[X] Agi, blast them down
The knights charge towards you at full speed, and you can't help but smirk as you call out to Brigid,
"Brigid, blast them down with Agi!" The spell rolls off your tongue naturally and Brigid launches a fireball at the oncoming nights. Just like before, the knights are scorched, but they quickly pull themselves to their feet and charge at you. One gets close enough to you, and you stumble backwards, nearly avoiding the strike aimed to cut off your head. You scramble back to your feet, it seems that these knights weren't as weak to fire as you had previously thought…
So, if magic wasn't going to work on them then…
"Brigid, tear them apart with cleave!"
Brigid raises her sword and dashes towards the enemy and with one slice of her sword, she slices the knights in two, ending the fight. You heave a sigh of relief as the battle finally ends, and you dismiss Brigid.
Level Up! Now you can choose exactly which stats you would like to increase; However, you only have five points for now, so use them wisely!
Int: 5 [Increase Int by (certain amount of points)]
Ag: 5 [Increase Ag by (certain amount of points)]
Str: 5[Increase Str by (certain amount of points)]
Mg: 5[Increase Mg by (certain amount of points)]
Vt: 5 [Increase Vt by (certain amount of points)]
You blink as you suddenly find yourself feeling a lot strong than you had before. Looking at Dean trying to pick himself off the floor, you quickly rush to his side and help him stand up.
"Are you okay?" You ask before mentally slapping yourself, of course he isn't okay he's just been beaten and dragged to his possible execution! Why would you ask something so stupid?! Fortunately, Dean doesn't seem to mind too much as he pushes himself from your shoulder, teetering a little bit as he did so, before giving you a grin and a big thumbs up,
"Nah, don't worry," Dean says as he dusts himself off, "I've gone through worse beatings than this." Before you can question him about the beatings he mentioned, he quickly changes the subject, after he takes a glance at your face.
"S-so where'd the giant lady go?" He asks, "It's like she just disappeared in thin air." You can feel Brigid's presence floating around in the unconsciousness part of your mind, and you explain to Dean exactly where your persona is.
"So, she's in your mind?" He says, a confused look on his face, "I don't really get it, but if you have her we can beat those stupid knights, take down Umbridge while we're at it.!"
"Actually, I don't think beating the knights should be our top priority right now," You say, "There's something more important we should be doing."
"Huh? Something more-!" Deans eyes widened, "The students in the cells!" Now that you had a persona, rescuing the others would be easy. You headed for the door Umbridge had ran through, and tried to open it…
"It's locked isn't it?" Dean said, "Looks like we'll have to go through the other door." He then tested the door on the opposite wall, and the door swung open.
"What the?!"
"What's wrong?" You ask, and you walk over to where Dean was standing, and gasped. The hallway was completely empty, the students in the cells had suddenly vanished and the cell doors were open.
"We didn't go the wrong way, did we?" Dean asked as he looked back at the judgment room, "I'm pretty sure I got dragged from here…"
As soon as you opened your mouth to answer Dean, you heard heavy footsteps begin to walk towards you.
"Oh shit, more knights are coming!" Dean shouted before turning back to face you, "Hey do you think you can take them on?"
"It depends on how many there are," You say, "But I try my best to-"
"Hey over here!" A tiny voice shouted.
"Where did that voice come from?" Dean asked as the two of you looked around.
"I'm in the cell to your right," The voice said, "There's a hole in the under the bed, if you don't wanna die, you better hurry!"
"Should we trust them?" Dean asked.
"I don't know about you," You said, "But I'd rather not die yet." With that said, you decided to head into the cell, and stopped.
"Actually Dean, you should go in front of me."
"What! Why?!"
"You know why."
"…O-oh yeah I get it, I'll go ahead of you."
The two of you then crawled through the hole and exited out the other side into what looked like Umbridge's classroom.
"Finally!" an anthropomorphic snowy owl walked out of a shadowy corner, "Man you guys were taking forever!"
You and Dean looked at each other before looking back at the owl.
"Huh what's wrong, you guys are acting like you've never seen an owl before?"
"Um," Dean said, "Did those knights hit me harder than I thought, or is it that thing actually real?"
"Hey!" The owl stomped its foot on the ground, "I'm not a 'thing' and my name is Hedwig!"
"I think it's real," You say, "Either that or I'm going insane with stress…"
"Look, I'm completely real!" Hedwig shouted before walking over to Dean and punching him on the shoulder. "See?!"
"Argh, that hurt you little-"
"Anyway, now's not the time to argue," Hedwig said, "You two need to leave now." Hedwig then walked over to the door to the classroom and started fiddling with the door knob.
"Wait, we're not leaving yet!" Dean shouted as stormed up to Hedwig, "What about the others?! where did they go, we can't just leave them here!" Hedwig then opened the door and looked back at Dean,
"Look don't worry," Hedwig said. "There are some guys I know who'll definitely help them,"
"'Some guys'? Who are you talking about?" You asked. Suddenly wind began to burst from the door and began to drag you and Dean towards the door.
"That's classified information!" Hedwig shouted. Dean yelped as he got pulled through the door, and soon you were pulled through the door.
"Anyway, it was nice meeting you-don't come back!"
You and Dean landed in a heap on the cold floor below, Dean hit the ground first and you fell on top of him. The two of you shakingly got to your feet, and Dean rubbed his ribs.
"Gah, when I get my hands on that stupid owl I'll-" Dean stopped his sentence and hastily waved to Neville, who had fallen backwards on to the ground, dropping the bucket of chalk he had been carrying to the ground. Dean then walked over to Neville and helped him collect the chalk that had spilled on the ground.
"So, Neville, we can totally explain-"
"Explain how you two were spying on me!" Neville roughly grabbed the bucket away from Dean, suspicion in his eyes. "Umbridge must've sent you didn't she, and you agreed so you could avoid detention!"
"What?" Dean asked, a confused look on his face, "Why would you think we'd be spying on you, we're not a part of her little squad."
Neville remained suspicious, "Then why were you just standing there?" He asked. "And why were you…on top of…each other?" Neville's face soon began to redden, and Dean got a sly grin on his face,
"Well you see-"
"We're not like that!" You interrupt, your face flushing red. "Anyway Neville, we weren't spying on you, I promise."
Neville sighed in relief, "I think I'm getting way too paranoid," He said, "Umbridge's set out her squad, I think they're looking for someone."
"Looking for someone?" You parrot Neville, "Who are they looking for?"
"Well we were looking for you," A voice called out, and Draco strode into the room, Crabbe, Goyle, and Millicent Bulstode walked in behind him. Draco then looked over to Neville,
"Well done Longbottom," Draco said, "you kept the rulebreakers busy long enough for us to catch up to them."
Dean looked to Neville in shock, "Neville you…"
Neville shook his head, "I didn't even know they were looking for you guys!" He shouted, "Honest I-"
"Now, now Neville don't be so modest," Draco said as he patted Neville's shoulder, "If it wasn't for you, we never would have found them-give him a round of applause everyone!"
Crabbe, Goyle, and Millicent all clapped their hands, smirks on their faces.
"Oh, and Neville?" Draco stomped on Neville's foot, causing him to drop the bucket of chalk, "You missed a spot."
Draco then turned to Crabbe, Goyle, and Millicent, "Crabbe and Goyle, you two take Thomas to the headmaster's office," He ordered, "Millicent, you take Granger." Crabbe and Goyle lumbered over to Dean and pulled his arms behind his back before leading him out of the room.
"Ow! You don't have to be so rough!" You heard Dean complain as he was led out of the room. Millicent roughly grabbed your wrists and held your arms behind your back, leading you out of the room…
Draco knocked on the door to the Headmaster's office, and he soon opened the door. Behind his desk, Albus Dumbledore, peered over his bespectacled glasses at the rough treatment that Draco's goons showed. Professors McGonagall and Snape were standing to the right and left of Dumbledore respectively, and you winced at the look Professor McGonagall gave you while Dean withered under Professor Snape's glare.
"There was no need to be so rough on them Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore said. "I am sure they would have come here of their own accord."
"I disagree with that Headmaster," Umbridge said as she walked into the room, smiling at the confused faces that were on your faces. She had apparently gotten rid of the clothing she was wearing before and was back to wearing her usual garish clothes. "After all they couldn't even finish the simple task I gave them and-look!"
Umbridge leaned over and pulled some dirt off from your uniform.
"They've even resorted to rolling around in the mud!" Umbridge said, "Mr. Longbottom even told us about how they were caught in a scandalous position!"
"They're a harmful influence on this school's reputation Headmaster," Umbridge said, "That is why we must expel them from our school!"
"While no longer having to deal with Mr. Thomas brings joy to my heart," Professor Snape said in a dry tone, "I can't help but feel as though you're jumping the gun a little."
Professor McGonagall nodded, "While I must say I'm disappointed in Ms. Granger," a little part of you died inside when she said that, "Expulsion seems to be too severe a punishment for missing their classes."
Umbridge frowned, and then turned to Headmaster Dumbledore, "What do you think Headmaster Dumbledore?" She asked. "In my opinion these two irresponsible children should be expelled!"
Dumbledore stayed silent before speaking up, "I think that Ms. Granger and Mr. Thomas can either have a week of detentions with their respective professors or," Dumbledore peered at the two of you, "You can try to explain yourselves, or accept your punishment."
"Think wisely…"
[] Let Dean explain
[] Your explanation (Write in)
[] Accept your punishment
[] Take responsibility