Clouded Dreams - Weyland-Yutani Colonial Council RP [SV: You are the Middle Management]

=} Clouded Dreams {=

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=} Neo-Okinawa {=

Heat, thin air and spores that get into lungs and mechanical systems.​

In many ways Neo-Okinawa is the kind of planet that would be nothing more than a navigational note in the steady expansion of humanity and its both political and corporate overlords across known space. Set in the Outer Veil, the region of space that separates the Core Systems from the Outer Rim, its system was both distant from the more populated sectors of the region and the American Corridor that connects the Core Systems with the UA sectors on the Outer Rim. Indeed the planet might never have been anything more than another low priority terraforming candidate for the decades to come, if it wasn't for its most dangerous - and profitable feature: its thick and heavy atmosphere. Deadly to humans and corrosive to its technology, it is filled with chemicals and trace particles that find use in the most sought after product on the frontier: terraforming. As soon as the prospectors returned the colonization and exploitation rights of the planet were claimed by Chigusa Corporate, to fuel its projects along the Outer Rim.

When the first colonists in 2123 arrived, they found a world where height - not wide - was the decisive factor for human colonization. The atmosphere they ventured into was thick and while it can be breathed in with the aid of a filter mask, the deeper one heads below the tallest of mountain peaks, the quicker a mix of biological and chemical contaminants render any such protection toxic to its user. While the mountain peaks that hold the few human settlements are downright pleasant, the thick atmosphere turns the lower mountain rangers semi-opaque, while the deep banks are shrouded in eternal fog that makes human vision near useless. Technical tools light sophisticated ultraviolet or infrared viewing equipment help, but sometimes there are pockets of even more impenetrable gasses forcing humans into complete darkness.

Visibility and breathing aren't the only problems: the deeper one descends towards the surface of Neo-Okinawa, the greater the heat and pressure placed upon anything that travels through the fog. While the lower mountain ranges are still habitable, as long as a human wears protective equipment outside and isn't exposed to the atmosphere and heat for more than a few short moments, living in this eternally dawn is a miserable existence reserved for prisoners if necessary at all. Still, some of the largest and complex flora and fauna call this place their home and these plains are covered in large active fungi fields, who prosper and die in the sweltering heat and fill the air with all sorts of interesting biological remnants.

The colonists stuck to the largest mountain range they could find, using or creating plateaus to found the five settlement sites that made up the human habitation and exploitation of Neo-Okinawa: Motobu-Terminal; Naha-Spire; Onna-Pump; Izena-Industries and what would later become the Doya.

For the first generation of the colonists the work was hard, but worth it. They could see their new home coming into existence around them and the high demand for the refined gasses of the planet were making sure that Chiguas Corporate was more than happy to take a gentle approach to the settlements, never squeezing far too much. This only started to change in the late 2140s. With Weyland-Yutani strengthening its position in the region in its conflict with Biodyne and Chigusa, the exports of Neo-Okinawa found themselves both beset by pirates and Weyland-Yutani worlds undercutting the prizes to flip customers across the Veil.

The decrease in profits were at first gradual, but by the midst of the 2140s they were downright plummeting with a whole generation of workers and colonists seeing their lives work and savings crumbling away in face of inter-corporate rivalry. Things might have continued like that if not for the Core conflict breaking out in 2147 with the Revolt of Alexandria. While New-Okinawa was far removed from the Core, news of rebellious colonies sparked a restlessness that proved to be the tinder for the spark that was flight #56A on the 1st December of 2149.

Facing the descent of the colony into unprofitability the corporation had decided to replace large parts of its human work shift with Working Joes, with the intention of staffing the more protected factory and cargo jobs with synths, while the human workers would find themselves in the more exposed areas of the colony, working where machinery would need to be replaced too often. Without a warning nearly half of the colony's staff were laid off and lost their company provided shelter, leading to a mass exodus towards the southern plateau that had so far only served as scrapyard and waste deposit. The shock that had allowed this did not hold for long and on New Years Eve of 2050 an improvised explosive took out the board meeting of the colonial administration at the spaceport, paving the way for nothing less than open revolt. While the immediate targets were the synths, much of the colony's upper management was unable to escape reprisals, with angry colonists storming offices and shuttles before they could take off. Later investigations by Weyland-Yutani Authorities would find no proof of off-world support, but would deport quite a few of the original instigators on charges of smuggling.

For the next years the colony attempted to organize itself without Chigusa Corporate Authority and would repel two attempts to pacify the plateaus by PMC forces. By the midst of the 2150s conflict was widespread between the superpowers - and the corporations backing them - leading to further attempts from various powers to bring the wayward colony under their sway. In the end it was the threat of hunger - and a generous offer by Weyland-Yutani, that saw the status of the colony restored after both the local representatives and negotiators of Chigusa Corporate agreed to an offer by Weyland-Yutani in 2161.

Today, eighteen years later, the settlements of Neo-Okinawa exist in a careful balance between continued autonomous self-representation and the Weyland-Yutani corporate council. The negotiations of 2161 did lead to a takeover of the main colonial infrastructure by Weyland-Yutani, while the settlements themselves continue to enjoy autonomous status under the aegis of the corporation. Whereas all colonists were automatically employees under Chigusa, today only around a quarter of the population are actually Weyland-Yutani employees, with standard issued IDs and corporate positions. The remainder of the population is working for smaller subcontractors, plying their own trades or just taking whatever job is coming their way. This hasn't allowed the colony to return to its old glory, but is a stark improvement over the situation prior to the revolt. Still, there are those who see the return under a corporate oversight as a mistake; those who still dream of the olden days or haven't forgotten that Weyland-Yutani profited the most from the woes that hit the colony in the 2140s.

The planet is hostile, it degrades and denies - who is to say that its inhabitants didn't take on some of these traits themselves over the last generations?

=} The Plateaus {=

The five plateaus that serve as the basis for the five permanent settlements on New-Okinawa were found by the first prospectors and served as base camps from which a few expeditions descended into the lower heights - with limited success. Still, with the atmosphere being thin enough to allow for limited habitability, as long as safety procedures and filter masks were used, they formed the prime spot for colonization. On the backs of these towering mountains, the crown of the world, did Chigusa Corporate build their settlements, using natural plateaus or flattening mountain tops to make space for heavy machinery and buildings. Crucial was the height of the installations, with higher plateaus offering safety from the gasses and spores below, while lower lying plateaus offered the ability to tap into the planet's rich gasses more easily.

At the highest point of the planet rests the Motobu-Terminal, the main spaceport of the planet. Renovated and expanded under Weyland Yutani, the octagonal spaceport is the beating heart of the settlement, surrounded by warehouses, officers and apartment buildings for the dockworkers. With a population of 200 it is not the smallest settlement, but widespread automatization - even if Synths are still a no-go for the older colonists - have made large parts of the dockworkers superfluous, leading to their exodus into the Doya-warrens. Being further removed from the other settlements, but connected to them over a tram line and two cableways, the Terminal is also home of the Weyland Yutani security forces, whose transports are stored next to the spaceport and whose members have their barracks a bit removed from the local colonists.

The Naha Plateau is only set a little lower than the Motobus plateau, but Weyland-Yutanis new Spire has made sure that no one will forget its premier importance on the planet. Home to the administration, the bureaucracy and the Weyland-Yutani Colonial Council, the Naha-Plateau is the smallest of all settlements with barely 220 permanent inhabitants. On the other side these are nearly completely made up of Weyland-Yutani employees, whose ID chips allow for tracking and control more encompassing than anywhere else. They also enjoy the highest living standard on the planet, with many local shops and services being employee-only. Single acts of terrorism in the past decades have made it necessary to establish a surveillance network across the plateau, allowing security services to keep an eye on anyone entering over the bridge or the cableways.

The Izena-Industries are maybe not the main export of the colony, but they are its beating heart. The two vast factories are new constructions by Weyland Yutani, built over older constructions. Their smelters and production lines are serviced by thousands of local workers, with the products mostly including replacement parts and pre-fabs for the expansion of the colony. Their output has remained consistently high enough that off-world imports are restricted to smaller and harder to make parts. With most of the plateau covered in industry, only a small staff of around 200 people are permanently living between the warehouses, mostly including custodians and local overseers that have to be ever present and able to reach the factory lines if something goes wrong.

The Onna-Pump is the main extraction facility around the rest of the colony. Its vast pipe network stretches down into the lower regions of the planet, large enough that whole vehicles can move through them for maintenance to scrub out the fungi creeping into them. With vast fusion powered chemical processes, the gasses of the planet get filtered and turned into valuable resources for terraforming projects or industrial production. With the pumps running without stop, the staff necessary to keep the facility running despite the gasses and the fungi is large, with more than 600 people calling the plateau their home. While many of the workers are Weyland Yutani employees, others are self organized subcontractors, offering to take care of specialized tasks. This has led to a small but noticeable sense of inequality between full workers and subcontractors, with the former enjoying many perks offered by Weyland Yutani. Still, in the fight against rust and growth, both sides are ever working together to keep the Pump pumping and the air in their houses clean from both natural and industrial pollution.

While life around the Grand Pump can be hard, those who have found their place on the Doya-Plateau are the worst. These are the people who have lost their livelihoods, who have been kicked out or have been unable to find employment in the grand industries. In many ways this has led to a disconnect between the local settlements and those under more corporate sway with both Weyland-Yutani control and promises having less pull in these parts of the colonies. With nearly 1200 inhabitants, the Doya has formed a parallel society, which offers cheap labor to the better off plateaus and has taken over the waste management, recycling parts and growing foodstuff from the leftovers of the other Plateaus. Resting at a lower height, the air is often sweltering, with the occasional storm blowing fungal spores into the streets and covering them in a rust-like red sea of quickly growing and dying fungi fields. Still, for the people who live in the Doya, this is their home and among them are many veterans of the revolt who have been blacklisted - unofficially - by the new Corporation or have rejected a return to working for a Company. Militant Groups like the Oshyun-Uprising have their hideouts in the warrens beneath the Doya, underground tunnels that are partly natural occurring and partly the result of mining or waste disposal attempts. Many of them get flooded with fungi or deadly gasses when the winds turn, deterring any but the most persistent of pursuers.

=} The People {=

Weyland-Yutani Employees are as varied as the positions they fill: From the janitorial staff in the Spire, to the very rooms of power at its top. While some truly believe in the company's promise of building better worlds and see their post here as an integral part to it, many more are simply in it for the money, with wages and services that give them an outstanding position among their peers in their settlements. In return for such an privileged position, Weyland Yutani employees are beholden to company directives (or face pay cuts), are implanted with ID chips and expected to adhere to a higher standard than other colonists. Still, for all the attempts of the company to create an esprit de corps, informers and backstabbing are prevalent at the higher and lower levels of the company.

Independent Subcontractors are not really independent. They belong to local corporations that are led by former and current members of the autonomous administration of the settlements. Their influence and power in their local communities are guaranteed by the payment Weyland Yutani offers for their services - without looking too closely at how they are performed. This state of co-dependency has allowed the subcontractors to expand their power base over those without access to Weyland Yutani credit lines, while in turn supporting the actions of the corporations colonial council.

The Doya are outcasts from the networks of credits and power, belonging neither to the Employees of Weyland Yutani nor to the Subcontractors that have access to offworld wealth over jobs for the megacorporation. If anything small and dangerous jobs are available to them, like cleaning the pipework of the great pump or working in the thick gas of the lower heights to install new pumps for it. In turn they are also the most independent from corporate control, their numbers meaning that they can choose and pick when to engage with corporate society - or at least that would be the case if all production and replacement parts on the planet weren't in Weyland Yutani hands.

The Oshyun are the remnants of the dreams of the 2150s, dreaming of a world beyond the grasp of the corporation, where the wealth and work of the colonists would improve their own lives and not just the ledgers of far away corporate masters. Their numbers and activities have waxed and waned in the last decade, ranging from political activism to bombings and attacks on Weyland Yutani Security Forces. While they recruit mostly from the Doya on the southern plateau, they have members about everywhere and there are talks of secret bases and tunnels in the lower regions and among the old non-functional pumps and pipings of the Onna.

=} Issues {=

The vital importance of Neo-Okinawa to the supply of the terraforming stations of the Outer Veil, have led to increased worries about the possibilities of hostile corporate action. The higher ranks among Weyland Yutani have not forgotten just how the colony had come into their hands and there are ever steady warnings about corporate espionage and sabotage, with some rumors about corporate sponsored raiders in the Veil picking up old feuds once again. As a result but surveillance and corporate security have been stepped up, hoping to make sure that any overt action turns too costly and blatant for the taste of the company's rivals. Who knew if the Chigusa Corporate was plotting a return, or Jĭngtì Lóng was eying the gas supplies for its own terraforming projects.

But danger does not merely lurk among the stars, there are issues in the colonies themselves that are worrying. The position of the InSubs is growing more and more insecure, as those who work for them demand a larger slice of the income and those who are unable to find work with them assail the fact that the whole profitable market is firmly partitioned between those managers that had helped Weyland-Yutani establish itself on the planet. This has led to conflicts and strike-like behavior among the subcontractors, as well as to pressure from the Doya, who are getting organized by the Oshyun in both a local political arm - and a more militant cell structure that has ni the past attempted to waylay shipments of supplies and weaponry for corporate security.

But humanity is not the sole issue facing a smooth running of the refinery and pump-facilities. There is the very planet itself, with its heat, its gasses and its fungal spores. Sudden storms and heavy winds can carry them into habitats and machinery and without hundreds of the most desperate descending into the depths around the plateaus with tools and vehicles to clean them, they would fail, all clogged up by growth and weakened by erosion. Heavy convoys have to clean the tram system between the Naha, Izena and Doya Plateaus with a few deaths every few months being a low number as fungal colonies grow in the breathing system, the lungs or any other opening they find. Even more dangerous is the work on the cable car system, with maintenance crews having to visit the towers holding them suspended above the deepest and hottest parts of the mountain range, where nothing human can survive in anything but the heaviest of vehicles.

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Mechanics and Character Sheet
=} Mechanics {=

Time is organized in Turns. Each turn is, at the start of the game, equivalent to one week of IC time. Each turn actions are taken, events happen or resolve and the mechanical side of things gets calculated. One way or another, time continues to march forward to distant goals.

Space is the surface of Neo-Okinawa, in particular the five plateaus settled by humans and their surroundings. For ease of orientation and bookkeeping, the map is organized in hexagonal sectors. Each sector has a given population, which showcases how many of the plateaus inhabitants are settled on it. Furthermore they have a stability and danger rating, showing just how orderly - or not- an area is.

Actions are the way by which players interact with the world. Each turn players can take as many actions as they have free assets available. Actions are performed over the duration of a turn in a given sector.
A players own character counts as an extra asset that allows one favored PC action
per turn.

Assets are your hands, your eyes, your ears. They are the people working for Weyland Yutani, working for you. Assets have a Name; Type; Quality, Cohesion, Movement and Upkeep. Beyond these assets are not interchangeable, they have their own description with their strengths and weaknesses - their Quality is mostly a way of giving you an easy one-glance overview of their strength and professionalism.
Type: Assets come in four different Types: Security; Support; Science and Special Services. This serves mostly to give an overview of their intended role and strength, but they can still attempt other things too.
Quality: ranges from Tier I to Tier V. The higher a units quality, the better they are at their chosen profession.
Tier I Assets are impromptu and thrown together.
Tier II Assets are still green or in training.
Tier III Assets are Professionals.
Tier IV Assets are Veterans of their industry.
Tier V Assets are downright unique.
Cohesion: is the HP of a unit, its health, their moral and general state of supply. As they run into obstacles and dangers they can be impacted and lose Cohesion, with a unit ceasing to exist when it hits zero.
Movement: is the range a unit can move on its own when public transport and services are disrupted.
Upkeep: is the amount of supplies necessary for the asset to continue operating at 100%. Should a units upkeep not be met, it will loose cohesion and its performance suffers.

=} Council Creation {=

Control, planning and development of all Weyland-Yutani Assets on Neo-Okinawa rests in the hands of a Corporate Council and the highest ranking Weyland Yutani Managers on it: You. Each player chooses a role at the start of the game, you may apply to all by writing which you would prefer and then adding roles in descending order.

The Director is responsible for Special Operations on Neo-Okinawa, their posting involves a certain amount of finesse, mercilessness and all-encompassing knowledge that is necessary to keep the companies investment safe from hostile corporate action. The director gains access to Tier IV and V Special Operations Assets.

The Administrator is responsible for the Support staff of the colony settlements, their duties ranging from the administrative, to planning, engineering and diplomacy with the Independent Subcontractors. Their grab bag of responsibilities comes with access to Tier IV and V Support assets.

The Head of Security is on site to make sure Security won't become bored - and is ready to shoot at any suddenly awakening space locust or giant multi-legged monstrosity digging its way out of the tunnels below. Responsible for the safety and security of company property, they can access Tier IV and V Security Assets.

The Chief Scientist on Neo-Okinawa is responsible for the Science Division, with their main task being the research of more efficient gas mixtures, as well as exploring the local biosphere. While their job mostly involves watching fungi grow, this means they have access to Tier IV and V Science Assets.

=} Character Sheet {=

Dear Weyland-Yutani applicants,
The board of directors welcomes your initiative in applying for leadership positions on Neo-Okinawa. In pursuit of our quarterly goals, the situation on the planet needs to be stabilized and the gas-supply secured. The Board places its utmost trust into you - and is sure that it shall be rewarded. Please fill out the following form to officially enter your application:


1. Tell us about yourself and describe your background.
2. How did you hear about this position this quickly?
3. What type of work environment do you prefer to create?
4. How do you deal with unforeseen situations?
5. Why are you interested in a position in the Outer-Veil?
6. What has been your greatest professional achievement?
7. What motivates you?

8. How would you combat a decrease in Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer sales in the Colony?

[You start with a Budget of 20 Points. You can wait with this till the positions are chosen - or not. Either way all players can buy from all asset lists up to Quality III, with higher qualities limited to the players in the corresponding role.]

[Asset Costs are equal to their Quality tier]

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Asset List
=} Asset List {=

=} Special Operations Assets {=

Security Specialists - Network
While spy might be the more straightforward moniker, specialists come in various shades ranging from the open and inviting face to more technically able hackers and surveillance specialists. They form the basis of any intelligence network - or at least the layer that is of interest to their corporate masters. Their presence keeps an open eye and open ear on any grumbling or forbidden organization among the workers.
Type: Special Operations Assets
Quality: II
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 1
Upkeep: 1

Corporate Internal Security - Team
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Weyland Yutani finds itself exposed to near constant scrutiny - be it by the Empires or its Corporate Rivals and both defensive and offensive operations are everyday occurrences both in the hallowed halls of power on Earth and in the far flung corporate holdings across the frontier. Members of CoInS are veterans in their field and bring with them a variety of legal, illegal and paramilitary abilities that are available to the highest bidder - or those holding their loyalty ever so tightly by other means. Spies, assassins and saboteurs, they are willing to do just about anything for their next boni.
Type: Special Operations Assets
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 2
Upkeep: 2

Weyland-Yutani Signal Intelligence - Team
Space is cold, dark and empty - but never silent. The true expertise of a Signal Team becomes clear when they are able to restore scrapped communications, ferret out hidden laser signals across low orbit or make sense out of seemingly meaningless background noises being bounced across the atmosphere. With modern equipment, long experience and a great number of Synths they are able to drag out any hidden transmission if given enough time.
Type: Special Operations Assets
Quality: IV
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 1
Upkeep: 2

Weyland-Yutani Wetwork - Squad
Sometimes the company faces problems that do not want to go silently into the night - or can't be allowed to do so. The Wetwork Squads are Weyland Yutanis answer to the brutal reality in which business has to happen. Armed with precision rifles, bombs and a plentiful of tools and toys that money was able to buy, the wetwork squads are loyal, reliable and deadly. While there are rumors of whole units made up of unfeeling and undoubting killer synths, the truth is that they tend to be an eclectic mix of veterans, mercenaries, former special-ops and indeed the occasional synth. They are able to deliver death in many forms: discrete poisons or spectacular bombings - depending on what corporate policy demands.
Type: Special Operations Assets
Quality: IV
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 3
Upkeep: 2

Synthetic Infiltrators
It is human to fear what is different - and it's even more natural to fear what may appear human at a first glance, but isn't in truth. Especially on Neo-Okinawa synths are a social taboo - at least in the colonies main industries. Few people know that the company isn't above inserting synthetics into key positions be it in the administration, the work force or the research wings - if only to keep an eye on their organic colleagues. When it comes to espionage, sabotage and infiltration none can match the sheer versatility of the machines involved - fewer might even find out their true nature in time.
Type: Special Operations Assets
Quality: V
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 3
Upkeep: 3

Aerodyne Light VTOL Automotive Gyrocar
The gyrocar is a typical vertical takeoff and landing automobile found on the more civilized worlds of the Outer Veil and Core systems. Expensive, temperamental and hard to maintain their numbers are limited on colony worlds - especially on Neo-Okinawa with its gasses and fungal storms. For most colonists the presence of these flying cars has a single meaning: corporate. Be they agents, administrators or managers - the Automotive Gyrocar is a clear sign of corporate allegiance, but also able to swiftly move from one position to another.
Type: Special Operations Assets
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: Limitless, from special Landmarks (Starport, Factories, Pump or Spire), can transport one team
Upkeep: 2

GCP Urbal Control Transport
Specially designed for corporate security forces in urban environments, the UCT looks like a sleeker and more rounded and fanciful version of the M570 Series, preferring style and finish over the heavy turret. Armored against both heavy weaponry and mines, it can move swiftly and security through streets, blending in with some of the more civilian cars - at least till it exposes its frontal dual plasma gun turret. Able to move small teams of experts around without too much of a spectacle, they are preferred vehicles for small but hard hitting teams.
Type: Special Operations Assets
Quality: IV
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 4 (Plateaus and tram lines only), can take a single unit with it.
Upkeep: 2

=} Support Assets {=

First Responder Unit
On more terrestrial worlds, Relief teams might involve firefighters and first responders of the traditional kind - on a world like Neo-Okinawa, they are specialists in operating inside of fungal storms and have perfected the art of getting people into shelters and into gas masks. When a danger is ready to hit the colony, they are the proverbial fire brigade that gets send out with light vehicles and heavy tools to bring order into Chaos.
Type: Support
Quality: II
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 3
Upkeep: 1

Engineer Team
While the amount of sheer labor that is available on Neo-Okinawa is impressive for a colony world, it's nothing without guidance. Here the teams of engineers, architects and certified Powered Work Loader handlers in your employ come into play. They can erect barriers, repair machinery, keep track of the Gondolas maintenance and all in all make sure that any project or repair beyond the planned actions in the colony can be undertaken safely and reliably - without any danger of things falling apart in the long run.
Type: Support
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 2
Upkeep: 2

Public Relations Team
Doing good may be well and all, but being known for doing good - or for doing just about anything is the part that is really important. After all, what good are your actions if nobody ever gets to know about them? The men, woman and synths of the PR Department make sure that everyone that happens in the colony has the right kind of spin: may it be a new construction site, a new work quota or answers to the question of just what is taking so long with the construction. If you want to calm people down, if you want to rile them up - or if you need to write a positive message for the managers back at Earth, their input will be necessary.
Type: Support
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 1
Upkeep: 2

Weyland Yutani Logisticians - Team IV
While production rates are all well and nice, they help no one if the goods produced remain in their warehouses. The Weyland Yutani Logisticians are groups of number-minded individuals and specially designed Synths who have a single purpose: moving people, goods and money around. No matter if you need to cram things into a ship, reroute cargo without chaos or simply need to make sure that production centers operate at peak performance - the Logisticians are ready to be sent out.
Type: Support
Quality: IV
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 1
Upkeep: 2

Mobile Sender
Communication is key - the mobile sender is nothing less than the guarantee that nothing will cut you off. Set into a heavy chassis, it's a ground-to-obit satellite dish that hooks up to the local iteration of the grand network that Weyland-Yutani has spanned from the frontier to the core and earth. Signals sent by you can be bounced off thousands of comm arrays before they reach their destination - if they aren't lost to the buzz and radiation of space. While communications inside the system can be performed in near real time or with some lag, messages from the HQ or closer branches of the company can take quite a while.
Type: Support
Quality: V
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 1
Upkeep: 5

Mobile Workshop
Sometimes a colony has certain needs it wasn't designed for - sometimes Weyland-Yutani managers are worried about the reliability of local workers and production facilities in face of a tense and conflict fraught history. The mobile workshop is a modular mini-factory set on a series of heavy duty tracks that can be moved with some difficulty - but in return offers the ability to reliable generate at least a small amount of supplies or ammunitions in the worst of circumstances.
Type: Support
Quality: V
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 1
Upkeep: 4 or -4

=} Security Assets {=

Weyland-Yutani Security - Hundred
Given matching uniform overalls, stun batons and small arms, WY Security performs tasks that are typically left to police units on non-corporate planets. Known for their perchance to bribery, coercion and less than lax standards, they nonetheless succeed at keeping the peace across the colony. Some by actually engaging with a given issue, others by at least doing nothing to make it worse. Most of the time they are just a mass of bodies that can be sent in to restore order.
Type: Security
Quality: II
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 2
Upkeep: 1

Weyland-Yutani Guards - Company
Lightly armored and equipped with equally light infantry firing arms - most famously of course the M41A Pulse Rifle - the Guards are mostly on Site security, keeping care that Weyland Yutani Installations are able to withstand light attacks by raiders, rivals or hostile locals. Able to call upon some light transports, they can make good speed in rough terrain.
Type: Security
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 3
Upkeep: 2

Weyland-Yutani Commandos - Platoon
Tightly knit squads of ex-marines and other professional soldiers, Weyland Yutani Commandos have entered corporate services for the money, the advancement or because they were promised solutions to various problems plaguing them. Loyal and expertly led, they are the core of the response to any threat to the corporate holdings .Deploying in armored vehicles like the M540 or M577, they can traverse even dangerous terrain in relative safety making them perfect as emergency brigade - or corporate raiders.
Type: Security
Quality: IV
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 3
Upkeep: 3

Weyland-Yutani Combat Synth - Squad
While the Corporation will deny their existence before any court in the Core, deployment in the outer regions quickly shows a tendency for high value objects - or people - to be guarded by Combat Synths. While their very existence is prohibited by the Geneva Convention, their utility is far too great. Combat Synths know no fear, no pain, are bulletproof even without armor and can form a local network that allows for perfect synchronization. While they can use human transport vehicles, they are able to move just as swiftly through any terrain by their powered legs. Heavy Weapons and heavy grad armor, makes for a supremely deadly combatant.
Type: Security
Quality: V
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 4
Upkeep: 4

Weyland-Yutani M22A3 Jackson Medium Tank
The M22 is a venerable - some might call them ancient - design that is commonly called a dinosaur, for its creation dates back to the last century. Phased out nearly completely in the Colonial Marines, many of these tanks have made it into the frontier as part of mercenary or insurgent groups - suffice to say that a few getting into corporate hands isn't that much of an issue. Well, maybe it will be for the locals who have to see you speeding a 85mm rifled cannon and 20mm gatling gun through their streets.
Type: Security
Quality: IV
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 3
Upkeep: 4

Weyland-Yutani Bearcat Strikeship Squadron
Designed by a WY subsidiary, the Bearcat is a light assault helicopter designed to serve as escort for dropships and offer air-to-ground support to the boots on the ground. Able to medivac wounded, they form the best - and only kind - of air support that the company has made available for you.
Type: Security
Quality: IV
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: Limitless, needs to start at the spaceport.
Upkeep: 6

Weyland-Yutani Civilian Cheyenne UD-4B VTOL Squadron
Discontinued by the USCMC as of 2172, UD-4B is the original production model and is now only in use in the private sector. The 4B has no provisions for nose guns and no deployable weapon bays. Making it, mostly, an overly pricey sky-taxi. Still, if you want to be able to reach any place on the planet and beyond at relative speed and safety, this is your ride.
Type: Security - Transport
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: Limitless, needs to start at the spaceport. Can take another unit along.
Upkeep: 4

=} Science Assets {=

Field Assistants Team
Bright-eyed and escaping crushing student debts, the field assistants are the up and coming bright minds of the Weyland-Yutani research divisions - or simply the meat sent into the grinder of any new planet surface. Equipped with mobile containment devices and sensors, they can be sent in to poke anything of note for their superiors.
Type: Research
Quality: II
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 2
Upkeep: 1

Field Researchers Team
Deployment across different worlds builts not only character, but also gives field researchers a sixth sense for things like man-eating alien parasites; choking fungi and rather persistent mud - all the pleasures of stomping around alien worlds before Weyland Yutani makes them better. They come with experience, state of the art sensor equipment, the willingness to poke things with a long stick and some limited mobile research equipment.
Type: Research
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 1
Upkeep: 2

Weyland-Yutani Scientific Cheyenne UD-4R VTOL Squadron
Where other Cheyennes are designed for their transport capacity, the UD-4R has a sole goal: data gathering. With a sensitive sensor suite and heavy radar capacities, it is able to offer crisp images of both the ground, the air and the lower orbit. A squadron of these dropships can easily cover a whole plateau in a matter of hours and give you up to date information on what is happening on the ground.
Type: Research
Quality: IV
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: Limitless, needs to start at the spaceport.
Upkeep: 4

Mobile Hospital & Research Lab
A series of pre-fabs placed on top of heavy tracked vehicles, the mobile hospital and research facility combines the greatest advances in both medical services and bio-organic research, into a lab far away from home. It comes with enough beds to service a small outposts, the machinery necessary to run tests on completely new and alien diseases and parasites and all of that in an armored and shielded prefabricated hull.
Type: Research
Quality: IV
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 1
Upkeep: 4

Weyland Yutani 'Dog Catchers' Team
Officially part of the Weyland-Yutani Commandos, the Dog-catchers are a specialized team using both the protective Ape-Suite, as well as heavily armored synths to deal with hostile flora and fauna - wrangling them into containers as non lethally as possible to facilitate their research. Their presence on Neo-Okinawa is, if anything, thanks to hopes that the depths of the planet hold interesting specimens for Weyland-Yutanis ever growing interest in alien lifeforms.
Type: Research
Quality: V
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 2
Upkeep: 3

The NZ-HTT is a giant among ants - its a heavily armored and airtight vehicle that has more in common with a submarine or a spaceship than any other kind of surface vehicle. Designed for the exploration of the depths of Neo-Okinawa it has multiple airlocks through which heavy duty synths can be sent out to gather probes and samples, while retaining its own integrity against the ever present heat, pressure and fungal spores. Their return always heralded by a throughout shower, but at least the research teams can actually experience the state of the lower lying areas for themselves.
Type: Research
Quality: V
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 3, can take another unit along. Can traverse the depths.
Upkeep: 4

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whydoyoubother - Hernandez Yobert Mcdonnel
Name: Hernandez Yobert Mcdonnel
Gender: Male
Position: The Administrator

1. Tell us about yourself and describe your background.
-42 year old company man working as middle manager of waste disposal on various planets, currently stationed on Neo-Okinava. Married with child, both working within the company.
2. How did you hear about this position this quickly?
-I am subscribed to several newsletters and have written several algorithems to identify any position i have minimum requirement for and to automatically generate a general, neutral appliance.
3. What type of work environment do you prefer to create?
-Smooth running operation of well-trained staff expanding slowly to fill the needs around. On-job training where safety is paramount.
4. How do you deal with unforeseen situations?
-Accordingly. If the W-Y handbook does not have a chapter on an unforseen situation, apply common sense.
5. Why are you interested in a position in the Outer-Veil?
-Economical raise due to higher rank within the firm.
6. What has been your greatest professional achievement?
-20 years on the job without screwing things up monumentarily. I believe in progressive advance to minimise risk for long-term gain.
7. What motivates you?
-Money. Money is given by Weyland-Yutani. As such, my motivation becomes Weyland-Yutani.
8. How would you combat a decrease in Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer sales in the Colony?
-Step 1: Access grey market and artifically drive up bartering-prices for Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer, creating a lucrative new bartering incentive for Aspen Beer. Step 2: Limit Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer Shipments for 6-12 weeks. Step 3: Flood the Market with Witheld Shipments.
Step 4: Profit-Margin rises and balances again.

Upkeep: 12

First Responder Unit
On more terrestrial worlds, Relief teams might involve firefighters and first responders of the traditional kind - on a world like Neo-Okinawa, they are specialists in operating inside of fungal storms and have perfected the art of getting people into shelters and into gas masks. When a danger is ready to hit the colony, they are the proverbial fire brigade that gets send out with light vehicles and heavy tools to bring order into Chaos.
Type: Support
Quality: II
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 3
Upkeep: 1

Engineer Team
While the amount of sheer labor that is available on Neo-Okinawa is impressive for a colony world, it's nothing without guidance. Here the teams of engineers, architects and certified Powered Work Loader handlers in your employ come into play. They can erect barriers, repair machinery, keep track of the Gondolas maintenance and all in all make sure that any project or repair beyond the planned actions in the colony can be undertaken safely and reliably - without any danger of things falling apart in the long run.
Type: Support
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 2
Upkeep: 2

Engineer Team
While the amount of sheer labor that is available on Neo-Okinawa is impressive for a colony world, it's nothing without guidance. Here the teams of engineers, architects and certified Powered Work Loader handlers in your employ come into play. They can erect barriers, repair machinery, keep track of the Gondolas maintenance and all in all make sure that any project or repair beyond the planned actions in the colony can be undertaken safely and reliably - without any danger of things falling apart in the long run.
Type: Support
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 2
Upkeep: 2

Public Relations Team
Doing good may be well and all, but being known for doing good - or for doing just about anything is the part that is really important. After all, what good are your actions if nobody ever gets to know about them? The men, woman and synths of the PR Department make sure that everyone that happens in the colony has the right kind of spin: may it be a new construction site, a new work quota or answers to the question of just what is taking so long with the construction. If you want to calm people down, if you want to rile them up - or if you need to write a positive message for the managers back at Earth, their input will be necessary.
Type: Support
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 1
Upkeep: 2

Weyland Yutani Logisticians - Team IV
While production rates are all well and nice, they help no one if the goods produced remain in their warehouses. The Weyland Yutani Logisticians are groups of number-minded individuals and specially designed Synths who have a single purpose: moving people, goods and money around. No matter if you need to cram things into a ship, reroute cargo without chaos or simply need to make sure that production centers operate at peak performance - the Logisticians are ready to be sent out.
Type: Support
Quality: IV
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 1
Upkeep: 2

Weyland-Yutani Security - Hundred
Given matching uniform overalls, stun batons and small arms, WY Security performs tasks that are typically left to police units on non-corporate planets. Known for their perchance to bribery, coercion and less than lax standards, they nonetheless succeed at keeping the peace across the colony. Some by actually engaging with a given issue, others by at least doing nothing to make it worse. Most of the time they are just a mass of bodies that can be sent in to restore order.
Type: Security
Quality: II
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 2
Upkeep: 1

Aerodyne Light VTOL Automotive Gyrocar
The gyrocar is a typical vertical takeoff and landing automobile found on the more civilized worlds of the Outer Veil and Core systems. Expensive, temperamental and hard to maintain their numbers are limited on colony worlds - especially on Neo-Okinawa with its gasses and fungal storms. For most colonists the presence of these flying cars has a single meaning: corporate. Be they agents, administrators or managers - the Automotive Gyrocar is a clear sign of corporate allegiance, but also able to swiftly move from one position to another.
Type: Special Operations Assets
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: Limitless, from special Landmarks (Starport, Factories, Pump or Spire), can transport one team
Upkeep: 2
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Lord Necromancer - Jaune D'Arc
Name: Jaune D'Arc

Civilian Wear
Gender: Male
Position: Head of Security

1. Tell us about yourself and describe your background.
-I was born into one of the Old Families back on Earth. I'm 24 years old, Blonde, in good shape, scored top in my class in tactics and teamwork in the officers academy.
2. How did you hear about this position this quickly?
-My Sister Violet is head of the Beowulf's PMC and she heard about this position through the grapevine and sent it my way since she knew I was looking for a position.
3. What type of work environment do you prefer to create?
-I prefer to create an environment where my people can be safe and further their skills while being properly equipped and ready.
4. How do you deal with unforeseen situations?
-I survey the situation and any intel I have and try my best to maneuver any forces available to fix problems based on their talents and equipment.
5. Why are you interested in a position in the Outer-Veil?
-I believe that this position will allow me to gain the highly valuable experience needed to be head of security
6. What has been your greatest professional achievement?
-I would say that my greatest professional achievement was my 3rd job as a security consultant where I took command of the security assets from an incompetent corporate security officer and prevented terrorists from derailing a train and crashing it into the cities walls, thus letting in the hostile fauna.
7. What motivates you?
-The skills and experience that this job will provide, along with the contacts that I will build.
8. How would you combat a decrease in Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer sales in the Colony?
1) Look at the data to determine what is causing the decrease in sales and proceed from there.
-A) If it is due to competition with local beers, see if local retailers can be persuaded to move our beer to better positions to increase perception.
-B) If it due to import delays, talk to admin to see if the import schedule can be streamlined.
-C) If it is due to price, see if reducing the price of individual bottles increases total sales and thus overall profit margins
-3x Weyland-Yutani Guards - Company (9pts)
-1x Weyland-Yutani Commandos - Platoon (4pts)
-1x Weyland-Yutani Civilian Cheyenne UD-4B VTOL Squadron (3pts)
-1x Engineer Team (3pts)
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kosi - Angelina Carver
Name: Angelina Carver
Gender: Female
Position: The Administrator

What you looking at?

1. Tell us about yourself and describe your background.
-Second-born daughter of a distinguished family, I'm 25 and counting, I have several degrees and diplomas, and have done some work in the company HR division at home branch before being transferred here.
2. How did you hear about this position this quickly?
-A friend of mine heard about this position and notified me of such.
3. What type of work environment do you prefer to create?
-A professional and efficient one, one that could finish any task that need to be done.
4. How do you deal with unforeseen situations?
-Allow others to deal with it if it is under their purview, if they are mine, handle it in way that comply with company guideline and policy.
5. Why are you interested in a position in the Outer-Veil?
-Despite the place's remoteness, this position hold a particular value to the company, as such, if I do a good job, the experience and accomplishment should help my career.
6. What has been your greatest professional achievement?
-Per detail of my file, section E-23, I have several notable accomplished during my short tenure over at home branch HR division, the most notable of which is Incident H-HR-I-213, Where me and my team managed to successfully handle a sudden emergency of Hab 31, the failure of which would cost a sizeable investment of the company.
7. What motivates you?
-Career advancement, prestige and not embarrassing the family name.
8. How would you combat a decrease in Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer sales in the Colony?
-I'm sorry what? um... undercut any competition, sabotage if necessary. Improve the quality of our beer, upping the marketing. There many way I can do thing, but I'm unsure of how effective it will be until I see the data to determine what kind of action need to be done

1 X Mobile Sender (5pt)
1 X Mobile Workshop (5pt)
1 X Weyland Yutani Logisticians (4pt)
2 X Public Relations Team (6pt)
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Currently incapacitated by a particularly nasty cold, but I wanted to show my interest early. Will be making an app for the Chief Scientist position when I feel a bit better, hopefully over the weekend.
Easter - Janet Stahl
Name: Janet Stahl
Gender: Her
Position: Director or Administrator

1. Tell us about yourself and describe your background.
  • I'm what one might call a "scholarship brat", or in less kind terms a street rat! Yes siree, born and raised in the slums of Berlin to two parents that struggled to find jobs most of the time. The only reason I survived until school age was from the the charity of neighbors and government funds. But once I got into school things went pretty dang well for me, though I will admit a big part of it was a mix of luck and a passion for learning over raw intelligence.

    Early into my education, my scores were noticed by a corporate recruiter for a minor project Wayland and Yutani Corp were running in our area on education and the effect certain chemicals have on it. When the recruiter noticed me and asked my parents for permission they of course tripped over themselves to accept, after all the company would pay them for it!

    To cut a long, and boring I assure you, story short I was part of that experiment for the entirety of my time in school. It's also the reason I was able to afford to go to college, since as soon I hit eighteen the money started to go to me along with an offer to work at the corp as an intern while attending college. From there I worked my way from position to position, usually at the behest of my good friend Director Salem. She was my original lead when I was an intern and has been an instrumental help in guiding my growth over the years, both personally and career-wise! But I digress, now I'm here applying for this job.
2. How did you hear about this position this quickly?
  • My good friend in Corporate Security brought it to my attention, she recommended I apply for a position better suited to test my leadership skills in a more permanent station. You'll likely recognize her from my initial application, she's Director Salem. One moment I'm working for her on counter-measures to synthetic impersonators and the next I'm hearing about this job!
3. What type of work environment do you prefer to create?
  • An understanding one, When people feel like their boss knows them and understands them then they work twice as hard! Plus when a company understands its employees and their problems then the company can preempt any issues before they can occur. Of course, this can lead to rather… coarse actions needing to be taken but the vast majority of the time, it's a positive thing for employees! After all, who doesn't want to know they're always being protected under the watchful eyes of security?
4. How do you deal with unforeseen situations?
  • I take a second and get a grip on the situation before I act! Employees shouldn't rush into a situation without understanding and preparation, better to a minute to make a plan with 100% chance of success over a 50/50 shot immediately.
5. Why are you interested in a position in the Outer-Veil?
  • Its simple really, I need to prove myself. The fact that I can do that while also helping the company is a winning combo! If I can help in securing this station and our employees from sabotage or espionage then I will have proven that I'm a great employee and that I can do so much more for the company than what I've shown so far.
6. What has been your greatest professional achievement?
  • It was actually while working for my good friend Director Salem, I was assigned to her internal review team on security threats on Titan. It was a mostly normal job for the first half to be honest, only getting interesting near the end when we realized that there had been a leak due to a rather clever use of *cough*, well I can't say of course but suffice to say it was quite an interesting little trick! Luckily a little fieldwork to track the source of the trick and some "executive action" allowed us to crack a massive espionage ring that tapped into Wayland-Yutani research on the planet. You might even heard about that one, though you would only remember Director Salem's name since she was the lead of the team.
7. What motivates you?
  • What motivates me? Well that's an easy answer, I like making my friends happy and doing good! Just like I said before, Director Salem thinks I can do well here and I would love to impress her by doing a great job while making the area safer for the corporation.
8. How would you combat a decrease in Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer sales in the Colony?
  • I will admit that's not quite my wheelhouse, but from what I do know of such industries then I would encourage a free first beer for patrons. Once they taste a refreshing Aspen beer then they'll feel the need to buy more! Plus it would encourage more customers to go to the bar or stores to buy them in the first place which should lead to more purchases in general, after all who just buys one beer?

Mobile Workshop:
Type: Support
Quality: V
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 1
Upkeep: 4 or -4

First Responder Unit x 3
Type: Support
Quality: II
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 3
Upkeep: 1

Engineer Team x 2
Type: Support
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 2
Upkeep: 2

Public Relations Team
Type: Support
Quality: III
Cohesion: 100%
Movement: 1
Upkeep: 2
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AKuz - Juliette Greene
Name: Juliette Greene
Gender: Female
Position: The Director, The Head of Security

1. Tell us about yourself and describe your background.

I was born on Earth herself just over 55 years ago, though I have lived the vast majority of my life in service to The Company.

Initially hired by the company as a data analyst shortly after graduation from the University of Pacifica with a degree in cyber-security, I was assigned to several missions in the frontiers whose details remain classified as field support.

During these deployments I discovered a talent for field operations that saw me recommended for weapons and tactical training. After several more deployments over the next decade, the quality of my work and my discretion again saw me recommended for additional training, this time in strategic and tactical security management.

Once I completed my management training I was once again assigned to field operations, this time in a command position, where I distinguished myself, completing several missions.

While those details of those missions remain sealed under non-disclosure agreements, access to my personnel file will reveal several commendations and dozens of recommendations by senior management for efficiency, discretion, and professionalism in difficult situations.

2. How did you hear about this position this quickly?

I have served with Weyland-Yutani for over thirty years and certain colleagues believed that I would be well suited to this position as I transition away from the field operations portion of my career.

3. What type of work environment do you prefer to create?

Professional. Clean. Sober.

Those under my command will be given to understand that we have a job to do and we should do it quickly and efficiently.

Dishonestly, blame-shifting, sabotage, and rumour mongering will NOT have a place in any department which I oversee.

4. How do you deal with unforeseen situations?

Isolate, investigate, contain, detain, destroy.

In that order.

5. Why are you interested in a position in the Outer-Veil?

The company is my life and I am proud to advance to a more senior staff position be it in the Outer-Veil, in the Core or wherever else I am stationed.

6. What has been your greatest professional achievement?

That's classified. Please refer to the operational logs of incident INDIGO-VIGILANT 854.

7. What motivates you?

The rush of completing my work quickly and efficiently is what drives me personally.

However, on a philosophical level, I believe in providing a controlled environment in which humanity can thrive, and Weyland-Yutani's mission is how I accomplish this.

8. How would you combat a decrease in Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer sales in the Colony?

Celebratory events in which initial rounds are shared as a company reward, but subsequent rounds are charged to personal accounts, with public example and shaming used to subtly pressure the non-compliant into purchasing more drinks.
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Just Some Guy - John Irons
Name: John Irons
Gender: Male
Position: Head of Security

1. Tell us about yourself and describe your background.
-I am a only child of a middle class family, currently a single 33 year old veteran turn mercenary turn head of security(if I do get this job), I have served a few tours of duty got honorably dischard and became a mercenary for a few years building connections with other mercs and former comrades before finding the opportunity to work under Weyland Yutani.

2. How did you hear about this position this quickly?
-I got the info through the connections I developed and the hearsay along the mercenary grapevine.

3. What type of work environment do you prefer to create?
-Efficient and safe environment, prefer to prevent conflicts from occuring and if it does occur I would deal with it swiftly if not then I will work to minimize potential losses and costs to the company.

4. How do you deal with unforeseen situations?
-I always make backup plans and redundant systems(ex:extra equipment, plans to evac VIP's, etc...), in my experience as a mercenary expect the unexpected and have my men maintain readiness at all times in case things blow up whether it needs them to be a scalpel or a blunt hammer to wipe out opposition.

5. Why are you interested in a position in the Outer-Veil?
-I see it as a good opportunity to get more connections(not just mercenary ones but also political or economic ones) that I might need in the future.

6. What has been your greatest professional achievement?
-If I had to choose, it would be the time I saved the Vice President of a corporation and killed his would be assassin and safely escort him out of the area while being pursued by several other asassins.

7. What motivates you?
-Like most mercenaries it's money that's the whole point of being a mercenary in the first place.
-However when I do get a job I try to stick it to the end so if a rival company tries bribery, it won't work on me, it won't look good on my resume after all and will likely just get me blacklisted.

8. How would you combat a decrease in Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer sales in the Colony?
-Marketing isn't my forte but if I had to do it it would be done through the following steps:
8-1. I would inquire on the product/beer itself and learn all the info on it(it's cost(production, transportation, etc...), quality, general favorability to the locals and other colonies).
8-2. I would research what are it's competitors and also look through all info on it similar to the 1st step.
8-3. Conduct survey's/interview's on the people's opinions on our Aspen beer and the other local beers to see what steps can be done to improve the beer/make it more favorable to the consumer(whether that's by lowering cost, advertising through important events like sports games in order to target a wider or specific consumer base, creating more varieties/flavors of the beer).
8-4. Due to the fact that I wasn't given a time limit on it but I assume I have to improve sales after 1 year at least, if I am required to finish this in a hurry I would have to resort to blackmail/intimidate the other competitors, sabotage them(production, industrial espionage like stealing beer recipes since I assume some might have a secret ingredient), launch smear campaigns to tarnish the competitors however I'd like to point out that these actions have to be done as a emergency/last resort as it would damage Weyland Yutani's image(sure we have lots of PR teams and lawyers and we would win lawsuits but the people wouldn't believe our spiel easily if anything it would just make them not buy our products out of spite).

-2x Weyland-Yutani Guards - Company (6pts)
-1x Weyland-Yutani Commandos - Platoon (4pts)
-1x Weyland-Yutani Bearcat Strikeship Squadron (4 pts)
-1x Weyland-Yutani Civilian Cheyenne UD-4B VTOL Squadron (3pts)
-1x Engineer Team (3pts)

Total: 20 points spent
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Hydrokinesis - Dr. Julia Iron
Name: Dr. Julia Iron
Gender: Female
Position: Chief Scientist

Doctor and Head Nurse
Doctor Julia Iron
Head Nurse Anne Vivifica

1. Tell us about yourself and describe your background.
For my background I shall attempt to be brief, but descriptive. When it comes to my background as a doctor I was born and raised within a wealthy household in London, England. My parents, who were both surgeons themselves, impressed upon me a goal that I could aim for, which was joining them in the neuroscience field. When the time for post-secondary education arrived I initially followed in their footsteps by joining the university that they had went to themselves. Unlike them I was not satisfied by merely learning about one specific subsect of neuroscience, because the brain's many wonders are something that defies a singular approach.

Following my graduation I initially declined the offers by Weyland-Yutani Corp for reasons that, at the time, I felt were entirely reasonable. WYC's offers featured a blatant distinct lack of morals that was too much for me to live with. There was lines that no person should cross, the sanctity of the mind should be carefully maintained and recovered whenever possible. The goal of correcting the many issues people develop with their brain was always my primary goal, second to developing devices that could augment the human mind. As I eventually discovered, WYC doesn't play fair.

Predatory hiring practices which involved blocking my application to other medical institutions and practically forcing me to sign my life away meant that I ultimately ended up in WYC. But now I was at a disadvantage and my hands were tied. I either obeyed and cut into people's brains in their twisted idea of science, or I would most likely find myself dead and disposed of for knowing too much. In the end I like to think that I was no different than those I put under the knife. While the people that could generously be called patients physically lost parts of themselves, I metaphorically lost parts of myself with every cut.

2. How did you hear about this position this quickly?
My own battered morals won in the end and my desires immediately led to hardly subtle movements by management above me. The location I was previously employed at was set to be filled by people more compliant and complacent with the experiments that WYC sought. All was not lost, not immediately, with that lab's Director, someone who typically referred to themselves as 'Chief', assisting me and a handful of my staff with a rapid transferal. This position at Neo-Okinawa was merely one of many I applied to and one that I hoped my staff and myself were welcomed in.

Ah, but I suppose I should probably give a better answer. I found out about this position through my supervisor's supervisor who offered it to me as a... Break away from the frantic pace required by my previous place of employment. My diligence and strong work ethic were beyond expectations that had been levied for my previous position, and so I was offered a reward after over a decade of service there. This position and my accompanying staff was to be my reward, with my staff accompanying me to ensure a smoother transition.

3. What type of work environment do you prefer to create?
I am a firm believer in work prior to relaxation, but work should not interfere with a person's healthcare routine. Proper preparedness starts with the individual and from there extends to the workplace. Failure to maintain one's self, such as failing to eat properly or exercise regularly, is tantamount to desertion of the workplace. Mental impairment caused by diet, lack of exercise, and lack of stimulation can be as deadly in a lab as directed sabotage. Mistakes, things made by people of sound body and mind, may be excusable, provided that those who committed such acts learn appropriately.

4. How do you deal with unforeseen situations?
Typically with a cold and rational mind. Reacting impulsively begets accidents and the Company has, over time, shown that accidents may bring about severe punishments. Whether these punishments are meted out by Company or whatever was being done is irrelevant because neither is likely to be 'fun'. If the unforeseen situation allows for it I will do my best to be flexible, within limits, and obey Company policy, within limits. But my goal is ultimately to put humanity as a whole first now that it probably won't get me killed.

5. Why are you interested in a position in the Outer-Veil?
The location of Outer Veil was desirable to me due to the fact that it is so far removed from other areas where past relations could be found. It is not that I wholly dislike those I have worked with before and the tasks that I have done. But the Outer Veil is indeed removed from them and thus removed from mistakes that I have made that might see me either removed from the company or used in the experiments I had once conducted. Hopefully, the location also proves to be far enough removed from the goals of my prior research that I need not fear aliens as well.

6. What has been your greatest professional achievement?
My greatest achievement is something that I wear every day. The metal arm that has replaced what was once a perfectly unserviceable arm is something that has a sense of touch, offers feedback, allows proprioception to function as it should, and is, effectively, a natural extension of my nervous system. Replicating this for others has long since been something that Anne and I sought out to achieve originally two decades ago, it being a positive step for medical sciences. So with my own arm as a proof of concept we was allowed to further this progress, but with an appropriate twist to fit WYC mandates. The logic being that if a brain can control electronic components, electronic components should be able to control a brain.

While WYC has made extremely big leaps for AI and synthetic lifeforms, there is a lack of progress when it comes to integrating organic nerves with cybernetic attachments. Medical science has progressed in lazy ways, with the focus on medical sciences largely being directed towards alien lifeforms over all else. As such the deficiency when it comes to prosthetics and supplementary cybernetic attachments has been a gaping black hole within WYC efforts without much hope of being corrected. Such things exist, certainly, but the ability to properly interface with such things naturally via a body's nervous system has always escaped WYC's reach.

Given the position I am being put into I understand that these achievements mean nothing, but it does not limit me and my team from offering such services to people of Neo-Okinawa should I be able to do so. Medical science and neurological things are my primary area of research but I am certain I can adjust as required.

7. What motivates you?
Hopefully helping humanity where I can remains my primary motivation despite WYC's efforts to remove such a thing from me by forcing me to abuse and kill my fellow humans for so many years. Even if I must spend my own time, working hours beyond what are mandated, I will do so if it means that in the future humanity might find itself in better health. I don't usually view this drive being too pervasive in my life though my head nurse feels otherwise, since she has forced me to take breaks even when there is still science to do.

8. How would you combat a decrease in Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer sales in the Colony?
A decrease in sales of Aspen Beer would not normally be something that I see as being a downside. Beer and other intoxicating substances may not be fully out of a system when research and science are to be done. Additionally, the contents of such often promote lax behavior during off-work hours which could mean less drive towards maintaining one's overall health. This is not to say that I do not understand its value as a morale booster but imbibing such things should be done in moderation during specific times.

If I must ensure the sales of an alcoholic product I will admit a lack of required knowledge. First I believe I would start by evaluating the price of alcohol and the costs of transporting it to the colony. Reducing the price of the product in question that would seem like the best stop I can think of. And then, over time, gradually raising the price back up to the point it was previously at to resume the prior profits. This period of time I expect would most likely span months or years given my extremely limited knowledge of sales.

Assets: 20 Unspent Points
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TheMaskedReader - Dorothy Burkett
Name: Dorothy Burkett
Gender: Female
Position: Administrator, Director, Head of Security - In order of suitability/preference.

1. Tell us about yourself and describe your background.
I was born to three wonderful parents on a small farm in a Wey-Yu colony working for an independent subcontractor of the Company. Their hard work, and a Weyland-Yutani scholarship, enabled me to attend a top-ranked university where I studied modern corporate practices, with a focus on public safety and brand management. Following that, I entered employment with the Company as a security specialist, working with Company PR teams to ensure that Company events and announcements were properly screened and that security measures were top-notch for VIPs promoting Weyland-Yutani's brand. After that, my career path led me to work closely with Weyland-Yutani's Internal Security Division, protecting the Company's brand, as well as ensuring our corporate values were kept at the forefront of every employee's mind. Over the past thirty years, I've worked with various Company departments, contractors, and teams as a consultant, manager, and colleague, ensuring productivity, compliance, and, most importantly, integrity.

2. How did you hear about this position this quickly?
As part of my work, I make it a habit to keep myself up to date on internal company postings, to ensure that I'm proactive in volunteering myself for any work that I believe I'm well-suited for. Going above and beyond is a principle I strive to apply in both my work and in my approach to opportunities.

3. What type of work environment do you prefer to create?
My ideal work environment keeps the foundational motto of Weyland-Yutani in mind - Building Better Worlds. Any work environment is, by necessity, collaborative, and so I would seek to ensure that every team member is invested, engaged, and motivated to do the best job possible, for themselves, their coworkers, and the Company. Creating an atmosphere that is welcoming and productive, without being lax on discipline or enforcing company policies on workplace standards, is key to this goal. Team-building is also key - Everyone's a part of the Weyland-Yutani team, after all, and they should feel like it. I strive to create a workplace that, while adherent to the Company's strict standards, feels uniquely flexible to each team member's unique circumstances and requirements.

4. How do you deal with unforeseen situations?
Unforeseen situations, while a challenge, must be treated also as an opportunity to grow and improve, both on a personal level and with regards to the Company's image and assets. Comprehensive analysis, delegation, and swift action to capitalize on these opportunities must be taken to ensure maximal benefit can result from the resolution of these situations. Taking advice is also key - Singular perspectives are often limited, and oftentimes, consulting and working with all assets and perspectives available will turn even the most unfortunate unforeseen situations into key assets of future operations.

5. Why are you interested in a position in the Outer-Veil?
The Outer Veil, in many ways, represents to me the future of Weyland-Yutani. As we build these better worlds, through terraforming and colonization, it's important to always remember the little guys who live there, who depend on Weyland-Yutani for employment and opportunity, and from whom our most promising recruits often are drawn, having looked up to the Company and its mission for their entire lives. I hope that, by contributing to enriching the Outer Veil and assisting the development of Weyland-Yutani's market share in the region, these captive markets can be secured for great benefit to the Company and mutual prosperity for the inhabitants of the area. The future isn't just in the stars - It's in the thousand gleaming Weyland-Yutani colonies situated in every planet and star system.

6. What has been your greatest professional achievement?
I'd say that my greatest professional achievement is the teams I've managed to build along my career path, many of which still function as exemplars of efficiency and remain top-class in their achievements. As a manager, one cannot be measured by one's accomplishments, but rather, by what one guides one's subordinates to accomplish, in the name of the Company. Every team, department, and subcontractor I've left behind that has been more productive than when I worked with them, stands as part of my ongoing greatest professional achievement - Improving the Company.

7. What motivates you?
I believe fully in the Company's mission, and every day, I know that I'm doing my part in pushing it forward. Whether I'm training new employees of the Internal Security Division, conducting Positive Counseling with employees who've violated the Weyland-Yutani Code of Conduct, or performing quantitative analyses of productivity metrics in a sales team, every piece I contribute to Weyland-Yutani is a piece towards a better world.

8. How would you combat a decrease in Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer sales in the Colony?
I would conduct a market analysis of the factors leading to the decrease in sales. Are we seeing rises in alternate brands taking up market share? Are we seeing drops in alcohol consumption? Are we seeing negative reactions to recent brand decisions? When the causes have been isolated, precise corrective action can be taken to remedy the flagging sales, ranging from increasing availability to targeted advertisements to brand identity building.

However, the big picture of what such sales mean for the Company cannot be forgotten when conducting such measures - If, in the course of such analysis and corrective measures, I find that decreased beer sales are leading to higher consumption of Weyland-Yutani-provided alternatives in a way that is more profitable for the Company, or other such circumstances, I would make recommendations to accept the minor loss of sales of one product in favor of allowing the greater rise in profits. The Company's overall brand and asset profitability must come before individual product success.

Weyland-Yutani Security - Hundred (2 Points)
Weyland-Yutani Guards - Company (3 Points)
Weyland-Yutani Commandos - Platoon (4 Points)
Weyland-Yutani M22A3 Jackson Medium Tank (4 Points)
Weyland-Yutani Bearcat Strikeship Squadron (4 Points)
Weyland-Yutani Civilian Cheyenne UD-4B VTOL Squadron (3 Points)
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Another Amoeba - Antony Serroelof, Ph.D., D.xG.S.
Name: Antony Serroelof, Ph.D., D.xG.S.
Gender: Male
Position: Chief Scientist

1. Tell us about yourself and describe your background.
I bring extensive experience to the Neo-Okinawa colony. You'll find that my first thesis was focused on the transplantation of fuel-bearing Lithophytes onto interplanetary substrates--growing biofuels on extraterrestrial rocks. Call it boring, but you cannot claim it is not relevant. My Xenogeological doctorate was more applied. My team spearheaded improvements to the differentiation components on deep crust sensors, of the sort used by this colony's very GasTank, which I hope to one day captain. They respond much better to the presence of intervening material: organic soil, biological lifeforms, even fungal gunk, if I am up to date on the literature.

I have kept these skills sharp in the corporate world for nearly two decades. Seven years at InJect, during which time I implemented improvements to terraforming gas mixtures that increased market value by two Credits per cubic meter, that was six percent at the time. Then, you headhunted me. In my most recent project, I served under Mr. Jay Branson, establishing the Floater Isolated Research Facility on Gee Eridani's gas giant. You will have to follow up with him on the specifics, but the nature of the work in terms of biological research was not dissimilar to the other half of my anticipated duties on this planet.

2. How did you hear about this position this quickly?
You'll find FRIF was transferred out of Mr. Branson's control, and into Military Applications, about a month ago. But the grunts didn't want to make too much of an enemy of the biological science corps, and they really don't want us to go outside the company, so me and a few others were put up for transfer to related projects. I would be expecting to bring some of my old team aboard.

3. What type of work environment do you prefer to create?
I referred to captaining before, and I will call upon the image again. A proper science department is staffed with capable, skilled people who each individually excel at their role. They are a crew. Standing at the peak of their efforts, my task is steering them, corralling their individual flights of scientific genius and fancy towards the most productive ends. I cannot claim I have become entirely a manager. I keep a handle on my team by inserting myself into specific projects on a regular cycle, like a sailor making his rounds, but I view my role as providing authority and direction to a skilled department of professionals.

4. How do you deal with unforeseen situations?
A scientist must capitalize on every result that comes his way. Research often fails to pan out. However, a failure to turn even the most dismal result into new lines of progress is a failure, mainly, of imagination. On the other hand, my research methodology on Neo-Okinawa must emphasize flexibility and the capability to pivot towards the most meaningful lines of inquiry, in both scientific and corporate terms. It was only a century ago that the Amazon and African rainforests yielded their secrets, and medicine advanced a decade or two in the span of a few postdoctoral fellowships, owing to scientific curiosity and flexibility. We must call upon those memories on this frontier.

5. Why are you interested in a position in the Outer-Veil?
Oh, curiosity, the romantic notion of exploration, and no small appreciation of the fact that this opening is remarkably well suited towards my skills. I am hardly a Core university laboratory sort of man. In my fields, the actual breakthroughs come from places like this.

6. What has been your greatest professional achievement?
FRIF, of course. But no, let me emphasize a different project I can tell you something a little more about. My first thesis I mentioned in passing, and do not think I am too held up on old glories, but the effort it took to manage that project pulled on every skill I had as a twentysomething. Securing funding? Public grants and selling corporate access to research results. Then, I was to defend the academic worth of economic research. For context, I should mention the university I hail from the particularly high-minded Jovian Polytechnique. Then, there was managing five worksites on as many planets. I found myself managing androids, Working Joes, I am afraid, not the real deal, but all that proves is I cannot be defeated by any employee. Pursuing successful research and defending that thesis required financial, material, diplomatic, and of course scientific skills.

7. What motivates you?
I am driven by a clear-eyed understating of two duties. As a scientist, it is my task and honor to contribute to human knowledge. As a member of the private sector, I recognize that immense capabilities are put at my fingertips with the expectation that these are stewarded wisely towards your ends, the biological and chemical exploitation of Neo-Okinawa.

8. How would you combat a decrease in Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer sales in the Colony?
I wouldn't. But I have been provocative, so I shall rephrase. It is important to maintain perspective, and while I should not silo myself away from my fellow department heads and administrators, my primary focus will always remain the development of the planet's biological and gaseous resources. That is the method through which economic value leaves this planet and enters circulation. Now, beer sales, as a product and as synecdoche for good relationships with the natives, are necessary to keep an eye on, but are not within my purview. If I notice something, I would first refer the problem to my colleague, the head of administration, who is far more able to deal with the particularities of diplomatic and economic relations.

NZ-HTT GasTank IV (5)
Weyland Yutani 'Dog Catchers' Team (5)
Corporate Internal Security - Team (3)
Field Researchers Team (3)
Field Assistants Team (2)
Weyland-Yutani Security - Hundred (2)
LurkingWreck - Catherine Schaefer
Name: Catherine Schaefer
Gender: Female
Position: Head of Security

1. Tell us about yourself and describe your background.
You want my whole life story then? Sure, though it isn't exactly riveting material. Was born on Earth in '47, part of a family with deep roots in North America. Childhood wasn't that great, grew up scrawny you see, and kids can smell weakness a mile away. Didn't exactly help that my parents were dead-set on getting me into one of those fancy private schools that churn out lawyers or doctors and such, while little Cat swallowed the military recruitment ads they plastered all over our school, hook, line and sinker. Had a bit of falling out with the family after that sadly, though I think it's for the best we don't talk to eachother anymore.

Wanted to join the Marines, as any young recruit dreams of doing, but I didn't make the cut. Instead I got saddled with the Army, though I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy my time in the service. Met good people, did good things, even if the majority of the time we were stuck at base waiting for something to happen. Got discharged back in '78, because as always, you ship up or ship out. Drifted for the next couple of years, surviving off odd jobs and whatever the Army felt like giving that month. It wasn't exactly pleasant, but it got me here, didn't it?

2. How did you hear about this position this quickly?
A few of my old Army buddies are serving in the local security units. They figured another familiar face would be nice, and so gave me call. Said I would be doing the exact same things as back in the service, but with triple the pay. The wonders of the private sector never ceases to amaze.

3. What type of work environment do you prefer to create?
There's this saying I've heard that I find fitting for that question. "You can take a soldier out of the Army, but you can never take the Army out of the soldier." I'd like to foster that discipline and professionalism that forges a bunch of strangers into an effective unit, even if it might be a tad in excess in the private sector. I'm not expecting this to be the case in off-hours. Joke and fool around all you want, but be ready to flip that mental switch and follow orders without question, if something unexpected crops up.

4. How do you deal with unforeseen situations?
Speaking of unexpected... Methodically, if I had to put a single word to it. First priority should always be to identify the problem, for if we don't, we're just throwing lives and/or money at the metaphorical wall until something sticks, which is greatly distasteful and wasteful. Once the issue has been identified, it's time to regroup and organize an effective response to contain and resolve the problem. In the aftermath, thorough reviews must be conducted and protocol evaluated, so a similar incident cannot happen in the future.

5. Why are you interested in a position in the Outer-Veil?
As I mentioned above, the paycheck drew me in. Military pension will only get me so far in this economy, and I'm hoping my experience will justify to the higher ups I'm worth every cent.

6. What has been your greatest professional achievement?
I shouldn't be talking about my deployments. Loose lips and all that. If you want some guarantee of my skills, you can request my service file from the United States Army, just mind the black ink.

7. What motivates you?
If you asked me that question 10 years ago I'd likely answer with some nonsense about patriotism and doing my part for Humanity. The Army is efficient if nothing else at grinding down idealism like that. These days? I'd say it's getting everyone back home alive. There's always gonna be casualties in war, but I'll sleep soundly at night knowing I did everything I could to tilt the odds in my men's favor.

8. How would you combat a decrease in Weyland-Yutani Aspen Beer sales in the Colony?
Is this really something you want to ask the groundpounder? Fine, if I absolutely had to be put in charge of beer sales of all things, I'd first get some people together to give me sensible suggestions on what to do. I will be frank and say I have no business education or degrees under my belt, and so I'd like to hear what the experts have to say before I make a decision. If their suggestions are bad enough that even I could understand the problems with them, then at least I know I'm on the wrong track.

Weyland-Yutani Guards - Company
(x3) (Cost: 9)
Weyland-Yutani Commandos - Platoon (Cost: 4)
Weyland-Yutani Bearcat Strikeship Squadron (Cost: 4)
Weyland-Yutani Civilian Cheyenne UD-4B VTOL Squadron (Cost: 3)

(OOC Note: I promised a Chief Scientist app, but when I found this piece of art my muse decided we were going for this instead. :V)
IC Thread

I would like to thank everyone who has applied for this game and as always it has been hard to choose who to take for the limited amount of slots I can offer. I hope you know that I appreciate being in the position of having multiple great applications to choose from - and that I really feel bad when I have to give some the chance, while others won't - at least not at the start of the game. Starting with the four chosen players, I will keep everyone else on the waitlist and shall contact you should a slot open.

Well, I hope that we will all have a great time with this RP and those who didn't make it in with the first four choices, will form an eager peanut gallery, waiting to see how things go~-

Chosen for the first wave are:
@AKuz as Director.
@Easter as Administrator.
@TheMaskedReader as Head of Security.
@Another Amoeba as Chief Scientist.

If you haven't done so, please choose your Assets now~