I'm waiting for Weld or people on PHO to think the MC found Weld's sibling/cousin. Since Parahumans that are related have similar powers and C53s have amnesia plus no idea where they come from this can easily start some major misunderstandings if the MC tries the C53 excuse again.
"Yes, Heroes'R'Us, Magus speaking, how can I help you?...someone compassionate, quippy and with speedster powers...excellent choices. We also have an Alexandria Special this month, two flying bricks for the price of one? Just the Speedster for now? Of course, ma'am"
I was kinda worried about the relatively large spend on animism, but "competent subordinate-mancy" is a huge paradigm shift so long as you do your due diligence screening and properly onboarding your new 'heroic spirits'.
Chapter Seventy Nine New
Hey everyone, just a reminder that I have a Patreon! Being a supporter has a lot of benefits, like early chapters and access to my original content. You could get up to eight chapters early from this story and either four or eight from my other two. Board Members even get to vote on story beats, interludes, names, and the bonus unlock during Arcanum's recharge cycle! (The first vote was for Geomancy, and the second was Druidcraft, followed by Arcane Focus Creation!)

If you are interested in those benefits or just want to support my attempt to become a full-time writer, stop by and show your support. Every dollar helps!

The guardian spirit and I sat down in the common area of the compound, the area lit up by hanging little bottles of light. Once we had settled down, I began to explain just why I had awakened him, and what had happened to the world since he had last gotten any glimpses. As an object to be worn, it would lay dormant between owners, meaning that for the last thirty or forty years, it had simply been asleep. Unsurprisingly, given the people he was pulling from, he was disturbed and angered by the news, especially when I explained just how far the local police force had fallen.

"There were always bad eggs. That's a given," He admitted with a frown. "You give enough people power, and some of them can't handle it. But to hear that it's just expected… that's horrible! I can't believe everyone would sink so low! It's so frustrating... gosh darn it!"

He stood and began pacing, the sound of his footsteps barely muffled by the wooden floorboards.

"It is unfortunate, but there isn't much we can do at the moment," I said with a frown. "Hopefully, by cleaning up the gangs a bit more, we can give the good ones a chance to clean up their mess."

The large metal construct continued to pace as if trying to burn off extra energy. Eventually, he did sit back down, the chair creaking as it was quite a bit more aggressive than necessary.

"Is there really no one we could tell? The state should know that this city is such a mess!" He said, frustration clear in his voice. "The governor could declare a state of emergency and bring in the National Guard!"

"Honestly, they probably already know what's going on," I admitted with a frown. "This city is oddly isolated from the rest of the state, even the country. So many of the problems here would be solved with outside help, but… no one seems interested. I mean, we had an openly known sex slavery ring set up in the docks south. I may have discovered its location, but to just let it go, no matter who was guarding it..."

The large metal-bound spirit was silent for a while, considering my words. I could see their face shift as they went through several strong emotions before leaning back heavily in their chair.

"Peter must be rolling over in his grave," The spirit said. "And Christopher would have been heartbroken."

"Then help me do something about it," I said, leaning forward. "For them and for yourself."

The spirit was silent for a moment, eventually looking up at the slightly swaying lights.

"The echo of Peter still dislikes the idea of vigilantism, but… I can see the reason why it's necessary," they admitted. "I am not the police, and I never was. If the system is broken… then working outside the system is necessary."

"So you will help me?"

"If the state of the city is as dire as you claim?" He admitted, crossing his arms, looking through the trees to see slowly brightening daylight. "Then, as long as you remain on the side of justice, I will join you."

"I'm glad to hear it," I said with a smile. "You should start thinking of a name, it's part of being a realized, thinking entity, even if spirits never naturally get them. Beyond that, we should get you some clothes, a uniform of sorts will help you interact with the public more easily. It doesn't need to be a costume, but something to set you apart would probably work better."

He nodded, seeming to take my suggestions in stride. As we talked about his options, I could tell that the spirit was settling down. The wild, almost alienness his words and questions had held calming down. He was still relying heavily on the people he was echoing, almost visibly switching between them, but that, too, was already fading.

We continued to talk about being a hero, the city, and the rest of the world. Eventually, we drifted to the Endbringers, a rather depressing topic, one that seemed to shake him up quite a bit, not that I could blame him in the slightest. I nearly vomited the first time I saw some of the secret, non-government-approved footage of Leviathan tearing heroes apart as it smashed through Kyushu.

"It seems… pointless to fight something so strong," my new ally said, watching a short clip of Leviathan knocking down a building by smashing it with his tail on my phone. "What could we do against something like that?"

"Right now? Not a whole lot," I admitted. "For the moment, Endbringers are all about whittling them down, fighting them until they finally retreat. Occasionally one of the Triumvirate will manage to drive them off early, all at once… But beyond that, we just have to work them down."

"What do you mean by 'for the moment'?"

"Not to sell myself as the main character, but I am a powerful mage already, only two months into my career," I pointed out, running my hand through my hair. "My knowledge is growing steadily, and my power will follow along behind it. Eventually, I am hoping to increase my spell or ritual crafting skills until I can create something that will eliminate or capture one of them. Unfortunately, we need to be prepared before we can do that. Things will likely accelerate after that, as the Endbringer Truce is, in quite a few ways, is a major support of the face of civility and blind eyes we have for major criminals. If we start killing Endbringers, the Truce might unravel, and a lot of things will start to come undone."

"The fact that the PRT engages in this… game with the villains of this world is disturbing," the spirit said, shaking its head. "By what you describe, I understand that it's necessary…"

"I know, I dislike it as well," I agree. "But we need to work within it for now. Besides, what else could we do, murder our way through the E88? I may dislike the status quo, but going that far is not something I am willing to do either."

"No, I suppose not. It is just... frustrating," they admitted with a frown. "I am beginning to understand why you have awoken me and intend to wake others. Without the power to hold your own, to defend what you oversee… It is truly like the wild west, where might makes right."

"Yes, and I hate it. But for now, we need to use it. As long as we have might, then we can be the ones to set things right."

He nodded, before switching topics to some of the features of the Bay, including my allies. The number had grown considerably over the last month and would only go up now that I could make them on my own.

Eventually, the subject of allies turned to their powers, which led to discussing his abilities. Due to his golem frame and the amount of extra magic I put on it, he was noticeably stronger than the other golem. He could eat steel, brass, iron, and copper to heal damage, recover lost mass, and even gain it if necessary. His core was under four or five inches of metal, while his "heart", the worn metal badge, was just about the same.

Basically, as long as he didn't get shot by something much bigger than a fifty cal in either place, I could just use magic to put him back together again. Destroying the core would freeze him until I could make another, but there was only so much damage the badge, his heart, could take before his spirit would just disperse. That was his one actual weak spot.

On top of all that, he also had a rather interesting ability. When I was shifting and strengthening certain strands and echoes, I noticed that both of the echoes the spirit pulled from were dog lovers. Seeing a common thread to work with, I tied them together and solidified it, harmonizing the two echoes. The result of that, however, was that with a gesture, the spirit could summon a pair of ethereal canines, a doberman pinscher or a golden retriever. The doberman pinscher was faster, stronger, and tougher than a flesh and blood dog had any right to be, and was colored black and white like it had been greyscaled. The golden retriever, on the other hand, was just as lovable and goofy as the actual breed was but glowed with an internal golden light, which we confirmed was low-level healing magic. It wouldn't bring people back from the brink, but it would definitely stabilize serious injuries, until more capable people could arrive.

"That is an interesting combination," I admitted, watching the golden retriever walk around the compound, sniffing and nose into things, while the doberman stood almost at attention, awaiting orders. "How… permanent are they?"

"I think I can keep them up, but I can recall them just as easily," the spirit said, rubbing his shiny fingers over the Doberman's head. "I think they can be forcefully dispersed as well, and that would… probably be rough for me. But it wouldn't be permanent."

"That's good. Their vulnerability to permanent death would be a big weakness you would have to look out for," I said, the guardian totem spirit nodding in agreement. "How bad is 'rough?'"

"I could work through one, but I would need a minute if they both got knocked out at once," he explained with a wince. "Probably more than a minute, if I was honest."

"In that case… bringing them both out at once might be asking for trouble," I suggested. "Plus, it's never a bad idea to hide some abilities for emergencies later."

The golden retriever made his way to me, putting his head in my lap, his glow increasing for a moment as if he were checking on my health. I scratched his head, feeling the fur between my fingers.

"How much of this are you controlling?" I asked, the semi-transparent canine huffing as his tongue hung out of his mouth. "They are pretty life-like."

"I can exert full control, but when I don't have the sort of do their own thing…" He explained with a shrug. "They aren't alive in any sense of the word, as far as I can feel."

We continued to talk about his powers and my magic as I started getting ready for the day, first showering before putting on my costume. When I was done, we made our way to the ritual platform.

"Alright. So here is the deal. Eventually, I will cut you and whatever other spirits I awaken loose to cover whatever territory needs patrolling," I explained, letting my jacket settle on my shoulders, feeling Kali adjust the collar for me. "This is just the introduction phase. If you want to talk, you can talk, but we are basically just showing you off and letting people get used to you. Plus, I want to introduce you to Crow and whoever is patrolling for New Wave today."

"You mentioned clothes?" the spirit guardian asked.

"That is our first stop. There is a second-hand shop that should have everything you need," I explained. "It might get a little weird going there in costume, but since you stand out no matter where you go…"

"About that… is there any way you could turn down the shine?" He asked, looking down at his hands. "I feel like a Christmas tree ornament."

I frowned as I considered the question before making my way over to one of the tree storage units. I started to dig through my metal samples, looking for the one I had the most of.

"Well…I could definitely kill the shine, give you a matte finish," I assured him, before pulling out a half dozen rods of rebar, from when my geomancy enhancements weren't permanent. "How about a darker iron finish instead?"

"Some shading would be nice?"

I snorted and gestured for him to get closer, letting him take a knee in front of me. I then used some of my metal manipulation spells to work in the iron like clay, mixing it into his face and body. He went from looking like polished gold to burnished bronze, with darker spots for highlights. Despite not having much experience, the process went well, though I was still considering finding a way for someone with more sculpting experience to help.

When I was finished, I whistled for the golems, sending one of them back so there were three, plus the spirit and myself. They then held on to my arms as I chanted the teleportation spell, all of us appearing just inside the entrance of an alley, right across the street from a second-hand shop. The golems remained outside while we entered, the spirit walking through the clothes aisles, while I talked to the person behind the counter as well as the manager.

The guardian spirit was oddly decisive with his clothes. He grabbed a pair of navy blue dress pants, a light blue dress shirt, and a simple, cut-back black peacoat, one without the massive collar. The final touch was a newsboy cap, which he found at the bottom of a whole pile of used hats. With a belt, some boots, and some black leather gloves, the look was finished. I quickly paid for the clothes and we left, were a crowd already starting to form around the outside of the shop, people daring each other to get closer to the golems. I whistled, and people backed away as the golems stood up[ straight and followed behind us into the alleyway.

A few seconds later, we arrived at the usual meeting point, the golems falling in line as we approached Crow, sitting in her usual spot. Immediately, she noticed something was off, standing up and leaning forward to look up at the recently awakened spirit's face.

"Well… that's an interesting look," She said, walking around the golem. "I like the clothes, and the head looks good, but why the change? I thought you did the whole 'golems aren't people, they don't even have heads' thing on purpose?"

"I do, but this isn't a golem," I explained with a smirk.

"Hello Crow, I-"

Before he could finish talking, Crow shouted and leaped backward, throwing out a barrage of feathers, several of them catching his shadow on the wall of the alley. This locked the guardian spirit up completely, freezing him as he reached out with his hand for a handshake.

"Not bad, you're getting quick at that," I complimented, nodding in appreciation.

"Thanks," She responded smoothly, slowly standing up before gesturing with her crowbar. "You uh... wanna explain what the hell this is?"

"This is what I was talking about," I explained with a smirk. "The answer to needing more allies to hold back not just the E88, but also protect the city from gangs and villains coming in trying to fill the vacuum."

"You... you made a sentient golem?" She asked, her eyes going wide. "I... that's big, Arc..."

"Uhhh, kinda? It's hard to explain, but..." I started, pausing as the guardian spirit finally broke free from her feather. "He is a golem, but... well, just treat him like he is alive 'cause he kind of is."

"Apologies for startling you, Ma'am," the awakened spirit said, still holding out his hand. "I look forward to working with you."

"Yeah... same here," She said, reaching out to shake his hand, shooting daggers with her eyes at me. "Welcome aboard, I suppose."
I quickly paid for the clothes and we left, were a crowd already starting to form around the outside of the shop, people daring each other to get closer to the golems. I whistled, and people backed away as the golems stood up[ straight and followed behind us into the alleyway.
remove the bracket

Crow got an interesting surprise. At least this time he didn't hide anything for a while first... that might help, a bit, maybe?
Chapter Eighty New
ey everyone, just a reminder that I have a Patreon! Being a supporter has a lot of benefits, like early chapters and access to my original content. You could get up to eight chapters early from this story and either four or eight from my other two. Board Members even get to vote on story beats, interludes, names, and the bonus unlock during Arcanum's recharge cycle! (The first vote was for Geomancy, and the second was Druidcraft, followed by Arcane Focus Creation!)

If you are interested in those benefits or just want to support my attempt to become a full-time writer, stop by and show your support. Every dollar helps!

With the ABB almost completely collapsed, it was decided that, for now, our patrols should focus on the area where the now "cleared" area joined up to E88 territory. It was rather obvious that the Empire was keen to start expanding into the new area and that we were the only thing keeping them out. I could feel Alya expanding around me, happy to be spread out after spending so much time compressed as I worked on my totem magic.

"I still cannot believe that Nazis openly exist in the city," the still-nameless guardian spirit said, shaking his head. "The occasional Klan member stirring up trouble, sure, but Nazi's? The country loved to hate them! Kids used to play 'hunt the…German,' during the war, for God's sake."

Crow turned to look at the metallic awakened spirit before looking back at me. I simply shrugged, before turning to answer his question. It was clear that spirit was implying a less-than-kind word had been used instead, and Crow had obviously picked up on him talking about history as if he had experienced it.

An increasingly large part of myself was beginning to think it was time to let Crow in on my big secret, as it was getting hard to explain what was going on. At least people like New Wave weren't privy to how a lot of my rituals worked, but Crow had witnessed them herself just before the battle with Lung. I wouldn't be surprised if she had her own suspicions already and just considered them too crazy to voice.

"They exist for the same reason they existed in Germany," I explained, bringing myself back to the conversation with a sad frown. "When things start to fall apart, a lot of people find it easier to blame a group of people than admit it's their own fault, or even that it's no one's fault but random chance. It only gets worse when someone notices and uses that to gather power for themselves. I'm not making excuses for them, I don't care how bad it is, it's no excuse for what they do. Worse is that it poisons them and the people around them, changing the way they think until all they can do is hate. And lying to yourself like that is addictive, almost impossible to let go of."

That seemed to answer the awakened spirit's question, but it did nothing to settle him. For a while, we walked silently down the street, occasionally shaking hands and getting photographs taken. It was pretty startling how normal that had gotten, the attention seemingly like just part of the job. Equally surprising was just how much the area we were patrolling had changed with news of the ABB's almost complete collapse. The streets were more active, with people walking down the sidewalks and cafes and restaurants opening up seats outside. It was like a storm had passed, and people were coming out to see the damage and escape their cramped homes.

Eventually, I brought up that the spirit was still looking for a name, and once Crow had gotten past her confusion, we started coming up with suggestions. Some of them were a bit capey, while others were just normal names. Eventually, the spirit cut me off after I suggested Jackson.

"Smokey," He said with a confident nod. "You can call me Smokey."

Both Crow and I shared a look, and I very carefully kept my face clear of any judgment.

"Are you sure?" I asked carefully. "Once people start calling you that, it's going to be hard to change it. Plus, people might connect it to Smokey the Bear."

"That's fine, Christopher always liked him," He said with a distant smile. "Plus, it's a nickname for state troopers, and I like that. Peter was a trooper before he retired."

"I… didn't know that," I admitted, nodding after a moment of silence. "Alright, Smokey, it is."

Now Crow looked really confused, giving me an intense look even though I couldn't see her face. I could almost feel her trying to ignore her trust issues, which is what finally convinced me.

"Later, Crow. Stick around when I go healing, and we can go back to the forest," I assured her, patting her shoulder. I promise to explain everything there."

"...I'm gonna hold you to that," She explained after a long pause before turning back to focus on the sidewalk.

Our patrol continued for another few hours, with Smokey, Crow, and I walking alongside each other and the golems walking behind us, waiting to follow my command. Eventually, we met up with Manpower and Laserdream, who were surprised by Smokey's presence but quickly recovered enough to shake his hand and welcome him to the vague team-up we had going. They clearly had questions, but since they didn't ask them, I felt no need to volunteer the information.

After leaving the two superheroes, as well as their own golems, to take over the patrol, I teleported my group to the hospital. Rather than teleport onto the front lawn like I usually did, this time, I appeared in a room on the second floor, one cleared of anything and marked liberally with caution tape and obvious warning signs. I told them my landing spots were adjustable, and I could just as easily land on the roof, but they explained that the emergency helipad took up most of the walkable space, so they understandably didn't take to that idea.

After a brief conversation with the on-duty medical director, I went about my rounds, healing nearly two dozen people. Smokey got a few odd looks, but nobody commented, not even those he talked to.

When I was done with my rounds, I bribed Crow with lunch to let me push my explanation off a bit longer. I wanted to stop by a few plant nurseries before we headed home, as well as a grocery store. What she did not expect was for me to bounce around to three different towns, stopping off at local plant nurseries. Not every shop had fruit tree seeds, which was why it took so long to find pear, apricots, and plums. I couldn't find a few of the seeds I needed since they normally couldn't be grown in the New England region, so I had to order them special. They would be ready to pick up in a few days.

Once we were done, I teleported us back to the compound, stopping by the hospital to grab Smokey, who had been waiting in the newly made landing room, as well as a pair of pizzas for lunch and a final stop at a grocery store, for a large chunk of beef.

Thankfully, Crow had the same preference as me when it came to eating, namely that we didn't talk about anything stressful. Instead, we chatted about the compound and about what I could do to help the docks community. When we were done, we made our way to the ritual platform, and I started going through my storage while Crow, still in her costume, sat down nearby.

"So, you said you would explain some things," She asked, nodding to Alya as she coalesced nearby. "You gonna make good on that or?"

"First… you need to promise to keep this to yourself," I said, talking to her as I started pulling things out of storage and placing them on the table to be used. "Kinda pointless, I know, I either trust you or not, the words don't mean much. But this is a big deal. I would like to hear you say it, at least."

"I… Yeah, I promise," she said, stopping herself from immediately confirming. "I trust you, and I want you to trust me."

"I do trust you," I confirmed before snagging a piece of electrum chalk and making my way to the platform, getting down on all fours and slowly getting started.

The ritual I had in mind was locked in my head from the latest upgrade to druidcraft, so I could easily copy it down while still paying attention to my conversation.

"...so, what did you want to explain?" She asked, watching me work.

"I'm not a parahuman," I responded simply, pushing myself to my knees and meeting her eyes. "I don't have those brain growths, and I never triggered. What I do is magic."

She stared at me, my words seeming to have no effect on her. I couldn't see her face since she was still wearing her cloak, but that was fine. As I waited, I focused back on the ritual, slowly drawing it out, symbol by symbol, line by line. It was about five minutes before she finally spoke up.

"You really believe that?" she asked.

"I know it's true," I responded, still working. "Just like you know that I'm not crazy."

"How could I possibly know that?" she asked, her voice cutting with a chipped edge, prompting me to look up at her.

"Crow. You've seen more of what I can do than anyone," I pointed out. "From the first time you saw me fight, all the way until earlier today when you learned I could make sentient guardians with their own abilities. At any point during any of that, have you seen my work and thought. 'Oh, yeah, that's definitely a parahuman ability?'"

She leaned back in her chair, my words seeming to force her down as if speaking the truth had made the situation more real.

"When you first put on that cloak, did it feel like tinker tech?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or did it feel like magic?"

When she again didn't respond, I got back to work. I managed another two minutes before she spoke up again.

"Alright. So you're magic. Why haven't we seen any other magic around?" She asked, and when I sat up to look at her, her hood was down, revealing her beautiful scarred face. "Where aren't there any unicorns and dragons?"

"There is so little magic in this world that the amount of magical phenomena is near zero," I explained with a frown. "My guess is that there is magical stuff happening, it's all just so minor and subtle that you can barely register it. No idea why it's like that, but magic does exist, just in tiny amounts. Certainly not enough to make anyone else like me."

"If it's impossible, how are you magic then?"

"That's… a difficult question to answer," I admitted, letting out a breath and frowning. "I'm not sure you want the answer."


"I know you want the answer. And if you ask, I will tell you," I responded before she could say anything else. "But it's a lot, not something everyone can take learning. I'm not saying this because I'm lying or because I don't want you to know. I'm saying this because I don't think you'll enjoy knowing the truth."

"You're assuming I would even believe you."

"You do believe me. That's why it's so hard to wrap your mind around," I pointed out, leaning back down to continue drawing on the platform. "If you thought I was crazy or playing a role, you would just wave it off, have a laugh at my expense, and move on. This is so serious because you know I'm not lying, crazy, playing a role, or anything like that."

Again silence returned. I was thankful that both Alya and Smokey had, at some point, realized that this was a bit of a private conversation, and had left, as much as Alya could leave me. Even Kali, who was aware of everything that happened in her domain, was "focusing" elsewhere, creating the illusion of privacy.

"Why are you telling me this?" Olivia finally asked. "If you're telling the truth… why tell me?"

"Because I trust you. Because you're working closer to me than anyone and I can tell you were starting to catch on," I explained. "Because I saw how much me hiding Alya from you hurt you, and I didn't want to do it again. Because you were already noticing that Smokey was not just some sentient golem AI. Because you're my friend, and you deserve to know."

That seemed to catch her off guard, and while silence did return, it was not nearly as heavy. I continued to draw and outline the ritual, getting most of the way through before she spoke up.

"So, these rituals… they are real, actual magic?" She asked, standing from her spot to walk around.

"That's right. I have to fuel them with my mana, plus anchor the item with material sacrifices," I explained, putting the finishing touches on the ritual. "Pass me all the stuff I have lined up over there. This is a complicated one."

She nodded and passed me each ingredient for the ritual, starting with a quarter cut of the beef I just bought, a ruby, a little fragment of hematite, a small ingot of gold, and several other ingredients, before handing me the focus, a single pear seed. I carefully placed each one in the correct spot before making my way out of the ritual and kneeling down beside it.

"This one's gonna take a bit to get going, so feel free to find where Alya and Smokey went," I suggested. "Don't go too far from the compound, though, or the protections will kick in, and you won't be able to get back."

She nodded, and I turned my focus to the ritual, slowly focusing on charging it up. This particular ritual was a slow start, meaning I had to delicately infuse my magic into the whole ritual before it could all start at once. Then I needed to maintain that output for another twenty minutes. A difficult task, but considering I had done longer rituals already, so I wasn't exactly new to it.

By the time I was done, Smokey and Alya had returned, the former talking quietly with Olivia while the latter simply floated and watched. I could feel Kali swell up and influence the end of the ritual, stepping in to refine and bind the seed to herself on a minor level. A flash of images and feelings told me it was so it would respond better to her care and that it wouldn't affect the fruit.

I barely had time to inspect the seed before Kali pulled herself into her dryad golem, happily taking the seed from me and rushing to the orchard. I quickly followed after her, only to find that she had already cleared and cordoned off an area for the magical enhancement plants. Flat stones lead off the wooden walkway, curling around into several large circles, all connected together in a tree-esque manner, each circle wide enough for a few fruit trees. I would have to cut down some trees and expand the clearing if we wanted to expand the number of circles, but for now, it was more than adequate.

"It looks good, Kali. Feel free to plant the seed wherever you want," I said with a smile, watching as she almost skipped down the stone path, stepping into one of the circles and gently planting the seed.

I could feel her working her magic on the whole circle, but I still needed to step in and cast some spells on the seed itself. Nothing major, just a minor increase in growth. I couldn't do anything close to what I did with the food orchards, as the effects would ruin the end result.

I had a feeling that Kali was gonna find a way to speed it up anyway, but I wasn't going to complain.

"So…what did I just watch you make?" Olivia asked, her eyes watching Kali, who was excitedly watching me push my magic into the soil, drawing up nutrients and freshening up the soil. "And who is this?"

"That was something called a divine fruit tree. And no, there is nothing divine about it. It's just a name," I assured her. "A divine fruit tree creates fruit that enhances people permanently. This is going to be a pear tree. It should bear fruit that tunes muscles and unlocks a person's full strength."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Olivia's wide-eyed look, stopping when Kali poked me and gestured to be introduced.

"Oh, and this is Kali. She is... well, honestly, what she is is a bit complicated," I admitted, scratching my head. "How about we sit down and start from the beginning? There's a lot to go over, and I'm sure you'll have questions."

After a long moment, Olivia let out a long breath and nodded in agreement, so I smiled and led her back into the main compound, away from the orchard, my three other companions following after us.
Yay, honesty, and now the Ziz could learn about magic through his parahuman friend. Cause normal shard do pass information to precog shard through [Query] order to help with prediction.

She don't have the mana to do anything or understand him fully, but she could see the past and that's enough to do some serious damage if she want to.
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Yay, honesty, and now the Ziz could learn about magic through his parahuman friend. Cause normal shard do pass information to precog shard through [Query] order to help with prediction.

She don't have the mana to do anything or understand him fully, but she could see the past and that's enough to do some serious damage if she want to.

Ziz could already do that though. The moment he used magic was the moment he was under the microscope by any interested shard. Especially when he fought Parahumans with and they knew he had no shard.

The thing about Worm is that every square inch of the planet is under observation by some Shard, and all of it is observed by the Simurgh. The only reason the golden idiot didn't show up is because Scion isn't reading his work emails.

There's no reason being honest to a close confidant would hurt him, because he's already under 24/7 Eldritch Surveillance.
Ziz could already do that though. The moment he used magic was the moment he was under the microscope by any interested shard. Especially when he fought Parahumans with and they knew he had no shard.

The thing about Worm is that every square inch of the planet is under observation by some Shard, and all of it is observed by the Simurgh. The only reason the golden idiot didn't show up is because Scion isn't reading his work emails.

There's no reason being honest to a close confidant would hurt him, because he's already under 24/7 Eldritch Surveillance.
Yeah, but they don't really know what he is doing or that it is 'Magic'. By telling her what he is capable of, the shard network(or ziz idk) has more information to play with.
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Yeah, but they don't really know what he is doing or that it is 'Magic', by telling her what he is capable of, the shard network(or ziz idk) has more information to play with.

Every time he's had a talk with just Alya or Kali about what he's currently doing, the shards have gotten more context about magic. Every spell cast, every ritual done, has already been analyzed and dissected by minds the size of continents.

The moment any OCP steps on Earth Bet, the information security game has pretty much been lost unless you can keep out all extradimensional eyes from the very start. And even then, if they want to learn more, they'll just prioritize the OCP as a host, and that's only going to be stopped if the Marvelous Magic's benefactor prevents it.

There is no way to win an information game by just being hush hush. The Shards know everything that can be observed. The only secrets safe are in your head, and only if there isn't a future where you talk about them.

Also, our main character has no meta-knowledge. He doesn't even know about Shards or Scion being an entity. He has no in-story reason not to talk to his Parahuman friends about his magic.
Really hope we don't skip the convo... Always kinda bugs me when an interesting explanation (of things we already know) is entirely cut out simply because we already know. The reactions and questions she poses tell us a lot, and especially what she chooses to focus on and ignore.

On the topic of 'info security'... Yea, Shards are functionally omniscient, and only a couple steps off omnipotent. The hosts that use this power, on the other hand, are not (and barely get a fraction of a fraction of what the Shards themselves work with). And Shards take an extreme no-interference policy even when the Cycle is being pretty actively threatened. They exist to collect useful [DATA], not really as antagonists or threats, barely even as entities(though a lot of stories humanize/incentivize them all to let them act as characters) outside of a bare few exceptions. Even the Endbringers (the most directly hostile shard things we see) only exist because Eden fucked up and died, Contessa has no idea what she's doing with the corpse of an eldritch god, and David is a mess of issues so bad his dead-shard was like 'Oh, self-confidence issues? I got just the thing back... here... Oops'.

Besides... The utter lack of magical power is a pretty obvious problem for Shards, who thus can't actually manipulate/experiment with it (and probably don't have the ability to interact with it beyond sensing it anyways). They might be able to simulate MC perfectly, but without understanding the magic well enough to simulate it... they can't simulate it to understand it better. And given they probably can't identify the background magic already around, the best they can do is predict MC and not really take advantage of magic themselves. Even then, not even MC knows how magic that he will purchase with his Charges will work...
Come to think of it, the random magic knowledge add on to the usual charge he have is the best anti precog he have right now. The last time it change how he think and operate his magic around other.

It's something from outside shard range changing him after all.
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