[X] A shelf completely filled with various kinds of informational books: Fear of the unknown is the most likely reason for your condition. Thus it's just logical for you to fight it off by stockpiling as many facts about the world around you.
[X] Various kinds of scattered exercising tools: What is the better way of removing cold sweat than by replacing it with a warm one? A six pack you got out of using them reguraly is also a pretty nice bonus.
[X] A desk full of personally hand crafted creations: You wanted to be productive, and before long your itchy fingers just started to move on it's own. Expertly making what you desired like paintings, knitted clothes, sculptures, and etc.
[X] A case containing a well cared crossbow: A gift from your mother. You aren't quite sure what to make of it at first, but the excitement and the feeling of accomplishment from a successful hunt might be what you currently need right now.
[X] A shelf completely filled with various kinds of fictional, and historical books: You like stories of any kind. Reading what the characters do, what motivates them, and what they feel is something of a guilty pleasure for you. Letting you able to witness their strong personality as if you are close to them.
[X] A desk full of personally hand crafted creations: You wanted to be productive, and before long your itchy fingers just started to move on it's own. Expertly making what you desired like paintings, knitted clothes, sculptures, and etc
For the first vote, Hullane is the winner by one vote. As for the rest, Craft is the winner for the first slot while the second, and third slot are tied between Book, Music, and Camera.
Can I have a Tiebreaker between the three please? I will roll the dice in an hour if there isn't any.
Edit: And that is it. So you have Craft, Music, and Book, huh? Looks like you are going to have quite a high class of taste.
Scheduled vote count started by Black.Horus on Aug 31, 2022 at 7:09 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.
[X] A desk full of personally hand crafted creations: You wanted to be productive, and before long your itchy fingers just started to move on it's own. Expertly making what you desired like paintings, knitted clothes, sculptures, and etc.
[X] A shelf completely filled with various kinds of informational books: Fear of the unknown is the most likely reason for your condition. Thus it's just logical for you to fight it off by stockpiling as many facts about the world around you.
[X] A door leading to a room full of music equipment: You do not want to be anywhere quiet whenever you have an episode, so music is usually your escape. They let you really able to express what is digging you inside.
[X] The latest version of a mirrorless camera: You want to feel included, but you never have the courage to actually interact with people. With pictures, you at least would be able to observe any ongoing camaraderie without actively participating in one.
[X] Various kinds of scattered exercising tools: What is the better way of removing cold sweat than by replacing it with a warm one? A six pack you got out of using them reguraly is also a pretty nice bonus.
[X] A case containing a well cared crossbow: A gift from your mother. You aren't quite sure what to make of it at first, but the excitement and the feeling of accomplishment from a successful hunt might be what you currently need right now.
[X] A shelf completely filled with various kinds of fictional, and historical books: You like stories of any kind. Reading what the characters do, what motivates them, and what they feel is something of a guilty pleasure for you. Letting you able to witness their strong personality as if you are close to them.
[X] A door leading to a room full of music equipment: You do not want to be anywhere quiet whenever you have an episode, so music is usually your escape. They let you really able to express what is digging you inside.
[X] A shelf completely filled with various kinds of informational books: Fear of the unknown is the most likely reason for your condition. Thus it's just logical for you to fight it off by stockpiling as many facts about the world around you.
Cold, damp, and dark. With only a small bastion of light. A place where it's exit is impossible to be reached. Where you spent hours screaming, begging, and scratching to be let out. No one come. They never are and never will and you will be left alone alone alone....
Stomach is hurting and throat is parching. Need to get out. Nothing useful in light. Something in dark? Light is broken. Everything too cold and too dark.
The barest of movements. Slimy, and wet. Mad scramble back to light. Something is in the dark. Waiting, and watching, and hungry, and watching, and waiting. Something is in the dark watching somethingis inthe dark waitingsomeThingisiNtheDarkhUngRy soMetHingIsiNtHedArKEYELetMeoUtlETmeouTLeTmeOU-
You painfully shake your head from side to side. Forcing the memory back to the dark where it belongs, and doing the best that you can to ignore the taste of bile at the back of your tongue and the shiver you felt on your spine. You can't collapse now. You still need to go to school. Think of your family who will be worried sick about you.
You repeat those sentences at the back of your mind over and over again as you struggled to finish cleaning up the leftovers from your breakfast. Unwilling, and used to not leaving them for later.
The few friends that you had always said you were a cleaning maniac, but jokes on them! You are able to just go straight to bed and sleep after an exhausting day at school unlike those lazy fools.
Weren't you?
You gave out another long sigh as you gently caress the scalp of your head with only one hand. Slowly putting your mind back in order. You really need to do something to finally get some proper sleep in. Even your inner voice is starting to sound delirious.
Giving the door leading to the musical room a last wishful glance, you swiftly snatch your bag from the sofa where it was laid down on, and began your casual march to the front door of your house. You will have time to spend on your hobbies later. Anymore delay, and you will break your perfect attendance record.
But. Instead of immediately leaving for school, you were stopped, however, by the sight of an object placed near the front door. Something that was left there by your parent when they gave you this house.
There, standing in front of you as if to mock you is a full person mirror. Where you can see very clearly your unsightly visage in it's smudge free reflection. See how worn out, and tired you are this early in the morning.
What do you see? Who are you really?
[ ] Name
-[ ] Write-In
[ ] Gender
-[ ] Male
-[ ] Female
[ ] Image
-[ ] Pale Boy
-[ ] Pale Girl
-[ ] Write-In
How you so want to break this mirror to pieces to resemble it's dream counterpart.
But you can't. You thought as you take a long deep gulp of air down from your nose. Reigning harshly down on your brief impulses. It is still something that was gifted to you from your parents. Not only does it still have some sentimental value attached to it, it would also be headache for you to clean out afterwards. So you do your best to hold yourself in check. You are not a violent person.
No matter how much do you want to smash it.
"There's also the monetary issue to consider...." You softly murmured to yourself at the thought of value. Mind already going back to one of the challenge you had imposed upon yourself as a show of your 'independance' to your family.
While most of it were still handled by your parents, you had also made an agreement with them for you to pay some of the taxes of the house you lived in out of your own wallet. You weren't quite sure about it yourself at first, but you are recovering quite well out of your harrowing ordeal at the time, and thought it would be a good idea to ride out the momentum so to speak.
You had it all figured out too. The distribution of tax between you and your parents that you are able to afford, the allocation of time where you can get everything done while still have a time for some relaxation, and a seemingly stable well paying part time job for your livelihood.
Unfortunately, one of those three are unlike the others, and were one of the main contributing factor for your overall stress last month.
It is something that is sadly completely out of your control. You don't know what exactly is the matter, but it must be quite something for Mr and Mrs Smith to just straight up pack their belonging, and leave like that all of the sudden. While you do wish the best for them, and are thankful of them for employing you with care, you must also admit to be quite annoyed by your surprise jobless status.
You do not want a repeat of the month where you are running all over Hullane to find a prospective job for the rest of your life. It was a time full of distress for you. Even more so if you also count it as when your nightmares had started to become more frequent. Everything was just the worse back then.
Emphasis on was. You thought with a small smile as you opened the front door, and comes out to the small yard outside to finally leave your house. Fortunately you had quickly found yourself a replacement for your source of income. One where while it wasn't exactly ideal, it was one where you are hopefully able to stay comfortably for quite some time.
What is your new side job? You are....
[ ] An Artisan: You don't really have a job at the moment. Instead, what you did do is creating various pieces of art which you then sold to your uncle for a price. You don't really know what he is using them for, but the occasional requests he gave you does makes your mind race sometimes.
[ ] An Assistant Librarian: You are now working as a helper at the local public library. You hadn't expected it to be quite a tiring job at first, but the Head Librarian had thankfully managed to help you get used with your new position. Now if only she hadn't started to come less and less. It's something you didn't really mind if it wasn't for how unusual some of the patrons are.
[ ] A Baby Sitter: Rather than a baby sitter, you are more of a care taker slash tutor really. Looking after childrens, feeding the pets, guarding houses, giving tutors. Those are the kind of work that you began to do recently. Though the job descriptions that you are getting are starting to become quite concerning.
[ ] A Driver: You had now become the highschooler who does delivery, congratulations yourself. It's not something you thought you would use your new car for, but at least it's something. You are able to meet a lot of different people with it, and the few times you drove a passenger to their destinations was pretty interesting. Now if only most of them weren't ordering for you so close to night time.
Finally done. Sorry for the wait everyone. Need to fine tune a few things a bit. Your previous choices had both opened and closed up quite a few doors. Anyways, the end of prologue is here! This would be the last of your character creation phase.
Just not certain about this, so I wrote down something.
[X] Gender
-[X] Male
[X] Image
-[X] Pale Boy
[X] A Driver
My first thought of the driver gig was "wait, is someone under 18 allowed to drive a car?". Then I realized the quest's probably it's probably set in America, and suddenly it made sense.
I like the idea of driving from place to place.
Of always having the radio on, due to the music choice. Of some hand-made craft hanging below the rear view mirror. Of them driving towards some obscure, run down house they read few mentions of in an old, archived newspaper.
[X] An Artisan: You don't really have a job at the moment. Instead, what you did do is creating various pieces of art which you then sold to your uncle for a price. You don't really know what he is using them for, but the occasional requests he gave you does makes your mind race sometimes.
Artists and their spooky paintings are a time honored tradition.
Alright, guess our protag would be Thomas the Assistant Librarian! Character sheet is now up, so go check that out in page 1. I also gave him a nickname that others called him with there.
Scheduled vote count started by Black.Horus on Sep 4, 2022 at 6:24 PM, finished with 11 posts and 10 votes.
[X] An Artisan: You don't really have a job at the moment. Instead, what you did do is creating various pieces of art which you then sold to your uncle for a price. You don't really know what he is using them for, but the occasional requests he gave you does makes your mind race sometimes.
From what you had gathered before moving in to Hullane, the town's center of learning, Hullane Highschool, had never shown itself to be anything but an examplar of the word 'ordinary'.
Not in the sense of the education being given was poor, but in the sense of how there's nothing truly noteworthy to ever came out of the establishment. Both the good, and the bad.
From your research, the school had always managed to constantly produce students with good grades every single year. A great achievement for sure, one that is worthy to be boasted about. Now if only they didn't also get constantly upstaged by those big names institutions from nearby cities. Always a different one every year. Apparantly because of that particular fact, most of the applicants seems to just skip over Hullane entirely due to preferring the more successful, but still near, places of learning.
The school had also managed to resolve any illicit activities committed by their occasional troublemakers so skillfully to the point where anything bad that you could had found about them are from dubious local gossipers. A source where the validity of any given information can easily be put into question.
If anything, the school's ability to always be on the recommended list of school to go to while being nearly unheard of is the only thing worthy of praise. The only reason why you had even became aware of it was due to it being in the same town where your uncle is living.
Truly, it is the perfect place for you to continue your study in peace, and tranquility. A place without any serious competition for you to strees over that is also able to keep any possible problem that you might have in the downlow while still capable of giving you a satisfactory level of education. What more could you have asked for?
Thus, it is with a mixed set of feelings stirring up within your chest did you finally enter the main building of the school's fine establishment this morning. Walking silently alongside the mass of other students with the occasional greeting being given to some of them. All while also steadfastly ignoring their annoyingly loud chatters mercilessly hammering in to your head.
In a year of being here you had gotten exactly what you had hoped from them, yet as you continuously tried to withold a grimace from forming on your face, you are now left to wonder whether it had all been worth your currently deteriotating mental state.
After all, one could say the possible reason for your predicament was due to your current proximity with a....certain place nearby.
"Heeyy, Toom! Yohoo! Are you even awake in there? Say something!" You were pulled out of your thoughts however, by the sound of your nickname being called out by someone. Someone who is right beside you.
You turn your head towards them, and after a couple of blinks, you managed to put a name to the slightly irritated face of someone who is now walking with you side by side. Someone who had apparantly been calling you for a few moments now.
"Oh, Jerry. Sorry, I didn't see you there." You simply said to him in lieu of a greeting. Something which was then met with a twitching smirk from the brown haired, glasses wearing, male teenager who you had grown increasingly well familiar with for over a year now.
"Oh, come on now Tom. That's it? No good morning or something for me? What, am I not good enough for you to tell me about the morning weather?"
"Considering how many have you missed what with your 'late night research'. Maybe you are."
"Hey! I only do those on special occasions. Besides, it's been a while since I had an overslept that bad."
"Watching every episode of an old anime series you had just found all in one sitting during school days is a special occasion?"
"Those are the fan favorites of the time with good plots, Tom! Of course I binged them. I would die of anxiety if I stopped myself midway through!"
You wryly shook your head and smile at the response being given. Not quite understanding yet still pretty amused by the way Jerry simply is. "Fine, good morning Jerry. Happy?"
Looks like he is. Because his smug smirk looks pretty casual now as you both walk together to your assigned class. "Kehe, yeah. Good morning to you too, Tom."
That's was just the way Jerry Turner is you suppose. Getting annoyed by random things while also quick to forget the source of those grievances minutes later. Something that also include his interest too if you're not wrong.
The conversation doesn't seem to be over however. As Jerry still have something to say to you while exaggeratedly acting tired with his shoulders largely slumped downwards, and him putting a show of his hands being put deeply inside his pockets. Something not very pleasant.
"Still. Jeez, such a sharp tongue immediately after daydreaming to yourself. Must have a pretty good sleep, right?" Said Jerry while leaning slightly towards you, before quickly pulling back and wincing at the possible darkening look on your face. "Ah, sorry. You still have one last night?
"Unfortunately." You tersely said to him while entering your class with Jerry following closely behind. You had shared your troubles with him, but beside a few encouraging words, he wasn't able to do anything particuraly meaningful.
"Welp, that sucks. Think it might be time to take some pills?" Said Jerry with a grimace as you both settled down on each of your seats.
....mostly encouraging.
"Might be." You said with a frown as you took a mental note of which of your classmates are currently present. Turning Jerry's suggestion over your mind, and not liking the sound of them even for one tiny bit. "I don't really trust those kind of medications, Jerry. The thought of forcing myself to go under, and be totally helpless during the night doesn't sleep well with me."
"Is that a pun?"
"It is not a pun."
"Well." Continued Jerry as he cock his head to the side to mull over the conversation. His eyes going over from one thing to another to let his mind race. "What about food then? They said eating good food let's you have happy dreams, right? Just what did you eat at home anyways?
You let yourself pause at the question Jerry had asked. Feeling a little bit surprised by the simple, yet possibly effective, suggestion. After a few moments of you considering them throughly inside your mind, you responded. "I...."
What would be your diet pattern for the week?
[ ] "....would eat sufficiently." : Tasteless home cooked food, and cheap street vendor's cuisine. Most of them you thought would be better off if an excessive amount of salt were to be dumped on them. They are nothing grand, but they are mostly what had kept you from getting hungry these days. Cost 0 Fund. No effects.
[ ] "....would eat luxuriously." : Home cooked food with proper seasonings, and warm tasty meals bought from various well known restaurants. Something which you had only allowed yourself to indulge in during the weekend. Although a bit pricy, the feeling of satisfaction you would have gained from a well fed stomach would definitely be worth it. Cost 1 Fund. +5 Health/Sanity.
[ ] "....would eat lavishly." : Mouth watering, thought provoking food from the best restaurant in Hullane. You had ate the food made there only twice, yet the taste of them still lingers clearly inside your mind. The food for the rich. They would be very expensive, but your wallet be dammed will you be happy to eat them every single day. Cost 2 Fund. +7 Health/Sanity. +1d5 boost to a random stat.
"....just what the heck have you been eating?" Said Jerry after he fully took in your words. His eyes immediately narrowing down on you in clear disapproval. Really? This?
"Something normal. You don't need to worry yourself over it." You expertly deflected. You really don't need this right now.
Something which Jerry seemed to heavily disagreed with. "Yeah, as if-"
"As if I believed that!!" Loudly said someone abruptly cutting Jerry off. Catching the two of you off guard with their sudden angry tone, and making the both of you swiftly turning both of your heads towards where the direction of the voice had come from. Where you both can clearly see a confrontation are currently building up close to the classroom's door.
On one side is a group of girls. Some of which you can recognize to originate from your class while others you haven't the slightest of clues. All with something on them that makes each of them distinct from one another. Something that makes them good to the eyes. None of them however, with all their little baubles, can outmatch the one who is currently shouting on top of her lungs at the forefront of the group.
She had a long blond hair, a striking set of emerald eyes, and a face many would say as beautiful. A visage that is only enhanced by her attire which you can only guess as the latest of trends. Her captivating image however are currently marred by the furious expression which are now adorning her face. One she is clearly using to her utmost to berate the opposite side of the confrontation from her.
A side which seems to only consist of a single person. At a glance, what had immediately caught your attention was how he is pretty tall compared to an ordinary highschooler, how he have a medium lenght brown colored hair which seems to be slightly dyed, and how he have a very obvious tattoos on his tanned arm. Same with the blond, the man also seems to be pretty angry right now. Though his is more on the massively irritated side based from his gnashed teeth, and barely controlled speech you almost couldn't hear due to the distance.
You know the two of them. Albeit not in the speaking manner. Who wouldn't in this school? They are Sherry West and Clayton Tucker. They are what people in general would call as the classic Queen Bee, and Troublemaker of the school. Monikers which definitely matches those two from what you had been hearing, and are currently seeing.
Or, there might be something more to them?
"Look, I already said I am sorry alright? I really didn't see you there." Curtly said Tucker with a calming gesture, palms open wide, in an effort to clearly appease the girls.
An effort which proves to not be very effective againts West. "Liar! Then why did you push me so hard!? You knocked me down to the floor!"
"The class is almost starting up, so I am in a hurry. I do not want to get into trouble, alright? Why are you just standing there in front of the door anyway?" Tucker defended.
"So you're saying it was my fault!?" West screeches in response.
"That's not what I am...."
Thus, that was how their rhythm basically goes on from there. Each trying almost desperately to take the lead from the other with West's extras providing background noises from time to time. You pretty much are just ignoring their jarring choruses from that point on. Letting the bunch of sounds that they make in from one ear, and out from the other. They will break it off eventually, you had reasoned.
"....yeah, pretty awful stuff. Though they seems a bit too farfetched to me Tay. What about you Tom? What do you think?" Conspiratorially asked Jerry to you, suddenly snapping you off from the thousand miled stare state that you was momentarily in.
A state that you really don't want him to notice. So you do your dammed best to act as if you had followed Jerry's entire conversation with a nearby student from the very start, and hadn't just doze off on them at the beginning. "Oh? Oh, yes! They do seems pretty farfetched. Why would people even say something like that, right?"
Your attempt at acting however, doesn't rang out the way you had wanted to. As Jerry's expressions are now turned to one of concern. "Are you really alright there, buddy? Maybe a short trip to the infirmary-"
"No!" You cut him off in a panic, not wanting to give anyone anymore reason to worry about you. After spending a moment to calm yourself, you continued, though with your words being much more sedate than before. "No. Thanks for the concern Jerry, but I assure you, I am fine. You don't need to worry about me. Just give me a few minutes, and I will be okay."
While Jerry doesn't seem to be entirely convinced, you at least managed to get a single hesitant nod out of him. You both know this wasn't over, but he also knows you didn't want this to continue for much longer either. He will have his chance to talk with you more later on. Where the place is much more private. For now however? This conversation is over.
Just like the one West, and Tucker have with each other too it seems. You mentally noted to yourself. Giving a side eyed glance towards the quickly dispersing crowd. Leaving the slightly smug looking class president behind who must had closed the act before it could truly take off.
For a moment, you wondered whether you could have helped her in some manner of form, but you immediately silenced those thoughts from completely forming within your head. You don't have the pleasure of having a large amount of time you could freely use to bother someone else randomly. Doing something ill preparedly or when not in your full condition would always resulted poorly.
You lightly shook your head to bring your mind back into focus. First thing first. You need to figure out a way to deal with your lack of rest. Anything else can wait.
What would be your schedule for this week?
You have 3 AP (4 - 1 = 3 from exhausted status)
[ ] Scary Tale: There's no denying how you are in a desparate need for some recreation. Something to pull your mind away from all the nightmares. Jerry thus had offered you a solution when you had asked him for help. Spend some time with him at the local cinema watching horror movies. You....weren't quite sure why. Cost 1 AP, and 0 Fund. Reward: ????
[ ] Discordant Notes: While checking your music room for some quality relaxation, you had found some of your Musical Instrument to be in a dire need for a repair. Nothing particuraly urgent thankfully. They seemed to be the result of you playing them a bit too harshly in recent days. A quick trip to a nearby store for some necesary repair materials should be good enough for you to make them as good as new. Cost 2 AP, and 1 Fund. Reward: Removal of Broken Notes.
[ ] Drug Run: You didn't like it, but Jerry is right. It might be time to swallow all of your grievances along with some sleep medications to finally get some proper rest. You aren't quite sure what to take however. It doesn't seem to be the recommended course of action from what little information you had gathered. Some medicines are even said to make the nightmares worse you had found. A trip to the local clinic for some consultation seems to be necesary if you want to pursue this option. Cost 1 AP, and 1 Fund. Reward: +2 Dice to resist Dreaming.
[ ] Connected Threads: Socializing is an important aspect to a Human being. You are not an exemption to this, and honestly, you prefer company more than silence. It is time for you to spend some time with those you know to deepen up your bonds with them. You will be talking to:
-[ ] Jerry, the Story Lover. Cost 1 AP.
-[ ] Uncle Roy, the Distant Blood. Cost 1 AP.
-[ ] Miss Alice, the Head Librarian. Cost 1 AP.
[ ] Home Alone: It is unfortunate, but you often found yourself deep in the embrace of solitude. All for one reason or another. You usually spend those times doing something either productive, or calming to your soul. Now is not any different. You will be:
-[ ] Creating some Homecrafts. Cost 1 AP. Reward: 1 Fund.
-[ ] Practicing some Music. Broken Notes: Availabe only for 2 Times. Cost 1 AP. Reward: +1d10 Sanity.
-[ ] Refreshing some Subjects. Cost 1 AP. Reward: +1d5 Mind.
[ ] Aimless Road: Sometimes, it's better to just let everything fade away, and go to wherever your feet would take you. Familiar, and unfamiliar. While they are still within the bounds of Hullane, seeing them still brought you a small degree of adventure. Cost 1 AP. Reward: ????
[ ] Strange Guests: One of your main responsibilities as an Assistant Librarian was to obviously assist the Head Librarian in their duties to the Library. This usually takes form in them leaving you with the tiring task of watching over the library's patrons. Quite simple on paper, but these patrons just kept asking you the strangest of things. Cost 1 AP. Reward: 1d2 Fund.
[ ] Dusty Tomes: As an Assistant Librarian, you would of course be asked to help reorganizing the library's books. From those which had just been returned, to those which had just simply been out of place. It is your job to put them back to their proper order. Sometimes it could be pretty confusing due to the size of the library, but you could make do with less. Within the building, you had never felt alone. Cost 1 AP. Reward: 1 Fund.
[ ] Late Collecting: People would always be irresponsible. It is a fact you had learned from your uncle. You now learned those facts again from these 'borrowers' who is incapable of returning their books back on time. Necessitating you to go to their doorstep, and ask them to relinquish those books directly. You need to be careful however. Miss Alice had told you how some of them might react pretty aggressively to your sudden arrival. Cost 2 AP. Reward: 2d2 Fund.
[ ] Resource Grap: Even a library would need to restock their supplies eventually. Ink, paper, and any damaged library assets. They would all need to be replaced immediately when their condition was found wanting. Hullane Library apparantly have prefered places where you could find these replacements without any sort of delay. All you need is to have an open mind, Miss Alice had advised. Cost 1 AP. Reward: 1d2 Fund.
Finally. I have finished this update!!
Sorry for the delay everyone. Like always, I am struggling to write character interactions, but I think I am getting a very good grasp of how I want to shape my characters now. So hopefully next update will come faster.
Nonetheless, I think I did very good with this chapter. There are a lot of things I have said here both in written, and unwritten way. I wonder how many could you guess right?
[ ] "....would eat luxuriously." : Home cooked food with proper seasonings, and warm tasty meals bought from various well known restaurants. Something which you had only allowed yourself to indulge in during the weekend. Although a bit pricy, the feeling of satisfaction you would have gained from a well fed stomach would definitely be worth it. Cost 1 Fund. +5 Health/Sanity.
So with our char sheet as a reference I think we should spend for this week. It'll be counterbalanced by our job.
[X] "....would eat luxuriously." : Home cooked food with proper seasonings, and warm tasty meals bought from various well known restaurants. Something which you had only allowed yourself to indulge in during the weekend. Although a bit pricy, the feeling of satisfaction you would have gained from a well fed stomach would definitely be worth it. Cost 1 Fund. +5 Health/Sanity.
[X] Plan Seems Simple
-[X] Connected Threads: Socializing is an important aspect to a Human being. You are not an exemption to this, and honestly, you prefer company more than silence. It is time for you to spend some time with those you know to deepen up your bonds with them. You will be talking to:
--[X] Uncle Roy, the Distant Blood. Cost 1 AP.
-[X] Home Alone: It is unfortunate, but you often found yourself deep in the embrace of solitude. All for one reason or another. You usually spend those times doing something either productive, or calming to your soul. Now is not any different. You will be:
--[X] Creating some Homecrafts. Cost 1 AP. Reward: 1 Fund.
-[X] Strange Guests: One of your main responsibilities as an Assistant Librarian was to obviously assist the Head Librarian in their duties to the Library. This usually takes form in them leaving you with the tiring task of watching over the library's patrons. Quite simple on paper, but these patrons just kept asking you the strangest of things. Cost 1 AP. Reward: 1d2 Fund.
I don't think there would be anymore voters, so I would end it here. Seems Simple Wins.
Scheduled vote count started by Black.Horus on Sep 18, 2022 at 12:59 AM, finished with 4 posts and 4 votes.
[X] Plan Seems Simple
-[X] Connected Threads: Socializing is an important aspect to a Human being. You are not an exemption to this, and honestly, you prefer company more than silence. It is time for you to spend some time with those you know to deepen up your bonds with them. You will be talking to:
--[X] Uncle Roy, the Distant Blood. Cost 1 AP.
-[X] Home Alone: It is unfortunate, but you often found yourself deep in the embrace of solitude. All for one reason or another. You usually spend those times doing something either productive, or calming to your soul. Now is not any different. You will be:
--[X] Creating some Homecrafts. Cost 1 AP. Reward: 1 Fund.
-[X] Strange Guests: One of your main responsibilities as an Assistant Librarian was to obviously assist the Head Librarian in their duties to the Library. This usually takes form in them leaving you with the tiring task of watching over the library's patrons. Quite simple on paper, but these patrons just kept asking you the strangest of things. Cost 1 AP. Reward: 1d2 Fund.
[X] "....would eat luxuriously." : Home cooked food with proper seasonings, and warm tasty meals bought from various well known restaurants. Something which you had only allowed yourself to indulge in during the weekend. Although a bit pricy, the feeling of satisfaction you would have gained from a well fed stomach would definitely be worth it. Cost 1 Fund. +5 Health/Sanity.