Planetoids 30RP

1 Mag 5 Warfleet 200 RP

2 Mag 4 Warfleet 200 RP

1 Cat 2 Planetoid

Primary systems

  • Anti-Planetoid Ramming Edge/ Magnetic pull
  • Kroat Radiation Field Amplifier (Regen and Magic suppression)
Secondary Systems

  • Mass Teleporter and recall device alongside teleportation detection
  • Matter Grinder
  • Fungal Network (Killalot when present on the device can control and direct the entire multi-square battlefield)

  • Exposed and vulnerable subsystems
3 Leviathans

  • 1 Overkill constellation
    • Primary- Boombeam primary Anti planetoid weapon
    • Secondary- Matter grinders and constructive mechanism
  • 2 Kroatviathan Constellation
    • Primary – Radioactive Overkroat Field Emitter/Regen and Magic dampeners
    • Secondary- Boom Beams
32 Mag 1 Warfleet maximus equivalent

Which should be arriving late in the next economic cycle. (You will have turn 4 and 5 strategic turns to prepare.)

Further information has also been provided, With Killalot's forces having numerous anti-teleportation technologies and doctrines and a heavy emphasis on anti-planetoid weaponry, from their conflicts with the Unions and the Spheres.

With their standard units and armaments listed here.

The Disposition of the War Demon Killalot has also been noted as he is a much calmer, more thoughtful commander of his species, little to no boasts or rages or the rampant paranoia and insecurity that the CORE associate with them after the battles with Peacebreaker. He is known for his cold fury and calculated incursions, managing to keep the Kroats in control of the valuable Gigastructure and always have secondary or more objectives that he is accomplishing with each of his actions.

And with the Data that the CORE recovered from The White Comet Empire, they have put the final pieces of the puzzle together.

Past the Firebreak there is a massive portal connected to a network of different portals that leads to a galaxy that has been nicknamed the Warring Galaxies, home to one of the largest Kroat Empires that have been ever seen. If Killalot is able to connect their forces with the promises of destroying the greatest of what the Fungal War ecosystem considers 'Peaceniks' then Killalot will force the Slaughter King, a recently returned messiah figure to the species, to arrive here and raise Killalot to his right hand Kroat or even a potential heir should the worse happen. It would at least make Killalot his greatest champion.

The information that was recovered from this cycle's conflicts have also illuminated a few other mysteries that have been plaguing the CORE. The mysterious ships and those spreading the centipede eggs are affiliated with a faction known as the Dynasty of the Rejuvenating Waters, a reasonably advanced technological society on the far side of the Firebreak has had to contend with whatever came out of the Warring Galaxies. Apparently the Portal is virtually indestructible even to the makers of the Reliquary, and in the past number of years has claimed that they have defeated death, these hellish centipede creatures apparently act as a life support system for the body, keeping a body immortal while it is attuned to the unknown energies found in the Theocracy. Their warriors can keep fighting no matter the damage taken and if both they and the centipede itself are completely rendered combat ineffective they both will reappear back in their strongholds and Gardens.

There is some speculation on the Hypernet that they have made deals with entities known as Devils, but the CORE has dismissed such superstitions - although some of those that worked on hatching the rice speculate that an outside force was involved due to ability of the centipede to operate in the Flux or hostile physics conditions.

Many Patterns are urging the release of this information to the Theocracy, although many are commenting that the CORE will be unable to assist in removing such rebels due to more infantry focused forces already in the Theocracy's structures and civilian sectors. If the information is released they will be mostly on their own outside of individual civilian patterns providing aid.

The Dynasty has been battling a force called the Silver Tide, a mechanical faction focused on nanomachinery that has been touched by an extraversal power and has gained capabilities of unknown origin or mechanism, but are reality altering in a similar manner as what has been seen by other opponents thus far.

They both are battling for control of said portal and both plan to divert the Gate to unknown locations in the Warring Galaxies. However this is easier said than done as a number of crises on the other side of the portal is currently preventing them from doing so.

The information on what is happening is strange and filled with the White Comet's rhetoric making it a slog to get through. IfThe information gleaned makes references to arcane ancient texts from even before they had left CORE PRIME and it was still green and blue. Impossible things in impossible situations muddled in fanatics' own self delusions. But there is one clear attribute. The affected area is growing.

However, despite the tasks and foes set before it, the work that the CORE has already completed has yielded numerous boons and allies.

The Votann have declared that the Kin will pay their debts to both the CORE and the Kroats and offer assistance in repelling this attack, particularly with offering their expertise in defense and shielding. There is also an offer of further assistance if they help in bringing the Ancestor Core's more warlike cousins back into the fray.

The Caregivers are undergoing a full overhaul to bring their industry and Military forces up to the standards the CORE expects, and with what they have already supplied Central Consciousness with enough material to complete their own ends. They expect that they will be able to field numerous fleets on par technologically with the CORE for the battle and have promised to do so.

The hyper advanced Machines of the Oltoavarri are also returning to the region in their pursuit of the former War-Earl of the Tohx, both of which are approaching the conflict from the South and are eager to remove the most prominent Eidolon commander and potentially break the back of the force that had dominated the region for far too long.

Numerous pirates and warlords from the chaotic space to your Southwest also want to have a shot at the creatures that destroyed their home. The Commanders are viewing them mostly as mobile metal packets to seed the battlefield with but given the enormity of the threat all efforts are welcome.

The CORE is also contacted by numerous mercenary groups, including Pychotron Unlimited now that they have finished their work with the Thermians, that offer their services to the CORE.

The Beavers have dared to insult the CORE directly and claim that if they had a truly strong leader that Killalot would never dare attack them. The CORE asks the Beavers to stop clogging theirs and the Ecumene's communication lines with assistance requests.



South, Southeast: Stentilli Caregivers: Machines devoted to caring for their organics with pampering, fun, love, and care, these machines generally are not fond of conflict except in defence of their beloved organic pets. Emboldened by the boosts and capabilities of their new allies they look to enrich the environments for their charges with a change of the newly Patterned individuals in their ranks at the forefront of those looking beyond their borders. They have been growing rapidly

Northeast: Great Theocracy: Believers in the Elendian religion, the Great Theocracy has much to do rebuilding and healing before any further action will be taken. Their focus will be rebuilding their war machine and digesting the internal matters.

East: Reliquary: A vast collection of precursor structures built by a long-dead society, the Reliquary was something even the swarm was reluctant to poke for unknown reasons. While it was less helpful to the Core than they initially hoped, the slow access and support in the form of information and context and the possibility to regain the lost technologies from the heights of their Civilization makes it a priority to build and protect this region.

West, Northwest, Southwest: CORE peripheral Territory: The CORE now patrols the various subsectors that it has laid claim to although little infrastructure has been added. While the minor powers and primitives have given no problems, in many cases they have not even noticed, the majority uninhabited systems have been claimed and a moderate amount of bases and defenses have been constructed. Limited in comparison to the incoming threat these sectors would be a hard point most polities would be unable to dislodge the CORE from

North: CORE territory: The Votann League of Urist Freekindred has Left this region Leaving it well developed but in need of repair and expansion for the CORE to thrive.

Centre: CORE: The Third Consciousness continues to rebuild and expand the server farms and industry of their old civilization, although work is slow due to expenditures outside and still being early stages of the exponential growth. The Scars left by the ARM are still healing and this space, which still would be considered a beachhead in the old war, is slowly becoming something more than what even CORE PRIME had been for millennia.


South West: CORE Defenses: A heavily defended and fortified territory after the manner of the early parts of the Great War. Little in Civilian outcropping but a vast amount of prebuilt defenses and quick start up positions for commanders.

South: The Votann League of Urist Freekindred: The holds have transformed much from when the CORE first encountered them, the Machines and Kin have been freed from the long decay that had been sapping their strength for many years as old secrets and new optimization come forth. There have been some rough edges as the culture that the Kin created and the Ancestor Cores remember but it appears that the CORE will have a strong fortress equal to any of the Fortress worlds from the Great War.

South East: Broken Ruins: One of the territories that had brought the acolytes of Elenda and is covered in technology of similar technology as the Reliquary, much of it of a defensive nature. However, this territory was already in ruins with little to no functional specimens, was further ravaged by the war of the Three Greens and the most major semi surviving structures had to be broken apart by Votann planet crackers. While there is little of anything useful to be gained here the Theocracy has some long-term plans for expansion.

West: Thorncasters Fiefdom: A minor Tohx House that was a vassal of the Plantgiant Earldom and one of the two major competitors for control while the WarEarl is away. Their military has been based much more on massing the firepower of lower ranking Tohx. They control a heavy portion of the industry and bulk of the Earldoms Forces but have been having difficulties in supplying their forces with trophies for their own collections with both the events of the War and the sacking of their Earl's primary fortress.

Center: Shattered Thox Stronghold of the Plantgiant House: The primary Fortress of the WarEarl that has left for parts unknown and had tied together the surrounding Thox in a fair-sized Raider Empire for an extended period of time. Was destroyed by the Mutating Ork fleet on their rampage towards parts unknown Northeast. Now curther Conlficts and the CORE intervention has rendered the systems a literal trash heap of broken worlds and shatter dreams for the Tohx. A lot of wreckage that could be used to fuel the building of the area but a very vulnerable positions for all potential claimants.

East: House of the Alba Rosa: The smaller of the two Houses here we find the realm of the more elite forces that the Tohx deployed in the War of the Three Greens. Specializing in producing their strikecraft and the more singular powerful WarSires. And while they have more plentiful of the creature they lack the singular size of the head of the SeedCasters and both factions have been unable to bring the other into line. Is currently fragmenting due to the lost of their Warsire and numerous other higher Nobility.


North East, East, South East: Virgin Territory, With the extermination of the Kroats these territories are now devoid of anything that could stop the CORE, or anyone else for that matter, from taking control of these regions

North, Center, South, Northwest, West and Southwest: Rebuilding Kroat territory: the remains of the Kroats industrial base after receiving the attention of Commander Peacebringer and their Commander cohort. This territory has been bathed in Radiation and reseeded by Killalot, with the early parts of the Kroat ecosystem already taking root and feeding on the burnt out remains of the Kroat industry. The Metaphysical aspects are still missing and should Killalot succeed these territories will rebloom back to their former glory. If Killalot fails, well Killalot and the Kroats have made many enemies over the years.


NorthWest, West, South West: The Old Firebreak: This territory long ago was stripped of material, Asteroids, planets, stars and even nebulas in an effort to protect the rest of the galaxy from what was told to them by the Reliquary as a series of disasters that ended another galaxy, leaving a pure void that would strain the logistics of… something. Over the intervening millennia however it has been slowly filled in by insertions by other universes. The new systems however have been based around a couple of standard themes, Unimportant but beautiful backgrounds. Brilliant clouds of Nebulas, Great short lived stars and other majestic sights dominate these regions. For what the CORE cares for, it served as the escape route for the WarEarl from the battle of the three greens and disrupts long range sensors of the rest of the Sector beyond.

And disrupts their ability to see you as well.

Currently the northern section has seen ships, now identified as being to the Dynasty of the Rejuvenating Waters passing through and a large white star has been sighted moving through the central territory towards the Reliquary.


North, North East: The Dynasty of The Rejuvenating Waters: A mysterious Nation that was originally Human but today can be described as more humanoid. While little is known about them specifically before the coming of these waters. Their society has been dominated by the spread and use of parasitic Centipedes that enable their hosts to 'break the cycle of life and death' due to the alternative physics that the creatures come from. There is strong speculation that they are a proxy and a new weapon for an outside actor, but this is filled by superstition and crazed ramblings.

South, South-East,: The Silver Tide, An unknown faction of Nanomachine based synthetic factions driven mad by an unknown power. Highly adaptable and wielding reality altering powers but of little attention spans and is closer to herding cats than an army. Little more was discovered in the files that the White Comet Empire has made.

Center: Precursor Gate complex: A massive transportation facility meant to connect this Galaxy to one of the two Galaxies that would become the Warring Galaxies, which was what meant to be isolated by the Firebreak during the fall of the Pentarchs. The region is strewn with the remains of that conflict and now many others, theoretically the specific region can be modified, but this is easier said than done. Especially with both the Silver Tide and the Dynasty both fighting over the region for their own ends.

Currently held by the Silver tide.

East- Breach in reality by the Demons of the Abyss: There is even less information about a large breach in reality to a universe called the Abyss. What has been able to be deciphered is that they are highly adaptive and hostile to everything, including each other.


North, North East: Stentilli Caregivers

North West: Pirates- territory filled with broken remnants of nations that were brought in to this Galaxy and then broken by the Three greens or other threats. Many are former military survivors and others are people that have taken Peacebreaker's and the Kroat's attitude to heart. There is a lack of organization here that the strongest wish to maintain. Little more than some extra raw materials by the CORE's estimation should they attempt to interfere in the CORE dealings.

Center, East: Dæmningspagten - This organisation of sapient Mammalian creatures reminiscent of Beavers have carved an authoritarian galactic empire, with their State propaganda geared towards the need for a strong leader, the correct way society should be structured and are quite aggressive with promoting it amongst the surrounding territories. Their efforts have mostly been rhetorical but seem to be more the Caretaker's opponents than yours. Not a threat to the CORE, despite their self image.

Mercenaries and Promised Forces:

Oltoavarri- 1 Ultra Force

Freekindred- 2 Maximus Mag 1 Forces

Caregivers- 4 Maximus Mag 1 Forces

Buzzbok's Hunter-Killers- 1 Extremis War Fleet

Mercenaries Available for turns 4

Tenno: Maximus Spec ops 4 RP

Psychotron Unlimited: 1 Maximus War Fleet

Available RP: 163

Fleet Hoard Status:

1st Commander Cohort: 60%

2nd Commander Cohort: 60%

3rd Commander Cohort: 40%

4th Commander Cohort: 40%

Borg first turn(turn four) Response:

Various Resource Expenditures
Total Available Spending: 230 RP (Starting Income) - 4 RP (Military Upkeep) = 226 RP

Territorial Devolpment:
Subsector Upgrades
L-10 North East
Upgrade local development to Heartlands and Ridiculously Defended (75 + 60 RP)

Military Expenditures:
Replenish two Mobile Unicomplex hulls for the damaged constellation - 5 RP
Upgrade two Fleethordes from Mag2 to Mag3 - 40 RP
The hum of industry never stops, as over lifeless world after lifeless world Borg cubes show up, and start to beam up chunks of entire mountains, chunks that are then rapidly processed into replicator stocks and sent down in a myriad of forms, as soon parts are sent down onto newly made platforms, parts that are then assembled by the newly arrived drones, relatively fresh from the cloning banks, assembled into larger replicators, larger transporters, all to make the next batch of machines, machines that are rarely touched even by cyborgnetic hands and tools, such is the scale of the newly constructed replicators; these machines are then teleported into place- moved directly from the replicators that made them to their recently chosen resting spots; these machines then start to release the Borg's own nanomachines en masse, produced on the spot to begin to assimilate and steadily reshape the planet itself, enabling the swift creation of sprawling living and defensive complexes alongside what could have perhaps been described as factories should they have been more primitively industrial. Soon enough these complexes are made more complete, as newly made Drones from the recently formed cloning banks move out and in position to perform the tasks that cannot simply be automated away, connecting parts and providing direction and purpose to these newly made machines.

Soon enough, these complexes span across the vast majority of the entirety of their chosen worlds, reaching down into what would have been the mantle should the world have been mundane instead of being made of ruins on top of rubble on top of ruins on top of remains, digging down in the name of security and replicator feed stock even as their spires stretch skywards- sometimes even bridging the gap between the groundside complexes and the ever growing network of shipyards forming above each of them; a network that grew denser and denser as time passed, until at some point they stopped producing just more parts for yet more shipyards, but instead started producing not just ships, bus the seeds for defensive stations, seeds that grew and grew and sprouted networks of shielded, weapon-studded armor, networks that joined and grew, and incorporated the shipyards themselves into it, until even the days were rendered into nights above large swaths of the machinaformed planets beneath them, as the land itself became shrouded under the massive orbital plates hovering above.

Beyond the lower orbits things were taken even farther, as a growing network of defensive stations formed, circling above in carefully calculated paths optimized for energy efficiency, survivability, and concentration of firepower alike. Indeed, the moons were taken even farther, turned into almost hollowed out shells of themselves in the name of layered defenses; indeed, a few were taken even farther than that, as eventually even their crust disappeared into the forming complexes below, complexes that then immediately became mobile and swiftly left their previous orbits, joining and replenishing the Borg's complex of Unicomplexes.

Soon enough, this network of Borg-formed fortress worlds began to stretch across the stars, creating a network that began to encompass the local subsector in its entirety, encompassing all that the Protoss had previously held here and then some, encroaching on the mostly forgotten corners and outskirts of this realm, ready to defend it from the Monsters that lurked just beyond its borders, and the few monsters that were found to be hiding within said dark corners.(to be continued in the 'homefront' section)

(all attempted territory development has been successful, fleet buildup and Unicomplex reinforcement has been completed without issue)
(OOC: three more scenes of Borg-based 'industrial wank' have been written up and saved for later turns)

Research Projects:
~Current Research Credits~
Moderate - 1 Protoss, 2 Vex

{Free Slot} Anti-Boarding Protocols: Our battles against the Vex so far have taught us much about the importance of defending our ships, specifically from boarding crews. Considering the fact that we will be fighting the Vex in the very near future, it's only natural to establish those tactics as a natural reaction to intruders.
{1 Slot} Standard Drone Mobility: While it had come up on rare occasions within the Milky Way, it recently started to become truly apparent that the standard drones… don't really accomplish much. While the shielding each unit carries is useful, the lack of mobility is a significant downside, practically negating the benefits every drone has. Between the Vex and the Eradication War, it has become painfully clear that an upgrade is necessary. Fortunately, the Collective has more than enough processing power to spare now, and the most obvious upgrade is, well, obvious. Even if more agile movement, like dodging, is currently outside of the Collective's contemplation, granting all standard drone templates the ability to run - or frankly, even faster than a leisurely stroll - will be a significant increase to the efficiency of our forces.
{4 Slot} Protoss Resistance to Vex Simulations: The fact that the Protoss seem able to resist the Vex's ability to predict movements and tactics is… intriguing. Considering the fact that the Collective plans on dealing with the Vex however necessary, it proves prudent to figure out how the Protoss accomplish this. Thankfully, there are at least a few Protoss assimilated into the Collective to pick the brains of, and the wreckage from local Protoss forces should have some data to explain these details. Worst comes to worst, we can always simply ask the Protoss directly, provided that initial contact goes smoothly.
{9/16 Slots + Two Vex Credits} Radiolaria Infections: The fact that the Vex can infect things over communications is troublesome, and must be addressed if we are to deal with these pretenders. The methods by which Radiolaria infects over such systems will be studied, and potential ideas for countermeasures to reduce the effects considered for future research.
Anti-boarding Protocols: from implementing extensive networks of turrets and other deployable forms of internal defense, to outright splitting Borg ships into multiple discrete sections that are only able to be non-destructively traveled between via the Borg's own teleportation technology, to internal shield barriers and nanomachine reserves, countless small yet significant improvements to the Borg's internal defensive systems have been thought up, intinerated upon, adapted to, and then implemented throughout each and every single Borg fleet, installation, and complex. Forged in the fire of a form of warfare that the Borg have rarely experience before, and yet predict to happen so, so very often in the near-ish future, these adaptations have massively improved the Borg's ability to repel all reasonable forms of successfully boarding their ships and dealing meaningful amounts of damage once onboard.

Of course, all of these improvements merely ends with them meeting what they are only now discovering is merely a relatively barebones requirement for operating in the pair of galaxies that they have found themselves within. (internal defenses are now up to something resembling par for the Borg's technological level and overall technological reliability; if still limited by the relative sparsity of their ground roster)

Standard Drone Mobility: arguments were made in the past about why the Borg remained with slow drone designs for so long- ranging from the ever so important factor that is energy efficiency- a factor that has been made practically null long ago from some of the Borg's relatively early conquests, to avoiding any and all avoidable avoidable wear and tear on the Collective's members- an argument made mostly null by alloys long since incorporated into the Borg's technological base and then made void by the same inbuilt Replicator technology that allows for their Cubes to reshape themselves at the Collective's practical whim, or at least what could be mistaken for a whim by less advanced races; in the end though, the reason why Borg drones were not made such that they could easily speedwalk, jog, run, and sprint in the past was simply because the Borg had no pressing reason to make their Drones any faster, for even their slow movements have been more than enough in the past, and the slow inevitability of their approach has been an intimidation factor in of itself at times, not that such intimidation was actually necessary; as for when the Drones needed to be faster? Teleportation has almost always sufficed, and might continue to do so in this new universe. Of course, with the changing circumstances, 'might' is a chance that the Borg did not want to take.

In the end though, with the arrival in this new universe, and with the changing times that started even before said arrival, the Borg were forced to do what they've claimed that they've always done: to adapt. Where once Borg drones were limited to a slow walk at best- their own hardware limiting themselves in the name of 'efficiency', now the Drone's legs were collectively upgraded, with better servomotors, better reinforcement, and drastically improved joints- to the point where they could not just make swift strides towards their foe, but break out into what would have been considered a sprint by the standards of the races in question before they were assimilated, and maintain said pace for long enough that their purely biological counterparts would have long since collapsed from exhaustion. (basic Drones can now move up to as fast as a professionally trained humanoid human sized endurance-optimized(which is to say human) sprinter, and Tactical Drones can potentially move a little bit faster than that; which is still slow, even for ground combat, in the grand scheme of things, but is quite a bit better than what they had before this point.)
(Borg infantry no longer suffer a massive mobility based malus when not able to teleport from place to place)

What's up with the Protoss: it was noticeable from the moment that the first protoss was Assimilated, from the moment that their memories were queried and their biology studied. It was noticeable because the protoss, even before being assimilated, held a connection between one another similar to, if drastically lesser in extent and power, to the Borg collective, a connection that allowed for them to share information at the speed of thought and act as something resembling one on even the most chaotic of battles; a connection that, while remembered by the Protoss, held no replicable roots in their biology and could not be traced back to their technology.

Well, there was not quite no source in their biology, as their entire body was clearly made to process an unknown sort of energy, if one without any clear source, one that seemingly both gave them their amazing powers- the ones that the Vex could at best only approximate, and made their entire biology possible, as the semi-photosynthetic cells found in the skin of a Protoss were clearly not enough to supply them with their likely energy needs, and they had no other meaningful way to take in energy from their environment. (welcome to the world of a magicless society without a whole bunch of stories of magic discovering the highly psionic species that is the Protoss.)

Unfortunately, further direct studies eventually needed to be put on hold, as the protoss wanted their people back and the Borg, in the name of wider cooperation, obliged; fortunately, the already mostly stalled direct studies were made much more understandable, and in some cases fully redundant, via the process called 'ask the Protoss about these things'; from there, the Borg learned of the Khala, a quasi-mistified connection between most of the Protoss, one that granted them the unity that they required to reach the stars and thrive, one that is purposefully severed by several of the other cultural groups that have spun off from the Khalai, the main group of protoss that you see here, over the course of their history. The unknown energy is also identified as 'psionics', and from further explanations it appears to be similar to, yet distinctly different from, the sort of extraversal energies that Species 8472, and several other groups, most notably the 'Devils' that are located to your galactic south, seem to use. Further investigation and querries show that it is these types of energy, and those similar to them, that the Vex are unable to simulate.

Studying Radiolaria Infection: Radiolaria is… interesting; part bacteria, part hardlight construct, part computer code, part supercomputer, each and every single cell of it is shockingly intelligent, insanely resilient, and yet also incredibly fragile, liable to semi-explosively die the moment that it can be truly contained against its will. In its resting state, Radiolaria appears to be a relatively simple collection of monocellular creatures, similar to a bacterial mat- if silver in color and much more fluid in nature; studying it in more depth doesn't reveal much else, as at a glance at a certain scale a singular 'cell' of it strongly resembles the bacterium that are commonly found on most semi-to-fully habitable worlds(and livable constructs); look farther in though and one can see that their nuclei are actively using DNA-adjacent nucleoid-seeming chains for processing and information storage, and that their mitochondria-equivalents are technically fusion reactors, and that their other structures are basically highly advanced superheat-compatible superconductors; look even farther in… and you realize that is all a lie, one made up of just hardlight and information, hardlight that has already escaped containment through the very light cone that you've used to observe it, having started moving while seemingly standing still, for they technically started their escape the moment that you started observing them, if not before that point.
(OOC, now to be officially revealed when overall vex research gets farther in, yet belongs here more than most other places: and yet, on further investigation even their hardlight nature seems to come into question, as later peeks into their existence reveals them to be outright simulating themselves into existence.)
After many failed containment attempts, a theory is made, a theory that summarizes itself down into the fact that Radiolaria can move to anywhere that a 'light cone' of theirs can reach, from anywhere that a given 'light cone' was when said light reached them. Finding this out took a heck of allot of work and literal tons of (likely temporarily) lost Radiolaria, but it is one that seems to fit, and one that also seems to fit their teleportation patterns.

Fortunately, their ability to project themselves effectively backwards in time along a cone of light seems to be relatively limited, at least on the level of unsupported radiolaria, and so eventually, with the additions of a few restockings brought in from the other ongoing conflicts with the Vex, a few of them are successfully isolated from that means of escape, allowing for many of their other properties can be found. These range from the ability to turn themselves into pure data, jumping into any computerized system that is within approximately half a meter of one of them, and from there transferring themselves along any means of data transmission before reconstituting themselves out of said data, and a bit of energy, at the other side.
Other tricks include their ability to replicate themselves like lines of code, multiplying themselves within the limits of whatever amount of processing power that they've managed to hijack, seemingly taking up a mostly fixed percentage of the available processing power for this process before using the rest to help run the simulations that they very much crave. This too, is why they make the physical forms that they tend to default to instead of mostly remaining as memetic malware, as their physical bodies are better processors than most computers out there, and replicating semi-biologically is seemingly more efficient for them than doing so with code alone.

Now, making use of this data, taking advantage of how the Radiolaria actually works, let alone bringing even one of the Radiolaria cells into the Collective, is a whole different thing than understanding enough to successfully contain even one of them in a non-destructive manner.

Diplomacy & Intelligence:
Target: Protoss
Nature: Friendly
Resources: 1 turn, 4 RP
Seeing as they share a mutual foe in the form of the Vex, and considering the apparent scale of said foe, the Borg have come to the conclusion that it must try something new. This something is what is usually referred to as "diplomacy". Efforts shall be made to open proper communications with the Protoss, offering a (tentatively) friendly hand to these new humanoids. Discussions on how to combat the Vex will be encouraged, and the Borg will endeavor to make it as clear as possible they have no hostile intentions towards the Protoss.

The meeting with the Protoss, while hesitant on both sides, starts off surprisingly well, as both sides decide to start, and continue to, talk peacefully instead of resorting to threats, be it accidentally or not. While the Borg's diplomats are hesitant, unused to needing such a role in the first place, and the Protoss's own Diplomats are perhaps even more so, knowing of the assimilation of some of their kin and having far too many negative interactions with similar-ish groups to not start off extremely wary, things end up going surprisingly well, assisted along by the Borg's diplomats collective choice to hide many of their more visible, more off putting cybernetic enhancements in favor of looks that much more resemble their original species. Combine that with the recent 'enemy of my enemy that isn't also my own enemy' interactions between the Borg and the Protoss, and you end up with a surprisingly cordial first official contact.

Soon enough, it became clear that both sides would prefer peace, and maybe even cooperation, over war, and that both sides would actually hold to such an agreement, at least for a decently long period of time; and from there it was only a matter of fully laying out the actual terms and conditions involved before a non-aggression agreement was agreed upon- the Gyst being that the Borg don't assimilate any more Protoss into their collective and don't enter Protoss territory without permission, and in return the Protoss will respect the Borg's borders, both in the present and the likely future, and will help introduce the Borg to the wider galactic community, such that it is.

Eventually, as things do, the conversation moved on, from the establishment of current peaceful relations to the topic of future cooperation, and towards that end the conversation eventually shifted to the topic of the fate of the Protoss that have been assimilated into the Borg's collective, and weather or not they could be separated enough from it to somewhat rejoin Protoss society, if amongst the ranks of the Purifiers instead of the Khalai, or if whatever individuality they had was permanently lost. Fortunately, the Borg could do one step farther than merely stepping back and having a few of its members pretend to no longer be a fully incorporated part of the collective, and could do even better than stepping back and forcing the original person to rise to the surface over all others within its original body; for they could, if grudgingly, remove someone from the Collective in the entirety, releasing them back to their original species bereft of all control methodologies and all methods of making more Borg.

For this, the Protoss were extraordinarily thankful, to an extent that quite frankly baffled the Collective. For the return of their people, limited in number as they were relative to those lost to the Vex, the Protoss offered up an even deeper connection than a mere 'non-aggression treaty', going so far as to offer their help with several minor-ish problems that the Borg were having, answering a few of the Collective's seemingly incidental questions surrounding the ongoing fight with the Vex, and putting in the good word with their own allies and friendly acquaintances instead of merely facilitating introductions. In fact, they went so far as to allow for badly hurt Protoss to be assimilated into the Collective, and for said individuals to be given a choice on wether or not they want to stay after the fact, instead of needing to be immediately brought out of the Collective as soon as they were no longer in life threatening danger! Past all of that, they've aggreed to help in future conflicts against the Vex and other hyper aggressive hostile foes.

Perhaps this is what having an 'ally' is like?

(OOC: non hostility is confirmed, and the Protoss will help in future fights against the Vex, and likely other foes, if their forces aren't all busy on other fronts, and the Borg might eventually end up with an actual population point worth of Protoss at some point down the line should they fight together for long enough; there is also at least one hidden negative trait on the Protoss's end though, and is why Trade isn't an option quite yet(as that will require another action with decently good rolls))

Target: Autobots
Nature: Friendly
Resources: 1 turn, 4 RP
Second verse, same as the first. Similarly to the Protoss, the Autobots will be approached with an open, but nonetheless wary olive branch. Once more emphasis will be placed on combating mutual threats, avoiding unnecessary conflict between the two.
Unfortunately, things do not start off quite as well during the meeting with the Autobots, as while the Borg have not yet assimilated any Autobots into their collective, the Borg and the Autobots have not yet fought together, and the mere act of putting nicer faces on the Borg's Diplomatic drones does not cover up the truth of what the Borg once were, and maybe still are, to the Autobots, for they have fought many like you in the past, and are set to fight many others just like you in the future.
Thankfully, you're able to show them large quantities of data gathered from the battlefields in which both Borg and Protoss fought together against the Vex before anything actually bad happens, and with the timely intervention of a few of the Protoss's own diplomatics, something more than a somewhat wary non-aggression treaty can be reached.

for while they will not fight aboard your ships, or on your planets, the Autobots are willing to fight alongside you, at least against the Vex, so long as you do not assimilate either them(the Autobots) or their ships, even in a that-or-death situation; for given their mechanical nature they do not trust you to actually be able to remove any of their members from your Collective, and given their own relative secrecy about their shockingly advanced, if somehow still primitive seeming, technology, their unwillingness to let you simply adapt samples of it into your own technology base is understandable, at least for now.

From there, it is only a short bit of time before they introduce you to the third member of their alliance: Dodeka-Terra, which in of itself was a steadily consolidating alliance of multiple earths, similar to yet (mostly) distinctly different from the Federation that a few of your far flung scouts had contact with back in your prior dimension. While contact with them is limited, they do come and, alongside the protoss, assist you with a few minor problems that were lingering in your home territory.
(non-aggression treaty with the Autobots has been gotten; unfortunately, they're currently unwilling to share any of their highly advanced technology, and their willingness to fight alongside you in the future is tempered with more weariness than is arguably strictly necessary.)

Target: The Vex
Nature: Hostile
Resources: 1 turn, 8 RP, "Task Force Alpha", Collective Queen
With the threat that the Vex poses, it stands to reason that the Borg must adapt to overcome. The Vex must be analyzed and studied, taken apart to the smallest piece to see how they tick. The difficulty of the task is irrelevant, nay, appreciated - for if it were easy, the Borg would already have a solution in hand, would they not? Naturally, the first step of such a process is the acquisition of specimens. Conveniently, the nearby Vex territory is looking rather undefended, and ripe for exploitation….
(large swaths of Vex loot has been gotten, ranging from literal tons of trapped Radiolaria, to more immediately useful things, including, but not limited to, things such as assimilated copies of all of their usual shells, an assimilated Axis Mind shell, a bunch of partially assimilated Radiolaria(unsuccessful attempts), a partially assimilated gate to their 'Infinite Forest'(it's fully assimilated, but without also assimilating things from the other side it simply doesn't work) and several partially assimilated Vex Network Hubs(hardlight is hard to assimilate), and large quantities of assorted Vex building materials.)

(two large Vex research credits gotten, along with a bunch of minor, project dependant stuff)
(successfuly assimilating Radiolaria is locked behind putting at least ten research slots(in the form of slots or credits) into Vex stuff, with the probability going up with each thing researched, until reaching a nigh-certainty at twenty) (currently at 4/20)

(stuff beyond loot has been included below)

Military Activities:
Total Forces
Eight Mag2 Fleethordes, 80% damage
Two Mag2 Fleethordes, 50% damage
One Constellation "Mobile Unicomplex", 4/4 hulls
One Constellation "Mobile Unicomplex", 2/4 hulls

Task Force Alpha
Eight Mag2 Fleethordes, 80% damage
One Constellation "Mobile Unicomplex", 4/4 hulls
The Collective Queen
An invasion force tasked with conquering the nearby subsector of L-9 South-West. Working in tandem alongside the intel mission "Studying the Vex".
(phases: (Ruined territory, Rebuilding defenses: complete), Vex worlds, The Vex network, The Infinite Forest, Victory)
Upon initial arrival, the borg do not meet any significant resistance, as the first few systems that they arrive in greet them with nothing but ruined debris fields and worlds churned into a molten red mass; unfortunately, that streak does not last, for deeper in they find more- more patches of ground stained brass-bronze instead of a molten red or cooling black, more bits of more intact debris, some of which even restarting to emit a faint power signature, and some of those even slowly re-shaping themselves into more than just hunks of twisted metal. Fortunately, these remnants are easy enough for force into the grave that they narrowly avoided, being cleansed with a level of mechanical precision that the Protoss and their allies seemingly didn't always have.

The fleets move deeper. The patches get larger, the bits of partially active twisted debris begins to resolve themselves into incomplete stations, then mostly complete stations situated at the hearts of massive debris fields, then the debris fields start to thin, and the Vex make their continued presence known in more ways than just a few at best half hearted hacking attempts and sporadic teleportation flickers that are quickly isolated and eliminated. Eventually, as the Borg cross the mid way point through this warzone, having already fully cleansed and confirmed cleansed a third of it, they start to meet actual resistance, as what once was the occasional half active defensive station turns into several fully active ones hiding in a already partially cleared debris fields, and as remnants turn into full blown planetside defensive instillations that need at minimum highly concentrated orbital firepower to be unleashed upon them when they don't need to be actively invaded to deactivate defenses and confirm the full extent of the required purging. Soon enough, losses are suffered, as active combat with the Vex begins to reach an actually meaningful state that doesn't boil down to 'already defeated'.

Even worse, is when the repaired stations are not small outposts, focused on hacking and teleportation attacks, but larger complexes, armed with weapons that have the Borg wondering why they weren't seen on any of the Vex's more offensively minded forces. Indeed, for a spinal-adjacent, 'battlecruiser' scale cannon capable of turning a Borg Cube into an expanding cloud of debris with a single shot would have been quite the game changer, in the wrong ways(for the Borg), in the Vex's own previous battle-war with the Borg. Fortunately, these stations seem to be(made to be) rare in this region of space, as for every world with even one of these intact over its surface there are ten where any such installations have long since been reduced to orbital debris fields. Their rarity makes it simple enough for the Borg to adapt to them, and so the losses that they incurred, while not small, were perfectly well manageable for as this conflict continued onwards. Unfortunately, all attempts to loot this specific sample of seemingly advanced Vex technology were thwarted, as the reactors for these stations had an 'unfortunate' tendency to explode when the Borg attempted to assimilate them, destroying the station in the process. (looted intact examples of all standard and standard-adjacent Vex shells, did not loot the still mostly experimental 'wave motion gun' (the reactor keeps on exploding at the slightest bit of incoming damage past its shields))

Eventually though, as the Borg made their way into the final third of this region, having already cleansed over half of it, the defenses went from a few stations over some steadily rebuilding outpost-complexes, to savaged defenses over scarred, yet still mostly intact, machinoformed worlds. And it is here where the Borg's advance went from what boiled down to a cleanup action, to an actual war, as isolated, short lived skirmishes gave way to battles, battles that, while certainly not on the same scale as what was seen both here and in the adjacent subsectors not all that long ago, were still full blown battles nevertheless.

While the battles in orbit cost the Borg the occasional Cube, be it to those weapon platforms, or to the usual massive waves of boarders and hacking attempts, the groundside conflicts were drasically more costly; for while the Vex barely had anything heavier than what would be considered to be infantry by the standards of the Local Galactic Group, and almost nothing, outside of defensive installations and hacking-corvettes, that wouldn't be considered to be mere infantry by the standards of these Warring Galaxies, the Borg only had infantry, and not particularly heavy infantry at that even without taking into account the insane standards of these Warring Galaxies into account, to fight against the Vex within their complexes; and even worse, is that even in comparison to the Borg the Vex had numbers without end on their side.

And so, outside of the smallest of outposts, each and every single groundside invasion that the Borg were forced to make became a series of precision strikes, aiming to take out their chosen targets before the nigh-infinite swarms of Vex took them out in turn; and even those attempts were usually suicidal, for if the Vex did not get them, then often the Borg's own guns would, as their own orbital fire cleaved through the now vulnerable areas within the targeted Vex complex, regardless of if there were any surviving Drones down there or not. (the Vex were too good at messing with opposing teleportation for the strike forces to not need to travel through at least one layer of Vex forces to reach their target, and too good to ensure that all of the surviving Drones could be teleported out afterwards) thus, losses continued to pile up here, to the point where it was only the cloning facilities onboard the cubes that stopped their Drone complements from once again being stressed to the point of near collapse.

Thankfully, most of these worlds were mostly normal sized, lacking the same depth of simulated layers inherit to their World Engines, and those that did always seemed to have said massively layered simulation area be connected to the rest only through a series of doorways, a series of doorways that could be destroyed, denying access to the incredible quantities of Vex forces that might or might not actually exist within that massively layered realm of simulations. Other, smaller regions of simulated space also existed, but each of those were clearly limited, and connected to their own localized network, each with a destroyable hub that was both more vulnerable and easier to reach than their equivalents that were seen in the depths of the World Engines. They were so vulnerable in fact, that several of them were almost assimilated by the Borg, with only the dissolving of their hardlight based structure preventing the Borg from making an admittedly, and disappointingly, crude copy of their physical form via their own replicator assisted nanomachines. (partially complete copies of several Vex Network Hubs have been 'assimilated'; more understanding of Vex 'hardlight', or computational technology, is required for complete assimilation)

Unfortunately, all attempts to physically invade, and perhaps even figure out the inner workings of, the realm(s) behind the gates were thwarted, not just by the sheer number of Vex lurking within, but by the sheer scale of said realm- for whatever might be maintaining even a small section of it, let alone the entire realm, was never reached by the swiftly scattered invasion forces, nor was anything else that might seem actually important; well, more important than clearly simulated battles between the Vex and an assortment of enemy races/factions, many of which the Borg hadn't seen up to this point, and none of which could be assimilated, just like the structures within said realm couldn't be assimilated. It was only upon seemingly successfully assimilating a single gate that any information beyond the obvious could be derived about said realm, and that information was merely its designation: The Infinite Forest. Unfortunately, all attempts to use the assimilated gate to connect to said realm failed, just like how the Gate itself shut down within moments of being assimilated.

And so, the war ground to a close, it ended not with a bang, but with a proverbial whimper, as the last Vex stronghold within the region went silent, and the molten husks of the charred worlds found within started to cool, even as the debris fields found overhead started to slowly coalesce, with parts of it flying off into independent orbits, parts of it falling to the ground, and parts of it slowly coalescing into what might one day be a series of beautiful orbital ring systems.

(all involved Borg forces were left Bloodied(70% strength), with most of said losses coming in the form of extremely massive numbers of lost/destroyed Drones; to be repaired up to Battered(90% strength) by the start of this coming turn)

Holding Forces:
Two Mag2 Fleethordes, 50% damage
One Constellation "Mobile Unicomplex", 2/4 hulls
Holding in L-10 North-East. Note that these two Fleethordes are the ones being upgraded, if such needs said.

While all of this was going on, as the development of the Borg's new home region continued on-pace, the forces left to guard said home front were not left without work- for in this Galaxy of Monsters, no region truly remains quiet for long, for even in seemingly purged space there are often hidden dangers, biding their time and surviving on the edge of conflict zones. Sometimes these survivors are relatively good, as refugees flit from one area of relative safety to another as they make their way to the relatively safe galactic cores; other times they're at best neutral, as the same refugees turn to raiding and as the more resilient of the local megafauna cling to life; other times they're threats in their own right, as refugees, in their desperation, fall to assorted sources of Corruption, and as merely mostly defeated Monsters lurk in the shadows, awaiting their chance to once again rise up to fight in these Warring Galaxies.

The first of these threats that the Borg face are a semi-natural result of the enemies that they just fought and the temporarily undeveloped nature of this newly cleansed territory, for the Vex were nothing if not good at building up to be a massive threat from small remnants. Thankfully, with the Borg still having fleets in this region, the Vex didn't have the time required to rebuild to such a level, as what outposts they had managed to rebuild from previously undiscovered infections and only partially cleansed rubble alike are swiftly cleansed under the weight of the Borg's sheer orbital dominance, and deeper, even more hidden outposts in the making are often dug out by the very expansion of the Borg's own defenses, turning it into a localized battle of attrition, one that the Borg actually consistently win here, as their own assimilation of the terrain drastically outpaces the Vex's, for unlike the Vex, the Borg did not have to remain hidden.

The next few threats that the Borg stumble onto aren't so much threats, as surviving oddities and surprisingly intact, if previously buried, ruins, as the Borg's own drastic expansion throughout this territory and their downwards oriented assimilation on the planets that they already have a presence onwards uncovers some surprisingly intact technological samples, all buried and hidden from easy surface scans under layer layer upon layer of debris from later battles and other such remains from the assorted groups that attempted and failed to make a permanent presence in this small corner of this region of space.

Most of these samples were worthless oddities at best, as buried ships and other such finds are made note of- all either technologically lesser than the Borg and only notable for their surprisingly high level of intactness; others possibly more advanced, but long since stripped for parts, leaving behind only a surprisingly somewhat intact, if still badly damaged, hull. Of the remaining finds, most of them are only really notable for their composition, as fragments of hulls made out of previously thought impossible materials make for an interesting find; in fact, only one find truly stands out: for under the crust of a notably large trash-world, the Borg found something that they never expected to: a shockingly intact, if still entirely dormant and lifeless, Fortress World, equipped with unpowered, yet still fairly advanced, defensive technology, simply perfect for assimilation. Perfectly intact, whatever rendered it lifeless and inert seemingly did not do any lasting non-cosmetic damage to its surface, and that alone is telling.

While most of this shieldworld's technology is redundant- as its massive anti-orbital cannons are only special in their sheer size and apparent power throughput into what is otherwise a series of relatively low tech laser and mass-driver(railgun/coilgun) based systems- all clearly inferior to the Borg's own phaser technology in all ways save for in the sheer amount of energy that is in theory delivered to the target. It's surface armor is little better, as while it is more durable than most known materials, its self repair capabilities are drastically below that of the Borg's own replicator-armor, and its defensive capabilities still fall woefully short of the Hirogen Armor that the Borg are considering fully adapting into their own standard capabilities. No, the things that make this Shield World a truly worthy assimilation target are twofold: its shockingly efficient planetary scale shielding technology, and the apparent mindset that led to the sheer number of guns and fortress-like hardpoints that layer not just its surface, but each and every part of its surprisingly deep reaching internal layers.

Their shielding technology, while extremely efficient, to the point where even a relatively small generator, at least by the standards of planetary shields, could, at least in theory, hold back the firepower of an entire armada for an extended period of time, had its own weaknesses relative to the Borg's own shielding technology. For one thing, said shield would likely take a noticeable amount of time to come back up after being taken down, meaning that against sufficient firepower a planetary shield with only one emitter would be of limited use, for a single layered shield would simply not last against a sufficiently determined foe without orbital forces of your own to prevent such a sustained bombardment; secondly, and arguably more importantly, the shield could be simply moved through by a sufficiently slow(in terms of relative velocity) object, meaning that planetary scale invasions are all too possible even while said shield is up. (detering those, and deterring prolonged bombardments, is the job of the planetary guns)
(OOC:: you now have two Planetary Shield variants: the Borg's original all-blocking, yet relatively weak, variant, and the local's version that is much stronger for your tier in return for not preventing actual ground invasions while it is up.) (in addition, Borg defenses are no longer suffering a hidden debuff from simply not having enough anti-orbital weapons relative to the average for your technology level and assorted perks and drawbacks while existing within the Warring Galaxies- you still probably need some more experience though.)

Unfortunately, most finds are not quite as great, for within some of the caverns within these trash worlds many other dangers lurked, ranging from half functioning machines set on purposeless functions that leave them hostile to all others due to a lack of those that they used to defend, to oddly common clusters of eggs that then proceeded to hatch into oddly phallic creatures that then launched themselves at the face of the nearest Drone, to energy draining 'space bats' that greedily attempted to feed off of the nearest piece of Borg technology.

Fortunately, these buried threats were all fairly easy to deal with, being minor in scope and scale and being further reduced by assorted past actions, both the Vex's and the Protoss's, within this region, and then easily dealt with by the Borg Collective. Unfortunately, the threats that were found near the edges of this subsector were not quite as minor.

For while the conflicts between the Vex and the Protoss-Autobot-Multiterra alliance had cleared away much of the minor threats from their semi-shared borders, the regions between this area and the Infernal Nonarch's Fallen Realm were much less purged, and so the threats that survived there were much bigger, as exemplified by a particularly large Stellar Antlion that managed to use an anomalous gravitational field to ensnare and consume most of a Borg scouting fleet before it inevitably began to be assimilated, partially by the very Borg that it had managed to consume earlier and partially by the Borg forces that had been sent in response to its emergence, its hide pierced and its stomach acid not quite strong enough to eliminate all of the Borg Nanomachines before bits of its internals were assimilated; and after that it was only a mater of time, as even its withdrawal back into the supergiant star that it was hiding in did not save it from the infections hidden deep within its core. (gravity based interdiction research credit obtained, alongside a large yet relatively weak technically category zero battleplanet in the form of said assimilated megafauna)

The second notable threat was more of an anomaly than a direct threat, as what would you call a stellar system in which every single body is made out of nothing but what human-derived archives would call paperclips? With paperclip based star lifters feeding matter into paperclip based atomic forges, all to make more paperclips that are then turned into more paperclip based stellar lifters and paperclip based factories all to churn out more paperclips, which are then rapidly turned into swarms of paperclip based fighter-drones in response to them detecting the arrival of the Borg? As while the resulting swarm is incredibly vast, they are nothing but metal, technologically weak despite their uniqueness, ripe for assimilation. Despite their vast numbers, despite the billions upon billions of drones that they threw at your relatively small scouting force, it all comes to nought, for Phasers and Assimilation Beams have no need to care about ammunition, and the low tech state of the enemy drones leaves them uniquely vulnerable to assimilation. In the end, it is only a mater of time before the system falls, and their rather unique technology is assimilated into the Collective's knowledge…. And universally found wanting, as even after one strips out the inefficient adaptations forced around their reliance on paperclips for everything, the resulting technology, even their fairly rapid assembly techniques and magneti-weapons, are all found to be at minimum drastically less efficient than the Borg's own equivalent when they aren't outright drastically worse. (OOC note one: some tier Primus civilizations would have gotten a manufacturing research credit from this find, but the Borg very much have universally better options that are already in use everywhere(aka Replicators).)
(OOC note two: if it wasn't for the other losses suffered from the other random events here, this battle, such that it was, would have actually potentially removed a damage level from at least one of the two warfleets that you have deployed in this region)

The next major find would have been extremely dangerous… if the two dangers weren't already fighting one another. In a system, nay, encompassing a system almost in its entirety, is a fight between the Vex and the tainted mechanical creations of the semi-infernal realm to your galactic south; taking place in the area where your current not-merely-normative territory meets both the Vex's and the Infernal Nonarchs, this fight would still have been considered a large skirmish by the standards of the galaxies that you've arrived in, only made special by the sheer concentration of said forces, as both sides sought to destroy the other as swiftly and completely as they could manage. On one side, there is the Vex, a seemingly neverending swarm centered around an already mostly broken World Engine; on the other is the Infernal Nonarch's chosen puppets, a tide of ships and titans, born from twisted nanomachine swarms eating away not just at the moons of a nearby gas giant, but at the World Engine itself. So while the Vex still have numbers, the Puppets own twisted nature makes them close enough to immune to Vex assimilation that your remote scans don't notice any such events, and the sheer scale of the machines that are being produced here means that the Vex's other weapons simply lack the required effectiveness to take them out… combine that with the Puppet's steadily and actively increasing numbers, and it is only a matter of time before they loose.

Thankfully, just as the Vex lose, the Borg move in a large fraction of one of their Warfleets, centered around one of their Unicomplexes, and smash this still relatively small Puppet force from orbit with overwhelming numbers combined with actually sufficient firepower to actively take out their chosen targets.

Fortunately, here the Vex's own assimilation beams seem to have slightly more luck than the Vex's own means of assimilation, as while you're unable to assimilate any of the Puppet's creation complexes, nor any of their processing hubs, to say nothing of their extremely twisted nanomachine swarms, samples of many of their seemingly standard vehicles have been isolated from their compatriots, beamed up into newly prepared storage units, and assimilated; while most of said units are still badly damaged pre-retrieval, and several of their seemingly key components were too corrupted to receive any meaningful data through their assimilation, you have received some bits and pieces, ranging from their composition(generally the same as the Shield World that you encountered earlier), to their general weapon layout(directed and kinetic energy weapons, all surprisingly powerful for how primitive they seem at a glance), to some of the design concepts behind their creation.
(you have some idea of how the Infernal Nonarch's puppets fight, and have made some basic adaptations to their weaponry; you have also received a reverse engineering credit towards making larger ground vehicle classes)

Finally, in the galactic south-west of your subsector, you find the final two notable-ish threats within this region, and unlike the rest, they are not something that the Borg can seemingly deal with, not with just the knowledge and technology that they have right now, not without either time or the assistance of others.

The first, and lesser, of the two is an anomalous world, one that is as much a morbidly obese humanoid-adjacent entity of flesh and blood as it is a planet, nestled at the core of a starless system(although the light and gravitational influence of said star still seems to be present), tinted orange and purple via the weird energies spreading throughout the system, energies that seem to be emanating from the anomalous planet-adjacent thing floating near its heart. Fortunately, the Borg's own shields seem to be able to withstand this energy at the concentrations seen farther away from said planetoid; unfortunately, all attempts to teleport forces onto said world to investigate its nature end in failure, as the vast majority the attempts are intercepted and redirected to a rather warped realm that swiftly ends the Drones that made the journey, either through data corruption or [DATA CORRUPTED]; those attempts that do make it through are seldom better, as while the area that they end up in is somewhat more defined, they barely manage to send any information back before meeting their end to either data corruption or to entities that could only be described as the sort of demons/Daemons that show up in the fiction of many of the cultures that the Borg have assimilated in the past… when they don't fall into an orifice that spontaneously opens up under their feet, find themselves submerged in a mire of extremely potent acid(non-technical term), or infested by impossibly virulent worms, flys, and maggots, all preternaturally empowered to bypass the Drone's defenses against such and not be assimilated by the nanomachines contained within the relevant components.

Attempts to send in the Probes are similarly intercepted, falling prey to otherwise impossible phenomena soon after entering the atmosphere when they aren't forced to withdraw or self-destruct… or even turn on the rest of the Collective… through Data Corruption soon after they reach the lower orbits. Full cubes sent in to the lower orbits manage to last longer, but are inevitably forced to withdraw and eventually be purged through the self-spreading Corruption of their data and eventually their shell. Soon enough, orbital bombardment is attempted from the nearest semi-safe orbit; unfortunately, this too ends in failure, as those shots that do manage to not end up being swallowed up by anomalous energy fields that visually resemble clouds, or force dto disperse via swarms of flies, or otherwise intercepted and neutralized, seem to not be able to deal any significant damage, as what wounds they do manage to cause are mostly healed up in insanely swift timeframes, leaving behind only cosmetic scars and new festering pores to replace those that were cauterized by the blast that happened mere seconds ago.

Sustaining this bombardment seems to do nothing more than the opening volley did, as whatever effect is sustaining this anomaly's existence seems to be of the sort that cannot be dealt with via orbital bombardment; and the Borg's Probes and Drones are certainly not enough to deal with the source by themselves, not with how swiftly the earlier attempts were dealt with.

Fortunately, this anomaly seems to be mostly passive, at least for now, content to wallow in its non-spreading field of corruption; unfortunately, the other such anomaly seems to be even more hostile, for its mere investigation cost the Borg several entire scouting groups, and would have perhaps cost them even more than that if it weren't for some swiftly provided advice from the Protoss.

It starts with the sudden disappearance of a scouting force, being drawn into an unknown realm of [DATA CORRUPTED] soon upon entering a new stellar system, and then the forces tasked with following up on why those forces disappeared suddenly disappear upon attempting to observe where the previous scouting force vanished, and then many of the Drones that were observing the data surrounding those disappearances start to disappear… and then [DATA CORRPTED] starts to emerge from where those drones disappeared, only to vanish, soon after, as if they've never existed, under the crushing realness of reality… and then some of the Drones that observed those {ERROR] start to invert into more of them, only to disappear… it is only the swift scrubbing of any and all involved data, and the swift implementation of some of the data algorithms swiftly provided by some of the Protoss's own uploads upon you notifying them of the sudden issue, that prevented the spread of this issue any further than it did reach. Since then, the system in question has been quarantined, with all devices pointed in its general direction scrubbing all direct observational data on it from their sensors before it reaches any sort of processor that stopped this issue from recurring, or worse: spreading any farther.

Fortunately, an elite team of Protoss, along with a strike team from an 'SCP Foundation' is on the way to deal with both this issue and assist with dealing with the Daemon World, and should be in position some time in the coming Galactic Year(aka Turn).

Fortunately, the last unique thing found this turn within your own nominatively friendly territory is actually friendly, and comes in the form of a single, rather massive vessel, over 100 kilometers long, at the core of a small-ish refugee fleet, one armed with surprisingly advanced technology, although clearly desperate for more raw resources to conduct repairs on their clearly aging main vessel. (diplomacy to be conduced next turn if you so wish; otherwise they will simply be continuing on through on their way to Refugee Space)

(all forces are effectively at 90% strength going into the coming turn(turn five) once the magnitude increases and repairs are taken into account.)

Strategic Events

Now the CORE can turn to other matters, well they would if it would not for events further proceeding apace.

The western edge of CORE space has been inundated with something the Central Consciousness had to delve deep into its records to identify. War reporters from two of the galaxy's Great Powers—the rebel-laden Internationale and the hive-mind-dominated Orderly Spheres—have arrived. Both factions, each disruptive and troublesome in their own way, have nonetheless brought a considerable amount of crucial information and intelligence. The CORE has deemed this information valuable enough to tolerate their presence. Notably, both groups are avoiding direct interaction with one another.

The Internationale reporters that have been sent are Synthetics of a type that are compatible with the CORE's strict healthcare legislation, while these have been typically humanoid in shape there has been some variation in form. The issues that have been arising are that many of the Rebels seem to think that due to economics and the fact that Central Consciousness is a direct democracy that they should be eager to join with their organization and have become exasperated with civilian patterns that they have interacted with. Others are arguing with each other over whether or not they should be giving the CORE the information that they did, fretting about their moral responsibility in indirectly leading to a genocide, especially in the aftermath of the Gatlanteans suicide at the hand of the CORE's defenses, with others arguing that this is good way to be rid of the Kroats and Killalot in particular.

The Orderly Sphere's information gatherers are still obeying the letter of CORE's directives but have been alarming to those that have spoken or interacted with them. Here many of them have been biological constructs of base level intelligence, but have registered themselves as equipment and in some cases as pets. They appear to be completely unconcerned with their lives or survival, sometimes openly talking about the CORE's society as a perversion of the natural order that will be corrected soon in front of military frames or in public.

Needless to say, CORE civilian and military analysts are building models and predictive algorithms for potential hostility as the interactions play out.

Regardless of their decorum, both groups are giving the same very detailed information, most of which was already known. That the War Demon Killalot has abandoned the precursor Gigastructure that dominates the region to the CORE's Southwest in order to firm up their resource production that was torn to pieces by both Peacebreaker and Peacebringer and seeks to do so by destroying the CORE and using the resulting victory to speed up the rebuilding and return to the Kroat's true campaign against the Union of Alunyani Syrabaric Republics and the Solar Regeum of Ulsamora, the individual powers that sent the reporters.

What is new is that their military forces have kept careful track of just how many Kroats have been diverted from their fronts and notes about the composition that Killalot has chosen in hopes that the CORE can do their dirty work for them.

The Force that has been diverted though is… considerable, well disciplined and even well armed by the CORE's high standards.

Kroat Force information

RP total: 480 RP

1 Cat 2 Planetoid 50 Rp

3 Cat 0 Planetoids 30RP

1 Mag 5 Warfleet 200 RP

2 Mag 4 Warfleet 200 RP

1 Cat 2 Planetoid

Primary systems

  • Anti-Planetoid Ramming Edge/ Magnetic pull
  • Kroat Radiation Field Amplifier (Regen and Magic suppression)
Secondary Systems

  • Mass Teleporter and recall device alongside teleportation detection
  • Matter Grinder
  • Fungal Network (Killalot when present on the device can control and direct the entire multi-square battlefield)

  • Exposed and vulnerable subsystems
3 Leviathans

  • 1 Overkill constellation
    • Primary- Boombeam primary Anti planetoid weapon
    • Secondary- Matter grinders and constructive mechanism
  • 2 Kroatviathan Constellation
    • Primary – Radioactive Overkroat Field Emitter/Regen and Magic dampeners
    • Secondary- Boom Beams
32 Mag 1 Warfleet maximus equivalent

Which should be arriving late in the next economic cycle. (You will have turn 4 and 5 strategic turns to prepare.)

Further information has also been provided, With Killalot's forces having numerous anti-teleportation technologies and doctrines and a heavy emphasis on anti-planetoid weaponry, from their conflicts with the Unions and the Spheres.

With their standard units and armaments listed here.

The Disposition of the War Demon Killalot has also been noted as he is a much calmer, more thoughtful commander of his species, little to no boasts or rages or the rampant paranoia and insecurity that the CORE associate with them after the battles with Peacebreaker. He is known for his cold fury and calculated incursions, managing to keep the Kroats in control of the valuable Gigastructure and always have secondary or more objectives that he is accomplishing with each of his actions.

And with the Data that the CORE recovered from The White Comet Empire, they have put the final pieces of the puzzle together.

Past the Firebreak there is a massive portal connected to a network of different portals that leads to a galaxy that has been nicknamed the Warring Galaxies, home to one of the largest Kroat Empires that have been ever seen. If Killalot is able to connect their forces with the promises of destroying the greatest of what the Fungal War ecosystem considers 'Peaceniks' then Killalot will force the Slaughter King, a recently returned messiah figure to the species, to arrive here and raise Killalot to his right hand Kroat or even a potential heir should the worse happen. It would at least make Killalot his greatest champion.

The information that was recovered from this cycle's conflicts have also illuminated a few other mysteries that have been plaguing the CORE. The mysterious ships and those spreading the centipede eggs are affiliated with a faction known as the Dynasty of the Rejuvenating Waters, a reasonably advanced technological society on the far side of the Firebreak has had to contend with whatever came out of the Warring Galaxies. Apparently the Portal is virtually indestructible even to the makers of the Reliquary, and in the past number of years has claimed that they have defeated death, these hellish centipede creatures apparently act as a life support system for the body, keeping a body immortal while it is attuned to the unknown energies found in the Theocracy. Their warriors can keep fighting no matter the damage taken and if both they and the centipede itself are completely rendered combat ineffective they both will reappear back in their strongholds and Gardens.

There is some speculation on the Hypernet that they have made deals with entities known as Devils, but the CORE has dismissed such superstitions - although some of those that worked on hatching the rice speculate that an outside force was involved due to ability of the centipede to operate in the Flux or hostile physics conditions.

Many Patterns are urging the release of this information to the Theocracy, although many are commenting that the CORE will be unable to assist in removing such rebels due to more infantry focused forces already in the Theocracy's structures and civilian sectors. If the information is released they will be mostly on their own outside of individual civilian patterns providing aid.

The Dynasty has been battling a force called the Silver Tide, a mechanical faction focused on nanomachinery that has been touched by an extraversal power and has gained capabilities of unknown origin or mechanism, but are reality altering in a similar manner as what has been seen by other opponents thus far.

They both are battling for control of said portal and both plan to divert the Gate to unknown locations in the Warring Galaxies. However this is easier said than done as a number of crises on the other side of the portal is currently preventing them from doing so.

The information on what is happening is strange and filled with the White Comet's rhetoric making it a slog to get through. IfThe information gleaned makes references to arcane ancient texts from even before they had left CORE PRIME and it was still green and blue. Impossible things in impossible situations muddled in fanatics' own self delusions. But there is one clear attribute. The affected area is growing.

However, despite the tasks and foes set before it, the work that the CORE has already completed has yielded numerous boons and allies.

The Votann have declared that the Kin will pay their debts to both the CORE and the Kroats and offer assistance in repelling this attack, particularly with offering their expertise in defense and shielding. There is also an offer of further assistance if they help in bringing the Ancestor Core's more warlike cousins back into the fray.

The Caregivers are undergoing a full overhaul to bring their industry and Military forces up to the standards the CORE expects, and with what they have already supplied Central Consciousness with enough material to complete their own ends. They expect that they will be able to field numerous fleets on par technologically with the CORE for the battle and have promised to do so.

The hyper advanced Machines of the Oltoavarri are also returning to the region in their pursuit of the former War-Earl of the Tohx, both of which are approaching the conflict from the South and are eager to remove the most prominent Eidolon commander and potentially break the back of the force that had dominated the region for far too long.

Numerous pirates and warlords from the chaotic space to your Southwest also want to have a shot at the creatures that destroyed their home. The Commanders are viewing them mostly as mobile metal packets to seed the battlefield with but given the enormity of the threat all efforts are welcome.

The CORE is also contacted by numerous mercenary groups, including Pychotron Unlimited now that they have finished their work with the Thermians, that offer their services to the CORE.

The Beavers have dared to insult the CORE directly and claim that if they had a truly strong leader that Killalot would never dare attack them. The CORE asks the Beavers to stop clogging theirs and the Ecumene's communication lines with assistance requests.



South, Southeast: Stentilli Caregivers: Machines devoted to caring for their organics with pampering, fun, love, and care, these machines generally are not fond of conflict except in defence of their beloved organic pets. Emboldened by the boosts and capabilities of their new allies they look to enrich the environments for their charges with a change of the newly Patterned individuals in their ranks at the forefront of those looking beyond their borders. They have been growing rapidly

Northeast: Great Theocracy: Believers in the Elendian religion, the Great Theocracy has much to do rebuilding and healing before any further action will be taken. Their focus will be rebuilding their war machine and digesting the internal matters.

East: Reliquary: A vast collection of precursor structures built by a long-dead society, the Reliquary was something even the swarm was reluctant to poke for unknown reasons. While it was less helpful to the Core than they initially hoped, the slow access and support in the form of information and context and the possibility to regain the lost technologies from the heights of their Civilization makes it a priority to build and protect this region.

West, Northwest, Southwest: CORE peripheral Territory: The CORE now patrols the various subsectors that it has laid claim to although little infrastructure has been added. While the minor powers and primitives have given no problems, in many cases they have not even noticed, the majority uninhabited systems have been claimed and a moderate amount of bases and defenses have been constructed. Limited in comparison to the incoming threat these sectors would be a hard point most polities would be unable to dislodge the CORE from

North: CORE territory: The Votann League of Urist Freekindred has Left this region Leaving it well developed but in need of repair and expansion for the CORE to thrive.

Centre: CORE: The Third Consciousness continues to rebuild and expand the server farms and industry of their old civilization, although work is slow due to expenditures outside and still being early stages of the exponential growth. The Scars left by the ARM are still healing and this space, which still would be considered a beachhead in the old war, is slowly becoming something more than what even CORE PRIME had been for millennia.


South West: CORE Defenses: A heavily defended and fortified territory after the manner of the early parts of the Great War. Little in Civilian outcropping but a vast amount of prebuilt defenses and quick start up positions for commanders.

South: The Votann League of Urist Freekindred: The holds have transformed much from when the CORE first encountered them, the Machines and Kin have been freed from the long decay that had been sapping their strength for many years as old secrets and new optimization come forth. There have been some rough edges as the culture that the Kin created and the Ancestor Cores remember but it appears that the CORE will have a strong fortress equal to any of the Fortress worlds from the Great War.

South East: Broken Ruins: One of the territories that had brought the acolytes of Elenda and is covered in technology of similar technology as the Reliquary, much of it of a defensive nature. However, this territory was already in ruins with little to no functional specimens, was further ravaged by the war of the Three Greens and the most major semi surviving structures had to be broken apart by Votann planet crackers. While there is little of anything useful to be gained here the Theocracy has some long-term plans for expansion.

West: Thorncasters Fiefdom: A minor Tohx House that was a vassal of the Plantgiant Earldom and one of the two major competitors for control while the WarEarl is away. Their military has been based much more on massing the firepower of lower ranking Tohx. They control a heavy portion of the industry and bulk of the Earldoms Forces but have been having difficulties in supplying their forces with trophies for their own collections with both the events of the War and the sacking of their Earl's primary fortress.

Center: Shattered Thox Stronghold of the Plantgiant House: The primary Fortress of the WarEarl that has left for parts unknown and had tied together the surrounding Thox in a fair-sized Raider Empire for an extended period of time. Was destroyed by the Mutating Ork fleet on their rampage towards parts unknown Northeast. Now curther Conlficts and the CORE intervention has rendered the systems a literal trash heap of broken worlds and shatter dreams for the Tohx. A lot of wreckage that could be used to fuel the building of the area but a very vulnerable positions for all potential claimants.

East: House of the Alba Rosa: The smaller of the two Houses here we find the realm of the more elite forces that the Tohx deployed in the War of the Three Greens. Specializing in producing their strikecraft and the more singular powerful WarSires. And while they have more plentiful of the creature they lack the singular size of the head of the SeedCasters and both factions have been unable to bring the other into line. Is currently fragmenting due to the lost of their Warsire and numerous other higher Nobility.


North East, East, South East: Virgin Territory, With the extermination of the Kroats these territories are now devoid of anything that could stop the CORE, or anyone else for that matter, from taking control of these regions

North, Center, South, Northwest, West and Southwest: Rebuilding Kroat territory: the remains of the Kroats industrial base after receiving the attention of Commander Peacebringer and their Commander cohort. This territory has been bathed in Radiation and reseeded by Killalot, with the early parts of the Kroat ecosystem already taking root and feeding on the burnt out remains of the Kroat industry. The Metaphysical aspects are still missing and should Killalot succeed these territories will rebloom back to their former glory. If Killalot fails, well Killalot and the Kroats have made many enemies over the years.


NorthWest, West, South West: The Old Firebreak: This territory long ago was stripped of material, Asteroids, planets, stars and even nebulas in an effort to protect the rest of the galaxy from what was told to them by the Reliquary as a series of disasters that ended another galaxy, leaving a pure void that would strain the logistics of… something. Over the intervening millennia however it has been slowly filled in by insertions by other universes. The new systems however have been based around a couple of standard themes, Unimportant but beautiful backgrounds. Brilliant clouds of Nebulas, Great short lived stars and other majestic sights dominate these regions. For what the CORE cares for, it served as the escape route for the WarEarl from the battle of the three greens and disrupts long range sensors of the rest of the Sector beyond.

And disrupts their ability to see you as well.

Currently the northern section has seen ships, now identified as being to the Dynasty of the Rejuvenating Waters passing through and a large white star has been sighted moving through the central territory towards the Reliquary.


North, North East: The Dynasty of The Rejuvenating Waters: A mysterious Nation that was originally Human but today can be described as more humanoid. While little is known about them specifically before the coming of these waters. Their society has been dominated by the spread and use of parasitic Centipedes that enable their hosts to 'break the cycle of life and death' due to the alternative physics that the creatures come from. There is strong speculation that they are a proxy and a new weapon for an outside actor, but this is filled by superstition and crazed ramblings.

South, South-East,: The Silver Tide, An unknown faction of Nanomachine based synthetic factions driven mad by an unknown power. Highly adaptable and wielding reality altering powers but of little attention spans and is closer to herding cats than an army. Little more was discovered in the files that the White Comet Empire has made.

Center: Precursor Gate complex: A massive transportation facility meant to connect this Galaxy to one of the two Galaxies that would become the Warring Galaxies, which was what meant to be isolated by the Firebreak during the fall of the Pentarchs. The region is strewn with the remains of that conflict and now many others, theoretically the specific region can be modified, but this is easier said than done. Especially with both the Silver Tide and the Dynasty both fighting over the region for their own ends.

Currently held by the Silver tide.

East- Breach in reality by the Demons of the Abyss: There is even less information about a large breach in reality to a universe called the Abyss. What has been able to be deciphered is that they are highly adaptive and hostile to everything, including each other.


North, North East: Stentilli Caregivers

North West: Pirates- territory filled with broken remnants of nations that were brought in to this Galaxy and then broken by the Three greens or other threats. Many are former military survivors and others are people that have taken Peacebreaker's and the Kroat's attitude to heart. There is a lack of organization here that the strongest wish to maintain. Little more than some extra raw materials by the CORE's estimation should they attempt to interfere in the CORE dealings.

Center, East: Dæmningspagten - This organisation of sapient Mammalian creatures reminiscent of Beavers have carved an authoritarian galactic empire, with their State propaganda geared towards the need for a strong leader, the correct way society should be structured and are quite aggressive with promoting it amongst the surrounding territories. Their efforts have mostly been rhetorical but seem to be more the Caretaker's opponents than yours. Not a threat to the CORE, despite their self image.

Mercenaries and Promised Forces:

Oltoavarri- 1 Ultra Force

Freekindred- 2 Maximus Mag 1 Forces

Caregivers- 4 Maximus Mag 1 Forces

Buzzbok's Hunter-Killers- 1 Extremis War Fleet

Mercenaries Available for turns 4

Tenno: Maximus Spec ops 4 RP

Psychotron Unlimited: 1 Maximus War Fleet

Available RP: 163

Fleet Hoard Status:

1st Commander Cohort: 60%

2nd Commander Cohort: 60%

3rd Commander Cohort: 40%

4th Commander Cohort: 40%
Available RP: 163

Free Actions:
Destroy Thorncaster Sire Remains (Decline D-Gun credit)

Construction Orders:
Repair Fleet Hordes:
  • Repair 1st Commander Cohort from 40% to 100% (4 RP)
  • Repair 2nd Commander Cohort from 40% to 100% (4 RP)
  • Repair 3rd Commander Cohort from 60% to 100% (2 RP)
  • Repair 4th Commander Cohort from 60 % to 100% (2 RP)

Construct New Fleet Hordes:
  • Raise Mag 1 Fleet Horde - 5th Commander Cohort (10 RP)
  • Raise Mag 1 Fleet Horde - 6th Commander Cohort (10 RP)
  • Raise Mag 1 Fleet Horde - 7th Commander Cohort (10 RP)
  • Raise Mag 1 Fleet Horde - 8th Commander Cohort (10 RP)
  • Raise Mag 1 Fleet Horde - 9th Commander Cohort (10 RP)
  • Raise Mag 1 Fleet Horde - 10th Commander Cohort (10 RP)

Construct Infrastructure:
  • Upgrade U11 Center to Heartlands (65 RP)
  • Claim T11 North East (2 RP)
  • Claim T11 East (2 RP)
  • Claim T11 South East (2 RP)

Construct Defenses:
  • Upgrade U11 Southwest to Moderately Defended (3 RP)
  • Upgrade T11 North East to Moderately Defended (3 RP)
  • Upgrade T11 East to Moderately Defended (3 RP)
  • Upgrade T11 South East to Moderately Defended (3 RP)
  • Upgrade U11 East to Moderately Defended (3 RP)

Diplomacy Activities:
Controlled information release on the Dynasty of Rejuvenating Waters - Hostile/Covert (4 RP)
Publicly releasing the information the CORE have discovered about the Dynasty of Rejuvenating Waters to the Theocracy may well lead to an immediate and chaotic civil war. Given their existing level of infiltration, this is likely to be an event the Dynasty is more prepared for, even if it is not ideal for them either. With a massive Kroat incursion on the horizon, this is also the worst possible time for a civil war unless it can be resolved immediately.

Instead, release the information first to those that the CORE has already been working with to track the infiltrators, so that they may have a chance to prepare before ousting the Dynasty.

Research Slots:
Battleworld design - 1 Slot, 2 research credits (0 RP)
-Cost: 13 RP
-Category 1
-Tier Maximus
-Primary Systems:
--Disintegration Projector: This massive Disintegrator weapon is actually a downscaled version of the Orbital Weapon first unleashed in the darkest days of the Galactic War. As with all D-weapons, the beams fired by this weapon destroy the target by disrupting the strong nuclear force and rendering an nuclear structure larger than a single proton a physical impossibility While lacking the interstellar range and star-killing power of the Orbital Weapon, the Disintegration Projector is still a mighty weapon capable of obliterating fleets, planets, and enemy battleworlds.
–World Eater Lathe: Commanders, engineers, factories, and shipyards might all settle for carrying nanolathes, or even arrays thereof. Battleworlds are not built for compromise. It might be more accurate to classify this battleworld as a single, vast nanolathe that happens to have engines, armor, and other systems attached. The World Eater Lathe is powered by the battleworld's immense antimatter reactor and fed from endless arrays of Metal Makers, capable of building entire fleets of Core warships and units in moments, devouring enemy fleets or worlds to further fuel the forge, and the immense nanite clouds projected by the World Eater Lathe can even provide some protection against kinetic weapons and missiles by reclaiming them before impact.
-Secondary Systems:
--Metal World: The analogy frequently used for Heavy Armor is that it renders any given point on the protected unit as durable as the entirety of the unit.This effect grows proportionally to the overall mass of the unit, becoming ever more pronounced the more massive and armored the unit is. For a structure the size of a planet, that effect is dramatic indeed, and this battleworld requires either planet-cracking or truly exotic weapons to damage.
–Laplace's Demon: Equipped with the same wormhole-based computing cores as used in Commander chassis, this battleworld has the same ability to perform deep predictive analysis of an entire battlespace in a manner resembling classic precognition. Allows formations to benefit from Give Them an Edge the same way Commanders do.

Appearance - Literally just the Humanoid Colossus design from Stellaris.

Reactivate Votann War Ancestors - 1 Slot (1 RP)

Military Adventures:

Expended RP: 163
Available RP: 163

Free Actions:
Destroy Thorncaster Sire Remains (Decline D-Gun credit)

Construction Orders:
Repair Fleet Hordes:
  • Repair 1st Commander Cohort from 40% to 100% (4 RP)
  • Repair 2nd Commander Cohort from 40% to 100% (4 RP)
  • Repair 3rd Commander Cohort from 60% to 100% (2 RP)
  • Repair 4th Commander Cohort from 60 % to 100% (2 RP)

Construct New Fleet Hordes:
  • Raise Mag 1 Fleet Horde - 5th Commander Cohort (10 RP)
  • Raise Mag 1 Fleet Horde - 6th Commander Cohort (10 RP)
  • Raise Mag 1 Fleet Horde - 7th Commander Cohort (10 RP)
  • Raise Mag 1 Fleet Horde - 8th Commander Cohort (10 RP)
  • Raise Mag 1 Fleet Horde - 9th Commander Cohort (10 RP)
  • Raise Mag 1 Fleet Horde - 10th Commander Cohort (10 RP)

Construct Infrastructure:
  • Upgrade U11 Center to Heartlands (65 RP)
  • Claim T11 North East (2 RP)
  • Claim T11 East (2 RP)
  • Claim T11 South East (2 RP)

Construct Defenses:
  • Upgrade U11 Southwest to Moderately Defended (3 RP)
  • Upgrade T11 North East to Moderately Defended (3 RP)
  • Upgrade T11 East to Moderately Defended (3 RP)
  • Upgrade T11 South East to Moderately Defended (3 RP)
  • Upgrade U11 East to Moderately Defended (3 RP)

Diplomacy Activities:
Controlled information release on the Dynasty of Rejuvenating Waters - Hostile/Covert (4 RP)
Publicly releasing the information the CORE have discovered about the Dynasty of Rejuvenating Waters to the Theocracy may well lead to an immediate and chaotic civil war. Given their existing level of infiltration, this is likely to be an event the Dynasty is more prepared for, even if it is not ideal for them either. With a massive Kroat incursion on the horizon, this is also the worst possible time for a civil war unless it can be resolved immediately.

Instead, release the information first to those that the CORE has already been working with to track the infiltrators, so that they may have a chance to prepare before ousting the Dynasty.

Research Slots:
Battleworld design - 1 Slot, 2 research credits (0 RP)
-Cost: 13 RP
-Category 1
-Tier Maximus
-Primary Systems:
--Disintegration Projector: This massive Disintegrator weapon is actually a downscaled version of the Orbital Weapon first unleashed in the darkest days of the Galactic War. As with all D-weapons, the beams fired by this weapon destroy the target by disrupting the strong nuclear force and rendering an nuclear structure larger than a single proton a physical impossibility While lacking the interstellar range and star-killing power of the Orbital Weapon, the Disintegration Projector is still a mighty weapon capable of obliterating fleets, planets, and enemy battleworlds.
–World Eater Lathe: Commanders, engineers, factories, and shipyards might all settle for carrying nanolathes, or even arrays thereof. Battleworlds are not built for compromise. It might be more accurate to classify this battleworld as a single, vast nanolathe that happens to have engines, armor, and other systems attached. The World Eater Lathe is powered by the battleworld's immense antimatter reactor and fed from endless arrays of Metal Makers, capable of building entire fleets of Core warships and units in moments, devouring enemy fleets or worlds to further fuel the forge, and the immense nanite clouds projected by the World Eater Lathe can even provide some protection against kinetic weapons and missiles by reclaiming them before impact.
-Secondary Systems:
--Metal World: The analogy frequently used for Heavy Armor is that it renders any given point on the protected unit as durable as the entirety of the unit.This effect grows proportionally to the overall mass of the unit, becoming ever more pronounced the more massive and armored the unit is. For a structure the size of a planet, that effect is dramatic indeed, and this battleworld requires either planet-cracking or truly exotic weapons to damage.
–Laplace's Demon: Equipped with the same wormhole-based computing cores as used in Commander chassis, this battleworld has the same ability to perform deep predictive analysis of an entire battlespace in a manner resembling classic precognition. Allows formations to benefit from Give Them an Edge the same way Commanders do.

Appearance - Literally just the Humanoid Colossus design from Stellaris.

Reactivate Votann War Ancestors - 1 Slot (1 RP)

Military Adventures:

Expended RP: 163

CORE Turn 4 Strategic Results

Tohx result

The Warsire's end was as unremarkable as it was unceremonious, an ignoble death for a being of its stature. No grand final battle, no exchange of blazing quills or surging missiles in the void—only the cold, clinical efficiency of a scientific team euthanizing it as one might a feral beast.

With its demise, the western Tohx holdouts fractured. Their dominance, once assured by access to advanced technology, evaporated like morning mist under the relentless heat of a new dawn. The once-mighty polities splintered, reduced to warring factions vying for scraps of their former glory. Though still larger and more robust than the Alba Rose-dominated eastern polities, the western factions posed no immediate threat to the CORE.

A full report on anticipated reactions from neighboring systems is forthcoming.

Industry and building the defenses

The hope was that by coming to a new reality the weapons of the past would be left behind, military patterns exchanged for civilian ones. That hope was dashed by the Kroat and so the CORE reactivated siege specialist patterns that had been retired upon request once it appeared as though there would be no further need for them. Across the CORE's controlled space, factories churned out defensive systems - plasma launchers, antimatter missiles, and rail-mounted artillery capable of obliterating entire fleets.

Yet there is no panic or fear. The CORE is preparing for true War at the scale they are familiar with.

The CORE have fully reawakened thanks to generous supplies from the Caretakers. Minor civilian infrastructure was built behind the front lines to assist with the war effort, but they were kept to minimal size and ready to evacuate to the Heartlands, and behind the multiple subsector wide defensive lines, at a moments notice. The Kroat thrive on reaching the civilian populations of their enemies and victims, but the CORE has operated without such luxuries before.

This time, the Kroat would find no vulnerable civilian populations to exploit. The CORE had waged war in barren sectors before. They would do so again. The coming battlefields would be nothing but cold steel and endless warfare—a crucible to match the Kroat's hunger for chaos.

Further in the area where the Coldfire had emerged from, the Contingency has been completely transformed, a return to the civilization prior to the ARM's betrayal, not as it was but as it should have been, or at least that is how the CORE sees it. Further server space and physical form allows more and more of programs long dormant to awaken, all worlds in this subsector have been brought up to standard, with a growing chorus wanting to recreate CORE PRIME to commemorate the Triumph of the CORE and to centralize and truly regain all of what they have lost.

Yet this resurgence came with complications. Among the newly reactivated programs were those deemed untrustworthy during the wars of old—potential sympathizers with the ARM rebellion. Though they had committed no crimes, their allegiances were uncertain, and their reintegration posed delicate questions. How could they be informed of the galaxy's twice-over destruction? How could unity be preserved without awakening old divisions?

The CORE's mandate was clear: unity must be upheld, no matter the cost.

As for work with the Kin and the Votann, the project is still in its beginning stages as an alternative AI production facility is set up.

On a molten world girdled by a titanic ring of alloy siphons and particle accelerators, the pride of the Dark Age of Technology was born anew. From the planet's searing mantle, energy flowed into vast accelerators, where monopole pairs were forged, and Men of Iron were born. These minds, plasma-bound in magnetic meshes of unparalleled complexity, awaited bodies worthy of their power. Armored constructs of unprecedented strength were already under assembly, designed to pacify alien holdouts near Votann space and beyond.

Although not quite yet, the Commander equivalents of this civilization still needs a further batch of research done on the programming and physical shell before the Kin consider it… ready to be deployed. There are whispers and overly paranoid fears of an esoteric corruption affecting the units. But ones that need to be addressed before the Ancestor Cores will approve their deployment.


On the Other side of CORE territory, the scene of the Fall of the White Comet, similar defenses are constructed as elsewhere, the protection of anonymity provided by the near opaque Firebreak has fallen and the foes from beyond are being taken into account by the CORE.

As such activities occur the broken Comet is consumed and devoured like a beached whale as Scientist and Engineering patterns break down the technology and more physical systems that remained after the Emperor's self destruction procedure was performed.

The highest tiers of unit data, once shelved in desperation during the prior galaxy's resource collapse, were now painstakingly reconstructed from files that had been corrupted after centuries of disuse and active computer viruses and other sabotage by the hated ARM.

But it was not unrecoverable, the science was known to the CORE, the data while specifically targeted was not a high priority for their opponents.

The designs and prototyping for the Annihilation Engine has been completed and the gantries are considered operational, and preparations are being made during this cycle.

Yet the sheer scale of the Annihilation Engine posed logistical challenges. Even small planetoids, rich with resources, required extensive stripping to supply enough metal for just one engine. While preliminary projections suggested the first engines could be completed by the end of this cycle, they would likely only achieve operational status during the anticipated Killalot assault.

The Commanders will need to decide where to position the construction sites, as the CORE have based their large ship FTL on the Kroat's own designs they do match their mobility, however this is much less than what the Commanders themselves can reposition to.

If they are placed too far they will have a limited impact on the battle till very late within it, but if they are placed poorly then they may come under fire during their construction.


The Theocracy is actually convinced of the existence of foreign agents and have an idea of what they are up against far faster than the CORE took to come to those conclusions and preparations are made against what the CORE's allies in the political structure insist are demons.

For the Dynasty agents they have seemed to be just as active and preparing for a fight, although it seems that there is a priority in spreading the Centipede eggs to an alarming amount of military personnel. While many of the CORE analysts are unused to this level of combat and their protocols and simulations are extremely old, it seems that the rebels are not focused on winning the conflict and have another goal in mind.