Chained Beast (Naruto Quest)

[x] Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Bloodthirsty and vicious, with your new lack of power fueling your rage even more. The humans will pay for locking you inside one of their own. You'll find a way out of your body, even if you have to rip yourself from it.
Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Oct 2, 2017 at 2:52 PM, finished with 26 posts and 13 votes.

  • [x] Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Bloodthirsty and vicious, with your new lack of power fueling your rage even more. The humans will pay for locking you inside one of their own. You'll find a way out of your body, even if you have to rip yourself from it.
    [X] Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Cat. Often brooding and moody, with former ties to the world of spirits. Losing your connection with the afterlife has been a major shock for you, for the world of the living has many hassles for you and there is nothing for you to escape to.
    [X] Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle. A carefree drifter from the seas that now can no longer swim for extensive periods of time. It's taken some time to adjust, but drifting around land is just as soothing.
    [x] Saiken, the Six-Tailed Slug. Stripped of most of your might and fearsome presence, it has been much harder to collect various treasures and keep your hold on them.
    [X] Gyuki, the Eight-Tailed Ushi-Oni. A warrior and lover of battle, you have taken being reduced to human form quite well. You are no longer easily able to defeat any opponent you face, but the concept of a challenge is a welcome addition to your life.
    [X] Son Goku, the Four-Tailed Monkey. With a fierce and royal attitude, being reduced to a mere human has certainly wounded your ego. Your demands are much harder to reach people that now see themselves as either your equal or above you.

Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Oct 2, 2017 at 4:02 PM, finished with 27 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Cat. Often brooding and moody, with former ties to the world of spirits. Losing your connection with the afterlife has been a major shock for you, for the world of the living has many hassles for you and there is nothing for you to escape to.
    [x] Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Bloodthirsty and vicious, with your new lack of power fueling your rage even more. The humans will pay for locking you inside one of their own. You'll find a way out of your body, even if you have to rip yourself from it.
    [X] Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle. A carefree drifter from the seas that now can no longer swim for extensive periods of time. It's taken some time to adjust, but drifting around land is just as soothing.
    [x] Saiken, the Six-Tailed Slug. Stripped of most of your might and fearsome presence, it has been much harder to collect various treasures and keep your hold on them.
    [X] Gyuki, the Eight-Tailed Ushi-Oni. A warrior and lover of battle, you have taken being reduced to human form quite well. You are no longer easily able to defeat any opponent you face, but the concept of a challenge is a welcome addition to your life.
    [X] Son Goku, the Four-Tailed Monkey. With a fierce and royal attitude, being reduced to a mere human has certainly wounded your ego. Your demands are much harder to reach people that now see themselves as either your equal or above you.
[X] Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Cat. Often brooding and moody, with former ties to the world of spirits. Losing your connection with the afterlife has been a major shock for you, for the world of the living has many hassles for you and there is nothing for you to escape to.
[X] Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle. A carefree drifter from the seas that now can no longer swim for extensive periods of time. It's taken some time to adjust, but drifting around land is just as soothing.
[X] Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle. A carefree drifter from the seas that now can no longer swim for extensive periods of time. It's taken some time to adjust, but drifting around land is just as soothing.
Isobu squad come forth and defeat the other 8 we can do this if we band together and summon the true power of isobu
Unless I'm mistaken, this is the current vote.
Shukaku: 0
Matatabi: 6
Isobu: 6
Son Goku: 2
Kokuo: 0
Saiken: 3
Choumei: 0
Gyuki: 1
Kurama: 6

I'll give it a few more hours. If its still tied, then I'll tie break.
[X] Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Cat. Often brooding and moody, with former ties to the world of spirits. Losing your connection with the afterlife has been a major shock for you, for the world of the living has many hassles for you and there is nothing for you to escape to.
[X] Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle. A carefree drifter from the seas that now can no longer swim for extensive periods of time. It's taken some time to adjust, but drifting around land is just as soothing.
Yes my brothers and sisters bring in the wondering turtles breath it smell it taste isobu is love isobu is life
[X] Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle. A carefree drifter from the seas that now can no longer swim for extensive periods of time. It's taken some time to adjust, but drifting around land is just as soothing.
[x] Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Bloodthirsty and vicious, with your new lack of power fueling your rage even more. The humans will pay for locking you inside one of their own. You'll find a way out of your body, even if you have to rip yourself from it.
Prologue: Chapter 1
You were Isobu, the Three Tailed Turtle. You were a hermit by nature, preferring to drift in the seas and let the currents take you to wherever they may lead. Your infamy truly began when the humans tried capturing you and you wreaked your wrath upon all of them. Due to your home being the seas, it was extremely difficult for anyone to capture you. Until a wandering Senju known as Hashirama helped the developing Land of Water capture you, entangling you with a forest worth of trees! His wife, Mito Uzumaki, sealed you into a host and ever since, you have been chained into a human body.

It was quite the shock at first. Humans could not breath or live underwater like you could, their fragile bodies could barely handle the water pressure of a lake! However, you soon found a replacement. You walked, never truly guiding your legs in a direction. It was much more arduous than swimming in your original body, but when you built up enough stamina, you could easily walk around the entire Kirigakure without issue.

The humans weren't just content to imprison you in a body, however. They wanted to use you as a weapon! You didn't care for that, but with none of your original powers left, the Kirigakure shinobi could force the issue. They taught you standard shinobi techniques and even some jutsu. Eventually, your host body began to wither and die and you were placed into a new host.

Many years past and a great calamity was about to hit the Kirigakure. Yagura Kurokuwa, the Fourth Mizukage, had been slowly growing more and more insane the longer he was in power. When the news broke that he planned to execute all clans of the Kirigakure that opposed him, the Kirigakure split into two. The Rebellion, made of many clans of the Kirigakure, and the Loyalists, made of those loyal to Yagura and his regime.

However, The Rebellion made a daring plan before the two sides clashed against each other. Led by Mei Terumi and her father, the Third Mizukage, Taro Terumi, they managed to capture and subdue Yagura and yourself. They ripped you out of your previous host and placed you into Yagura's body, where you took control. With Yagura all but considered dead, the calamity that would be the Bloody Mist was barely averted.

Despite Yagura's 'death', a powerful shinobi named Genji Jishima rose up and became the Fifth Mizukage. Genji was quite infamous not only for his great power or previous position of Head Swordsman of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, but for being Yagura's lover and confidant. However, Genji was not nearly as bloodthirsty as Yagura was and called off the order to genocide the clans. But he was still very much Yagura's successor and was ruthless to those outed as rebels, for they killed his lover.

What did this mean for you? The Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, under Genji's orders, quickly caught and imprisoned you, a punishment for killing Yagura despite you having no hand in it. This angered you, not for the false imprisonment, but for the fact you could not move around freely. There was no point in raging so you remained calm as best you could.

Yagura's body began to fail from the harsh conditions in the prison. This time, it was ordered to get you a younger host, one that could last you a long time. That was over five years ago and you were still in prison.

Who was your new host?

[] Utakata Kitaki. A feminine looking boy with black hair and slanted, golden eyes. He looked to be around twelve when you were sealed inside him, meaning biologically you are seventeen years old.

[] Chojuro Hayashi. A shy looking boy with thick glasses and shaggy light blue hair. He was around nine when you were sealed into him, meaning biologically you are fourteen years old.

[] Suigetsu Hozuki. A wild looking boy with white hair and purple eyes. He was around ten when you were sealed into him, meaning biologically you are fifteen years old.

[] Imari Are. A pretty looking girl with long black hair and black eyes. She was around eleven when you were sealed into her, meaning biologically you are sixteen years old.

[] Makiko Date. A tomboyish girl with dirty blonde hair. She was around eight when you were sealed into her, meaning biologically you are thirteen years old.

[] Airi Ramuya. A plain looking girl with a fierce glare and brown hair. She was around thirteen when you were sealed into her, meaning biologically you are eighteen years old.

[] Make your own host!

All I need is a gender, age (Minimum of twelve years old, maximum of eighteen), name (Keep it Japanese), and a general appearance. Keep it reasonable, so no fishmen like Kisame or something.

Note: The hosts are mostly cosmetic and do not have any true influence on how you will grow skill wise. This is basically choosing what skin you want to wear.
[x] Imari Are. A pretty looking girl with long black hair and black eyes. She was around eleven when you were sealed into her, meaning biologically you are sixteen years old.
[x] Shirou Uzumaki. A serious looking Boy with long Red hair and black eyes. He was around eight when you were sealed into him, meaning biologically you are thirteen years old.
[x] Imari Are. A pretty looking girl with long black hair and black eyes. She was around eleven when you were sealed into her, meaning biologically you are sixteen years old.
[X] Makiko Date. A tomboyish girl with dirty blonde hair. She was around eight when you were sealed into her, meaning biologically you are thirteen years old.

If you don't mind me asking is there anything left of the host mind or is the body we use utterly empty besides ourselves using it?
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If you don't mind me asking is there anything left of the host mind or is the body we use utterly empty besides ourselves using it?

The host's mind is still there and you could probably talk to them if you really wanted too. However pretty much all the Bijuu don't care about them, they're too busy dealing with their own stuff to care about some puny human.
[X] Shirou Uzumaki. A serious looking Boy with long Red hair and black eyes. He was around eight when you were sealed into him, meaning biologically you are thirteen years old.

This must be the sword guy... Let's go Shirou. Now we only need twin blades.
[X] Shirou Uzumaki. A serious looking Boy with long Red hair and black eyes. He was around eight when you were sealed into him, meaning biologically you are thirteen years old.
[x] Imari Are. A pretty looking girl with long black hair and black eyes. She was around eleven when you were sealed into her, meaning biologically you are sixteen years old.
[X] Shirou Uzumaki. A serious looking Boy with long Red hair and black eyes. He was around eight when you were sealed into him, meaning biologically you are thirteen years old.