Breaking Bonds (Cryptomancer RP)

"It's not entirely unlikely we will have to serve as the semi-deniable arm of our benefactor." I remove my mask, showing a pale angular face with the shape of the ears remaining a mystery as I help myself to the tea: a small sip to test for poison passing without issue. "How denyable and how hidden is probably still in the air."
Ylyn continued basking in the heat of the fire, eyelids drooping over watchful eyes. A home, a job, and relative freedom to attack the failed order of things. The image of the spells to erase someone's life orbited her minds eye, the little death that came without voice or form. A smile slowly unfurled onto her face, even as she flexed her itching fingertips. Yes, she'd need to do something about that. Reaching for the leather pouch that contained practically all of her possessions, Ylyn extracted a quill, spinning it around her fingers.

"Auctoritas non veritas facit legem. And so we become the hands of authority, to wipe from that which is ill desired. Deniable, hunted, and stained to our very core. A war unseen, and we are the killers on your masters payroll. So, come. Give the hunting dogs orders."
Katarina remained silent, shifting impatiently in her seat, fingers idly checking straps and belts before a hand brushed against the pack set against the chair to reassure herself that the pack was still there.

That the locked iron box in it was still there.
She shrugged, downing the rest of her tea. "Sounds good to me," she remarked, somewhat uncomfortably aware of how seriously the others appeared to be taking their new employment. Idly she wondered if maybe she'd have the chance to make a friend or two who didn't seem on the brink.

Then a thought came to her, and she leaned forward. "There will be allowances made for me to continue my practice, correct? I understand the need for discretion, but my course in life is healing. I shan't stay my hands from patients in need."
Taking a sip from the cup set before her, the Warden merely quirked an eyebrow from time to time as she listened to your words, her more passionate speech calming down once more as she reclined back into her seat, tapping against the length of her sword once more as she slowly watched the lot of you go through the different emotions her little speech had brought up – or failed to bring up at all. Tilting her head lightly at the maid's question, she pursed her lips before shrugging lightly:

"To be honest: my lord - ours soon I hope- hasn't been able to pin down just how your pursuers are and have been able to find risks like you in the past. It is not unlikely that they have an network of information across the whole known world, but the greatest danger still seems to come from their grip on the Shardscape. As long as you do neither throw around your true name, nor get into the middle of too many gossip networks through your actions to come, the Risk of your discovery should stay considerably low. Thus while you won't need to hide in dark places like this forever, it might be wise not to catch the public eye too much."

Shifting her view to the dwarven warrior, she shrugged once more, tilting her head towards the fire as she replied easily: "The Status of my lords other assets aren't information you need to be privy to right now, while you are indeed in a position that needs protection, you could very well strike out to try finding yourself a place with my lords rivals. I do assure you that this kind of information will be shared with you when it becomes necessary or when your loyalty has been proven and laid out before me. The same can be said about the goals and other plains of his Lordship. But as for the estate itself…"

Gesturing around with her free hand, while the other held her sword horizontally, she mused: "The Estate has been chosen as your base of operation for now – the two servants are at your disposal and I will serve as your link, you won't need to worry about beds or meals as long as you are agents. As the rooms are spacious and there are enough tunnels leading back and forth from here, you can decide yourself with to do with the remaining capacities that are available here."

Giving the healer her attention next, she nodded firmly and said: "This brings us to our next issue: your payment and status. Additionally to the comforts and care of the Estate, you will be paid a hundred coins per week for whatever projects you may pursue in the time between missions, with the later being a variable reason to reward you with a bonus for a job well done. Of course you are expected to take on all missions given to you by me, aside from compelling counter arguments arising in your preparation time. If one of you finds it in themselves to dedicate their remaining downtime to taking care of the sick, training soldiers or tinkering with whatever dwarven mechanism you find on the market, that is solely your decision. His Lordship presumes that allowances have to be made for such…. illustrious agents in his employ."
With the primer for your future said, she crossed her hands once more and gave you all a long glance, before inkling her head towards the poetic feeling elf, eye flicking to the quill and back to her bare arms:

"I have decided to start your career in our lords employ with a vital but hopefully not too gruelling and risky task. I do presume you noticed the industrial district on your way to the Estate? The nearly constant ash cloud above it and the steelworks should have been enough as navigation aid and as I said before: the Melthus family owes multiple manufactories that are creating war materials: armours, halberds, grenades, ammunition, swords, crossbows and larger war machines. We are also equipping the cities naval fleet with ballista's and owe a sizeable workshop that specialises in copying and producing small scale models of dwarven steam engines for a variety of uses."

Taking a small breath and giving you a pause to let her words sink in, she continues: "As you can imagine we are employing a workforce of hundreds with a firm core of masters and apprentices to lead the gaggle of former farmers through the process of production. While the common labourer is replaceable, the master smiths and craftsman are not – something that we became painfully aware of when one of set of master and apprentice disappeared one day, taking along with them the plans of a new and improved crossbow design we had hoped to sell to the Toulesian City States in next summer's war-season."

Opening a pocket at her side, the redhead pulled out a small silvery box, opening it with a small frown and hint of disgust, before turning it around to present you with five little crystalline orbs, a heavy spicy smell emitting from them and making the wardens nose crunch up:
"Soma Rocks – found in the apprentices dorm, together with an earthen vial that had held them in the past.", putting the silvery box that wasn't larger than her palm down once more, she pulled out the next item: an nearly hand long piece of pottery that might have once held them and which was bearing a stamp that showed two crossed tankards:

"This is the symbol of the Benivolenses – Friends of pleasure and people as they prefer to call themselves. They are a group of human minor nobles, whose estates border to the production sites of the elves and who have secured themselves the lion-share of Soma Trade in the city through old family obligations and treaties with the closest elven tribes. Sadly this doesn't help us much at this point – the production of Soma rocks is heavily frowned upon in the city and only the consumption of the leaves is legally allowed. Most likely a smaller producer has been creating this rucks and recycling the pottery to showcase the purity of the Soma used for their production – but that as it may:

Your task is simple but most likely not too easy for you: you are to secure the apprentice, the master and the plans for the new crossbow production they have been working on. Everything else is up to you as long as you do not stand out too much in your work – finish this task and I will report your reliability to my Lord."​
I tried to keep my eyes from following the rocks as the heavenly smell invaded my nose, tapping the end of the quill against my wrist in an effort to distract myself from the rocks. Why my eyes managed not to track them, they still glinted with desire whenever my lazy gaze cross the silver box.

"Very well. I suppose paying a visit to the Benivolenses is in order. Also, they're conjugating that wrong."

The itching in her fingertips was getting worse.

"And, uh, I think we'll need to keep those. For evidence."
The sight of the Soma elicited a sharp, angry hiss from Katarina as her fist clenched but she made no move towards the rocks as she turned away in a huff, "Let the elf smoke them if she wishes, that vial is a better clue if we can use it to follow however many hands traded it."
To find an unknown individual held by a group she did not know. This would be a difficult task for sure but would not have been entrusted to her if it was not something their group was capable of Maria though. That the elf was an addict was a potential issue, the mind of an addict was an open and pliable thing. It would take extra watching but that could be dealt with, looking about the room demurely she wondered who among them would be a great asset and what their obstacles would be.

Taking another sip of tea she attempted to think through their known assets and it was sorely limited. it was possible the two servants had skills of note but she doubted it and to use them instead of their group may reflect poorly on their capability to their master. They could not march into the industrial district and demand answers, they would need to move quietly and carefully. A thought did cross her mind though and a plan began to form, "Elf, how adept are you are finding soma when the itch grows worse?"
To find an unknown individual held by a group she did not know. This would be a difficult task for sure but would not have been entrusted to her if it was not something their group was capable of Maria though. That the elf was an addict was a potential issue, the mind of an addict was an open and pliable thing. It would take extra watching but that could be dealt with, looking about the room demurely she wondered who among them would be a great asset and what their obstacles would be.

Taking another sip of tea she attempted to think through their known assets and it was sorely limited. it was possible the two servants had skills of note but she doubted it and to use them instead of their group may reflect poorly on their capability to their master. They could not march into the industrial district and demand answers, they would need to move quietly and carefully. A thought did cross her mind though and a plan began to form, "Elf, how adept are you are finding soma when the itch grows worse?"
The tapping of the quill full of pure soma stopped, as she looked at the well mannered human.

"I was fairly decent at doing it in Elven city-groves, human, but before all this the lands of humanity were just places I'd go through between groves. I couldn't comment on the difference in difficulty. I don't imagine it to be too hard, you humans do love the stuff after all."

The smile on her face had passed sardonic a while ago, and was now hovering somewhere between sadistic and a Cheshire grin.
"I was fairly decent at doing it in Elven city-groves, human, but before all this the lands of humanity were just places I'd go through between groves. I couldn't comment on the difference in difficulty. I don't imagine it to be too hard, you humans do love the stuff after all."
"There are places, if you know where to look." I smirked under my mask, leaning forward. "I would even help, if you make it worth my time."
"There are places, if you know where to look." I smirked under my mask, leaning forward. "I would even help, if you make it worth my time."
"Is your continued employment not value enough, oh masquerader?"

Her too attentive eyes suddenly flicker back into her lazy lidded state, and she absentmindedly begins tapping the soma quill again.

"I don't have much to offer, you know?"
"Oh you are surely welcome to try, but I will at the very least make sure the experience is pyrrhic at best for you..."

"... but for the matter at hand, favour for an favour sound good to you?"
"A favour for you doing your job seems awfully one sided. Or are we not trying to trace some blueprints and their creator, when the only link is the soma importers stamp and some suspiciously refined sap?"
Gully grimaced, leaning back and thinking. Soma - nasty enough stuff. If only it didn't have such concrete benefits, it might not be popular. She'd have to be careful about who had any of it - maybe she could get the group to agree to let her handle any that they acquired?, there wasn't any trust yet. Judging by how all these people were acting, they'd probably assume she was just trying to keep it all to herself.

She sighed, sitting forward.
"Oh you are surely welcome to try, but I will at the very least make sure the experience is pyrrhic at best for you..."

"... but for the matter at hand, favour for an favour sound good to you?"
"You are directly refusing to do your job without additional compensation from your coworkers in front of the woman who is in effect your boss," she said, pointing a finger towards the Warden. "There's being opportunistic, sir, and then there's selfishness to the point of self-sabotage. Nobody here has any need for threats when you seem intent on telling your employer that you are no use."

She glanced to the Warden. "The vial at least, would be appreciated. We'll accomplish this task to the best of our ability, Madame. Thank you for your time and attention."
"You are directly refusing to do your job without additional compensation from your coworkers in front of the woman who is in effect your boss," she said, pointing a finger towards the Warden. "There's being opportunistic, sir, and then there's selfishness to the point of self-sabotage. Nobody here has any need for threats when you seem intent on telling your employer that you are no use."
"Am I supposed to run private errands for you too then?" I laugh, haunted and bitter. "I don't do free, or charity. Our employer better actually pay."
"Am I supposed to run private errands for you too then?" I laugh, haunted and bitter. "I don't do free, or charity. Our employer better actually pay."
She shook her head, suddenly painfully aware that she might legitimately be speaking to a mad man. His delusion was a small one, but it still struck a a chord within her - illness of the mind was... difficult, to treat. Not something she or any she'd met were well equipped for.

How to approach? Accept and circumvent the breach in reality, or confront with the lack of sense?

She watched the man for a long, long moment. Perhaps... she sighed. Confrontation, if not a viable tactic, would at least be unlikely to result in damage to her future efforts if his delusions were strong enough to ignore such.

"Our employer requests we track a man whose only clue is a vial filled with soma," she spoke slowly, consideringly. "The vial itself has been stated to be a likely false lead, therefore we must track the soma. You state you may be able to track soma. Yet you refuse to do so, when it is directly relevant to our task - the task whose payment is not only in housing, already provided and proven, and in money, which we can be reasonably confident will be coming on account of prior expenses, but in safety and escape from our mutual pursuers, which you have already received and taken advantage of in order to be placed here. Our employer has already paid to some degree, and would be criminally incompetent and foolish not to finish payment, yet here you sit in front of his representative, refusing to even begin the first and most simple of his tasks, without yet more payment from your coworkers."

She paused. Would the following underline the point, or antagonize the man? She frowned, pushing forward. "Your actions gain you nothing, and your choice in timing ensures that you will be seen with lesser value and worth less in the way of effort to protect or satisfy. Arguing favor for favor or coin for coin at every step of any investigation will only ensure we work independently and compete, almost assuredly ending in failure and our being discarded for more useful tools. That is not charity; that is simple efficiency."
Maria sat back back and took another sip of her drink before cupping it in her lap once more. While the other's conversation became animated she withdrew back from it and tried to think.

"Warden, I assure you that I will endeavor with the greatest degree of all my abilities to serve our master to his satisfaction. We will find the master, apprentice, and his design with utmost haste and bring them all before our master. I only hope that my future successes will allow me to serve our master directly in time."
"I see both of you missed what I was saying then." I find myself irritated. I wait for actual orders, or to be allowed leave from these aimpletons.
Leaning back into her chair and watching the ongoing bickering quite unimpressed, the Warden merely waited for a few moments, only reacting to questions asked, quite obviously making some mental notes about the first impressions you were giving. Turning her attention to the healer, the woman nodded lightly and then gestured at everyone present: "That is no problem and if there are any other pieces of equipment you think are necessary for your mission, you can always request them from me or the servants, of course I will be the judge in regards of their necessity. Your thanks are welcome, and I do have one more thing to hand each of you – or rather two things in one."

Leaning forward and pulling something out from under the table, she carefully places a sizeable wooden chest onto the table before the gathered group, opening it with a faint thud. The insides are clad out with fabric, neither too rich nor too simple, offering some padding for the more worthwhile trinkets stored on the inside: eight different Shards. Six of them have a similar light green colour with a flicker of yellow, encased in a slightly ornate silver inlay that is connected to a sturdy leather strip that would allow one to fasten it around their neck or around their wrist when using it – they are undoubtedly one network. Next to them is a small duo of similar looking red shards, the colour placid and akin to rose, with a single golden ring connecting it to a small chain. Tapping against the shard networks the Warden said audibly:

"These are for your use, you will be able to utilize one network as group-scape for yourself, while the other two shards are to contact me.", reaching to her side, she opened a pocket at her belt and pulled out a third shard of the same red colouring, inclining her head lightly "I want you to choose two spokesperson for your group, I will tell them my True Name in the next room and they will be able to get into contact with me should you run into trouble bigger than you. Understood?"

Giving each of you a searching look, before leaning back into her chair once more, gesturing for you to go ahead with emptying the box, she looked to the side, sipping on her nearly forgotten cup once more, before saying to Maria:

"Utmost haste might be fortunate – after all the effect Soma can have is hard to judge when it's of unclean make, it would be preferable if the blacksmiths could still work or at least defend themselves should the Lord be so inclined. I can assure you that should you prove yourself successful, his Lordship will be quite interested in having you close by – Gods knows he needs some help.", she said with uncharacterised weariness at the end, before shaking the thought loose once more and instead continuing loudly for everyone once more: "You may use one of the boats in the harbour you went past to enter the foundry district if you wish so, the shards encasing should be proof enough that you are working for his Lordship."​
Setting aside her cup for now Maria guessed she would be the first to take a shard. Getting up and quietly walking over she took one of the light green ones from the box but did not take a red one.

Padding back over to her chair she sat down but noticed the others had still not taken one for themselves, "How will we decide who will speak for us?"
Flicking a shard into the mouth of her open leather bag, Ylyn collapsed back into her chair.

"Someone responsible, probably. Ideally with like, some good shard magics."
I grasp a green shard from the box, playing with it using my gloved fingers like I'm considering something.

"That is a good question, whom?" I give the group a look over, before shrugging.
Looking about nobody seemed ready to volunteer for the responsibility that the position would hold, "I agree, we need someone good with shards and responsible. My only experience is managing the shards of a household. As such I am unsure how I would manage such a more precarious position with these shards."
"I haven't ran a shardwork ever, although I've been in a fair few."

The elf twisted a crystal in her hands, strumming her thoughts along the outer edge of what would normally react.

"Anyone else have experiance?"