The Night Of Salt And Flames
The wind carried the smell of smoke and salt and a pungent tang that you had not the words to describe the vileness off. Your head was hurting and the jostling of the wagon you were laying on made it worse. For a moment, all you could do was stare up at the moonless sky, the only light the faint stars and the glow of the fires in the distance. The memories were hard to grasp, slipping through your fingers like smoke, and the more you tried to keep them, the worse the headache was becoming.
Seagard was the name of the city now lighting up the horizon like the morning sun rising in the wrong direction. There was a tourney. Knights from all over the realm had come, from the lowest hedge knights to lords and heirs. You remember watching the joust, dreaming and wondering if you too could one day be one of them. Why not after all? Plenty of songs and stories told of noble men of low birth becoming beloved knights. Surely, you could find someone willing to take you as a squire, even though you were just a lowly...
[] [Background] ... armsman.
Even though you were very young for it, you had managed to join the city guard of Seagard. Bearing the Mallisters purple and silver, an eagle on your chest, filled you with pride. For the most part, you only ran errands for the commanders, but they also trained you in fighting and how the armsmen were organized in times of peace and in times of war. Though your hope had always been that one of the lords household knights would pick you as their new squire.
Gain: Prowess++, Leadership+
[] [Background] ... merchant's son.
Your father was running a small shop near the docks and had every intention to leave the business to you one day. Early on, you learnt how to haggle, keep the shop organised and even were taught your letters and numbers by a Maester. Though the stories of chivalrous knights had always entranced you more than matters of money. You wanted to be like Duncan the Tall or Garth the Green, not weigh spices and flour day in and out. All you needed was a chance to prove you had what it took.
Gain: Administration+, Trade+, Learning+
[] [Background] ... street rat.
Growing up in the gutter, you had to find ways to stay fed when you could barely walk, as the alms the Septons and Septas gave out were never enough for everyone who would have needed them. You knew how to beg. You knew how to steal. And you knew how to hold your own against someone wishing to take what was yours. But there had to be a better life than this. No boy dreamed of becoming a cut-purse and you too had found colorful banners and gleaming armor more appealing than the muck you grew up in.
Gain: Prowess+, Diplomacy+, Intrigue+
[] [Background] ... bastard.
While you had never met him, your mother told your father was a noble and knight, though she never so much as hinted at his name. However, despite living alone, you were never hurting for coin, even though your mother worked as a scullery maid. Whenever you prompted the topic, she instead told stories of stalwart knights and just kings, saying that even if you knew not your father, he was one such man. Before long, you decided to become like him and maybe, one day, you'd find him in some noble court.
Gain: Prowess+, Diplomacy+, Learning+
Gain Trait: Bastard - You were born outside wedlock to a noble father and a base born woman. People will look down on you for that and if you ever learn the truth about your father, even more trouble might follow, but there's also the unspoken assumption that your blood is worth more than that of any peasant.
As they saw you were awoke, two other people on the same cart were helping you to sit up. Nausea shot through your whole body, but when you were upright, your breaths came much easier than before. Around you sat men, women, and children. They all looked shocked and tired, smeared with dirt and ash. Some were wounded. One of the men looked up from where he was tending to a woman laying next to you, pressing dirty cloth stained with blood to a wound on her arm.
"Easy boy," the man spoke while grabbing your shoulder, gently guiding you to lean against the side of the cart. "It is good that you are awake, but don't strain yourself."
You tried to say something, but the first attempt just made you croak and choke on the vile taste in your mouth. Bile and soot. A horrible combination. After coughing briefly, you tried again. "What happened?" you finally brought out with some trouble.
"Ironborn," another man spat. He was clutching a toddler to his chest and seemed close to tears. "The Ironborn happened."
A few memories became more focused at his words. You remembered being near the docks at the time when ships approached silently. Black banners with a golden squid. There was a terrible roar like a dragon and a bright flash. Screams. Fire. Yellow flames mingling with green as men swarmed from the ships. The sound of stone crumbling coming from the castle at the same time as the Bronze Bell sounded for the first time you had ever heard it.
Dimly you recalled that you had...
[] [Deed] ... fought the raiders.
There were many people who tried to defend the city with whatever they had at hand at the time. Often with little success. Somehow, through luck more than skill, you had managed to hold them off for a while, letting others flee while they were distracted. In the end though, a blow to the head with a shield knocked you out.
Gain: Prowess+
Gain Trait: Brave - While you know fear, you also know how to overcome it. You will act where others are to afraid to do so and while many consider it an admirable quality, it also gets you into trouble a lot.
[] [Deed] ... helped others flee.
You recall helping up people who had fallen during their mad dash away from the harbor. You helped wounded onto carts, just like someone had done for you in turn. Unfortunately, you got corned by a few Ironborn raiders and while you fought back, they knocked you out pretty quickly.
Gain: Diplomacy+
Gain Trait: Compassionate - You always felt the desire to help and look out for those around you. Sometimes others took advantage of that tendency, though it never discouraged you for long.
[] [Deed] ... rallied some people.
While there were people much older than you taking up arms alongside you, it was you who managed to shout and cajole for them to work together. Even though you had no hope of standing against the Ironborn, you fought back valiantly and held out far longer than most others.
Gain: Leadership+
Gain Trait: Charismatic - Something about the way you talk makes people more inclined to listen to you even in situations where anyone else would have been ignored. Though sometimes people will feel threatened by how easily you can sway others.
"I remember getting knocked out," you said to the man in the grey robe, trying and failing to recall anything else since that.
"I don't know about that," he answered while tending to another mans wounds already. "He brought you to us," he said while absently pointing into the dark.
As you strained your eyes, you could faintly see man on horseback trotting along with the mule cart. You could not make out the colors of his shield, but the armor was unmistakably that of a knight.
"He came to us with you draped over his horse." The healer kept speaking. "Told me to make sure you'd live through the night and then rode off again. He only caught up with us shortly before you woke up."
You did not really know what to say. So much had happened. There were so many things you wished to ask. One moment you were enjoying the evening of the tourney and the next you were fighting for your life. Seagard still burned in the distance and you knew not what had become of your friends and family. Your heart grew cold at the thought. You had seen the Ironborn slaughter so many and you knew the tales of them being slavers. Part of you wished nothing more than to jump from the cart and run back into the city, looking for any sign of them, even though you could barely sit upright under your own power.
"Rest, boy," the knight called to you, drawing your gaze away from the inferno again. "There is nothing to be done right now and there is nothing to be said that can't wait for the morrow."
Quietly, you nodded, seeing that he was right, even though it felt painful to do nothing. There was one thing that had to be said now though. "Thank you, ser," you called back as you closed your eyes again.
AN: New year, new quest! A rough draft of this idea has been floating around in my notes and thoughts for a while and due to getting recently dragged back to ASOIAF, I finally managed to sand off the rough edges to make it work.
There will be another chargen vote coming up where you get to pick a few more traits and skills. This is just to nail down the cornerstones so that I can write a proper character piece.