[x] Murderblend Them All: Recast Animate Objects to grab 10 Tiny objects, focusing on making sure every imp dies, while attempting to proc as many Attacks of Opportunities as possible.
Adhoc vote count started by Novus Ordo Mundi on Apr 4, 2020 at 6:05 PM, finished with 16 posts and 7 votes.
[X] Protect The Tribe: Nukilik has the abilities to help protect the warriors and yourself, using Love's Embrace to give them temporary HP. Meanwhile, you will move yourself right in front of the Hell Hound, keeping all focus on you while trusting in your Immunities, and telling the Guards to back away from your Aura.
[X] Close To Me: Nukilik will do whatever it takes to keep the enemies from breaking through the gates. You'll use your Beacon, Call Them Home, and your Grasp of Hadar to keep them close to you and far away from the guards and children. Your items will me more arranged to keep procing Grasp.
[X] Murderblend Them All: Recast Animate Objects to grab 10 Tiny objects, focusing on making sure every imp dies, while attempting to proc as many Attacks of Opportunities as possible.
[X] Protect the Children: Send your objects to stay behind the children, making it almost impossible for anyone to make it to them and stay there without taking damage. You'll also cast Love's Embrace on them, giving them more survivability. While this means you won't have your objects to deal damage, you'll still have your traps and Beacon to keep some control of the battlefield.
[X] Close To Me: Nukilik will do whatever it takes to keep the enemies from breaking through the gates. You'll use your Beacon, Call Them Home, and your Grasp of Hadar to keep them close to you and far away from the guards and children. Your items will me more arranged to keep procing Grasp.
[X] Close To Me: Nukilik will do whatever it takes to keep the enemies from breaking through the gates. You'll use your Beacon, Call Them Home, and your Grasp of Hadar to keep them close to you and far away from the guards and children. Your items will me more arranged to keep procing Grasp.
[X] Close To Me: Nukilik will do whatever it takes to keep the enemies from breaking through the gates. You'll use your Beacon, Call Them Home, and your Grasp of Hadar to keep them close to you and far away from the guards and children. Your items will me more arranged to keep procing Grasp.
[X] Close To Me: Nukilik will do whatever it takes to keep the enemies from breaking through the gates. You'll use your Beacon, Call Them Home, and your Grasp of Hadar to keep them close to you and far away from the guards and children. Your items will me more arranged to keep procing Grasp.
You can hear the rising panic in the voices of this raiding party as they point at you in bewilderment. And now that you've got a better look at them, you think you recognize why: some of them were there at your death. Taunting you. Taunting your friends.
But you're not concerned with that. You've already killed one imp. Five more pose little trouble to you, and you're pretty sure you can take the dog. But you're more concerned with Warmaster Uryuk and the other guard. They don't have the benefit of being undead. They're vulnerable, and if they go down, the children behind them will be easy pickings.
You look at that particular soon-to-be smear across from you, and coldly answer. "Evening Glory. And I'm not actually alive."
That's when one of the imp's nerves break, as he rushes at Uryuk.
There's a sudden wellspring of concern in your heart, as you call upon something to protect him, as you rush towards the hound. For a second, you feel some strand of energy connect you, Uryuk, and the other guard. You feel the stingers of an Imp that is rushing you impale your shoulder, poison starting to flow into you. But you ignore it, as you take advantage of the confusion to position yourself in front of the Hellhound.
Your companions, animated by your magic, rush the imps. It's a massacre, as imp throats are torn open by the jaws of the dogs. Some of them turn upon the Hellhound, but the red dog seems more hardy, even as it starts to freeze. It's even able to dodge some of the attacks.
It is then that the hound opens its mouth. And deep in its throat you can see the spark of flames.
"Get back!" You yell to the warriors at the gate, as you grab the hellhound's jaw in your hands. "It's about to…"
Then everything is fire.
But you don't burn. Your hood is forced off by the force of the attack, revealing your face. But none of your clothes burn. In fact, you love the warmth. It feels so amazing. It makes you feel so alive. You want more!
But unfortunately, the flame soon dies down. And the hellhound is confused that you seem to not be bothered at all. Then that confusion turns to pain as your dogs attack. Flesh is rent as you bring a dagger down through its head, quickly killing it.
It's over and done with. You've won, and nobody you care about died.
You turn to look at Uryun, who is currently looking at a bisected imp in front of him with contempt. It is then that you notice it: A small red strand of light coming out from Uryun's back, heading into the encampment, where you lose track of it. The guard next to him has six pink strands, spreading out in different paths in the same general direction.
Love. It's love from Uryun for his wife. And lust from the guard towards a lot of people...
You shake your head. No, this is not the time to question yet another new thing about yourself. "Warmaster Uryun, I see you're doing well."
Uryun doesn't respond right away. He seems more interested in your eyes… oh right. You don't have eyes anymore. You have to admit you didn't even think about that while making your way back. And for a second, you're concerned about what he'll think.
"Better than you, it seems." Uryun responds, trying to keep himself straightfaced. "Did you freeze to death or something?"
"Somewhat." You say honestly. "A bit of exposure. A bit of blood loss. A Goddess of Love turned me undead and sent me back."
"Sounds like quite the tale. Might cause a few problems." The head of the tribe's warriors looks back towards the other gate guard, who you can tell is very nervous and on guard.
You shrug your shoulders. "Remind him of Taupek."
You see a sigh of relief come from Uryun, before he smiles a bit. Obviously your knowledge of the old proverbs has put him at ease. "Glad to see you're among the... " A brief and awkward pause ensures, as he searches for the right word. "walking?" He tries meekly.
"Eh, close enough." You allow a small grin, before going back to seriousness "I was with the Unaharks when we were ambushed. Someone who knew exactly who they were in their human form." You watch as Uryun closes his eyes and strokes his chin. You may not be the most observant person, but obviously that's got him thinking. "I need to see Chief Rasteek. I need his wisdom for what's to come."
"I'll go with you." Uryun says, as you see five warriors running up to your position. Probably coming once they heard the battle. "I need to let him know what happened."
As you and Uryun walk towards the chief's tent, you notice people looking at you. Obviously, the battle at the gate had drawn people's interest.
You had chosen to not put your hood back on, allowing everyone to see your face. Trying to hide it would have been futile, and if you had to be honest, you wouldn't have felt comfortable hiding it from people. They deserve to know, even if they shun you for it.
You had not expected them to crowd around you, though. Instead of being afraid, as people usually are when the undead are in the midst, they're curious. They are asking a lot of questions: What happened to you? Did you fight the enemy? Is this the blessings of the Ancestors? Even some of the children show some interest, though they seem more curious in your lack of eyes and discolored skin. A couple of mothers have to keep their kids from trying to poke your eye-sockets.
You're curious about them as well. Mainly because you can see more of those colored lines emanating from the people, connecting with other people. It's more than the red and pink lines of romantic and lustful emotions. You see blue lines crossing from father to son, mother to daughter, and back to grandparents. That type of love is obviously familial.
The green lines are a little harder to figure out at first, as the lines connect to people you know are not romantically in love, and are not related. But then, when you see two lifelong friends tied together with green lines, it clicks. This green love is the love that can only be formed by people who've been together through thick and thin. A kind of friendship and trust that can be closer than a spouse or family members.
It's breathtaking to be able to see all the intersecting lines travel through the community.
"Make way!" Uryun yells, trying to keep the path in front of the two of you clear as you head to the chief's long tent, only a little further ahead. "Lurnal! Tell the Chief we need to see him!"
Lurnal, one of the Chief's bodyguards from what you remember, looks over to the two of you. "Warmaster! Ancestor! He's already expecting the two of you."
You raise an eyebrow, an action you apparently can still do. "Ancestor?"
Lurnal nods, as she opens up one of the flaps so that you may enter. "It's what he told us to address you as, Ancestor Nukilik. He said the Yeahani has shown him your arrival."
You and Uryun look at each other with concern. The Wise Bird of Atosennim actively showing future events? That was very unusual. And as you move inside, you're not sure if you should be thankful or concerned by this.
1,700 XP Gained!
Level Up! Level 4 Achieved
Hit Dice Increased by 1
Maximum HP Increases by 9!
Feat Gained!
Animated Objects Improvement Gained!
Feat and Animated Objects Vote Incoming.
Imp 3 - Advances towards Head Warrior, roll for attack: 12 + 5 = 17. AC:18. Miss (Clangs against shield.)
[] Ability Score Improvement - +2 to Stat of Choice (Triggers Subvote)
[] Actor - Charisma +1, Advantage on Deception and Performance when trying to pass yourself off as someone different, can mimic other people and sounds you've heard
[] Alert - +5 to Initiative, can't be surprised, others don't get advantage on attack rolls while hidden from you.
[] Athlete - Strength or Dexterity +1 (Triggers Instant Subvote), Prone only take 5ft, Climb at full speed, running jumps after 5 feet.
[] Aura Mastery - +1 Charisma. Auras you or objects you create can choose to ignore any number of people or objects, up to your Charisma modifier.
[] Charger - When Dashing, can use your bonus action to make an attack or shove someone. Gain bonuses when moving 10 feet on this dash attack or shove.
[] Crossbow Expert - Ignore loading quality of crossbows you are proficient in, doesn't gain disadvantage at 5 feet, can use bonus action to attack with hand crossbow
[] Dog Whisperer - You gain double proficiency bonus on Animal Handling when dealing with dogs. You can speak and understand with any dog, without magic.
[] Dual Wielder - +1 to AC when Dual Wielding, can use non-light weapons, can draw both weapons at once
[] Dungeon Delver - Minimum twice your Con mod when using a hit die to regain health. Advantage on detecting secret doors, avoiding or resisting traps, and can search for traps quicker
[] Elemental Adapt (Cold) - Objects that you animate that can deal cold damage ignore resistance to damage to cold. Treat any 1 they roll on a damage die as a 2.
[] Extra Invocation - You may take an extra invocation (Triggers a Sub-Vote)
[] Extra Undead Improvement - You may take an extra Undead Improvement (Triggers a Sub-Vote)
[] Grappler - Advantage on attacks against creatures you're grappling. Can pin those you are grappling. Can grapple creatures one size larger.
[] Great Weapon Mastery - Melee Crit or drop to 0HP, you can make a melee attack as a bonus action. Can choose to take -5 to hit for +10 to damage with a Heavy weapon
[] Healer - Stabilizing a dying creature gives it a hit point. Can restore a minor amount of hit points with healer kit
[] Human Determination - Increase an Ability Score by 1 (Triggers Sub-Vote), Can make one roll with advantage per short or long rest.
[] Inspiring Leader - Take 10 minutes to inspire companions, giving temporary hit points.to six people including yourself.
[] Keen Mind - +1 to Int. You always know which way is north, and roughly what time it is. Perfect recall up to a month.
[] Linguist - +1 to Int. Learn three Languages. Can create ciphers.
[] Lucky - Gain 3 Luck Points a Long Rest. Can use them on your rolls or an opponent's attack rolls, after the roll is seen, but before outcome, to roll a d20 and choose to use that if you so wish.
[] Mage Slayer - Spell use within 5 feet can be reacted to with an melee attack. Opponents have disadvantage on saving throws for concentration if you damage it.
[] Martial Adapt - Learn two maneuvers from the Battle Master archetype in the Fighting Class. You gain one Superiority die at d6.
[] Master Trapper - Hunting Traps you work on for eight hours deal double damage, and the Trap's DC becomes 13 + Proficiency Bonus. As a reaction, when someone moves into or through a square 30 feet of your location, you may throw a trap at their location. Treat it as if they had stepped on it.
[] Mobile - +10 to moving speed. Dashing over difficult terrain doesn't slow you. Opponents you attack cannot make attacks of opportunity during the same turn.
[] Moderately Armored - +1 to Str or Dex (Triggers Sub-Vote), is proficient with medium armor and shields.
[] Mounted Combat - Advantage on melee attacks smaller than mount. Can take any hit meant for mount. Mount takes no damage on Dex save, half on failure.
[] Observant - +1 to Int or Wis (Triggers Sub-Vote), Can read lips, gains +5 to passive Investigation and Perception.
[] Polearm Master - Can make a second, weaker attack with polearm. Can make an Attack of Opportunity when they enter your reach.
[] Prodigy - Gain proficiency with one skill, one tool, and learn one language. Then choose a skill you have proficiency in to gain expertise (double proficiency) in.
[] Savage Attacker - Once per turn, can reroll a melee attack damage roll, use either roll.
[] Sentinel - Hitting with an Attack of Opportunity turns a persons speed to 0. Gain AoO even when Disengaging. Can make a reaction to melee attack someone attacking someone else.
[] Sharpshooter - Ranged attack don't gain disadvantage on long range, ignore half and ¾ cover, and can take -5 to hit to gain +10 to damage
[] Shield Master - Can shove a person 5 feet with your shield as a bonus action, can add your Shield's AC to Dex Saving Rolls, and take no damage on a successful save.
[] Skilled - Gain Proficiency in any three skills or tools (Trigger Sub-Vote)
[] Tavern Brawler - +1 to Str or Con (Triggers Subvote), Proficiency with unarmed strikes and improvised weapons. Strikes are at d4. Bonus action after unarmed strike or improvised weapon strike to grapple.
[] Tough - Gain Maximum hit points equal to twice your level. Each level, you gain 2 more hit points.
[] War Caster - Gain +5 to rolls on maintaining concentration on Animate Objects when taking damage, and ignore any disadvantage. Can perform somatic parts of Animate Objects even if both hands are full.
[] Weapon Master - +1 Str or Dex (Triggers Sub-Vote), become proficient in four weapons. (Triggers Sub-Vote)
Yeah. No way to really shortening it more then I did. I figure many of the options will not even be looked at. But the moment I don't add it, someone will ask why I didn't add it.
[] Alert - +5 to Initiative, can't be surprised, others don't get advantage on attack rolls while hidden from you.
[] Lucky - Gain 3 Luck Points a Long Rest. Can use them on your rolls or an opponent's attack rolls, after the roll is seen, but before outcome, to roll a d20 and choose to use that if you so wish.
Hard to decide this, as we have never really discussed builds, but if we are not going for a specific build than one of these two seem to me to be always useful. Lucky means we can reroll d20s, while Initiative is always good, surprises are nasty.
This one really appeals to me because it is amazing for when we get ambushed, I'm sure that at some point we will get ambushed and this would be great. Plus the +5 Initiative is always good to have.
This one would be amazing to have since it would have solved our problem with the guards being hit by our aura. Not to mention more CHA would be very helpful later on.
I think this pairs amazingly well with our wanderer feature, not to mention perfect recall going a month back would stop us from forgetting anything important. The INT bonus is nice as well but nothing amazing.
[] Mobile - +10 to moving speed. Dashing over difficult terrain doesn't slow you. Opponents you attack cannot make attacks of opportunity during the same turn.
Movement speed would be nice, difficult terrain not slowing us while dashing is good but I think the real winner her is "Opponents you attack cannot make attacks of opportunity during the same turn." though I don't think this applies to Animate Object.
[] Mounted Combat - Advantage on melee attacks smaller than mount. Can take any hit meant for mount. Mount takes no damage on Dex save, half on failure.
[] War Caster - Gain +5 to rolls on maintaining concentration on Animate Objects when taking damage, and ignore any disadvantage. Can perform somatic parts of Animate Objects even if both hands are full.
[] Lucky - Gain 3 Luck Points a Long Rest. Can use them on your rolls or an opponent's attack rolls, after the roll is seen, but before outcome, to roll a d20 and choose to use that if you so wish.
5E player here. Don't underestimate Lucky. A well timed reroll on a save or crucial skill check can save your ass.
Don't bother wasting it on attacks though.
[] Elemental Adapt (Cold) - Objects that you animate that can deal cold damage ignore resistance to damage to cold. Treat any 1 they roll on a damage die as a 2.
This more than potentially double our IpT (Imps per turn) and we'll be rolling so many dice that the 1 -> 2 will almost always see use.
Worth pointing out, I think the Extra Invocation or Undead thing is basically this updates mystery box.
[X] Dog Whisperer - You gain double proficiency bonus on Animal Handling when dealing with dogs. You can speak and understand with any dog, without magic.