Something that occurred to me wrt training - if we ever decide to pursue further mastery of Dhar or Hysh (or Azyr) and find a master to learn from, it would be
risky to have this master be anyone but Lilliana. She strikes me as the jealous sort:
Such was the form of the tutelage she deigned to bestow upon you, the enlightenment she shared upon the nature of dhar. Control, absolute and undeniable, in defiance of sense and nature. Tyranny in its purest form.
and her, hm, dominance over Thystra is intertwined with tutelage upon the nature of Dhar. Given this, I don't think she would take well to us spending significant amount of time, learning a great deal of lore,
entrusting our education on things she is a master of to anyone but herself. The more actions we'd take with the same master's assistance, the riskier. Of course, Lilliana's tutelage is anything but free as well...
(relevant quotes for Hysh and Azyr)
You've always been the Matriarch's favourite, your shared pursuit of light joining you in the eyes of your sisters.
Most of the named Sorceresses in the previous update will have a rating of at least 7 in their area of focus, which is what gets them the fancy thrones. Lilliana has an Azyr rating of 9 and can reliably slaughter a small army with bolts of lightning and hurricane-force winds.
And in general, I get a feeling that "who teaches you the most important lore" would be something of a thing, somewhat weightier when it comes to determining allegiances.
Dhar conveys knowledge of daemons, monsters and all things twisted and transgressive, and can be rolled to dominate, enslave, and overawe one's peers and rivals. Mastery of this approach is synonymous with political success and social cachet within Naggaroth.
That said!
The Ghyran YOLO ends up actually being one of the
most viable yolos we could possibly do. It'd drag us very far into another Sorceress's endeavors... but said Sorceress, being a master of something (as far as I can tell, anyway) unconnected to Lilliana, would be simultaneously less of a, hm, direct jealousy-provoking threat, and more useful in case Lilliana does actually go too far* and Thystra is forced to confront the question of "do I have any other resources at all?"
*she has gone too far way, way back, but there's that and there's the things Thystra is afraid she might eventually do.