Zenka shrugged as he check the files.

He raised his eyebrow at what he's seeing.

"So this are the four Rogues?"
The first person was a blond haired boy with emerald green eye, from his look, Zenka deduct that he might be wealthy.

"Ketsuo Nekumari, known for being able to take more pain than people could handle, has been in slavery by..." Zenka shuddered at the name, "known for being alcoholic and... Throw money at ladies who are showering? The hell?"
The first person was a blond haired boy with emerald green eye, from his look, Zenka deduct that he might be wealthy.

"Ketsuo Nekumari, known for being able to take more pain than people could handle, has been in slavery by..." Zenka shuddered at the name, "known for being alcoholic and... Throw money at ladies who are showering? The hell?"
"People are horrible," Quill said, chewing on a piece of gum. "Get used to it."
Zenka shook his head at Quill comments before looking at the second photo; this one is also a boy, but instead of blond hair and emerald eye, it brown haired and black eyes, with a faces that look bored.

"Masaru Kadarai, known for being a thief who lethaly wound people and wield a large axe; Masaru was also suffering a personality disorder." Zenka said as he scratch his head, "Strange fellow I can tell."
Zenka shook his head at Quill comments before looking at the second photo; this one is also a boy, but instead of blond hair and emerald eye, it brown haired and black eyes, with a faces that look bored.

"Masaru Kadarai, known for being a thief who lethaly wound people and wield a large axe; Masaru was also suffering a personality disorder." Zenka said as he scratch his head, "Strange fellow I can tell."
"Sounds straightforward enough to me," Quill said, shrugging. "We gonna have to fight him?"
"Sounds straightforward enough to me," Quill said, shrugging. "We gonna have to fight him?"
"I doubt it, since the principles told us that we won't had to fight them." Zenka told Quill as he check the third photo. This time, it's a girl, possibly a year or older than himself, black long silky hair and turquoise eye; from her face, she seem stoic.

"Sumiko Taikihiro, said to be a victim of domestic abuse from her parent, had deep connection to the serial killer Koroshiya." Zenka click his tongue upon hearing that name, "That's someone I would avoid."

(@Whisper1, @ChildishChimera)
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"I doubt it, since the principles told us that we won't had to fight them." Zenka told Quill as he check the third photo. This time, it's a girl, possibly a year or older than himself, black long silky hair and turquoise eye; from her face, she seem stoic.

"Sumiko Taikihiro, said to be a victim of domestic abuse from her parent, had deep connection to the serial killer Koroshiya." Zenka click his tongue upon hearing that name, "That's someone I would avoid."

(@Whisper1, @ChildishChimera)
"All I heard was 'Yada-yada-yada-blah-blah-blah-blind-trust-for-authority-yada.'" Quill made his gum snap. "I'll be surprised if at least one of these bozos doesn't try to murder us."
"Point taken." Zenka agree him as he look at the last picture, a dark haired boy with silver eye. "Ryouchi Shinshito, has a missing sister and has no files as to his past after his sister mysteriously disappear, more dangerous among them as he could easily take out a groups of high-ranked officers." Zenka finished reading, however there was something nagging him about this fellow. "This Ryouchi, who was he?" He muttered low enough for the three not to hear them, before looking at the other two.

"What are your thought on them?"

(@Whisper1, @ChildishChimera and @Mithrandir)
"Mook, psycho, girl and mastermind," Constance mumbled. "Pretty standard lineup..."

Wait, had they heard that?

"Uh, I mean, Masaru's probably gonna come after us, orders or no." So we're definitely going up against at least one axe murderer. "And Ryouchi must be really good at strategizing if he's managed to take down groups of police officers all by himself. How did that happen?"
"Mook, psycho, girl and mastermind," Constance mumbled. "Pretty standard lineup..."
Zenka stare at Constance with a curious eye.

"Said what?"

Wait, had they heard that?

"Uh, I mean, Masaru's probably gonna come after us, orders or no." So we're definitely going up against at least one axe murderer. "And Ryouchi must be really good at strategizing if he's managed to take down groups of police officers all by himself. How did that happen?"

Zenka shrugged.

"It might be related toward a incident year ago no doubt." Zenka then put down the file and look at another file. "This one have the information we need about the survivors and the victims."