That I guessed. The thing is: I know basically nothing about PMMM. I might be able to watch some of it this week if they fix the wifi, but atm I'm like Jon Snow on this topic.
okay, I can give you the cliff notes. you want em in order of relevance or the order of the show?
Armored Battle Vehicles (+h) you.

I think the most important bits are enough, I'll pick up the other parts from the thread / when I get around to watching it.
Okay, order of relevance it is.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there were the Bunnycats. The Bunnycats were very advanced, so much so that they could start looking toward the future rather than concentrating on the now. sadly, the future was full of the dark, cold emptiness of a post-entropic decay universe, and the Bunnycats were understandably not super into that. So, the Bunnycats set about to fix that, and after (presumably) trying many things, they found the best method they could. See, there's this thing called magic, and it generates energy ex nihilo, and thus can be used to slow/halt the advance of entropy. Unfortunately, magic runs off of emotions, and the Bunnycats didn't have those, with the exceptions of a few raving lunatics.

So, the Bunnycats set out to find other species with emotions to magic for them. This is where earth comes in. A Bunnycat lands on earth, and finds all theme kinda clever emotional monkeys living in caves. So the Bunnycat goes up to the cave-monkey and goes "hi there! you want some magic?", and the monkey goes "ugh", which means "sure" in cave-monkey. and the Bunnycat is like "okay, make a wish." and the cave-monkey is like "ugh ugh-ugh, ugh!" and wishes to be more smarterer. and then the cave-monkey became a magical cave-monkey that was more smarterer than it was before, and this is also the sequence of events that leads to mankind leaving caves, yay!

anyway, time passes, and the Bunnycat on earth (his name's Kyubey) goes around and contracts lotsa people, and he takes notes and makes statistics and stuff and goes "hmm, teenage girls seem to be the most emotional, so I'll just focus my efforts on contracting them, get more bang for my buck."
and that's what he does.

and more time passes, and Kyubey keeps contacting magical girls, who make wishes and generate energy to save the universe. He kinda nudges cultural development a bit, the magical girl genre makes potentials more likely to contract and more contracts is good, etc.

and some more time passes and we hit "present day". but before I get to that I should explain magical girls more.
See, a magical girl is basically a lich, she gets her soul removed from her squishy body and put in a nice durable gem, which is a much smaller target for damage and means she won't die unless her gem get's smashed. the downside is that operating her body uses magic, and when a magical girl uses magic, they generate Grief as a byproduct, which builds up in her soul gem. As a side note, it's not actually grief-grief, but kinda a catch-all term for nasty-bad gunky emotions and stuff. the magical girl being sad can also make grief build up.
Now, if a magical girl's soul gem fills all the way, her soul will explode and she turns into a giant angst monster called a Witch. Not to be confused with the type that ride on brooms.

witches are so sad and stuff that they actually warp reality to form their own little pocket dimension of mopeyness. they're so upset that even hiding in a pocket dimension they radiate all kinds of bad juju all over the place, which makes bystanders get all depressed and suicide, or kill people, or get in traffic accidents, etc.

On the plus side, magical girls can hunt down these angst monsters and wail on them until they die and just sorta implode, forming a grief seed, which sucks up grief, which they can use to get rid of the gunk in their soul gems.

incidentally, the "you are shiny rock" and "no, you are the giant monsters" tidbits tend to turn potential contractees off the opportunity, so Kyubey just kinda stopped mentioning it in his pitch after a while. He still tells them at some point, assuming they don't find out themselves, because he needs their sweet, sweet magical energy, and there are two points in the magical girl life-cycle that generate bucketfuls, rather than the dripping faucet that is the rest of the time.
The first point is when they make a wish and become a magica girl. the second is when they explode into a giant angst monster, so he kinda needs them to witch out at some point.

Many magical girls are rather upset when they learn this, but he's not actually sure why, because he is Bunnycat and cannot grok emotions.
they're like "why are you make me suffering?!!" and he's like "why are you so peeved? I mean, sure, I guess it sucks for some of you, but you're saving the universe! needs of the many and all that. I really don't get why this is such a sticking point for you, humans are so illogical- Oh, you witched out. Nevermind, I'll go talk to someone else.", and the witch is like "warum ist mein Leid ?!", because witches speak German for some reason.

Now, here we are at the "present day", and we have here an adorable little girl named homura. look at here, isn't she moe? So she just got out of the hospital that she spent a really long time in, and she's transferred to this new school. and her day is horribibble. she just kinda sucks at everything, possibly because they teach 8th graders astrophysics in "basic math", and expect her to do PE with a heart condition.
BUT! It's not all bad, because that one nurses aide with the pink hair was kinda nice to her.

after school, she heads home, and wander's face-first into a witch's barrier (that pocket dimension I mentioned). she almost get's eaten, but a couple magical girls swoop in to save her an, lo and behold, one of them is that nice pink haired chick! (her name's Madoka btw.)
So time passes and Homura hangs out with Madoka and Mami (the other magical girl), and in the process develops a huge girl-crush on Madoka.
And the Walpurgisnacht shows up. Walpy is like, the godzilla of witches. You're having a grand old time and then *BOOM!* Giant witch showed up, it's smashing your city and tossing around skyscrapers and everything is on fire for some reason.
It's like, if normal witches were your neighbors annoying little yappy dog, Walpurgisnacht is Kujo.

so Madoka and Mami go and fight it, and Homura hangs back and cheers them on ( guess she hung around for moral support or something, instead of running?). Mami and Madoka promptly die. They got Walpy too, but they are now the deads.
Homura is totally not okay with Madoka being the deads, and wishes to redo her meeting with her, and protect her this time.

She get's time loop magic, goes back in time, and manages to achieve all of jack, fuck and shit over the next hundred loops or so. at some point she get's a makeover and practices her ominous monotone, and by the time the loop the main series takes place in, she can do a really fucking fantastic terminator impression.

It really doesn't help her make friends.

So, we have this chick Mami Tomoe, yeah? and she's all cool, been a magical girl for a while. had a partner at one point, but the partner went through some shit and they didn't split on the best of terms.
So she's a fuck-off skilled magical girl with a crippling case of the lonelies. she meets these two potential magical girls her good (only) buddy Kyubey's been eyeing, and says hi, rescues 'em from some familiars, no big deal. and they're all like "woah, you're so awesome!", and Kyubey's like "you can be like mami! just make a wish!", and Mami's all "now now, don't be hasty. you can hang out with me for a while and I'll show you what my job is like and you can think about if you wanna join me."
So they do that for a while. And then this witch pops up, or is gonna pop up, because it's grief seed hasn't hatched yet. (that's what happens when you fill 'em up again, they rehatch.) So one of the potential, blueberry ('cause she's got blue hair, har har har), sticks around to keep an eye on that shit while the other runs off to go fetch Mami.
When Mami and potential #2 arrive, they wander around a bit looking for blueberry, and have a nice little heart to heart, Mami mentions being lonely and shit, #2 manages to say exactly the right thing, and Mami get's a friendship powerup. She's all "woohoo, I'm not alone anymore! FUCK YEAH!", and breezing through the familiars (those are like those little annoyance enemies that pop up in boss fight sometimes, minions of the main enemy), and the witch shows up and she's like "I've got this, no sweat."
And then the witch eats her face. Like, literally pops out and just chomps her head off. Horribly traumatizing for Blueberry and #2, but that's not her problem 'cause she's dead.

(don't worry 'bout them though, Homuranator shows up and saves their sorry asses.)

I... think that's all the important stuff so far. might expand more if needed.

ABV = T(h)ank.
Okay, order of relevance it is.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there were the Bunnycats. The Bunnycats were very advanced, so much so that they could start looking toward the future rather than concentrating on the now. sadly, the future was full of the dark, cold emptiness of a post-entropic decay universe, and the Bunnycats were understandably not super into that. So, the Bunnycats set about to fix that, and after (presumably) trying many things, they found the best method they could. See, there's this thing called magic, and it generates energy ex nihilo, and thus can be used to slow/halt the advance of entropy. Unfortunately, magic runs off of emotions, and the Bunnycats didn't have those, with the exceptions of a few raving lunatics.

So, the Bunnycats set out to find other species with emotions to magic for them. This is where earth comes in. A Bunnycat lands on earth, and finds all theme kinda clever emotional monkeys living in caves. So the Bunnycat goes up to the cave-monkey and goes "hi there! you want some magic?", and the monkey goes "ugh", which means "sure" in cave-monkey. and the Bunnycat is like "okay, make a wish." and the cave-monkey is like "ugh ugh-ugh, ugh!" and wishes to be more smarterer. and then the cave-monkey became a magical cave-monkey that was more smarterer than it was before, and this is also the sequence of events that leads to mankind leaving caves, yay!

anyway, time passes, and the Bunnycat on earth (his name's Kyubey) goes around and contracts lotsa people, and he takes notes and makes statistics and stuff and goes "hmm, teenage girls seem to be the most emotional, so I'll just focus my efforts on contracting them, get more bang for my buck."
and that's what he does.

and more time passes, and Kyubey keeps contacting magical girls, who make wishes and generate energy to save the universe. He kinda nudges cultural development a bit, the magical girl genre makes potentials more likely to contract and more contracts is good, etc.

and some more time passes and we hit "present day". but before I get to that I should explain magical girls more.
See, a magical girl is basically a lich, she gets her soul removed from her squishy body and put in a nice durable gem, which is a much smaller target for damage and means she won't die unless her gem get's smashed. the downside is that operating her body uses magic, and when a magical girl uses magic, they generate Grief as a byproduct, which builds up in her soul gem. As a side note, it's not actually grief-grief, but kinda a catch-all term for nasty-bad gunky emotions and stuff. the magical girl being sad can also make grief build up.
Now, if a magical girl's soul gem fills all the way, her soul will explode and she turns into a giant angst monster called a Witch. Not to be confused with the type that ride on brooms.

witches are so sad and stuff that they actually warp reality to form their own little pocket dimension of mopeyness. they're so upset that even hiding in a pocket dimension they radiate all kinds of bad juju all over the place, which makes bystanders get all depressed and suicide, or kill people, or get in traffic accidents, etc.

On the plus side, magical girls can hunt down these angst monsters and wail on them until they die and just sorta implode, forming a grief seed, which sucks up grief, which they can use to get rid of the gunk in their soul gems.

incidentally, the "you are shiny rock" and "no, you are the giant monsters" tidbits tend to turn potential contractees off the opportunity, so Kyubey just kinda stopped mentioning it in his pitch after a while. He still tells them at some point, assuming they don't find out themselves, because he needs their sweet, sweet magical energy, and there are two points in the magical girl life-cycle that generate bucketfuls, rather than the dripping faucet that is the rest of the time.
The first point is when they make a wish and become a magica girl. the second is when they explode into a giant angst monster, so he kinda needs them to witch out at some point.

Many magical girls are rather upset when they learn this, but he's not actually sure why, because he is Bunnycat and cannot grok emotions.
they're like "why are you make me suffering?!!" and he's like "why are you so peeved? I mean, sure, I guess it sucks for some of you, but you're saving the universe! needs of the many and all that. I really don't get why this is such a sticking point for you, humans are so illogical- Oh, you witched out. Nevermind, I'll go talk to someone else.", and the witch is like "warum ist mein Leid ?!", because witches speak German for some reason.

Now, here we are at the "present day", and we have here an adorable little girl named homura. look at here, isn't she moe? So she just got out of the hospital that she spent a really long time in, and she's transferred to this new school. and her day is horribibble. she just kinda sucks at everything, possibly because they teach 8th graders astrophysics in "basic math", and expect her to do PE with a heart condition.
BUT! It's not all bad, because that one nurses aide with the pink hair was kinda nice to her.

after school, she heads home, and wander's face-first into a witch's barrier (that pocket dimension I mentioned). she almost get's eaten, but a couple magical girls swoop in to save her an, lo and behold, one of them is that nice pink haired chick! (her name's Madoka btw.)
So time passes and Homura hangs out with Madoka and Mami (the other magical girl), and in the process develops a huge girl-crush on Madoka.
And the Walpurgisnacht shows up. Walpy is like, the godzilla of witches. You're having a grand old time and then *BOOM!* Giant witch showed up, it's smashing your city and tossing around skyscrapers and everything is on fire for some reason.
It's like, if normal witches were your neighbors annoying little yappy dog, Walpurgisnacht is Kujo.

so Madoka and Mami go and fight it, and Homura hangs back and cheers them on ( guess she hung around for moral support or something, instead of running?). Mami and Madoka promptly die. They got Walpy too, but they are now the deads.
Homura is totally not okay with Madoka being the deads, and wishes to redo her meeting with her, and protect her this time.

She get's time loop magic, goes back in time, and manages to achieve all of jack, fuck and shit over the next hundred loops or so. at some point she get's a makeover and practices her ominous monotone, and by the time the loop the main series takes place in, she can do a really fucking fantastic terminator impression.

It really doesn't help her make friends.

So, we have this chick Mami Tomoe, yeah? and she's all cool, been a magical girl for a while. had a partner at one point, but the partner went through some shit and they didn't split on the best of terms.
So she's a fuck-off skilled magical girl with a crippling case of the lonelies. she meets these two potential magical girls her good (only) buddy Kyubey's been eyeing, and says hi, rescues 'em from some familiars, no big deal. and they're all like "woah, you're so awesome!", and Kyubey's like "you can be like mami! just make a wish!", and Mami's all "now now, don't be hasty. you can hang out with me for a while and I'll show you what my job is like and you can think about if you wanna join me."
So they do that for a while. And then this witch pops up, or is gonna pop up, because it's grief seed hasn't hatched yet. (that's what happens when you fill 'em up again, they rehatch.) So one of the potential, blueberry ('cause she's got blue hair, har har har), sticks around to keep an eye on that shit while the other runs off to go fetch Mami.
When Mami and potential #2 arrive, they wander around a bit looking for blueberry, and have a nice little heart to heart, Mami mentions being lonely and shit, #2 manages to say exactly the right thing, and Mami get's a friendship powerup. She's all "woohoo, I'm not alone anymore! FUCK YEAH!", and breezing through the familiars (those are like those little annoyance enemies that pop up in boss fight sometimes, minions of the main enemy), and the witch shows up and she's like "I've got this, no sweat."
And then the witch eats her face. Like, literally pops out and just chomps her head off. Horribly traumatizing for Blueberry and #2, but that's not her problem 'cause she's dead.

(don't worry 'bout them though, Homuranator shows up and saves their sorry asses.)

I... think that's all the important stuff so far. might expand more if needed.

Well, it sure seems like a lighthearthed show.
[X] Go searching for the key you tracked down here.
-[X] In the most roundabout way possible (in reason).
A delemma of Blue and Red
I am surprised. Nobody noticed everything I put in the previous update. Oh well.


[x] Go searching for the key you tracked down here.

You need to find the key. You are going to need power to deal with the upcoming dangers that you will most definitely get caught up in.

There is just one problem.

The entire city is saturated with an odd feeling, one like you have never felt before. It is interfering with your senses and you can barely track the key down.
It is almost as if something has chosen this place for its nest...
You know it is here, you are just going to have trouble finding it.

Best thing to do is wander around and see if you can track it down that way. It could be in the most random spot.

Eventually, after wandering around a bit, you wind up at a hospital.

You feel something there. It isn't quite the key, but it feels similar to that Tomoe girl.

Now that you think about it a little harder, you remember something about this world. Humans have souls that are incredibly powerful. Powerful enough that it attracted attention from multiple entities, including yourself and the...
You stiffen as you realize exactly what Tomoe Mami was.

You could just ignore this, but you had protected the humans you liked in the past from these things.

But if there really was an 'Unlighted One' here, of all places, it could cause a lot of damage.

You need the Key, but there are humans in there that could be lost in days.

There is no way around it, you are going to...


[] Find the Key

[] Take out the 'Unlighted One'
Current Karma-

[x] Take out the 'Unlighted One'

Well guy's looks like it's time to go Incubator hunting.
Sounds more like we have an axe to grind with liches, to me. And then use to chop them up so they don't get in the way while looking for the phylactery and destroying it.

Not sure if want, especially while at low power.

[X] Find the Key
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[X] Find the Key
If one Incubator were to fall another will just take it's place. Gain more power before we start a battle of attrition.
[X] Find the Key

Gain power first, shoot bunnycat later.
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I figured it was because the votes kept going for red decisions. That thought came right on the heels of realizing that Zeph and Reya in Sojiko's Conquest Quest literally represent blue and orange morality shoulder-angels though, something like two years after my first span of following it, so I may be thinking too far along those lines in reaction.