Do you guys want Melee Combat?

  • Lemme get in your face!!

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • Range all day every day.

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
A demonic soldier is walking up to the meeting room, where he sees some of the councilmen are talking amongst each other. The young soldier salutes the elders and begins his report.

"Great Council! There has been another incident in the City Square! We need to send a Squadron out immediately to contain the monster in the area!!"

The Councilmen all shake thier heads. The young Demon looks at them all in surprise. The anger in his face is truly visible. Then the council begins to tell him why.

"Because all of our most experienced members have been sent to Russia for a Tier 4 Demonic Presence. So all we have are the recruits that passed the test coming in today."

"Godsdamn it!! A Tier 4!? That's the second one this week! They barely recovered from the last one!! But if we don't do anything, we risk losing a major city!"

The young soldier looks up. He had to ask them.....

"Send them in."


"Send in the Recruits.......We cannot lose all those people. And I heard that this Generation can learn hands on."

The council all murmur. They then look down at the soldier.

"What tier is it?"

"A 1, my Councilmen. It has some minions, but it should be a good toe dip into what we all do."

The Council all nod.

"Very well. You may send the Recruits. We shall show you the files of each one."

The Council sends down some papers for each Recruit.
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Character sheet

Age(Can be up to 19):

Physical Description(Or Picture):

Backstory(How did you survive up till now? Where are you from originally? Did you have to fight? Give me details, man!):


-Body (BOD): 0 (Max: 5)
-Agility (AGL): 0 (Max: 5)
-Charisma (CHA): 0 (Max: 5)
-Intellect (INT): 0 (Max: 5)
-Psyche (PSY): 0 (Max: 5)
-Instinct (INS): 0 (Max: 5)

Derived Stats:
-Rift Points: 0
-Corruption levels: 0
-Flesh Wounds: 0
-Trauma: 0
-Sanity: 0
-Passive Defense: 1

Skills By Attribute Group:
-Athletics: 0 (Max: 10)
-Brawl: 0 (Max: 10)
-Force: 0 (Max: 10) (Used for bonus damage in melee combat and raw physical exertion)
-Melee: 0 (Max: 10)
-Stamina: 0 (Max: 10)
-Toughness: 0 (Max: 10)

-Crafting: 0 (Max: 10)
-Dexterity: 0 (Max: 10)
-Navigation: 0 (Max: 10)
-Projectiles: 0 (Max: 10) (Anything from a thrown rock to a machinegun)
-Stealth: 0 (Max: 10)

-Expression: 0 (Max: 10) (Public speaking and reading people's body language)
-Leadership(Or keeping everyone's shit together): 0 (Max: 10)
-Negotiations: 0 (Max: 10)
-Seduction: 0 (Max: 10)

-Artifact Lore: 0 (Max: 10) (Allows identification valuable artifacts instead of just selling it for the scrap value.)
-Engineering: 0 (Max: 10)
-Focus: 0 (Max: 10) (Used for Rift Points and acts of supreme concentration and calm. If this is upgraded, the Primal Skill is locked permanently.)
-Faith(Your Belief in the gods): 0 (Max 10)
-Legends: 0 (Max: 10) (Old stories sometimes contain new insights)
-Medicine: 0 (Max: 10)
-Science: 0 (Max: 10)
Investigation: 0 (Max: 10)

-Cunning: 0 (Max: 10) (Distractions and planning)
-Deception: 0 (Max: 10)
-Domination: 0 (Max: 10)
-Willpower: 0 (Max: 10)
-Reaction: 0 (Max: 10)

-Empathy: 0 (Max: 10)
-Orienteering(AKA, sailing.): 0 (Max: 10)
-Perception: 0 (Max: 10)
-Primal: 0 (Max: 10) (Raw human emotion and fury. If chosen to be improved, the Focus skill cannot be used. Used for Rift Points.)
-Taming: 0 (Max: 10) (Used to control, tame and train animals or animal intellects.)
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Character Setup rules
By now you should have noticed that the various choices only increase an Attribute or Skill's Maximum value. Read that again, the Maximum value. All your Attributes still start at 0 and your Skills still start at 0.

Now you get to spend points on them.

Each player gets 14 Points to spend on their Attributes, and 20 Points for all of their Skills. You can only spend up to the Maximum defined by your Culture, Concept and former lifestyle choices. Some lifestyles get an unique ability that they get at the beginning. Don't worry! You can get Perks in your travels! If you live that long.

This is who you are in a way. It describes how your personality and outlook at the world was formed. Each of the following 22 lifestyles grants a +1 Bonus to one of the Attributes, grants a +1 bonus to labeled skills, and grants a +2 bonus when you act in accordance to your Concept.

By now you should have noticed that the various choices only increase an Attribute or Skill's Maximum value. Read that again, the Maximum value. All your Attributes still start at 0 and your Skills still start at 0.

Now you get to spend points on them.

Each player gets 14 Points to spend on their Attributes, and 20 Points for all of their Skills. You can only spend up to the Maximum defined by your Culture, Concept and former lifestyle choices. Some lifestyles get an unique ability that they get at the beginning. Don't worry! You can get Perks in your travels! If you live that long.

0: The Wanderer
The Wanderer is always looking forwards to that next new discovery, and can never stay still. He embraces fear as a friend, finds normal days to be boring, and acts with reckless, foolish enthusiasm. If they survive, they gain new experiences and new motivations to keep pushing forward into the unknown and fight the monsters of boredom and predictability. And those of the abyss.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Body
-Skill +1 Bonus: Mobility, Orienteering, Navigation
-Perk: The wind is my guide: If you fail a Navigation check, you can go for a Reroll.

1: The Engineer

The Engineer is driven to make something that will be remembered, a legacy for future generations. Everything they do, from irrigation channels to random monoliths, is their shout to an uncaring world and universe that they existed. To this end, they always work meticulously and seek greater challenges to master. Creating weapons and vehicles are these guy's game.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Agility
-Skill +1 Bonus: Arts, Engineering

2: The Student

The Student is someone who learns and grows their knowledge for the purposes of teaching it to others. They hold stupidity in contempt and stubborness or disinterest in disdain, these are evils that must be banished with fire of knowledge and curiosity.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Intellect
-Skill +1 Bonus: Leadership, Legends

3: The Martyr

The Martyr is bulletproof, nothing will make them surrender. Protection of the weak, self-sacrifice and the fanaticism or sheer pig-headed stubbornness to keep fighting and be the first to charge into the fray when everyone else has fled gives them strength. They lead by example and bloody sacrifice.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Psyche
-Skill +1 Bonus: Faith OR Willpower, Toughness

4: The Leader

The Governor is the one who takes charge, ensures that everyone stops skittering about like insects and starts moving in lock-step discipline. They must be the ones in charge, and fear the delegation of power more readily than arrows or bullets.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Charisma
-Skill +1 Bonus: Cunning, Leadership, Negotiations

-Perk: Trust me!: You can use Charisma instead of Psyche for Deception checks. It also allows more Dialogue to be open for the group if you are in the party.

5: The Seeker

The Seeker wants to unravel mysteries, dispel lies and unearth the truth. They ask the questions that no-one else does and seek to answer them at the same time.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Intellect
-Skill +1 Bonus: Artifact Lore, Science

6: The Caretaker

So long as there is a chance for things to be fixed or healed, the Caretaker will not give up on it. Whether watering and tilling the dry earth to repairing old technology or mending wounds, the Caretaker devotes themselves to the task of restoration.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Agility
-Skill +1 Bonus: Medicine, Crafting, Empathy

7: The Archeologist

Change means that the old ways are forgotten and it is unacceptable. The Archeologist strives to keep the old ways alive, stubbornly standing against anything new and argues against adapting the rules to suit a situation. For the Archeologist, ensuring unbroken continuity with the past when the present is too painful is the only way to survive.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Instinct
-Skill +1 Bonus: Legends, Artifact Lore

8: The Mediator

The Mediator is the diplomat, the peacemaker and negotiator. They are the calm, soothing voice when everyone else has raised their voices, seeking common ground to halt the squabbling. The Mediator seeks to place reason over one's emotions.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Psyche
-Skill +1 Bonus: Perception, Negotiation

9: The Ranger

The Ranger is the loner, the one who dislikes everyone equally and will only stick with the group based on mutual interests such as survival. They go forward as the scout, or else volunteer to guard the escape route, but what makes them happiest is not having responsibility to anyone, and to be left to their own devices.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Instinct
-Skill +1 Bonus: Stealth, Reaction
-Perk: Scout: Seeing as they've spent years away from others, the Ranger can adapt to new terrains. When alone in an area, you can investigate to see if there is any hidden paths.

10: The Lawbreaker

The Lawbreaker looks at the rules and traditions and spits on them. To them, they represent stagnation and hypocrisy. They seek rebellion, revolt and riots, and nothing is sacred. The more who deviate from their ways the better, for it means a greater fellowship to spread the word of anarchy.
-Attribute +1 Max Bonus: Psyche
-Skill +1 Max Bonus: Cunning, Expression

11: The Conquerer

The Conquerer seeks victory, ever marching forward to prove their strength and skill. Not for them the vain falseness of modesty, the Conquerer boasts and announces his victories and accomplishments to any who will hear them. Braggarts many are, but those who can back up their words prove their ego many times over.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Body
-Skill +1 Bonus: Toughness, Force

12: The Unwanted

There is something deeply wrong with The Unwanted, something broken. There is a beast behind their eyes, teeth flashing, and they drink in fear like nectar. They indulge in hateful, violent fantasy and delight in that spark of fear in a dying man's eyes. They are a clockwork bomb and you can hear it counting the days to the next explosion. Tick. Tock.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Psyche
-Skill +1 Bonus: Domination, Toughness

13: The Warrior

The old must make way for the new, and if the old is still standing, the Warrior will happily crack it to pieces and knock it down. Their enemies are hunted to oblivion, their path littered with broken bodies and sundered camps. If anything flourishes after, they do not see it, they have already moved on to the next target, acting for their own sake even if they whisper lip service to a greater cause.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Instinct
-Skill +1 Bonus: Stamina, Force, Projectiles
-Perk: Guns are my way of talking: Whenever you're holding a pistol in your hand, get a +1 to Negotiations whenever you're doing the talking.

14: The Redeemer

The Redeemer is the one who is the saviour of all, their presence inspires others for good or ill, everyone comes to listen to their words for they always sound wise, no matter what consequences may come later. They look upon those who deny them with pity and disdain, self-assured in their inherent nobility and goodness.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Charisma
-Skill +1 Bonus: Faith, Leadership
Perk: There is one true God!!: The Preacher can have a Sermon once a week to keep everyone spirits up. Everyone listening recovers one more health point for the rest of that week. Though you must choose a god.

15: The Prisoner

The Prisoner cannot stand the glories of others, hates the happiness of their neighbours, and covets what others have. They work constantly to drag down those who they feel are better than them, if they cannot have their joys and riches, no-one else can!
-Attribute +1 Max Bonus: Psyche
-Skill +1 Max Bonus: Deception, Domination

16: The Officer

The world needs defending and the Protector will be found standing in front of others like an impassable barrier. Once dedicated to their cause, either the enemies before them are broken to pieces, or they are. There is no middle ground.
-Attribute +1 Max Bonus: Psyche
-Skill +1 Max Bonus: Stamina, Toughness, Projectiles
Perk: Serve the People: Once per week, whenever someone close to you has to take a hit, you can take the hit for them.

17: The Visionary

They have already seen the glorious future awaiting those who would agree to their plans, plans which have been laid out over a timeline of decades or more. They seek to bring others into their way of thinking, accuse the unbeliever of sabotage, and implore others to listen to their reasoning. The Visionary will decide the future of humanity. At least, that is what they believe.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Charisma
-Skill +1 Bonus: Seduction, Cunning

18: The Zealot

Faith shall move mountains, and the fires of devotion burn bright. Too bright in fact. The Zealot has no room for logic or reasoning, only honed fanaticism and loyalty to their cause and shall prove it every day so that they will be a torch in the darkness, and this fire will singe the minds of their fellows, who had best hope they are not burned away by the Zealot's fire.
-Attribute +1 Max Bonus: Instinct
-Skill +1 Max Bonus: Reaction, Faith OR Willpower
-Perk: I am your god: For those that're faithless, you can become the shining ray of Hope for them. Once a fight, you can try to convince a monster to follow you until you die.

19: The Monk

The Monk is constantly learning, striving to pick up that extra piece of advice, or that next lesson. They follow great teachers and mighty generals, building a grand repetoire of skill and knowledge but it is never enough, they must keep learning, and no matter how many specialisations or ways of life they learn, they can never settle into a single path.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Charisma OR Body
-Skill +1 Bonus: Empathy, Perception, Brawling

20: The Righteous

The Righteous judges everyone around them according to their own interpretation of what is right. They see the world in stark contrasts, there is only good or evil, no opportunity to implement their idea of righteousness is wasted. Righteous...perhaps it would be better to say Self-Righteous.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Intellect
-Skill +1 Bonus: Cunning, Negotiation

21: The Unrelenting

These people are restless, they are driven to wander the long roads and hidden paths, learning as they go. They collect info, impression and experiences like others collect Gendo skulls, but they will not keep it secret. They spread news both good and bad, connecting the Clans and Cults, hinterland to metropolis, helping make the world just that touch smaller.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Instinct
-Skill +1 Bonus: Legends, Orienteering, Projectiles
Character set-up assistance
Money: When you start your character, you roll 1D10 and times the result by 100. That is how much you start with. But you can earn money for doing favors for people in the world, or simply killing enemies.

Aimed Shots: You can aim each attack to strike that location. Using this takes up one Rift point. Each limb can be taken off if hit enough.

Attacking: Both you and your attacker/who you're attacking both roll 1D20s to either block or hit the other person. Whoever has the highest wins the exchange. If defense wins, the defender takes only half damage. Attacker wins, full damage.

Combat: You may all decide an order by rolls or posts, but once all of you have went, I shall attack. See the Distance stat on all the weapons? You can strike up to that range. You can only move a Distance of 10+Stamina in the beginning.

Rift Points:
Cold logic or burning fury marks the psychology of the warrior and fuels them. When they are spent, they collapse in mental and physical exhaustion. Though the Rift, while strange, can actually give you more......

Choose between Primal Or Focus. If you have neglected to put even a single point into either, then here's a single point (1), now choose one. Once you have chosen, calculate as follows.

Rift Points = (INS+Primal x2 OR INT+Focus) x2

You can use Rift Points for aimed attacks, abilities that you can learn from tome, or spending them for certain rolls. You recover Rift with a full night's sleep, inhaling Burn, or acting in accordance with their Concept.

Rift Abilities: The Rift is a strange power source that only a select few can actually use it to the best of their abilities. Though those that can use it are seen as the prime corruption targets, they can be unstoppable in combat.

Corruption Infestation: There is a limit to how much Corruption a person can take before they are taken by the natural weakness of man and become a Shylli, a puppet with no soul.

Corruption Infestation Max = (PSY+Faith OR Willpower) x 2

Flesh Wounds:
You will get hurt, this is unavoidable. Flesh Wounds are how much the body can take before the damage becomes too great to bear.

Flesh Wounds Max = (BOD+Toughness x 2)

Sooner or later, your wounds will drag you down, death opens the gates, the ancestors or God's angels come to meet you. Trauma is your last gasp, if these are drained, you will fall into a coma or just drop dead. Don't worry! You only get Trauma every time you go down in battle! So as long as you keep your Flesh Wounds from going down to 0, you'll be fine!

Trauma Max = BOD+PSY

Passive Defense:
Passive Defence starts at 1 and can be raised through Potentials or special equipment.

Sanity: The world we now all reside in isn't the most.......Stable environment for everyone. Some places and people in the world can be broken in more ways than one, from what the soldiers discovered. A man cannot take more than a certain limit of mental hits.

Sanity Max: (PSY+Willpower)x2

Once you go past that, you may go insane and join the ranks of the monsters!

Experience: After each Combat, Encounter, or adventures, you each get a set amount of Experience points that you can spend on either upgrading skills or Attributes.

And with that, the Character set-up is complete. The limits of the Character Sheet have been removed and now you can upgrade up to Skills or Attributes of 50. Have fun!
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Races: Ever since the barrier between our dimension and countless others have been shattered, races of all kind have entered into our world. Humanity is still huge, but other races have decided to share this place with us.

Felinari: The anime lover's dream come true. They have cat-like ears, distinctive markings on their faces, necks, and bodies, and various colors for eyes. They wear drab clothing and a lot of jewelry. Their native habitat is an extremely cold climate. Though they cannot take or deal as much power as the other races.
Attribute: +1 Instinct
Skill Bonus: +1 Perception, +1 Empathy

Attribute: -1 Body
Skill loss: -1 Brawl, -1 force

-Half Demon: These beings are the result of Humanity mingling with the forces that have been with us ever since the end of WWII. These beings are more stronger than most of the other races, but are more.......Unstable if you know what that means.

Attribute: +1 Body
Skill bonuses: +1 Melee, +1 Force

Attribute: -1 Psyche
Skill losses: -1 Empathy, -1 Cunning

Dreks: These guys are more smarter than most, showing off thier intelligence commonly to others. The average member of this race has a build similar to that of humans and are quite equal in height with them as well. They have variating skin colors and are completely hairless. They wear simple, modest clothing. They are well-adapted to a warm climate. Many of them place high importance on intellectualism and many of them have expressed interest in learning about other peoples' literature. Though they lack the killer spirit.

Attribute: +1 Intellect
Skill: +1 Crafting, +1 Engineering

Attribute: -1 Instinct
Skill loss: -1 Primal, -1 Perception

(If you want other races, PM me.)
Gods and Fallen Gods
The Major leaguers of each dimension that came along for the ride and are sitting near Christ himself everyday without fail. Though the gods are more than able to fight, they rather not interfere with the Mortal World. Though they know that thier Fallen counterparts have began unfolding their plan.

Though they aren't without champions(Redeemers) on the Mortal Plane. Though to become a Champion, they have to truly prove themselves to the Gods. But then again, there have been those who've charmed and had scored the love of a god. But there are also ways to have curses on either you or the entire Corps.

God Relationships:

Okesis, Drek God Of Agriculture: Neutral

Dobeyar, Felinari God Of The Land: Neutral

Acthar, Felinari God Of Freedom: Neutral

Axthys, Drek Goddess Of Music: Neutral

Yfdia, Drek God Of The Mountains: Neutral

Ata, Felinari Goddess Of Honor: Neutral

Ultris, Felinari Goddess Of Weddings: Neutral

Adione, Drek Goddess Of Night & Day: Neutral

Itia, Felinari Goddess Of Luck: Neutral

Wydohr, Drek God Of Death : Neutral

Though the fallen gods have been gathering strength, some may take actions if enough souls are lost.

Fallen and Lost Gods:
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Attacking: Your d20 roll+Related Weapon Attribute+Related Weapon Skill. So let's say you firing a Pistol. You roll a 12. So, you add your Agility Attribute (For this example, is 3.), and your Projectiles Skill( For the example, 5.) So 12+3(Agility)+5(Projectiles)=20. And to resolve Combat, whoever has the highest roll wins. Attacker wins, the defender takes full damage. Defender wins, they still take damage, but it is halved.

Defending: Same as rolling for attacks.

Armor: Unlike D&D, Armor doesn't allow you to dodge attacks. In Insanity State, it only reduces damage.

Resolving Other rolls: Your d20 roll+Related Situation Attribute+Related Situation Skill. So let's say you're negotiating to lower the price of a Rifle. You roll a 11. So, you add your Charisma Attribute (For this example, is 2.), and your Negotiation Skill( For the example, 3.) So 11+2(Charisma)+3(Negotiation)= 16. I will list the situation roll in parentheses at the bottom of each post.

Trauma: See the Trauma Threadmark(To be shown soon.)
Now you can post. Gear lists shall be posted tomorrow.

EDIT: Damn brain...... Won't let me sleep.
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This sounds interesting, I'll see about putting together a sheet after I get done with work today.

Although I am wondering why only a few of the lifestyles have perks?
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Thinking of doing The Leader Lifestyle.....and maxing out Seduction. Huehuehue.
Name: Marie Argyris
Gender: Female

Age: 17

Physical Description:

Backstory: Marie was a fiery student at an art school in Brooklyn, New York. One weekend she was out with her friends at the mall when a Tier 4/5 Demon attack struck, While a squad was sent out, it was full of greenhorns due to mis-information. The demons wiped out the soldiers and gathered the civilians in one spot in preparation to summon a Demon Lord, while most of the hostages simply gave up and accepted their fate, Marie led her friends in raiding what remained of the nearby stores for improved weapons in order to fight back, yet they were only six untrained squishy humans against a legion of demonic warriors. Half of them fell and the remaining three were on death's door by the time the portal was half-opened, the day seemed lost, untill... the three half-dead fighters heard a voice;

Get up... Don't tell me THIS is what distracted me from weaving Hera's new robes? Pathetic, if m'lady learns I was drawn away from my work by clumsy brawling my seat at court will be in question. No, that will NOT ba allowed! GET UP! ON THIS DAY YOU HAVE DRAWN THE UNDIVIDED ATTENTION OF ATHENA GLAUKOPIS! YOU WILL REMIND THE WORLD OF MY GLORY SO NONE MAY QUESTION ME AGAIN! I BESTOW UPON THEE THE MIGHT OF MY FALLAN PRIESTESSES! NOW STAND! MY MAIDENS THREE! RISE! MY NEOS GORGONES!

With that, the three friends rose from their deathbeds with not a mark or blemish on their bodies, rejuvenated and invigorated by their new goddesses' command they struck, fast and hard, breaking the infernal ritual at it's apex and slaying any deamon not wise enough to retreat. Finally, the battle ended and while their fellow hostages praised them as heroes, goddesses even, they knew they were still human, even if something else now rested deep within, waiting to be tapped.

14: The Redeemer
The Redeemer is the one who is the saviour of all, their presence inspires others for good or ill, everyone comes to listen to their words for they always sound wise, no matter what consequences may come later. They look upon those who deny them with pity and disdain, self-assured in their inherent nobility and goodness.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Charisma
-Skill +1 Bonus: Faith, Leadership
Perk: There is one true God!!: The Preacher can have a Sermon once a week to keep everyone spirits up. Everyone listening recovers one more health point for the rest of that week. Though you must choose a god. [Athena]

-Body (BOD): 2
-Agility (AGL): 1
-Charisma (CHA): 2
-Intellect (INT): 4
-Psyche (PSY): 2
-Instinct (INS): 4

Derived Stats:
-Rift Points: 16/16
-Corruption levels: 0
-Flesh Wounds: 0/6
-Trauma: 0/4
-Sanity: 0/8
-Passive Defense: 1

Skills By Attribute Group:
-Athletics: 0
-Brawl: 1
-Force: 0
-Melee: 0
-Stamina: 0
-Toughness: l

-Crafting: 3
-Dexterity: 0
-Navigation: 0
-Projectiles: 0
-Stealth: 0

-Expression: 0
-Leadership: 1
-Negotiations: 0
-Seduction: 0

-Artifact Lore: 1
-Engineering: 0
-Focus: [LOCKED]
-Faith: 5
-Legends: 1
-Medicine: 0
-Science: 0
Investigation: 0

-Cunning: 0
-Deception: 0
-Willpower: 2
-Reaction: 0

-Empathy: 1
-Orienteering: 0
-Perception: 0
-Primal: 4
-Taming: 0

Minor Alchemist- Turning stuff into gold isn't a myth anymore. Well, not for you yet. You can use the ground around you to construct makeshift armor to give you or an ally of your choice +2 Armor Rating. Cost: 2 Rift Points per turn.

What's corruption Level and where do I put my Ego Points?
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Weapon List
Yeah, yeah, the gear you're gonna start with may blow, but you guys can either bring back materials to make better weapons, or assist in the Research of better weapons with rolls. We may even have Weapons that could take on gods! But for right now, here you guys go.

(Remember, the world discovered the power of the Demons which enabled you all to live at peace, so your weapons, vehicles and armor may be a bit........ Outdated. So there is no such thing as nukes, Guided Missles, nothing in our time......Yet.)

Available Ranged Weapon Level: 1 (Time to discovery of next level: ???)


P38 (9mmP): A trusted american Sidearm that stuck with our boys through thick and thin.
Magazine: 8

Damage: 1D4+Projectiles
Distance: 30 feet
Cost: 120

Webley MK6 Revolver (.455): A classic British Revolver that could pass as a antique.
Magazines: 6

Damage: 1d8+Projectiles
Distance: 40 feet
Cost: 160

M1911A2: A sidearm that is Standard to all soldiers in the Allies. It got others through thick and thin, no matter what!
Magazine: 10

Damage: 1D6+Projectiles

Distance: 80 feet
Cost: 180


Springfield '03 (.30-06): The standard weapon for the allied forces.
Magazine: 5

Damage: 1d8+Projectiles
Distance: 80 feet

Cost: 1000

M1 Carbine (.30):
Magazine: 6

Damage: 1d10+Projectiles
Distance: 120 Feet
Cost: 1200

Mauser K98 (7.92x57mm Mauser): The German Head Hunter.

Magazine: 8

Damage: 1D12+Projectiles
Distance: 160

Cost: 1600

Lee-Enfield (.303): The weapon our soldiers had that is rumored that it could take the head off of a bull easily. Hopefully, the rumors are true.

Magazines: 10

Damage: 1D10+Projectiles
Distance: 180 feet
Cost: 1800


FG-42 (7.92mmx57mm Mauser): A German Weapon that held it's own against our boys. Now it's going up against Demons.
Magazine: 30

Damage: 1D8+Projectiles

Burst Damage(3 Bullets): 3D8+(Projectiles/2)

Distance: 40 feet

Cost: 2100

BAR 1918 (.30-06): A mean as hell gun that once mowed down many Nazis. Now it's mowing down these hellish abominations.
Magazine: 20 bullets

Damage: 1d8+Projectiles
Burst Damage(3 Bullets): 3D8+(Projectiles/2)
Distance: 60 feet

Cost: 2400


MP40 (9mmP): A German Submachine gun. I won't shit on it's effectiveness, since it did hold back the Allies sometimes.
Magazine: 20 bullets

Damage: 1d6+Projectiles
Burst Damage(3 Bullets: 3D6+(Projectiles/2)
Distance: 30 feet

Cost: 600

Sten Mk2 (9mmP): A Belgium weapon that is known as the Insurgency Starter. I say that it's the Monster Ender.

Magazine: 20 bullets

Damage: 1d6+Projectiles
Burst Damage(3 Bullets): 3D6+(Projectiles/2)
Distance: 60 feet

Cost: 650

Thompson (.45ACP): The Thompson was favored by soldiers, criminals, police, and civilians alike for its large .45 ACP Cartridge, accuracy, and high volume of Automatic fire!
Magazine: 20 bullets

Damage: 1d6+Projectiles
Burst Damage(3 Bullets): 3d6+(Projectiles/2)
Distance: 40 feet

Cost: 700
MGs(Tier 6 monsters or above only.):

MG-42 (7.92x57m Mauser): The Germans have learned their lesson after we nearly won the war. So, they decided to give us the weapon that mowed us down in D-Day. Hopefully we could do the same to these monsters.

Magazine: 200 bullets

Damage: 1d12+Projectiles

Salvo Damage(80 Bullets): 6D12+Projectiles/3)
Distance: 600 feet

Cost: 4000

M1919A4 (.30-06): The big chief of bullets. The Kahuna of Killing. The meanest son of a bitch that could be the biggest weapon we got! Hoo-Rah!

Magazine: 400 bullets

Damage: 2d12+Projectiles
Salvo Damage(80 Bullets): 8D12+Projectiles/3)
Distance: 800 feet

Cost: 4000
Bren Mk3 (.303): The British Big boy machine gun. It tears a new one through both man and beasts!
Magazine: 200 bullets

Damage: 1d12+Projectiles

Salvo Damage(60 Bullets): 6D12+Projectiles/3)
Distance: 600 feet

Cost: 4000
M1897 Trench gun (12-gauge): The first truly successful pump-action shotgun produced. Brings a tear to my eye.
Magazine: 6

Damage: 1D10*3+Projectiles

Distance: 70 feet
Cost: 1600

Sawn-off Double-Barrel (12-gauge): The smaller version of Shotguns. Normally considered as a Sidearm in some people's eyes.

Magazine: 2

Damage: 2d4*3

Distance: 10 feet

Cost: 400

Double Barrel Shotgun: The originator of kicking ass. This baby can blow a man apart easily! But Demons may vary in blowing apart.

Magazine: 2

Damage: 2d6*3

Distance: 10 feet

Cost: 1900

Molotov Cocktail: These fuckers ought to burn in hell for what they think they're doing. All this baby is made to do is make them burn quicker.

Damage: 2D6+Projectiles to burn
Distance: 80 feet thrown
Cost: 30 per Molotov

Hand Grenade: The most dignified thing we should do for these bastardly beasts is to blow them all to hell!

Damage: 4D6+Projectiles
Distance: 90 feet thrown
Cost: 90 per Grenade
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Name: Marie Argyris
Gender: Female

Age: 17

Physical Description:

Backstory: Marie was a fiery student at an art school in Brooklyn, New York. One weekend she was out with her friends at the mall when a Tier 4/5 Demon attack struck, While a squad was sent out, it was full of greenhorns due to mis-information. The demons wiped out the soldiers and gathered the civilians in one spot in preparation to summon a Demon Lord, while most of the hostages simply gave up and accepted their fate, Marie led her friends in raiding what remained of the nearby stores for improved weapons in order to fight back, yet they were only six untrained squishy humans against a legion of demonic warriors. Half of them fell and the remaining three were on death's door by the time the portal was half-opened, the day seemed lost, untill... the three half-dead fighters heard a voice;

Get up... Don't tell me THIS is what distracted me from weaving Hera's new robes? Pathetic, if m'lady learns I was drawn away from my work by clumsy brawling my seat at court will be in question. No, that will NOT ba allowed! GET UP! ON THIS DAY YOU HAVE DRAWN THE UNDIVIDED ATTENTION OF ATHENA GLAUKOPIS! YOU WILL REMIND THE WORLD OF MY GLORY SO NONE MAY QUESTION ME AGAIN! i BESTOW UPON THEE THE MIGHT OF MY FALLAN PRIESTESSES! NOW STAND, MY MAIDENS THREE! RISE! MY NEOS GORGONES!

With that, the three friends rose from their deathbeds with not a mark or blemish on their bodies, rejuvenated and invigorated by their new goddesses' command they struck, fast and hard, breaking the infernal ritual at it's apex and slaying any deamon not wise enough to retreat. Finally, the battle ended and while their fellow hostages praised them as heroes, goddesses even, they knew they were still human, even if something else now rested deep within, waiting to be tapped.

14: The Redeemer
The Redeemer is the one who is the saviour of all, their presence inspires others for good or ill, everyone comes to listen to their words for they always sound wise, no matter what consequences may come later. They look upon those who deny them with pity and disdain, self-assured in their inherent nobility and goodness.
-Attribute +1 Bonus: Charisma
-Skill +1 Bonus: Faith, Leadership
Perk: There is one true God!!: The Preacher can have a Sermon once a week to keep everyone spirits up. Everyone listening recovers one more health point for the rest of that week. Though you must choose a god. [Athena]

-Body (BOD): 2
-Agility (AGL): 1
-Charisma (CHA): 2
-Intellect (INT): 3
-Psyche (PSY): 2
-Instinct (INS): 4

Derived Stats:
-Rift Points: 4
-Corruption levels: 0 (?)
-Flesh Wounds: 6
-Trauma: 4
-Sanity: 0 (Where is Faith? I can't find it.)
-Passive Defense: 1

Skills By Attribute Group:
-Athletics: 0
-Brawl: 1
-Force: 0
-Melee: 0
-Stamina: 0
-Toughness: l

-Crafting: 3
-Dexterity: 0
-Navigation: 0
-Projectiles: 0
-Stealth: 0

-Expression: 0
-Leadership: 1
-Negotiations: 0
-Seduction: 0

-Artifact Lore: 2
-Engineering: 0
-Focus: [LOCKED]
-Legends: 1
-Medicine: 0
-Science: 0
Investigation: 0

-Cunning: 0
-Deception: 0
-Domination: 1
-Willpower: 2
-Reaction: 1

-Empathy: 1
-Orienteering: 0
-Perception: 2
-Primal: 4
-Taming: 0

What's corruption Level and where do I put my Ego Points?
Ego points was a system I abandoned. And Corruption Level 0 means that you don't even know what Corruption is. And Faith was supposed to be in Intellect, but I guess I forgot to place it in there. My bad.
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Ego points was a system I abandoned. And Corruption Level 0 means that you don't even know what Corruption is. And Faith was supposed to be in Intellect, but I guess I forgot to place it in there. My bad.
How do I calculate my corruption level? Also, can I have a moniker or title given by Athena?