Cluster-Comics: A riot quest about making a superhero setting

So, I have discussed some things with Donald Darf, and apparently he lost interest in continuing this. But, I have been authorized to potentially continue this in a new thread. I'll be getting to work on trying to set it up, and copy and paste what we currently have, so, yeah. I'll post the link soon enough to everyone's who's interested. Or just in this thread. So... Yeah. See you on the flipside.

Fractured-Pages Comics (Cluster-Comics: Continued): A Riot Quest about making a Superhero Setting Modern - Superhero

You are a group of extradimensional writers capable of remolding entire universes into whatever you may desire by simply coordinating your efforts and joining your powers to set such changes into existence. Create a strange, wonderous but ultimately fantastical cape setting that can hold all...

Now let me work on a list of info and think on whether to summarize or copy what has happened already.