"Build your own Magical System!"(tm): The Superpower: The Quest

It's not about giving a reasoning for the vote as such, but for the action in character. For the implementation of a probable Magic System the intent and reasoning of Chris is relevant. That means, if you don't give one, I come up with one and Chris might get a System that doesn't work at all like the one you wanted him to get.

Also, please do try and keep the references mostly generic. Harry Potter and Mistborn I do know, if the former much better than the later. Other's I've never even heard of before, so I'd have to do additional research to match the original. If you really want to reference a specific setting, please provide a link or something from where I could start such research...
I was just being glib about Chris reading the source material. I get the appeal of a Brandon Sanderson book since his systems always have well defined rules, but I'm not sure that allomancy actually makes sense for this quest; It's a specific set of superpowers with an arbitrary metal theme (really arbitrary: I appreciate the pun of tin giving you enhanced hearing, but why would pewter give you super strength?). Really what we are going for with this action is determining the innate magical properties in different materials. Chris has to wonder if there's any truth to silver warding off evil, for example. Admittedly, swallowing lumps of metal might not be the most logical way to go about this.
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I was just being glib about Chris reading the source material. I get the appeal of a Brandon Sanderson book since his systems always have well defined rules, but I'm not sure that something like allomancy actually makes sense for this quest; It's a specific set of superpowers with an arbitrary metal theme (really arbitrary: I appreciate the pun of tin giving you enhanced hearing, but why would pewter give you super strength?). Really what we are going for with this action is determining the innate magical properties in different materials. Chris has to wonder if there's any truth to silver warding off evil, for example. Admittedly, swallowing lumps of metal might not be the most logical way to go about this.
Well, the clearest answer is because it's our best choice.

We'd need to get more then what we have to get even an iron bracelet, it's immediate, and we can see it's results immediately. It's unrealistic for us to forge with what he have, and consumption of ingredients in things like skyrim can reveal effects of materials, so it seems like as good of an option as any even without knowing about mistborn.
Well, the clearest answer is because it's our best choice.

We'd need to get more then what we have to get even an iron bracelet, it's immediate, and we can see it's results immediately. It's unrealistic for us to forge with what he have, and consumption of ingredients in things like skyrim can reveal effects of materials, so it seems like as good of an option as any even without knowing about mistborn.
There is a certain bold simplicity to it. The easiest thing to do would be to just swallow a penny and imagine drawing power from it. If he were smart about it, Chris would shave off the coating first, so he could test the copper and zinc separately. At some point he'll probably ask himself why he started with metals instead of something actually edible.
There is a certain bold simplicity to it. The easiest thing to do would be to just swallow a penny and imagine drawing power from it. If he were smart about it, Chris would shave off the coating first, so he could test the copper and zinc separately. At some point he'll probably ask himself why he started with metals instead of something actually edible.

How to Use Magical Metal Correspondences

The use of metal in magic goes back a long time - let's look at seven metals, and how you can use them in magical workings.

According to this Copper should just be a general magic booster.

Zinc on the other hand I can't seem to find a source in their relation to magic.
Okay, discussion seems to have mostly finished. So, the vote is going to close in 12 hours.
Maybe we'll have more than three votes :D

Well, doesn't look like more votes. So, vote is closed. I'll try to get the next chapter up during the weekend. Till then: stay safe :)
Adhoc vote count started by Nando on Jul 30, 2020 at 4:00 PM, finished with 26 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan All The Magic Systems
    -[X] Try to Jot down your dreams in a word document, and see if any information can be gleaned from it. (2 Hours)
    -[X] Consume some iron and see about using it for a personal buff. In Various Magical systems metals have metaphysical properties, Iron is seen as a strong metal in those systems, and is even linked to blocking off fae-like beings. This would mean that consumption of such could increase strength, durability, or even our resistance to other parahumans powers.(1 hour)
    -[X] Go To The Animal shelter and see if you can try to spiritually connect with the dogs. In most books shamanism/animal magic is about understanding and connection. How well can you connect with the dogs? Understand their wants and needs? And if all else fails, you can pet a dog and feel better about yourself. (3 Hours)
    -[X] Try To Channel magic from the source you're getting your powers (2 Hours)
    -[X] Speak words with an online Draconic alphabet with an intent to gain control or create something. (2 Hours)
    -[X] Research runes on the internet. Supposedly magic shapes can do a lot of things, from runic ritual circles to putting runes on items to do things. Can we make some runed items or circles that can do things? There's a game called GrimGrimoire you've played before with runic magic. Maybe you can make a summoning circle like in that game and summon a slime or a house elf or a ghost or one of the other basic worker units? (2 Hours)
    -[X] Study and practice using Probability-manipulation-Magic System through the manipulation and detection of RNG in video games(2 Hours)
    [X] Plan Runes and Wands Mk2
    -[X] Go To The Animal shelter and see if you can try to spiritually connect with the dogs. In most books shamanism/animal magic is about understanding and connection. How well can you connect with the dogs? Understand their wants and needs? And if all else fails, you can pet a dog and feel better about yourself. (4 Hours)
    -[X] Research how to make wands, and make a wand for ourselves. Most wands in the books were wood, but you've got more metal then wood laying around. Can you make a metal wand? (4 Hours)
    -[X] Research runes on the internet. Supposedly magic shapes can do a lot of things, from runic ritual circles to putting runes on items to do things. Can we make some runed items or circles that can do things? There's a game called GrimGrimoire you've played before with runic magic. Maybe you can make a summoning circle like in that game and summon a slime or a house elf or a ghost or one of the other basic worker units? (4 Hours)
    -[X] Study and practice using Probability-manipulation-Magic System through the manipulation and detection of RNG in video games. This time, instead of making ourselves lucky, can we make the enemy unlucky? (2 Hours)
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Chapter 7.1
A.N.: Okay, so, I wanted to get a chapter out this weekend. The amount of research/coming up with Systems was a bit to much for that, so you get the first part now, and a second one in the next days.

You are alone.
That's nothing new.
It's eerily silent.
Apart from the distant screaming.
You move to the kitchen.
Were blood drips from knives.
A drawing hangs on the fridge.
He'd laughed at you.
You move your hands.
You can't count your fingers.
You hear a noise from the street.
And see black clouds billowing in front of the window.
There are people there.
With bleeding eyes.
You want to help them.
End their suffering.
But you don't know how.
Because you never know, what you should do.

Waking up the first thing you notice is that your nosebleed had come back during the night. Ugh, gross. With bleary eyes you get to cleaning up.
Feeling marginally better you grab some breakfast and try to make sense of what happened last night. Okay, so I probably overworked something with pushing for so long...and than I...
It takes you way longer to finish breakfast than normally - after every few bites you find yourself staring into empty air, trying to recall your dreams of the past night. But it's like they slip away, like trying to catch fish with your bare hands, like trying to grab a piece of soap, like...haah, focus, Chris. Let's table those dreams for now, and plan out today.

Still half asleep and just finishing your bowl of cereal your eyes fall on a bottle of juice. Added iron, huh? You pour yourself a glass and marvel at the red color. It kinda looks like a health potion, you silently chuckle. Wait, health potion. Hm, aren't magic metals a thing? Oooh, iron, isn't there something with fairies? But this says it's healthy, 'antioxidants', 'protection'...okay, so, how do I...well, just wanting it worked last time, right?

Focusing on the glass in your hand you thought about how the iron in the juice would protect you. Nothing happened, but you had experienced that before. So you tried to will the juice to change, to push magic into it. Still nothing happened. Hmm, maybe it needs more iron? That's the important part, right? So you looked for some iron - your spoon should do the trick, right?

Focusing again on the glass, now with an iron (well, it's definitely metal) spoon in it, you went directly to pushing with all your minds power. No sense in wasting time, right? Pushing magic into the liquid, willing the spoon to give its iron over to the soon to be potion, which would grant you protection against...well, something, you could feel something happening.

Which was quite easy, considering that what happened was, that the glass exploded. Staring blankly at your hand, which was dripping with a red liquid you tried and failed to comprehend what just occurred. Right...got to...clean up...

Several minutes later you'd put a band-aid on the one bigger cut on your hand, disposed of the broken glass, put the slightly deformed spoon to the rest of Ryans lamp and cleaned floor and table of the juice. Let's put this experiment on hold as well...okay. Still don't have a plan for the day...I don't feel like this is my day...

Letting yourself fall back on your bed you heavily sigh. Okay, what do I do? I want to look into power stuff. Magic. Right...hm, summoning didn't work out so far, but I guess having someone to rely on would really be helpful...oh, maybe I can get a familiar, or an animal companion or something! That'd be cool...
With new energy you got up and booted your computer. Let's look for an animal shelter. I'll try with some dogs first, see if I can connect to one or something. Like a shaman? Dog's are supposed to be the best friends, right, should be doable to...spiritually connect to one.

Plan set, you look for a place to go. Which actually takes quite some time, since the closest shelter is actually not open for visitors right now - it is, after all, the 26th of December. But you find a different one were you can go, and their website tells you that they are happy to have visitors - but only in the morning, during the holidays. A look out the window tells you that you'll have to take the bus - it's heavily raining - and that's gonna cut into your time.

Still, you put on some warmer clothes, grab your waterproof jacket and hurry to the bus stop. Only to see the bus you needed to drive away from you. Damn it! I knew it, today's not my day! Heavily sitting down at the - thankfully having a non leaky roof - bus stop you silently grumble about the unfairness of it all. Still, I'll be able to see some nice dogs, who'll be happy to see me and I'll pet them and they'll love me for it...

After quite some time you finally arrive at the animal shelter. There you are greeted by a bored guy - Johnathan, his name-tag says; maybe in his early twenties - who perks up a bit when you tell him you are here to see the dogs. "Mostly we have people coming to ask if they can give pets back, ya know? 'Cause the got one for their brats for the holidays and realized how much work it is, or their ungrateful spawn didn't like the color or whatever. It's sad, ya know?" You just nod, where appropriate, but stay mostly non-committal.

Meeting the dogs is...awesome. You'd never had a pet, and never felt the need for one. But seeing those animals, those beings, and how happy they are, to just have someone to play with. This is nice, you think, sitting with your back to the wall, with a dog in your lap. Johnathan told you that you could stay in here till he'd have to do his round. Keeping that deadline in mind you thought back to your idea of spiritually connecting with an animal, to make it your companion.

Looking around you try to take in the forms of all the different animals. The sounds and smells. How they move. What they want. A soft whine from your lap draws your attention. Looking the dog there in the eyes you try to mentally, no, emotionally reach out to it. You loose yourself in those deep, brown eyes. There is a sadness there, and a loneliness that resonates with yourself. Softly mumbling you scratch your new friend behind the ears.

The strange sensation of your power doing whatever it does when it crystallizes into a new structure startles you out of your trance. For once the wetness in your face is not a bleeding nose. You softly laugh while trying to take in what your new magic can do.

Animal-Magic System
Emotion-based (Empathy (Non-human-animals)), Minions (Bonding, Non-human-animals), Shapeshifting (Mimicry (Minions))

"Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem."
Emotionally connects with animals. Uses these connections to form strong two-way bonds with specific animals. May enable shapeshifting based on bonds.

Power 1: Can create effects that are limited in scope, duration and/or relevance. A single effect might be enough to overwhelm a single hostile human or achieve a result, that mundane technology could easily replicate.

Animal Empathy 1
: Can understand behaviour of known animals as well as any person who has regular contact to the animal in question (e.g. understands dog behaviour as well as a dog owner).

Known Uses
Animal Companion: Forms a two-way bond with a single animal. Grants increased empathy with bonded. Benefits grow as the strength of the bond grows.

Requirements: at least Animal Empathy 1, willing animal
Cost: regular investment of time, satisfying the wants and needs of bonded
Note: Danger of backlash if bind is broken (death of bonded, failing to honor the bond,…).


Animal Companion
: <no bonds formed>

Note: Shapeshifting capabilities depend on each specific aquired Animal Companion bond and Power of this System (e.g. having an Animal Companion bond with a dog enables dog-templates for Shapeshifting, specific templates depending on strength of bond, strength and duration of Shifting depending on Power).

You quickly realize that you haven't formed a Bond with the dog in your lap - who's quite contend to just lie there and receive your scratches - but that you could, if you had some time. Just as you were wondering if you should ask Johnathan for the name of the animal, and how you could make sure to see it again during your next visit he comes through the door. "Hey kid, Chris, sorry. But that's all the time I can give ya right now with them. But feel free to come back some other time, yeah? But I gotta clean stuff up now and regulations require me to kick you out for that, so, yeah..."

He got continually more awkward the closer he got. He realized that I've been crying, some unhelpful part of your mind remarks. Rubbing your eyes you get up and let yourself be ushered out of the shelter. "Here, take a card with ya, there's our schedule on there. Ah, but during the hol'days we're only open in the morning. Take care, yeah?" Is what Johnathan tells you while gently, but decisively steering you through the door. "Eh, yeah, ah thanks..."

Standing back outside in the rain you still do feel better than you did in the morning. The bus driving away right in front of you AGAIN puts a damper on your mood, but you're still mostly happy when you come back home and prepare something for a late lunch.

While waiting for your food to finish you consider your power, and the different Magic Systems you've got access to. It's just so...arbitrary. Why do I have to go through all that hassle? Yeah, tinkers have to build there tools and all that, but a brute, or a blaster? Why can't I just...shoot my power at someone and be done with it? Why do I have to satisfy some arcane - ha - criteria for my power to decide to give me something I might eventually be able to use?

While eating you ponder the problem some more. You know you have a practically infinite pool of energy that your power draws from, to build those Magic Systems that you kind-of-but-not-really see as crystal structures that carry meaning. So, why do I need to have such a structure? Couldn't I just...channel that energy directly? Lifting your hand in front of you you consider the possibilities.
Then you shrug and aim at your pillow.
{Host: Query?} [Permissions?] {Host: Query?} [Negation.]
So, why do I need to have such a structure? Couldn't I just...channel that energy directly? Looking at your hand you shrug and aim at your pillow. What could go wrong?
{Host: Query?} [Permissions?] {Host: Query?} [Negation.]
Looking at your hand you shrug. Wait, what did I want to do? ...yes, channeling my...power? Right... Lifting your hand again you aim for your pillow.
{Host: Query?} [Negation. Data.]
Wait, something's not...right. A sudden bout of vertigo sends you stumbling. Holding your pounding head you feel the need to acknowledge that today is really not your day. Still, considering the now at least slightly familiar feeling of your power doing it's thing, you seem to have gotten something for your trouble. Sadly taking a closer mental look just drives your headache to new heights.

D̴̢̡̥̟̥͕͖̮̹͈͈̤͇̻̗̙̭͎̟̖̠͕̟̥̳͈̦̩͔̜̝̰͉̲̼̣͈̫͙̹̽̏̅̄̒̅͐̽͆̔̀̑̍͐̐̽͌̆̎̉̃̇̿̆͑̂͊̾͊̓̕̚͜͜͜͝͝͠͝A̵̘̩̓̅̐͊̅͒̔̄̔̑̇͆̂̀̔̀͂͋̓́̄͗̈́̄́̈́̅́̈̈́̾͊̀̅̈̋́̅̔̐́͘̕͝͝͠T̶̢̢͔͖̬͚͇̳̗̘̼̯̜̫̭̻̮̩͓̤̞̺̹̫̊̉̇̆̀̾͋́̈́͐̂̓͐͑̇̍͌̽͜͜͠ͅĄ̶͇͉̭̞͚̯̭̱̯̯̟͆̈́̄̽͋͂̓̓̾̈́̒͛̽͘͜͝͠ System
D̴̢̡̥̟̥͕͖̮̹͈͈̤͇̻̗̙̭͎̟̖̠͕̟̥̳͈̦̩͔̜̝̰͉̲̼̣͈̫͙̹̽̏̅̄̒̅͐̽͆̔̀̑̍͐̐̽͌̆̎̉̃̇̿̆͑̂͊̾͊̓̕̚͜͜͜͝͝͠͝A̵̘̩̓̅̐͊̅͒̔̄̔̑̇͆̂̀̔̀͂͋̓́̄͗̈́̄́̈́̅́̈̈́̾͊̀̅̈̋́̅̔̐́͘̕͝͝͠T̶̢̢͔͖̬͚͇̳̗̘̼̯̜̫̭̻̮̩͓̤̞̺̹̫̊̉̇̆̀̾͋́̈́͐̂̓͐͑̇̍͌̽͜͜͠ͅĄ̶͇͉̭̞͚̯̭̱̯̯̟͆̈́̄̽͋͂̓̓̾̈́̒͛̽͘͜͝͠. D̴̢̡̥̟̥͕͖̮̹͈͈̤͇̻̗̙̭͎̟̖̠͕̟̥̳͈̦̩͔̜̝̰͉̲̼̣͈̫͙̹̽̏̅̄̒̅͐̽͆̔̀̑̍͐̐̽͌̆̎̉̃̇̿̆͑̂͊̾͊̓̕̚͜͜͜͝͝͠͝A̵̘̩̓̅̐͊̅͒̔̄̔̑̇͆̂̀̔̀͂͋̓́̄͗̈́̄́̈́̅́̈̈́̾͊̀̅̈̋́̅̔̐́͘̕͝͝͠T̶̢̢͔͖̬͚͇̳̗̘̼̯̜̫̭̻̮̩͓̤̞̺̹̫̊̉̇̆̀̾͋́̈́͐̂̓͐͑̇̍͌̽͜͜͠ͅĄ̶͇͉̭̞͚̯̭̱̯̯̟͆̈́̄̽͋͂̓̓̾̈́̒͛̽͘͜͝͠. D̴̢̡̥̟̥͕͖̮̹͈͈̤͇̻̗̙̭͎̟̖̠͕̟̥̳͈̦̩͔̜̝̰͉̲̼̣͈̫͙̹̽̏̅̄̒̅͐̽͆̔̀̑̍͐̐̽͌̆̎̉̃̇̿̆͑̂͊̾͊̓̕̚͜͜͜͝͝͠͝A̵̘̩̓̅̐͊̅͒̔̄̔̑̇͆̂̀̔̀͂͋̓́̄͗̈́̄́̈́̅́̈̈́̾͊̀̅̈̋́̅̔̐́͘̕͝͝͠T̶̢̢͔͖̬͚͇̳̗̘̼̯̜̫̭̻̮̩͓̤̞̺̹̫̊̉̇̆̀̾͋́̈́͐̂̓͐͑̇̍͌̽͜͜͠ͅĄ̶͇͉̭̞͚̯̭̱̯̯̟͆̈́̄̽͋͂̓̓̾̈́̒͛̽͘͜͝͠.



[X] Plan All The Magic Systems
-[X] Try to Jot down your dreams in a word document, and see if any information can be gleaned from it. (2 Hours) (dreams: 7; no further rolls necessary)
-[X] Consume some iron and see about using it for a personal buff. In Various Magical systems metals have metaphysical properties, Iron is seen as a strong metal in those systems, and is even linked to blocking off fae-like beings. This would mean that consumption of such could increase strength, durability, or even our resistance to other parahumans powers.(1 hour) (16)
-[X] Go To The Animal shelter and see if you can try to spiritually connect with the dogs. In most books shamanism/animal magic is about understanding and connection. How well can you connect with the dogs? Understand their wants and needs? And if all else fails, you can pet a dog and feel better about yourself. (3 Hours) (20, 96, 33)
-[X] Try To Channel magic from the source you're getting your powers (2 Hours) (53, 68)

Yeah...on the one hand the dice really didn't like this part of the plan. On the other: y'all asked for it. Looking into your dreams the night of your first magic backlash, randomly consuming iron, trying to channel the from the source of your power, as a Worm-character...not that Chris did have reason to expect something like that...

The second half of the plan will come out in the next days, I hope. Rolls have already been made
and they went much better
and a first round of putting down notes has also happened. Still have to do some research on how to go about the draconic language and the GrimGrimoire stuff.

So, no votes today. Side note for the next round: you don't have to plan out a whole day, updates go as long as you planned, or until something happens that needs immediate reaction. In some cases you also might get to a point where you can further steer a scene, while something that happens later is also in the update. We just haven't had a situation like that come up...
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So, no votes today. Side note for the next round: you don't have to plan out a whole day, updates go as long as you planned, or until something happens that needs immediate reaction. In some cases you also might get to a point where you can further steer a scene, while something that happens later is also in the update. We just haven't had a situation like that come up...
So Weekly plans are possible? Or is the limit a day? Since overall as shown we'd be effectively just implement the same magic systems just given more focus into them.
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So Weekly plans are possible? Or is the limit a day? Since overall as shown we'd be effectively just implement the same magic systems just given more focus into them.

Oh, yeah, you could also put up weekly plans. But I'm not sure how well I'd deal with those, to be honest.
If you spent a week in-universe coming up with new Magic Systems to try than that is a huge drain on my IRL resources. If you spend the time just training existing Systems I'd probably opt for skipping quite a lot (as in showing results, and giving a few sentences, but not full scenes).

I'm still trying to find my groove with this ;)
What I actually wanted to say was: You can keep your plans shorter, that gives you more possibilities to react. If, for example, you vote a week long plan that involves training different things and in the beginning of the week training A goes bad you wont get a chance to change your schedule to keep training A, because you already committed to training B in the second half of the week. Makes sense?
Oh, yeah, you could also put up weekly plans. But I'm not sure how well I'd deal with those, to be honest.
If you spent a week in-universe coming up with new Magic Systems to try than that is a huge drain on my IRL resources. If you spend the time just training existing Systems I'd probably opt for skipping quite a lot (as in showing results, and giving a few sentences, but not full scenes).

I'm still trying to find my groove with this ;)
What I actually wanted to say was: You can keep your plans shorter, that gives you more possibilities to react. If, for example, you vote a week long plan that involves training different things and in the beginning of the week training A goes bad you wont get a chance to change your schedule to keep training A, because you already committed to training B in the second half of the week. Makes sense?
Yeah it makes sense. So Week-long plans only work if we only want to train, and are fine with not actually caring about the whole training bit. If you need a draconic translator I can provide a couple though of course some words just don't have translations like telephone.
Yeah it makes sense. So Week-long plans only work if we only want to train, and are fine with not actually caring about the whole training bit. If you need a draconic translator I can provide a couple though of course some words just don't have translations like telephone.

Feel free to do so, but that's not really the problem ;)
It's more about balancing a System that makes some kind of sense against the other Systems and the rest of the world. And coming up with a process for Chris to come up with the idea to look into that stuff...

But, yeah, give me a few days.
Feel free to do so, but that's not really the problem ;)
It's more about balancing a System that makes some kind of sense against the other Systems and the rest of the world. And coming up with a process for Chris to come up with the idea to look into that stuff...

But, yeah, give me a few days.
Much like Fae, Dragons are well known and their language is described as magical in many settings, we've established he plays video games, and that would give him the information that might provide him with it.

Draconic Translator

A draconic translator for serious gamers.

Translator | Thuum.org - The Dragon Language Dictionary

This tool searches the dragon language dictionary for words and phrases, giving you detailed info on how to translate a sentence.

Both don't have a complete one to one translation so this last one is simply a cipher, provided by dnd 5e folk.

English Alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Dragon Language Alphabet: E b c d e f g h se j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Though honestly that isn't much of a change. It's just a back-up of back-ups.

For instance telephone is telephone in draconic irregardless of the translator used.

Much lseke Fee, Dregons ere well known end theser lenguege ses descrsebed es megsecel sen meny settsengs, we've esteblseshed he pleys vsedeo gemes, end thet would gseve hsem the senformetseon thet mseght provsede hsem wseth set.

Both don't heve e complete one to one trensletseon so thses lest one ses ssemply e csepher, provseded by dnd 5e folk.

Englsesh elphebet: e B C D E F G H se J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Dregon Lenguege elphebet: E b c d e f g h se j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Though honestly thet sesn't much of e chenge. set's just e beck-up of beck-ups.

For senstence telephone ses telephone sen dreconsec serregerdless of the trensletor used.

thurkiitu realm
kiarf hefoc wiekr darastrixi re algbo vucat vur asta xanalre ui described lae arcanisstok persvek throden settings yth tepoha established jaci plays video nibelic vur batobot ornla majak jacion wer information batobot janik provide jacion mrith coi.

Vs'shtak swatina

swatina | thuum.org - wer darastrix xanalre dictionary

trian tir ti tepoha vi chiilipen ir ekess ir translation zyak nomeno annyo ir ui banprivi vi cipher, provided ini dnd5e folk.

english alphabet: vi b c d e f g h si j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

darastrix xanalre alphabet: e b c d e f g h se j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

though honestly batobot ui ti kiarf di vi thirku. coi ui|ulph filki vi back-up di back-ups.

ihk instance telephone ui telephone persvek Vs'shtak irregardless di wer swatina used.
Dovah Do Skyrim
Pogaas Med Fae, Dovah Los Fruzah known ahrik their Tinvaak Los described oi magical ahst pogaan settings, Mu established Rok plays video games, ahrik Daar would ofan rok fin information daar aal provide rok voth nii.

Draconic Translator

Translator | Thuum.org - Fin Dovah Tinvaak Dictionary

Ney ni lost aan complete gein wa gein translation ful daar laat gein los simply aan cipher, provided naal 5e dnd folk.

English Alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Dovah Tinvaak Alphabet: E b c d e f g h se j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Though honestly daar is los ni pogaas do aan change. Nii just aan backup of aan back-ups.

Fah instance telephone los telephone ahst draconic irregardless do fin translator kod.

this one was simply for completion sake.
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Magic Rings are ancient. Before Tolkien it was Wagner's Der Ring des Niebelungen based on Norse myth. The One Ring isn't even the first ring of invisibility, that's the Ring of Gyges.
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Chapter 7.2
A.N.: My head's pretty struck in the Naruto-verse right now, which contributed to the delay, together with our very hot weather and other things. Still, here's the second half of Chapter 7.

Massaging your temples you sigh. Okay, so that's not working right now. I guess I do need some kind of medium or whatever to get anything...hmm. Turning this thought over and over in your still aching head you mentally review your existing Magic Systems. Okay, so they're all based on something. Maybe I'll just have to pick something as a base? Trying to think about the most basic magical things that come to your mind you first think about spells, as in the words used by magicians - and dragons. Even Harry Potter has both of those, and that at least somehow worked.

Having no better idea right now, you decide to combine those two aspects. The magical animal and their language should be good for something, right? So, you get behind your computer and delve into the depth of the internet to try and find a guide or dictionary for a dragon language. It takes sometime to narrow down your search, because the results for almost anything that simply contains "dragon" comes up with news, speculation, fanboying/-girling and/or other things more or less related to the worlds most famous Tinker.

Finding out that in Dungeons & Dragons the language is called "draconic" helped, since people seem to use that term online as well. You then quickly find different attempts on the language, sadly those are mostly collections of some phrases and some words. Or some simple conversions, where you shift the alphabet around, but don't have any grammar or other such things. Frowning at your results you ponder your next step. Speaking a magic language...since words can have lots of meanings, even in a normal language, it's probably important to have a clear intention for what I want to happen. So...I'll just pick something and see what happens. Okay, what might work well with draconic...let's go with fire, and control. That should be suitably draconic, right?

Preparing for your experimentation you set up with a candle and a bowl of water, just in case. Lighting the candle you pick your first version of the draconic word for fire, focus on your intention - the flame should just flare for a second - and then speak: "Ixen!" With a sigh you acknowledge that, once again, your first try with a new magic did not bear fruit. Again. "Ixen!" Maybe the pronunciation? "Ixen! Ixen! Ixeen!" Still nothing. No, wait...some reaction from my power...hmm...maybe it's not the right language? Feeling your headache slowly coming back at the thought that your power might be picky about which fantasy language you use to do something it insisted you think of as magic you look up another way to say "fire" as a dragon.

"Yol! Yol! Yool!" Nothing, but a twinge from your power. Okay, how do I pronounce this next one? "Pfs, fsh,...fsere! Fsere! Fsere!" Still nothing happend to the candle in front of you, but at least your power churns and a new System forms. Kind of, it is very empty or rather...undefined? You get the impression that your power wants you to further define how you want to work with this System. It feels like something with the languages you tried out was missing? Maybe none were the right one, after all? And, lacking a clear intent on what you wanted to achieve, your power also gives a blank on the possible uses for this System. I'll have to think about the language some more, which one I'll use and how. And what kind of effects this should produce...

Draconic-Language-Magic System (partial)
Language-based (Draconic, ???), ???

"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup."

Power 0: Has no effects besides the mundane.


Deciding to let sleeping dragons be, for now, you focus on something else that you noticed during your internet hunt earlier: runes. They're a staple of magical fantasy, used for lots of things in lots of fashions. You yourself had already used them, actually, in your ill-fated summoning attempts. Still, the possibilities seem very broad, and remembering some of the games you played and how runes were used in those you decided to have a closer look at what the internet has to say on the magic of runes.

One hour later you take a breather in the kitchen, drinking some more juice - without trying to transmute it into something magical, thank you very much - and ponder if your earlier thoughts about this day still held true. Hm, I did find quite a lot, but it actually feels more like to much. Turns out that the internet had even more to say about runes, much more. From ancient languages - norse runes stood out to you, for their connection to the nazis that you actually had infesting your city - over various fantasy variations - elven, dwarfen, demonic runes, blood runes, runic tatoos, and on and on the examples went - to the reports of the freaking Adepts carrying tags with runes on them.

Your power's certainly interested, if the sense of movement in the nebulous potential you perceive your un-crystallized power as is anything to go on. Going back over your findings and comparing your impression from your power you realized the problem: you'll need to actually decide what you want to do. Sure, you could draw some kind of summoning circle, and you'd get something like a Summoning-(Runic circles)-Magic System out of it. But you could also get a piece of metal and somehow engrave a set of runes onto it and get some kind of enchanting magic. Or you could focus more on specific runes and further your understanding of runes relevant to your Demonology System. Or you could try to find something to tie all the different uses of runes together, or just really push it and get something like a very broad Runic-Magic System. Which would still need some methodology. And would most likely be harder to improve than a more specific System...but it might also have a higher ceiling...

Sighing, once again, you rub your face. For having finished my homework I'm still doing quite a lot of studying...at least it's much more interesting now! Venturing to the bathroom to quickly splash some water in your face you idly wonder if you'll see you da- Ryan tomorrow. Maybe check in if he's going to manage the groceries...

Okay, and now, back to the grind. Let's find out what that thing was, last night, that I was so close to getting...
With this clear goal set you focus, once again, on your games. Which actually comes easier to you than the last times. Huh, seems like I did actually improve. But that wasn't the thing... Going through the levels in your favorite testing game is very smooth, now. The results aren't important, in the overarching trudge of reality through time. So, predicting them is not that hard. That was a strange though. Oh well. If the visualization part wasn't what knocked me out last time, let's focus on the other aspect...

The headache that had been coming back all day, from time to time, softly pulsing in your temples, whenever you acknowledged it, comes back with more force, during the time you spent focused on your monitor. But, you don't let it distract you from your goal. Subtly pushing against the various numbers governing the probabilities in your game you try to find out where the backlash came from last night. After prodding and mentally poking around your visualization of the numbers you come to a realization: what you'd tried to do last night was probably something like trying to push for a guaranteed critically positive result. Something like getting not only the right kind of loot, but also with the best abilities, and maximum values for those.

And I'm not even close to being powerful enough for that, not even in an unimportant, closed system like this game...but maybe I can nut a limitation on the effect? Hmm... Shifting your focus, you go through some more levels, pushing at some numbers, twisting others. Finally you decide to just put your power to the task, not having a clear picture of what you want, or how to do it, you trust in it providing you a fitting result, if you just push hard enough.

After some kind of resistance breaks you feel one of your Probability-Manipulation-Magic Systems main branches sprout a new crystal growth. That's not the only thing you feel, your headache is also again overwhelming you, and the nausea is also back. Ugh...I'll check this tomorrow...for now, bed...ah, clothes. And water, then bed.

-[X] Speak words with an online Draconic alphabet with an intent to gain control or create something. (2 Hours) (87, 65)
-[X] Research runes on the internet. Supposedly magic shapes can do a lot of things, from runic ritual circles to putting runes on items to do things. Can we make some runed items or circles that can do things? There's a game called GrimGrimoire you've played before with runic magic. Maybe you can make a summoning circle like in that game and summon a slime or a house elf or a ghost or one of the other basic worker units? (2 Hours) (81, 53)
-[X] Study and practice using Probability-manipulation-Magic System through the manipulation and detection of RNG in video games(2 Hours) (87, 17; +???)

Okay, so that's that. Check the Character Sheet for updates on the PMMS.

Aside from that: we'll have a moratorium of two hours, the vote'll be open for quite some time, afterwards. I'll not be able to write till the 19th at the earliest, so...yeah.

I'll be awake for a little while longer, and will be available tomorrow, for a bit. So, if there are questions, feel free to tag me.
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Well, some of them failed. Do You wish to try again on those with a different path?
Any other magic systems?
or would you prefer a more straight-forward just study what we have? If So aside from almighty luck which ones do you wish to practice?

Edit: Just to be clear speaking up means, I can actually try to implement it into the actual plan I make.
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Well, some of them failed.

Just to clarify: different Systems have different "difficulties" to create them. And, as I tried to explain in the chapter, you can influence this with giving a clear picture of what you want to use a specific Magic System for. Generally the difficulty to get a System going and/or improve in it goes up with the broadness of it.

Coming back to the example I gave early on: The Underwater-Basket-Weaving System is easier to improve then a general Crafting-Magic System. But also much more limited in it's application.

So, it's not an outright fail, more a "Chris has ideas, his power has ideas, now there needs to be a decision on how to proceed" case, and maybe the need for more research, depending on the decision.
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