
I'm a fucking ninja
Puerto Rico, Vega Baja
[Paulownia Academy]

"Zenka Namikage, Quillian Slink and Constance Surrey, you're all has been called by the director himself. Please come immediately." The voice said as the three are about to getting up.
"Okay, now let's go have some porn to- "

"Charlie, this thing isn't off."

"Wait, this thing isn't off?! Uhh, excuse me, sorry about that. Umm... Over."

"You don't need to say over Charlie just shut the fu-" The intercom is deactivated as everybody sweat drop at the antic.
Quillian scowled from where he sat in the detention room.
Stupid Director and his stupid policies. Stupid staff and their stupid addictions.
This school is a cesspool.

Rising, he swept his books into his bag and stood. Stomping to the door, he turned to the detention monitor. He glared at her over the top of his sunglasses, effect only slightly dampened by his lack of height.
"I'll be going now. Jerk."
Spinning, he left, slamming the door behind him.
It was a quick trip to the office from there.
Why did the director call me? What does he want?

Constance was pretty sure that was what he was supposed to think, anyway. He quickly shoved his papers into his bag, taking care to cover up the little story ideas and lines of poetry he'd scribbled in the margins, nodded to his teacher, and headed for the office.

He wondered what porn they were watching. Hopefully not the type where they moaned a lot. That would be distracting.
Zenka only facepalm as he went outside of the classroom and into the hallway, wondering why the principle need him and the other three.

"Are we in trouble? Must've been the incident a year ago." Zenka though as he remembering the incident, involving the idiot name Misuto attempting to escape the school by the jumping through the fences...

... A electric fences.

It landed him in the infirmary with his groin in bandage.

Zenka decided to keep his thought out of his mind before walking through the hallway, already know about the location of the principal office.
Hearing the announcement for Zenka , Quillian and Constance was surprising after all I was sure Zenka was reformed, and had never heard of the other two.

Thinking of the reformed Quilge one of the Directors assistants had promised to No longer confiscate my books or accuse me of reading hentai after this job. Getting out of the seat I quickly look over the memo from yesterday before getting back on the couch. Plus now that I could find out what kind of porn they like, and I could truly show him the best.

Looking up at the door reminded me how much I hated feeling like I was waiting.
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The director look at the door as the three students enter the office.

"Ah, you three ha--" He stop when he take a look at Zenka for a few second, who's eye is twitching.

"Yes, I'm a boy that look like a girl." Zenka told the principal, who nodded as they sit.
Quill snorted. "You're also annoying. In fact, you're all annoying."
He twirled a lighter between his fingers, flicking it alternately on and off.
"But unfortunately, one of you is also in-" he made air quotes with his fingers "-'charge' of me. So get on with it, would you? What was so urgent that I had to haul myself all the way down to this sinkhole of an office?"
The principal sigh as he push his glasses.

"First take a look at this."

The principal give the three a news paper regarding the news about the incident three week ago.
Zenka pick it up and read in though of a certain news.

News flash: Four more people has gone missing!

At the day of Culture Festival, three more students and a single teacher has gone missing, which was presumed death. The body may not be found, but the friends of those missing students confirmed their demise.

The four missing peoples was Shishido Yui, Suzumoto Mayu, Morishige Sakutaro and Shinohara Seiko.

The police shall continue to investigate to find their remains and brought them for the funeral while their relative mour for their deaths.

Zenka put down the newspaper and stared toward the director. "What's so important about this that you want us to come?"
"People-" he flicked the lighter on "-are dead." The lighter hissed and went out. Quill looked at Zenka. "And you ask what's important?"
He shook his head. "Nah - the right question is a bit more blunt; what the blink do you want us to do 'bout it?"
Zenka just stared at Quill as the principal respond to the two's question.

"True, but the remaining survivor's behavior is what got me attention. After all, not every people can go into the urban legend that was Heavenly Host and survive."
Quill slid the lighter into his pocket and slouched back into his chair.
"Can't say I've heard of that. What's it matter, anyway? I'm a busy kid - I don't have time for 'urban legends' or PTSD or whatever. Find a shrink for the guy and be done with it."
Zenka look at Quill and decided to explain to him.

"Heavenly Host was once a Elementary School that was shut down due to the murder that happened. From what I heard, there was this curse that the spirit from that school would drag it victim into their dimension to torment them even in deaths." Zenka then turned toward the other student.

"You been silence for a while, is something the matter?"

This... is much too silly. There's no such thing as ghosts. It's probably a serial killer or something and we're all going to die if we go to that "haunted" school...

But that wasn't how a story progressed, and now he'd apparently missed a cue. Damnit.

"I'm wondering, why were we called specifically?" Constance said. "I didn't know those students, and I don't think the rest of you did either. We certainly don't know one another." And I'm not a detective.

He turned to the principal. "Have you talked to the missing students' friends or the survivor? What did they say?"
The principal smile as Constance ask that question.

"That is where you three come in." This earn the confusion of the three students, "You see, their location is a opportunity for the school, as it one of the possible location of the Book of Shadow."
Oh, the MacGuffin.

"I don't know what that is," Constance said. It's probably a book, and it probably gives you magic powers or something. If it even exists. "Why do you even think it's there? For all I know a serial killer was behind that murder years ago and he's decided to come back for some more fun." And you're sending us right into his clutches, he hoped was implied.

"We should at least negotiate payments," he said to the other three students.
He shake his head as the principal decided to say it.

"Now normally, I would've send just a single student for this job, but I had recieve intel that the four most dangerous rouges was seen heading toward that same city. As far as I'm concern, you three are the only one who can handle them, despite not knowing them." He then realize something; "Ah yes, as for the reward if you were able to succeed this mission, I will grant you three freedom from this... "Prison", as one of the rogue said."
"So... abuse of power? Hmph. Not exactly unexpected." Quill scowled again. "Fine. I'll do it."
Constance grinned. There was really only one thing to say to an offer like that.

"Awesome. Alright, I'm in."

At least Quill and the other boy looked like they could hold his own in a fight. He wasn't too sure about Zenka, however.
Zenka shrugged in response.

"Alright, I'm in." Zenka told the director, who let out a smile.

"Good, you three can go toward the station if you wish." Everyone nodded as they're about to leave. "Oh, and one last thing." They stop as they look at the director; "There will be additional reward for any "crimes" you commit, as long as the casualty and damages are minimum." He told them as Zenka smile as he and the other left.
Zenka shrugged in response.

"Alright, I'm in." Zenka told the director, who let out a smile.

"Good, you three can go toward the station if you wish." Everyone nodded as they're about to leave. "Oh, and one last thing." They stop as they look at the director; "There will be additional reward for any "crimes" you commit, as long as the casualty and damages are minimum." He told them as Zenka smile as he and the other left.
"Creepy bugger." Quill muttered as they walked. "Wants us to commit crimes. What's the world coming to?"
Shaking his head, he turned to Constance. "So... what should we do first?"
Constance shrugged. "I have no idea. I've never been on one of these missions before. Maybe we should talk to that one surviving student, see what was so odd about him..."

A thought occurred to him. "Or we could get started on those petty crimes the director mentioned. Stealing or vandalism, perhaps. Got any ideas?" You seem like that kind of person.
"Problaby when we get to the city." Zenka told him, his arm are on the back of his head. "The crime part that is."

Zenka may not be ruthless as some "students", but he do crime anyway as he doesn't do anything else.

"We should pack thing up and go toward the train station, let's go."
A day later...

[Inside the train]

Zenka and the other three were sitting in their own private room as they do what they like. Apparently, the director has task one of the high-ranking student, Evan Tengan, to watch them over to see how they progress. It is strange for him to give task to this young boy, but it make thing easier.

Zenka pull out the file out of the bag that they were given before leaving to Tenjin City.

"Alright, let's see what's this files is all about."
"Whatever. Sooner this stupid job is done, sooner we can all go home."