[x] Apprentice of the South: Kazuya Matsumoto, partner to Zhuqiaomon, has taught you a great deal in the past few years. Some of it may even be applicable to your current situation! (+2 CON, +3 DEX. +15 to all rolls in southern hemisphere of Digiworld, +10 to aerial combat elsewhere.)

[x] Plan Equalize
[x]+2 WIS
[x]+1 CON
[X] Social Butterfly: Making friends is easy. Keeping them, even easier! (+5 CHA. All changes in relationship are doubled.)

[x] Plan Equalize:
Adhoc vote count started by Jrin on Sep 3, 2018 at 3:36 AM, finished with 802 posts and 12 votes.
[X] Apprentice of the South: Kazuya Matsumoto, partner to Zhuqiaomon, has taught you a great deal in the past few years. Some of it may even be applicable to your current situation! (+2 CON, +3 DEX. +15 to all rolls in southern hemisphere of Digiworld, +10 to aerial combat elsewhere.)

[X] Plan Equalize
Guys, Apprentice of the South is a much better Trait than Social Butterfly. A +15 during all of File Island will just make life easier.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Astra Myst on Sep 3, 2018 at 6:44 AM, finished with 30 posts and 13 votes.
Hmmm, with Social Butterfly we get crest traits faster thus an advantage to combat faster, but with apprentice we always get either a +15 or a +10. Excluding fights on the ground, but with those, we have our other Digidestined and in the events that we got split up we get normal rolls. Which isn't bad, So I think apprentice has more Long-term benefits
Hmmm, with Social Butterfly we get crest traits faster thus an advantage to combat faster, but with apprentice we always get either a +15 or a +10. Excluding fights on the ground, but with those, we have our other Digidestined and in the events that we got split up we get normal rolls. Which isn't bad, So I think apprentice has more Long-term benefits
We don't get Crest traits faster with Social Butterfly. If we were Matt, yeah sure we would, but whilst we did get like a fifth of the progress to our Crest trait through Social alone, I think it was probably more due to socializing so much.
We don't get Crest traits faster with Social Butterfly. If we were Matt, yeah sure we would, but whilst we did get like a fifth of the progress to our Crest trait through Social alone, I think it was probably more due to socializing so much.

Ohhhhh, well all the more reasons to pick Apprentice! and Since File Island is going to be easier we have projects with +15~
Ohhhhh, well all the more reasons to pick Apprentice! and Since File Island is going to be easier we have projects with +15~
Also, due to it being said +15 to all rolls while in the Southern Hemisphere the +15 probably applies to Ground battles to so long as we're in the south. It's biggest backdraw I see is that we lose the majority of the benefits whilst not in the Southern Hemisphere.
Actually, @SeekerofDreams, can we get Social Butterfly in later segments, or for that matter, is a trait exclusive for choice at the end of each segment?
Actually, @SeekerofDreams, can we get Social Butterfly in later segments, or for that matter, is a trait exclusive for choice at the end of each segment?
Social Butterfly is not a time-sensitive trait, however, it may be a while before it is offered again. Traits are generally acquired at the end of a segment, but they can appear in Adventure Segments if the character is consistently played in a certain way. Social Butterfly would actually be relatively easy to acquire that way, but it would still take a long time.

The Apprentice traits, however, are time-sensitive, and unlocked by spending a sufficient amount of time with said character during a Life Segment. In addition, there can only be one Apprentice of any one cardinal direction, and half the slots are already filled, not counting Sora. Being such a rare trait, of course, has its drawbacks, but given that it'll be active roughly 50% of the time? Just about anything would be a fair trade.
[x] Plan Equalize
[x] Apprentice of the South: Kazuya Matsumoto, partner to Zhuqiaomon, has taught you a great deal in the past few years. Some of it may even be applicable to your current situation! (+2 CON, +3 DEX. +15 to all rolls in southern hemisphere of Digiworld, +10 to aerial combat elsewhere.)
Last edited:
[x] Apprentice of the South: Kazuya Matsumoto, partner to Zhuqiaomon, has taught you a great deal in the past few years. Some of it may even be applicable to your current situation! (+2 CON, +3 DEX. +15 to all rolls in southern hemisphere of Digiworld, +10 to aerial combat elsewhere.)
[x] Plan Equalize
[x] Apprentice of the South: Kazuya Matsumoto, partner to Zhuqiaomon, has taught you a great deal in the past few years. Some of it may even be applicable to your current situation! (+2 CON, +3 DEX. +15 to all rolls in southern hemisphere of Digiworld, +10 to aerial combat elsewhere.)

And with that, it's a tie
Edit: Nevermind, We're back in business!
[X] Plan Equalize
[X] Apprentice of the South: Kazuya Matsumoto, partner to Zhuqiaomon, has taught you a great deal in the past few years. Some of it may even be applicable to your current situation! (+2 CON, +3 DEX. +15 to all rolls in southern hemisphere of Digiworld, +10 to aerial combat elsewhere.)
I still prefer social butterfly, though not by that much.

I Also expect we'll have a malus while in the northern hemisphere

The mad scientist's apprentice is obviously Izzy. Who would be the other?
[X] Social Butterfly: Making friends is easy. Keeping them, even easier! (+5 CHA. All changes in relationship are doubled.)

[x] Plan Equalize:
[x] Plan Equalize
[x] Apprentice of the South: Kazuya Matsumoto, partner to Zhuqiaomon, has taught you a great deal in the past few years. Some of it may even be applicable to your current situation! (+2 CON, +3 DEX. +15 to all rolls in southern hemisphere of Digiworld, +10 to aerial combat elsewhere.)
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Sep 3, 2018 at 3:06 PM, finished with 49 posts and 18 votes.
So, now that that's settled...

-Vote Closed!-
So, things are going to be very different from canon... and you may be dragging around quite a bit of dead weight. Eh, not like there isn't precedent.