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You are a Chaos Warband, or perhaps a renegade Chapter of Space Marines. The Imperium doesn't...
Part 1 of Warband Gen.


the Ordainer
The Great Beyond
You are a Chaos Warband, or perhaps a renegade Chapter of Space Marines. The Imperium doesn't make that a distinction. Which of the original legions do you trace your origins back to?

[] Ultramarines
[] Space Wolves
[] Iron Hands
[] Dark Angels
[] Blood Angels
[] Imperial Fists
[] Salamanders
[] White Scars
[] Raven Guard

[] Alpha Legion
[] Black Legion
[] World Eaters
[] Emperors Children
[] Thousand Sons
[] Iron Warriors
[] Night Lords
[] Word Bearers
[] Death Guard

So, inspired by @Mortifer's Skeleton Quest, I wanted to make a 'Salt Quest' of my own. Only, well, I had ideas. So take the below (stolen from his thread)...

You guys get to control the other characters in the setting!

Each voter rolls 2 dice per voting round. 1d20 and 1d100. Using the SV Roller by editing your post after you cast a vote, you roll 1d20 preferably titled "Character Selection" and then roll 1d100. Each voter only gets one vote, but! This vote can be changed or updated as many times as a player wants during each voting phase. But the point of the rolls are pretty simple.

Whichever setting gets decided upon, I'm gonna put together a list of 20 characters assigned to each possible result. Your vote becomes an action carried out by the character that corresponds to the result of your dice roll.

The point of the second roll is similarly simple. It's your general success roll. Each voter will have to roll a 1d100 as well to determine said success. In the event that multiple people end up getting the same character to via their 1d20 roll, rather than taking into account whichever individual vote has the highest number of supporters, what we'll do is figure out the average 1d100's for each of the voted upon options to determine which vote takes effect in the next update.

Only, you also vote more traditionally for what the Warband does. And instead of characters, it's nations and gods. So lead the Warband to glory or watch a natural 100 lead to Khorne smiting you to ruin.

Update: These votes in this quest will use a 33 sided die for 'who?'

As far as this vote, no Salt Quest-ness, yet, but this'll be defining what the Warband is like, including that if you pick a traitor legion you are definitely chaos while loyalist might be just renegades. And if you pick World Eaters, don't be surprised if you worship Khorne. That kinda thing.

Don't expect regular updates, though, I'm placing my other quests as a higher priority.​
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[X] Alpha Legion

Be a force of nature without overt action. The spinners of the web, changing history with minute action, masters of secrets and shadows.
[X] Dark Angels

Actually a closet loyalist. I swear. Completely. I was just wrecking this forge world for not properly venerating the god emperor. Please don't kill me.
[X] Alpha Legion
[X] Emperors Children
[X] Thousand Sons

Who said we have to trace origin from only one Legion.
We can't be Sons of Malice?

I considered featuring Grey Knights as an option to trace your origins from, but ultimately, aside from the Grey Knights, every Space Marine traces their origins back to one of the original twenty legions. And there is no official information on the second and eleventh legions, and I decided against using any fan options for those.

Now, a quick check of the wiki shows we don't know what legion they trace back to, but it would be one of them.

Of course, if the thread really wants it, I can put Malal in the table of "entities doing shit", which I have for the moment not done.

[X] Alpha Legion
[X] Emperors Children
[X] Thousand Sons

Who said we have to trace origin from only one Legion.

It's not strictly logically required, but please keep it to one, as this is supposed to serve as a first step of defining who the warband is and what they are like.
You are a Chaos Warband, or perhaps a renegade Chapter of Space Marines. The Imperium doesn't make that a distinction. Which of the original legions do you trace your origins back to?

[] Ultramarines
[] Space Wolves
[] Iron Hands
[] Dark Angels
[] Blood Angels
[] Imperial Fists
[] Salamanders
[] White Scars
[] Raven Guard

[] Alpha Legion
[] Black Legion
[] World Eaters
[] Emperors Children
[] Thousand Sons
[] Iron Warriors
[] Night Lords
[] Word Bearers
[] Death Guard

Bonuses and negatives?
Bonuses and negatives?
I don't have a hard system and don't plan on having one, but broadly you'll have the pros and cons of the legions. Specifically...

[] Ultramarines
You're codex compliant, more or less. That means your generic but have no particular holes
[] Space Wolves
You're a bunch of crazy wolf guys. Canonically they have no successor chapters, so that'd make you a chaos warband per se by definition, I do believe.
[] Iron Hands
I don't actually know all that much about them, but I'd research for the specifics f it wins (that applies to all the legions I know too little on). In any event, they have a cybernetics focus
[] Dark Angels
I know they are sneaky and have a big fleet, and that the way they handle their fleet pisses off the Imperium. I'd have to research for further details.
[] Blood Angels
They have an obsession with art and (genetically rooted, super power) anger problems, a hilarious dichotomy given one's Slaanesh and the other Khorne from a Chaos perspective.
[] Imperial Fists
They were planet defense specialists, as I recall. One of the legions I know less on off the top of my head.
[] Salamanders
They are heavy weapons specialized, I think? Again, would need to research.
[] White Scars
SPEED BIKE GUYS THAT ARE MONGOLS OR HUNS OR SOMETHING. I'd, again, do research for details.
[] Raven Guard
SUPER SNEAKY, as I recall.
[] Alpha Legion
SUPER SNEAKY, convoluted plot guys. And them (and everyone below) is traitor legions so definitely warband and not renegade chapter. Technically chaos undivided but there's a bit of a popular fan theory that they are secretly loyalists. Oh, and apparently they use cultists. A lot.
[] Black Legion
Essentially, they are 'generic' chaos. Chaos undivided, accept chaos marines from all backgrounds.
[] World Eaters
Khornate by default, mad berserker guys who (of course, as Khornate) don't like Psykers
[] Emperors Children
Slaaneshi by default. With Noise Marines etc.
[] Thousand Sons
Tzeenchian by default. You would, of course, be basically just a bunch of Chaos Sorcerors and Rubric Marines.
[] Iron Warriors
VEHICLE GUYS. Technically Chaos undivided, but really obsessive about vehicles. Oh, and they have some special connection to Obliterators.
[] Night Lords
SNEAKY SNEAK. Terror tactics and apparently they don't like summoning demons?
[] Word Bearers
Strict Chaos Undivided, with organized religion, with their own EVIL CHAPLAINS AKA Black Apostles.
[] Death Guard
Nurgle guys. I am not aware of them having anything really other than that.
[] Iron Warriors
VEHICLE GUYS. Technically Chaos undivided, but really obsessive about vehicles. Oh, and they have some special connection to Obliterators.
They also were the other fortress/siege specialists during the Great Crusade.

[] Salamanders
They are heavy weapons specialized, I think? Again, would need to research.
They like flame, everyone knows how to maintain/upgrade their gear, and have pigmentation problems (so they handle radiation or something).

[] Emperors Children
Slaaneshi by default. With Noise Marines etc.
During the GC they were also extreme perfectionists, ie they HAD to be the best. Pretty sure this lead to recruitment issues at one point.
Ah, yes, I forgot to note that. They were the Imperial Fists opposite, one held worlds the other took them. Which led to this weird rivalry thing for grimderp reasons.
Strictly speaking, that's a believable thing. Having a set of planet crackers and a set of planet fortifiers is likely to lead to "We're better" arguments between them when they meet.
Strictly speaking, that's a believable thing. Having a set of planet crackers and a set of planet fortifiers is likely to lead to "We're better" arguments between them when they meet.
Well, the part where it gets into grimderp to me is apparently the Iron Warriors fall in part to get a chance to prove it by fighting the Imperial Fists. Because of course petty rivalries will lead to maximum possible number of traitors.

If you're desperate, you could read up on the Dornian Heresy for inspiration.
+ The Dornian Heresy +

Terrabrand said:
[] Ultramarines
You're codex compliant, more or less. That means your generic but have no particular holes

[] Imperial Fists
They were planet defense specialists, as I recall. One of the legions I know less on off the top of my head.

Screw the Imperium and Screw Ultramar. We're gonna make our own Imperium, with blackjack and hookers.

Terrabrand said:
[] Dark Angels
I know they are sneaky and have a big fleet, and that the way they handle their fleet pisses off the Imperium. I'd have to research for further details.

Fully half the legion went traitor and got scattered across space and time. In M41, The DA are still picking up Fallen who think the Horus Heresy was a few months ago.

Terrabrand said:
[] Raven Guard
SUPER SNEAKY, as I recall.

Alpha Legion without the complexity addiction.

Terrabrand said:
[] Iron Warriors
VEHICLE GUYS. Technically Chaos undivided, but really obsessive about vehicles. Oh, and they have some special connection to Obliterators.

The guys who invented Demon Engines, machines with demons forcibly bound to them. They hold a monopoly on said process and any warband that wants any has to pay them tribute.

Terrabrand said:
[] Night Lords
SNEAKY SNEAK. Terror tactics and apparently they don't like summoning demons?

They like to spread fear, a lot.