Commonwealth Casefiles (A Hololive/Fallout 4 crossover quest)

Hey author-san. I'll delete this if it's untoward, but, with the sudden news from Amelia about her ceasing activities, hope you're doing okay. Dunno how much she still haunts your viewing habits, but with a whole story around her, I figure she just might.
Hey author-san. I'll delete this if it's untoward, but, with the sudden news from Amelia about her ceasing activities, hope you're doing okay. Dunno how much she still haunts your viewing habits, but with a whole story around her, I figure she just might.
Don't worry about me! I'll be fine, and so will this story! I'm still working on the next chapter as well as the interlude.
"Patch Notes" 2
I'm going to be honest with you guys, I've reached a dead end on the "Queen of the Fog" interlude. Actually, I reached that dead end as soon as I tried to write it, which was months ago. So I kept working on the next chapter instead, only to hit another brick wall. That's when I had an epiphany: "Oh yeah, this is a quest! The whole point is for the readers to point me in the direction they want to go!" So yeah, you won't have to wait too much longer for that. Also, because I'm feeling generous, I left some incredibly obvious hints on the interlude vote as to who each choice centers around.
1.5 Carbonation and Conversation
[X] (PER/INT) It's part of the subway system, right? Search the surrounding area for some sort of maintenance entrance, it probably won't be as heavily guarded.

As funny as it would be to pull a Bavarian Fire Drill, you get the feeling Subaru would veto it immediately. The fact that you left your disguise kit back home certainly doesn't help. Oh well, the smart option it is, then. "Gangsters always go in loud, so they'd be expecting any intruders to do the same. Therefore, any non-obvious entrances wouldn't be as heavily guarded. We should look for a maintenance entrance somewhere in the vicinity," you propose. Subaru nods approvingly.

"Good plan. We don't exactly have a map of the system, but we can just check all the manholes."

After taking stock of all the supplies Subaru brought, the three of you set out into the city's ruins. There's a lot of time to kill on the way to Boston Common, which you elect to pass by making observations about your surroundings. You notice that the price of gas on a sign is absurdly high; the world must have been running out of oil before everything went to hell. In fact, it's highly likely that's why the world is in ruins now. Meanwhile, Piper is passing the time by recounting some of the adventures she's had in her line of work.
"... So I traced the water back to its source, through the old sewers, and what do I find? Some Children of Atom cultists, sitting around like they owned the place. It didn't take long for them to find me too, unfortunately. Turns out they weren't exactly fans of the press," she regales.

You snort. "Gee, I wonder why?"

Piper laughs along. "I know, right? I always say that you're not a successful reporter until someone threatens your life. And I'm very successful." She preens a bit before continuing her story. "Anyway, in order to atone for my trespassing, the cultists decided to sacrifice me to Atom. I'm kneeling in front of a huge sewage pipe, about to get shoved in… When suddenly, I blurt out, 'Atom! He reveals Himself!' And they bought it! They pull me back from the ledge and then gave me their induction ceremony. You're looking at an official acolyte of Atom," she smirks.

Subaru balks. "Is that why you have that atom tattoo on your… Uh, never mind."
You nearly throw out your back from laughing so hard.

Several minutes later, Subaru stops you. "Hold up a second. See that over there?" She points down the street towards a blocked off area with several mesh bags filled with rotting meat. There are bones scattered around, and the alley is lit with the glow of flaming barrels. "This is super mutant territory. We need to turn back and find a way around; there's no way in hell I'm letting you bring Piper through there."

You nod and start backing away. I have no idea what a super mutant is, but if this is how they choose to decorate, I don't think I want to, you muse. Suddenly, you spot movement. The biggest, greenest dog you've ever seen trundles out from around a corner and locks eyes with you. It throws its head back, letting out a sound like a war horn as Subaru grabs your arm. "We've been spotted! RUN!"

You happily oblige.

You're chased by Bruce Banner's pit bull for about two blocks before it decides you've been sufficiently deterred, and the three of you collapse against a wall to catch your breath. "What the fuck was that thing?!" You wheeze. Seriously, what were they feeding that dog to make it so buff?! It looked like one of those photoshopped "has science gone too far" clickbait ads you'd see on a shady website!

"That," Piper explains between deep breaths, "was a mutant hound. Super mutants keep 'em around as guard dogs. If we hadn't gotten out of there as quickly as we did, that howl would have drawn those big green bastards right to us."

By this point, the sun is beginning to set. Subaru takes notice of this and quickly comes up with a plan. "All right, we should find a place to spend the night before it gets dark. Luckily, I know a place right near Boston Common that should do nicely." She stands and helps Piper up before dusting herself off. Realization flashes in the reporter's eyes.

"Oh, I think I know where you're talking about! It's that other Nuka-Cola themed diner, right?" Piper asks. The officer nods.

"The Nu Cafe Ola may not be the Left Field Diner, but it'll do for tonight." With that, Subaru takes point and leads you deeper into the city. As you walk, you take note of several locations you may want to visit later. The Combat Zone, Hubris Comics, Boston Public Library… Those seem interesting. You wish you had your own map, rather than having to rely on Subaru's. You don't think she'd appreciate you drawing on her map.

Eventually, you find the cafe your fellows mentioned. It's a small, two-story building with a simple red sandwich board sign out front. "Refreshing Nuka-Cola™ served here," it cheerfully says. The three of you head inside as night falls across the Commonwealth. The interior is a sea of red and white, with every single piece of furniture themed to this illustrious Coca-Cola equivalent. "Oi, Iris! You around?" Subaru calls out, and you immediately deduce the owner's identity. You don't have to be the world's greatest detective to recognize the woman who rushes down the stairs as this timeline's IRyS. Sure, she's human and both her eyes are blue instead of one being pink, but you'd recognize that face anywhere. She's joined by a blonde woman you don't recognize, wearing a faded green t-shirt with cartoonish representations of a bottle and bottle cap on the front. She also has a pair of bottle cap-shaped sunglasses on her head.

Iris smiles at Subaru and waves cheerfully. "Heya, Officer! Table for three?" She asks, already steering the three of you to a booth. Without waiting for an answer, she begins rattling off a selection of menu items and dinner specials, with the policewoman unable to get a word in edgewise. She shoots Piper a pleading look.

The reporter smirks with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, Iris. You finally landed a girlfriend?" She says casually, gesturing towards the blonde woman. Without even raising her voice, her question cuts through the rambling and the entire room is instantly silenced.

The blonde laughs and steps forward. "Nah, I'm just a tourist passing through. Iris was just showing me her amazing collection of Nuka-Cola memorabilia!" She extends a hand. "Sierra Petrovita, owner of the Nuka-Cola Museum in the Capital Wasteland! Perhaps you've heard of it?" Your party exchange glances and shake your heads in sync. "Oh, it's really something! If you're ever in the area around Girdershade, make sure you stop by!" This Sierra girl's optimism would be a match for the Subaru you know back home.

Iris clears her throat and forces the blush from her cheeks. "R-right. Now, what can I get ya?" She asks, putting on a more professional attitude.

After a few minutes, your orders are brought to the table by Iris. Piper is given a hot bowl of Blamco Mac and Cheese, Subaru has an omelet, and you are handed a salisbury steak sandwich. It's steak, they couldn't possibly fuck this up, right?

Oh god.

They can and they did. You can taste the amount of preservatives in this. This shit has enough chemicals in it that it could have sat on a shelf for centuries, and given the state of the world around you, it very well might have. Regardless, you keep eating. Nourishment is more important right now, and you don't want to cause a scene.

After begrudgingly finishing your sandwich, you try to find something to talk about to pass the time until turning in for the night.


[ ] (LUCK) Ask Iris if she's seen Ollie. It's a longshot, but you never know.

[ ] Ask Piper about some of the buildings you passed on the way here. You're morbidly curious about this "Combat Zone" place.

[ ] Ask Sierra more about her hobby. Her shirt mentions a "Nuka-World," is this Coca-Cola equivalent also a Disney equivalent somehow?

[ ] Ask Subaru if she has more information on Goodneighbor.

FINALLY. By the way, funny bit of behind-the-scenes trivia for you guys: Originally, I wrote that Amelia ordered the mac and cheese. It wasn't until almost a week later that I remembered she has a gluten allergy and hastily swapped her order out for the Salisbury steak sandwich. Wouldn't want to handicap her right before her first "dungeon" crawl, right? ;)
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Welcome back to gambling with a not secretly a monkey train director Detective
[X] (LUCK) Ask Iris if she's seen Ollie. It's a longshot, but you never know.
[X] (LUCK) Ask Iris if she's seen Ollie. It's a longshot, but you never know.

[X] Ask Sierra more about her hobby. Her shirt mentions a "Nuka-World," is this Coca-Cola equivalent also a Disney equivalent somehow?
[x] (LUCK) Ask Iris if she's seen Ollie. It's a longshot, but you never know.
[x] Ask Subaru if she has more information on Goodneighbor.

[X] (LUCK) Ask Iris if she's seen Ollie. It's a longshot, but you never know.
[X] Ask Subaru if she has more information on Goodneighbor.

Honestly, even if Iris doesn't have any information, I would love for Ame to get teased over Ollie if she starts to gush a little over her (lol). And as much as I'm curious about those locations mentioned and believe a few could be useful for Ame to learn more about this timeline, we should stick with asking things relevant to the mission, I feel. Once Valentine and Ollie are safe, we can get a more in-depth understanding about the place. (Anyway, glad you were able to get this out! Sorry that writer's block hit you hard. I hope you'll have a smoother time from here.)
[X] (LUCK) Ask Iris if she's seen Ollie. It's a longshot, but you never know.
[X] Ask Subaru if she has more information on Goodneighbor.
[X] (LUCK) Ask Iris if she's seen Ollie. It's a longshot, but you never know.

[X] Ask Sierra more about her hobby. Her shirt mentions a "Nuka-World," is this Coca-Cola equivalent also a Disney equivalent somehow?
Notes on the Wider Wasteland
Hello everyone! Thank you again for your patience. I was trying to get the next chapter out by Christmas, but as you can tell, that didn't end up happening. So, while I'm hard at work on that, I figured I'd give you guys a late Christmas present: Some notes about Non-Commonwealth characters who may or may not ever appear in this quest! Yeah, worldbuilding's a helluva drug…

Please note, all vtuber characters mentioned here are AU versions unless otherwise stated. Without further ado, let's start with what's going on in the Capital Wasteland!

Fallout 3

  • Kiara plays the part of the Lone Wanderer. Here, her name is the much more German-sounding Kiara Rhine.
    • I named her after a river in Germany to further the whole "water" theme in Fallout 3's story.
  • [SPOILERS FOR FALLOUT 3'S ENDING] At the end of the main quest, Kiara was the one to enter Project Purity's control chamber and activate the purifier. She received what should have been a lethal dose of radiation, but instead became a sort of half-ghoul. Her heart now glows a bright green through her chest, and she can revive the recently dead like a glowing one. This has led to her being called "the Rad-Phoenix."
  • The events of the Mothership Zeta DLC never happened. Don't get me wrong, I love that DLC, but I just can't think of a way to include it.

New Vegas

  • Calli takes center stage in the Mojave as Courier 4.
  • Naturally, Courier 4's outfit draws heavily from Calli's sheriff outfit.
    • Ricky is the name of 4's lever-action rifle, rather than a scythe.
  • Courier 4 sided with Mr. House in NV's main questline. This is mostly because that ending seems to be canon, going off the Fallout TV show.
  • 4 once woke up in bed with Fisto at the Atomic Wrangler and nobody present would tell her how it happened. The Garret twins still can't look her in the eyes after whatever she did that night…
  • A certain "elite" gambler has been banned from every casino on the Strip. Poor Miko just keeps losing her caps…
  • Elizabeth Rose and Nerissa Ravencroft are singers at the Aces Theater.
    • Yes, Bloodraven fans, they're married. ; )
  • Kaela Kovalskia works for Gun Runners.
  • Choco used to be a… "dancer" for Gomorrah, but became the boss there after 4 kicked out the Omertas and Cachino. The casino is a much nicer place for women to work in now.
    • Marine also works at Gomorrah, and is notably one of the only women there who genuinely loves her job.
  • Cass and 4 dated for a while, but it didn't really go anywhere. They remain on friendly terms.
  • Kanata is a Nightkin living in Jacobstown, where she acts as one of Lily's minders.
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Interesting bits of lore all around! Sorry you weren't able to get the next part done before Christmas. Still, I and I'm sure others await patiently for it. Just take your time, and I'm sure it will be great when it's done!
1.6 Dude, Where's My Zombie?
[X] (LUCK) Ask Iris if she's seen Ollie. It's a longshot, but you never know.

You decide to press your luck. "Hey, Iris. you wouldn't happen to have seen a girl around here with red hair, would you? Not ginger, literally red. Stitches all over her body, tattered dress, eyes in two different colors?" You brace yourself for disappointment, only to notice Iris has turned white as a sheet.

"Uhhhh, does she have a sword through her head? Cuz if she does, then I saw her in Goodneighbor yesterday," she says. You practically jump out of your seat.

"YOU DID?! IS SHE OKAY? WHAT WAS SHE DOING? SHE DIDN'T CAUSE ANY TROUBLE, DID SHE?!" You shout, eyes wide and frantic. Finally, a lead!

Piper winces and reaches out to put a hand on your shoulder. "Watson, I'm so sorry. But if she had a sword in her head, I think she's long gone by now," she says with sincere sympathy. Huh? Why would she-- Oh. Right, zombies aren't a thing here.

Luckily, before you can respond, Iris butts in. "No, that's the thing. She was still walking around and talking like nothing was wrong! It was the damndest thing…"

I was in Goodneighbor to buy supplies for the cafe. You know how it is, always needing more liquid nitrogen for the ice machine, more silverware, and most importantly, more bottles of Nuka-Cola! I was wrapping things up and getting ready to head out when this girl walks through the front gate. Christ, I thought she was a ghoul at first with how gray her skin was, but it was too smooth. Still had a nose, too. She looked calm, but I could see her eyes darting around at every dark corner somebody could pop out of. But the thing that stood out to me most was that she'd been impaled through the skull by a sword, and acted perfectly fine!
Then, I saw this guy, Finn, walk up to her. Now, Finn's a real scumbag. Even in a place like Goodneighbor, nobody liked him. He'd already gotten in trouble with the mayor twice for trying to sell people "insurance" the first time they walk through the gates. Now he was walking right up to this girl ready to try it again.

Iris scrunches up her throat and puts on a sleazy smile, proceeding to perform what seems to be an impression of the extortionist.
"Hol' up there. First time in Goodneighbor? Can't go walkin' around here without insurance…"
She returns to her regular voice and continues.
He gives her the whole spiel, y'know how it goes. "Hand over everything in yer pockets or big, bloody accidents start happenin'." Anyway, Hancock's already starting to walk over to stop him, but this girl looks Finn dead in the eyes and says "Bold of you to assume you can kill me," and
pulls the sword out of her head and points it at him. God, the noise it made coming out… Finn just about pissed himself! Even Hancock was looking at his bodyguard like, "are you seein' this shit too, or did I take a bad dose of Jet?" Finn runs off, the girl puts the sword back in her head, and Hancock walks up to her.
Iris makes her voice sound raspy for her Hancock impression.
"That was one hell of a show you put on over there, kid! Finn's tried pullin' this extortion crap so many times that I was about to come over and make an example outta him, then you go an' do
that? I like you already!" He gives her his "welcome to Goodneighbor" spiel, "we're of the people, for the people," "everyone's welcome, so long as you remember who's in charge," all that jazz. She says she'll consider waiting there for her girlfriend to find her-- I'm guessing that'd be you? And walked off into town. I booked it back to the cafe after that.

You sigh in relief, worries abated. Ollie's nearby, she's safe, and she's staying put. Suddenly, you realize Piper and Subaru are both staring at you.

"Watson… What. The fuck?" Piper half-states, half-demands.

"I think 'how the fuck' is more relevant here," Subaru chimes in.

You sigh again, this time in resignation. "Alright. The truth, then." You fold your hands on the table. "Ollie's a zombie. She was dead, but her grieving family found a way to somehow bring her body back to life. I've known her for a few years now, and she's been helping me with my detective work for about 6 months. Somewhere along the way, we fell in love, I made a fool of myself trying to confess to her, and we've been together ever since." You keep going, pouring your heart out and gushing over your girlfriend for what feels like hours but is really only five minutes. By the end of it, you've worked yourself up into a blushing, swooning mess.

[Speech check succeeded.]

Against all odds, Piper and Subaru seem to believe you. "Alright," Subaru says, "I believe you. I've done enough interrogations to know you're at least telling us what you believe is the truth." She leans forward. "So what do we do now? We're obviously still saving Valentine, but are we going to pick up Ollie first? We could use all the help we can get down there, but Goodneighbor is a fuckin' hole. We still might need Nick's help getting Ollie out of there."

You think it over. You don't actually know that much about this allegedly wretched hive of scum and villainy, however. So you decide to ask someone here who does.

[X] Ask Subaru if she has more information on Goodneighbor.

"Tell me more about Goodneighbor. What kind of trouble could Ollie get herself caught up in there?" You ask. Ollie's a capable young woman, but if it's too dangerous to leave her there for however long it will take to rescue Valentine, you won't make her wait.

Subaru nods. "Goodneighbor's a small community set up around the Old State House. It's not far, about a half hour's walk from here. Like I said, it's where all of society's misfits go. Drifters, mercenaries, bounty hunters, drug dealers, racketeers, gangsters," she explains, listing them off on her fingers. "Even some of the less-violent raiders can be found at the Third Rail from time to time. The only thing keeping that powderkeg of a town from exploding is the mayor: John Hancock."

"Waitwaitwait. John Hancock? As in, one of the guys who signed the Declaration of Independence? Is he a zombie too? Cuz I'm pretty sure that dude's been dead for…" You make a show of checking your pocket watch. "... yeah, about 500 years."

Piper almost chokes on her Nuka-Cola from laughing, and Subaru smirks and shakes her head. "No. Apparently, he adopted the name after a drug-induced blackout when he woke up in front of the real John Hancock's clothes in a museum. His real name is John McDonough, the estranged brother of Diamond City's mayor. Mayor McDonough's anti-ghoul policies caused a falling out between the two, and he's tried to pretend John never existed ever since. It's kind of an open secret, though. Anyway, Hancock is a pretty reasonable guy. He tries to keep Goodneighbor as safe as possible without restricting the freedom of his citizens. He's real big on 'freedom,' in case you couldn't tell. He'll probably keep Ollie out of trouble as best he can."

You nod and quickly run the pros and cons of each choice in your mind. Ollie might get hurt if you make her wait, but the same is conversely true for Nick Valentine. Getting Ollie first might lend you an extra gun (assuming she's obtained a weapon other than her sword in the roughly 48 hours she's spent here,) but getting Nick first might help you navigate Goodneighbor more safely and get Ollie out of whatever trouble she may be in. This isn't an easy choice…

[ ] Rescue Nick Valentine first

[ ] Pick up Ollie first

Hoo boy, finally got this done! Thanks to Dr. Fanatic for helping me with the ending. I was trying to make sure this vote has some genuine weight to it by making both choices have equally valid reasons to be chosen, but was stuck on how rescuing Nick first might help Ollie. So, I sent the rough draft to him over Discord and he helped me immensely! Also, I linked to some of his Ame/Ollie fics during Amelia's exposition, and I'm considering them canon to this quest.
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[X] Pick up Ollie first

Just as good reading the second time. Glad I was able to help you with this one! Honestly, both choices are very valid, and I'm torn between them. I'm picking Ollie because... well, I feel kind of obligated to (lol), and I do believe in us having more help with getting Valentine out safely. Still, perfectly valid if we go for him first instead, since he doesn't have any regeneration to help him in the meantime. Can't wait to see how this goes. (Thank you for linking my work, too, by the way!)
[X] Pick up Ollie first

Just as good reading the second time. Glad I was able to help you with this one! Honestly, both choices are very valid, and I'm torn between them. I'm picking Ollie because... well, I feel kind of obligated to (lol), and I do believe in us having more help with getting Valentine out safely. Still, perfectly valid if we go for him first instead, since he doesn't have any regeneration to help him in the meantime. Can't wait to see how this goes. (Thank you for linking my work, too, by the way!)
Oh, it won't be the last time I link to you, don't you worry! ; )