The first day of your new lives.
Cataclysm Corps Base,
January 1, 2045.

With some mutters from the Council Members, they agree on the summoning of the Recruits. The young Demon Lieutenant smiles gratefully at them and bows his head.

"Thank you, almighty Council."

He runs off with the files and begins looking around for the Recruits.

Then, a car rolling into the base arrives on schedule, carrying fresh faces, though some don't look happy to be here. Some are cowering, others are shaking in thier boots. But the young lieutenant just looks up and clears his throat.

"Welcome Recruits, to the Cataclysm Corps! I am Lieutenant Bixby, your ally, friend, and shoulder to cry on. Although I would like to meet and greet with all of you, there is an emergency in Roswell, New Mexico that you need to be briefed on! Follow me to the Briefing Room after you take it all in. I'll be waiting."

With that, the truck back door opens, letting the Recruits come out of the back of the truck. They all look around, seeing the interior of their new home. They see people carrying crates full of parts for vehicles and weapons. Some people are actually monitoring situations around the world with Radios on tables.

( @Xalgeon @Shizno @Druby @Glint You can post up your initial reactions to the Base.)
Jumping out of the van, I started following Bixby while looking around, Military and Sci-Fi films really oversell these super army bases don't they? Even Fantasy militia camps look better than this! Deciding to ask about the building's state, I spoke up. "Excuse me sir! Where exactly are we? I get this is a Catalysm Corpse Base, but it looks as though it's still under construction."
The ride to the facility was... nerve wracking. Not that Aaron would ever willingly admit that he was nervous of all things, after all, this was something he'd been dreaming about for a while, but... These circumstances were obviously unusual. Very unusual.

It'd only been a handful of months since he'd begun his training, coinciding with his continued schooling, though to be honest, letters and numbers held little interest to the boy. If it wasn't for the fact that they were bundled together with the training regime of the Cataclysm Corps, it would've been likely that Aaron would have given up on learning such things all together. The wounds of the incident were still fresh after all, and if he hadn't found this to throw himself at when he did, then...

He shakes himself out of that thought. No, there were other more pressing matters to be worried about. Like why in the hell a bunch of trainees like them were being brought here. He did his best to glance out the back of the truck, hoping to catch a glimpse of the outside past the other occupants, but being seated somewhere in the middle, this effort fared poorly. He frowned and crossed his arms, foot drumming against the ground with nervous tension. Things were a little too tense to hold a proper conversation, at most he'd caught a few people passing names to each other or quiet mumblings as people questioned what was going on. Aaron was content to sit there in silence though, as it didn't seem like anyone here would know anything useful.

Aaron perks up when the truck begins to slow, until it rolls to a stop, and almost immediately he's on his feet, pushing against the others to hop out as soon as he is able to. The view that greets him a lot more muted than what he was hoping for. Drab concrete walls, men and women in uniform working all around. Was this the inside of one of the bases proper?

Lieutenant Bixby's quick explanation was less than he'd hoped to receive, and... well, he seemed much too lax for what the situation seemed to imply. An emergency? Where trainees were to be drafted into action? With a briefing to happen pretty much immediately? A shiver ran down the boy's spine as his hands clenched tightly into the shape of fists. This was going to be it wasn't it? His chance to get out into the field. No, now's not the time to get too excited. Perhaps he was wrong. Maybe it was something else, and all of this is just some sort of surprise training exercise thrown at them. Still, despite his best efforts to reason with himself, the roiling in his gut and the trembling in his hands refused to leave. He had to fight the smile that was beginning to form on his face.

He hurries up to catch up to the Lieutenant, following after him, attempting to get in the lead next to a girl that was already asking him questions. "Does it matter?" Aaron asks the girl, giving her a glance and doing his best to speak in a level tone to hide the excitement he felt. "We're here now, and we're going to be told where we're going next. New Mexico. Worry more about what's coming up."
The ride to the facility was... nerve wracking. Not that Aaron would ever willingly admit that he was nervous of all things, after all, this was something he'd been dreaming about for a while, but... These circumstances were obviously unusual. Very unusual.

It'd only been a handful of months since he'd begun his training, coinciding with his continued schooling, though to be honest, letters and numbers held little interest to the boy. If it wasn't for the fact that they were bundled together with the training regime of the Cataclysm Corps, it would've been likely that Aaron would have given up on learning such things all together. The wounds of the incident were still fresh after all, and if he hadn't found this to throw himself at when he did, then...

He shakes himself out of that thought. No, there were other more pressing matters to be worried about. Like why in the hell a bunch of trainees like them were being brought here. He did his best to glance out the back of the truck, hoping to catch a glimpse of the outside past the other occupants, but being seated somewhere in the middle, this effort fared poorly. He frowned and crossed his arms, foot drumming against the ground with nervous tension. Things were a little too tense to hold a proper conversation, at most he'd caught a few people passing names to each other or quiet mumblings as people questioned what was going on. Aaron was content to sit there in silence though, as it didn't seem like anyone here would know anything useful.

Aaron perks up when the truck begins to slow, until it rolls to a stop, and almost immediately he's on his feet, pushing against the others to hop out as soon as he is able to. The view that greets him a lot more muted than what he was hoping for. Drab concrete walls, men and women in uniform working all around. Was this the inside of one of the bases proper?

Lieutenant Bixby's quick explanation was less than he'd hoped to receive, and... well, he seemed much too lax for what the situation seemed to imply. An emergency? Where trainees were to be drafted into action? With a briefing to happen pretty much immediately? A shiver ran down the boy's spine as his hands clenched tightly into the shape of fists. This was going to be it wasn't it? His chance to get out into the field. No, now's not the time to get too excited. Perhaps he was wrong. Maybe it was something else, and all of this is just some sort of surprise training exercise thrown at them. Still, despite his best efforts to reason with himself, the roiling in his gut and the trembling in his hands refused to leave. He had to fight the smile that was beginning to form on his face.

He hurries up to catch up to the Lieutenant, following after him, attempting to get in the lead next to a girl that was already asking him questions. "Does it matter?" Aaron asks the girl, giving her a glance and doing his best to speak in a level tone to hide the excitement he felt. "We're here now, and we're going to be told where we're going next. New Mexico. Worry more about what's coming up."
Turning to the boy, I smiled. "To most people it wouldn't no, but before I got drafted I was an art student, my patron goddess is Athena as well whose a perfectionist herself, so aesthetic is a big thing for me. The name's Marie Argyris by the way, I was one of the three heroes of The Brooklyn Ritual, what's your story?"
A frown quickly creased his lips as Aaron listened to the girl talk, quickly introducing herself as a "hero". He didn't particularly care about her religious followings, though he wondered if the fact that she started off her introduction with that meant anything about her. Her ability to so easily introduce herself as a "hero", however, was a little off putting. The Brooklyn Ritual, though? It sounded familiar... A demonic incursion? Those sorts of things tended to make the news when they popped up, and especially when they caused damage.

He gave the girl a brief look, eyeing her up and down for a moment as he seemed to judge her. She was about his age, he guessed, nothing particularly outstanding jumped out to him about her physical appearance. A decently pretty face that probably attracted male attention to her, with pale skin and brown hair. To him the girl seemed... self-assured. Perhaps even arrogant. Marie Argyris, huh?

Aaron took a deep breath, following it out with a sigh. "Aaron Prater," he introduced himself in return. "I'm a volunteer. Nobody special." He did his best to cut off conversation about himself, hoping to politely move on, preferring not to discuss something like that. Though... even if he had misgivings about her first impressions, it was likely they'd be working together and he supposed it was best if he at least tried to make friends. "You called yourself a hero? What did you do in Brooklyn to earn that?" He asked her back instead.
First Mission Briefing! (Roswell, New Mexico)
@Druby @Xalgeon @Shizno @Glint

Bixby rolled his eyes at the girl's question, though he did have to answer her. Even though she's one of Athena's chosen candidates.

"Well, this base is currently being fixed up from a surprise attack two weeks back. The Soldiers on watch were Cultists in disguise, letting in their monster friends and allowing them to fill themselves up inside both the barracks and the training Facility. Took out half of our manpower immediately.

"Thankfully, the Gemini Squadron was able to take them out, at the cost of some very expensive collateral damage to most of the Facilities. So now, we're short on fully trained soldiers, which brings us to your situation. Even though you are all Recruits, you are trained enough to fight at least Tier 1 Monsters."

"And for your question, Aaron, she and two others stopped a summoning of a Tier 4 Demon in Brooklyn. With no training."

He then walks the new Recruits through some repaired areas, seeing the high quality classrooms, Weapon and Ability Testing Rooms, Recreation Areas filled with books and chairs, exercise rooms, and inventor rooms.

Then, finally, the Recruits see the briefing room, a grand and wide area that has 40 seats and a table with a strategic map. He then motions for all of you to sit.

"The situation in Roswell, New Mexico is a Tier 1 for right now. Civilian Casualties are somewhere between 10 and 25 people. We wouldn't do this to you Recruits normally, but since we're short on manpower and the Veterans are dealing with a Tier 4, we had no choice but to call you lot in. Your mission will be to take on a Tier 1 monster that surfaced up in Roswell, New Mexico. We just need a squad of Five to hop in the Plane. If you Complete this mission, you will no longer be Recruits. You will be fully fledged members of the Cataclysm Corps. Just raise your hands and state your names."
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A frown quickly creased his lips as Aaron listened to the girl talk, quickly introducing herself as a "hero". He didn't particularly care about her religious followings, though he wondered if the fact that she started off her introduction with that meant anything about her. Her ability to so easily introduce herself as a "hero", however, was a little off putting. The Brooklyn Ritual, though? It sounded familiar... A demonic incursion? Those sorts of things tended to make the news when they popped up, and especially when they caused damage.

He gave the girl a brief look, eyeing her up and down for a moment as he seemed to judge her. She was about his age, he guessed, nothing particularly outstanding jumped out to him about her physical appearance. A decently pretty face that probably attracted male attention to her, with pale skin and brown hair. To him the girl seemed... self-assured. Perhaps even arrogant. Marie Argyris, huh?

Aaron took a deep breath, following it out with a sigh. "Aaron Prater," he introduced himself in return. "I'm a volunteer. Nobody special." He did his best to cut off conversation about himself, hoping to politely move on, preferring not to discuss something like that. Though... even if he had misgivings about her first impressions, it was likely they'd be working together and he supposed it was best if he at least tried to make friends. "You called yourself a hero? What did you do in Brooklyn to earn that?" He asked her back instead.
Chuckling at his question and disgruntled look, I tried to clear up any misunderstandings. "It's not so much that I call myself a hero, that's just what the media called us after we stopped a Tier 4 Demon Summoning, we were just fighting back, nothing special, if you want my real title among the Olympians it's Medotechne but I only use it for ceremonies on Olympus or if one of the gods are talking to me, down here I'm just Marie."
@Druby @Xalgeon @Shizno @Glint

Bixby rolled his eyes at the girl's question, though he did have to answer her. Even though she's one of Athena's chosen candidates.

"Well, this base is currently being fixed up from a surprise attack two weeks back. The Soldiers on watch were Cultists in disguise, letting in their monster friends and allowing them to fill themselves up inside both the barracks and the training Facility. Took out half of our manpower immediately.

"Thankfully, the Gemini Squadron was able to take them out, at the cost of some very expensive collateral damage to most of the Facilities. So now, we're short on fully trained soldiers, which brings us to your situation. Even though you are all Recruits, you are trained enough to fight at least Tier 1 Monsters."

"And for your question, Aaron, she and two others stopped a summoning of a Tier 4 Demon in Brooklyn. With no training."

He then walks the new Recruits through some repaired areas, seeing the high quality classrooms, Weapon and Ability Testing Rooms, Recreation Areas filled with books and chairs, exercise rooms, and inventor rooms.

Then, finally, the Recruits see the briefing room, a grand and wide area that has 40 seats and a table with a strategic map. He then motions for all of you to sit.

"The situation in Roswell, New Mexico is a Tier 1 for right now. Civilian Casualties are somewhere between 10 and 25 people. We wouldn't do this to you Recruits normally, but since we're short on manpower and the Veterans are dealing with a Tier 4, we had no choice but to call you lot in. Your mission will be to take on a Tier 1 monster that surfaced up in Roswell, New Mexico. We just need a squad of Five to hop in the Plane. If you Complete this mission, you will no longer be Recruits. You will be fully fledged members of the Cataclysm Corps. Just raise your hands and state your names."
Hearing the situation, I raised my hand. "Marie Argyris Sir! Do we know what monster it is? Any intel that could give us an edge?"
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"Maximillion Fairchild. You can call me Max." I grimaced a little. "Trained more as a liaison and logistical than a combatant but I guess I can be a meatshield."
Hearing the situation, I raised my hand. "Marie Argyris Sir! Do we know what monster it is? Any intel that could give us an edge?"
Bixby smiles. Of course Athena's chosen is begging to go in. The Lieutenant begins to give her all the data available. He pulls out a file from a shelf labeled "T-1" and hands it to her.
"These are Lemezals. They are strong, but are stupid. They can pull you apart if given the chance. Other than thier strength, they're nothing."
Bixby smiles. Of course Athena's chosen is begging to go in. The Lieutenant begins to give her all the data available. He pulls out a file from a shelf labeled "T-1" and hands it to her.
"These are Lemezals. They are strong, but are stupid. They can pull you apart if given the chance. Other than thier strength, they're nothing."
Looking at the file, a plan started to form, I could feel something getting restless. "How's their skin, is it fire resistant? Also, how many are there and what's the enviroment like?"
Looking at the file, a plan started to form, I could feel something getting restless. "How's their skin, is it fire resistant? Also, how many are there and what's the enviroment like?"
"Unknown. All the others have shot at these creatures with bullets. Though it would be nice to see if they're not resistant to our elements."
Bixby then begins to look around for other people willing to join the mission.
"Maximillion Fairchild. You can call me Max." I grimaced a little. "Trained more as a liaison and logistical than a combatant but I guess I can be a meatshield."
Bixby sighs in annoyance as all the other girls in the room swoon at his voice. The Demonic Soldier writes Max on the Squad List.
"Try not to get killed, Max."
"Unknown. All the others have shot at these creatures with bullets. Though it would be nice to see if they're not resistant to our elements."
Bixby then begins to look around for other people willing to join the mission.
Examining these Lemezal, they looked quite fatty which, by human logic, means they're flammable... It'll be just like Brooklyn, burn 'em all and stab anything that's still twitching.
"Maximillion Fairchild. You can call me Max." I grimaced a little. "Trained more as a liaison and logistical than a combatant but I guess I can be a meatshield."
Looking at the only other volunteer so far, I groaned, why did they recruit a prettyboy? I thought I left them behind at St. Klarances'?
Bixby looks around for anyone else. Only two have signed up and is looking for others to sign onto the Squad.

"There are three more spots open on the Squadron! You can join it and be a Cataclysm Corps Soldier right after the mission!"

Bixby then hears an alarm.

"Sir!!! The T-1 is close to becoming a T-2!!!"

Bixby begins to panic even more!

"C-C-C-COME ON!! Someone, just.....Join the Squadron!!"
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Fred had been silent the whole time, listening in as the lieutenant informed them of the threat they'll be facing. He formed plans and back-ups in his head, formulating counter measures and thinking of ways to kill a demon. He could use a cigarette right now. Somewhere out there, someone was laughing at him. and an itch appeared in the back of his neck that could not be found.

He saw his chance and raised his hand. "Fred Tarric. How soon can we get to New Mexico?" @Gruber dude
Fred had been silent the whole time, listening in as the lieutenant informed them of the threat they'll be facing. He formed plans and back-ups in his head, formulating counter measures and thinking of ways to kill a demon. He could use a cigarette right now. Somewhere out there, someone was laughing at him. and an itch appeared in the back of his neck that could not be found.

He saw his chance and raised his hand. "Fred Tarric. How soon can we get to New Mexico?" @Gruber dude
Bixby marks down Fred's name hurriedly.

"Thirty minutes tops!! Anyone else? No?"
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Bixby looks around for anyone else. Only two have signed up and is looking for others to sign onto the Squad.

"There are three more spots open on the Squadron! You can join it and be a Cataclysm Corps Soldier right after the mission!"

Bixby then hears an alarm.

"Sir!!! The T-1 is close to becoming a T-2!!!"

Bixby begins to panic even more!

"C-C-C-COME ON!! Someone, just.....Join the Squadron!!"
Jumping, I turned to glare at Bixby. "Wait, what?! How is it ranking up?!"
Jumping, I turned to glare at Bixby. "Wait, what?! How is it ranking up?!"
Bixby backs up.

"When a Demon consumes enough human flesh, it transforms and becomes a stronger being!! Damn it, is no one else joining in the Squadron!?!?"

He grits his teeth in desperation. "No choice....... Marie, Fred, Max!! Get your gear and get your asses to the plane!! If anyone else wants to join, then do the same!!! The Plane will be waiting for the three of you outside!!!"

Bixby runs off, now pissed off at the Recruits fear.

(Hey I did say that the Casualties are between 10 and 25. @Xalgeon @Glint @TheGrudgeKeeper , You heard Bixby! Get to da Plane!!)
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Bixby backs up.

"When a Demon consumes enough human flesh, it transforms and becomes a stronger being!! Damn it, is no one else joining in the Squadron!?!?"
Slamming my fist on the table, I started firing off questions like mad. "Well fuck! That means everything you just told us is useless! What's it turning into?! Where's it located? Will it be disoriented upon evolution?"
Slamming my fist on the table, I started firing off questions like mad. "Well fuck! That means everything you just told us is useless! What's it turning into?! Where's it located? Will it be disoriented upon evolution?"
"Wait, hold on a second," a voice shouted from outside the room. Standing in the doorway leading into the room stood a panting red-skinned half-demon. "Sorry about bursting in like this, I fell asleep on the bus. I'm Vahne Estus, I'd like to volunteer for the mission," the now identified recruit said.
Hearing as they'll soon depart, Fred grabbed his saw-off shotgun and his saber and headed straight for the hangar. He also grabbed a cigarette and a lighter from a table nearby for future consumption.
The Plane Setup

With anger in his voice, Bixby walked to the Douglas C-47 Skytrain outside, now steaming about the situation of the amount of Cowards in the Recruits. The world is screwed over if THEY'RE the last defense. Even though they trained for this shit....

"Goddamn cowards........Wasting time."

As soon as the actual volunteers get on, Bixby angrily locks himself in. He breathes in and out.

"Alright, Marie. Lemezals evolve into Stoxals. They become twice as strong as thier previous forms and begin using clubs made of human bones. But, it also has a mind shattering scream. And the Post Evolution Sickness takes three minutes for them to get over. Now, let's go!"

The Planes propellers begins to spin fast, and plane begins to roll forward and the door begins to slowly close.

"Stupid goddamn doors..."

(Last Chance!!)

(On the Plane Currently: Vahne, Marie, Fred.)

(@TheGrudgeKeeper @Xalgeon @Vanestus )
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"Right, okay, moving now!" Vahne shouted rather startled by the sudden screaming from the Lieutenant. Grabbing his sheathed Longsword and strapping a few Molotovs to his belt before running off towards the plane.