You adjust the box on your lap, still not sure where to actually put it given that you don't have a bag or anything- huh. Something to buy once you're back in File City, if that ever happens. You aren't entirely convinced that it will.
Izzy's computer is plugged in to an outlet in the corner. Very back of the store, covered with dust, you wonder how he can possibly be comfortable here.
And then you remember what Haruka's apartment looked like when you visited, and the fact that it's apparently worse. Right, mystery solved. You also make a mental note to never again visit Haruka's apartment.
"Right, so we need to run a few basic tests before using this on the laptop itself. Can you see if there's anything electronic here that nobody would mind breaking?"
"I've got a calculator right here." You hand him the piece of technology, and he removes the battery before typing away. You try to pay attention to what he does, just in case you need to fill in for him one day.
(Sora's Digicode Programming skill has increased!)
It's always been something you wondered about, how he could make something so complex look so simple. But he's always been that way, for as long as you can remember- technology is simply his best friend. Well, until Tentomon entered the picture, but even then, you think you see him on his computer more often than not, even when talking to his Digimon.
That's probably not healthy, but what do you know? Sometimes, when you get focused on something, it's all that your parents can do to remind you to eat. And you like food.
Eventually, the symbol for lightning appears on the calculator, and it sparks to life for a few seconds, before dying away. "Right, forgot the infinity symbol..." Izzy mutters, and starts over. "Sora, take notes in case we need to do this again."
Well, that much you can do. "Got it!" And thus, you fall back into your old friend, the realm of happy experimentation. It's been a while.
It takes six hours, but eventually the setup is complete. Izzy's laptop will now never run out of battery power in the Digital World. You think that, with some creative applications of coding, you could extend that to your own world, but that's probably a bad idea, even if the thing's already upgraded so far beyond factory standards that your friend could probably market it as a new technology.
...Yeah, this is definitely what most people probably feel about Haruka.
Not that you're complaining about it. Actually, it's about time that you started figuring out what you're going to do for dinner, assuming that Mimi and Palmon don't already have that covered. Trail rations are decently filling, but sort of bland compared even to the mushrooms from your first night here.
And speaking of Mimi and Palmon... here they come now.
"Sora, Izzy, we saw- we saw!" She pauses to catch her breath. "We saw Kari and Bukamon floating past us in a bubble!"
[ ] No, seriously, what!?
[ ] Catch that bubble!
-[ ] With just Biyomon/Birdramon
-[ ] With just Tentomon/Kabuterimon
-[ ] Use both flying Digimon
-[ ] Forget flying- just run!
[ ] Stay put. They'll probably be fine, really.
[ ] ...Wait, where's Tai?