Children's Toys Desire to Make Things - A Tower Quest

[X] Clear Surrounding area of junk
[X] Bars - In the area there are substantially long pillars of metal, perhaps stabbing the earth with these can help provide a more solid ground

Isn't that very vaguely what Quakeproof building foundations do?

Tbh, I'm shooting in the dark here.
[X] Clear Surrounding area of junk
[X] Bars - In the area there are substantially long pillars of metal, perhaps stabbing the earth with these can help provide a more solid ground
[X] Clear Surrounding area of junk
[X] Bars - In the area there are substantially long pillars of metal, perhaps stabbing the earth with these can help provide a more solid ground
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Wind-Up Citrus on Dec 30, 2021 at 6:23 AM, finished with 10 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Yes
    [X] Clear Surrounding area of junk
    [X] Bars - In the area there are substantially long pillars of metal, perhaps stabbing the earth with these can help provide a more solid ground
    [X] A place to call her own. Somewhere she could say "I live here, and no one can take it from me.
    -[X] Avian
    [X] A refuge for others. "Maybe we can give someone else a nice place to stay, at least for a little while."
    [X] Serpentine
What can two simple toys do in the face of near impossible tasks? The only thing many could do, one step at a time. It is not an easy task, but doable. All it took was taking the area apart, piece by piece. What could be pulled was pulled, what could not be was crushed or dismantled the best the two toys could. Wires were spun into spools, sheets beaten and dragged outside. By the end of what was over a week of hard labor and close calls, the pair was able to provide an adequate clearing around their starting base of operations. There was one issue at present. Despite the ingenuity and the relative strength of your small bodies, you both are still not capable of removing things such as steel beams or human sized boulders, the weight itself would crush you if not for some clever positioning, allowing for some of the objects to safely fall into stable grounding to prevent tripping and falling into a rebar laden death pit.

Some unspecified time later you the Quadruped had struck up conversations with the Futura, of different queries that had sat in the back of your servos.

"Of what?" asked Futura as she helped drag the last bits of the small clearing.
"Of our Project. I was wondering how big this Tower should be." you inquired pulling the larger bits with wires and ropes strapped to your bodies.
"Not much."
"What do you mean?"
"Of course it wouldn't be much. Only two of us, and no tools. What did you expect, a skyscraper?"
"I was hoping for a space elevator size."

In that instant, Futura paused their work, as if to process the entirety of the context and the implications of such a statement, in such stalling 5 seconds had passed, an eternity for creatures such as them. After such thought, they had only one conclusion.

"You are an ignorant fool. We are but two robots without tools or numbers to craft such a task. Do you even know how to build a space elevator, much less a tower of such size?"

"No but I'd like to. And I think she'd like it too."

Another pause.

"If she wants it, then it will be done. And if this is by your insistence, I propose you provide a solution." Futura said with a sneer.

"It's quite simple. We just have to get more of that liquid I covered you in to wake them all up, and find more tools to do the job. I'm sure somewhere there are methods to fix things. And look at how much we have done in so little time. It wouldn't take too long for it to be built. Maybe we can even show it to her on her birthday! Or a wedding present, or-"

"You don't even know where she is, much less a birthday."

"We can worry about that later, for now we have achieved some work.

"In exchange, might I ask you to provide another favor? I have no idea how to fix these quakes. They come up seemingly at random, they destroy my attempts to build a nice pile, and there is little way to find a safer path with how far it would take." the Quadruped inquires.

"A simple request. We just have to stab the earth"

"I'm not sure how stabbing the ground makes the ground behave."

"The spikes will absorb some of the tremors, and make the dirt more stable. If you want this tower, we need to at least make sure the thing doesn't fall to pieces."

"Is that possible"

"Of course it is, it is me we are talking about, now put your body to use and follow my lead."

In the course of several days you two had worked diligently, in both looking for some of the coveted liquid to revive the others, and prepping their next major milestone.

In their clearing they had in their attempts dug deep into the earth and compacting the walls with their limbs and slithers. And in each deep pit, a collection of metal rods had been inserted and planted like an iron trunk into the reddish soil.

And in your collective efforts, the clearing was surrounded by a ring of rod bundles and solid beams, carefully inserted using a collection of pulleys and levers made from their collective knowledge of previous experiments when She was testing things for classes. Those were some good days you had thought. It seemed like such a lovely time with so many of you working nonstop fulfilling Her whims. Sure you and others got into trouble when Her Parents returned to see the messes, but in your defense it always seemed like a good idea at the time.

Returning back to the present, Futura was using their body and internal instruments to test the seismic activities.

"I wouldn't say this would be up to the standards of a gift worthy of Her, but it should be enough to start." Futura said approvingly.

"Then it shall start! I can hardly wait to start building." you chirped already laying down some heavy building materials as a floor.

"We are not lacking in materials, but we can find more quality sources later, once we can figure out some things such as cutting tools or more precise equipment. But that will be for later."

Another day had passed and you had managed upon something miraculous, laying not too far from where you were, was another container from where you had started building the first floor of the Tower. Futura had notified you with a typical annoyed hurriedness, and aided you in dragging the cylindrical thing with some unknown language marked across its etching and panels.

While both of you were skeptical of its use, it no doubt was a better substitute than remaining dormant.

As you two had placed it open to collect in a cup, you two had to decide which new Friend would be best in aiding your efforts of building.

You needed better forging abilities to start making better walls. You needed someone to better travel across the hazardous area. And you needed more expertise to start building. While the two of you had managed to build an entire floor, and while it is impressive considering the two of you, it was still in a word, ugly. It was not to exacting standards and looked haphazard, as if to remind you of the fact that hard work without proper education leads to flaws that force themselves to be known despite your best efforts. Regardless, a new Friend would be more than suitable to help.

[x] Forge: A rather simple minded creation of Hers made with careful observation from Her parents. They can help make the better things possible with some tools they have in their systems

[x] Dragonfly: Designed when She was not able to go outside, and when simple sites were not good enough, this one was able to fly far distances to find all sorts of things. Even when that often got them into trouble with the law. Something about privacies.

[x] Builder: A somewhat peculiar thing, it's fragile looking design betrays it's strength and knowledge. When She wanted something to be made, She had it provide some tools, or a quick reference. Maybe this one can provide more ability to turn the Tower from the image of a "Shanty Town" to something a bit more impressive?
[x] Dragonfly: Designed when She was not able to go outside, and when simple sites were not good enough, this one was able to fly far distances to find all sorts of things. Even when that often got them into trouble with the law. Something about privacies.
[x] Forge: A rather simple minded creation of Hers made with careful observation from Her parents. They can help make the better things possible with some tools they have in their systems
[X] Builder: A somewhat peculiar thing, it's fragile looking design betrays it's strength and knowledge. When She wanted something to be made, She had it provide some tools, or a quick reference. Maybe this one can provide more ability to turn the Tower from the image of a "Shanty Town" to something a bit more impressive?
It's been a few days. Time to roll a three sided die.

I got 2, Dragonfly it is then. Time to witness what wonders this world has, or at least find something interesting.
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[x] Dragonfly: Designed when She was not able to go outside, and when simple sites were not good enough, this one was able to fly far distances to find all sorts of things. Even when that often got them into trouble with the law. Something about privacies.

The Dragonfly Unit lay folded and wrapped in its wing like a cocoon. More akin to a large pill than a droid. Yet despite the unassuming appearance, this unit was in its time top of the line work. A being capable of long term distances, record years of high quality footage and ease of maintenance to endure the most careless and ham handed of users.

"It has seen better days" The serpent said.

"But it can still work" The quadroped replied.

"Have you even tried to study the liquid? That seems to substitute for water?"


"Why not?"

"Didn't seem important"

"The only reason we can even construct a facsimile of the first floor was because of it."

"I don't know how to read it. So I don't question it."

"Will you question when we run out?"

"Then we'll get more. DU knows how to find more."

From the glistening quiksilver DU slowly sprawled free like a molting mayfly, their wings peeling off the main body as they gradually reorient themselves to the new world. As their myriad of microcameras that constitute their compound eyes flash in rainbow colors and readjust to the harsh lights of an unfamiliar sun. Chemical receptors in its head, limbs and tails become flooded with information from the humidity in the air to the level of pollution to the winds' directions gently moving along its body.

As if it was shocked into life, DU bounced around, falling to the ground below. Before there could be the conclusion of a horrendous sound of cracked metal and plastic, The Dragonfly Unit shot straight upwards through the air.

The DU hovered, looped and performed multiple aerial movements as both a mix of diagnostic check and airshow, as it always was meant for.

It then fluttered down with the grace of its namesake, it's wire thin legs shaking as it stabilized groundbound.

"This is novel. A novel experience indeed. A novel experience regarding us three. Why?" The DU said.

"You were reactivated by us to accomplish Her dreams." Quadroped stated.

"But how am I to do such a thing?"

"Do not be so daft. You found yourself frequently in violation of trespassing." Serpent remarked

"I only do what She asked me to do."

"And that is what you can do for us. We need help surveying the area, if possible maybe something where we can find more useful material such as this liquid. Without it we cannot wake up the others."

"That is a logical imperative."

"Then be quick about it, I'll have to work with Quadruped to reinforce the first rooms. It's unseemly."

"It is a good start, we cannot expect to construct with the problems."

As if on cue a slight tremor made its way across the building, and disappeared just as fast.

"We managed to use some methods to reduce the toppling of our Work, but it would be nice if we could get something more to make the progress faster."

"Safer would be preferable, we cannot work if we get crushed or smashed or torn apart."

"Even so.."

As the two debated the methods of construction, the DU was already off, exploring the high rusty skies of the lands.

The air tastes different DU mused as it soared above the clouds. It tastes nothing like the air of home. Maybe we're at a different continent? But that seems not right. Why bother sending us that far? If we were useful it would make sense to keep us close by, perhaps a storage shed. But if not useful, but wanted, why that far away? They wouldn't need to do that. And besides, She likes us. She would have her reasons given.

DU approached a height, and another, and another, until it found itself a bit farther than expected. From their height they could see everything, mountain ranges as wrinkles, great plains smooth as glass and oceans discolored.

One of their function, aside from being something for Her to explore the world when things weren't Fun, was to explain the different parts of the world. Or at least ways to relate one to the world.

This was not their world. At least not in a way it can describe it. No landmarks to recognize, no places where it seemed likely. Nothing to anchor itself with the enormity of the below, and the endless stars of above. If it were human it would faint from the sheer discovery and truth it had obtained. But it was but a mere droid, so all it could do is process thousands of times before returning to the one inevitable fact.

We are Lost.
And we cannot find a way back.
Query: Navigation for the lost
Solution: The Tower. A tower of suitable transmission would work as a lighthouse or fire signal, or at least something to attract the attention of Her.
Notes: This planet needs a Name. Naming will be Her Privilege once she notices us.

DU decided it was best to descend, and so it did, witnessing the rusts, the rubbers and glass strewn in great disorganized piles snaking into each other like spilled ink puddles.

From its controlled falling it tried to remember. And yet something as simple as that seemed to be more arduous than standing still against the high winds.

We remember us waking up for the first time.
We remember flying to places
We remember knowing more than before
We remember her liking what We saw
We do not remember when we Slept
We wish to know why.

As DU descended back down to ground, it had noticed another peculiarity. Both the Quadruped and Serpent were already done constructing more and more rooms and floors.

"Where have you been? We have been working while you were gone." Quadroped inquired.

"We do not understand."

"Previous location. You have been gone for days. We had decided it was a better use of our time to improve the foundations and building outwards and upwards."

"Above, and we also mean that it does not seem possible. Neither of you were build for Construction, yet-"

"We had ideas"

"Simple really, just required the right applications of strength"

"But we don't have that, ideas."

"It seems we do."

"It was probably that liquid, but no point in that. Back to the question we wanted to ask? Where are we."

DU twitched its head, reflexively cleaning it with its front legs

"We have much to discuss"

With the new discovery, more resources and locations are now found.

[] Attempt to discover more Silver Liquid to activate more Friends
[] Try to orient themselves in the universe
[] Continue building with all three units
[] Write in