City Claims:
  1. Adelaide, Australia: population: 162,261
  2. Hong Kong, population: 283,978
  3. Kiev, population: 247,700 (1897)
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New Orleans. 242,039

Oh and if anyone is having trouble with the 15-mile thing this site:
Map Site.

Really helps.
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Still not entirely sure how the Orders System works
Start a conversation with me titled "CST -- [City name]"
Here's an example of some of my orders from @Korona's NG
Orders 1789
Normal Order #1:
-- The legal systems of both Kingdoms, consisting of old feudal and royal laws, is confusing and at times even contradictory. A previous Secretary of State, Bernardo Tanucci, attempted to alleviate this issue. Under his tenure, he gathered together a commission of expert jurists tasked with compiling a new code of laws, the Codice Caroline. But for unknown reasons, the codice would never be completed. Now though, the current Secretary of State, although aged, believes this work should be finally finished and implemented. A new commission will be raised and allowed to inspect the previous works, if need be they may alter them, so long as it is for the betterment of the realm and approved of by the King. (Napoleonic Code? :V )

Normal Order #2:
-- The Crown has come to the (necessary) conclusion that to spare its people from further sufferings improvements must be made to the realm. Therefore, the King seeks to elevate the Kingdom's infrastructure. The first way in which the King hopes to tackle this issue by constructing a series of new roads, while also repairing the old. Furthermore, the King has ordered the construction of new modern systems of irrigation, the drainage of numerous swamps and marshes, and the erection of a number of windmills. Most peculiarly, the King seeks to open a number of agricultural schools throughout the countryside. At these locations improved means of cultivating, harvesting, and processing agricultural produce shall be taught. As well, these facilities shall serve as places of research, seeking to improve upon the techniques we already know. Lastly, lands shall be redistributed (where possible) to maximize their yield.

Election Order #1:
-- Upon the death of Domenico Caracciolo, Marquess of Villamaina and the nation's Secretary of State in July the King will be forced to find a suitable replacement. Of course, his wife will attempt to foist upon him her favorite the Englishmen and the nation's Minister of Navy and War, Sir John Acton, but the King will not choose this man. Instead, the King will choose his current Viceroy of Sicily, Francesco d'Aquino, Prince of Caramanico. This should be quite a prudent choice as he has shown himself to be a shrewd steward in Sicily. As Viceroy he continued the reform work of Caracciolo. Successfully limiting the power of the barons, centralizing power, and even eliminating the last vestiges of serfdom there, therefore reducing the number of seats and power of the nobles in the Kingdom's Parliament. As well, he is quite beloved by the lower classes of Sicily similar in nature to the King in Naples, perhaps the two can grow to be close friends allowing for an easier and steady flow in much-needed reforms
After doing some more research I've been able to find that the population of Cardiff in 1900 was around 160,000. Newport would also be included in the 15-mile range and had roughly 79,000 in 1900 which brings the total pop to 239,000 roughly. Just putting that out there before we get too far into the game.

Before I go and post I'd just like to clarify something:
Do we know at this time if the cities are in the same geographical location, or is that something we would find out after the end of the first turn?
After doing some more research I've been able to find that the population of Cardiff in 1900 was around 160,000. Newport would also be included in the 15-mile range and had roughly 79,000 in 1900 which brings the total pop to 239,000 roughly. Just putting that out there before we get too far into the game.

Before I go and post I'd just like to clarify something:
Do we know at this time if the cities are in the same geographical location, or is that something we would find out after the end of the first turn?
They'll be in the same geographical area.
Im not that crazy :V
New Orleans
Name/Capital: New Orleans
Majority language(s): English, Creole, Haitian.
Majority religion(s): Christianity, Voodoo.
Government type: Democratic Republic
Head of State: Walter C. Flower
Population: 242,039
Major Actions:
Domestic Events: People along River Road where shocked this morning to find that their neighbors and indeed entire parts of the city where missing!

Whilst many panicked some seek assistance of a darker sort. The many Voodoo priests and Hoodoo Practitioners see more business that day then they have in a while.
Economic/Supply Information:
Recently improved Dockyards and Shipping Jetties.
Ship Yards and they're associated ironworks, machine shops, and materials.
A Large Warehouse and Railroad district.
Enough Booze and Whores to make a river.

800 New Orleans Police Officers.
1,200 Of the Louisiana Volunteer Field Artillery.
USS New Orleans (Cl-22) Protected Cruiser.

Manpower Pool:12,100
Current Alliances/Treaties/Trade Agreements:

How's this look? @HumanityDark
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How am I supposed to send in orders if I don't know what's around me?

Wise allocation of your orders. That's all part of the fun, mate.

And I would imagine that scouting and exploration would be needed as an order.

I know I'm blowing at least one of mine on this.

New Orleans
Name/Capital: New Orleans
Majority language(s): English, Creole, Haitian.
Majority religion(s): Christianity, Voodoo.
Government type: Democratic Republic
Head of State: Walter C. Flower
Population: 242,039
Major Actions:
Domestic Events: People along River Road where shocked this morning to find that their neighbors and indeed entire parts of the city where missing!

Whilst many panicked some seek assistance of a darker sort. The many Voodoo priests and Hoodoo Practitioners see more business that day then they have in a while.
Economic/Supply Information:
Recently improved Dockyards and Shipping Jetties.
Ship Yards and they're associated ironworks, machine shops, and materials.
A Large Warehouse and Railroad district.
Enough Booze and Whores to make a river.

1,200 New Orleans Police Officers.
2,250 Of the 1st Louisiana Volunteer Infantry.
1,200 Of the Louisiana Volunteer Field Artillery.
USS New Orleans (Cl-22) Protected Cruiser.

Manpower Pool:72,000
Current Alliances/Treaties/Trade Agreements:

How's this look? @HumanityDark

I know that @HumanityDark said we won't be using turn posts in this game, but maybe it was an optional statement?

Your numbers are way off. Don't just pull your info out of thin air. There is absolutely no way that you have more officers than 2015 NOPD. I have ~160 police officers in Albany as of the ISOT. Try to do some wikiresearch to find some solid numbers, but if not try to be a bit more reasonable. There will definitely have been US Army companies or battalions in the area, but just a quick search will give you solid names and maybe numbers. If you need to form a force from the ground up, I'd highly suggest you send that as an order and let HD determine the results himself.

IIRC, there is a formula for determining able-bodied men within a given population. I'd use that on your population to find your Manpower Pool.
Your numbers are way off. Don't just pull your info out of thin air. There is absolutely no way that you have more officers than 2015 NOPD. I have ~160 police officers in Albany as of the ISOT.

Yeah, I did a bit more math and between total population and then and now it actually comes out to be somewhere around 800.

There will definitely have been US Army companies or battalions in the area, but just a quick search will give you solid names and maybe numbers. If you need to form a force from the ground up, I'd highly suggest you send that as an order and let HD determine the results himself.

The 1st Louisiana Volunteer Infantry is the name of a regiment during the Spanish American war. I can't find the site I originally got them from so, I cut them off but, they are a real regiment

The Louisiana Volunteer Field Artillery was the name of the 141st field artillery regiment at the time.

And where is the formula cause I just took 30% of my total population.
Yeah, I did a bit more math and between total population and then and now it actually comes out to be somewhere around 800.

The 1st Louisiana Volunteer Infantry is the name of a regiment during the Spanish American war. I can't find the site I originally got them from so, I cut them off but, they are a real regiment

The Louisiana Volunteer Field Artillery was the name of the 141st field artillery regiment at the time.

And where is the formula cause I just took 30% of my total population.
Try more like 5%. Unless you are literally scraping the barrel and enlisting every man between the ages of 16 and 60, you aren't going to be anywhere near 30%.