Bronze Moose's Coppered Meese [Snips, Snaps, Shorts, and Starts, Mostly Worm]

New Chapter Momentarily, Plus Winning Vote
So, I need to stop making promises that I might not be able to keep. But, mild depression will do that to you, I guess. Anyway, I finally finished the first chapter of Mouse Protects, so I'm putting it up after this. Between the vote tally here and the vote tally on SB, Mouse Protects has won a second chapter. The vote tally here is as follows:
Adhoc vote count started by kamkong on Oct 30, 2020 at 12:50 AM, finished with 10 posts and 10 votes.
Last edited:
Mouse Protects! 1.1
"I hope you enjoy the book!" Suzanne said, waving as her latest customer left the bookstore.

"Thank you!" Winona said with a cheery smile and a wave. The new book she was carrying was a special one. It had first caught her eye when she realized that she couldn't remember the stand it was on, despite Suzanne constantly telling her the book she was looking for was right next to this special book.

Suzanne had finally gotten tired of Winona's antics, and forcibly wrenched Winona's head to look at the collection of books. Winona had gotten a headache, but suddenly she could remember it. It was like a dam breaking in her head, and all of a sudden she remembered everything.

Even what she saw when she got her powers. She hated that part.

Anyway, she'd bought the book she'd been looking for, as well as the book she thought had been causing the problems, because she was sure that it was special somehow. It was a bit thick, almost an inch, but she was a fast reader. She'd finish it before Christmas!


Winona snuggled up under her favorite quilt, on her wingback chair, with some good white chocolate mocha, listening to some holiday music as her hamsters played in their habitat, and picked up the new book she'd bought. She'd finished with the Maggie Holdt book she'd originally gone to the bookstore for, and loved every paragraph of it.

She took a sip, cracked open the book, and began reading


"What even is this book," Winona said, as she continued reading. "This is really dark so far. I mean, helping with a daytime bank robbery? As an undercover cape? That doesn't happen in real life!" She looked up in thought. "Though, the promise of finding out who their boss is after the gallery thing does seem promising…" She shook her head to clear her thoughts, and kept reading.


"Armsy wouldn't do that! ...Would he?" Winona exclaimed in shock. She thought about it for a moment. Hannah had told her about how the bossman had been going down hill lately, isolating himself from the others (especially Dauntless) in an attempt to keep up with the city. She closed her eyes and huffed in annoyance. "He might. I'll just have to warn Hannah to keep an eye out for that kind of thing in the future. But enough of that! I have a book to finish!"


Winona gulped as her stomach clenched in fear. "Oh, shit. I can totally see Ravager doing that. That bitch had better stay far away from the nine, or I'm going to have to have words with her, after we get combined." She shook her head when she realized what she'd said.


"Sorry guys, I'm sick. I'm gonna have to skip the Christmas party this year."

"No, no, it's nothing too bad, just from lack of sleep."

"Nightmares…? I hadn't thought of that. No, I haven't, it's this book. It's pretty horrifying, and I'm only half way through."

"No I'm not going to stop reading it! You should all know, Winona Oakley never turns down a challenge!"

"Okay, bye then."

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Oh, this is just peachy. Jack Slash, starting the end of the world by telling Scion how everything he's doing is pointless." Winona leaned back in her chair with a slightly manic smile on her face. "Ha. Ha, ha. Haha, hahaha!"

When she calmed down, she began reading again. Certainly, she was almost finished with the book! It was New Years Eve, already!


Winona settled down in her bed, satisfied. "Ahhh, I've finally finished that absolute nightmare of a book." She closed her eyes, and promptly began snoring.

(ノ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°ノ) ︵ ( ͜。 ͡ʖ ͜。)

Winona was eating her favorite cereal, Mousey O's, reading the newspaper that Hannah had sent her. It was a daily thing, they would send each other small, local papers, along with personal letters, in order to keep up.

It was Hannah's idea, since she wasn't able to talk about her work (though social gossip was still open season, hence the stuff about Armsy). It allowed them to keep up with what was going on in each other's lives, since they'd graduated from the Wards; the newspaper often had stuff about what Miss Militia had been up to, as well as the hijinx that the other Protectorate and Wards members got into. Being Brockton Bay, it was seldom funny.

Winona was just taking another bite, when a small headline in one of the deeper parts of the paper startled her into inhaling her food, causing her to start coughing. When she calmed down, she looked at the article, and froze. "Dockworker Daughter Hospitalized," it said. Hands shaking, she read on.

"A student of Winslow High School was hospitalized this Monday after a prank gone wrong," the article began. Winona read on and, reading between the lines, she was able to piece together just how bad it was.

Winona stilled herself, fixing a smile in place. She put the paper down, walked over to her chair, picked up her favorite throw pillow, and placed it over her face.

Winona calmly inhaled, and said, "AHHHHHHHHHH!"

This went on long enough that Winona grew dizzy and collapsed into the chair, slumping over and hugging the pillow tightly. She didn't want to deal with this. She really didn't want to deal with this.

Mouse Protector was just a simple small town hero! New York City! Okay, so the description didn't really apply to her, but gosh darn it, she felt like a small town hero!

Wiping her eyes dry, Winona tried to think about what to do. The book she'd read had started coming true, and it's cover had something to do with those things that were handing out powers. She remembered what the book said about the origins of powers, and started crying again. 'Am I just another guinea pig to those things?' she thought. 'Is that what my… Agent? Passenger? Shard? Is that what it really thinks of me?'

Winona didn't ever want to use her powers ever again, after learning it was all true, and not just some weird tinkertech pra- no.

Winona wasn't some lab rat, she was Mouse Protector! The little people were depending on her! She stood up, determination clear on her face.

Winona walked over to her desktop PC, and started writing up plans. She opened up the book, taking notes on the things that were supposed to happen. She picked up her phone, and dialed the number of a moving company. "Hi!" Her voice was chipper as she spoke, but there was an edge to it that only her close friends would notice. "I'm Winona Oakley, and I want to hire a moving truck. I'm going to Brockton Bay!"

(╯°ω°)╯▒▒▒╯(°ω° ╯)

"Hanners!" Winona shouted over the mall lunch crowd. She waved enthusiastically, getting her friend's attention.

"Winnie!" Hannah responded with an easy smile. When she got to the table Winona had claimed, they hugged, Winona squeezing the taller woman tightly.

"Oh my goodness, Hanners, I missed you so much!" Winona released Hannah, giving her more space to breathe.

Hannah laughed and smiled, saying, "I missed you, too, Winnie." She quirked one eyebrow, asking, "what was that book that had you so enamored that you couldn't make it to the Christmas party?"

Winona waved a hand at Hannah as they sat at the table. "Oh, it was nothing you'd like," she lied. She knew that Hannah could handle the truth, but then her plans would all be ruined! Hannah would have no choice but to bring the book to the bossman! "It was a really well written horror novel about a halloween themed cape who didn't know about Christmas, and I know how you hate horror."

Hannah nodded, grimacing, and said, "point, there. I remember last time I tried watching a horror movie; I couldn't stop shivering for hours after that!" She smiled, then, and said, "anyway, what brings you here? I didn't think you liked Brockton Bay."

Winona gulped, looking a little green around the gills, speaking more quietly. "I had to get out of dodge. I got intel suggesting that Ravager has been in contact with the Slaughterhouse Nine, possibly contracting to have me killed."

A silence like a dark cloud hung over the two friends for a moment, Winona with a subdued expression, Hannah looking startled and unhappy. They didn't pay any attention to the happy chatter of the shoppers around them, nor to the cheery (if belated) holiday music playing over the intercom. It went on for a few minutes.

Hannah broke the silence first. "W-what do you plan to do?" she asked quietly.

Winona almost curled in on herself, but forced herself to stop. 'I don't have to be afraid now' she thought, 'I've preempted that whole line of events!' She forced herself to take a deep breath, and sat up straight, looking Hannah in the eye as she said, "my plan is to move here to Brockton Bay." She smiled sardonically, and continued speaking. "I mean, sure, I've got folks back in New York, but none of them are like us, if you know what I mean. Here, at least I've got the ability to call for help and be able to actually expect it, what with you being my friend and all, rather than having to hope that Legend's teams remember that I even exist." She huffed in near laugher, continuing, "Granted, this is Brockton Bay we're talking about here. I'm almost expecting you and your coworkers to be busy with other stuff, but at least you'll know enough to check on me. But anyway!"

She reached out and put her hand on Hannah's, saying, "I've already got an apartment all picked out. It's in the southeast part of town, with a good view of the PHQ." She smirked at the surprised look on Hannah's face. "That's right, Hanners, MP's coming to BB, and the baddies won't know what hit them!"

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Vote 3!

New voting options are available! Check them out below!

[X] Taylor Gets Train'd [Worm/Thomas the Tank Engine]
You just read the first chapter! I hope you liked it!

[X] Cataphract [Worm SI as a Centaur]
In which I find myself on Earth Bet as a Centaur. Good thing my self identity has little to do with my gender!

[X] Bug [Worm/Batman: The Animated Series]
Things get weird for Taylor when her camp councilor gives her a drug that makes her halucinate a mentor.

[X] Blood in the Water [Worm/Kantai Collection/Other Shipgirls]
When the Abyss attacks, Taylor fights back.

[X] Honor of the Bay [Worm/Honor Harrington]
Explorers from the Star Empire of Mantacore come across a strange space object that they believe was once alive. One thing leads to another, and Taylor Hebert finds herself with a Treecat companion!

[X] A Stellar Hero [Worm/Buzz Lightyear of Star Command]
Something weird causes Taylor to trigger not from pain, but from the joy of learning that her mother survived the accident.

[X] Rosette University [Worm/Dungeon/Gamer/litRPG]
Annette didn't quite die in the car crash. Instead, she's the first dungeon on Earth Bet! Inspired by Aku-dono's I Woke Up As a Dungeon, Now What?

[X] Risen Kingdom [Worm/Minecraft/Ianite]
When a squad of Dwarves pull her out of her Locker, Taylor finds that she has the power of the goddess Ianite, and that the mines of her people must run deep.

[X] Sisters [Worm,Taylor has a Sister]
Taylor Anne Hebert has a younger sister, Evelin Rose Hebert. They're as cose as sisters can be, which actually makes Taylor's trigger that much more tragic.

[X] Mermaids of the Bay [Worm/H2O: Just Add Water]
There two islands in the Bay: the one that the Protectorate Headquarters is moored to, and Tale Island, a National Park and Wildlife Preservation area. Summer Camp for Taylor goes there.

[X] Star Worm [Worm/Star Wars]
Annette was one of the last Padawans, before Order 66 destroyed the Jedi Order. She, her Master, and several others flee their impending doom, and find themselves on Earth Bet. Decades later, Taylor is born to a very different Brockton Bay.

[X] The Sky is the Limit [Worm/Transformers]
Windblade was sent to scout for places that the Autobots could safely regroup after a massive defeat at the hands of Megatron and the Decepticons. When she crash lands on Earth Bet, she inadvertantly injured a young girl who was hiking in the mountains. The only way to save the girl is to sacrifice her own life, taking advantage of a strange phoenomenon detected in the girls brain, and give the girl her Spark.

[X] Fragile Wings [Worm/Pern]
When Taylor finds the egg of a White Dragon, things on Earth Bet start getting better. It's a slow and painful process, but Taylor and Ardith really make a great pair.

[X] Beginner's Luck [Worm/Nanoha]
Grounded and bored, ten year old Taylor somehow discovers her Linker Core! Now she just has to figure out what she can do with it...

[X] Here to Save the Bay! [Worm/Powerpuff Girls]
When sugar, spice, and everything nice gets mixed with Chemical X, Professor Utonium didn't think to take any measurements. A small, leftover amount ended up falling through a portal and into Taylor's breakfast cereal. The same day as the Locker.

[X] Mouse Protects [Worm/Worm]
When Mouse Protector gets a copy of a book to read over her holiday vacation, she gets really into it. Upon finishing, she realizes that events from the book are happening. She makes the executive decision that she'd make the perfect mentor for Brockton Bay's newest bug controlling hero!

[X] Marathon [Worm Altered Power, NOT Alternate Power]
Tattletale, Panacea, and Kid Win all walk into a hospital room. Something's funny.

[X] Whole New World [Every person is taken to a new planet]
One of Leet's first inventions was a device to 'get him to safety'. He didn't get a chance to use it before meeting Uber, and they had so much fun together that he forgot it even existed. Now, Contessa has her hands on it, and is working to use it to save all of Humanity (and perhaps Parahumanity, too).

[X] Broken but Not Beaten [Kantai Collection/Shipgirls]
"The S.S. Schenectady was a very big deal for Oregon, back when it was first launched on New Year's Eve in 1942." -Finn J.D. John — June 19, 2016, When she was the first of her class to be summoned during the Abyssal war, the admiralty was pleased with themselves, believing that she'd be the perfect ship to help feed the fleet of Shipgirls. And then, she screamed out in pain, and collapsed on the summoning room floor.

[X] Bug in the System [Worm AU]
On New Years Eve, 2010, Taylor published a computer game online that she'd been working on since Computer Camp before High School. By the time she thinks to check on it again, it's sold millions of copies, has a Let's Play by Uber and Leet, and is all over the news. However, that also means that she's all over the news; some enterprising gray hat hacker linked TheBert to her in real life, and her hospitalization is plastered all over national outlets. She thinks, 'perhaps I can work with this'.

[X] Water Bug [Worm AU]
Nuclear tests in the late 1940s showed that transport infrastructure was vulnerable. Further testing showed that small bodies of water were largely unaffected, so long as nothing directly happens. The US government struck upon an idea: build an extensive canal system, going everywhere that could be afforded. The system was completed in a miraculously short time. When Scion came, the system was rendered moot, but ended up being vital to the PRT and Protectorate. Now, Danny owns a live-aboard vessel, which is set in the Hebert mooring arm; Taylor has to deal with the canals getting in the way of her heroing in the Bay.
[x] [X] The Sky is the Limit [Worm/Transformers]
[x] Bug [Worm/Batman: The Animated Series]
Behold, it is a small pile of votes!

[x] Taylor Gets Train'd [Worm/Thomas the Tank Engine]
[x] Mouse Protects [Worm/Worm]
[x] Honor of the Bay [Worm/Honor Harrington]
[x] Rosette University [Worm/Dungeon/Gamer/litRPG]
[x] Fragile Wings [Worm/Pern]
[x] Blood in the Water [Worm/Kantai Collection/Other Shipgirls]
Water bug.
Is the liveaboard vessel a Norrowboat? I love those! Crusing the Cut is a good youtube channel to watch for those btw.

Is this the looking at planets and saying mysteric stuff kind? Or the other kind?

This could be intresting

[x] Water Bug [Worm AU]
[x] Cataphract [SI as a Centaur]
[x] Sisters [Worm,Taylor has a Sister]
Is the liveaboard vessel a Norrowboat? I love those! Crusing the Cut is a good youtube channel to watch for those btw.
I watch that his videos too! I also follow Foxes Afloat, and am looking for other good narrowboat channels. However, my canals and boats are slightly different from the ones in Britain. (It's America, they're bigger. Texas wouldn't have agreed, otherwise)
[x] Marathon [Altered Power, NOT Alternate Power]
[x] Bug in the System [Worm AU]
[x] Water Bug [Worm AU]
[x] Bug [Worm/Batman: The Animated Series]
Change of Method and a New Chapter
It's so late it's early, and I'm feeling good. I've come to the realization that I'm not the sort of person who should be working to creative obligations like I've been doing up to now. To that end, I'm closing voting, but I'm still going to be updating the list of possible fics that I'll be working on.

That having been said, I've got a chapter for y'all. I realize that it's not the chapter you voted for, but, again, creative obligations like that are only hurting me. This chapter is what helped me realize that. That is to say, this chapter was part of a Secret Santa over on the Cauldron Discord server that I wrote for another member. I'll be posting this here, and never making promises again, except that posting will be sporadic.

So, from now on, voting is closed! I'll be working at a (hopefully) healthier pace for myself, and I hope that might wind up with more chapters per time period, not less. I really do want to share my ideas with you all!

That's it! Have a chapter! Made for 6thfloormadness over on Cauldron.
Scheduled vote count started by Bronze_Moose on Oct 12, 2020 at 5:38 PM, finished with 30 posts and 16 votes.
Lottery 1.1
We were just exiting the hospital parking lot, when dad asked me, "what takeout do you want for dinner tonight, Taylor?"

I looked at him, slightly startled by the question. I'd been expecting awkward silence on the way home. I'd also been expecting to have to cook dinner when we got home… which, come to think of it, I was too tired to do, considering how I felt after what happened to me, and the… other stuff.

I thought about it for a minute, wondering what I was in the mood for, when I realized that I needed chicken. Like, a desperate kind of craving, despite that I wasn't exactly starving. Decision made, I looked straight at dad, and said, "I want orange chicken and lo mein noodles. The best tea comes from that place on Lord's Street. Is that okay?"

It wasn't until after I'd said it that I noticed that dad looked… loopy is the best way I can think to put it. Like he wasn't entirely thinking straight, and he was… oh goodness, making bad decisions, "actually, dad, perhaps we could make something at home?" I said as I waved my hands in negation.

But I was too late. He'd already turned on the turn signal as we approached Lord's Street. This was it, we were going to get Chinese takeout for dinner, and I just knew that it was, somehow, a bad idea. It took me a moment to think of why it was a bad idea, but I realized that we probably didn't have enough money to pay for the food, let alone… oh. My hospital bills.

Dad must have been panicking about the gap in how much money we had, and the hospital bills my stay must have racked up. The panicking would lead to him being delirious, which would lead him to making bad decisions. I'd seen it before, back when mom was still alive, but the consequences were so much less then. I'm still trying to figure out where that truckload of egg nog came from.

I was startled when the engine shut off. It looked like dad had pulled into the parking lot and found a spot while I was lost in thought.

"Come on, Taylor," he said, "let's get our food."

I nodded and hurried after him, as best I was able. Even in my state, it wasn't hard; his own internal panic was slowing him down appreciably.

It was as we were waiting for our orders to be filled that, instead of waiting for the food to come out of the kitchen, dad told me to wait here while he went to fill the tank with gas. I'll admit, the car's guage was rather close to empty, and this place really took their time when cooking.

Dad returned from the gas trip just as the food came out. We took the little boxes out to the car, and drove home in the awkward silence that I'd been expecting before. It was the same for when we got home and started eating in front of the TV, which dad had set to the news.

It was after a piece about a particularly nasty attack by the Empire Eighty Eight that dad decided to go to bed. "Fuck, what am I even doing," he said, using one hand to rub his eyes under his glasses. He looked at me, and said, "I'm going to bed, Taylor. You probably should, too."

I shook my head, saying, "I'm actually feeling kinda restless, right now." I reached out to grab the remote, and looked back at him. "I'll just be a bit longer, but I'm pretty sure I can make it to bed on my own." I tried to smile to take any sting out of what I said, but I'm not sure I was successful.

He looked like he was about to say something, then decided against it, using the coffee table to lever himself up, and made his way upstairs. I, meanwhile, turned the TV volume down, settling in to watch a bit more news as I decided whether I wanted to turn on a mindless cartoon, or go to bed.

It was as I was putting the remote back down that I noticed it: a little slip of paper with the title 'POWERBALL' emblazoned across the top in colorful ink, with a series of numbers on it. I was wondering when dad had ever gambled like that, when I saw the date/time written on the bottom. It was from when he was getting the gas.

I let my head fall into my hands as I sighed. Yeah, bad decisions when stressed. Mom had said that I'd inherited the trait, but I didn't really believe her – or the stories she told. I mean, how on earth would I have managed to believe that it was a good idea to set the garbage can on fire to hide broken pottery?

...Well, she did say that I'd been three when I'd done it. So I put it in the plausible pile.

Anyway, dad was panicking about his financial stress by making poor financial decisions. Yeah, this could get problematic if we didn't do something about it. I was so consumed with thinking about ways to talk to dad about this, that I almost didn't notice that the news had moved on to the lottery numbers. So, it was with half an ear that I listened to the numbers for the ticket that dad had purchased.

It took me a full minute to realize that the winning numbers matched what was on the ticket.

I blinked. I'd heard the winning amount just before they called out the numbers. Over a… I couldn't have heard that right. It had to be a million, with an 'm'. It couldn't have been a billion, with a 'b'. The Hebert family just didn't have that kind of luck.

In a slight daze, I stumbled my way upstairs to dad's room, clutching the ticket in my right hand. We had to be sure. Dad needed to reassure me that I wasn't just imagining this, like I thought I was imagining… them.

I gently knocked on dad's door, barely waiting for an acknowledgment before entering. He was still dressed, just… sitting there, on his bed. He looked up at me, and asked, "Taylor? Is there something the mater?" His expression grew curious when he saw my own face; I must have looked rather slack-jawed.

I held up the ticket to him, trying to speak, but I just couldn't find the words. He must have taken it for my being disappointed in him, because he immediately said, "oh, Taylor, I'm so sorry. I never intended to waste money like that; I should have just driven us straight home and-"

I interrupted him, shaking my head, and saying, "no, dad, that's not it! The, the numbers...!" I trailed off, unable to articulate what just happened. I held the ticket out to him.

He looked at me, trying to process what I was saying, what I was doing. He looked at me. He looked at the ticket like it might bite him. Hesitantly, he reached out and gently took it from me. Then he said, "Taylor, are you saying… Are you saying that these are the winning numbers???"

He was already getting up as he said it, sudden frantic energy motivating him to get to the phone. His energy seemed to pour into me as he passed me, and I couldn't help but follow him back down into the kitchen.

The cordless phone was sitting in it's cradle mounted to the kitchen wall, clear blue plastic exposing the electronics inside. Dad picked it up and, with shaking hands, dialed the phone number printed on the ticket. I could just barely hear it ringing, and when it picked up, the voice on the other end sounded muffled to me. I couldn't tell what they were saying. Dad gave responses that I thought might have been normal for this sort of situation. He gave the ticket ID number and the security scratch code on the back. As it went on, he gave his credit union savings account and routing numbers. Then he said two words that made my heart shoot into my throat in anticipation.

"Lump sum."

When it was all done, he thanked the person on the other end of the line, and disconnected the call. We both went to sit down at the kitchen table to process what just happened.

I felt dizzy. I didn't quite believe the number I'd heard on the TV. The amount of money that we'd just won couldn't be that big. I had to have misheard what the announcer was saying.

Before I could go any further down that rabbit hole, dad shifted, looking me dead in the eye. "Taylor," he said, "I need to make an admission." I nodded dumbly at him, wondering where he was going. "You might not have noticed, but…" He grimaced. It was obvious to me that he was struggling to say this. I wanted to hear this, not knowing where he was going.

He took a breath to steel himself, and went on. "Taylor, we've been struggling financially. I haven't been able to keep up with the bills, entirely. You might have noticed the growing scarcity of food in our refrigerator." Oh. That. I nodded, remembering seeing bills piled on the office desk on those rare occasions that I would use the computer there. He went on, "your stay at the hospital has – had the potential to ruin us. Tomorrow, I was planning to go into a meeting with Principal Blackwell."

The mention of that woman's name brought my mind into focus. From what I'd heard, she'd been working to bury the whole incident. Hell, if it hadn't been for her total lack of action, none of this would have happened in the first palace. It was partly her fault that dad and I were even in this mess to begin with. I listened to the rest of what he had to say with my total attention.

"Alan's been guiding me through the legal system in this matter. The police couldn't find anything, so they're dropping the investigation. Without culprits to punish, the insurance company refuses to pay the medical expenses." He avoided saying that they were my medical expenses, which I appreciated. "He told me that Blackwell was offering to pay off the hospital bills, in exchange that we not pursue legal action against the school."

For just a moment, he stopped talking, looking like he was gathering his thoughts. As he did, it seemed as though a weight lifted off his shoulders, if only a small one. He had a small smile as he said, "I'm glad that kid convinced me to get the ticket." What? This was coming out of nowhere. "Heh, little girl even told me the winning numbers!" He frowned after he said that. "Huh, weird. Her mother didn't buy any tickets herself." He shrugged, and went on. "Anyway, this just means that we don't have to do that now." He blinked, as if in realization, and smiled. "And we can even hire our own private investigator!"

His saying that put guilt into me that his previous comment about the police hadn't. The reason that they hadn't found anything was partly my fault: I hadn't named names. Thinking about it again, I felt some shame. It suddenly felt like giving up like I'd resigned myself to a life of suffering at Winslow.

It felt like I was letting Emma win. I didn't feel like I could let that happen.

Straightening myself out, I said, "dad, I'm gonna be right back." Suiting deed to word, I got up and went to my room. In there, I opened my closet and pulled out the notebooks in which I'd been recording everything that'd happened to me. I made sure to grab them all. After that, I went back down to the kitchen, and set them all in front of dad, saying, "if we do hire a PI, they'll need this."

Dad looked at the notebooks in surprise, and reached out to take the one on top. I put my hand on top of it before he could grab it, and said, "dad, seriously; only read this if you can promise – and I mean really promise – that you won't do anything rash. Can you do that?"

His mild confusion quickly morphed into grim determination, and he nodded, taking the first book from the pile. It was from when I'd first begun taking the notes, halfway through ninth grade. It had everything that I could think of: dates and times of every incident, names of who was involved, what was said when I could remember, paraphrasing when I couldn't. It had Polaroids of every cut and bruise from physical attacks, printouts of every email I received that contained harassing messages. It even had receipts for destroyed books, backpacks, and clothes, and the carbon copies of every complaint I'd filed to the school's administration.

And, as dad read it, I watched. Butterflies beat up a hurricane of anxiety in my stomach as I waited. Dad would sometimes go back a page, seemingly to double check a passage against something else that I'd written. I could see fury growing on his face. His hands began shaking as he held in his need to do something.

After he got to the halfway point, he closed the notebook and stood, pacing circles around the table as he breathed deeply and slowly, in and out, in and out, until he was calm again. Then, he sat down, and said, "Taylor, thank you for making me make that promise." He smiled, and it actually reached his eyes. "I'm absolutely sure I would have done something foolish if we hadn't done that."

And that was what did it. At first, his words startled a small giggle out of me. That morphed into mild chuckling, and he moved his seat to my side so that he could hug me. After that, my laughter morphed into an ugly crying jag, as I clutched onto him for dear life. At least, that's what it felt like. All the pain and sorrow that I'd been bottling up, up to this point, suddenly came flowing out of me as I howled into his chest. I don't know how long we were like that, but it felt like a while.

When I finally came up for air, dad gave me a moment to clean myself up, even handing me a tissue box. I muttered a quiet "thank you", and proceeded to blow my nose. When I was done, I leaned against him, just glad that he was there for me again.

After a few minutes of us just resting like that (and me almost dozing off on his shoulder) dad said, "this makes things easier going forward. Documents like this are what investigators live off of, other than coffee." I snorted at his joke, snuggling harder against him. "But I'm going to have to cut Alan off. He's not going to like that. Especially once he realizes why I'm cutting him off. This is a conflict of interest if I ever heard one."

I nodded into his shoulder, saying, "yeah I understand. What else is there?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment, then said, "I really don't think that there is anything else to say on the matter, at least tonight." He looked down at me, propping me up to sit upright, saying, "that having been said, it's about time we got some rest. It's almost midnight, and we've both got a lot to do tomorrow. Especially you," he said with a tired looking smirk. "You still have a lot of recovering to do after your ordeal."

With that, he helped me up, turning me to point at the stairs. That made me a little bit dizzy, feeling like I was on a boat for a minute.

That thought made me catch my breath, as I quickly turned to look at dad again, eyes wide. "Dad," I said, "how much would it cost to get the boat graveyard cleared and shipping running again?"

He blinked, then his eyebrows shot up toward his receding hairline. "Um," he articulated, "well, several studies were launched to figure that out." He snorted, and said derisively, "the city council said they wouldn't even fund the cheapest them. But, the best balance of speed and cost ran, even at the most pessimistic estimate, about…" he trailed off as a look of realization dawned on him. His smile suddenly became enthusiastic. That was unexpected. "Even at the worst, it'd cost three hundred million dollars."

He suddenly hugged and lifted me, spinning in a circle as he laughed in seeming joy. I squeaked at his unexpected actions, scrambling to keep from falling when he put me back down. Suddenly, I needed to know. "Dad, just how much did you win, anyway?"

Still smiling fit to burst, he leaned down to whisper in my ear. "More than one and a half billion dollars! The lady on the other end said that, if nobody else calls in with a winning ticket, it'd be a world record for value of winnings!" He stood up straight again, and said, "Taylor, we've both got a lot to do tomorrow. And I'm feeling good about it! Now let's both get to our rooms, make sure we've both got plenty of rest for the day ahead of us!"

With that, he guided my dumbfounded self up the stairs and into my room, and quickly heading for his own after that. In a dazed autopilot, I got ready for bed. My print pajamas were a soft comfort that helped me organize my thoughts before I started feeling sleepy.

It turned out that my resentment toward my dad, and the belief that he couldn't do anything to help, were both totally misplaced. Apparently, all he needed was knowing, and the right tool for the job. And all that money? More than a billion dollars? He'd just been handed an entire workshop for helping. Not just me, but possibly the entire city.

As I finally drifted off, one last thought filtered into my head. Maybe we could do that part together. Helping the city seemed like a nice idea. He'd make sure folks had jobs, and I could… huh. I suddenly felt like… maybe…

Perhaps I could tell dad about the bugs. Smiling softly as Morpheus finally took me, I decided that, yeah, tomorrow was as good a time as any. Right after we got home from the meeting.

I slept well that night.
Valentines Give-a-Fic-a-Thon 2022
My entry for this years Valentines Day GAFAT, dedicated to @Colossal Mistake, who asked for the Undersiders crashing a cape wedding!

This one's just a one-shot, so don't expect a follow up. There's a sprinkling of AU elements, but other than that, I feel like it'd be a better way to do certain things than in canon.
Cape Crashers
Lisa sashayed back into the loft from below, a smirk that rivaled Texas for size plastered on her face. The rest of us, me, Brian, Alec, and Rachel, were waiting for news on what our next job would be. I hoped that Lisa'd been able to wrangle a quiet one out of Coil; that attack on the Forsberg Gallery fundraiser was just a bit too high profile for my tastes, and our escape was way too close for comfort.

"So, ladies and gentlemen," Lisa began with a flourish, "I present to you our latest job from Coil!" With that, she produced the TV remote from… somewhere. Had she taken magic lessons? A series of wedding stock photos appeared on the TV, along with photos of the Mayor and some other people, as Lisa said, "at the end of the week, the daughter of Mayor Christner, Aurora Christner, is getting married. Seeing as the last few months have been filled with truly massive amounts of villain activity, they've decided to keep both the exact location and the date a closely kept secret, even going so far as to keep a list of dummy locations and dates, just to keep all but the best Thinkers" she paused here, dramatically making a 'look at me I'm so innocent' face, "from figuring out where and when it really is."

This was when her smirk changed, ever so subtly, and it sent shivers down my spine; I was reminding myself to never piss her off when she continued. "This is why they won't expect the Undersiders to pay a visit during the ceremony, and actual physical security to be at a minimum." She changed the slide to show the logo of a private security contractor, one that I'd heard of operating in Brockton Bay before. "They're only gonna have, like, six non-Parahuman guards on site, and no Parahumans at all guarding them! Granted, they'll be armed with pistols, but we know how to deal with that, don't we?"

I looked around and saw Brian, Alec, and Rachel nodding, and timidly raised my hand. "Um, I don't know how to deal with people with guns? I don't know how it hasn't come up before, considering our operations against the ABB during their rampage, but still..."

Lisa nodded, saying, "you have a point – we'll get you some training on that matter in the week we have leading up to the job. Brian, you and me?"

Brian nodded, patting me on the shoulder with a smile. "We'll get you up to speed on that."

Lisa stopped there for a moment to change the slide to a map of, presumably, the wedding venue. "The wedding will be held at the First Baptist Church of Brockton Bay, a small building with a low seating capacity – they're keeping it within the two families involved, plus a few close friends. I'm emailing each of you a copy of the guest list now-" she said as she pressed a button on the remote, "-and I expect each of you to be at least passingly familiar with each of the guests."

"And," Lisa went on, "in case any of you are wondering about the reason for us crashing the wedding, well, Coil wanted me to do a little bit of analysis. Turns out, the reason that they don't have any cape protection there?" Her smirk disappeared, as she took on a thoughtful expression. "After the fundraiser job, the Mayor apparently no longer has any trust that the PRT or the Protectorate will be able to keep them safe, hence the secrecy and obfuscation. Coil wants us to show them that hiding will get them nowhere. Basically, he wants us to make sure that the Christner family don't feel safe anywhere."

With that, I instantly disliked the whole job. This felt like bullying on the highest order. I didn't want to terrorize a helpless family just on some whim-

Lisa, somehow guessing my internal thoughts, interrupted my train of thought as she softly said, "while we're there, he wants us to expose the voter fraud and financial malfeasance that the Mayor's been taking advantage of in front of the whole crowd."

This totally derailed my train of thought. No, this didn't make any sense – my father had done his own investigation, hired a PI from the other side of the country to make sure they didn't have a stake in faking the case. The Mayor was clean!

Lisa's sad smile made me reconsider my thoughts. "It's not the Mayor himself that's dirty, though he's not squeaky clean by any stretch of the imagination. No, instead, he's holding blackmail over the folks who are conducting the fraud – that is to say, the City Council. He's holding them in line to get what he wants out of them as they continue to fake votes and steal tax money."

Okay, this tipped me in favor of the job. Though… "I want to see your evidence, Lisa. As soon as this meeting is over; this stuff has some serious implications for me and my father, and if you're lying just to get me in on the job..." I left what would happen, mostly because I didn't think that far ahead. I wasn't sure I'd really do anything, except maybe walk away from the team. I couldn't be part of a group of bullies. But, if it really was for the greater good… "But, yeah, with that caveat, I'm in."

The others all gave their go-ahead. With that, we all set about preparing for the job.


This was it. Tattletale, Bitch, and I were just a block from the front entrance of the church, waiting on top of Judas and Angelica, while Grue and Regent were getting into position in the back, riding Brutus. The plan was simple: we'd disable the exterior guards before they could raise an alarm, and block the only two exits before anybody could notice, with us on the inside. Easy.

As discreetly as I could, I used gnats to set silk thread over the pistols and radios of the two visible door guards, and Tattletale told me about the one hiding in the belfry as an overall lookout, so I silked up his equipment while I was at it. While I was at it, I also prepared silk over their limbs to trip them up when they tried moving to warn the others inside, taking inspiration from Regent.

After I made sure that the silk was as secure as it could be without alerting the guards, and began distracting them with some mosquitoes, Tattletale gave the go-ahead, and the three of us were off like a race horse. We were able to get more than half way there before the guard in the belfry noticed us, but he wasn't able to give an alert; his radio was secured tightly to his belt. The two door guards almost didn't see us coming at all, and we barreled right over them just as we came to a stop.

I got off of Angelica with Bitch and went to use some silk rope that I'd prepared just for this job, making sure that the guards weren't too badly injured in the process; they were only doing their jobs, after all, not even hurting anybody. Satisfied, I lined up next to the double doors with Tattletale and Bitch, preparing a simple wedge to stick the doors shut after us, making it so that any panicked persons wouldn't be able to escape easily, but any of us, who actually knew about them, would be able to just kick them aside and get out.

And then we were in. As Tattletale strode down the aisle with me on her right, Bitch on her left, and the dogs menacing behind us, Grue and Regent were doing similar just behind the priest. It looked like Tattletale had timed things perfectly: I'd just heard the priest say that bit about 'speaking up, or forever holding your peace'.

Just as people started noticing them, Grue spoke up. "Sorry we're late, everybody! It took us a while to find the place, but we're here now!"

"You know," Tattletale cut in, "what with the once again misplacing our invitations, and all."

Regent snorted and added his two cents. "It's almost like we're not wanted."

The audience was looking back and forth between us as we spoke, and I could practically see the moment when most of them realized that, between the massive monster dogs, the capes, and the small size of the exits, they had almost no chance of escaping unhurt. Not that we'd actually hurt them; we were only here to embarrass them.

"It's kinda funny, really," I said, walking just a bit past Tattletale. I addressed the priest, saying, "here you ask for reason why these two shouldn't marry, but learning what we have to say might just cause them to break up all on it's own."

"Of course," Tattletale said, "this info doesn't come free. Ladies and gentlemen, while I regale you with tales of intrigue and fraud, my esteemed allies will be relieving you of your valuables."

I'd taken out my bag, along with Grue, Regent, and Bitch doing the same with theirs, and was walking up to the Mayor himself, when the groom interrupted. "I don't think that's such a great idea," he said. And that's when he split up.

No, I mean that literally. He began splitting up into… ghosts? What the fuck, was he-

"Well, I wasn't expecting Crusader," Tattletale responded, "but I guess we'll just have to remind you that you're surrounded and out-matched." Her smile was looking strained, to me. Oh, how I hoped he wasn't going to call her bluff…

My hopes were dashed when some of the chairs on the side started floating into the air, dumping their occupants unceremoniously, while at the same time, some of the bugs I had buzzing around started having a harder time moving, as one of the larger men on the groom's side stood, facing us.

The large man spoke with a thick German accent; "I think you'll find, Fräulein, that it is you who are out-matched. Surrender and we might go easy on you."

I was getting ready for a fight to break out, when we were interrupted again, this time by the bride. "No. No, fucking NO." Tears were beginning to mess up her makeup, black streaks running down her cheeks. "Justin, please, tell me that you aren't one of those racist freaks."

Justin (Crusader?) had a sad smile on his face as he said, "I was planning on telling you after our honey moon – please, Rory, see-"

"Don't you FUCKING CALL ME THAT" the bride said. "You don't get to use that nickname! Not any more!"

Crusader's(!) face went blank, as he said, "fine, Aurora. Trust me, you'll see reason when this is all over."

Aurora shook her head, her rage clear as glass as she spoke. "It's already over, Justin. We're no longer getting married." And that was when she screamed at him.

All hell broke loose, as her scream threw him to the floor, visibly distorting the air as it did so. As Tattletale, Bitch, and I fell back, a middle eastern looking woman opened up with a frkkin green assault rifle, and two of the other guests from the bride's side started literally bouncing around the room.

Yeah, suffice to say, we Undersiders knew when it was time to make ourselves scarce. As Grue and Regent made their way out the back, I used a pair of beetles to unblock the wedge from the doors and give myself, Tattletale, and Bitch an easy exit. We were out the door and on the dogs as quickly as we could be, as civilians poured out the doors of the small church. Even a block away, we could hear the sound of fighting as members of the Empire Eighty Eight (!) and the Protectorate (?!?) slugged it out with each other.

Yeah. Me and the others were going to have to take some time to digest what the fuck just happened back there.


We'd been back at the loft for an hour, just… just sitting there, not even bothering to get out of our costumes, as we tried to articulate, even to ourselves, what we just saw.

The silence was only broken when Lisa said, "what the fuck. I know he's in the Birdcage. I know it should be impossible. But, somehow, I know, I just know, that Lung was the caterer for the wedding." She dropped her head in her hands, unleashing a groaning scream that perfectly encapsulated how we all felt. She stood after another moment, and said, "I'll be in my room trying to get some sleep. I'm not willing to get a migraine over this shit."

That seemed to break the spell, as Brian, Rachel, and I got up to go to our own rooms in an attempt to sleep it off, while Alec just broke down in hysterical laughter.

What a fucking day.​
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Here Be Wyrmfolk: Metamorphosis 1.1
4 January 2010

I was groggy, waking up this early in the morning. It was six thirty, and I was regretting getting up, as I wiped the sleep out of my eyes. This time of day shouldn't even exist, let alone people having to get up this early. I put on my glasses, slumped out of bed, and put on my slippers, stretching like a cat as I did. Walking out my bedroom door, even the idea of a bacon and egg bagel sandwich wasn't enough to quell the dread of going back to school after everything that had happened in the first semester. As I turned on the electric kettle and dad's coffee maker, I seriously considered just calling in sick, so that I could skip the day.

Even as that thought formed, my stomach twisted in revulsion. No, mom would be ashamed if I ever skipped school like that. Worse, with Emma and Sophia literally telling me that they didn't want me there, it would be letting them win. I didn't think that I could stomach being forced out like that.

Dad came down just about the same time I finished making the egg and bacon bagel sandwiches for the both of us, dressed in his usual office clothes, but also carrying a safety-orange rain slicker and a hardhat. I plated the food and placed it at our usual seats, making sure to pour him some coffee, while I had my tea, and sat down to eat.

I took a sip from my steaming mug before saying, "good morning, dad. Going out to one of the worksites, today?"

Dad put down his own bagel before sighing, and saying, "the gantry crane for the tramp pier is down again, and I'm covering for Kurt as foreman while he recovers from his surgery."

I nodded at that, taking my first bite as he started drinking his coffee. The rest of breakfast passed in silence, until dad finished his food, got up from his seat, and said, "gotta go." I finished the rest of my own breakfast, then went back upstairs to the bathroom to begin the rest of my morning ablutions. I brushed my teeth, put on my shower cap (I'd already washed my hair yesterday, I did not have time to dry it again this morning), shucked my pajamas, and stepped into the shower.

I let the water get hot, and then just stood there, letting the heat and steam seep into me, helping loosen me up for the day ahead. As I slowly soaped up and washed away the oily buildup that normally happened during the day, I thought about the day ahead. I'd be starting with Mr. Quinlan in Algebra 4 for my home room, which I shared with Emma, followed by PE, which I shared with Sophia, making for back to back early morning torment. Fortunately, my next two classes, earth sciences and comparative literature, were free from any of the girls participating in Emma's bullying group against me.

Once I was rinsed off, I stepped out of the shower and toweled myself dry, followed by brushing out the kinks the shower cap put in my hair. Wrapped in my towel, I picked up my pajamas and walked back to my room to pick out clothes for the day. All throughout the first semester, I'd tried wearing my favorite clothes, that is, bright, colorful stuff that complimented my hair and I thought looked really cute. However, some of my favorite blouses and skirts had been ruined by a new addition to my tormentors shortly before winter break, Madison Clements, in my last class for the day, home economics. Did I really want to risk my remaining few bright and happy clothes? They made me feel happy, and had helped me get through some really bad days before they had been ruined... well, before they had been ruined. That clinched it.

I started picking through my limited selection of dark and broody clothes, not happy that I had to go for that look, having only gotten them when Emma and I had gone through a fake emo phase and laughed about it together. Fuck I missed those good times with her. I picked out a dark gray t-shirt, faded black jeans, and a black hoodie to keep warm in Winslow's under-heated halls. I then draped them on a hanger and put them above the heater so they'd be warm when I put them on, put on my underwear and socks, and sat down at my desk to finish up my homework.

Algebra was easy, I just had to double check that I'd done all the problems and shown my work, done in less than a minute. Earth sciences was a mite more difficult, considering Brockton Bay didn't have any active fault lines anywhere nearby, so it just didn't seem like that much of a priority to anybody, but I got that done in about five minutes. Comparative literature was the most challenging, and the most fun, because of the subjects we were comparing: Mary Shelly's Frankenstein and stories of the golem from Jewish folklore. It took me a full ten minutes to read through my essay, making sure I'd gone over all the points that I wanted to make, and check for errors, but it was perfect, in the end.

When I was done with all that, I pulled my freshly warmed clothes off the hanger and put them on, put all my homework in my backpack, got myself to the front door to put on my shoes, and was out the door. It was a six minute walk from home to the city transit stop, with enough things along the way to keep me distracted from my anxiety of what they might do to me today. Ha! First day back from winter break, going to school, which I used to love, and I already can't wait to go back home again! What a joke.

The bus arrived on time, and I paid the dollar fee, climbing my way to the back seat as the bus pulled away. Now, I didn't have anything to occupy my mind, nothing to prevent me thinking about what might happen today. Emma and Sophia had actually been rather imaginative in coming up with new ways to put me down, so I really had no idea what to expect, and I hated it. Memories of things that they'd already done bubbled up within my mind, gripping my heart with cold dread as I realized that they might just succeed in driving me away from school. I'd just have to try the principal's office again, seeing if I might be able to convince her of the truth this time.

Then I had an idea. If I couldn't convince principal Blackwell of the truth, then I'd just have to bring some kind of… lucky charm, or something like that, to keep me from going crazy with anxiety. I mean, I didn't really believe in luck, but the idea stuck in my mind, and I just had to find something to keep my mind off of my bullies. I thought, perhaps music might work. Maybe I could listen to dad's old Walkman, drown out Emma's barbed words, keep myself insulated from her vitriol. But, no, that wouldn't work in class, where I had to actually pay attention to the teacher if I wanted to learn anything. Though, it was Mr. Quinlan…

The squealing of the bus's brakes as it pulled up in front of Winslow jogged something in my mind. It felt like it was right there, and as I got off, I saw one of the band students carrying an instrument case, striking the idea firmly in my mind. 'Eureka' I thought, 'I'll bring my mother's flute to school!' I felt sure that the teachers couldn't reasonably confiscate it, and whenever I played it at home, it felt as though my mother was right there, helping me with the fingering positions. I smiled, walking through the main entrance and up one flight of stairs, seeking to drop my books in my locker.

After that, I made my way to homeroom, where Mr. Quinlan was playing freaking Space Cadet Pinball of all things, instead of making sure that the class was organized, or taking role call. I placed my completed homework in his inbox with the other students homework while I scanned the room, looking for open seats as far away from Emma as possible, when I realized I couldn't find Emma. My heart skipped a beat – was Emma not coming in today? It was possible, but it was also possible that she was going to be 'fashionably late', in order to find a seat next to mine, where she would be able to attack me uninterrupted. I gulped and took a seat where I thought I might be able to escape if she did that, hoping that nobody would take the seats that might allow my escape.

The class bell rang, and Emma still hadn't showed up. Mr. Quinlan stood to take role (finally), and Emma still hadn't showed up. He began droning on about exponential functions, occasionally writing up an example on the whiteboard, but not really enough to understand what he was talking about (I was glad that I'd read ahead in the book, because it gave me enough information to parse his Gregorian chant and actually learn something). Then, class ended, and Emma still hadn't shown up. Now I was actually feeling kind of good about today, but that still left…

PE with Ms. Conner was the hardest PE I'd ever had, because of Sophia. When she wasn't nailing me in the head with dodge balls, volley balls, basket balls, or other kinds of sports balls, she was harassing me in the locker room. I had my head on a swivel as I walked in, hoping not to be tripped by her again, and possibly bash my head on the corner of one of the changing benches. I managed to get to my locker, undo the lock, and get changed into my fresh PE clothes that I'd brought from home. I managed to make it out of the locker room without incident, and just in time for the bell to ring. I looked around, not seeing Sophia.

I frowned. Was there some sort of bug going around?

I fell into line with the rest of my class and started stretching in time with the others. Today's major exercise was actually one of my favorites, if only because Sophia couldn't do anything to me without any of the coaches noticing: yoga. Never thought I'd come to like it, but needs must, as they say. I went through the normal routine, feeling the strain in my muscles as I went, and it felt good. As we switched stances, I looked around, and still couldn't find Sophia.

I thought about it. If it was just Emma, or just Sophia that was gone, I'd be able to believe that they were really gone for the day, perhaps having come down with a stomach bug, or the flu. With both of them gone. though, I felt more like they were planning something. With all the stuff they'd pulled up to now, I knew that they were pretty imaginative with this sort of stuff, so I couldn't think of what it might be.

I went back into the locker room to change into my normal clothes after the cool-down stretches to get changed, when I smelled something absolutely rancid. I had no idea what it could be, and it didn't seem to be coming from any particular source. I looked around, and saw that I wasn't the only person to smell it. I changed quickly and got out of the locker room, only to find that the smell was permeating the whole school. It was absolutely nasty, like somebody had taken a compost pile and added meat products to it, then let it go for a week in the summer. It was bad enough that I started gagging and coughing, and I wasn't the only one; everybody around me was trying to cover their faces to keep the stench out, and others were doubling over and losing their breakfasts all over the floor. It was almost enough to make me do the same for my own breakfast.

That was when somebody pulled the fire alarm, and we all started running outside. Yeah, fresh air seemed like a good idea, right about now. However, almost as soon as I started running, the air suddenly changed, and it was like a thick fog bank, with wisps swirling around and making it hard to see. One wisp blew into my face, and it smelled absolutely rank; was this the source of the smell? Was Winslow under a gas attack? I tried avoiding more wisps of the gas as I slowed back down, trying to feel my way along the walls to find my way outside, along with others who'd been in the hall with me. I tried talking to the others around me, see if they knew what was going on, but opening my mouth only let the smell in there, and I gagged even harder, finally vomiting up my bacon and egg bagel sandwich. It wasn't as good coming back up as it was going down, let me tell you.

It was absolute hell, and completely dizzying, but I finally managed to get out of the building and out into fresh air, and I could finally breathe again. As soon as I felt I was far enough away, I collapsed to my knees on the lawn close to the school's sign, panting and gasping for air. My stomach was still cramping from the horrible smell of the gas, whatever it was. I started feeling kind of loopy, the sky above me, and the world in general, spinning around my head. I didn't think I could stand in this state.

I could hear sirens in the distance, and it sounded like they were getting closer. It felt like it took them hours to get here, but I could hear my watch ticking, and counted off no more than four minutes since I first heard the sirens. It was weird that my sense of the space around me was so warped, and yet I was cognizant enough to precisely count the time.

When the emergency vehicles did arrive, they stopped all along the curb in front of the school, their tires grinding the loose gravel in the gutter beneath them. I was able to look over to see fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars, and even a couple of PRT vans, with responders climbing out and beginning to run out to us; there were still more vehicle arriving behind them.

They all stopped suddenly when one of the firefighters called out. "Do not approach!" he said. "This looks like a CBRN attack, everybody put on filtration gear, now!" I didn't know what a CBRN attack was, but it had all the emergency workers running back to their vehicles to put on what looked like rubber suits and gas masks. Not all of them were the same; the paramedics and EMTs all looked silly in their suits, like they were wearing big, yellow tents with arms and legs, while the firefighters looked like that, but with different materials – they looked fireproof – and the police gear looked streamlined, with their armored vests worn over top.

The PRT guys, however, didn't stop to change. They looked like they'd already been wearing their 'CBRN' gear, and were moving out to check on us students. One came up to me practically first thing, seeing as I was closest to them. "Young lady," she said, her voice muffled, "can you tell me what you saw? What are your symptoms?"

I coughed a bit before I could answer. "I was just finishing gym class when we all smelled something nasty – woah, suddenly dizzy," I said, putting a hand up to my head, trying to get the universe to stop spinning. "Hah, okay, I can do this.​ Anyway, we just thought it was a bad smell, so we all got changed into our normal day clothes as fast as we could, skipping the shower to get out." I described the rest of what happened as best I could, with brief bouts of dizziness and nausea interrupting me occasionally.

The PRT officer just nodded and told me to lie down, so I did that as gingerly as I could, not wanting to make things worse for myself. It was then that I heard it. A rumbling sound that I'd heard hundreds of times on TV, and even once or twice around town. It was unmistakable. I got up on my elbows and looked at where I heard the sound coming from.

I breathed easier when I realized that Armsmaster was here. Literally, his presence here helped me to calm down, and it became easier to breathe. Possibly the greatest hero in the city was here to save us from whatever the fuck gas was used, and here I was, fangirling inside (I couldn't fangirl outside because I was so disoriented).

He didn't actually come toward any of us, instead walking toward the school entrance as his helmet apparently sealed itself. I guessed that his armor had some kind of air filtration system to protect him in events like this.

It was a while longer before they started setting up cordons around the school, as well as lots of tents. I didn't know what the tents were for, but I could guess that they were important to helping us. That was when the paramedics came out, wearing their rubber suits and carrying a bullhorn.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, if you think you can move, then we'd like to ask you to make your way into these tents," said the woman who looked like she was in charge. "Once you're inside, you'll be divided by gender and given decontamination showers. After that, we'd appreciate if you'd follow the instructions given to you by the nurses on staff. Those of you who cannot move, we will come to you with a wheel chair to help you out." And with that, some of them began coming out with wheel chairs.

While they did that, I decided to see if I could get up. I started slowly, my dizziness still affecting me, but I eventually managed to get to my feet. I wobbled unsteadily to the nearest tent, where more men and women were waiting to usher us in. I hoped that we'd be able to get this over with quickly.​
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Taylor's Unexpected Shipping
20 June 2010

This was the moment of truth. The moment I'd know, for sure, whether or not I was just crazy, or if what I was seeing was actually real. I took a deep breath and looked at the… girl? Woman? …Hallucination? Standing next to me. She looked just as nervous as I felt.

The first time something like this had happened was the first time I'd ever been on a ship. That was when I was three, and Dad was taking Mom and I to the traveling fair at the other end of the city. In order to get there at anything like a reasonable hour, we'd had to take the ferry, back when it was still running. I'd seen a woman on the pedestrian boarding ramp as we walked on, and waved at her, and I clearly remember how surprised she looked for me to be doing that. Later, she walked up to me and asked if I could really see her, and, when I said yes, she seemed very happy, and we had a conversation. I don't remember what the conversation was about, really, but I do remember that my parents thought that I'd gained an imaginary friend.

The next time it happened was when I was eight, and I had a conversation with a woman on a tramp freighter on what Dad had called 'take your child to work day'. I wasn't the only kid there, and the other kids thought I was crazy. That was the day I met Emma…

Anyway, there were three other times after that when I'd seen women that nobody else could see, and every time I'd overhear my parents afterward, talking about whether or not to take me to a psychiatrist. I hadn't understood what a psychiatrist was back then, or why my parents might want to take me to one. It wasn't until after Mom had died that I'd found out. That was when Dad and I went to grief counseling, paid for by the company that Mom had gotten a life insurance policy with. The therapist there thought that I might have schizophrenia, seeing my mother when she wasn't there, not even taking into consideration that I'd been seeing them since long before Mom had died.

Of course, I'd refused to go back to the therapist after that. Dad had tried to get me to take the medications prescribed, but it was only a perfunctory effort before he gave up and fell into his own grief. I'd spend the months after that trying to find my way through life without Mom. I'd thought that I'd managed to find happiness again during Nature Camp. But then I returned home, and Emma…

Well, it's been about a year since then, and now here I was, standing on the quarterdeck of the tramp freighter MV Small Mercy, preparing to talk to a woman who might not even exist. I take a deep breath and – wait, I already did that, didn't I? Alright, no more stalling. "E-excuse me, miss? Um, would you happen to be named Mercy?"

The woman, looking like she used to be graceful, but now just looked grizzled, just looked at me like I was dumb, or something. I thought that I'd obviously made a mistake, and started stammering an apology, when she responded, "well, of course my name's Mercy! I'm Small Mercy, and don't you forget it!" She looked like she was about to say something else, when she froze, with a look of dawning realization on her face. "Wait, you can see me?!?"

I smiled, and said, "um, yeah? I've been able to see women like you since I was little." I gulped, and then asked, "um, would you be willing to help me prove that you're real? I mean, everybody thinks that I'm crazy for seeing women that nobody else can see, and then my Mom died and my best friend Emma-"

Mercy stopped me with a hand on my shoulder, smiling. "Of course I'd be willing to help you with that. It'd be great to finally be able to tell my crew about all the aches and pains that I'm having, so that they can get to all the little repairs that they've been missing." Then she suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me behind her, moving actually pretty quickly toward the superstructure, in a hatch, and up a ladder to where I presumed was the captain's cabin.

We were moving at such a clip that, when she phased right through the door, I didn't have time to stop myself before I slammed face first into the wooden paneling, rebounding and slumping on the opposite bulkhead, dazed and surprised (and in no small amount of pain). "Owie," I said, gently rubbing my nose and checking for blood.

Before I could check for further damage, Mercy came back out the door with an apologetic expression, which morphed into contrite misery when she saw me sitting on the deck with a bloody nose. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking about what I was doing and I forgot that you couldn't pass through doors and hatches like I could and-"

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your perspective), her babbling was interrupted by an old eastern European looking man wearing slacks and a grease stained polo shirt opening the door and stomping his way out, saying "what in the hell was – what the fuck?" His face screwed up in confusion when he locked eyes on me. "Who the hell are you, and why the fuck are you smashing your face against my door? Never mind, you obviously need sickbay, I'm taking you there right now. And don't you think for a second that I won't call the Coast Guard if you try stowing away on my ship." The old man grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, and then he practically dragged me toward what was presumably the sickbay.

I looked back at Mercy, who grimaced and shrugged apologetically. "Again, sorry about that," seemed to be the only thing she could say. The old man turning a corner forced me to pay attention to where we were going, just so that I didn't injure myself any further, and it wasn't long before we got to a door with a plaque reading 'Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter'. Real funny.

The old man pushed that door open, saying "Doc, I've got work for ya," speaking to a nervous looking young Asian man wearing his own slacks with a button up blouse, with a lab coat thrown on hastily like he heard us coming (which he probably did, we weren't exactly being quiet).

'Doc' turned in his swivel chair, getting a good look at us, his nervousness morphing into confusion as he focused on me. "I didn't know we were taking on passengers," he said in a questioning tone. "And how did you get such a badly broken nose, anyway, young lady?"

The old man responded "we're not taking on passengers, this girl just decided she'd climb aboard. I don't know how she got past Hebert's security boys, and as for how she got the broken nose, she somehow managed to smash her face against my cabin door."

As the old man spoke, my face turned red in embarrassment at his description of events. I decided then was a good time to speak up, saying "hey, I have a perfectly good reason for coming aboard! …And my name is Taylor!"

The old man gave me an unimpressed look, then promptly dragged me over to one of the three medical beds in the compartment and making me sit on it. "Fine," he said, "I'm captain Teodor Pasternack, and ship's doc is Melvyn Navarro. Why are you on my ship?"

I froze as Doctor Navarro (a Mexican name for an Asian man?) asked me to remove my glasses and got to work on me. As he worked out if I had a concussion from hitting my head on the door, I tried to figure out how I was supposed to tell captain Pasternack that I was here to introduce him to his ship. I mean, what kind of crazy was that? Was I really crazy, after all? Well, that was what I'd come here to find out, but I realized that hadn't come here with any kind of plan. Half formed ideas and thoughts swirled around in my mind, and my eyes started to sting with unshed tears as I realized that I couldn't - *SNAP* "OW!"

"There, I've straightened out the bone in your nose," said Dr. Navarro. "Now I just need to apply some bandages to hold it in place while it heals. Hold still while I get them."

While he did that, I looked down at my hands, wondering if the sharp, unexpected pain had cleared my head enough to help me come up with an idea. That was when I noticed that my glasses had also broken, apparently. Great. I looked back up at Mercy, and said "could you hold these for a moment, please?" She nodded affirmation and took my glasses while I rubbed my hands against my temples, trying to get a handle on my thoughts.

I stopped when there was a great gasp from both the captain and the doctor, and I looked up to see what had happened, seeing the doctor looking at my glasses, and the captain looking… directly at Mercy.

"O-okay," said Dr. Navarro, looking up at me nervously again, "s-so, you're a cape." He gulped in obvious fear, before captain Pasternack spoke over him.

"You blind fool, the girl's no cape. Her glasses are being held by the ship." Dr. Navarro shot a confused look at the captain, who was pointing directly at Mercy. "Her," he said in an almost reverent tone. The doctor looked back, squinting, and his eyes opened wide as he gasped a second time. Captain Pasternack walked slowly up to Mercy, who herself looked surprised, eyes locked on the captain's eyes. He said, "I knew, from the very moment that I laid eyes on this ship as she was under construction, that I had to serve aboard her. I never cared whether I rose to command rank, and I didn't know, for sure, why. At first, I thought it was lust for the sea, for adventure. After that, I began to wonder if the thrill of finding and negotiating for cargo wasn't what was driving me. It's only in the last five years that I realized that I was in love with Small Mercy herself. With you." He finished that last sentence while gently grasping Mercy's hands, and they stood like that for a moment, before-

I turned my head away just as they started kissing, my face aflame with embarrassment for the second time today, this time more pronounced. Dr. Navarro suddenly cleared his throat, and said with alacrity, "well! I'd better get to bandaging your nose so it heals correctly! Give them, um, time!" He set to doing so, and in just a couple of minutes, he was done. We looked back at Mercy and Captain Pasternack, who were holding hands and looking at us with open smiles on their faces.

"Well," the captain began, "this was an unexpected pleasure, Taylor. Might I get your last name, so that I can be properly thankful?"

"Um, my last name is Hebert," I said, rubbing my forearm in even further embarrassment. Hadn't I already told him that? But he remembered my first name, so it seems I hadn't.

Captain Pasternack's eyes went wide and his mouth opened in an 'o', and then he belted out a deep hearty laugh. "Ha ha haw, I should have realized! You're the daughter of the head of the dockworkers around here! No wonder you managed to get past security, they probably let you waltz right on by!"

Mercy was giggling at Pasternack's great guffaws, and she managed to get herself under enough control to say "she told me when she came aboard, she wanted to see if she could prove that I was real."

Captain Pasternack looked at her, and said softly "and am I ever glad that she did. I was getting worried that I'd die alone on this ship, but I never was alone, was I?"

Mercy shook her head at him, saying just as softly, "no, you weren't."

I looked away as they kissed again.


Captain Pasternack, Mercy, and I stood on the quarterdeck, ready to part ways, when Mercy said, "thank you again, miss Hebert. I don't know what I would have done if I was never able to be with Teodor. It feels like you've really breathed new life into me. Are you sure there's nothing I can do to repay you?"

I was about to answer no, when the Boat Graveyard caught my eye. "Maybe there is," I said, a smile tugging at my lips. I pressed at the tape holding my glasses together, putting them back above the bandage. "Maybe there is."
Halloween Give-a-Fic-aThon
So, I know it's a bit late, but I've got a Halloween story for y'all! It's from another Give-a-Fic-a-Thon from the Cauldron Discord server, intended for Isan, who requested a story with this prompt:
Someone confuses Shadow Stalker for a ghost.
Well, I did the best I could; I hope you aren't disappointed!​
Ghosts of the Bay
"Common Casey," Beryl said, "I swear I saw one!"

Casey rolled his eyes, saying "right, and my mom's Alexandria. Aisha, back me up here!"

Aisha looked up from decorating her zombie costume. "Ghosts in Brockton Bay? Couldn't it be a cape?"

Casey grinned smugly at Beryl, who pouted and turned back to decorating her own pumpkin costume. "You guys are mean. I know I'm right."

Jose, who'd already finished his own costume, leaned on Beryl, saying "I believe you. My mom says ghosts are an important part of how the world works."

Casey, and Aisha all looked at Jose like he was crazy. Beryl just hugged him, saying "I knew I was your best friend for a reason! ...Why are ghosts important?"

Jose practically leapt out of his seat, excited to explain a part of his life to Beryl (and Casey and Aisha, he guessed). "So, when a person dies, they go to the afterlife, right? But, everybody they left behind misses them! So once a year, all the ghosts come back to visit their loved ones! It only works if you have a picture of them to guide them back, and having their favorite snacks and drinks to take back to the afterlife with them makes it even better!"

Beryl looked confused, asking "was that yesterday?"

Jose blinked, saying "no? The Day of the Dead isn't until after Halloween. Why, what happened yesterday?"

"Like I said, I saw a ghost!" Beryl twisted in her seat to look directly at Jose. "I twas totally creepy, with a see through skull face, and it looked like it was getting something it had hidden! I was too scared to come out of where I was hiding, but after I saw it leave, I went to check it out, and I saw some weird stuff!"

"Children," came the voice of their teacher, "pay attention to the your costumes, not the rumor mill."

The four of them leapt back to their seats, continuing to work on their Halloween costumes. Jose and Beryl kept glancing at each other in excitement, each wondering if the other wanted to go check out the ghost sighting, while Casey and Aisha both just rolled their eyes at their friend's antics.


"So," asked Casey, "who's house are we going to today?"

Jose waved his hand around, saying "oh, oh, me! Let's go to my place! We can ask my Nana about ghosts, and find out the best way to catch Beryl's ghost!"

Beryl squealed in joy as she hugged Jose, saying "you're the best!" Jose just blushed and smiled, rubbing the back of his head.

Casey, meanwhile, wasn't so enthused. Frowning, he said "guys, there's no way that ghosts are real! If they were, we'd be hearing about them in school!"

Aisha put her hand on her face, saying "Casey, there's lots of stuff they don't teach us about in school that they really should."

Casey didn't look convinced. "Oh yeah? What kinds of things aren't they teaching us? Let me guess, underwater basket weaving? How to ride a unicycle? Taxes?"

Not liking Casey's derisive tone at the end, Aisha responded, "more like the Red Summer of 1919, Robert Moses and his inner city people displacers, the Tuskegee Experiment. Really Casey, you can't trust the government to get everything right."

Beryl's eyes flashed as she pointed at Aisha in excitement. "Aisha, I've heard about that one! The Tuskegee Experiment! Oh, oh, what if the ghost is one of the victims who died?! Maybe we'll be able to put them to rest!"

Aisha frowned, saying "Beryl, that's somewhat insen-"

Only to be interrupted by Jose, saying "we're here." Everybody looked at him in surprise, then looked at the building he was pointing at – a somewhat run down looking tenement building with a small grocer on the ground floor. Jose walked up a set of stairs set into the building's foyer, and disappeared over the top.

As the other three scrambled after him, Aisha said "we'll talk about this later, Beryl, Casey." Beryl simply nodded, but Casey looked mildly spooked as Aisha stressed his name.

They all walked into Jose's Nana's third floor apartment together, jabbering about what they might do to get a look at the ghost. The place was filled with knickknacks, memorabilia, and photographs from her home town in Mexico, filling all the rooms with color. Having heard all the talking, Nana walked into the living room from the kitchen. "Ah, Jose, how's my little man doing!"

Jose ran up to her for a hug, saying "Nana, it's great to see you!" Breaking off the hug after just a moment, he continued, "my friend Beryl says she saw a ghost, and we want to know why the ghost might be out on some day other than the Day of the Dead!"

Beryl couldn't contain her excitement any longer, and said "and, and I thought maybe we could take a picture of it, or, or, or maybe help lay it to rest? OH! Oh, maybe we could even catch it!"

"I already told you guys," Casey broke in, "if they don't teach it in school, then it's not real!"

Aisha just groaned in frustration at Casey, dropping her face into her hands.

Nana smiled gently, kneeling down to look Casey in the face. "Young man, you were told about how Christopher Columbus was the first European man to find the Americas, no?" Casey nodded his head, uncertain where Nana was going with this. "Did your teachers tell you about what happened to the civilizations that were there after he left?"

Casey piped up, saying "they all disappeared mysteriously to never be heard from again! Nobody knows what happened to them!"

Nana shook her head, looking sad. "No, Casey, they didn't. You see, Columbus and his expedition brought with them disease, disease that they, themselves, were immune to, but the Taino people, whom he met with, were not. After Columbus left, illnesses like smallpox and measles ravaged them, and quickly spread to the Aztec, Mayan, and Incan empires.

"And those peoples, their cultures, were not lost." Nana smiled, here. "I, myself, and your friend Jose, are both descended from survivors of the Incan fall, and we proudly carry our culture with us to this very day." She stood again, patting Casey gently on the shoulder. "If you like, I can help you find the information in the library. Perhaps some other time, though, as I have to show you how to deal with ghosts!"

Casey looked confused and unhappy, crossing his arms and pouting. As he did, Nana turned to a nearby bookshelf, muttering to herself under her breath as she looked for something in particular. She shuffled tomes around on the shelf, moving on to the next one when she didn't find what she was looking for there. In the process, she pulled down a few things that none of the children recognized, including a board with letters on it, a raindrop shaped thing with a lens in the middle, and, with an "aha!", a slim book.

To any adult, they'd recognize a Ouija board and stylus, and a children's book of ghosts, designed to look old.

"Alright, here we go. This, children, is a book that was written by my grandfather, back when such things were still forbidden by the Mexican government." Nana gave them a smile and a knowing look. "It's this book, these tools, and others that are scattered through the apartment that you'll need. Use them, and you'll get your ghost."


That night, the children gathered at the appointed place. The dark was compounded by a thick fog, which none of them had known to expect (none of them watched any weather reports), and many of the street lights didn't work. They stood silent outside the fallen security fence around the once proud ship repair facility.

The steel clad building, while not abandoned, was obviously on it's way out. The boat lifts sat derelict, wood chocking lay rotting, and the steel stands were beginning to rust through. The only signs of occupation were tire tracks from the cart used by the custodial staff, and the two accountants who worked tirelessly to find new customers to pay the bills.

The children didn't know or care about any of this. There were only there for a good time to catch a ghost (or prove they weren't real).

"Okay," said Jose, consulting with his book, "let's make sure we've all got the stuff we need. Beryl, you've got the salt?"

Still somewhat vibrating from the excitement, Beryl said "well, we were almost out of salt, but I've still got that chalk set my parents got me at the beginning of summer! Salt's white, and so is chalk, so that's gotta work, right? Oh, and I also brought this old camera my mom said I could have!" She pulled an old SX-70 Polaroid camera out of her pocket, unfolding it to show it off. It had a sonar rangefinder and a flash.

Jose nodded. "It'll have to do. And that camera might prove useful, if we can't catch the ghost. Casey, you've got that iron trap you said your grandpa had?"

"Grandpa wouldn't let me take it," Casey grumped. "My dad let me use an old fishing net though. It's got steel wire core to keep the nylon from snapping."

"That might be better – we don't want to hurt the ghost." Jose took another look at his book. "Aisha, you said your mom makes candles. Were you able to get any?"

Aisha shook her head gently as she unzipped her backpack, showing it's contents. "Mom sold out this week's stock of candles earlier than usual. She said that's normal this time of year, with Halloween coming up." Smiling slightly, she continued, "I got my hands on this string of fairy lights, though. No chance of them blowing out in an inconvenient breeze."

Jose grinned at her, saying "that's great thinking! Now, the first step is that we need to hold a seance with the Ouija board, to see what we can find out about the ghost. Ready?" Jose put the board on the ground in the middle of the group, and they all sat around it, placing their hands on the stylus. Jose intoned "oh spirit, we call upon thee, tell us of the nature of the one which Beryl saw!"

The stylus began shaking, prompting Casey to nervously say, "common guys, stop shaking it!" Then, the stylus began moving. Casey gulped when none of the others responded to what he was saying, transfixed by what the stylus was doing.

Jose began to read out the letters that it pointed out, saying "M… A… L… I…. C… E…" He looked up at the others, his breath catching in his throat. "Okay, looks like this is a capture mission. If a ghost is that bad, then we can't risk it hurting anybody, right?"

Aisha spoke up, saying "if a ghost is violent, isn't it called a poltergeist?"

Jose nodded, saying "Okay guys, since we don't have the tools described exactly in the book, we need to come up with a plan that matches the differences between what the book says and what we have. Any ideas?"

All three of the others began talking almost at the same time, as their ideas formed into a coherent plan.


Sophia was finally sure that she'd have the opportunity to do some real hunting tonight, seeing as the rest of the Wards were preparing for Halloween escorts, and she was considered too abrasive to be trusted around little children. She chuckled to herself, musing on the fact that her being the 'problem Ward' had worked out in her favor for once.

Walking up to the Mallard Marine building, Sophia looked around to make sure that there was nobody to see her breaking in (not that they could even if anybody were there – she was stealthy as fuck) and used her power to phase through the wall. Once she was in, she made a beeline straight for the sealed compartment where her special equipment was hidden, making note of the chalk markings on the ground.

She thought maybe they were graffiti left by some asshole or another, marking out territory. Or, maybe, just maybe, some of the workers at Mallard were preparing for a new job – she snorted, unable to even finish the thought without laughing. Nah, no way that was happening. She'd have to see if she could get one of those fancy hunting cameras to find out who was moving in on her turf, and rip them a new one. Maybe this was one that she could get Emma's help on?

As she thought about all of this, she went through the motions of retrieving her hockey mask, well worn, hooded duster coat, and crossbow. This was a standard (if somewhat personalized) hunting model, with a high draw of a hundred pounds, and a compound mechanism to make reloading faster and easier. No Tinkertech to fail in the middle of a mission, thank you very much!

It was just after she'd pulled out some of her good broad-head bolts that she heard a clanking sound. She turned around, to see if she could see what had caused it. 'Too easy' she thought, as she saw somebody pulling around a stack of wood chocks. She crept in that direction, making sure to draw her crossbow as she went, passing right over the chalk circle.

"Now!" she heard somebody shout, and suddenly lights turned on, and she was wrapped in a net!

She screamed in rage, shouting "you assholes are dead! I'mma shank your asses!" She went to phase out of the net, and then she screamed in pain, just for a moment, before she blacked out.


Beryl leapt out of her hiding place behind the pile of wood, where she'd opted to act as bait to lure the ghost to the magic circle. "We did it! We caught the ghost! Aisha, quick, call the PRT, we caught the ghost!" As Beryl danced a victory dance around her the ghost, Aisha did just that, pulling out her hand-me-down flip phone and dialing.

While Jose quickly ran up to the ghost and began drawing more circles around the ghost (to reinforce the original circle, you know!) Casey walked up to in, scowling. "Okay, so ghosts are real. They don't seem so tough to me." He looked up at the others, just as Beryl finished her victory dance. "Is this really something we care about? I mean, if ghosts are this weak, they can't be much danger, right?"

Jose, finished with his new magic circles, looked up, and said "it's that kind of thinking that gets people hurt! If we weren't here to catch all the ghosts, they'd attack people, like this one was about to attack Beryl!"

Beryl, for her part, skipped up to Jose and gave him a tight hug. "Tank you so much for keeping me safe! You're the best!" Then she went to poke inspect her the ghost, smiling brightly. Jose just blushed and smiled slightly, feeling really light all of a sudden.

Aisha closed her phone and spoke up, saying "hey guys, the PRT are sending somebody over to check it out. They should be here any moment."

Casey, more interested in capes than ghosts, looked at her and asked "oh? Who'd they send?"

"Me" came a voice from the opposite end of the building before Aisha could answer. The four of them turned to see the owner of the voice, before dropping their jaws in mixed disbelief and awe. There was Armsmaster himself, clad in shiny blue armor with chrome highlights, his visor framing his neatly trimmed beard. He walked up to the children with silent steps, explaining how they hadn't noticed him entering the building. "I was patrolling just down the street when your call came in. Fortuitous timing, if I might say."

He then walked up to their ghost, stopping right at the edge of the magic circles. "If you would be so kind as to cut the power to the fairy lights, I believe I can handle the situation from here." Jose nodded, and ran to the outlet they'd been using to power the lights that they'd wrapped throughout the fishing net. The moment he unplugged the cable, Armsmaster walked up to the ghost. "Shadow Stalker, wake up!" he shouted.

This startled the children, as well as waking up… Shadow Stalker? They looked at the scene as their ghost Shadow Stalker started awake, and quickly phased out of their net, taking a fighting stance. "What the FUCK!? What-"

Armsmaster snarled at her, saying "Shadow Stalker, you are in violation of your parole, operating outside of approved patrol hours, wearing unapproved attire, and carrying strictly prohibited weapons and ammunition. Stand down and prepare to submit yourself to inspection, immediately."

Shadow Stalker stilled herself, ignoring the children in favor of focusing on Armsmaster. She looked like she was carefully considering her next actions. "I'm not going to fucking juvie!" Or not. She attempted to phase and dodge behind Casey, to use him as cover as she attempted to escape.

However, Armsmaster was faster, more agile, and far more experienced as a fighter. He deftly brought the butt of his halberd up, turning on some kind of electric stun gun in the process, and flicked it at Shadow Stalker before she could even reach Casey. Shadow Stalker shouted in pain and fell to the floor, solid again, and Armsmaster walked up and cuffed her with Tinkertech looking handcuffs. He sighed, and said "foolish girl, this might have been easier on you if you had cooperated." He divested Shadow Stalker of her equipment, barring only her mask, which he left in place. While he did so, the children thought they could hear him muttering, presumably to some sort of recording device hidden in his armor.

It was as Armsmaster was saying something about 'blood on the bolt' that Beryl, Jose, Aisha, and Casey all got together and sat down, still in some shock about what was happening in front of them. Casey started talking first. "You guys had me hoping that ghosts were real." He pouted, crossing his arms. "Now what?"

Beryl sniffles, almost on the verge of tears. "I thought I'd really seen a ghost! Why couldn't it have been a real ghost?" She seemed outright despondent.

Jose held her hand, scowling as he said "who says you didn't? We just have to try harder next time!" He didn't know what to do when this didn't seem to help. Still, Beryl leaned into his shoulder, sniffling just a bit more.

Aisha didn't say anything, looking thoughtful. She seemed to have something important on her mind.

It was then that Armsmaster turned his attention to them. "I'd like to take your statements separately, please. Let's start with you." He pointed at Aisha, who simply nodded and stood to follow him to the other side of the cavernous room. They went like that until they had each given their statements, saving Jose and Beryl for last, to give them their space.

By the time they were done, PRT agents had arrived to secure the scene, making sure to document everything they could find. Armsmaster gathered the children together one last time. "I hope you all understand what kind of danger you put yourselves in by not calling the authorities. If Shadow Stalker hadn't been weak against electricity, I don't know what would have happened to you." The children all looked shamefaced, unable to meet Armsmaster in the eye.

That was when the lights all suddenly flickered and went out, only personal flashlights still working - and at that, only some of them. There was a soft breeze, and a moaning sound. Then, in the middle of the room, as if she were lit by a spotlight, stood a woman. Her hair was long, black, and curly, with a silky sheen. Her skin was pale, but not so much as to seem sickly - no, her skin was more like fine porcelain in appearance. She was willowy, and had an expressive mouth turned up in a kindly smile.

And she was totally translucent. They could all see the people on the opposite side of her from each other. It was like looking at her through a mist, or she wasn't supposed to be there.

Hands clasped in front of her, she said "thank you. Thank you all, so much. You don't know what this means to me…" Then, she began fading.

Before she was entirely gone, though, there was a series of clicks flashes, each followed by a whirring motor sound. Even the woman looked startled by this, before she started laughing, and disappeared entirety. It was a beautiful sound…

Then, all of the lights came back on, and everybody, the children, the PRT agents, and even Armsmaster, stood in silence. They all felt as though they knew exactly what had just happened, though they knew not why.

The silence was broken by Beryl giggling, which quickly turned into outright laughter as she held up her camera and then photographs, dancing as she did. "I was right, I was right! Ghosts are really real, and I got pictures to prove it!" She squealed in pure joy as she glomped Jose, knocking them both to the ground. "Thank you so much for believing in me Jose! Thank you!"

"Ahem" came Armsmaster's clearing throat. "It would seem that there's more going on here than I initially expected. I may have been premature in lecturing you. Still, that's no reason to ignore basic safety precautions." He smiled gently, looking at Beryl. "May I have two or three of those photos, to aid in further investigation? It would appear that my armor ceased functioning for the duration of the appearance of the… ghost, and I was unable to get a recording of my own."

Looking up at him with tears in the corners of her eyes, Beryl nodded. She quickly looked at the photos, and said "h-here, you can have these three. I guess they're all about the same quality, anyway." She took the three in question, handing them to him.

"Thank you very much" Armsmaster responded, accepting the photos and gently putting them in a compartment in his armor. He then stood back and said "you should probably all be off, then. I certainly should, seeing as I have a prisoner to escort. Until next time!" He waved as he walked off.

The children quickly did the same. There was no quiet on their walk. "I can't wait to tell Nana all about this," said Jose. "I wonder what kind of ghost we'll meet next?"

They talked and made plans the whole way to Jose's Nana's third floor apartment.​
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Valentines Give-a-Fic-a-Thon 2023
Another one shot fic trade for the Cauldron Discord server, this time for BinaryApotheosis! The prompt given is Two Tinkers in a workplace rivalry to see who can make the most aggressively useless piece of tech., which I worked really hard on! I present to you, Resistance is Useless, with 2555 words! I hope y'all enjoy!
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Resistance is Useless
Jessica Truman, AKA Doctor Optimistic
Maximo Espinosa, AKA Jolly Colossi
Madeleine Pond AKA Amethyst Heart
Lucy Steele, PRT Agent in Charge
And the Villain, Smog​

Jessica stretched as she stumbled out of her dorm, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she followed the smell of fresh coffee. She walked into the communal kitchen and looked around, noting that she was the second person there, after Madeleine, who'd been the one to start the coffee. She was making an egg sandwich for herself, now.

"Morning, Mads" Jessica mumbled as she picked he favorite mug out of the cupboard. Taking it over to the coffee pot, she said, "anything interesting in the news, today?"

Madeleine sat at the large kitchen table and picked up her sandwich before she said, "nothing new on TV or on PHO." She then took a small bite, chewing it over and swallowing before saying "but there was a cute piece in the paper about some kids club trying to find a sponsor for their science fair this year. Apparently the company that had been sponsoring them filed for bankruptcy last month, leaving the club in the lurch for this year's fair."

Jessica turned away from the making of her own breakfast, a simple bowl of cereal, with a look of excitement. "So, wait, you're saying…?"

Madeleine smirked as she finished off her second mouthful, saying "you always liked working with kids, so Director Cranston decided to pay twenty percent out of his personal accounts, if you'd be willing to pay the other twenty percent they need to get the ball rolling. Additionally, she's asking you to be one of the judges, as well as showing off what they might achieve when they finish school."

That last part confused Jessica. Brows furrowed, she asked "how will I show them what they can do if I'm a Tinker? Tinkertech isn't exactly an achievable thing, not unless you want to traumatize them."

"Cranston had an idea about that, actually" Madeleine said as she put down her sandwich. "She said that she wanted to find out if there was something you couldn't make as Tinkertech, to simultaneously test that. She wants you to make a useless machine."

Jessica's confusion only grew. "She… wants me to build a… useless machine. As in, a machine that has no use. Huh???"

Madeleine giggled as she could practically see the question marks popping up over Jessica's head. "That's exactly right, Mad. If anybody can find a use for it, then it's not a useless machine, is it? Have you ever heard of a Tinker making a piece of tech that didn't have some kind of use?"

Jessica tilted her head in thought, and realization dawned upon her. "Hey, you have a point! I'm trying to come up with something, but my power is only giving me ideas for things that have uses!" She grinned as she skipped around the table, hugging Madeleine. "I finally get to put those college credits I've been working on to good use for something my power isn't already handing to me on a silver platter!" Jessica turned and practically dashed to the door, on her way to see the Director, but suddenly stopped just before she could grab the handle. "Heyyy, wait a minute." She turned around with a scowl, pointing at Madeleine. "What about the final twenty percent of the sponsorship? It needs sixty percent before the charter will accept small sum donations! Where's the rest of the money coming from?"

"That would be me," came a familiar voice from behind Jessica, who turned around to see none other than Maximo, the man who stubbornly refused to realize she had a crush on him. Maximo stood there looking infuriatingly handsome, as usual, with his charming smile turned up to eleven. "It's a collaborative project! The two of us will be working together, side by side, ensuring that future generations will know the glory that is SCIENCE!"

As Maximo stepped into the room, Agent Lucy Steele walked in behind him, saying "and I'm in charge of coordinating everything between the two of you. Just so you know, the plan is for the two of you to make separate 'useless machines', which Director Cranston is hoping will tell us more about Tinkers than the two of you working together will do. It's even been added to the competition: you'll be competing in a new 'useless machine' category, which is the only category sponsors are allowed to compete in. Additionally, you won't be voted upon by the normal judges – instead, the other competitors at the fair will be voting for the winner. Is that understood?"

"Yes, ma'am" said Jessica.

Maximo responded in his usual boisterous fashion, saying "I look forward to the competition! And to you, Jessica, good luck, and may the best Tinker win!" He stuck his hand at her, they shook, and he left, Jessica looking on in bafflement.

Madeleine asked "did he just fail to understand that he's not supposed to be making Tinkertech?"

Jessica blinked, shaking her head, and said "I don't know, but as long as he does, that gives me a head start!" She then dashed off toward her lab to begin work. Her power might not be providing her with anything, but she still had an idea on what she could do.

It was the day of the Science Fair, and Jessica was in her Doctor Optimistic outfit. She'd just arrived at the convention center, and was looking at the competitions board. Her body language positively radiated confusion as she gazed at the 'Useless Machines' section, which had five names on it. There was one name on the board that held her attention, and was the cause of her confusion.

Scowling, she stormed off toward the judges table, where Jolly Colossi and Agent Steele were waiting with the other judges. "Anybody care to explain the contestants list?"

Agent Steele looked up from her paperwork, saying "Smog was let out on parole for good behavior, and the competition rules state that the 'Useless Machine' section is an all comers competition, so we had no reason to prevent his entry. If you have a complaint, you can lodge it in the official paperwork." Obviously considering the matter settled, she went right back to work on her papers.

Jessica huffed and sat in her chair, getting to work on her own paperwork, waiting for the contestants to filter into the building. When everybody had arrived, all five of the judges began moving from presentation to presentation, taking notes and quietly deliberating among themselves over this or that detail, or praising the children for a particularly insightful twist on an otherwise common presentation. In five cases, they had to inform the children that their project was disqualified due to not conforming to the rules, or not having a working understanding of their own experiment. There was even one particularly exciting case where they discovered evidence of sabotage, and they had to eject the saboteur from the fair. Then, they returned to the judges table and began deliberating in full which presentation, project, or experiment had won each of the categories.

The announcement of who had won each of the competitive categories came with much cheering from the audience, especially those close to the winners, who had just won full ride scholarships to nearby colleges and universities, and even those who hadn't won, but were still getting scholarships due to the university headhunters being impressed by their stuff.

And then it was time.

"Ladies and gentlemen," shouted Agent Steele as she stood behind a lectern, "may I have your attention please! Tonight, our final event is a zero stakes competition, the first of it's kind for the hundredth annual science fair! Please welcome our five contestants for the Parade of the Useless Machines!

"Hailing from the Protectorate, Doctor Optimistic and Jolly Colossi have put their skills to heroic use in keeping our fair city safe from crime, so please give them a warm welcome!" The crowd all cheered with some enthusiasm as the two walked up to the stage, giving well practiced Image approved waves and smiles.

"And, from the darker side of the divide, the terrible villain, Smog!" The crowd went into near silence as they muttered among themselves, concern, and even some fear obvious to the casual observer. One man even shouted "boo, you suck!" Smog still bowed graciously to the audience, only grimacing at the shout.

"Finally, we have miss Patricia Beck, the winner of last years computer science competition, and Olivia Cruz, a sweet young lady hoping to prepare herself for full normal entry when she ages in next year!" The cheering redoubled beyond even what the heroes received, the crowd truly enthusiastic about the beauty and the cutie who'd taken to the stage. "Let us move on in order of introduction! Doctor Optimistic, if you will?"

Jessica took center stage, placing her useless machine on the table there, and removing the cloth cover from it. "Hello, one and all! I, Doctor Optimistic, present to you the Useless Grinder! As you can see on the video display behind me, this device consists of a handle connected to three rectangular blocks, each ensconced within it's own track, arranged in an asterisk pattern! As I turn the handle, you can see that the blocks cross each other's paths, making it impossible to have them be connected to anything useful, and even a crank shaft going down the middle would interfere with the operating of the device!" With a flourish, she waved her arms around, saying "and that is all!" before grabbing her useless machine and dashing off the stage. There was some chuckling among the crowd at her antics, and she was happy to get that much, considering her relatively middling popularity overall.

Maximo was next. "Ha ha! You are in luck, to see the great Jolly Colossi presents his greatest failure, as he has previously vowed to always be useful! I show you, the chain cycler! Clearly, you are in awe of it's uselessness, as the motorized cog pulls the bicycle chain down through the hole, and then returns it back up through the hole, only to stack up in the tray!" He fist pumped in the air, finishing off with his catch phrase "large and charging!" The crowd cheered louder for him, as he leapt off the stage, and charged his way out the back of the building, leaving his machine behind to be collected by a scowling Agent Steele.

Smog got more boos and jeering as he took the stage, pulling his machine out of a shabby cardboard box that he'd been carrying. "Yeah," he said, "this is a smoking machine. You fill this tray with cigarettes, it grabs the one on the bottom, and inserts the butt into this pipe. A match is struck, lighting the cigarette. This pump pulls air through the cigarette, filling with smoke, and then expels that sweet, sweet nicotine straight into the air for all to breathe in!" As he said that, the machine did just so, causing some people at the front of the crowd to begin coughing and backing away.

"I'm sorry, Smog, but competition rules prohibit pacing the health and safety of any person at risk. I'm afraid you're disqualified" Agent Steele said. Smog sneered, picking up his machine and slamming it inside the box, carrying everything away in a huff, grumbling as the crowd cheered his departure from the building.

Next up was Patricia Beck, who sashayed her way onto the stage. "Hello everybody! I've built this wonderful and simple contraption which has no real use. I place this wheel at the bottom of this inclined plane, and release it, allowing it to roll up hill. Spoiler alert, there's no violation of physics going on here!" With that, and no explanation of what was happening or how it worked, she picked her… machine up and left, taking a seat next to Jessica.

Finally was Olivia Cruz. In her excitement, she tripped, nearly dropping her machine on the floor. She was able to recover before there was any disaster, and placed her machine on the table, right where the camera could see it, and project it onto the large screen behind her. "H-hi everybody! I hope you like my off box! It doesn't like to be turned on!" With that, she flipped the switch that was on the top. Slowly, a stick came out and turned the switch back the other direction. Grinning, she tried flipping the switch again, only for the stick to come out and turn it off again. "So, so, what's happening is an entirely mechanical process with no electronics!" She took the sides off, revealing clear plastic windows showing the wooden parts inside. "The switch turns this cam, which pulls on the rubber band! The rubber band is connected to the stick, via another cam and an RC car suspension arm, making it slowly come out and turn the switch back off, relieving the tension in the rubber band!" Finished, she fidgeted a little, before grabbing her machine and it's side panels in a bundle and scampering off the stage to sit with Jessica and Patricia.

Agent Steele stepped back up to her lectern, shouting "and let the voting begin!"

The audience all dutifully went to pick up a card, mark their choice, and place it into the ballot box. It didn't take very long to count out all the votes after all was said and done.

"And the winner is Olivia Cruz, with her box that doesn't want to be turned on! Olivia, come on up here and accept your trophy!" Squealing with joy, the girl did as she was bid, and struggled to lift a brass trophy that was half as tall as she was. She did it anyway, looking very proud of herself. Patricia, Jessica, and Maximo all stood in applause with the rest of the audience, all happy for the little girl's success.

An hour later, Jessica, Maximo, and Agent Steele had returned to the headquarters building for the Protectorate, relaxing in the lounge set aside for heroes and agents not on patrol.

Jessica sighed, saying "you know, I'm really glad it was Olivia who won. She really deserves the confidence boost in her preparation for next year's science fair."

With a grin, Maximo said "indeed she does. Now I have to go and take notes! Understanding the limitations of my Tinker specialization in this new way is important for building a better future! Why, I bet that, together, we can come up with a way around Tinkertech black-boxing and bring our advances to the masses!" As he got up to go, he leaned over Jessica and gave her a quick, chaste kiss on the cheek, before leaving for his lab.

Jessica blushed deeply as she realized what just happened, and Agent Steele, quite uncharacteristically, covered her mouth and began giggling, saying "this is so going in the roomer mill!"

Madeleine walked in on Jessica chasing Agent Steele around the room, shouting "you aren't going to tell anybody anything, you hear me?!" Confused and not wanting to get involved in… whatever this was, she quickly made her way to the changing room to get ready for her patrol.​
A Jumbled Up Day
14 July 2010

Sophia knew that, at some point, she'd have no choice but to at least consider joining the Wards.

She'd been going out as Shadow Stalker to do vigilante work for years now. Mission after patrol after ambush, she'd taken down dozens, if not hundreds of assholes who didn't deserve to be out on the streets. Members of the Empire Eighty Eight, Azn Bad Boyz, even the smaller gangs, like a few of the mercenaries from Coil's Organization, were among those she'd targeted. Oh, not all of her targets were from the gangs – there'd been plenty of unaffiliated pickpockets, muggers, and even kidnappers that she'd taken down during her time out on the streets.

Unfortunately, she was well aware that she wasn't the strongest person out there. She'd been going after the dregs, after all – creeps who weren't as strong as her, who never could be as strong as her. However, it was only a matter of time before somebody stronger than her decided to fight back. In fact, it had already happened, twice, and she considered herself to be lucky to have gotten away defeated them before she could get hurt both times. That was why she'd joined forces with Emma Barnes, who could watch her back, warn her of incoming capes, that sort of thing. Of course since Emma didn't have powers, she'd have to help Emma get away without injury, and that was a whole thing, and she really didn't want to have to deal with that.

Thus, why Sophia had ever even considered joining the wards. If the gangs ever got their acts together, they'd be able to overpower her without even trying, and she didn't want to know what would happen then, whether it be to her or to Emma. Her power could only protect one of them, after all, and it was only a matter of time before they found a power interaction that got past her power.

Now, though, Sophia didn't really have a choice. If that idiot ganger hadn't moved after she'd fired her bolt, it would have pinned his cargo pants to the asphalt of the alleyway instead of his leg, and he wouldn't have nearly bled out, leading to her needing to call for help! But nooo, he just had to need an ambulance, which needed her help guiding the paramedics to the wounded man, and wouldn't you know it, Miss Militia was acting as a ride along for a randomized patrol! And so, Sophia (in costume as Shadow Stalker) was arrested for reckless endangerment and brought in to PRT holding on charges, wherein she was given a choice: either join the Wards, or go to Juvenile Detention until she was an adult.

Hell of a choice that was!

And so, here she was, waiting to meet her new team mates after Mr. Barnes managed to argue down her probational period to just a bare six months. Sophia would never admit to it, but she was actually kind of nervous pissed off. She didn't know these kids. She didn't trust these kids. She wasn't even sure she was going to like these kids. Sophia fidgeted a little bit as she waited with Miss Militia for the door to the Wards base to open.

When it finally did, what she saw was not what she expected. It was a veritable circus inside; Kid Win was using some kind of Tinkertech water gun to blast Aegis, who in turn was trying to dodge for all he was worth. Kid Win was forced to break off his attack when water balloons came smacking down around his feet – looking up, Sophia saw Clockblocker and Vista atop a time-frozen sofa of all things. Glory Girl – and of course the famous Alexandria package was here – came to Kid Win's rescue as she used a pair of squirt pistols to drench Vista, who squealed in surprise as she apparently lost concentration, and the frozen sofa was suddenly on the ground again.

Miss Militia sighed and, as Sophia looked over at her (and away from the utter pandemonium), rolled her eyes as she brought a green whistle up to her lips, giving Sophia a bare second to cover her ears before a piercing, shrill noise filled the air, startling all the Wards.

"Wards, fall in!" Miss Militia shouted. The five present all scrambled into a rough line abreast, each of them at least a little damp (Aegis being the worst, he was soaked head to toe). More members Sophia hadn't noticed came out from behind cover – Psyche giggling like a little girl while leaning against Grue came from behind the now-visible kitchen island, Flinch and Gallant stood from behind another sofa (apparently they'd been defending the games consoles from being shorted out), while Insight was the only one who was totally dry, coming out of a passageway Sophia hadn't noticed before.

"Wards, where are Ace and Trainer?" Miss Militia asked. "You all knew that there was supposed to be a new member introduction today."

Insight spoke up first, smirking. "She's busy right now doing exercises."

Sophia frowned behind her mask, wondering what they were all just doing, if that wasn't exercises, when the name registered with her. 'Ace' she thought, 'probably the most powerful single cape in the Brockton Bay!' As she struggled to keep her internal fangirling, well, internal, Insight's smirk doubled in intensity.

It was just as she thought this that one of Ace's creatures came out of the passageway that Insight and Trainer had come from. It looked like nothing less than an alien ballerina with a pair of red-orange horns, blue pony tails on either side of it's head and bangs covering one eye, and a white tutu over blue tights, and it was perpetually on-point (standing on tippy toes). "Lia, kir kirlia!" the creature exclaimed before looking at Insight as it's eyes glowed.

Insight looked back at the creature, snorted, and looked back at Miss Militia, saying "yep, Ace and Trainer are exercising the latest batch right now, and they've got the music up loud."

Now it was Miss Militia's turn to snort, and Sophia imagined a wry smile under her flag scarf as the woman said, turning to the creature, "in that case, Kirlia, would you be so kind as to teleport everybody here into the exercise room? I think that Ace might appreciate a surprise."

The creature, Kirlia, tittered mirthfully, nodded, and came over to the group as everybody gathered closer together. Miss Militia gestured for Sophia to come closer. Hesitantly, she did so, getting within the circle around Kirlia. The next thing she knew, there was a flash of light, and suddenly she was blasted by some kind of noise that sounded like it was from the 1970s, and a girl shouting "-ree and four and one and two and three and four!"

Somewhat dazed, Sophia looked around, seeing even more of Ace's creatures (Pokemon, she had to remember they were called Pokemon – that's what all the promotional material said, anyway). There were about a dozen of them, all told. Ace being Sophia's favorite Ward the only Ward Sophia respected, she'd memorized made sure she knew how to fight each of her Pokemon that she'd made thus far, and none of these were in the public lineup. She was seeing Ace's newest Pokemon before anybody else! And there was Ace's right hand girl, Trainer, who trained Ace's dog Pokemon and used them to amazing effect in the field! And she was training them OMG!!!

There was a high pitched squealing noise that caused all the Pokemon, their coordinators, and all the Wards to stop what they were doing, and Sophia thought it was Miss Militia doing the thing again with the whistle, right up until everybody – everybody – turned to look at her. That's when Sophia realized that she was the one making that noise, promptly shut her mouth, and wished that the ground would swallow her whole, thankful that, even without her mask, nobody would be able to see her embarrassment on her face.

Right up until Insight fell over laughing.

That's when Miss Militia sighed for the second time that day, visibly resisting the urge to cradle her face in her hands in exasperation. "Ladies and gentlemen of the Wards, I'd like to introduce you all to your newest member, Shadow Stalker. Seeing as Shadow Stalker is joining under probation due to previous criminal acts, her probation terms stipulate that she doesn't get the benefit of keeping her identity a secret from her team mates. Thus," she turned to Sophia as she said this, "please remove your mask."

Sophia did so, with great reluctance and a pout scowl on her face.

"Sophia Hess is her name when out of costume, so please be sure to use that when appropriate. As per normal, it is up to you whether and when you unmask yourselves to her. Special rules, considerations, and the relevant details of her probation have been sent to your respective emails, so be sure you check that. Do any of you have any questions?" Miss Militia looked around at the various Wards members and Pokemon. When none of them asked anything, some of them looking at each other and shaking their heads, she said, "very well then, if you do have any further questions, my office hours are posted, alongside Armsmaster's, Director Piggot's, and Deputy Director Renick's, in the Console room and in the main Wards lounge. That will be all." Miss Militia then promptly turned and left the exercise room (and Sophia had only just now noticed that the music had stopped).

The moment the door out of the exercise room closed behind Miss Militia, Vista suddenly appeared in front of Sophia, megawatt smile shining from under her visor. "Hi, I'm Vista, most powerful Shaker on the east coast!" Suddenly, she removed the visor with her left hand and stuck her right hand out to shake. "But out of costume, I'm Missy to my friends!"

Sophia managed to shake herself out of her shock at the rapid pace of things before any awkwardness hostility could build up, grabbing Missy's hand and shaking. "S-Sophia, but I'm Shadow Stalker in costume. Pleased to meat you?" She had a confused fearsome expression as she said that.

That seemed to be the pebble that started the rock slide of introductions, and she got to know Kid Win (Chris), Gallant (Dean), Clockblocker (Dennis (Danger Dynamite?)), Grue (Brian, but he had to leave to pick up his sister from school), Flinch (Alec), Trainer (Rachel), Insight (Lisa), and Psyche (Tammi). When there was a lull in the introductions, Sophia was confused. "Wait," she said, "aren't there, like, two more members of the Wards in Brockton Bay?"

From behind her, she heard a soft laugh, and turned around to see the girl who'd been keeping count earlier with a sardonic smile. She had thick glasses that made her green eyes pop, curly black hair, a wide, expressive mouth, and oh fuck Sophia knew this girl. "Triumph, our team leader, is out on a patrol with Dauntless, learning the ropes for when he graduates to the Protectorate next year. You'll probably meet him later today, during the pizza party that Dennis and Alec are no doubt planning." ("Hey, no spoilers!") "As for me, you'd know me in costume as Ace, the Pokemon hero. But you might know me better as-"

"Taylor fucking Hebert."

Sophia didn't realize she'd spoken that out loud until Taylor said, "actually, my middle name is Anne, but I'll give you an A for effort." Taylor's smile turned into a scowl, as she continued, "and you'll be cutting it with all that shit that we went through the last two semesters, right?"

Gulping, Sophia couldn't help but stammer out an "okay."

Taylor's expression flipped back to a smile, and she said "great! Now, let's go order that pizza! I've already fed all the Pokemon, but I'm famished!" Thus spoken, she turned on her heel and went for the exercise room exit.

As she was leaving, Sophia had to do a double take as she saw another girl, sitting on a folding chair, and surrounded by Pokemon that looked like they might be hurt. She was wearing a short, pink dress with a white apron over the front, and a white cap with a red cross set inside an image of a pokeball, the cap sitting neatly atop a head of pink… wig. What gave away her identity was the mess of freckles on her face, though Sophia almost didn't recognize her with all the differences plus the calm, rather vacant smile she sported as she inspected the Pokemon. "Wait," Sophia said, "what's Pana-"

"You mean Nurse Joy" Dennis said, driving over Sophia's observation.

"No," Sophia said, "I'm pretty sure that's-"

"Just let it be, Hess." Taylor had dropped back. "Last time somebody tried calling her out on it, Dean spent the next hour with green skin. I don't want to find out if she'll escalate if it happens again."

Gulping a second time in as many minutes, Sophia nodded and followed the rest of the Wards. "So, about that pizza!"