Climbing the Ladder of Production a WH40K manufactorum administrator quest

[X] The hive foundations: You don't even know how the mechanicus expedition that discovered the manufacturrum managed to clear its way down here. Down in the darkness of the hives foundation there could be wondrous treasure hidden from sunlight for millennia but be ware for all great treasures are defended by equally great beasts and those whom have nothing else in the world but the darkness.
[X] The hive foundations: You don't even know how the mechanicus expedition that discovered the manufacturrum managed to clear its way down here. Down in the darkness of the hives foundation there could be wondrous treasure hidden from sunlight for millennia but be ware for all great treasures are defended by equally great beasts and those whom have nothing else in the world but the darkness
[X] The lower levels: It is quite likely that something of great value remains in the ruins but your operation will have to fight for its life and you will be constantly fighting off an unending tide of gangs, mutants and beasts.
Easy start, no risk of finding a great treasure that we can't keep, then we can expand down to lower levels.
[x] Near the top of the lower hive: you are not likely to find anything of note in the long forgotten machinery but the start up difficulty to the production line will be lower.
[X] The lower levels: It is quite likely that something of great value remains in the ruins but your operation will have to fight for its life and you will be constantly fighting off an unending tide of gangs, mutants and beasts.
[X] The hive foundations: You don't even know how the mechanicus expedition that discovered the manufacturrum managed to clear its way down here. Down in the darkness of the hives foundation there could be wondrous treasure hidden from sunlight for millennia but be ware for all great treasures are defended by equally great beasts and those whom have nothing else in the world but the darkness