Yeah, we have the treasure chest, but... this is its effect.
"Creates a chest that contained to the brim with valuable gems and gold coins."
Do you really want to regularly go grocery shopping with gold coins and valuable gems in Brockton Bay? Because that doesn't sound like the best idea to me, just speaking for myself. And dumping that into a pawn shop and getting anything like a fair return of cash also doesn't sound simple.
We could try to see if we can find a trader job class in there, but going by what we know of how the job class works it feels a lot easier to massage the system into letting us get a druidic demigoddess elf or fairy then it does to get it to end up with a super-elite trader that can take our gold coins and gems and transform that into money that Taylor can spend without anyone, including her father, the police, the Number Man, or the IRS, getting overtly interested in where said money or said gems and gold is coming from.
If you have a good write in plan for doing a trader, I'll vote for it, but it sure seems a lot more direct to go something like...
[Y] Draw
-[Y] Mage
-[Y] Female
-[Y] A petite fairy, only a few feet tall, wearing a simple robe of dark green cloth with a garland of flowers in her hair, holding a slim wand of oak tipped with an emerald, and with a pair of dragonfly like translucent wings colored gold and silver.
And then turn her into a nature mage instead of trying to start from a warrior, an archer, or a mage and ending up with a merchant.
But honestly if we end up with Taylor needing money quick, we'd probably be best suited to go rob a gang.