Voting is open
[X] Politely reject. You don't know how long this will take, and you feel like returning to the Shangarf School's atelier to see what kind of experiment Baya Telesio wants to perform. As overwhelming as she was earlier, you aren't entirely opposed to doing things with her. And an alchemical experiment ... you're definitely curious about that.
Wanna-be Indy and his punk-dye job friend is not enough to sway me from the tiny yelling nerd.
[X] Agree to help the Archaeology Club hunt down Neil. You don't know why they're worried about him, but it shouldn't take too much time out of your day to find where he's gone and what he's doing. If you are going to spend more time with them, there should be no problem with doing them a favour.
[X] Politely reject. You don't know how long this will take, and you feel like returning to the Shangarf School's atelier to see what kind of experiment Baya Telesio wants to perform. As overwhelming as she was earlier, you aren't entirely opposed to doing things with her. And an alchemical experiment ... you're definitely curious about that.

I am not voting for this because I want to see what kind of weird explosions we're going to get. Not at all.
What clubs are the others going to join? Melissa seems like she might like the fox boy's club too, it seems pretty meddler-friendly. It's a little weird that Sieg is going for it tbh, it seems like something she needs the services of than something she'd be working for.

[x] Politely reject. You don't know how long this will take, and you feel like returning to the Shangarf School's atelier to see what kind of experiment Baya Telesio wants to perform. As overwhelming as she was earlier, you aren't entirely opposed to doing things with her. And an alchemical experiment ... you're definitely curious about that.

I'm fine with either but Sieg going crazy for alchemy is cuter. Wanna win those Alchemy Duels.
[X] Politely reject. You don't know how long this will take, and you feel like returning to the Shangarf School's atelier to see what kind of experiment Baya Telesio wants to perform. As overwhelming as she was earlier, you aren't entirely opposed to doing things with her. And an alchemical experiment ... you're definitely curious about that.
What clubs are the others going to join? Melissa seems like she might like the fox boy's club too, it seems pretty meddler-friendly. It's a little weird that Sieg is going for it tbh, it seems like something she needs the services of than something she'd be working for.
I was actually going to have another of Class 1-B join Archaeology at the same time as Sieghild, but that didn't pan out so I'll just introduce Cervus-tiya later.

I'm guessing that Sieghild is at least interested in this working to bridge cultural and planetary differences thing. She can prove herself a magnanimous person ... maybe.
I was actually going to have another of Class 1-B join Archaeology at the same time as Sieghild, but that didn't pan out so I'll just introduce Cervus-tiya later.

I'm guessing that Sieghild is at least interested in this working to bridge cultural and planetary differences thing. She can prove herself a magnanimous person ... maybe.
I was thinking more that Sieg can't hold a simple conversation without making things awkward and the going home club seems to be Awkward Situations: The Club.

It'll be fun, to be sure.
I was thinking more that Sieg can't hold a simple conversation without making things awkward and the going home club seems to be Awkward Situations: The Club.

It'll be fun, to be sure.
It might also be a path to salvaging her dormant political career, if that ends up being her scene.
[X] Agree to help the Archaeology Club hunt down Neil. You don't know why they're worried about him, but it shouldn't take too much time out of your day to find where he's gone and what he's doing. If you are going to spend more time with them, there should be no problem with doing them a favour.
[X] Agree to help the Archaeology Club hunt down Neil. You don't know why they're worried about him, but it shouldn't take too much time out of your day to find where he's gone and what he's doing. If you are going to spend more time with them, there should be no problem with doing them a favour.
Incidentally, I updated the characters tab again to account for all our fresh and hip new cast members.
Personality-wise, I like Baya best. Mad science enhances the image tenfold.

Job-wise, I love Archeology, Dominique had me with the artefact magical tarantulas. And Neil and Rini were a fun pair I want to see more of.

...I fail to see the appeal of the Going Home club. Neither the leader, nor the responsibilities are something I fancy.

[x] Politely reject. You don't know how long this will take, and you feel like returning to the Shangarf School's atelier to see what kind of experiment Baya Telesio wants to perform. As overwhelming as she was earlier, you aren't entirely opposed to doing things with her. And an alchemical experiment ... you're definitely curious about that.
[X] Agree to help the Archaeology Club hunt down Neil. You don't know why they're worried about him, but it shouldn't take too much time out of your day to find where he's gone and what he's doing. If you are going to spend more time with them, there should be no problem with doing them a favour.
I'll close things up in like twelve hours and start working on the update tomorrow.
Adhoc vote count started by Crimson Flight on Mar 13, 2020 at 8:33 AM, finished with 22 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Agree to help the Archaeology Club hunt down Neil. You don't know why they're worried about him, but it shouldn't take too much time out of your day to find where he's gone and what he's doing. If you are going to spend more time with them, there should be no problem with doing them a favour.
    [X] Politely reject. You don't know how long this will take, and you feel like returning to the Shangarf School's atelier to see what kind of experiment Baya Telesio wants to perform. As overwhelming as she was earlier, you aren't entirely opposed to doing things with her. And an alchemical experiment ... you're definitely curious about that.
[X] Agree to help the Archaeology Club hunt down Neil. You don't know why they're worried about him, but it shouldn't take too much time out of your day to find where he's gone and what he's doing. If you are going to spend more time with them, there should be no problem with doing them a favour.
[X] Politely reject. You don't know how long this will take, and you feel like returning to the Shangarf School's atelier to see what kind of experiment Baya Telesio wants to perform. As overwhelming as she was earlier, you aren't entirely opposed to doing things with her. And an alchemical experiment ... you're definitely curious about that.
Extracurriculars: Hostage Situation
[X] Agree to help the Archaeology Club hunt down Neil. You don't know why they're worried about him, but it shouldn't take too much time out of your day to find where he's gone and what he's doing. If you are going to spend more time with them, there should be no problem with doing them a favour.

"It would be no trouble."

Helping them find Neil comes at little cost to yourself, especially when you had been planning on checking up on other clubs in the first place. You have no idea why they appear so worried - from your short encounter with the older student, you found him to be a rather reasonable (if somewhat overly enthusiastic) person - but it's not like you have any reason not to do them a favour or anything. And it would give you something to do while you wait for Theoxena, who might still be caught up in that mess of wires.

You don't know how much progress she has made.

Something suddenly clicks in your brain. You have yet to ask for her contact information.

Despite having known Theoxena for a week, there has been no opportunity for you to exchange anything of the sort with her. It isn't as if you have been ... avoiding the topic, it just ... hasn't come up. Asking her for her number comes with absolutely no downsides whatsoever, and would in fact be utterly beneficial! But you haven't really ... found the right time or opportunity for it and you have never done this before in your entire life so she's also the first person you .... have ever needed to ask. Is it too forward? No, it should be fine, right? It makes logical sense for roommates (friends) to have each other's numbers! You just need to wait for your chance and ...

"Hm? What's wrong, Sieghild? You don't need to lend a hand if you don't want to."

Dominique's words drag you right out of the jumble of thoughts. Did ... did they notice your lack of attention? Heat starts rising to your cheeks. You can feel the embarrassment. But no matter - you have to stay composed in this kind of situation! Zoning out like this is simply just rude!

"Sorry, ah, I ... ahem, ah -" You clear your throat. "I would be, ah, glad to help out."

"That's great," says the Archaeology Club's leader. Fortunately, besides eyeing you a little strangely, they don't comment on your lapse. "Also, when you find Neil, can you tell him I need his help with an artefact he found? Just need some tighter explanation of how he nabbed a Naga era helmet off a monster."

"I can." You nod firmly, though ... it's more for your own sake. You are definitely paying attention this time. Not that their request is difficult to remember.

Before you can leave, however, something else seems to occur to Dominique.

"Oh ye," they say, eyes glinting. "Almost forgot about this, but ..."

The current bane of your existence dances on cue, the horrible, discordant symphony of eight soft, plush legs tapping against the desk once more cursing your ears. A terrifying, unnatural visage that sends wretched sensations down your sign. What a disgusting attempt at mimicking an already terrifying creature! Why could they not hand out some ... cuddly bear or something like that?

"I mentioned it earlier, but we're raffling out this cute thing."

"... I ... see."

You don't look at it. You don't want to look at it. You absolutely do not wish to have it before your eyes. Your gaze is fixed to Dominique's inconceivably happy face, hoping that they don't bring the accursed object back into your direct line of sight.

"Do you want to put your name in the running? Even if you're not sweet on it, this club relevant plush merchandise might be something a friend might like too. What do you say? Care to give a cute spider archaeologist a new home?"

[] No.
[] ............................................................ Yes. (Subject to 1d100)

But raffle aside, there's no real reason for you to remain here. Particularly in this stupid-looking spider monster ... thing's presence. You're almost thankful when Mick snatches it away from Dominqiue to show it off to another potential recruit.

"If there's ... nothing else, then, ah, I should get going."

"Alright." The Archaeology Club's leader tips the brim of their hat with a smile. "I've taken up enough of your time already, so hope you enjoy the rest of your day!"


Upon leaving the library behind, you immediately decide to start your search for Neil. There's little else to pass the time, and few of the other clubs really interest you that much (especially without Theoxena). Thus, your first port of call is the Foreign Film Club, helpfully indicated by your pamphlet to be inside the main building. You distinctly recall that Neil being mentioned to be in said club's vicinity, so without any other information to work off, you suppose that it's your best lead for the time being.

In fact, it turns out to be the actual lead.

It only takes two steps into the hallway containing the Foreign Film Club before Rani's testimony proves itself true. Neil is standing right outside the clubroom, chatting animatedly with a pair of likely first years. His enthusiasm is entirely familiar. The bright eyes, easygoing smile, lively explanations - they remind you of the impromptu tour he dragged you on only days prior.

And just like back then, he's eagerly extolling some club's virtues.

"... Do you enjoy movies?" you hear him ask those two students.

"Um ... yes?" says one of them. "The filmmaking process - um, I like reading and writing 'bout how films are made and ... stuff like that."

A hint of curiosity twinkles in Neil's green eyes. "Oh, like production notes and development histories?"

"That's right!" As if prompted by Neil's expression of interest, the student opens up. "That, and direction and everything. It's what I really love about movies, even more than actually watching them, ahaha. You a fan too?"

"I dabble," he demurs. "But I can't quite admit to being too knowledgeable. Unlike you. You must be, hm, very passionate!"

Even as they continue to chat, you quietly notice the conversation physically leaving the entrance to the Foreign Film Club behind. Every so often, Neil takes a step further and further away from the clubroom door, leading the duo of first years towards an entirely different room across the hall. Whether out of a simple desire to be polite or due to being charmed by the black-haired boy's exuberance, neither of the two protest the subtle shift in location - if they noticed it at all.

And rather than the Foreign Film, Neil is instead extolling the virtues of the Journalism Club.

"... with your expertise, I think Zoya and our school paper would be quite eager to have you! And your writing talent." He's stopped in front of the Journalism Club's room, casually pushing open the sliding door. "You two should give it a go. It can be fun!"

With barely any more words exchanged, the two first years find themselves funnelled inside.

You have an inkling of why Dominique seemed so worried.

Though to confirm, you suppose you have to hear it from the horse's mouth.

At the sight of your approach, Neil's face curls up into a cute smile. The radiance of his expression almost keeps you from noticing that he's sliding the clubroom door shut behind him. Just as he was during your first meeting, his … intensity … is glaring. Akin to staring at a chandelier, albeit one that does not surpass your eye level.

An infectious energy that draws first years to him like moths to a flame.

"Miss Sieghild!" he says in greeting, a note of formality finding its way into his voice. "How has school life been treating you? Hopefully well?"

"... There has not been, ah, anything particularly troubling," you answer a little uncertainly.

It feels as if you're shirking the question, but even so ... you're not very eager to speak your mind at present. It's still ... more than just a bit complicated, and in any case - it's not at all related to the current topic of discussion in the first place! What matters here is Neil's behaviour. While you're not very surprised that he's helping with a club today - his friendly demeanour is admittedly attractive to potential recruits - his methods for doing so are ...

"What have you been doing, then?" you decide to ask, even though the answer seems very obvious.

"The Journalism Club wants people to take a crack at movie reviews," he explains, clapping his hands together serenely. "So Miss Zoya asked if I could help actively seek out passive candidates from logical hiring sources. It's quite a boon to the process!"

... His use of language is eminently familiar.

"You're poaching members from the Foreign Film Club," is your flat response.

"Well ..." At least Neil looks suitably bashful, squeezing his cute expression into something more apologetic and brushing away loose strands of black hair. "I'm only trying to give a grand impression of Journalism to people! So it might not be quite that terrible. Maybe just a bit gammy."

It's hard to argue that he's technically doing anything wrong, but you still feel that standing outside the Foreign Film Club's room to attract its potential recruits for a completely different club is rather ... undignified and disreputable. And if he has a history of doing such things ... you suppose you can understand why Dominique wanted you to search for him now. Such behaviour would more likely than not bring trouble, no matter how earnestly enthusiastic Neil's persona is.

Stopping him before anything untoward occurs would be the correct course of action then, right?

"Dominique has asked me to inform you that they, ah, need your help with artefact identification," you say. The rest of the Archaeology Club had been worried for him, and although it's not like you have any intention to take responsibility for his behaviour, it would not be just or noble of you to simply leave him to his own devices - which was likely to cause problems for both him and others. "I think you should return to them instead of ... headhunting. It would be better to, ah, avoid frustrating the other clubs ..."

"That's not quite possible, sorry." The boy is resolute in his refusal. "I promised Zoya I would help her to the best of my abilities. So I don't really wish to bunk off on this. It would be quite shameful."

While you can admire the desire to keep one's vows ... a part of you cannot help but find him more stubborn and foolish than stalwart.

You let out a quiet sigh. "So is poaching," you point out mildly.

"That's not exactly ... well, hm, this is what she requested of me." Neil shrugs helplessly, but his green eyes are unwavering and sincere. "And I make sure to always keep my promises. Else I stain my honour!"

"Cut the shit, you use that excuse all the time," interrupts a disgruntled voice.

Emerging from the Foreign Film clubroom are two students, the lead (and larger of the duo) the source of the angry interjection. His brown eyes are pinned on Neil, his composure clearly a mixture of irritation and anger. You can already feel your heart sinking. Even without any further context, you can tell that this situation is almost certainly the result of the black-haired boy's poaching attempts.

This is just ...

Ignorant of your inner exasperation, Neil instead meets the other student's offended head-on, staring up at the taller student with a firm gaze. "It's not wrong to keep my word. Actually the opposite!"

"Not when you're doing that Zoya lady's evil bidding," cuts in the second of the Film Club members. She's strolled up to her compatriot's side, crossing her arms. "Dilşad's right - you can't call that honour when you're helping her screw the chief over."

"And you hanging around our club to steal our members is fucking annoying," the aforementioned Dilşad also adds.

"They haven't signed up."

"Don't get smart, Neil. Enara and I are tired of it." But despite the anger, Dilşad's expression morphs in a confident grin. "But fuck it, let's get this out of the way. We of the Foreign Film Club formally challenge you to a duel right now! And if you lose, you stay away from our clubroom!"

"Doubt that evil editor is going to mind losing a stooge to this, so you won't even stain your stupid pride either."

You can barely follow the drama. A duel of all things? Over such a minor issue? While you can understand that Neil's activities may be troublesome for the Foreign Film Club, for the situation to devolve into a fight so quickly ... it's utterly foolish. Are the Foreign Film Club members nincompoops? What kind of person would possibly choose to take such an impulsive and hostile approach right off the bat? Are they really so annoyed?

"I accept your terms," says Neil cheerfully. "That is if the two of you can win."

... And yes, you definitely can empathise with Dominique's concerns now.

"Stop getting ahead of yourself," says Enara, pulling out her Q-Gear and glancing down at the screen. "It's not just us two. Backup's going to be here any time riiiiiigh -"

"Yo, Neil."

As if on cue, a girl with long, untamed hair strolls into view. It is the colour of freshly fallen snow, paler than even your silvery locks. But what catches your attention first are her horns, two short and wiry protrusions that extend from the top of her forehead, their dark colour contrasting against the pure white of her hair. Unlike the two Foreign Film Club members, she shows no sign of anger or readiness to fight. Her demeanour is entirely casual, body relaxed beneath her baggy, oversized uniform.

"Ah, Siusan!" Neil greets in kind. His green eyes have brightened - despite the intrusion of a third opponent, he actually seems glad to see her. And the subtle shift in his tone ... the faux-formality is disappearing. "Is it only you helping out today? Not the others?"

"Bleh, try to sound less disappointed." The girl shakes her head, stretching her arms out in front of her. "Deal with it dude, you're only getting fisted by me today."

"Hm, that's a shame."

Neil's smile is unchanged. But what was that small flicker of something? Had it been simply your imagination?

"Anyway," coughs Dilşad. "Feel free to fuck off now if you want, unless you think you can take all three of us."

"Well, you might have a better chance of winning now. A little better."

It's difficult to imagine how this situation could have escalated from what was initially something rather minor. Neil is little more than a stranger to you, but for him to readily accept such an imbalanced proposition is absolutely exasperating. Does he really want to fight three opponents at once like this Considering the situation, he would undoubtedly want to reconsider things now, right? Committing himself to the duel ... going so far out of his way solely for a promise to help recruit club members ... you just don't understand.

It's just ...

How are you supposed to keep him out of trouble, when he's still intent on following through?

"Surely you have to be joking," you say. The irritation bubbles its way free. "There is no reason for you to ... not apologise and move on from this affair."

"I already agreed to a duel," responds the black-haired boy. He glances your way with an adorable smile that you're finding less innocent with every growing second. "I won't go back on my word like that. It's impolite."

It's idiotic. You can sympathise with maintaining one's honour and pride, but for this?! It's absolutely, utterly stupid.

[] Attempt to leave. Neil isn't your responsibility, and you have already passed on Dominique's message. Even if he's intent on a fight, there's no real obligation for you to stay and watch this unfold. Maybe it won't end too horribly? And Theoxena might be waiting for you somewhere.
[] Try and defuse this situation. It's absurd and ridiculous that a tiny dispute over club recruitment is going to be resolved by a ... duel of all things? Should they not be able to talk it over instead of acting so recklessly? Somebody of your stature should have no issue ensuring this ends more peacefully!
[] ... Offer to help Neil. It's not like you have any stake in this or anything, but it seems rather unfair for the boy to take on three opponents at once! Not that you personally care, but it seems as if he's in some trouble - and the Archaeology Club did ask you to make sure he was okay, right?
Last edited:
[X] ............................................................ Yes. (Subject to 1d100)
[X] Try and defuse this situation. It's absurd and ridiculous that a tiny dispute over club recruitment is going to be resolved by a ... duel of all things? Should they not be able to talk it over instead of acting so recklessly? Somebody of your stature should have no issue ensuring this ends more peacefully!
[X] No.

With Sieg's luck? No. Theo can pick it up if she wants it. She has good luck.

[X] ... Offer to help Neil. It's not like you have any stake in this or anything, but it seems rather unfair for the boy to take on three opponents at once! Not that you personally care, but it seems as if he's in some trouble - and the Archaeology Club did ask you to make sure he was okay, right?

This is a JRPG. This is the inevitable conclusion to all things.

Also, I want to see how Sieg stacks up.
Voting is open