I wonder how difficult it'd be to just straight up make people capes. Doesn't have to be fancy, just "btw you can turn into a wolf" or "you have perfect balance and hand/eye coordination" or "I'm adding an electromagnetic sense for you to use". Little stuff that isn't much on its own but can make things difficult for regular goons and makes it so that natural triggers can focus on other things.

Or just giving capes additional powers; Skitter was scary, but Skitter with waterbending would be scarier.
Why ever invest in anything other than rituals?

They seem to be capable of an arbitrarily large and diverse number of things. Dropping more points into it would probably advance it solidly into the realm of "does whatever the caster wants."

The only 'downside' is a negligible amount of prep, which can be handwaved away since it's not like the SI lacks for time, safety, or resources.

Maybe also drop a few points in whatever 'summon ingredients' tech tree surely exists to cover the latter.
Hey, just popping it to say thanks for the great story. It's nice to finally see someone tackling infinite growth potential as is II or CF or any other type and NOT making the MC practically God by day 2. Those stories are the boring ones because they never let us feel the MC earned anything and there is 0 tension. It's like watching someone play creative mode and diving in to the lava and pretending it's scary when the reader knows lava heals the MC. There is also the fact that a problem always stops being a problem by the time MC is fineshed explaining it which 2 weeks of real time living seem to fix (mostly) as the power creep is more gradual.

I really enjoy your MC's interactions with people outside the usual BB characters, sure you still include the usual, but they don't take over the story completely. In fact a lot of things get moved and resolved without character directly interfering. Coil's PRT thing is barely mentioned, but I can see it happening and being resolved in the background. Honestly the only overplayed bit was with Panacea hurting herself and MC taking up himself to fix it all. I think you already laid groundwork before that for Glory girl to resolve the situation with help from her aunt and kind of wished it would work out in the background there (whether for better OR worse result). The other cases had quests behind them so it's more understandable that MC had to be more involved.

One thing I might note in the future is that free stuff feels unearned - geomancy and druid thing. While the use of these abilities were great and I would gladly accept if he fulfilled a quest to get them, just getting free stuff on top of already getting points seems arbitrary and more of a 4th wall breaking stuff for patreons.

Overall this is an easy 8.5/10 from me
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Why ever invest in anything other than rituals?

They seem to be capable of an arbitrarily large and diverse number of things. Dropping more points into it would probably advance it solidly into the realm of "does whatever the caster wants."

The only 'downside' is a negligible amount of prep, which can be handwaved away since it's not like the SI lacks for time, safety, or resources.

Maybe also drop a few points in whatever 'summon ingredients' tech tree surely exists to cover the latter.

Rituals are a multiplier. While they do seem to have a wild amount of breadth, he still needs other magic to compound their powers with.

A lot of his rituals are related to the previous magic fields he spent charges on: PM Enhancement Spells, Geomancy, Lightning Spells, Healing Spells and Druidcraft. The golems, the material absorption, and his staff are very much tied into the above.

Without Lightning, he wouldn't be able to program lightning spells into his staff. Without Druidcraft, it wouldn't be as powerful either, since its wood is still alive. And he definitely wouldn't get all the money he has now for rituals without healing spells either.

I think the main outliers there is the Shadow Robe he made for Olivia, Kali, and the Magic Shield he made for his robes, but there's an argument that a combination of fields give him just enough information to try things where the fields intersect. Lightning + Healing + Enhancement = Shields isn't a far stretch. But he also has 3 charges into Rituals alone, so that's just a crafting skill showing its worth when you aren't limited by specific effects and can branch out and try things.

I do think Crafting skills are awesome. I really hope he picks up Enchanting or Alchemy in the future. They definitely can be the foundation for amazing spell-casters, but you do need some other magic for the rituals to help with too.

Also, for whatever reason, if he gets separated from his robes or staff, having great magic on hand he can cast without anything boosted by rituals is good to have in his back pocket. His permanent absorption ritual wouldn't have been possible without Geomancy either.
Ritual: imbue magic in living thing. Allows recipient to learn any magic that they study from a master.
That's a Teacher territory... Nobody wants to be compared to Teacher's pets...

On the other hand, I am waiting for fun Noelle interactions (i.e, how that broken mess of a shard will try to copy Alya or our mage directly.
And considering that he really, genuinely tries to help almost everyone... This seems highly likely.
After a few hours of attacking the problem from different angles while trying to figure out the best combination or solution, I realized that my best bet was ritualizing an object to make my brain tougher and more resistant to manipulation. There were a lot of holes in that sort of protection, but it was the best option I had.

The thing with that is that most entity mastering is based on fucking directly with your head, rather than creating illusions outside of it. Entities fuck with reality by physically reaching out and touching it. They don't have weird axes of semantically different methods that do different things. Every time they master someone it's matched by a physical change somewhere in their brain.

Did he just made a item, that works especial against Simmys kind of control?

His method actually works the least effectively against simmy's control, because she's not a master. She's a thinker. She doesn't change your brain, she creates an environment that causes your brain to change itself into the shape she wants it. Thinkers like the simmurgh and contessa are the hardest to protect yourself against outside of attacking their precognition/pericognition directly, because their "mastering" isn't a master power.
His method actually works the least effectively against simmy's control, because she's not a master. She's a thinker. She doesn't change your brain, she creates an environment that causes your brain to change itself into the shape she wants it. Thinkers like the simmurgh and contessa are the hardest to protect yourself against outside of attacking their precognition/pericognition directly, because their "mastering" isn't a master power.
Not sure where you're getting this info, but Ziz bombs are literally that. She does alter neural patterns to create responses to specific circumstances, but doesn't fundamentally change the person to be triggered.

Example: After 50 people have been rung out at your cash register (maybe grocery store), remove pepper spray in your purse and start spraying the people waiting in line.

Grocery checker performed job normally, also had pepper spray in her purse like normal (single woman with it for self protection). Nothing strange there. Strange only showed up when conditions were met. Resulting actions are the only non-normal bit. Simmy can't create an environment in a vacuum. At some point, she's gotta be directly affecting people or there would be no way to "affect the environment" without them.
Not sure where you're getting this info, but Ziz bombs are literally that. She does alter neural patterns to create responses to specific circumstances, but doesn't fundamentally change the person to be triggered.

Example: After 50 people have been rung out at your cash register (maybe grocery store), remove pepper spray in your purse and start spraying the people waiting in line.

Grocery checker performed job normally, also had pepper spray in her purse like normal (single woman with it for self protection). Nothing strange there. Strange only showed up when conditions were met. Resulting actions are the only non-normal bit. Simmy can't create an environment in a vacuum. At some point, she's gotta be directly affecting people or there would be no way to "affect the environment" without them.

She alters people with her scream, which this may or may not block.

Ok. Imagine I shot your pet gerbil in front of you and mocked you for being incapable of stopping me. Because of this, your personality will change. You'll experience symptoms of ptsd. People that look like me will suddenly become scary or uncomfortable to be around. You'll have trouble sleeping. You'll suddenly become very sensitive to loud noises.

I didn't master you, but I created a situation that permanently rewired your brain. I never even touched you.

In machine learning, there's a concept called an adversarial attack. Essentially, by having absolutely perfect knowledge of how the neural network works, you can reverse engineer an image that when added to another image at a very low level tricks the neural network into thinking it's something else. Relatedly, it's possible to invisibly hide unintended behavior inside neural networks! This unintended behavior can be perfectly invisible until the exact conditions are met to unlock it.

So, the simurgh has both a source of apparent noise, her scream, and perfect knowledge of your brain (or at least as it was and will be and the power to solve for the middle) and it's future circumstances. She has all the ingredients to create an adverserial input that looks nothing like someone murdering your gerbil in front of you that nonetheless embeds backdoored behavior inside you.

Most of the people immune to her either no-sell precognition (eidolon) or store their brains extradimensionally (alexandria and legend). In those cases, simmy doesn't have access to perfect knowledge of their brain to create adverserial input, and can't master them.

The other example I'm basing this on is, of course, contessa, who loves not-mastering people with PTV. She managed to master bonesaw by figuring out the exact input that would create the intended behavior in the target system. Contessa never actually touched bonesaw, she just created the perfect situation through perfect knowledge that would result in bonesaw changing herself in the way contessa wanted. I'm saying that the simurghs scream does the exact same thing, just in a less interpretable manner.

Edit: we can actually see an example of this not-mastering in simmies interlude when she mimics TT's brother hanging himself so she isn't bothered

The Simurgh stands tall. The line of her body, the wings set out of the way and angled to draw shadow. Only one wing catches the light, drawing a straight line from the back of her neck towards the sky. A pale line, stretching directly up. She cocks her head to one side, studying the gun she is crafting.

The bent head, the body drawn straight, toes only barely touching the ground. It will invoke a memory. Not blatant, but the memory is framed all the same.
No need to draw on the full force of her feedback when she already has the key elements deciphered.

This actually made me look over her interlude to see if she ever actually outright says "I'm in your head touching yoooou".

Frame a situation to put a target under optimal fear and stress. Hormone secretions increase. Manipulate situation to a position where they will connect familiar visual, olfactory and auditory cues to their immediate environment. Place, smell, degree of stress, sights and sounds match fulcrum point. Hormone secretions increase further.

The result is hallucinations, momentary or sustained. Hearing sounds, seeing things, smelling something, where none truly exist. Fight or flight response feeds need for escapism. A hallucination serves as the first step into a daydream.

During her interlude, constant references are made to "feedback", which is her term for her pericognition senses.

Study, analysis.

An impulse, something that couldn't be tracked with any conventional devices, then a steady feedback. Pretercognition. Spread out over several targets at once, it serves as her primary sense. Each target is conceptualized in the context of twelve to eighty years of history. More time, more feedback from the steady feed of information, and the images clarify. Discard the useless elements, maintain the pivotal ones.

Deciphering, searching for the fulcrum points.

Focus on one target, and the decoding is faster, but this costs her the ability to sense other things in any detail. Necessary, in most cases, to form a distraction, or to strike hard enough that she can take advantage of the enemy's preoccupation.

Note that this sense isn't a physical one. You can't touch it or detect it normally. And it's never described as this feedback being what causes events to happen.
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Chapter Forty Eight
Hey everyone, just a reminder that I have a Patreon! Being a supporter has a lot of benefits, like early chapters and access to my original content. You could get up to eight chapters early from this story and either four or eight from my other two. Board Members even get to vote on story beats, interludes, names, and the bonus unlock during Arcanum's recharge cycle! (The first vote was for Geomancy, and the second was Druidcraft!)

If you are interested in those benefits or just want to support my attempt to become a full-time writer, stop by and show your support. Every dollar helps!

After a simple breakfast of fruit and hot coffee, I buckled down and put together the ritual for my mind protection circlet. In the end, it was not nearly the grand, perfect anti-mind control creation that I was envisioning, but until I found something that worked, it would have to do.

Part of me considered, really considered, dumping my three points into some sort of anti-mind control magic subject, but I honestly didn't think the answer would change. Not even locking my brain in some kind of protective stasis would prevent things like puppeteering my body or in-depth illusions. In order to protect myself from all forms of mind control, at least without covering myself with a few dozen ritualized creations, I would need to invoke the concept of mind protection or something in that vein.

The problem was, from what I could gather and from what I knew, something like that was incredibly powerful magic. Invoking direct concepts or even close to that was only a step or three below directly affecting the soul, which was so far above what I could do that it would likely take dozens of levels into a very limited and specific knowledge tree in order to do it.

Even then, I might not have the actual power to do so anyway.

When I finished the ritual, the result was a simple circlet, just a band of silver that fit perfectly and comfortably on my head, unsurprising since I had used my blood as an ingredient. Most of it was hidden under my hair, but it was visible around my forehead. As much as I was worried it would make me look too much like someone cosplaying an elf, it actually didn't look half bad. Okay, it looked pretentious as all hell, but that doesn't mean it looked bad.

Besides, it's not like I had much of a choice. Unless I wanted to start wearing a crown around, there weren't many more pieces of jewelry you wore around your head, which really helped in its effectiveness.

Thankfully, for my current costume, I could pull my hat down over it to hide it, but even if I couldn't, I would still wear it. I could feel it weaving a bit of protection over my mind, giving me subtle resistance that I was hoping would be enough to break myself free of any mental manipulation. I idly made a note to see if it helped me break out of Glory Girl's influence without Alya's help.

When I was done getting ready for the morning and with my ritual, I finally left the compound behind, making my way through the forest and back to Brockton Bay. Kali escorted me to the forest's edge with her wolves, her actual presence being kept back as her influence had not spread that far.

My first stop was, of course, the hospital, followed by PRT headquarters. I healed just over two dozen people between both stops. Before I could make it out of the PRT headquarters, however, Assault managed to catch up to me. He dismissed the agent escorting me and took the job himself, guiding me to a side entrance. In the process, he explained that the Director wanted a sample of my standard golems so that they could examine it.

"Standard does not clear up what kind she wants," I explained with a frown. "But at this point, I can guess that she wants a living wood golem. It's not what I would call standard, but I find them easier to work with since I can already manipulate wood."

"Yeah… fair, that's right."

"I can make something small and easy tonight," I explained. "I can drop it off in the morning. To be clear. It is going to be very simple, with no frills or extras. It will follow orders simply, and it's not going to be much stronger than a person. That said… I'm open to doing business if the PRT would like to purchase more advanced versions."

"You would sell them? What about maintenance?" He asked, tilting his head. "You seemed too protective of your secrets to just sell them to people."

"I would require some… assurances, as I would with anything I make," I explained, keeping just what kind of assurances I would need to myself. "But the golems could heal themselves, and most of my stuff doesn't require maintenance very often."

"I mean… could you make armor for us like you overcoat?" He asked, suddenly sounding very interested.

"Well… Kinda? To really get the most out of what I make… I require blood samples from the people they are intended for," I explained, waving off his words before he could say them. "Yes, I realize how insane and suspicious that is, which is why I don't go around offering people custom creations to everyone. I could make lesser items that work for everyone, but to really get the most out of them…"

"... Your power is a weird one, man," Assault said, shaking his head. "Like Dauntless and Edilon had a strange child."

"You're not the first person to tell me that," I responded with a shrug. "Not much I can do about it. If my power wants to pretend it's magic, all I can do is roll with the punches."

Assault guided me out of the building and waved goodbye as I jumped up onto Troy with ease. I made my way further into town, doing a lazy, concentric patrol, mostly thinking about what I was going to do next. My overall, short-term goal was to invest my points into something that could tip the scale of power in my favor, allowing me to really start shaking things up in this city. Considering just how many points I would have access to at the start of this cycle, that goal was not nearly as far-fetched as it might have been not too long ago.

Honestly, the options were a bit overwhelming. I could bring three subjects up to the same level as ritual crafting. Alternatively, I could bring up a new subject to that same level while bringing one subject up as well. I could even get started on three new subjects, getting each of them to level two. They wouldn't be massively powerful, but as long as I was careful like I was with lighting and healing spells, I would likely get quite a bit of flexibility out of it.

Of course, I could always dump everything into ritual crafting, bringing it up to level five. Considering what sort of information and power I got from levels one through three, adding four and five could potentially be incredibly potent.

Unfortunately, I wasn't sure if it would be that simple. Assuming that ritual creation went up to level five in the first place, the fundamental weaknesses of ritual crafting, that being time, ease of application, and accuracy of creation, would still be present, reducing the usefulness in actual combat. If I were still home, if there wasn't the constant threat of endbringers in the distance, if the world I found myself in wasn't one where direct combat was the norm, then rituals would no doubt be incredibly potent on a grand scale. But here, I needed to be able to fight. I needed to be able to take down people who were actively harming others.

I let out a long breath, letting the building anxiety drift away as I put my mind to other things. I had time to work out what I wanted, and even if that wasn't true, with no idea what sort of extra little bit I would be getting, there was no reason to set up concrete plans.

By the time I had pulled myself out of my impromptu planning session, I was working my way down the general line between Downtown and the Docks. Things were relatively quiet, but that didn't mean much in Brockton Bay.

Sure enough, about fifteen minutes later, as I made my final cross of the city, I heard the distant sound of sirens, enough of them that there must have been something going on.

"Alya…?" I asked, looking around.

"Smoke to the north," She said, prompting me to turn.

Sure enough, to the south was a rising pillar of smoke. Judging by how dark it was, it was most likely a building. For a moment, a sliver of fear raced through me, and I wondered if the Empire had finally retaliated for the death of Alabaster.

"It's not the community. That's a bit more west," Alya said, relief flooding me before I cursed under my breath. "I'll guide you there."

I nodded and leaned down over Troy, pushing my magic into his body, feeling it begin to glow as we took off down the street. My golem steeds horseshoes sparked and clanged against the ground as my partner kept me on the right track, crossing the city in record time.

As we came around the corner, I could see the fire, which was now tearing through the first and second stories of a multi-story building. The first floor was a convenience store of some sort, though you could hardly tell through the flames. The rest of the building appeared to be an apartment complex, if the people leaning out of the windows were any indication.

I cursed again, louder this time, kicking Troy to go faster, jumping off of him as we got to the street in front of the building. There, firefighters were wrestling with a hose, spraying into the fire on the first floor. I made a beeline for the one controlling the flow from the firetruck.

"What's the situation?" I asked, the man whirling around to face me. "I'm here to help. What can I do?"

"Oni Lee firebombed the first floor," He explained, turning back to the side of the fire truck, tapping a gauge. "The fire spread too quickly, and the building doesn't have an external fire escape. We need the ladder truck, but it's at least another two minutes out, getting held up by who knows what! By the time it gets here, we are going to start losing people!"

I turned back to the fire, then to the road and sidewalk in front of it. Reaching inside my pocket, I pulled out a single acorn.

"If I can build you a ladder now, could you start evacuating?" I asked, the firefighter looking at me oddly. "Well?"

"Yeah, as long as it's safe!"

I nodded and walked closer to the fire, just alongside the three-man crew working the fire hose. I kneeled down and, with all my strength, punched downward into the asphalt. My fist punched a good way through the relatively soft material, and two more punches drove my fist completely through. A fourth and final punch let me place the acorn into the gravely dirt below, promptly buried by the collapsing hole. I quickly chanted out the spell for rapid growth, and in a moment, a tree pushed out of the ground, growing faster than any other tree I had grown, yet since I didn't care in the slightest if it survived, as long as it stayed in place.

The asphalt bulged and cracked as it grew, roots expanding and digging into the ground to stabilize the still-growing tree. I didn't bother growing leaves since they wouldn't serve a purpose and would only get in the way. Instead, I dumped every erg of mana I had into the tree, watching it grow up and up until it reached the third floor, the first without fire. Even as it grew taller, I shifted the branches and growths to form a ladder downward and away from the building. I turned to look at the nearby firefighter team, still controlling the hose, though they were looking at the massive altered tree growing up alongside the building.

"Hey!" I shouted, catching their attention. "Spray the tree to keep it from burning!"

It took a moment for them to nod and follow my suggestion, but by then, I was already vaulting upwards, throwing myself up the rungs of the thick, sturdy tree ladder. I was inside the smoke-filled building seconds later, Alya working hard to keep me surrounded by cleaner, breathable air. I had entered, luckily, into a hallway with doors along either side.

"Everyone! Come to the sound of my voice!" I called out loudly, even as people were already opening their doors. Plenty of people had seen me grow the ladder tree and were now rushing to use it. "Hey! Don't rush! Take it slow and steady, and we can all get out of here alive!"

That got through to most people, even with the thick billowing smoke starting to fill the hallway. One older man ignored my words and tried to shove past a woman crouching low with her daughter. I slammed my hand out across the hall right in front of him, putting a fist-sized hole in the drywall. He let out a yelp as I stared him down.

"Slow. And. Steady," I repeated, the man nodding his head rapidly, continuing on at a much slower, more respectful pace.

I watched and helped people climb out of the building, Alya warning me as the temperature began to rise. People were climbing down on both sides of the tree ladder, both from the floor I was in and the floor above.

Even as the smoke became thicker and thicker, I stayed behind, relying on my partner to keep fresh air coming from outside, as well as keeping an eye on the rest of the building. I ended up walking further into the building, slowly leading an older lady to the window. As a firefighter climbed up to help her down, Alya shouted at me.

"Oni Lee! He is across the street!" She shouted in my ear, causing me to look up. Sure enough, there he was.

Dressed in an all-black ninja costume, he was adorned with two bandoleers filled with grenades. At his hips were multiple knives strapped tightly to his body. His face was covered by a Japanese-style mask, red with horns and a demon's grin on its mouth. After a moment of watching him, his body fluttered away into ash. I almost let out a breath of relief when Alya shouted again.

"Behind you!" she shouted as the old woman and firefighter descended the tree ladder.

I whirled around, turning to find that Oni Lee had teleported inside the building, only a few feet behind me. I barely had time to react before he dropped a grenade at my feet. Even as his body ruined to dust, the grenade detonated, blowing me backward through the window. I fell past the tree all the way to the asphalt below, slamming into it hard enough to leave a small but noticeable dent where my head smacked off of it.

Luckily, I was only a little rattled. My ablative armor was gone but had absorbed a good bit of the explosion before it did, with my own increased durability absorbing the remaining damage. Before I could even start to stand, the ABB demon appeared again, this time standing above me, one hand holding a rather dangerous-looking tanto, the other reaching for a grenade on his belt.
Oooooo, what a rotten place to end it!!!

You sure don't do light cliffhangers, do ya?

I've always wondered why people don't punt grenades away. At worst, it still explodes and kills you, at best it explodes a good distance away from you and you either end up with some shrapnel wounds, or no damage.
Definitely a trap for our hero (must be about his Golems and ABB territory), it's a good thing he just got those upgrades. I think he should upgrade rituals with two points and then use some points for spell crafting just like he did for ritual crafting. Maybe magical combat, intuition (sixth sense) and his third eye along with his chakras.
Well now, hopefully there's an electrical spell that creates a bright flash like a flash bang to blind Oni Lee.
Oooooo, what a rotten place to end it!!!

You sure don't do light cliffhangers, do ya?

I've always wondered why people don't punt grenades away. At worst, it still explodes and kills you, at best it explodes a good distance away from you and you either end up with some shrapnel wounds, or no damage.
Well, for one, kicking a grenade that probably has a shortened timer(given Oni Lee's MO) in a do or die scenario would be incredibly difficult unless you had powers that directly helped with such a thing.

Also, frag grenades have a much larger lethal range than most people think, even if you succeeded at doing so you wouldn't be significantly better off unless you were able to kick it at least 10 meters away before it exploded. Currently the only people that have a decent chance of not getting hit by the grenade is anybody that has the firetruck between them and it, and, ironically, the people still in the burning building.

This is a pretty bad situation, he's surrounded by civilians and he's not going to be able to incant a spell before the grenade goes off(his casting speed just isn't fast enough). The only solutions I see are for him to tank the nade by grabbing it and putting it underneath him to save the civies, or to use the prepared spell in his staff to vaporize the grenade/Oni Lee clone(although I didn't see any mention of his staff so it might still be in Troy). Unless he still needs to use incantations for stored spells, I think he doesn't but I'm not 100% sure. If he can't…. This might ugly.

He recently upgraded his durability by quite a bit and he has good healing magic so there's a good likelihood he'll survive, but even if he does it is going to be very unfun.
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If he went with teleportation magic, even if it's just rituals, he could sell his services like Strider. "Sure I can get you from A to B, but it'll take about five minutes of me waving my hands in the air like a jackass and maybe burning some herbs."

...he might even be able to set up some sort of 'teleportation tree' between cities. That'd be interesting to see.
If Alya has enough electricity to short out cell phones way back in chapter five, she has enough juice to put one teensy, tiny, innocent spark through a grenade in Oni Lee's bandoleer. Or all the grenades. This is a TERRIBLE thing to do to a grenade, mind you.

Granted, that's only a good plan if she's willing to murderize him, and he politely teleports far enough away to get fragged.
Has Bakuda been recruited yet? Because if she is this could be a pain bomb or something to incapacitate him so they could grab him.
You know what I actually thought about, is there anyway for him to get a branch to further empower Alya and maybe get some summons? Both for esoteric materials depending on how it works and for variety in a given situation, also the thought of him giving Alya a super boost into a storm elemental sounds awesome.
Actually, what I think he needs is vertical mobility- being able to fly would be very useful, especially as the Empire and the ABB both have fliers (though if Lung starts growing wings, you are in deep trouble).
Has Bakuda been recruited yet? Because if she is this could be a pain bomb or something to incapacitate him so they could grab him.
It seems unlikely. I think Bakuda triggers end of February or early March. I'm not super clear on the timeline, but I think that it's still February, although it could be March.

Either way, it'd mean revealing to the E88 that they have a bomb tinker that can effectively arm Oni Lee with infinite bombs, which isn't something they were willing to canonically reveal until Bakuda got set up. While we know that Arcanum is mega busted, everybody else doesn't yet so it wouldn't make sense.
It seems unlikely. I think Bakuda triggers end of February or early March. I'm not super clear on the timeline, but I think that it's still February, although it could be March.

Either way, it'd mean revealing to the E88 that they have a bomb tinker that can effectively arm Oni Lee with infinite bombs, which isn't something they were willing to canonically reveal until Bakuda got set up. While we know that Arcanum is mega busted, everybody else doesn't yet so it wouldn't make sense.

It depends on if they had any type of watchers on him since it took him a day or two to make all of those Golems and I could see them giving up on that surprise for the ability to spam out durable and strong cannon fodder to send after the E88 that could buy the ABB about the same amount of time for Bakuda. Plus he's also a healer so he can help keep Bakuda alive if she gets in trouble.