Cauldron Detective Brigade(HP x Persona)

If I may, can I suggest that you add some lines in between the text? It can be a bit hard to read when all the text is bunched together like that.

EDIT: Ahh, much better. Cheers.
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[] Because he shoulders the immense responsibility of leading this country into greatness

[] Because they shoulder the responsibility of keeping us alive

[] Because you're the teacher

It's more propaganda than teaching at this point, but at least it's easy to get done with it.

[] "That must have been some root canal to celebrate over."

Snark is the highest form of communication.

[] Shake his hand.

Let him have his win this time. With a little luck, he'll learn the proper way to handle defeat by example. You got more important things to do than antagonize him. Like brace yourself for Umbrage.
[X][Q1] Because society cannot function without obedience to its positions.
[X][Q2] Because they wield the force to combat social disorder.
[X][Q3] Because you have the capacity to give orders invested in you by society
[X] "That must have been some root canal to celebrate over."
[X] Don't shake his hand.
[X][Q1] Because society cannot function without obedience to its positions.
[X][Q2] Because they wield the force to combat social disorder.
[X][Q3] Because you have the capacity to give orders invested in you by society
[X] "That must have been some root canal to celebrate over."
[X] Don't shake his hand.
January 10th, 20XX, part II
[X] Don't shake his hand
You refuse to shake Malfoy's outstretched hand, and Malfoy retracts his hand-his smile is still on his face.
"Well," Malfoy says as he puts his hands in his pockets, "I suppose I wouldn't want to shake the hand of the daughter of a dirty man whore." His two goons chuckle at Malfoy's statement, and you force your face to remain blank as possible as Malfoy continues to taunt her.
"You know Granger," Draco says, "My father decided yesterday to stop by a local bar, and guess who he saw?"

Draco leaned in closer, smirking at your discomfort, "Your father was at a booth, making a fool of himself might I add, surrounded by his lady 'friends'"
"I'd be disgusted to have a father like that, I suppose that's why your mother left, she couldn't stand the fact she wasn't his main screw anymore."

You clenched your hands into a fist as Draco continued to mock your family. Then you relax your hands and drop them to your sides, before pushing past Draco. You ignore his taunts and jeers as you walk down the hallway, and reach room 103, you open the door and slide into your seat in the back near the window as the morning bell began to ring. Students begin to pile into the room and fill in the rows of seats. Umbridge walks in and closes the door behind her, before going "Hem, Hem" and standing behind her wooden podium, takes out her clipboard and begins to roll call the students.





You got your supplies out from your bag as Umbridge continued down her list, shouting "Here!" once she calls out your last name. The door to the room slowly began to open, and you see Dean Thomas poke his head into the room, before slowly trying to reach his desk.

"How wonderful for you to join us Mr. Thomas," Umbridge dryly states as she marks Thomas down as late on her clipboard. "I wonder what your excuse is this time?"

"Ms. Umbridge I can explain," Dean says as he slides into his chair and drops his bag on the ground next to his chair. "The roads were busy because of that murder that happened, and the Aurors were everywhere…"

"Well I suppose I won't hold that against you," Umbridge said as she put her clipboard back on her podium, "But if you keep this up I'll make sure you get two weeks of detention." Ignoring Dean's groan of annoyance, Umbridge pulls down the projector screen that hung over the white board and pressed the power button of the projector. As the projector began to warm up, Umbridge went around each of the students' desk- commenting on their work as she looked at the answers for the questions on the work sheet.

"Really Longbottom what is this?" Umbridge asks Neville, "I can barely read what you've written on here."

Neville begins to stutter out an answer for her, "W-well you said last time that my handwriting was too big so I-"

"Excuse me?!" Umbridge says as she glares at Neville, "Are you insinuating that I am the reason for your poor work effort?!"

"U-Um no that's not what I-"

"You get an F Longbottom, and detention for talking back to a teacher." Umbridge says as she moves onto the other students, and Neville sighs as he shoves his homework back in his bag.

Umbridge then walks up to your desk and picks up your paper, looking over your answers.

[X][Q1] Because society cannot function without obedience to its positions.
[X][Q2] Because they wield the force to combat social disorder.
[X][Q3] Because you have the capacity to give orders invested in you by society

"Pretentious as always Ms. Granger," Umbridge says as drops your paper back on your desk, "But at least you know to respect your betters." She then gives you a B and continues to grade the other student's papers, before walking over to her computer on her desk and began her lecture.

And so, the hour and a half torture session began as Umbridge none too subtly hammered propaganda down their throats about the Ministry, and how the Aurors were there to serve and protect, and she spent the last half hour waxing poetic about Fudge. You sighed in relief as the bell began to ring and you gathered your things and began to leave.

"Hem, Hem." Umbridge went as she called out, "Ms. Granger. Mr. Dean, a moment of your time please?" You inwardly sigh as you and Dean walk up to Umbridge who sat at her computer desk.

"You see you two, it has come to my attention that the detention room has gotten rather dusty," Umbridge said.

Dean blinked in confusion, "What does that have to do with us?" he asked.

"Well I'm going to be out to take care of some business," Umbridge said as she grabbed her bag and stood up, "So you two will be cleaning it for me," Umbridge tossed a pair of keys to you, and you caught them in your hands.

"It was supposed to be a punishment for you Dean, but I don't trust you on your own, so Granger will be watching over you." Umbridge said and then left the room, calling over her shoulder, "And remember to lock the room when you're done!"
"Man, this sucks…" Dean complained as he swept the floor "Why do we have to do her work for her-she could've gotten Filch to do it!" You sighed as you wiped the desks of the grime that was stuck to the desks. It'd be quicker to finish the work if they stayed focused and quiet, but that seemed to be something Dean could do.


Just ignore him.


Quit talking…


"What do you want?!" You snap at Dean.

"Wow looks like those rumors were right, you really are on edge all the time." Dean noticed as he laid the broom against a large green metal locker. "Anyway, you should come look at this…" You sigh and walk over to where Dean was and looked at the locker on the side of the locker, a large keypad with numbers was attached to the locker. Dean randomly pressed the buttons on the keypad, only for it to beep and a red light on the pad to light up.

"Hm…" Dean pressed the buttons again, only for the keypad to beep again and a red light to light up again.

"Look, Dean you should stop messing with that," You say. "Umbridge might get mad with you if she finds out you're messing with her stuff."

"Don't worry, Queen Umbridge won't suspect a thing," He said flippantly, "Unless you tell her." He then glanced over at her from the keypad,

"Are you going to tell her?"


"Oh wait!" He said as he turned back to the keypad and quickly pressed the buttons on the keypad. A green light lit up on the keypad, and the locker grinded against the wall and moved away to reveal a dark entrance.

"I can't believe that worked…"

"What did you put in?" You asked Dean. Dean chuckled and smirked over at you.

"I just typed in 'Queen' I didn't think it would work." Dean said, and then began to head through the entrance.

"Wait, where are you going?!" You ask Dean.

"Aren't you curious to see what she's got in here?" He asks, "You've heard about the rumors, right?"

You bite your lip and think about if it was worth it to do something that would get you into trouble, as you argue with yourself Dean apparently decides to walk into the entrance, and she knew that Umbridge would be even angrier if she found out that Dean had messed with her things.

"Hey wait up!" You call out as you run into the entrance and catch up to Dean. You turn on your flashlight app on your phone to help you see your way, looking around you couldn't see Dean, but you figured he had gone down the stone steps. Holding a hand to the stone wall, you carefully walk down the steps, water dripped from the celling and landed on the stairs and the echo was the only sound you could hear.

You wrinkled your nose as a horrid stench hit your nose, and you nearly gagged as you walked down the steps. Eventually, it became brighter as torches attached to the wall illuminated the pathway down below. You turned your phone off as you stepped off the stairs and onto the rocky ground.

"Oh my god…"

You see rows of cells filled with students sporting bruises and cuts, layers of filth covered their hair, their nails were chipped and broken, and rips and tears could be seen on their uniforms. Tear stains marked their cheeks, silver buckets filled to the brim with vomit, and some other type of fluid. Beds with soiled sheets were attached to the wall, and those who were on the beds head had white wash cloths on their foreheads and constantly trembled while some of them were on the floor rocking back and forth, muttering, "I must follow the rules…I must not break rules…" over and over again. One of the students apparently noticed her and pointed at her,

"You're out of your cell like the other one…" The student whispered, "We'll be punished if you don't get back in your cell…"

The "other one" they're mentioning must have been Dean!

"Where did Dean go?" You ask the student, "The one who was here before?"

The student began to shake, fresh tears began to pour down their face, "I-I shouldn't be talking to you…you're only going to make it worse…" They began to hyperventilate before screaming as loud as they could,


The sound of rushing feet could be heard, and a group of tall knights in silver came rushing into the passageway. A knight who was large than the other knights pushed his way to the front of the group, he was wearing large black armor with spikes jutting from his shoulder pieces, a long cape billowed behind him.

"Well, well," The knight in black armor, "It seems as though we've caught yet another escapee…" He then pointed to two knights in the back of the group,
"You two, go tell they Queen we've caught another one!" He then pointed to the two knights in the middle of the group, "You two, bring this rulebreaker to the Judgement Room!"

"Yes sir!" The knights replied and grabbed both of your arms and dragged you to the Judgement Room, the students in the cages grasped the bars and stared at you while the knights dragged you along. The dark knight pulled out a riot baton and stabbed it through the gaps, sending the students collapsing to the floor, twitching as the electricity ran through their bodies.
The knights dragged you out into a bright red room and tossed you onto the red and white checkered floor. You tried to raise yourself off the ground, but one of the knights used the hilt of his sword to knock you back to the ground, knocking the air out of you. Twisting your head to the right, you could see Dean in a similar position to you, a red gag was pulled over his mouth, and his left eye shone a dark purple, and he was apparently knocked unconscious.
"All rise for the Queen!" A knight shouted, and you heard the doors behind you swing open. You could hear light footsteps and the tap of heels against the floor.

"It's such a shame," Umbridge said, "I gave you one simple task and you couldn't even do it right…" Umbridge then kicked you in the side and you cried out in pain as you rolled over and saw Umbridge scowling at you. Umbridge had gone all out on her "business" trip, white powder coated her face her hair was pulled into a tight bun, she had put red lipstick on at some point, and she wore a bright red dress with matching heels.

"But I suppose I'll let it slide just this once," Umbridge said as she walked over to Dean, "I realize the challenges of keeping a fool like him in line."

"Lift him up," She ordered, and the Knights raised Dean up. Umbridge then slapped him across the face, hard, waking Dean up.

"I'm so glad you're back in the land of the living Mr. Thomas," Umbridge said with a dainty smile on her face. "After all you would've missed your punishment!"

"My punishment?" Dean asked.

A knight pulled out a scroll, "Dean Thomas for your crimes of blatantly disrespecting the Queen, refusal to come to meetings on time, and outright avoiding your rightful sentencing, the Queen has levied upon you the ultimate punishment."

"Death," Umbridge giggled to herself, "Oh it will be so much fun to execute you, I haven't done it in years!"

"Wait, execution?!" Dean shouted and began to struggle against the knight's grasp, "This is insane, you can't do this!"

"Well actually I can," Umbridge said, "After all I'm the Queen, and what I say goes!"

"Chop, chop gentlemen," Umbridge said, "Let's get this execution on the road!"

She was really going through with it! You thought to yourself, there had to be something, anything you could do to stop it!

[] Hey Umbridge, I bet you think you're so special executing a kid like that!
[] Let's think this through, we don't want to do anything we'll regret!
[]Take off your shoe and throw it at her head
[] Write in

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[] Use your phone. Contact the aurors, not even a bootlicker like her should be able to escape with this.
-[] Try to gain some time. Flatter her. Dean could proclaim tale of her mercy and graciousness to all if he was spared. It would surely please Fudge.
[X] Take off your shoe and throw it at her head
You realize that words will barely influence Umbridge, she seems to have had the "Queen" moniker get to her head. So, you quickly push yourself into a sitting position, and quickly take off your shoe. You then cock your arm back, before flinging it forward, sending the shoe flying.

"Ngh!" Umbridge shouted as the shoe hit the back of her head, clutching her head, she turned to you with a look of fury on her face. "Assaulting a Queen, Ms. Granger, is a serious offense."

"Such an offense is worthy of a serious punishment…" Umbridge said with a dark smile on her face, "Execution is the most fitting punishment for someone like you."

The two knights that were holding Dean up dropped him on the floor and grabbed your arms and pushed you down on the ground. Umbridge took a sword from one of her knights and twirled it in her hand, before positioning it above your neck. Dean stumbled to his feet and tried to reach you, but the other knights held their swords in front of them to block his path.

"Don't worry Mr. Thomas, You'll get your turn to die soon," Umbridge said as she raised the sword over her head. "You kids really need to learn to respect your betters, and temper your curiosity."

"After all," Umbridge said as she began to laugh, "Curiosity killed the cat!" Umbridge swung her sword down and you shut your eyes as your death quickly approached. You inwardly cursed yourself for even bothering to follow Dean down here. Everything would have been fine if you had just done what you were told and toed the line. Sure, it would have been humiliating to constantly bow down to Umbridge's will, but maybe that would have been the better option…

"Hmph, I thought you'd be better than this."

"?!" You react in surprise as a voice suddenly echoes in your mind. Time began to slow down, and the sword traveled through the air as though it was molasses. You could see Dean screaming as he watched Umbridge swing her sword, a wicked grin was on Umbridge's face as she focused on killing you.

"If you give up here and now, you will die."

But what were you supposed to do? The knights held your arms to your back, and they were too strong for you to get away from. And even though time had slowed down, Umbridge's sword would eventually reach your neck, and you would die. There was no way to escape it, your fate was to die at the hands of Umbridge in some room, no one would know where you were. You felt bad, as your father would no doubt be worried if you went missing, and the last thing he would remember is you saying,

"That must have been some root canal to celebrate over."

And ignoring him during the morning…

"Well, I'm not one to believe in fate, in fact I believe it can be changed."

Your fate… could be changed? A small bubble of hope began to form in your chest. But how were you supposed to change your fate?

"I shall lend you my power, all you need to do is call out my name…"

Time began to move forward again, and the sword began to swing towards your neck.

"No! Hermione!" Dean screamed.

"Die!" Umbridge shouted.

"" You whisper and a gale of wind, and blue light erupted around you, pushing Umbridge and her knights far away from you. Inside the light, a figure began to form behind you as you pushed yourself to your feet. The light and wind began to die down, and a large woman with pale skin floated behind you. She had shocking red hair that reached all the way to her back, and a circlet appeared on her head, a gold necklace was wrapped around her neck. She wore a dark green robe, and a bronze shield and sword appeared in her right and left hand respectively.

"I am thou,
thou art I,
I am Brigid, master of all the elements,
With thy flame, break thy chains of fate!"

"What the hell..." Dean whispered as he stared at the sudden appearance of your persona. You blink as you suddenly find yourself with a short sword in your hands. Umbridge backs away in fright, sweat pours down her face in waves as she mumbles incoherently. A smirk begins to form on your face, and you can't help but taunt the "Queen".

"What's wrong?" You ask, "I thought you were going to kill me," You take a step towards Umbridge shrinks back in fear and presses herself against the wall.

"S-stay back!" Umbridge shouts as she begins to shake, "I c-command you to stop now and accept your punishment!"

"I guess not, considering how pathetic you're acting right now."

It feels good to unload all your anger onto Umbridge, and after seeing what she's done to the students she was supposed to protect, seeing the complete and utter unrepentance she has for her actions, you decide it's time she faces justice.

"Wh-what are you fools doing?! Kill her! Kill her!" Umbridge dashes for the door and slams it shut behind her.

The knights seem to have gained their senses upon hearing their master's orders and dash towards you, raising their swords to strike you down.

"Brigid," You command your persona, "Kill them."

Brigid dashes forwards and swings her sword in a wide arc, sending one of the knight's head rolling to the floor. The knights pause mid-step, seemingly confused and hesitant on how to proceed, debating themselves in their minds about whether it was a good idea to attack. Eventually they decided to charge at Brigid, intent on avenging their fallen brethren. Brigid then closed her eyes, and then opened them, and a bursts of fire set one of the knights on fire, and he fell to the ground- the metal of his armor was warped and covered in scorch marks.

"Holy shit…" Dean whispered as the knights who were surrounding him charged at you.

"Well then Brigid!" You say, "It looks like it's time to give our hosts a warm welcome!"

There are about two guards still left, so I'll let you guys decide the best options for combat, I'll be putting up a character sheet soon, so you can see what skills Hermione has.
[] Write-in

Personas acquired
Personas Acquired:
Lvl: 1
Agi: 4 SP
Dia: 4 SP
Cleave: 5 HP
Brigid's history: Brigid is the traditional patroness of healing, poetry and smithcraft, which are all practical and inspired wisdom. As a solar deity Her attributes are light, inspiration and all skills associated with fire. Although She might not be identified with the physical Sun, she is certainly the benefactress of inner healing and vital energy.
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Escape from the Castle of Pride
[X] Agi, blast them down

The knights charge towards you at full speed, and you can't help but smirk as you call out to Brigid,

"Brigid, blast them down with Agi!" The spell rolls off your tongue naturally and Brigid launches a fireball at the oncoming nights. Just like before, the knights are scorched, but they quickly pull themselves to their feet and charge at you. One gets close enough to you, and you stumble backwards, nearly avoiding the strike aimed to cut off your head. You scramble back to your feet, it seems that these knights weren't as weak to fire as you had previously thought…

So, if magic wasn't going to work on them then…

"Brigid, tear them apart with cleave!"

Brigid raises her sword and dashes towards the enemy and with one slice of her sword, she slices the knights in two, ending the fight. You heave a sigh of relief as the battle finally ends, and you dismiss Brigid.

Level Up! Now you can choose exactly which stats you would like to increase; However, you only have five points for now, so use them wisely!

Int: 5 [Increase Int by (certain amount of points)]
Ag: 5 [Increase Ag by (certain amount of points)]
Str: 5[Increase Str by (certain amount of points)]
Mg: 5[Increase Mg by (certain amount of points)]
Vt: 5 [Increase Vt by (certain amount of points)]

You blink as you suddenly find yourself feeling a lot strong than you had before. Looking at Dean trying to pick himself off the floor, you quickly rush to his side and help him stand up.

"Are you okay?" You ask before mentally slapping yourself, of course he isn't okay he's just been beaten and dragged to his possible execution! Why would you ask something so stupid?! Fortunately, Dean doesn't seem to mind too much as he pushes himself from your shoulder, teetering a little bit as he did so, before giving you a grin and a big thumbs up,

"Nah, don't worry," Dean says as he dusts himself off, "I've gone through worse beatings than this." Before you can question him about the beatings he mentioned, he quickly changes the subject, after he takes a glance at your face.

"S-so where'd the giant lady go?" He asks, "It's like she just disappeared in thin air." You can feel Brigid's presence floating around in the unconsciousness part of your mind, and you explain to Dean exactly where your persona is.

"So, she's in your mind?" He says, a confused look on his face, "I don't really get it, but if you have her we can beat those stupid knights, take down Umbridge while we're at it.!"

"Actually, I don't think beating the knights should be our top priority right now," You say, "There's something more important we should be doing."

"Huh? Something more-!" Deans eyes widened, "The students in the cells!" Now that you had a persona, rescuing the others would be easy. You headed for the door Umbridge had ran through, and tried to open it…


"It's locked isn't it?" Dean said, "Looks like we'll have to go through the other door." He then tested the door on the opposite wall, and the door swung open.

"What the?!"

"What's wrong?" You ask, and you walk over to where Dean was standing, and gasped. The hallway was completely empty, the students in the cells had suddenly vanished and the cell doors were open.

"We didn't go the wrong way, did we?" Dean asked as he looked back at the judgment room, "I'm pretty sure I got dragged from here…"

As soon as you opened your mouth to answer Dean, you heard heavy footsteps begin to walk towards you.

"Oh shit, more knights are coming!" Dean shouted before turning back to face you, "Hey do you think you can take them on?"

"It depends on how many there are," You say, "But I try my best to-"

"Hey over here!" A tiny voice shouted.

"Where did that voice come from?" Dean asked as the two of you looked around.

"I'm in the cell to your right," The voice said, "There's a hole in the under the bed, if you don't wanna die, you better hurry!"

"Should we trust them?" Dean asked.

"I don't know about you," You said, "But I'd rather not die yet." With that said, you decided to head into the cell, and stopped.

"Actually Dean, you should go in front of me."

"What! Why?!"

"You know why."

"…O-oh yeah I get it, I'll go ahead of you."

The two of you then crawled through the hole and exited out the other side into what looked like Umbridge's classroom.

"Finally!" an anthropomorphic snowy owl walked out of a shadowy corner, "Man you guys were taking forever!"

You and Dean looked at each other before looking back at the owl.

"Huh what's wrong, you guys are acting like you've never seen an owl before?"

"Um," Dean said, "Did those knights hit me harder than I thought, or is it that thing actually real?"

"Hey!" The owl stomped its foot on the ground, "I'm not a 'thing' and my name is Hedwig!"

"I think it's real," You say, "Either that or I'm going insane with stress…"

"Look, I'm completely real!" Hedwig shouted before walking over to Dean and punching him on the shoulder. "See?!"

"Argh, that hurt you little-"

"Anyway, now's not the time to argue," Hedwig said, "You two need to leave now." Hedwig then walked over to the door to the classroom and started fiddling with the door knob.

"Wait, we're not leaving yet!" Dean shouted as stormed up to Hedwig, "What about the others?! where did they go, we can't just leave them here!" Hedwig then opened the door and looked back at Dean,

"Look don't worry," Hedwig said. "There are some guys I know who'll definitely help them,"

"'Some guys'? Who are you talking about?" You asked. Suddenly wind began to burst from the door and began to drag you and Dean towards the door.

"That's classified information!" Hedwig shouted. Dean yelped as he got pulled through the door, and soon you were pulled through the door.

"Anyway, it was nice meeting you-don't come back!"




You and Dean landed in a heap on the cold floor below, Dean hit the ground first and you fell on top of him. The two of you shakingly got to your feet, and Dean rubbed his ribs.

"Gah, when I get my hands on that stupid owl I'll-" Dean stopped his sentence and hastily waved to Neville, who had fallen backwards on to the ground, dropping the bucket of chalk he had been carrying to the ground. Dean then walked over to Neville and helped him collect the chalk that had spilled on the ground.

"So, Neville, we can totally explain-"

"Explain how you two were spying on me!" Neville roughly grabbed the bucket away from Dean, suspicion in his eyes. "Umbridge must've sent you didn't she, and you agreed so you could avoid detention!"

"What?" Dean asked, a confused look on his face, "Why would you think we'd be spying on you, we're not a part of her little squad."

Neville remained suspicious, "Then why were you just standing there?" He asked. "And why were you…on top of…each other?" Neville's face soon began to redden, and Dean got a sly grin on his face,

"Well you see-"

"We're not like that!" You interrupt, your face flushing red. "Anyway Neville, we weren't spying on you, I promise."

Neville sighed in relief, "I think I'm getting way too paranoid," He said, "Umbridge's set out her squad, I think they're looking for someone."

"Looking for someone?" You parrot Neville, "Who are they looking for?"

"Well we were looking for you," A voice called out, and Draco strode into the room, Crabbe, Goyle, and Millicent Bulstode walked in behind him. Draco then looked over to Neville,

"Well done Longbottom," Draco said, "you kept the rulebreakers busy long enough for us to catch up to them."

Dean looked to Neville in shock, "Neville you…"

Neville shook his head, "I didn't even know they were looking for you guys!" He shouted, "Honest I-"

"Now, now Neville don't be so modest," Draco said as he patted Neville's shoulder, "If it wasn't for you, we never would have found them-give him a round of applause everyone!"

Crabbe, Goyle, and Millicent all clapped their hands, smirks on their faces.

"Oh, and Neville?" Draco stomped on Neville's foot, causing him to drop the bucket of chalk, "You missed a spot."

Draco then turned to Crabbe, Goyle, and Millicent, "Crabbe and Goyle, you two take Thomas to the headmaster's office," He ordered, "Millicent, you take Granger." Crabbe and Goyle lumbered over to Dean and pulled his arms behind his back before leading him out of the room.

"Ow! You don't have to be so rough!" You heard Dean complain as he was led out of the room. Millicent roughly grabbed your wrists and held your arms behind your back, leading you out of the room…

Draco knocked on the door to the Headmaster's office, and he soon opened the door. Behind his desk, Albus Dumbledore, peered over his bespectacled glasses at the rough treatment that Draco's goons showed. Professors McGonagall and Snape were standing to the right and left of Dumbledore respectively, and you winced at the look Professor McGonagall gave you while Dean withered under Professor Snape's glare.

"There was no need to be so rough on them Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore said. "I am sure they would have come here of their own accord."

"I disagree with that Headmaster," Umbridge said as she walked into the room, smiling at the confused faces that were on your faces. She had apparently gotten rid of the clothing she was wearing before and was back to wearing her usual garish clothes. "After all they couldn't even finish the simple task I gave them and-look!"

Umbridge leaned over and pulled some dirt off from your uniform.

"They've even resorted to rolling around in the mud!" Umbridge said, "Mr. Longbottom even told us about how they were caught in a scandalous position!"

"They're a harmful influence on this school's reputation Headmaster," Umbridge said, "That is why we must expel them from our school!"

"While no longer having to deal with Mr. Thomas brings joy to my heart," Professor Snape said in a dry tone, "I can't help but feel as though you're jumping the gun a little."

Professor McGonagall nodded, "While I must say I'm disappointed in Ms. Granger," a little part of you died inside when she said that, "Expulsion seems to be too severe a punishment for missing their classes."

Umbridge frowned, and then turned to Headmaster Dumbledore, "What do you think Headmaster Dumbledore?" She asked. "In my opinion these two irresponsible children should be expelled!"

Dumbledore stayed silent before speaking up, "I think that Ms. Granger and Mr. Thomas can either have a week of detentions with their respective professors or," Dumbledore peered at the two of you, "You can try to explain yourselves, or accept your punishment."

"Think wisely…"

[] Let Dean explain
[] Your explanation (Write in)
[] Accept your punishment
[] Take responsibility

Side characters

Draco Malfoy- A student at Hogwarts Academy, son of Lucius Malfoy, a powerful member of the ministry, leader of Umbridge's Inquisition Squad, is also vey, very annoying.

Goyle and Crabbe- Draco's henchmen, they do everything he tells them to without fail, if he told them to jump off a cliff, they'd probably do it.

Millicent Bulstode- A student at Hogwarts Academy, she's a real bully who likes to pick on those younger or weaker than her, seems to cling around Draco.

Professor Umbridge/ 'Queen' Umbridge- A professor at the Academy, she wastes no time in shoving down her ideology and beliefs down others throat, is also a 'Queen' who's holding hostage over untold amount of students and has control over a group of knights.

Headmaster Dumbledore- The Headmaster of the Academy, can be quite nice at times, but when it comes to protecting his students or putting them in line, he's not afraid to get his hands dirty.

Professor McGonagall -Hermione's favorite teacher, she's a stern old woman, but she usually softens up whenever it's Hermione- and always loves to answer her questions

Professor Snape- Hermione's and Dean's chemistry teacher, He's a no-nonsense man who won't hesitate to insult you if you're doing something wrong. Though sometimes when you look at him hard enough, you can spot a faraway gaze in his eyes, and what looks like regret…

Your Dad- A dentist, Hermione doesn't hate him, but she can't really love him either… he likes to party.
[X] Take responsibility

Knowing Umbridge, explanation without evidence won't work.
Just eat the lesser punishment.