Celestial Warlock Quest (D&D 5e/Worm Crossover)

Heroes and Rogues Knowledge at start
Chevalier- The overall leader of the department, he has the ability to combine the properties of several items into one. His distinct weapon: a cannon-blade is made up of several different swords, meaning he can adjust the strength of his attacks from a regular sword strike to a building destroying wrecking ball. While he spends around thirty weeks a year in Philadelphia, the rest of the time he gets teleported around to take down warlords and the absolute monsters elsewhere.

Staunch- In a word he is solid. This tinker has near indestructible power armor that lets him also wield a giant tower shield and power maul. A founding member in the department, he has been fighting villains and saving civilians for over twenty years. If Staunch is on the scene you will be safe.

Archetype- This hero has three different breaker states: one is a hyper-mobile blur of light, one is a giant earth elemental, the last is a humanoid emerald sensory beacon. While you aren't sure of the mechanism, she doesn't seem to be able to change breaker states mid battle.

Crucible- This pyrokinetic has produced several techniques with his fire. He has a sustained flame thrower, a condensed fire blast, and a super heated blue-fire lance. He is also the constant subject of gossip magazines and a well known flirt.

Ratatoskr- This guy turns into a giant humanoid rodent. He tends to avoid the public facing side of heroism. His claws let him climb walls, and act as razor sharp blades.

Shatter- A hero with the power to turn glass into her minions, she can make them either turn to dust or explode when destroyed.

Rime- The head of the second side office, she is a powerful blaster, able to make small ice projectiles that on impact form ice. She seems able to control how big the formed ice is, before she makes the attack.

Flamel- A second generation cape and older brother to Paracelsus, Flamel's father was the protectorate hero Alchemist. After the endbringer attack that killed his father, the two brothers signed on in his memory. Flamel has the ability to shape materially uniform objects. The less uniform the object, the slower the change.

Paracelsus- Unlike his older brother, Paracelsus doesn't affect objects. He strikes the ground and causes all nearby enemies to fall over.

Cultivate- He is a cyborg having spent time replacing and improving most of his body. Recently, he finished his "dermal plating system", giving him much greater durability. Unlike nearly every other member of the team, he has gone on record saying he doesn't need sleep.

Dianmu- Named after the Chinese goddess of lightning, Dianmu can create lances of energy. It is not electricity despite its appearance of a lightning bolt. It is far slower than lightning and doesn't follow electric paths.

Commodore- While you're not certain of her power she is almost always seen steering a flying wood ship. While it doesn't fly much faster than a car, it does let heroes avoid any potential traffic.

Kamuy- This wooden hero gets faster and stronger as his bark is destroyed. He does tours of the schools of Philadelphia far more than the rest of the team.

Luster- One of the fastest heroic flyers on the eastern seaboard, when in her breaker state she can make large scale blasts. These blasts have a target circle that narrows into the lance after a second or two.

You also know that there are at least five more heroes in the team as well as some part time heroes. You also know that there is a wards team with ten or eleven members.


The biggest reason that the city of Philadelphia has a higher ratio of rogues than anywhere else in the nation is because of The Mill. While you have never been there yourself, you know that it is a heavily secured building that the rogues of the city are based out of. It has many parahuman vendors that rent spaces from the core team of Tinkers and Thinkers that own the place.

Corporate Heroes
Corporate hero teams are halfway between law enforcement and celebrities. You know that there are two corporate hero teams in the city, but neither their names or where they are based out of.


I would love to hear your thoughts on the write-ups of I did of the heroes and villain's of the city. I should have the chapter out some time tomorrow.
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Honestly, you have done a bang up job. You made great OCs. Plus, Chevalier not wanting to help in just one city seems in character to me. That guy is determined. Not to mentioned there are tons of other heroes powerful in their own right. Probably why Chevalier feels comfortable leaving. I believe that is why so many of the gangs you made are organized.
Honestly, you have done a bang up job. You made great OCs. Plus, Chevalier not wanting to help in just one city seems in character to me. That guy is determined. Not to mentioned there are tons of other heroes powerful in their own right. Probably why Chevalier feels comfortable leaving. I believe that is why so many of the gangs you made are organized.

Thanks! This is where I got the reference to him spending quite a bit of time outside the city. I hope I was able to properly contextualize why the PC knew the information he does. Why he knows some villains rather than others, more details about this persons power than that persons power. One thing that I need to stress is that all of this information is from John's perspective. While it bares resemblance to the truth, don't take it as gospel.
Upon waking up you stretch and feel an odd tightness in your chest. Still half-asleep you roll over and check your alarm clock. After noting that it is three minute before your alarm will go off, you sit up, scratch your chest and turn off your alarm.

Absentmindedly, you feel something hard under your shirt. It isn't until you start to get dressed and see something metallic embedded in the skin of your sternum that you wake up fully. At first glance it seems to be a tattoo or necklace made out of gold. Your finger traces the spiral, and feels the pulsing, puckered skin around it.

Is it embedded in me? you think to yourself in shock.

You dig into the skin around the spiral and try to pull the gold wire out of you, which causes a freezing pain to spider web across your body. A few drops of blood seep out from under the gold.

Well ... I probably shouldn't do that again, you think dryly in a boneless heap on the floor.

By the time you recover from the pain, the area around the spiral has scared over. You sit up and can see the tissue on your chest slowly growing over the gold, like a time-lapse of a plant creeping along the ground.

It is at this point that you remember the vivid dream you were only just in. What exactly was it? You've never heard of a crisis point like that, adding to the confusion, you had been sleeping, not doing anything noteworthy. You weren't like Comet, trying to break a world record and gaining a dash power in the process.

After calming down, you get up and start to make eggs while you think. You know that if you have powers like that angelic being said, you won't be able to stand idly by, while your city falls apart around you. If that dream really was your crisis point then you can't go to the hospital to get the weird gold thing in you, looked at.

Now that you can feel the energy coalescing inside of yourself and a sense of anticipation, what will you do next?

[ ] Action
-----Patrol ( )
-----Task ( )
-----Scout ( )
[ ] Network
-----Protectorate ( )
-----Corporate ( )
-----Other ( )
[ ] Research
-----Learn about factions ( )
-----Self ( )
-----Individuals ( )
[ ] Resources
-----Buy ( )
-----Sell ( )
-----Work ( )
[ ] Rest ( )
[ ] Write-in ( )


How I am going to give the quest a bit of structure is through an action system. You get five actions to represent the time you are spending outside of obligations over the course of a week. You can put any number of actions into an option, creating different results. Sometimes investing heavily in an option will mean the chance of failure goes down, other times it means the success (if achieved) will be even better, and certain goals simply require a flat number of actions.


This category broadly covers interaction with villains. If something happens here, there is a good chance of you entering a combat encounter.


This action is you going out into the city (presumably costumed), and looking for crimes to stop. You need to pick a zone of the city to patrol in.


The task action is your character attempting to complete a mission. Whether it is a drug sting, working with the Protectorate against a villain, or protecting a figure from assassination, all of these would be under the umbrella of "Task".


Scouting refers to the act of in-person investigation. These are the sorts of things that can't be researched online and you need to do in person scouting to find out.


Networking in this context is about building up a rapport with a group or individual. Building favors and increasing reputation in the cape scene. Certain actions you can take will lower your reputation with certain factions, thus you can think of reputation as a social currency.


The largest, most well funded, and strongest single faction in the city. Networking with them could involve: handing over criminals you have captured, agreeing to patrol specific areas, and giving them a better idea of your powers.


Corporate heroes are a mix of crime fighters and celebrities. Networking with them could involve: informing them of criminal groups that these heroes are equipped to stop, healing them after battles or increasing their PR.


Other is the catch all for any other group in the cape scene. Independent heroes, Rogues, or even villains that you are trying to redeem.


Research is any form of investigation that does not pose a risk of putting your character in danger. Looking through the internet, browsing a library, or conducting tests on your powers.

Learn about factions

This is intended to let you fill out the factions section of the character sheet. The corporate heroes, protectorate heroes, independent and part time heroes, the rogues and gangs of the city.


This is intended to let you learn about your own powers in more detail. If you want concrete hard numbers, doing this will give them to you.


If you want to discover something about a specific person rather than a whole group this is the action you want to take.


Anything involving money is under the umbrella of resources.


If you want to buy something that could affect your wealth tier, this is the action to take.


If you gain something that you want to sell, this is the action to take. Whether it is some type of power generated object, tinkertech, or something you have legally acquired that you don't want, this will let you sell it.


Everyone has a day job, and this is to represent you taking extra shifts. Based on the number of actions invested this will give a chance of increasing your wealth tier.


If you need to recover from something (exhaustion, status effects, ect) this will let you do that, in some cases it will provide a bonus to that roll. Additionally, when you get the necessary XP to level up, this will let you.


If there is anything that doesn't fit in the categories above, or you want to do something super specific, this is the option for that.
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This is the map that I intend to use for this quest. I should clarify, that this is John's assumptions. Over the course of scouting it is likely the map will change.

Also, the first person to give proof that they got my shitty pun in the chapter above, can ask me a minor question about the setting.
While it is not obligatory, I will say that if you want to get something specific out of a turn, I would appreciate knowing what that is. In this case, if there is something in particular that you want to learn, let me know. If you want to keep things broad that is totally fine as well. I bring this up because I would hate to have a miscommunication cause a "wasted" turn.
While it is not obligatory, I will say that if you want to get something specific out of a turn, I would appreciate knowing what that is. In this case, if there is something in particular that you want to learn, let me know. If you want to keep things broad that is totally fine as well. I bring this up because I would hate to have a miscommunication cause a "wasted" turn.

so like when we vote for research Self (5) we say we would like see how our powers work and want to see the MC test them out and what he feels using these powers.
like that?
so like when we vote for research Self (5) we say we would like see how our powers work and want to see the MC test them out and what he feels using these powers.
like that?

Thanks for the question! In this case that was what I was planning on covering, so I am glad to get the confirmation. On later turns when you eventually start doing research this may become more relevant. I personally prefer to pre-empt problems when possible.
Voting Closed.

You have chosen to go all in on experimenting with your powers.

While you wait on the next chapter, can you give me some ideas for the costume and cape name for your character.

We are a celestial warlock, so our costume should probably have some divine/priestly aspects to it. Same for the Cape name.
I'm a bit lost on the costume, so I'll leave that to others but "Vicar" seems to be a good name. Believe it or not, it doesn't seem to be taken when I looked on the wiki. Here's the definition:


(in the Roman Catholic Church) a representative or deputy of a bishop.
  • (in the Episcopal Church) a member of the clergy in charge of a chapel.
  • (in the Church of England) an incumbent of a parish where tithes formerly passed to a chapter or religious house or layman.
  • (in other Anglican Churches) a member of the clergy deputizing for another.
Seems to be a good one, I especially like "representative" aspect of it, with how we have a patron and all.

Edit: I feel like I should mention that the name does sound a bit villainous, and might hold too many religious connotations for our protagonist's taste. Who doesn't seem that religious at first glance. But the name itself also holds some similarities to Vikare, the first(ish) hero.
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The Crimson soul or the Red Bastion
I had other ideas for costume but they were too dark and might mistake us for villain so I went for red
Alright now that I have a bit more time, some of my thoughts:

In regards to Vicar, the reasoning stated is very similar to how I name capes in this quest (yes that is me dangling theory bait :D ). In regards to John, I intended all of the potential player characters to not be married to any particular religious tradition. If you had to put a label on it I'd say agnostic. The question I would ask is, what will he say when people question why he picked that name, what does he intend to represent?

Onto the ideas presented by woody12. That is some really great art and if or when you guys commission a costume, that seems like it should be a front runner, if not the winner. When it comes to names, what was the reasons why you picked those? I want to be clear, that isn't me saying they are bad rather, I like to hear peoples thought process.
for me I tried to find a costume first then a name I tried not to go too holy we are not Haven or to dark to be mistaken for a villain so red was balance the two extremes

these where the the ones I thought were to dark of a colour to be mistaken for villain
Thanks for the reference images, I may end up using them for description inspiration for other villains or heroes in the city.
also something I just realized while looking for costumes a lot of magic using superheroes don't wear masks to hide the identity not counting doctor fate his whole thing is wearing a helmet so I was hard finding a proper costume that converse magic user while also has a mask
Got some ideas for a costume!

I'm thinking more of a traditional White-Blue or White-Gold with a "Fantasy" look, like Myrddin has. Or maybe a costume that looks like a, well, "celestial" "warlock". Some robes or a cloak would be a good baseline for this look, a hood as well. If we change up the color-scheme a bit and make it darker we could probably avoid the whole "religious nut" feeling we'd have if we go with Vicar as a name. Any accessories could come along as the story goes like belts or bandoliers and such. I admit I'm not all that familiar with celestial warlock powers but they seem to be of a generally "magical" bent like a traditional mage. I don't think a normal superhero costume (spandex, high tech, etc. etc.) would fit our powers very well without some changes.