OOC: Sorry about delay, exams and stuff.
[x] call customer support to get the problem fixed
[x] stare at that lewd poster of a sexy building
-[x] realize it's less sexy than the brick wall behind it1
'like a good neighbor brick farm is there.'
the suddenly a red brick wearing a matching blue cape and wizard hat appeared. 'what ho gent, what seems to be the problem/'
'my shift is key is broke or something.'
'ah, that sucks. i'll fix that though, go go magic brick powers go1'
"Ah sweet, thanks Brick Wizard!"
"Don't thank me, thank Brick Farm. Now I must go, my planet needs me." With a simple motion, Brick Wizard flew into space, to once again save his Planet Brickton from the evils of Steel Girders.
Okay now that's over lets stare at that lewd building poster! AH YEAH! POST MODERNISM IS THE SHIT! Look how asymmetrical it is, ah man you're getting so turned on by this but wait, the building the poster is on is even more postmodern! It's a Colosseum, on its side! With pillars sticking out of it! Ah shit you're not sure how much more you can handle.
[X] Ask the Postmodern building out to a date.
[X] Be a yandere and kidnap it.
[X] Start eating that hot sexy Postmodern building.
[X] Write in