Do you want a quest Interlude?

  • Yes, I'd like the quest to have an interlude for different POV character updates.

    Votes: 32 88.9%
  • No, I want to keep the quest going normally.

    Votes: 4 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Man, Glimmer of the Frozen Lands is shaping up to be a wild quest! I mean, starting up at a low point, and I think her main advisor might not be fully trustworthy, but I'm sure it'll all get better once she gets a few turns in to consolidate.

Meanwhile, in Brightmoon, Angela is busy bashing her head against the nearest wall.
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Ok I'll admit i don't know much about the show but was it revealed at some point that Glimmer was dropped on her head as a child... form like the top of the castle... possible more than once
Shadow Weaver gently cupped my cheek. "That is a common weakness for most parents. They raised you, they're used to telling you what to do, correcting your behavior, being your parent. It can be hard for them to understand that you're now an adult and should be taken seriously. That can lead to a ... lack of respect, however accidental that might be.
While when it comes to Shadow Weaver, that lack of respect is wholly intentional..
[X] Plan Flowers

I rather dislike the plan that includes thanking Scorpia for her enabling Catra and her bullshit blaming of Adora. No thank you.
[X] Plan Diplomacy and Prospering Dryl

[X] Send Envoy to a member of the Princess Alliance
-[X] Plumeria
--[X] Catra
[X] Send Envoy to a member of the Princess Alliance
-[X] Brightmoon
--[X] Scorpia

[X] Gang Military Reform
-[X] Knockout

[X] Full Wargear Upgrade (Horde Tech)
-[X] Knockout

[X] Organize Dryl Festival
-[X] Entrapta

[X] Rebuild Dryl's Fright Zone Fortifications

[X] Spend time amongst Dryl's people.

I've already stated my reasoning for both diplomatic ventures. I'll just add a little addendum that I don't think it's a good idea to have Catra wandering around the valley of the lost or whatnot while emotionally compromised.

As for the Gang Military Reform, I thought about assigning Catra to it, but IC I don't want us to come across to Knockout as stepping on his toes or not trusting his competency; this is pretty much his forte, and I think we should trust him to get it done.

When it comes to Entrapta's actions... hear me out. My reasoning for assigning Entrapta to planning the festival are twofold:

1) To ensure (or at least drastically increase the chances) that the action will succeed. With that +30 to Dryl logistics along with her base skill, she grants a bonus to the action that is equivalent to her Magic and Tech bonus; ensuring that the action will succeed (assuming she doesn't get distracted - even if she does I don't really have any issue with it) and opening the possibility that she may pull off a truly spectacular festival (not even taking into account the possible bonuses with that increased crit range).
2) IC wise... I'm concerned about Entrapta (specifically her mental health) - I imagine that she's feeling pretty terrible/guilty about what happened to the people of Dryl under her watch/as a result of her actions (even if she represses/doesn't show it much). I'd like to give her the opportunity to make it up to them/relieve some of her guilt; even if in a somewhat roundabout way, she'll still be doing something to bring her people hapiness/make amends.
3) Entrapta knows that part of the reason we value her is for her technological prowess. This kind of goes along with part of my reasoning for having the festival in the first, but I'd like to show her that we aren't going to use her genius solely for creating weapons and tech to decimate our enemies. In short, I want to get Entrapta on board the whole "benevolently conquer all of Etheria" train.

Also, I like Entrapta and want to see her happy.

And I know that when performing a non-tech action she has a 50% chance of getting distracted and switching to a tech project. But I think it's worth the risk, since even if she does her magic and tech bonus would still apply to that project, and I'm fine with her switching to any of the other tech projects we have available (though there are obviously some she won't be able to swap to due to a lack of first ones tech).

I was actually sorely tempted to send Entrapta out to secure first ones' tech, but I think her happiness comes first for the aforestated reasons.

And wow. That explanation got a bit out of hand.

Anyhow, I'm thinking we do the Horde Tech upgrade for Knockout for the reasons I stated when first bringing it up/proposing it - doing so will make him more effective (at least as a fighter) and will cement his loyalty/reward him for defecting from the Horde. I was actually tempted to wait until we could make him a set from First Ones tech (so that we can have our grizzled super soldier)... but thinking about it I decided that it's a bit much to give him that right off the bat. I want to have something that we can potentially reward him with for having performed well in the future, and with First Ones tech being a highly valuable resource I think this is a good compromise between the two.

Also, it's the action that's most likely to succeed with Entrapta being delegated to planning the festival.

And as for the industry action, I think we should definitely get started on fortifying Dryl. However, I do not think we should compromise the defenses on the Alliance side to do so, lest we end up in this very same situation again in the future (seriously it would be absurd to have flip flopped the defenses between each side three times - with Glimmer going rogue hateboner on us, and the Alliance being compromised, I wouldn't discount an attack coming from that direction in the future). Even with the +30 bonus, there's a good chance we'd have to take another action to complete the defenses next turn anyhow, so I don't really see the point/think it's worth compromising our defenses on the other side.

Finally, I think we should have Catra spend time amongst the people of Dryl. I've already stated my reasons, but basically I think it would do her good to see the happiness that she's brought to people, and to actually be the recipient of people's gratitude for a change (presumably they know who it was that liberated/helped their Queen liberate them from the Horde).
Glimmer, Glimmer, Glimmer. I'd say 'like father, like daughter', except Micha recognized when he'd screwed up by trusting Shadow Weaver, Glimmer just doubles down. I guess the only brightside is that so long as she refuses to go back home, she can't recharge her powers.

was actually sorely tempted to send Entrapta out to secure first ones' tech, but I think her happiness comes first for the aforestated reasons.

Wait, are you saying that Entrapta wouldn't be happy to find more First One's tech? Doubt.

[X] Plan Crimson Empire Consolidation

I agree that sending out our proclamation is important and while Knockout is good for training our troops, I don't see an instant demand to have his tech repaired, not when we need Catra as strong and imposing as ever. If anything, I still think First One's tech would be the best choice for her wargear, but some gear for her is better than none.
Huh? What? No.

By happiness, I meant her overall mental state. While I'm sure she'd be thrilled to find some First Ones Tech, it wouldn't solve the underlying issues.

I was mostly just joking, I don't have any real problems with your plan. I think we can afford more attention on consolidating the Crimson Empire for the next turn, but helping Dryl out is good too.
I was mostly just joking, I don't have any real problems with your plan. I think we can afford more attention on consolidating the Crimson Empire for the next turn, but helping Dryl out is good too.
Oh. Sorry, didn't really catch that with the way it was worded.

And I mean, I definitely think we should focus on Dryl. A single week or whatever isn't really going to change the wastes from a desolate wasteland to a thriving metropolis, and we should definitely strike on the diplomacy issues while the iron is hot/before Shadow Weaver and Glimmer have a chance to make their move/start spreading their poison.

Plus, whatever infrastructure we develop is just giving Hordak something to target right now. Until we have a trained force and strongpoints capable of defending our interests in the Waste, there's not much point to trying to develop them when Hordak can strike at any time and undo any work we've done.
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[X] Plan Crimson Empire Consolidation

I agree that sending out our proclamation is important and while Knockout is good for training our troops, I don't see an instant demand to have his tech repaired, not when we need Catra as strong and imposing as ever. If anything, I still think First One's tech would be the best choice for her wargear, but some gear for her is better than none.

I would be up for giving Catra a First Ones Tech Upgrade, the only caveat to that is that the DC probably means we'd need to put Entrapta on it. I generally like to stick to actions with a solid chance to success to avoid any big failures/wasted actions. Though with the lowered DC for the Dryl festival, I'd be good with using that for our no-character action instead. The revised plan would be as follows

[X] Plan Crimson Empire Consolidation v2

[ ] Prepare Supply Lines to the Valley of the Lost
- [] Scorpia

[ ] Gang Military Reform
- [] Knockout

[ ] Personally explore the Valley of the Lost
- [] Catra

[ ] Full Wargear Upgrade (First Ones Tech)
- [] Upgrade Catra's wargear
- [] Entrapta

[ ] Organize Dryl Festival
-[ ] Celebrating the Empire's liberation of Dryl from the Horde.

[ ] Build trade routes through the Crimson Waste

[ ] Spend time with the gang.
- [ ] The New Order Speech!
- [ ] Record the speech and broadcast it out to the rest of our domain. Make sure the speech's contents will make Catra look good.


I'm wary of doing any diplomacy this turn, because neither of our diplomats are in a good place mentally. Catra's still a complete mess who's said in updates that she doesn't want to deal with Adora, and would rather stick to military affairs right now. Scorpia ... has her own biases when it comes to Adora, as we saw when she pretty much blamed Adora for Catra's breakdown. Sending either of them on a diplomatic mission while feelings are still raw seems like a recipe for disaster.
Excellent plan, I love it. And yeah, I totally agree about the diplomat thing, best to let things cool down a bit first.

[X] Plan Crimson Empire Consolidation v2
I don't want to do the First One upgrade. It just seems to be trying to damage the Adora relationship for temporary gain.

Cause, you know, there's a ton of other First One tech out there that we could grab with little trouble, we know where large amounts are, that stuff is just as good for our own personal wargear, and, meanwhile, using it doesn't permanently (as far as we know IC) rob Adora of what she thinks is the one thing that makes her special.

Unless and until we've given up on the Adora relationship entirely, or she's given the okay, I will have to strongly argue about using the remnants of Adora's sword for our own personal gain.
I would be up for giving Catra a First Ones Tech Upgrade, the only caveat to that is that the DC probably means we'd need to put Entrapta on it. I generally like to stick to actions with a solid chance to success to avoid any big failures/wasted actions. Though with the lowered DC for the Dryl festival, I'd be good with using that for our no-character action instead. The revised plan would be as follows

[X] Plan Crimson Empire Consolidation v2

[ ] Prepare Supply Lines to the Valley of the Lost
- [] Scorpia

[ ] Gang Military Reform
- [] Knockout

[ ] Personally explore the Valley of the Lost
- [] Catra

[ ] Full Wargear Upgrade (First Ones Tech)
- [] Upgrade Catra's wargear
- [] Entrapta

[ ] Organize Dryl Festival
-[ ] Celebrating the Empire's liberation of Dryl from the Horde.

[ ] Build trade routes through the Crimson Waste

[ ] Spend time with the gang.
- [ ] The New Order Speech!
- [ ] Record the speech and broadcast it out to the rest of our domain. Make sure the speech's contents will make Catra look good.


I'm wary of doing any diplomacy this turn, because neither of our diplomats are in a good place mentally. Catra's still a complete mess who's said in updates that she doesn't want to deal with Adora, and would rather stick to military affairs right now. Scorpia ... has her own biases when it comes to Adora, as we saw when she pretty much blamed Adora for Catra's breakdown. Sending either of them on a diplomatic mission while feelings are still raw seems like a recipe for disaster.
The sword is our only first ones tech. If we first ones upgrade with out more the sword will be gone.
Yeah you're right about the diplomacy. At least as long as Glimmer isn't in Angellas fans the matter can't be fully resolved therefore still best diplomacy shot.
What do you think about highering DT to spy on Shadow Weaver? After we meet them of course.
I don't want to do the First One upgrade. It just seems to be trying to damage the Adora relationship for temporary gain.

Cause, you know, there's a ton of other First One tech out there that we could grab with little trouble, we know where large amounts are, that stuff is just as good for our own personal wargear, and, meanwhile, using it doesn't permanently (as far as we know IC) rob Adora of what she thinks is the one thing that makes her special.

Unless and until we've given up on the Adora relationship entirely, or she's given the okay, I will have to strongly argue about using the remnants of Adora's sword for our own personal gain.

It's not just that. There is other First Ones gear around sure, but it takes actions and possible failures to get. More importantly, it will definitively stop Hordak's portal plans (and puts a serious crink in Light Hope's plans too). We cannot let those happen. Getting rid of the sword really is the safest option for Etheria, and we don't have time to play around and ask Adora nicely, given the failures of diplomacy.

I don't think this decision alone will end their relationship. They've been through a lot in canon (including Catra trying to end reality just so Adora wouldn't win) and they ended up together there. Will it hurt things? Probably a bit, but their already at a low point. I think this is the best time to get it done, with the most bang for our buck, so to speak.
We could send Scorpia to plumeria with an offer of trade and alliance, but also a message for Adora and co.

Namely please come back I promise not to claw your faces off... This month.
What do you think about highering DT to spy on Shadow Weaver? After we meet them of course.

Definitely we should hire DT and use them to maximum effect as soon as they turn up.

It's not just that. There is other First Ones gear around sure, but it takes actions and possible failures to get. More importantly, it will definitively stop Hordak's portal plans (and puts a serious crink in Light Hope's plans too). We cannot let those happen. Getting rid of the sword really is the safest option for Etheria, and we don't have time to play around and ask Adora nicely, given the failures of diplomacy.

I don't think this decision alone will end their relationship. They've been through a lot in canon (including Catra trying to end reality just so Adora wouldn't win) and they ended up together there. Will it hurt things? Probably a bit, but their already at a low point. I think this is the best time to get it done, with the most bang for our buck, so to speak.

Really, in terms of relationship damage this is probably the best time to use the sword's components short of doing so at an unclear future date when Adora fully consents to it. Adora will be upset, but she knows Catra acts out when she's hurt, and she knows that Catra pretty much just had her heart ripped out by Shadow Weaver. Not to say Adora will be happy, but doing it while they're already on the outs is actually less damaging than doing it later. And it removes the sword as tool for all the people who want to use it to wreck the world.

Granted, part of what makes it tempting is also that it is a potentially bad idea ... but exactly the sort of bad idea Catra would have. She's hurt, and now she's going to lash out.
This is why I want to send Scorpia to Plumeria to ask about the sword. It is a risk but if anyone can keep Scorpia from ruining things it is Perfuma and Bow. Also asking about the Sword is an olive branch to Adora and helps us better inform our decision. Catra is hurt but she is also feeling incredibly uncertain about Adora at the moment. Sure she feels betrayed about Shadow Weaver but what Entrapta told her about the conference has given her pause. It is all a risk but I think a necessary one.

EDIT: Also, Catra can take our her frustrations on whatever she encounters in the Crimson Waste! It is a great consequence free coping mechanism!
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More importantly, it will definitively stop Hordak's portal plans (and puts a serious crink in Light Hope's plans too).

It's multiple pieces of tech, have Entrapta wear a piece like a necklace (she tends to stay behind the front lines so if they get to Entrapta we've basically already lost, and, I don't know, throw the other piece in the vault, in the safe, kidding flat in the middle of a pile of treasure so it can't be visually seen.

It's not too hard to hide multiple pieces of tech well enough that, if the bad guy manages to find and grab enough for their evil scheme, then it means they've already won hard enough that the quest is basically over anyway.
If we really want first ones war gear, we could have it made for Adora. This softens the blow of destroying the sword, and reduces the tactical drawback, and might tempt her over active hero complex into coming back faster.

Also it might stack with She-ra 2.0 and do terrible terrible things to any armies that show up.
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If we really want first ones war gear, we could have it made for Adora. This softens the blow of destroying the sword, and reduces the tactical drawback, and might tempt her over active heron complex into coming back faster.

I wanted to try offering that at the meeting, but that one didn't go so well. Perhaps if things improve and time mends their relationship when Adora's with us again we can offer to have Entrapta adjust it to fit her (if it even needs that). I don't think we'll be able to tempt her to come back to us with that right at the moment (I don't think Adora or Catra is in the right headspace for that offer right now).

It's multiple pieces of tech, have Entrapta wear a piece like a necklace (she tends to stay behind the front lines so if they get to Entrapta we've basically already lost, and, I don't know, throw the other piece in the vault, in the safe, kidding flat in the middle of a pile of treasure so it can't be visually seen.

It's not too hard to hide multiple pieces of tech well enough that, if the bad guy manages to find and grab enough for their evil scheme, then it means they've already won hard enough that the quest is basically over anyway.

I notice no one's actually spending actions on that. It's nice to talk about doing, but given everything we want to do every turn and our actions, let's be realistic here - it isn't happening. There is always a risk if we hide it and just hope that it stays hidden, and that could well an imperil it before 'the quest is basically over' (I can think of many ways they could get to Entrapta before we lose and we don't need to put a bigger target on her). But none of that matters, because as I've pointed out, that plan isn't going to happen.

This is our chance to get some really cool power armor, help protect all of Etheria, and do so at the least damaging time to our relationship with Adora (aside from vague possible future that we can in no way guarantee). You think Hordak is the only issue? No one in universe might know about it, but Light Hope is by far the biggest threat right now.

Picture this: We don't destroy the sword, we help Scorpia reclaim the Fright Zone. She bonds with her birthright, the Black Garnet. Adora is happy with us again, we give her back the sword and BLAMO! Possible end of the world, at the very least we're out of Despondos fighting Horde Prime. Not a good time. And we can avoid all that if we just use the sword pieces up here.
I'm concerned by how little consideration people are giving towards Entrapta's mental welfare.

Shadow Weaver (as Castapella) went after her nearly as hard as she did Catra. And we all know the damage that SW can inflict with a few choice words.

And this happened when Entrapta was still reeling from the fresh wound of "that guy I kinda liked who was the first person I've ever really connected to on an intellectual and emotional level is actually an absolute psychopath and intended to kill most everyone I've ever known or cared about just to get to me".

Neither of the leading plans address this. And I'm seriously concerned that our girl genius is going to keep quietly repressing things until she has a mental break in the near future.
I'm wary of doing any diplomacy this turn, because neither of our diplomats are in a good place mentally. Catra's still a complete mess who's said in updates that she doesn't want to deal with Adora, and would rather stick to military affairs right now. Scorpia ... has her own biases when it comes to Adora, as we saw when she pretty much blamed Adora for Catra's breakdown. Sending either of them on a diplomatic mission while feelings are still raw seems like a recipe for disaster.
I disagree (at least in regards to my plan - as far as Scorpia goes it depends on where she's being sent).

I think this is really a turn where Diplomacy is key - on the Brightmoon front I don't want to give Glimmer and Shadow Weaver time to potentially turn Angela against us, and we should definitely push for concessions while Angela is still off-kilter from her daughter's betrayal. This is our chance to seize (or at least place ourselves in a strong position) to take control of the Alliance; we have the momentum as we promised to act in good faith and did so. Whereas the representative that Angela sent entirely betrayed that showing, sabotaging the diplomatic conference and causing mental and emotional harm to... well, pretty much everyone there, but Catra, Adora, and Entrapta especially.

I don't want to trust that Angela will come to the right and moral conclusion if left alone, when faced with a choice between "my daughter is acting with sinister intent and in cahoots with Shadow Weaver" (not to mention the landmine that is by simple virtue of Shadow Weaver having been Micah's mentor and everything that followed) and "maybe my daughter has a point, and she's right about Catra, and it's my fault for not listening to her in the first place". Seriously, when it comes to their children parents will easily often delude themselves into justifying their children's actions, and I don't want to chance that happening.

In that regard I think Scorpia is the perfect choice for sending an envoy to Brightmoon, since she's the one to have arranged the conference in the first place along with a guarantee of ensuring Catra's good faith, with Angela failing where she did not. That combined with her disposition (Scorpia has a disposition that's inherently difficult to be affronted by), means that we can press for concessions and cement that her daughter's on a truly questionable path - and maybe Angela should put out a warrant for her capture before she can slip any further - without coming across as manipulative and, well, an ass.

As for Catra... I mean... she's hardly the most reliable narrator. And if you look at the sentence just before she says she doesn't want to deal with Adora, it even says that:
I hesitated for a second. Could I really trust her again, after everything that happened? Maybe it would be better if I just never saw her aga—

The thought of that made me feel ... sick. Kind of like the time Adora dared me to eat three of the blue ration bars. I didn't—I didn't know what I wanted to do about Adora, but it couldn't be nothing. If Entrapta had it right, then maybe she really did care about me, and all the stuff Shadow Weaver said was just lies. But why hadn't Adora told me about Shadow Weaver joining the Alliance? Ugh, it was just... just too much to deal with right now. I wanted something easier to handle, like the planet-wide war that had been going on for decades.
So, let's be real here - leaving Catra and Adora to stew on this whole thing is, frankly, a terrible idea.

For Catra, there is no baseline stable mental state for her to return towards without Adora. It's either with Adora and happy, or without Adora and on the verge of a mental break. She even has trait that reflects this.

As for Adora... as we saw from her POV she's devastated and feels incredibly guilty. I can't see anything positive coming from leaving her be to stew in her heartbreak and guilt, so the sooner we resolve this the better - any time Catra and Adora are left to wallow in their feelings they begin to make questionable decisions and bad things happen.

So, yeah, need to nip this in the bud.