Britain's Salvation [King Arthur Myth RP AU - Nasuverse Variant]

Ser Bors
Name: Bors
Titles: the Younger; the Good; the Chaste; the Boring; Achiever of the Grail
Appearance: Bors is a tall, strapping knight, whose fine features are a little marred by a scar across their left cheek and eye. Their right eye is its original blue, but their left is a shimmering pearl.
Biography: Bors is the older child of King Bors the Elder, an ally of Arthur's in his early wars to unify Britain, and is thus a cousin of Lancelot. Bors the Elder's kingdom was subsequently attacked by King Claudas the Frank. Arthur promised reinforcements but they did not arrive in time, leaving Bors the Elder to fight with his household alone. He was killed by Claudas, who took Bors and their younger brother Leonel hostage, cutting Bors down the face with his sword in the process. The two children eventually escaped to join Lancelot with the Lady of the Lake, who healed Bors' wound and replaced their ruined eye with an exquisite pearl in the process.
Notable Feats: Along with Galahad and Percival, achieved the Grail.
Married Elaine - no, not that one - no, not that one either, the other one - no no, not that one - *sigh* look, it's not important, just know that Bors loves her beyond life itself, and can get a little funny about their relationship, okay?
Equipment: Bors wields Curtana, the Sword of Mercy. Its edge is as keen as any other, but its tip is rounded. A puissant weapon when wielded in righteous anger, it also has the ability to immobilise Bors' opponents, preventing them from causing further harm to innocents or themselves.
Abilities: Eye of Purity - Bors' left eye, a gift from the Lady of the Lake, sees the world as it is. It penetrates illusion and deception, helping Bors to decide the right course of action under all circumstances. It has also, on occasion, granted Bors strange and confusing visions of the far future, nothing that would be of any practical use, but both comforting and disturbing at times.


Lancelot - Bors' cousin and training partner under the tutelage of the Lady of the Lake. Bors loves him deeply, and is always concerned about his recklessness. For his part, Lancelot is both touched by and mildly condescending about said concern.
Kay - Their paths have not crossed overmuch, but he is known to be a respectable and valorous knight.
Gawain - A friend and a trusted ally.
Gareth - Strikes Bors as oddly... flighty, for such a talented knight. She also cannot hide her secret from Bors' Eye of Purity....
Lamorak - An arrogant fool, more trouble than he's worth unless pointed in the right direction and made to charge the foe.
Mordred - This one bears watching.
Myrdinn - The Lady of the Lake has whispered some words of wisdom in Bors' ears, secrets she has not shared even with Lancelot, and therefore Bors knows a little more about the king's counsellor than any suspect....
Vortigern - Bors sees through his honeyed words, and would even without magickal help. Does no-one else perceive his perfidy?

First Encounter with Arthur: Arthur was an ally of King Bors the Elder, who helped him put down the rebellions of the kings Lot, Urien and Caradoc. As the king's oldest child, and of an age to be a page, Bors the Younger joined him on campaign, and served wine to a thirsty Arthur after a victorious battle. While everyone else was praising Arthur's valour and wisdom, the little page noticed that the great king seemed quiet, even sad. Bors' inquisitive gaze caught Arthur's eye, and Arthur gave a tired smile - one that captured Bors' heart, and broke it at the same time.
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Pretty good so far, I like it. The only nitpick here is that Bors the Older is still alive for various reasons, one of them, I can share right now. I don't want a Knight of the Round Table to be immediately a Duke on game start. If Bors' father is dead, as he goes with Lancelot across the channel to retake both of their lands, it'd rightfully become yours although under King Arthur since it was with his army that the reconquest of Benoic and Ganis became possible.
Pretty good so far, I like it. The only nitpick here is that Bors the Older is still alive for various reasons, one of them, I can share right now. I don't want a Knight of the Round Table to be immediately a Duke on game start. If Bors' father is dead, as he goes with Lancelot across the channel to retake both of their lands, it'd rightfully become yours although under King Arthur since it was with his army that the reconquest of Benoic and Ganis became possible.

Okay, that's fine by me. So Bors the Elder didn't die but Bors the Younger and Leonel were still taken hostage, etc. Works for me.

This is all kinds of weird with the timeline though. Where exactly are we within the progression of events? There's some flexibility regarding chronology but some events certainly do happen before or after others.
Okay, that's fine by me. So Bors the Elder didn't die but Bors the Younger and Leonel were still taken hostage, etc. Works for me.

This is all kinds of weird with the timeline though. Where exactly are we within the progression of events? There's some flexibility regarding chronology but some events certainly do happen before or after others.
I'm not sure how as Bors the Older (Elder is more appropriate? I should stop translating from French to English) had any significance later in the timeline that it would make things weird. I can answer your question, though. There are a lot of things to cover to give you something precise but I'll do my best.

Currently, the marriage of Arthur and Guinevere is quite recent. King Arthur has yet to lose Caliburn. Gawain is merely wielding a prototype Galatine made by Merlin, and he has yet to go through the ordeal of the Green Knight. Ser Lancelot had already gotten ahold of his castle. Ser Galahad, Ser Percival and Ser Bors had already gone through the quest for the Grail, all stayed, unlike most versions. Ser Galahad gained his desired seat at the Round Table. He would have gotten one anyway by virtue of being Lancelot's son but you know, son-father shenanigans where the boy doesn't really like the old man. He took the seat to the one and only who has brought the Grail which is different from the usual 'The seat to the one who will bring the Grail' in most canons. The Grail didn't stay in Britain's hands for long before it was returned to the Heavens. Ser Gaheris and Ser Gareth already married the sisters. Morgan conceived Mordred with Arthur during the weeks-long marriage festivities, who is approximatively from four to seven year old. Fast-grown homunculus shenanigans. Ser Lancelot, along with your character, Ser Bors had lead one of Britain's army to take back his and your ancestral lands; you rescued your parents as well who bent the knee to King Arthur.
The earliest relevant event to all of this mishap is Arthur's marriage. All of the things described above happens after it.

What else to say? It's a really broad question, I can go on and on about this and about each individual character. It'll take quite a while and I'll have to check my sources. Do you have any specific questions? And I hope the overall answer up there could pinpoint you somewhat to where we are on the timeline as confusing as it is since it is a mix of several stories, from several authors, and a Japanese interpretation of western myths and history. I'll try my best in keeping it together as I possibly can, naturally, the Arthurian Myth being so free with vague outlines I can change as much as I want for the pieces to fit in a comprehensible whole.
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Hail to the promised future!
It is honestly, a very good sheet and I like the overall concept very much! I would be honest in saying I would pick you over Rowknan as it shows promise and fits more along the lines of what I had in mind for Morgan and Mordred initially. However, your competition is still tough and they had much more time to develop their sheet. I'll be honest in saying as things are, Rowknan takes the spot hands down since the sheet is more developed. If you don't mind and are still interested, I'll suggest taking other uncontested spots or maybe another one easier to beat. (Pick your battles and all that. :V ). Here are the uncontested ones so far: Queen Guinevere, Ser Tristan, Ser Percival, Ser Bedivere and finally Ser Agravain.
Player List
Player List:

The Round Table
The Pendragon Court:
  • Lady Morgan 'le Fay' Pendragon (@Cyanios)
  • Queen Guinevere (Empty)
  • Lord Vortigern Pendragon (@triumph8w)
  • Merlin 'the Wise' (@Estro)
Work in Progress (WIP) or uncomplete sheets are not counted in for the time being. I'll urge people to finish them up. Some were judged unsufficient even if completed such as the one who applied for Ser Galahad. I'll suggest the sheet be revised.
Merlin was a hard a choice, admittedly, @Rictus 's sheet was just as good but Estro had gone for a few details that swayed me to their side. As you'll notice on the player list, there are more than a few spots untouched as of yet. Notably, Queen Guinevere, Ser Tristan, Ser Percival and Ser Agravain where you don't have any competition (WIP sheets) there.
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Alright, sheet mostly complete. I might add more relationships but this should be enough to go on for now.
Ser Agravain
Name: Sir Agravain
Agravain of Iron, "Agravain who knew no wounds", Secretary of the Round Table

As the second-eldest of the "Orkney Siblings," Agravain is one of the sons of Lady Morgan and Duke Lot that were sent to the court of Camelot to serve Arthur on the Round Table. Unlike the others, he was intended to be a spy and assassin serving Morgan's ends. However, time and exposure to the king's court led to Agravain growing into the role of Knight in truth, turning away from his mother's schemes to serve his "uncle" faithfully.

Despite this, he still remains the same dour, boorish man he was when he arrived, now only very, very loyal to the king.

Notable Feats:
Agravain has few notable feats to his name, preferring to work in the background as befits his position as a spy and interrogator. However, there have been occasions when his martial prowess has been called upon.

  • Slew an evil lord known as Druas the Cruel.
  • While suffering from two curses crippling his left arm and leg, he defeated a rival knight in single combat for the hand of his lady love, the daughter of Duke Tradelmant of North Wales.

Agravain wears a suit of black armor, enhanced with minor magecraft to increase its durability as well as allow its wearer to more easily slip out of focus and act unseen. While wearing it, his movements are muffled.

The sword he wears at his side (which he tries to use as little as possible) bears a minor enchantment to enhance its cutting edge and durability.

While Agravain is a more skilled swordsman than the average Knight, he is not quite on the level of many of the other Knights of the Round. However, with heavy assistance from magecraft and drugs that dull pain and enhance strength, he is capable of matching Lancelot, though not without serious, if not outright lethal, damage to himself. More often than not, he prefers to avoid the front lines altogether.

As the son of a powerful magus, he possesses a capability for magecraft, inherited from his mother Morgan. While he has the mindset for a proper magus, he did not receive a very esoteric education. Intended to be a spy and assassin, his magical talents lie in disciplines that compliment those paths. His strongest affinity is for Alchemy, which he uses to create magical drugs to enhance his own combat prowess and for use in interrogations. However, he has also been trained in Mental Interference, minor Wind manipulation, Reinforcement, Familiar Creation, Healing magecraft, Necromancy, and Bounded Field Creation.

The area Agravain truly excels in is interrogation and he holds the role of Camelot's unofficial head torturer. Through the use of mundane techniques, magecraft, drugs, and simply talking, it is almost assured that Agravain of Iron will get a prisoner to talk once he gets a hold of them.


Arthur: Beloved Liege-lord and proponent of "him" becoming even more inhuman.
Lady Morgan: Treacherous Whore (yes, he actually refers to her as this in FGO)
Mordred: Quietly tries to look out for "him" without being obvious. The only one of his siblings that he shows any kind of affection for.
Sir Gaheris: Agravain hates Gaheris and has tried to have him quietly killed on several occasions. Fortunately, he managed to cover his tracks each time.
Everyone else: Excluding Galahad, the rest of the Round Table is united in their intense dislike of Agravain.

First Encounter with Arthur: When the four Orkney Siblings arrived in court.
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Lady Morgan and King Lot
King Tradelmant of North Wales.
Who we would normally refer to as Kings are now Dukes, merely, because if Arthur is to be King of Britain, they can't be others similarly titled people in his domain. We could name him 'Emperor of Britain' or 'High-King of Britain' but no, not really. I'll want to keep to the Legend of King Arthur not Emperor Arthur or something similar.
a dragon core from the Pendragon line
That was a 'gift' of Merlin to Arthur by order of King Uther. It isn't something all the Pendragons have, perhaps in the future, only those descending from Arthur would have a Dragon's Magic Core as a Pendragon. So for now only Arthur and Mordred.
Ahem, if you really want a Dragon's Magic Core you'll have to kill a dragon, extract its Core, and have someone knowledgeable implant it in you aka Merlin or maybe Morgan. Or you could steal Arthur's or Mordred's. Note that it is fatal to do so, though.
Is aware of "Arthur's" true gender.
Unfortunately, not. This is still very early in the timeline and Ser Agravain had only become aware of that information inadvertedly during the mess Ser Lancelot's affair with Queen Guinevere had created. It won't be that easy to figure out!
The only ones aware of Arthur's true gender are Merlin and Ser Kay. Ser Ector too but he's an NPC.
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>Lady Morgan: Treacherous Whore (yes, he actually refers to her as this in FGO)
@Rictus I legit got you a fief and via politics a seat on the round table in return for you providing me information: does this mean you are breaking our arrangement?
Also rude, I'm your mother: not a whore.
Who we would normally refer to as Kings are now Dukes, merely, because if Arthur is to be King of Britain, they can't be others similarly titled people in his domain. We could name him 'Emperor of Britain' or 'High-King of Britain' but no, not really. I'll want to keep to the Legend of King Arthur not Emperor Arthur or something similar.

I was mostly working off what wikipedia said. Also, Britain isn't completely unified until the 900s, so a bunch of separate kingdoms did exist. 18 separate kingdoms existed in the time period Camelot was supposed to exist in (around the early 500s).

However, I'll change it if needed.

That was a 'gift' of Merlin to Arthur by order of King Uther. It isn't something all the Pendragons have, perhaps in the future, only those descending from Arthur would have a Dragon's Magic Core as a Pendragon. So for now only Arthur and Mordred.
Ahem, if you really want a Dragon's Magic Core you'll have to kill a dragon, extract its Core, and have someone knowledgeable implant it in you aka Merlin or maybe Morgan. Or you could steal Arthur's or Mordred's. Note that it is fatal to do so, though.


Unfortunately, not. This is still very early in the timeline and Ser Agravain had only become aware of that information inadvertedly during the mess Ser Lancelot's affair with Queen Guinevere had created. It won't be that easy to figure out!
The only ones aware of Arthur's true gender are Merlin and Ser Kay. Ser Ector too but he's an NPC.

Got it. I couldn't really find any indication of when he found out. On his type-moon wiki page and tvtropes, it only said he was one of the few knights that knew, just not for how long he knew or how he found out.

>Lady Morgan: Treacherous Whore (yes, he actually refers to her as this in FGO)
@Rictus I legit got you a fief and via politics a seat on the round table in return for you providing me information: does this mean you are breaking our arrangement?
Also rude, I'm your mother: not a whore.

Morgan was not a very good mother to Agravain. A decent magecraft teacher perhaps, but not a good mother. As I said, he refers to Morgan as a "treacherous whore" in FGO and is not fond of most women specifically because of how she raised him.

He literally turned to Arthur's side almost as soon as he met "him."
Morgan was not a very good mother to Agravain. A decent magecraft teacher perhaps, but not a good mother. As I said, he refers to Morgan as a "treacherous whore" in FGO and is not fond of most women specifically because of how she raised him.

He literally turned to Arthur's side almost as soon as he met "him."
That seems a bit weird, since my version of her did try to be motherly if just for having reliable allies in her children. I guess 4 out of 5 is good enough.
That seems a bit weird, since my version of her did try to be motherly if just for having reliable allies in her children. I guess 4 out of 5 is good enough.

In the Nasuverse, the relationship between magus parents and magus children rarely ends up being what we would consider healthy.

It probably doesn't help that Agravain is a major asshole. The only sibling he actually likes (and probably hasn't tried to have murdered at some point) is Mordred. His relationship with Gareth is considered "complicated" at best.
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And that relates to this how, dearest son? Honestly it feels like you grabbed what you could learn from me, and ditched.

Actually, it stems from his views. He follows who he believes to be the most suitable and most powerful king to rule England. When he met Arthur, he judged "him" to be the best possible and so sided with "him."

Had he not, he would have gone through with Morgan's plan and assassinated Arthur. Or he would have tried to, at any rate.

Edit: Mind you, this is different from what happened in IRL legend, where it was the opposite. Started out a loyal knight, then grew treacherous with envy.
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In the Nasuverse, the relationship between magus parents and magus children rarely ends up being what we would consider healthy.

It probably doesn't help that Agravain is a major asshole. The only sibling he actually likes (and probably hasn't tried to have murdered at some point) is Mordred. His relationship with Gareth is considered "complicated" at best.
Okay but we're not strictly "in the nasuverse", we're in our interpretation of it.

That's why we have to take into account what other players write up. Meaning if Morgan isn't a complete Absentee Mother as written on the GM-accepted sheet, that takes precedence over the more distant/impersonal stuff on the Wiki.
It just seems like you turned on me for no reason, I'm not even plotting to murder Arturia. :V

I'm more likely to figure out how to fae for immortality and being the lady with all the strings in the background over trying to seize power atm. You more or less got placed there to keep an eye on her/kill her if she proves unsuitable for kingship anyways.
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Okay but we're not strictly "in the nasuverse", we're in our interpretation of it.

That's why we have to take into account what other players write up. Meaning if Morgan isn't a complete Absentee Mother as written on the GM-accepted sheet, that takes precedence over the more distant/impersonal stuff on the Wiki.

I've got two versions of Agravain to work off of.

1) The Nasuverse-based version that hated his mother.
2) The IRL version that, while he did love his mother, was more happy than grieved that Gaheris murdered her since it was something he could justifiably kill him for.
Okay but we're not strictly "in the nasuverse", we're in our interpretation of it.

That's why we have to take into account what other players write up. Meaning if Morgan isn't a complete Absentee Mother as written on the GM-accepted sheet, that takes precedence over the more distant/impersonal stuff on the Wiki.

^This, and also:

I was mostly working off what wikipedia said. Also, Britain isn't completely unified until the 900s, so a bunch of separate kingdoms did exist. 18 separate kingdoms existed in the time period Camelot was supposed to exist in (around the early 500s).

Working off IRL history isn't the best idea, because the Arthurian legends are a mish-mash of loads of different folk tales, folk history and whole-cloth literature. There's no one single "correct" source, everything is a re-interpretation of a re-interpretation of a re-telling. The Nasuverse version is just one more iteration of that, and what we're doing here is yet another iteration of the Nasu iteration.

What I'm saying is basically - don't worry about getting things correct, try to get them consistent within this version. As long as we're reading off the same playbook, it'll work out, and there's a lot of wiggle room on a lot of things.
I've got two versions of Agravain to work off of.

1) The Nasuverse-based version that hated his mother.
2) The IRL version that, while he did love his mother, was more happy than grieved that Gaheris murdered her since it was something he could justifiably kill him for.
I'm not saying "don't make him hate Morgan", I'm just saying "take into account what other players are writing on their character sheets if you're creating a relationship dynamic with that character".

I don't mind you hating Gaheris, I'll write things as such that to him you're a bit distant and impersonal but he loves you anyway. Which probably just drives that further....
I don't mind you hating Gaheris, I'll write things as such that to him you're a bit distant and impersonal but he loves you anyway. Which probably just drives that further....

I don't think there was ever an actual reason for why Agravain hates Gaheris in any version I've ever seen. He just kind of...did.

Like he just said "screw him in particular" one day and he's been trying to kill him ever since without getting in trouble for it.

Edit: Also, I honestly didn't know we had a Morgan player until @Cyanios posted a comment on my Agravain sheet. I kind of stopped paying attention to the thread for a while.

Edit Edit: Looking over Agravain in IRL Arthurian Legend...I'm just now realizing that Agravain's got a bit of a body count when it comes to Knights of the Round, at least later on.

Lamorak: Helped to murder him.
Palamades: Helped to murder him.
Dinadan: Murdered him directly.
Gaheris: Tried to murder him multiple times.
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Also, I don't know if you can call us magus in the sense that most of the magecraft users aren't actually trying for the Root. None of the magic user characters so far even care about True Magic or the death of Wonders.
Also, I don't know if you can call us magus in the sense that most of the magecraft users aren't actually trying for the Root. None of the magic user characters so far even care about True Magic or the death of Wonders.
Well they might be starting on the mainland, but not in the Age of Faries country.
Like magi are far off. Estro and I have not even nailed down how the whole thing starts even, the root came way later.