Consenting Adults Holding Hands and Going on Sappy Romantic Dates

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Fair Warning:

This quest is about handholding.

To be sure, romance, tender emotions, and...
Fair Warning:

This quest is about handholding.

To be sure, romance, tender emotions, and love will play large parts as well, but there will be handholding.

As should be obvious, this thread is mature content.

Thread participants should behave in a mature, delicate, and appropriate way befitting this complex and emotionally-charged subject.

This quest will contain:
- Consenting adults in a healthy relationship holding hands
- Relationships between two people who are madly in love, and the joys and setbacks that such relationships face.
- The joy of having society and family alike approve of your relationship.
- Love, of various kinds, almost always successful.

The following content may occur in this thread without warning:
- Innuendo, flirting, teasing, gift giving, complimenting, and other content intended to make you blush.
- Discussion of normal romance, healthy relationships, and other wholesome practices.
- Detailed descriptions of a perfectly normal romantic relationship, including but not limited to: hugging, movie dates, dinner with the family, giving comfort in sad times, telling your partner how much you love them, use of flowers as gifts, praise, flirting, handholding, kissing, marriage, and other relatively simple expressions of romance and love.
- Changes of viewpoint character.

The following content may occur in this thread, with additional warnings:
- Detailed descriptions of two lovers holding each other's hand.
- Enaction of normal dating, ranging from walks in the park to dinner dates and married life.
- People taking the time and making the effort to ensure their partner does not feel pressured or trapped in the relationship.
- Dating, hugging, kissing, and other results of healthy relationships.
- Dashing or chivalrous actions, such as holding a door open or giving a coat to someone who is cold.
- Emotionally pleasant and happy events: see above.

This quest will not contain:
- Any truly irredeemable characters. (Everyone can be a better person if you try hard enough!)
- A courteous protagonist.
- Any underaged romance - all dates shown will be between people more than twenty years old.
- A protagonist who is mean (to a greater extent than they are nice).
- Bigotry from the author, as opposed to the characters. (Rule 2.)
- Bigotry from the voters.
- Porn for the sake of porn. (Rule 6.)
- Any content not permitted by the Community Compact.

Further content warnings will be presented in information posts before each threadmark that warrants them.

Lucky in love, lucky in love
Didn't forget me when I asked you to leave me
Didn't forget me
Now you're alongside me
You've brought luck to love
I've been hit by a truck in love

- Someone on the Internet

You know the words, having written and re-written them again and again during your attempts to write this poem, but you aren't fully confident in them quite yet. But that is no mark against you - everyone gets nervous when they're about to confess their love. Today is the day you're going to confess, and all through the day you've been worrying about how she'll reply. Nobody expects you to do this perfectly, but with luck and honesty on your side, great things may happen...

But who are you?

[ ] Marcus, Captain of the College Football Team, young and prideful, but an undeniable prodigy amongst your teammate, to be granted that lofty title at so low an age...

For your skill at playing the important position of quarterback in the football games for your school, you have been granted the title of Captain by your coach. However willful and promising you may be, however, you're still relatively inexperienced when it comes to dating, with most of your past interactions with women being purely platonic. Older, more experienced men and women will have the advantage when it comes to finding true love.

[ ] Melissa, Shop Owner, from a proud and noble family, taught to run the family business from when you were a mere toddler. In terms of training, practice, and hard earned skill, none your age are your match.

Wealthy and generous beyond imagining, your family has a chain of stores with locations across the country and reputation for charity almost unmatched by others of similar wealth, a tradition you have been raised to uphold. But your natural interest in romance has you rather distracted lately. You feel like you need to get this confession off of your chest, before your nervousness starts to hurt your work....

[ ] Brian, Police Officer, quick of wit and high speed chase extraordinaire. You're able to bring down the worst criminals, no matter how good they think they are.

Some may call you a stick in the mud for not having such unwavering loyalty to the law, but you prefer to think of it as caring for and protecting the community. Be it speeding, littering, or murder, you think that every rule is there for a reason and that it's up to you to not only enforce them, but also to be an example to the people aroound. And with your charisma, so far the community has agreed - you maintain good relations with most of the citizens. To put it plainly, you're simply an incredible police officer.
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Why would there be a mod post here?
A certain NSFW quest was posted to SV from QQ with mod approval. This was met with some controversy. Another quest was made to troll/satarize that quest, (specifically criticizing the decision to allow the quest, according the poster who made it) and every participant was promptly banned. Now this one is here, with the same format as the troll quest. 141 users are currently viewing, waiting to see what happens next.
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A certain NSFW quest was posted to SV from QQ with mod approval. This was met with some controversy. Another quest was made to troll/satarize that quest, and every participant was promptly banned. Now this one is here, with the same format as the troll quest. 141 users are currently viewing, waiting to see what happens next.
Oh, I had no idea there was some drama or something. I just decided to start doing more than lurking around here by doing some writing of my own.
Honestly, even if the disclaimer is a mocking statement, but I do feel like this quest could be interesting in it's own right, so, let's not muck this up, OK?

Now, for voting.

[X] Brian, Police Officer
The last one with this formatting was about dragons fucking cars. Maybe he thought couching it in milder content would get the mods to let it go for a bit.

Yeah, I've seen the burning wreckage. That's why I asked, actually.

It's like trying to do forum politics. Not politics on a forum, not forum about politics, but doing "forum politics".
Eh, I'm in a hurry. If this thread survives, we'll see.
Gonna copy and paste something I posted in another thread to give context what's going on here.

Some NSFW quest was posted on SV, and this was okayed by the mods. This was viewed as inconsistent application of the rules by some, who claimed that the mods were at other times extremely harsh on depictions of sexuality, Redshirt Army amongst them. So Redshirt put up a quest, seemingly poking fun at the mods for being inconsistent.(in his eyes) Redshirt, and most of the people who had made a post in his thread, were then banned. I believe punishments also went out to people who gave a 'Funny' rating to the mod posts.

Possibly important background info:
1: About ten months ago, there was a rule change to allow this kind of content. It could be that some people missed this, and thought it was still banned.
2: There seems to be a lot of lingering resentment over PMIM, a Madoka Magica quest that featured yuri and got hit by the mods. Apparently, some voters got too sexual when talking about characters who were minors, which a mod misinterpreted as the quest in general being a problem, which resulted in it getting hit. (note: this is only something I've heard, don't quote me on this one)

Personally, I don't think these sarcastic jabs at the mods are a good idea. They're criticizing the mods for being inconsistent, but not actually presenting any arguments. For all the accusations of inconsistency I've seen, I haven't actually seen any evidence of such a thing occurring.

Also, copying the format of Her Mantle Is Love makes it come across as mocking that quest as well, when the author of that quest did nothing wrong. (i doubt this was the intent, though, i'm pretty sure the ire is directed mostly at the mods)

EDIT: I've been corrected on what occurred with PMIM. Apparently it did not get hit by the mods, it merely got called out in an announcement by a mod.
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A certain NSFW quest was posted to SV from QQ with mod approval. This was met with some controversy. Another quest was made to troll/satarize that quest, and every participant was promptly banned. Now this one is here, with the same format as the troll quest. 141 users are currently viewing, waiting to see what happens next.
It was done to explictly mock the staff, actually

Redshirt apologized to the QM of that quest personally, and that apology was accepted

Theres enough drama abounding that you don't need to add easily demonstrable lies to the equation. You know?
Less meta more votes let's get the ball rolling.
Idk man.
From what I've heard- mind, this is just hearsay- you'll get banned for posting in these threads as proof that you're supporting the OP. Voting probably directly contributes to supporting the quest, which means you get banned. Even if the quest is potentially genuine, as long as it's in the crosshairs, you have the potential of getting banned/infracted by association. So I'd just be careful posting.
A certain NSFW quest was posted to SV from QQ with mod approval. This was met with some controversy. Another quest was made to troll/satarize that quest, and every participant was promptly banned. Now this one is here, with the same format as the troll quest. 141 users are currently viewing, waiting to see what happens next.
Gonna copy and paste something I posted in another thread to give context what's going on here.

Some NSFW quest was posted on SV, and this was okayed by the mods. This was viewed as inconsistent application of the rules by some, who claimed that the mods were at other times extremely harsh on depictions of sexuality, Redshirt Army amongst them. So Redshirt put up a quest, seemingly poking fun at the mods for being inconsistent.(in his eyes) Redshirt, and most of the people who had made a post in his thread, were then banned. I believe punishments also went out to people who gave a 'Funny' rating to the mod posts.

Possibly important background info:
1: About ten months ago, there was a rule change to allow this kind of content. It could be that some people missed this, and thought it was still banned.
2: There seems to be a lot of lingering resentment over PMIM, a Madoka Magica quest that featured yuri and got hit by the mods. Apparently, some voters got too sexual when talking about characters who were minors, which a mod misinterpreted as the quest in general being a problem, which resulted in it getting hit. (note: this is only something I've heard, don't quote me on this one)

Personally, I don't think these sarcastic jabs at the mods are a good idea. They're criticizing the mods for being inconsistent, but not actually presenting any arguments. For all the accusations of inconsistency I've seen, I haven't actually seen any evidence of such a thing occurring.

Also, copying the format of Her Mantle Is Love makes it come across as mocking that quest as well, when the author of that quest did nothing wrong.
Oh wow, that is a very similar format. I guess great minds think alike.