Once you get home and take off your improvised costume, you collapse onto the couch. Taking a moment to collect yourself before going through the thick packets of paperwork that you received from the visit.
Flipping through the main one, you are shocked by how much the PRT offers "junior" members. Even starting out would get you over double the amount you make working at the park. After spending a year at the department it would rise to nearly three times as much (over one hundred-thousand dollars a year!).
After getting some pens, you sit at the kitchen table and begin going over the paperwork. Quickly, you realize based on the phrasing that the PRT must assume any new parahuman has the mindset of a wounded, frightened animal. In this introductory pamphlet there are few required sources of commitment; only opportunities for the PRT to provide a good impression.
In the over thirty page booklet there is a few required bits of information: cape name, costume, powers, method of contact. There are also a few bits of additional optional information: if you would like to apply as a hero or rogue, if you will work in an S-Class crisis, if you have an area you would prefer to stick to.
Once you have an idea of the main packet you switch over to the healing brochure. Inside, it outlines the three step process for getting a healing power PRT certified. The first step is going into the PRT labs and using the power under observation. Once they have established that here are no unknown side effects, you can move on to step two. That involves using your power on willing volunteers under the direction of civilian doctors. From what you can gather from what's unsaid, this seems to be intended as a check to make sure the PRT isn't overstepping its bounds.
All in all, it seems a bit frustrating, but with a sigh you mentally concede it makes sense. Before you turn the paperwork in, there is a bunch of stuff you need to get. A burner phone and a put-together costume seem like a good start.
The first place you stop by is a military surplus store. You pick up some spare ceramic plates and a large, olive-green, ballistic overcoat. While you are there, you also pick up some gloves, boots, and pants.
Due to this being the first roll of the quest, I gave you advantage. The rolls are: 3 and 10, with a bonus of +3 that only gets you to 13 which is not enough, sorry. Resource goes down by one. As long as you have a job, it will go back to 3 eventually.
At the checkout stand, you ask the graying retiree, "do you know anywhere I can get a custom jacket?"
"Morroni does good work, and could probably make whatcha need."
As he finishes ringing up your purchases, you thank him for the recommendation. When you see the total, you swallow. Well, I can't do this again any time soon.
Once you have everything you need from the surplus store, you go to an electronics shop and buy a burner phone with two-hundred minutes on it. You then call the PRT main number from a park bench.
"This is Kelly with the parahuman response team front desk, department four-A, what can I do for you?" The bubbly voice rattles off.
Speaking in a deeper register, you say, "Recently I came to your office, my name is Vicar, I wanted to schedule a healing test."
You can hear some papers rustling on the other side. "We can have it ready for business hours on Wednesday, Saturday, or Monday. "
"This Wednesday would be best, can I also drop off the paperwork then or do I need to do it ahead of time?" You ask.
"I think it would be fine if you just bring it in with you," she answers. "Anything else I can help you with?"
"No, that was it, thank you for your time," you say with finality.
Now that that has wrapped up, you want to get in a meeting with the Philadelphia Phighters.
You dial the phone number listed on their website. After nearly two minutes of waiting an old man answers, "hello?"
"Is this the Philadelphia Phighters?" you ask.
"I am the only one here right now, can they call you back?" he says.
"I'm a new parahuman, Vicar and would like to organize a meeting with the team to see about joining," you say.
"Why don't you come by on Monday, the boss usually has that day open," he offers.
"If that will work, I can make it then," you say. "Thank you for your time."
You pull on the completed outfit. Assembling it in its entirety gives things a greater weight somehow. You take a deep breath and head down to the PRT office. You aren't sure whether it is your imagination, or if people are staring at you as you walk through the city.
When you make it to the lobby, you can see that a tour is about to start. A high-school class is milling around, with a few teachers seemingly trying to herd the students. You skirt the edges of the group and get the attention of the person at the front desk.
This time, the secretary is a serious looking woman with dark hair and well pressed clothes. For a moment some instinctual concern begins to bubble up, it seems irresponsible to have a ready made hostage at the front desk, but as she turns over to greet you, you can just barely see a concealed thigh holster on her leg.
"Blindside will be with you in a moment," she says, seeing your arrival. "Mister Smith will lead you to a waiting room and take your forms."
One of the PRT officers walks over to the two of you and leads you into a waiting room. You hand him the two booklets and take a seat. He kicks open the door stop to leave the door open on his way out.
It is only a minute or two of waiting before someone glides into the room. Blindside, you can only assume, has a navy blue karate gi with tranquilizer guns holstered under each arm. Covering the top half of her face is an extended domino mask that goes up to her hairline and leaves her eyes in shadow.
As you stand up and shake hands she says "Hi, I'm Blindside, it looks like I am going to be your escort today. If you wouldn't mind following me, we're going to the testing center."
She leads you through several hallways to an elevator. While you wait she says in a lighthearted tone, "I get a burst of speed each time someone misses me and I'm really good with these." She taps the two tranq guns on her side, "what about you?"
"I have a baseball sized disintegration blast, a sky flame spear, minor telekinesis, and the most relevant, a healing touch," you respond.
"That's an impressive spread," she says. "Sounds like you'll be able to do a lot of good."
"I hope so," you say as the two of you step into the lab.
Inside you can see three researchers, one is looking in a microscope making notes on a clipboard, one is currently operating a whirring boxy machine, the last stands up from a desk with a cage of unmoving mice in it.
"Blindside, Vicar I assume, welcome!" the scientist says.
"Ah, yes," you say, shaking his hand. "And you are?"
"Doctor Andy Lawson. Anything you need before we start?"
"No, I think we can get started," you reply.
After summarizing your powers for him and going over legal liability (basically if you are found out to hurt/mind control someone with your healing and you have lied about it, the PRT will prosecute you), the doctor goes over to the cage of mice and takes one out, he uses a scalpel to make a small incision in it and holds it steady for you.
"We made sure that they were unconscious for ease of testing," he clarifies.
Feeling the warm fur and steady heartbeat, you release a bit of healing energy. Underneath the trickle of blood the incision site knits back together cleanly, not leaving any mark other than the exterior blood.
The scientist places the newly healed mouse into a separate container for later analysis, after wiping the blood out of its fur. "Alright, now that that is done, are you ready for step two?"
"Yeah, I do want to remind you though, I can only heal one more time today," you mention.
"You said that you can do so again after some time, correct?" he asks.
"If you are willing to wait, then I could push for a third heal," you offer.
"I can show you to the shooting range while we wait," Blindside mentions.
"That sounds interesting, only if you don't mind, of course," you say.
The doctor interjects, "why don't you discuss this while we head to the medical bay?"
The three of you head to the elevators. On the way you mention that your powers only seem to work on living things, so the shooting range targets might not be helpful.
"We might be able to get one of the wards to help out," Blindside says. "Cerberus, Synergy, or Paladin could help. "
"As long as it isn't taking them from something important, that sounds great," you say.
Once you make it to the specialty sensor room in the medbay, you can see a fit man in bed with his leg in a cast.
Andy goes to a terminal and says, "Brad are you ready?"
The man props himself up and Brad(?) says, "this the guy doc?"
"Yes, we are testing to see the constraints of his parahuman ability."
You see Brad scan you from top to bottom. He then clears his throat and says, "This is corporal Brad Porter, code eight-two-six-one-three-nine-five-eight."
You finish waiting for them to complete the procedure, then you reach out and grab his hand. Once you finish activating your powers and feel the healing energy enter him. The corporal gets an odd look on his face.
"This feels fuck'n weird, " he mutters.
"Really, how?" you ask.
"The rest of me feels way better and my leg is the same."
"It seems that bone fractures are, in fact, not able to be reformed with your ability," the doctor remarks.
The scientist and officer then go through a health checklist while Blindside leads you to the gun range.
There is no one else at the range when you show up. "While you were talking with Doctor Lawson, I organized some training with Paladin," Blindside says with a chuckle. "He was doing homework upstairs, so he seemed excited for an excuse to head down here."
"Are you sure you should be encouraging that," you say with over the top sternness.
You both laugh and a teen in a grey bodysuit walks in. When he enters the room dozens of shiny metallic plates slide into existence, interlocking around him. He reaches out his hand, some plates receding or extending to allow the movement.
"I'm Paladin, good to meet you," he says in a surprisingly deep voice.
"Vicar, and the pleasure is all mine," you respond.
"So, Paladin, this guy has powers that only work on living things," Blindside starts. "Since your power makes you basically invincible, you're the safest person to spar with him."
At that, you look at his armor with new eyes.
"What's the plan boss?" he asks.
Blindside continues, "for the first spar, why don't you just start at the end of the range and see if you can get to Vicar here before he can hit you?"
It takes a minute for Blindside to activate the change in the range rules (ie. don't shoot when there is a person down range). You steady yourself and begin.
Paladin starts by sprinting at you with a surprisingly soft gait.
Attack Roll is: 13 with a plus 5 bonus is a hit! The damage roll is: 7
When he is two-thirds of the way to you, you manage to get one of your disintegration blasts off. Only focusing on running, for this exercise, Paladin is unable to deflect and it solidly hits the armor on his chest. The three of you are able to see a basketball sized patch of a gray jumpsuit emerge from under the armor.
Paladin pauses fifteen feet from you and Blindside. The heroine walks up to him and you can hear Paladin say quietly, "I can't grow the plates like normal. It's like when I try'n shift it into my shield."
"Try covering the area a few times, see if that overcomes the barrier," she responds calmly. She then spins around to face you. You can see Paladin extending plates from the surrounding area to cover the hole you made, then quickly the plates get sucked back into where he extended them from.
"Did you know of a null-trump aspect to your powers?" she asks in a carefully flat voice.
"Um, no. If that is what this is, I'm truly sorry. I don't have very many safe ways of testing out my offensive powers, I mostly know the broad strokes," you say, regretfully.
"Hopefully this is just a weird power interaction, or odd loophole," Blindside says with a sigh.
"Boss, this is getting easier, I think it's just gonna to take some time," you hear Paladin say over the scraping of plates
"Alright, thanks for your help, you can go back to your homework, I'll log this," Blindside says.
Paladin gives you a nod as he passes by.
After that bit of excitement Blindside gives you a bit of an introduction to the PRT threat assessment process, while you wander back to the medical bay.
This time the patient in the hospital bed is unconscious, the doctor is still there, however. He closes the door to the room with the patient in it and says, "I received some rather peculiar results from the tests."
"What did you find?" you ask impatiently.
"On corporal Porter's leg, the torn muscles, skin, and ligaments are all healed and seem normal. It is only the bone that is fractured, even then, the surrounding tissues should provide a natural brace. Of course, we are not going to send him out any sooner, even though his recovery time should be shortened by at least a week or two."
After a pause he continues, "the next patient, Susan Thompson, has a gunshot wound from a shootout with the Hombres. In addition to the main puncture wound, she has a perforated large intestine. We planned on sending her to the general hospital, but if you can heal her before then, that would make things much simpler."
You wait for Blindside and the doctor to walk to the observation room, then reach out and touch the agent's arm. You feel the healing energy cascade from your core, down your arm, and into her. In her unconscious state, the agent's breathing evens out.
Blindside chats with you for a bit, in the nearest waiting room, while the on-site medical professionals analyze agent Thompson. Before you leave you find out she has a clean bill of health and they are keeping her overnight for observation.
A few days after your meeting with the PRT you put on your costume and walk down to the office of the Philadelphia Phighters. You find a one story building that seems more like it would house a dentist, rather than a superhero.
Glancing at the security camera you walk into the waiting room. Inside an old man is hunched over his desktop and he looks up at you.
"Hi, uhh, I'm here to meet with Trainer?" you say awkwardly, stepping from one foot to the other in the cramped waiting room.
The man unfolds from his napping position and grunts out, "wait here".
He gestures to the two folding chairs then shuffles out of sight.
You sit and wait for a minute and Trainer comes out from around the corner. He is a brown haired man in a tweed suit, his identity hidden by a simple domino mask.
The older man walks around the two of you and sits at his desk pretending to be busy.
The tweed suited man claps his hands together and says, "I'm Trainer, you're the potential recruit?"
"Uh, yes. I go by Vicar, " you confirm.
"Well Vicar, would you follow me around the corner here, to my office?" he asks.
You follow him into a larger room behind the foyer. There is a large desk with a sprawling desktop computer, behind it is a large stained whiteboard. In front of the desk is a weathered rolling chair.
The two of you engage in some small talk which leads to you giving a brief description of your powers.
"-and uh, yeah that's about it," you finish.
"Most of my role in the team is financial, unlike the rest of them, my power is not very useful in the field. Instead, I get paid to teach high-end clients, then I use that money to pay for the building, our lawyer, and the custodian that you saw outside. The insurance and wages are provided from a mix of merchandise sales and a stipend from the local government," he stops giving you a chance to ask a question.
When you make a noise to continue he says, "If you sign on with us I can offer a competitive wage as well as a bonus once the financial aid kicks in. The bigger benefit however, is that we work locally. Unlike the PRT who work all over the city, we stick to the heights."
You pause to think it over, then say, "Thanks for the offer, and I am happy to work with you, but for now I think I am going to stay on my own. This is the phone I'm using for cape stuff," you say, handing him a piece of paper.
You can see he's a bit disappointed, and though he tries to hide it, a bit relieved.
"Well, let me at least give you a run down of the gang situation in the area. We mostly deal with the Drug Runners and sometimes the Revolution."
[ ] Action
-----Patrol ( )
-----Task ( )
-----Scout ( )
[ ] Network
-----Protectorate ( )
-----Corporate ( )
-----Other ( )
[ ] Research
-----Learn about factions ( )
-----Self ( )
-----Individuals ( )
[ ] Resources
-----Buy ( )
-----Sell ( )
-----Work ( )
[ ] Rest ( )
[ ] Write-in ( )
Ohhhhhhhh man.
I have no idea why this was as hard to write as it ended up being. This is the first section of the chapter, later I will add: the rest of the spar with paladin, the final bit of healing, and meeting with Trainer / the Phighters. And I suppose the choices. Next time it is going to be a shorter wait and shorter chapters.
Also feel free to discuss things with one another and ask questions. No one has posted the pun from the prologue by the way, so that is still open.
8/18/21 Edit: Now that you have a costume and some intel your options have opened up. There is three zones in the map that you can now patrol (without needing to scout first) due to agreeing to the medium option.
Lastly, there is some things that I am deliberately leaving a mystery, some things that I will answer when asked (but not volunteer), and some things that I have legitimately forgotten or think I have said. Feel free to ask questions!