College Days: A Warhammer Fantasy Engineering College Quest

"I convinced everyone I'm an amazing engineering but I don't know a scorpion from a trebuchet!" The trending new translated webnovel!
🎵 She is the very model of a modern Imperial noble / she has information animal mineral and vegetable

(with apologies to Herrs Guillibert and Solomon)
Character Sheet
Magdalyn von Sapontheim
Charm/Charisma: 9
Might/Military Accume: 17
Deception/Intrigue: 7
Economics/Stewardship: 14
Sciences/Education: 18
Prowess/Physical Skill: 10

Multi-cultural: Reikland holds Altdorf, home to many different cultures and humanoids. Inhabitants of Reikland are more open to new ideas and people. +10 to rolls involving foreigners and non-humans in a diplomatic capacity.

Sigmarite: You venerate all the gods, but hold Sigmar highest of all. +10 to interactions with Sigmarites, -10 to interactions with Ulricans

Pistoleer: Armed with a brace of pistols, you deal short-ranged death to foes. +10 to the use of pistols

Chemistry tutoring: +10 to chemistry as long as you attend tutoring.
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Selecting Electives
You have a full courseload, so you need to select some electives to round out your first semester.

[]Steam and you: An introduction to steam engines
[]Combat engineering: More than just swinging a shovel
[]The fine art of powdermonkying: Naval combat for beginners
[]Applied chymestry: Everyday items into explosive solutions

What language are you studying?

The only real choice.

[x]Applied chymestry: Everyday items into explosive solutions

Let's be honest, how can we go to school and not study this? (All of them look good tbh, any chance we can return later for more electives?)

Classical's the language of academia, gotta lean into the academic with no social skills thing as hard as possible :p.

[x]Applied chymestry: Everyday items into explosive solutions

There's very little in warhammer that couldn't be improved with access to more explosives.
So we're a genius savant with no social skills >_>

Alright then.
I mean... not one plan voted for social skills lol. The quibbling was more over combat skills. Charisma, dump stat, etc.
Maybe I should have made cute but stupid a real plan XD


[X]Steam and you: An introduction to steam engines
[X]Applied chymestry: Everyday items into explosive solutions

Magdalyn von Sapontheim, heir to the Count von Sapontheim. Since birth, you have been trained to be a noble, to take over your families estate and continue their legacy. At least, that was the hope. Your trainers early noticed certain oddities about you. After a consultation with a priest of Sigmar and a Green Wizard, you were deemed non-Mutant, but the stigmata never left. You have trouble with people, but not with machines. Machines are easy to understand, not like your mothers ladies-in-waiting or your noble peers. No hidden daggers, no sharp tongues, just the surety of steel.

Your mother bore another child, a son, meaning you are no longer the primary heir and can be bypassed. Still, your parents care about you in their own way, so they've managed to get you a place in the Imperial College of Engineering. It's also a way to get you far away and unlikely to embarrass the family at formal events again.

You enter the rented townhouse set aside for student housing, bearing your trunk and related baggage. You stow it in an open room, and begin unpacking. Setting aside your clothes, you place your parents present on the desk in pride of place. It's:

[]A repeater pistol
[]A set of fine watchmakers tools
[]A copy of Leonardo da Miragliano writings

As you're unpacking a thunderous stomping ascends the stairs of the townhouse, as though a whole herd of horses were stampeding. The door to your room slams open and a tall, muscular woman with wild red hair enters. She momentarily stops, seeing you, then grins. "Well," she booms, "it seems I finally have a roommate! I'm Ingrid Faulkenhausen, who might you be?"

You make your introductions, or at least, you attempt to follow your tutors teaching for a proper introduction to another noble. You don't think you mess it up, and Ingrid doesn't seem confused, so you count that as a win. Ingrid speaks up, "You're a noble then? I'm a burghers daughter myself. Da managed to find me a scholarship. I've always been good with my hands. What about you, what brings you to the Imperial College?"

"Machines make sense," you say simply. Ingrid grins and nods.

Pick three:
[]Early calculus
[]Ingrid drags you to a bar
[]Altdorf exploration
[]Chattin' in Latin
[]Dueling club
[X]A copy of Leonardo da Miragliano writings

If we're going steampunk, we might as well commit.


I'm just really curious what this is going to be.

[X]Ingrid drags you to a bar

I'm, sure, getting this character drunk won't result in any strange behavior.

[X]Altdorf exploration

Might as well get to know the town we're gonna be living in.
[X]A repeater pistol

[X]Ingrid drags you to a bar
[X]Chattin' in Latin
[X]A copy of Leonardo da Miragliano writings

[X]Dueling Club
[X]Chattin' in Latin
Are we restricted to just weapons? Or can we make things that improve the Empires logistics and infrastructure as well?

The Printing Press for example, would be a major boon and should be easily achievable with extant design technologies.