[X] Times of Crisis
-[X] Federal remnant - they are here mostly because of resources, new lands for expansion and belief in their right to own everything in former US. Have pretty noble sounding front.
-[X] Purists - group of religious fanatics who despise slavery in any form, but has strictly traditional views and despise mutants of any form, because they are 'sinful demonic creatures to be purged with fire'.
-[X] Rebels - old groups, which was freeing and helping slaves for a long time. They were struck down hard long time ago after attempted major uprising. Now they trying to attract less attention due to lack of resources and past failure. There is an emerging split between radicals and moderates parts of group.
-[X] Technocrats - a small group from distant places with a lot of old technology on their side. They want to have access to places ghouls taken for themselves, because of pre-war technologies in there. And they don't want to share with the ignorant savages from the wasteland.
-[X] There are other groups, but they are small-time players. Some of them affiliated with one of five big groups to more or less degree, some trying to be neutral. They would matter only if conflict become really hot.
-[X] Each group want something in this place, but they have great problems with each other. They often harm each other more than they help. Local ghouls in power play on this fact, making these factions fight mostly each other. However, any mistake can start full fledged war and chaos. How long the balance would exist?