Chaos Worldbuilding and God Quest Idea Thread

I'm pleased to have started such a popular genre of Quest. Gods of Chaos itself owes a lot to this ancient god game from the Bay 12 Forums. Which also had several successors there - it's an exciting concept.

It can be interesting quest. Good idea, which can be evolved further. Something like: "Players are presented with a set of events that should happen in the future as the quest progresses. For example, they know about the changes made two moves ahead and must prepare for them in one way or another. If they are humans/elves introduction, then prepare suitable conditions for them. If this is a threat to the universe, then come up with a countermeasure to it."

I rather like the idea of this. The Silmarillion is obviously a big inspiration for how civilizations and peoples progressed and clashed in GoC.

As far as stealing ideas from older games goes, I read a god game recently where new players/gods got in if two existing ones spent their turn making a divine child. That was a charming mechanic. I've also been pondering 'PvP' and inter-divine conflict in a future Quest like this. I love things like the chopped-off hand of a god becoming a new species or a god's fall creating a new continent, so fights between gods could be fun ways of entering unpredictable Acts into the world. PvP generally leads to saltiness, so these could just be agreed upon beforehand when any players want to add a bit of thematic chaos into the mix. This might be more appropriate for a more traditional, RP-focused god game, though.
I've also been pondering 'PvP' and inter-divine conflict in a future Quest like this.
Hmm, it giving me some ideas... Maybe it's possible to create quest, in which we have two teams of players. They compete or oppose each other using their actions. However, it seems to me that such an idea is too difficult to implement in practice.​
Hmm, it giving me some ideas... Maybe it's possible to create quest, in which we have two teams of players. They compete or oppose each other using their actions. However, it seems to me that such an idea is too difficult to implement in practice.​
Arms races do such a thing, they don't tend to survive long though. I think that the greatest hurdle is writing 2 updates each turn.
I once thought of doing that and ran into the same problem and the best way I could think of of setting up oppositions is etting up an opposing Divinity controlled by me that the Players have to contend with.

Using the system I talked about just I would give the Enemy a max of 20 points and regenerate 8 points every turn.

How victory is achieves is, borrowing the maturity system of my current quest, is 8 goals that need to be implemented into the universe, with each point reached lowering the regeneration rate of the enemy by 1 point. So victory is when all 8 are done so the Enemy would have 0 point regeneration and victory is when the Enemy uses up all its remaining points and is thus rendered powerless.

The tricky part is that the 8 points can be undone. So, borrowing from my current quest, say one of the goals is having an advanced and prospering civilization, if the Enemy does something to force civilization back into the stone ages the point is undone and it reclaims the point of regeneration.
People making worlds in these quests. However, we can make one in which the created world has a specific theme. Like, players have ability to Act and goal is to create specific type of place. Maybe they should create hell or deathworld or place for people to explore in other story.​
People making worlds in these quests. However, we can make one in which the created world has a specific theme. Like, players have ability to Act and goal is to create specific type of place. Maybe they should create hell or deathworld or place for people to explore in other story.​
That sounds like herding cats.
Probably the best to do it through the theme mechanics that already exist.
"This is the age of temptation anything that tempts people into sin will get an Act bonus."
Too easy. After all, we can try to make some kind of fictional place, give people only a name and description in a couple of words, and then let them demonstrate the power of their imagination. What will they fill this place with? What images and ideas will arise in their minds? We can even make it even more unusual - create empty magical library that needs to be filled with knowledge about magic. But these are all pretty controversial and narrow ideas I suddenly got.​
Too easy. After all, we can try to make some kind of fictional place, give people only a name and description in a couple of words, and then let them demonstrate the power of their imagination. What will they fill this place with? What images and ideas will arise in their minds? We can even make it even more unusual - create empty magical library that needs to be filled with knowledge about magic. But these are all pretty controversial and narrow ideas I suddenly got.​
Maybe you could task players with specific things, or just make list of "Themes" and "Quests" that a player can choose and stick to. That way there's a certain level of incentive to consistently build up on the stuff, and you can manipulate how it goes by offering different "Themes" and "Quests".
Too easy. After all, we can try to make some kind of fictional place, give people only a name and description in a couple of words, and then let them demonstrate the power of their imagination. What will they fill this place with? What images and ideas will arise in their minds? We can even make it even more unusual - create empty magical library that needs to be filled with knowledge about magic. But these are all pretty controversial and narrow ideas I suddenly got.​
How about starting with a pre-made base and seeing what the players do with it, like what has been done with Thousand Isles.
How about whenever a new player joins the god game they have to choice a theme. Something that they want to maximize in the world with the more of it there is the more power points they get every turn. Leads nicely to PvP.
Fate dictates the first Age be of Four Epochs, each holding three eras. Twelve Eras for the Neverborn to expend their power, and let their mark be made before the Universe is released from the protective shelter of the Womb of Chaos.

  • The First Epoch, the time of Creation where the world is still mostly uncreated chaos, time itself has not solidified and other fundamental laws still newborn and raw such that life itself is unable to exist save singular beings of power, the Primordials
    • The First Era, Beginnings: The newborn reality is still largely untouched and unshaped. The excess power freelly floating about enhancing and growing anything that might be introduced to the world. All creation is but a seedbed waiting for anything to grow within it.
    • The Second Era, Realms: The first defined points in reality are ready to be formed in the soup of chaos, whether they be stars, planets, floating islands, or endles boundaries in reality. This is the age where the basis of the setting of the time to come is brought about.
    • The Third Era, Primordials: Beings of power, the first life, the children of the Neverborn Gods. Singularly powerful they will stride across the cosmos and reshape it in their image, carrying within them the burning need of chaos to create and change to their ends. The Universe welcomes its first inhabitants.
  • The Second Epoch, the time where the universe is fully formed and is awaiting more definition, where life and magic flourishes in this time that will preclude the first great civilizations. The time of power is ended, no longer will singular beings bearing cosmic might be able to be born, forbidden by Order, yet this new order allows the flourishing of life in truth, self-perpetuating and growing.
    • The Fourth Era, Life: Whether they be titanic leviathans that swallow worlds to simple microbes that populate primordial seas, as intelligent as any of the Primordials to as unaware as the earth. All forms of life are ready to be born, growing and spreading across what was established in the age before.
    • The Fifth Era, Power: It is life's nature to seek to dominate, to grow, and to adapt. What cannot flourish inevitably declines, especially in this savage time. Many are the cries for power and so it shall be. All that is ever more receptive to power, any new tool taken and used with savage glee.
    • The Sixth Era, Heroes: With power comes the potential to stand out even in the eys of the divine. Raise them up, strike them down. See them found great dynasties or have them destroy nascent civilization, the difference between monstrosity and heroism is a thin thing after all. It does not matter. What matters is that they are remembered and their lives send out ripples that will shape civilization for many ages to come.
  • The Third Epoch, the universe has become more of Order than Chaos and thus moves towards a more structured time. The Neverborn are empowered, the last gift of chaos before it is straggled in the inviolable shackles of Order. No longer will the universe experience the Cosmic reshaping of the Neverborn's greatest thoughts, at least not through raw power alone.
    • The Seventh Era, Growth: Buoyed by newfound power and yet to get used to this new paradigm of absolute Order the Universe is malleable yet. While it will not assist in the creation of new things, it can assist in expanding what is already present, allowing things to be more than they were no matter the form.
    • The Eight Era, Conflict: Yet from growth comes conflict as others look upon their blessings and desire more. The universe follows suit, more open to things that would cause strife and destruction within the universe, reminding all the greatest beings the most fundamental nature of life to conflict and compete with all others.
    • The Ninth Era, Limitation: Yet conflict unrestrained will leave the universe lesser and the end of this epoch is marked by the many wonders of the world being restrained. Whether it be the fantastic power of the world or the World Shaping Titans that reside in it, all must be limited lest they strangle the coming ages with their unrestrained might.
  • The Fourth Epoch, the time of endings. The age of the Neverborn ends and the Primordials and their Titanic children inherit true rule from the universe. The Neverborn pull away, fading from the world, yet it is in this burning of their fundamental existence that the cost of their acts are lowered ever further, achieving an efficiency that was not possible in the previous ages, a last glimmer of the earlier times when they were more free with their power.
    • The Tenth Era, Echo of the Third - As the Dream Ends all will look back on all the Eras that forged the age, bringing about their remembrance. Echoes of this memory spread through the universe As the time closest to this epoch the echoes of Growth, Conflict, and Limitation are easily heard
    • The Eleventh Era, Echo of the Second- Yet it is followed by the echoes of the second, where LIfe, Power, and Heroes held their time of Glory.
    • The Twelfth Era, Echo of the First- Yet the beginning left an echo as well, and what better time to remember the beginning than at the end?

So just had a bout of inspiration and wrote this up. Posting it here just so I can remember it.
Each player gets 100 points representing the sum total of their ability to act.
5 Acts
  • Least- 0 point - anything that could involve a small village
  • Lesser - 5 points - anything that would involve a city
  • Greater - 10 points - anything that can shape a nation
  • Grand - 15 points - anything that can shape continents.
  • Stellar - 20 points - anything that can change the stellar bodies.
  • Cosmic - 25 Points - Anything that is not limited by the previous acts.

12 Eras, with their themes predefined, 4 Epochs with each new Epoch limiting what is possible even as it gives the Players more things to do.
Epoch 1 has no limit but no life.
Epoch 2 allows life but no longer allows individuals being empowered from Cosmic (Leanred my lesson from previous quest)
Epoch 3 limits spending of points for Cosmic Acts, so players can only pay 20 points, stellar, at most now. No Cosmic unless it plays into the Theme. In return they get 50 points to spend.
Epoch 4 Cosmic acts end Period. But the cost of acts are re-calibrated. Lest is 0 points, Lesser is 1 points, Greater is 2 points, Grand is 3 points, Stellar is 4 points
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@Planetary Tennis you might wanna change that ongoing for my quest(I kinda dropped and haven't updated it in 4 months). By the way sorry to the people who were participating in the quest that I basically ghosted. Also I have been thinking of re-doing the quest but I don't think I want to do that yet. If I were to do it again I would probably think about how the rules for the quest worked more and honestly my quest was kinda just a knock-off From Chaos. In the end I should've thought things through more.
Fate dictates the first Age be of Four Epochs, each holding three eras. Twelve Eras for the Neverborn to expend their power, and let their mark be made before the Universe is released from the protective shelter of the Womb of Chaos.
Certainly is…very thought out. Interesting to see such strong and clear limitations. Breaks the mold a bit with the Creation Riot Quests so far—and seems very conducive to building an actual usable Setting. I think a mechanic where people are allowed to give eachother points would be the icing on the cake, but this is a good and finished system.
Can I take this as you saying you've fully abandoned "Take 2"?
@Planetary Tennis you might wanna change that ongoing for my quest(I kinda dropped and haven't updated it in 4 months). By the way sorry to the people who were participating in the quest that I basically ghosted. Also I have been thinking of re-doing the quest but I don't think I want to do that yet. If I were to do it again I would probably think about how the rules for the quest worked more and honestly my quest was kinda just a knock-off From Chaos. In the end I should've thought things through more.

Don't worry I need to update it a lot with the new quests like Dragons.
Interesting, @Mannan. I've been musing on limiting total number of Acts per player as well, though in my case with a set number of Acts rather than a point system (3 Grand, 6 Lesser, unlimited Demi, Cosmic Acts still require cooperation/votes) that would replenish at certain Ages. The points where they are replenished could be linked to some kind of Fated Events (cosmic cataclysm, Silmarillion-type coming of a race, expansion of what's possible to create similar to your Epochs) that come on set Ages.

I've also tinkered with ideas for a PvP divine combat system between gods that a) does not take anyone out of play and b) changes the world just by happening. This would also include a move away from identityless Makers to asking questers to just give themselves names off the bat, I think.


Divine Combat

You may attack another deity for additional Acts. A god can only initiate one Divine Combat per Age, though they can fight in several in succession if another god chooses to challenge them afterwards. Combats between gods are resolved with a d6 vs d6 contest. The difference between the rolls determines the result, with the higher total winning. Divine weapons, allies and other advantages can provide bonuses to these rolls.

You do not need to initiate Divine Combats against NPC entities and may just smite them with a regular Act if so desired. Very powerful godlike entities created through Cosmic or Grand Acts may be battled in this way, however.

-Cosmic Act weapon or allies: +5
-Grand Act weapon or allies: +3
-Lesser Act weapon or allies: +1
-These do not stack; only the highest is counted. However, weapons and allies are counted separately.

1 over: Minor Victory. A shaming; a scar; a disruption of plans. The winner gains an additional Lesser Act. A Demi-Act's worth of consequences will occur in the world.
2-3 over: Victory. A humiliation; a wounding; a sabotage of designs. The winner gains an additional Lesser Act. The loser suffers from a Flaw for the next Age they will Act on/their next X number of Acts, which will have unpredictable consequences for their Acts. A Demi-Act's worth of consequences will occur in the world.
4-5 over: Major Victory. A thrashing for the ages; a severe injury; a devastating setback. The winner gains an additional Grand Act. The loser suffers from a Flaw for the next Age they will Act on/their next X number of Acts, which will have unpredictable consequences for their Acts. A Lesser Act's worth of consequences will occur in the world.
6+ over: Absolute Victory. An infamous defeat; a crippling mutilation; a catastrophic collapse of schemes. The winner gains an additional Grand Act and two Lesser Acts. The loser suffers from a Flaw for the next X Ages they will Act on/their next X number of Acts, which will have unpredictable consequences for their Acts. A Grand Act's worth of consequences will occur in the world.

Design Goals
-Encourage mythos of divine warfare, but;
-Prevent anyone from ruining the Quest for someone else by permanently crippling or killing their god;
-Prevent stacking of obscene bonuses to combats by only creating powerful weapons and servants;
-Strengthen themes of chaos by always having some unpredictable consequences from engaging in battle.


Phagoth, God of Decay, Prince of Black Bile and Master of Goblinkind, launches an assault on Valoros, God of Law, Defender of Civilization and Keeper of the Universal Tenets. Phagoth carries the Black-Bile Blade (Lesser Act, +1) and is assisted by the undying Nine Goblin Emperors (Lesser Act, +1). Valoros wears the Celestial Cuirass (Grand Act, +3), a mighty suit of god-forged star-steel.

Phagoth rolls a 2+1+1=4. Valoros rolls a 4+3=7. The difference of these totals is 3, meaning a score of Victory in favor of Valoros. The Black-Bile Blade clashes uselessly against the shining Celestial Cuirass, and Valoros' bolt of chaos-fire scours his flesh and sends him running.

Valoros gains a Lesser Act from this victory. Phagoth suffers a Flaw for some time; Flawed Acts always succeed in they attempt to do as normal, but additional consequences or changes may occur which can modify the original intent. Flaws will never ruin or stop an Act from succeeding.

In addition, the battle shakes the foundations of Creation simply by happening. The bilious black blood of Phagoth trickles from his wounds down to the wilds of Skaroth. There they boil and froth, sinking down into the roots of a great redwood tree. Phagoth's blood murders the tree, but will not let it die; it is trapped forever in tormented half-life, oozing poisonous sap and killing the land around it. The Black-Bile Tree has come to be. Demi-Act Consequence: The Black-Bile Tree.

With a higher difference, the consequences might be even greater. Without bonuses it is not possible to get an Absolute Victory with its Grand Act's worth of consequences, which could wipe whole continents off the face of Creation or cause mass extinctions! This means that an arms race of giving yourself weapons and allies may backfire for the whole world.

I'm thinking the loser can also accept the loss of an Act of equal value instead of taking the Flaw. In this case, Phagoth could have sacrificed the Nine Goblin Emperors, and we could say Valoros slays them instead as Phagoth makes his escape.

Any thoughts? I think this could be fun both for players and from the QM perspective, though I can see salt happening from the consequences as well.
So I've been thinking of making another quest like this. Using a system I have been mulling on for a while.
Tell me what you think.

This World is yet unshaped, countless possibilities arising within Mother Chaos waiting approval from Father Order to manifest, to make themselves what is rather than what could be. Yet for all that Order desired an orderly procession of events, it cared not for where such events start and Chaos, above all, desired novelty and new things from it to emerge. Thus the call went out, dreams and thoughts are gathered, and others are invited to bring about the World to be. Outsiders are given the Primordial Essence to shape the world and the laws that will govern these neverborn Outsiders were made.

  • There will be 12 turns in total.
  • Every Player has 100 Points of Essence to use to fuel their acts.
  • You can author as many acts as you want, the only limit to said acts are the cost of said acts
    • Basic Act (1 Point): Affects a small group of people.
    • Lesser Act (5 Points): Affects an entire city
    • Greater Act (10 Points): Affects a large region on the scale of a nation
    • Grand Act (15 Points): Affects continents and lesser planetary bodies
    • Cosmic Act (20 Points): Affects things on a stellar scale.
    • Universal Act (Special): Limitless in scope.
  • Universal Acts cannot be achieved by normal means. Cosmic is the limit of what a singular player can achieve. But there are means for an act to be made greater than the amount invested in it. There are three ways to do this
    • Give to Order/Chaos: Dedicate an act to Chaos or Order and they will implement it for you (ie. Let the GM reshape it). While they will implement the general idea of the act expect changes as the two utilize the agency to make the world more towards their liking.
      • Chaos desires growth, change, and excitement. It revels in chaos and cahnge. Her ideal world is a constant riot of unrestrained expansion followed by explosive destruction. Fundamentally she is a force of Growth.
      • Order desires stability, limitation, and balance. It desires uniformity and simplicity. His ideal world is a perfectly rigid world, a complete void whose only inhabitants are automatons following the same program over and over. Fundamentally he is a force of Reduction.
    • Acts of Glory: Every Player can, at the start, perform 3 acts of glory. When an action is marked as an act of Glory it is able to act 1 level higher than they should be. Acts of Glory can be stacked so theoretically all 3 can be expended to allow a Greater Act to reach Universal.
    • Player Assistance: Other players can dedicate an act to help boost an action. But in order to boost an act it requires the total points invested to be 1 level below the act.
      • So to make a Universal Act the Acting Player has to invest 20 points for a cosmic act and have 15 points total from supporting acts.
  • Multiple actions can be done in a single turn but each one above the first will take it toll. Taking an extra point for every act that grows by 1 point per extra act.
    • 1 point for 2 acts, 3 points for 3 acts, 6 points for 4 acts, 10 points for 5 acts, etc.
    • This is in addition to the point costs of the act themselves.
  • Special Acts
    • Support Players: Already discussed
    • Devour: Players can gain more points by devouring what is already present in the world, specifically something born from an act. An act to devouring something that exists refunds the total amount of points that went into that specific act, but the Act of Cannibalization needs to be at least 2 levels below the level of cannibalization. And cannibalization can only be done on things that others have created. So a player cannot cannibalize their own creation.
      • Example: Someone creates a God using a Grand Act, it would require a Greater Act to devour said god and the devouring player gets 20 points.
      • Things born from Universal Acts cannot be devoured.
    • Oppose: Other players can oppose the devouring of something through an act of their own, The act of Opposing is always a Basic Act.
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The Book of Time (Word Building Riot Quest) - new god quest, just recently started. I has pretty interesting rules.

Edit: I wanted to write down idea about experimental quest, where acts pass as they are without need for specific number of votes. Like, quest without act leveling system. But something similiar already was done in quest above.
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So I was flying around as always... This one probably should be here: From Roaring Flames to Soft Embers (Soulslike Riot God Quest)

Edit: Hmm, interesting, could all these realities from different God Quests be made into one universe? Maybe somehow linked together, strucutred? This is sudden idea, which came to me. Probably because there are many somewhat dead or frozen quests/worlds out there.​

Edit 2: This one just started, but maybe good to have it here - 7 Holy Pyramids (Riot God Quest)

Edit 3: Once again Mannan tries his best in creating new God Quest: Replace the Pantheon (God Quest)! Let's wish him good luck! This one has pretty unique mechanics. So check this out, if you interested.

Edit 4: There is also this one: Demiurge (Primordial Creator Quest). It started recently, but looks like our thing.
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Ok, what about god quest, where players come up with different tiles and where to put them in the world? Maybe someone would like to put some Pokemon-like tile near iron swamps? Tiles can interact and produce a lot of interesting things after all!

Edit: We can start with some neutral hex of ruined wastelands. And only undefined white void around, where there is not a lot of reality.​
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So would things native to one tile spread out to others? Or would they only interact on the edges where the tiles meet?
My idea was they interact mostly in places, where they touch each other. Things can go from one tile to the other, like animals or plants. However, its still possible for things from different tiles interact even if they do not touch each other (like using flight). But this is much harder, because there is a 'foggy white' in places, where there is no tile. And this is dangerous, something like Pale. Fortunately, the more tiles around tile of Pale, the less dangerous and more traversable it is. For example, if we have hex of Pale with six defined hexes around, than its possible to see other tiles through it and some creatures like birds can traverse it.​