New Orleans
Name/Capital: New Orleans
Majority language(s): English, Creole, Haitian.
Majority religion(s): Christianity, Voodoo.
Government type: Democratic Republic
Head of State: Walter C. Flower
Population: 242,039
Major Actions:
Domestic Events: People along River Road where shocked this morning to find that their neighbors and indeed entire parts of the city where missing!
Whilst many panicked some seek assistance of a darker sort. The many Voodoo priests and Hoodoo Practitioners see more business that day then they have in a while.
Economic/Supply Information:
Recently improved Dockyards and Shipping Jetties.
Ship Yards and they're associated ironworks, machine shops, and materials.
A Large Warehouse and Railroad district.
Enough Booze and Whores to make a river.
1,200 New Orleans Police Officers.
2,250 Of the 1st Louisiana Volunteer Infantry.
1,200 Of the Louisiana Volunteer Field Artillery.
USS New Orleans (Cl-22) Protected Cruiser.
Manpower Pool:72,000
Current Alliances/Treaties/Trade Agreements: