Bootstrapping (Multi-cross, Book 2 - Now in Naruto)

i wonder what she could kill to get toxin resistance?
Killing to get the ability itself to build up resistances would probably be better given the natural state of any given organisms toxin resistance. She can only steal inborn abilities rather then trained ones after all.

Maybe she could sacrifice some hyper-accumulator plants or some poison-stealing organisms like some sea-slugs or frogs.
I can see her getting it one of two ways.

1: She finds something with a magical immunity to poisons (like with the Sirens and magical talent of beauty she grabbed from them etc), toxins and the like and/or possesses an innate nature/trait of 'purity' (because poisons/toxins can be seen as corrupting the body). Because she won't be able to use mundane animals for this. For example snakes might be immune to their own venom due to special antibodies, but that doesn't make them any more resistant to venoms, toxins and so on from other sources.

Don't know about magical immunity/resistance but if she wants purity, go find a unicorn to shank. :V

2. She finds/develops the ability to make a 'save state' for her body and the capability to 'reset' to said point.
I would also like to suggest some self-haunting shenanigans to avoid her body overly effecting her mental state.
I'd argue that she'll be better now that she's closest to fully recovered. She did take damage crossing worlds, and only recently regained the armor. Youth is also a factor in her decisions, and she doesn't have very experienced mentors or friends to aid her this time. Outside Context Problem goes both ways, and her only saving grace is being able to incorporate inborn abilities from her kills.

Also, you really can't take Naruto physics seriously, because all the stuff they do seem to ignore its laws and do their own thing. Canon fell apart because of the constant asspulls made in order to force the main characters to survive.

The guy may have been using something like the Stone of Gelel too, who knows.
The only reason the prince won't want to marry her when he's older, is that she can't have kids. :p
Doubt it. The Suspension Bridge Effect doesn't seem to be in effect.

Even if it did though it's not like being unable to have kids with her would have effected the desire itself to marry her. Much like her being of a incompatible orientation it's just that that would have prevented the logistics of it from being viable.
Doubt it. The Suspension Bridge Effect doesn't seem to be in effect.

Nothing like that, I more meant that falling for your rescuer is a very common trope for good real life reasons.

Even if it did though it's not like being unable to have kids with her would have effected the desire itself to marry her. Much like her being of a incompatible orientation it's just that that would have prevented the logistics of it from being viable.

He's the Daimyo in charge of the nation, he has to secure a line of inheritance after his family was all killed off. I'm assuming he'd have enough sense of duty (possibly just pounded into him) to realise that.
The Center Gate
It takes a week for me to be able to check in on Miku. Sure, part of it is because as one of the fully capable and uninjured samurai in the capital, I've been incredibly busy. Patrolling the city to make sure that any stragglers from the invading ninjurai army are caught. Keeping the civilians calm, and dropping like a mountain on any looters or others looking to take advantage of the crisis. And in the time I have free from various duties I played with my newly discovered method of elemental manipulation.

So yes, being incredibly busy is certainly part of my inability to check on my friend.

Of course, the only reason I had the free time to play with elemental mana at a distance is because of the other reason I couldn't get in to see Miku. Given how severe Miku's injuries are, her healers are restricting how often she can have visitors. This combined with Saki's youngest daughter being injured, and her husband and eldest son contributing to the injury by committing treason, Saki has hit some sort of maternal paranoia singularity. So she has flatly refused to let anybody but herself and Miku's healers in to see her.

The week is how long it's taken me to decide that I'm done asking for permission.


I'm not here.

...I let myself in.

Forgiveness over permission, or something like that.

The hardest part is getting through the door without being noticed since Saki has planted a couple of guards in the hallway leading to Miku's room. A very soft lullaby sung with a siren's voice will do a number on just about anybody, and I really enjoy that anti-genjutsu training doesn't really help any.

Miku's room isn't a place where I've spent a lot of time, since she generally comes to visit me whenever she's feeling affectionate, otherwise we're somewhere on the grounds. Mostly because Miku's room is far too close to her twin's, given our ongoing goal to keep him in the dark about how close we are.

Though given his... bout of insanity during the invasion, I'm no longer sure that was the best idea.

Still, there was nothing overly surprising about the room. It's huge, far larger than it needs to be in the way that only nobility and the obscenely wealthy bother to indulge in. The floor is covered in a rich, thick cream colored carpet that my boots sink at least an inch into. Given the fuinjutsu shield that keeps the city at a constant pleasant temperature nobody really needs fireplaces or additional heating. Which doesn't stop the room from containing two of them. One set into each of the walls to my right and left. The walls to either side of the door are covered in book cases which are filled with scrolls and books. Tapestries hang on either side of the fireplaces, and a low kneeling desk is set facing one of the fireplaces off to the side, but not up against any wall. Directly across from the door I'd just entered through are two large picture windows, complete with window seats, looking out over a very picturesque and well maintained garden. Set comfortably between the two windows is an equally unnecessarily large four poster bed, draped in rich red curtains, and a matching comforter.

In the center of the bed is Miku. She looks and sounds asleep, her heart beat slow, steady, and gratifyingly strong. She also looks paler than can be healthy, and the smell of her blood still fills the air.

I carefully approach the bed, doing my best not to disturb her. A task made much easier by how thick the carpet is. Reaching her without so much as a single quicker heartbeat, I carefully pull down the comforter that's been pulled up to her neck so I can see how she's doing. Her chest and torso are still wrapped in enough bandages to make clothing redundant for preserving her modesty. A single faint red line just shows through the bandages, running from her shoulder, between her breasts, and all the way down to her hip. Her left arm has actually been bandaged to her stomach, rendering the arm completely imobile. Probably to keep her from disturbing where the sword cut through her clavicle.

Probably at least a few ribs as well.

At least the swelling on her face has largely gone down. Though the bruises are a horrid mottled yellow and green.

I really should let her sleep. I'd like to talk to her, but not enough or about anything important enough to wake her up for.

Carefully, I lean forward and brush a few strands of hair away from her face, then gently press my lips to an unbruised spot on her forehead.

I'm pulling back when a warm hand cups my cheek and pulls me back down to press soft lips against mine. I can feel those lips smile into the kiss before I'm allowed to sit back up. Her eyes are bright, only losing out to her smile because of the effects of her bruising.

"You came," Miku says softly with evident joy, her voice still weak.

"Of course I did. I've been trying to see you all week." I take a seat next to her on the bed, smiling back at her. "Your mom wouldn't let anybody but immediate family and the doctors in."

"Really?" Miku huffs, and turns her head to the side with a pout. "Of course she wouldn't. Well, never mind that." She turns back to me all smiles again, though I can smell the stress and pain on her. "Tell me what's been happening! Nobody will tell me anything in here!" Her whining actually manages to be somewhat cute.

"Well..." I pause for a moment to organize my thoughts, "Mifune arrived yesterday with what has to be every soldier and samurai he could pry loose from between here and the border," I start slowly. "It seems to have reassured people a lot, so there are a lot of people in the streets. Soldiers and civilians alike. It's a good thing that the city wasn't too damaged during the coup attempt, because the place feels filled to bursting right now. If there had been too much extra damage we'd be having problems."

"Well, they did want to conquer from what I've been told," Miku points out reasonably. "Razing your future holdings to the ground seems like it would be counter productive."

I nod, agreeing with her, but move on since I don't really know much about what's being done with the future of the war. I'm nowhere near high ranked enough to sit in on those meetings. So I move on to more personal news. "I figured out how to project elemental effects."

"That's good!" Miku sounds as excited as she can manage with how wounded she is. "You don't seem as excited about this as I would have thought."

"Well... I can do it, but not very usefully," I admit, trying to keep the frustration out of my voice. I'm not sure how well I pull that off given the concerned frown that Miku shoots at me. I sigh and explain, "I can produce fire in a burst where I want to, but it's not very hot fire. And putting more power into the technique doesn't make it hotter, just produces more of it. So I can do it, but it's not really very useful as a weapon."

"I'm sure you'll get it," Miku tells me with a smile. "Maybe you need density instead of volume? The Uzumaki were supposed to be able to do all sorts of crazy things thanks to how dense their chakra was. Maybe whatever you use is the same?"

I blinked at the idea.

Can life energy even compress like that?

I have no idea.

I've never tried, I don't think anybody has.

Or if anybody has, they're likely sages back in DxD.

"Enough serious stuff," Miku breaks me out of my thoughts, "give me the gossip!" she demands with a slightly unnerving enthusiasm. "Has Lord Tsumachi gotten a spine and proposed to Lady Yui? Or is he using the attack as an excuse to stall more? Has Lady Shiratori had her baby yet? Did she have a boy or a girl? Did Satou go through with calling off her wedding? Or is her mother still making her go through with it?"

My smile grows slowly more forced as she continues to demand answers, and I try to figure out how to explain that I have no idea who any of these people are...

I'm going to get lectured about my mono-focus and lack of social life again, aren't I?


I leave Miku's room with a long list of gossip questions that I've been ordered to find answers to before I visit her again. Given that I'm to do that tomorrow, the day after at most, I have no idea how I'm going to accomplish my assigned task. My best bet, I think, is probably to find Miku's older sister, Mitsuko, and hope that she can answer most of these questions for me. Or at least point me at where...

I'm softly closing Miku's door when a cool, slightly antagonistic voice has me nearly jumping out of my skin. "I should have known." I spin around to find Saki standing in the hallway, her arms crossed, and a frown on her face. Goes to show that no matter how good your senses are, you can still be snuck up on if you're not paying attention. "Just what do you think you were doing in my daughters room?" the older woman demands.

"Visiting?" I really wish that didn't sound like a question.

Saki frowns at me, and looks like she's about to say something sharp... when she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, and lets it out slowly. "All right, let's just try being blunt," she murmurs to herself at a volume I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to hear. "What are your intentions towards my daughter?"

Something about the question strikes me as ridiculous, and I'm very proud of myself for not giggling. Instead I keep a straight face with mild effort and give her the best answer I can, "I don't really have any."

The older woman snarls, and then forcefully calms herself again with another deep breath. "Erikca," she says through gritted teeth, "I know your relationship with Miku is more... intimate," she sounds like she almost chokes on the word, "than either of you present it. So let's make a deal. You don't treat me like I'm stupid, and I will try to not take what you tell me in the worst way possible."

That's... actually a pretty good deal coming from her. She tries, and she's very good about having my back in any sort of political situation, but outside of that she usually assumes the worst about anything I'm involved in.

However... "Really, I have no intentions."

"Then how would you describe your relationship with my daughter?" Saki asks archly.

"We're friends?" Again, I really wish that didn't sound like a question. Saki doesn't seem to buy it either, and just stares at me. "Friends who kiss a lot?" More staring.

"Look, a year or so ago Miku decided that she wanted to practice kissing, and she came to me. The whole thing has been her idea from the beginning. I don't even initiate anything! After the first few times when it became clear that this was something we were going to keep doing, we even had a conversation about how we're just friends, and nothing more could come of what we were getting up to. We really are just friends..." I pause, then bob my head in acknowledgement, "who kiss a lot."

Saki smells confused at this point, and looks like she's not quite sure what to make of that. "I.. see..." she says in a tone that implies that she really doesn't.

"If it makes you feel any better, even if she's lying to me, or just herself, and she does have some hidden goal of this becoming more? It's not going to matter."

"Why not?" Her voice carries her usual veiled hostility, but it carries an undercurrent of confusion. Like she can't quite decide whether she's mad about the idea of something between her daughter and I, or that I might find Miku unworthy in some way.

"Well, first there's this war that just kicked off that's going to be occupying most of my time." I point out, and she flinches just slightly at the reminder. "And afterwards?" I sigh. "Look, I hate politics. I'm more than willing to fight for Iron. I'll even happily contribute to diplomacy with foreign nations in whatever way I can. But the moment I turn fifteen this happens." I wave my hand vaguely to indicate the general situation. "I know it's not all about me. Or even mostly. But that dinner did indicate that I'm suddenly vulnerable in ways that I haven't been before. And the kind of paranoia that truth requires, even when surrounded by allies, where I should be safe, sounds like an exhausting nightmare." And reminds me far too much of living in Kuoh, where I couldn't even bring myself to trust my own thoughts. It's not that bad, but I can't help but draw parallels. "I think we can both agree that after this war, I'm not going to suddenly become less interesting and desirable to the local movers and shakers."

Saki's expression had gone flat as I talked, and once I finished she spoke with an equal lack of emotion. "So what will you do?"

I shrug, with a small smile. "Finish out my term of service, and then remove myself from the situation."

"Which is why I don't need to worry about the relationship you have with my daughter."

"I still say that she more has a relationship with me, but yes."

"Where will you go?" Saki asks, her expression softening in a way I've never seen pointed at me before.

"Um..." For a moment I'm not sure how to deal with this radical departure in my normal treatment. After a moment though, I decide that it doesn't really matter. "In the short term, probably Konoha. In the long term I have no idea. That will depend on a lot of things, not the least of which is the state of things when this war ends."

"And if leaving hurts Miku?"

I stare at Saki blankly. God damn, I just can't win with this woman, though her normal hostile expression hasn't reappeared. She actually looks a lot like Granny at the moment. Which shouldn't be surprising, given that Saki is her daughter, but the woman's attitude made the family resemblance hard to find previously.

Still, it's a fair question, I guess. "It won't. I've never made a secret that I don't intend to become a career samurai, and we both know that she's destined for a politically advantageous marriage, which I'm not for all sorts of reasons. Besides, it's not like I'm vanishing off the planet, I'll keep in touch. And one never really stops being samurai, retired or not. If I'm really needed somebody will send a message for me and..."

I'm interrupted by the abrupt arrival of a samurai in full armor that I don't recognize. Sclamhaire is moments away from being projected from my soul, but I hesitate. A week ago a strange samurai walking around in full armor would have been unusual and concerning. But then we were betrayed by a decent chunk of the nobility, and last I'd heard nobody was entirely certain that all the traitors had left with the failure of their coup. Having arms and armor available and ready to go at a moment's notice is now just considered common sense.

The samurai bows formally, "Ladies," then straightens and pulls a piece of paper out of a pouch. "I'm looking for Samurai Ro... Rho..." He squints at the paper.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "That's probably me."

He straightens up looking relieved.

Come on man, my name's not that bad.

"Samurai, you have been called to a meeting with the generals and the Daimyo."


...I fucking jinxed myself, didn't I?


The conference room, I've come to learn, is a near universal constant. No matter the organization, culture, level of technology, or kinds of powers available, there will always be a need for a place for people to meet and discuss. While the concept of the conference room might be universal, what the room looks like can be radically different based on those same factors.

The room I'm led to by the messenger is largely empty. Polished hardwood floors, walls that are almost entirely made out of paper, a raised platform at the back of the room, a screen on that platform, and a number of flat cushions on the floor is about it. Light is provided by lamps just outside the paper walls of the room, and shining through them. The soft glow this produces gives the room a strangely dream-like feel, softening all the edges in the room and making it easy to convince yourself that you're seeing things out of the corner of your eyes that just aren't there. The only other source of light are two candles on stands behind the screen, that are just there to make sure that the screen is impossible to see through, and make sure that the person sitting behind the screen is nicely silhouetted.

It's still a conference room, though.

It's the people in the room that make me nearly trip over my own feet when I'm let in. Sitting in the center position, directly in front of the screen and just in front of the raised platform, is Mifune. The man who'd secured the city by arriving with an army, and who, in the canon future of this world, would end up basically running the entirety of Iron. Or at least the entirety of its military. Which is running the country as far as most ninja villages would be concerned. Also probably the only S class combatant that Iron has.

Honestly, he's well on his way to still arriving in that position from what I can see. The screen set up on the platform and the silhouette on it, indicates that the Daimyo is attending this meeting. I'm not sure who the rest of these people...

No, that's Hayato, the Quartermaster General of Iron, and Saki's oldest brother. I haven't seen a whole lot of him since he talked me into being a samurai in the first place, but he has made it a point to check in with me at least once a month or so when we're both in the capital. Which I guess is a lot now that I'm reminded that the man is a general. Also the man I begged a favor from to get permanently assigned to guard duty on the Konoha convoys.

But his being here means that the rest of the people that I don't recognize here are the generals of Iron.

No wonder I don't recognize them.

Even though I'm billed to the rest of the world as the first prodigy that Iron's produced that can stand up to the ninja versions of that title, the fact is that I'm a grunt. A young grunt at that. Ideally on my career path I should never meet any of these people.

I should be entirely beneath their notice except as a propaganda asset.

So the highest ranked people in Iron's military, the Daimyo himself, even if he is only four or five, and... me.

Why the fuck am I here?

I glance at Hayato to see if he'll tell me what's going on, but all I get is a flick of his eyes towards an unoccupied seating cushion tucked into one corner well out of the way.

Well, never let it be said that I'm incapable of taking a hint.

I quickly and quietly make my way to the indicated place and take a seat, doing my best to pretend that I'm not here... or at least as best I can without glamor.

None of the people in the room look at or acknowledge my presence, but the moment I take a seat Mifune starts the meeting.

"We are here," Mifune begins with the same seriousness that I imagine the first meeting of the Joint Chiefs after Pearl Harbor had, "to determine the nature and method of our response to the recent act of treachery that has been visited on our people. The first step of constructing such a response is to understand exactly what was done to us, and how. Lady Hamaguchi?"

A woman that looked old enough to remember the palace being carved out of the mountain, and small enough that she didn't seem to gain any height when she stood, rose to her feet and spoke in a voice that filled the room in a way completely at odds with her physical appearance. "First, casualties..."

I zone out for most of this. I don't particularly want to hear the exact numbers of our losses, or care about the enemy's. I'm not good enough at math or know enough about large scale logistics to really be able to understand what the numbers attached to grain stores mean. And the details of international diplomacy that would be involved in making up for our losses or keeping our neighbors from trying to take advantage of them are so far above my pay grade that I only recognize a couple of the names thrown around.

There are, however, a few things that grab my attention.

"On the nature of the forces used," the old woman, who I'm pretty sure is the head of whatever intelligence apparatus the Iron military uses in the absence of ninja, continues, "the treacherous samurai are easily identified as sworn to the northern lords, thus supporters of the pro ninja faction, and otherwise not worth speaking about." I get the distinct impression that if she hadn't been in front of the Daimyo she would have spat to get the taste of the words out of her mouth. "The other troops however are worth addressing. The majority of the troops used were Tauden between the ages of twelve and sixteen. Through various signs on the bodies recovered, and information retrieved from interrogation of the survivors, we have determined that the forces consist entirely of children without families or homes snatched off the streets. In spite of this and the presence of a Taudan War Caster in the assault on the palace, at this point in time my advisors and I do not believe that there is significant evidence of any official Taudan involvement. Certainly not enough for more than a few official complaints. For an assessment of the conscripts actual danger, I turn to one who fought them. Samurai Rhostana?"

The idea that any of these people could possibly want anything from me is so far-fetched that for a moment I don't even recognise my own name. I take a quick glance at Hayato and swallow thickly at his subtle gesture to present myself front and center. I knee walk to the indicated position and present them with a seated bow. Straightening, the old woman who had been speaking nods to me to begin.

I take a deep breath and briefly wonder why speaking in front of these people has my heart beat racing, when I wouldn't blink at the idea of fighting all of them. "As the generals know," I begin, both ensuring that nobody else will try to face-tank elemental jutsu, and buying enough time to order my thoughts, "I have a number of advantages that the rest of my fellow samurai do not. Something that means my experiences probably won't be what any other fighter would experience. That being said..." With my thoughts ordered, I give them a breakdown of what I experienced during the fight. Their average skill level both unarmed and with weapons, their equipment, how often they used jutsu, which they used, and how. Finally, I did my best to estimate how powerful their jutsu were based on how much mana I gained from the blasts of elemental energy hitting my armor.

I have no idea how they took my impromptu presentation. These people have some of the best poker faces I've ever seen, and I'm pretty sure that I'd get in trouble trying to connect to the world to use empathy on them. Not to mention I'm barely competent with it so who knows if it would even work. Hayato manages to give me a subtle wink as Lady Hamaguchi turns away from me, my report finished, which makes me think that I did well enough.

Not quite sure what to do with myself now, since I hadn't really been dismissed, I stay where I was put and try to not attract attention.

Hamaguchi appears to be finished and resumes her seat, and one of the other generals I don't recognize leans forward with Mifune's nod of permission. "We face a number of issues going forward." The man is huge. Standing he'd probably have a few inches on my full grown height, and he's built like a bear. Shaggy gray hair hangs just past his shoulders, going well with his equally long gray beard, leaving his bald crown gleaming faintly in the low light. His voice which I would expect to be more gravelly than a quarry is actually a surprisingly smooth low voice. Sounds like it's made for singing actually. "First, we don't know the enemy numbers, supply situation, or force organization. We don't know how ready the northern castles and fortresses are to withstand a siege. And sadly, this latest piece of treachery proves that we can not even be certain about the number of samurai in their service." The general heaves a heavy sigh, "The most immediate problem is to find a way through Center Gate, which they hold. None of the rest of it matters if we can not even reach them."

I search my memory for what the hell Center Gate is, and blink as I come up with an answer.

"Um..." At my vocalization the generals turn their attention to me again, most of them looking surprised enough that I suspect that they forgot I'm here. "I think I can take care of that. I'll just need a little preparation..."

Mifune raises an eyebrow, but the first general who spoke growls through his beard, "Are we actually going to entertain this spoiled child?"


Glancing around the room... there's a distressing amount of agreement with that sentiment. Hayato glares at the other generals, and Mifune at least seems neutral, or stoic at the very least. One or two of the younger generals don't seem to be negatively disposed towards me.

"I agree," one of the other generals says leaning forward, "however gifted with a blade the child might be, she's still a child. Not someone who should be speaking in this company where tactics or strategy are needed, not a blunt tool."



The rest of the generals all start clamoring with their own opinions, none of which are very positive towards me.

After only a few minutes though, Mifune silences the room simply by raising his hand, "I want to hear what she has to say."

Then they all turn to look at me again, impatience clear on their faces and in their scents.

I swallow hard, "Right. Well my idea goes like this..."

The growing smile on Minfune's face as I speak and the increasing incredulity of the rest of the room makes me think that I may have actually had a good idea.


The geography of the Elemental Nations in general is strange. There's no way the biome distribution of this place is in any way natural. Mountains pop up in weird places... really I could go on and on.

The weirdness of Iron is that it's a very large peninsula that stretches to the north from the mainland towards the Land of Snow, and is basically one giant mountain range that has no business being where it is. The southern half of the country is absolutely mountainous, but a very mild mountain range as such things go, which from what I remember means that it's a very old mountain range. About halfway up the peninsula though, the mountains go from 'mild' to 'murderous'. On earth it would be like taking a hike through the Appalachians, and suddenly finding you've somehow wandered into the Himalayas with no warning.

In spite of the rapid change in elevation, there are several ways through the divide. Most are small passses that only really qualify 'passible' if you're on foot, have some serious climbing gear, or if you're a goat. Which is a problem when most of the population of Iron lives in the South, and most of the mines and refineries are in the North. That's a lot of weight that has to be moved through this radical change in terrain features, and basically impossible with those little passes. Similarly, large amounts of troops can't really pass through them either. Fortunately there is one wide gentle and pretty much perfect pass right in the middle of the transition line.

And this is where the Center Gate comes in.

The Center Gate is an ancient fortress that straddles the pass right where the mountains go from 'friendly' to 'hateful'. While history isn't my best subject, I seem to recall that it's been there for longer than Chakra has been a thing, and nobody really knows who made it or when. The fortress is huge, by itself the size of a small city, and made of what seems to be a single piece of light gray stone. The entire edifice is laced with raw chakra metal ore, which really ought to be impossible, but this renders it not only unbelievably tough, but largely immune to any form of damage by chakra. The veins of chakra-metal ore spread the energy across the entire fortress, leaving it harmless. Even techniques like wall-walking can be used on its walls.

It has never been taken by force or subterfuge.

A sieging force can only attack one side of it at a time, rendering the siege ineffective.

It absolutely must be taken in order to prosecute the war.

And I'm going to take it in about five minutes, pretty much by myself, and with zero casualties on our side.



The pass that the Center Gate blocks is more like a canyon than anything else. A wide flat valley bracketed on either side by enormous jagged and impassible peaks. Snow blankets most everything, though the floor of the pass only has a light dusting thanks to the wind. The biting cold flow of air never stops as the pass acts like a chimney, drawing constant air movement along it that can vary between a breeze and wind strong enough to blow the incautious off their feet. No matter how fast the air moves though, the cold it brings cuts through any attempt to keep warm, and it only gets worse at dawn and dusk.

Dawn is only minutes away, and the breeze is beginning to kick up into something more significant as the stars begin to fade in the west even as the warm glow of dawn starts to peak over the horizon in the east. A dawn I'm racing at this point.

My wings beat strongly as I fly as fast as I can to take advantage of the last bits of dark sky. My armor makes for pretty good camouflage against a night sky, not so much against a bright one. I'd spent all night flitting from place to place around Center Gate to get things set up, and I'd only just managed in time, having had to use my glamor to avoid detection more often than I'd like.

The army of Iron, while I'd been busy around the fortress, had marched into the pass and was set up to attack the Center Gate at first light.

So any moment now.

The army itself is huge. Standard Iron soldiers standing in rows, formations of archers waiting behind them, and my fellow samurai formed up on either side of the infantry ready to be mounted archers or mounted infantry as needed. And right out in front are several more mounted men and one riderless horse.

I swoop low as I approach the army and back wing as I reach the riders in front of the army, setting myself down gently next to the riderless horse. A moment later I swing into Cloud's saddle, patting her neck as I settle in place and she snorts at me. She never really likes it when I use something other than her to really get around. Not that we had much choice this time around.

Next to me is the big, gray-bearded, bald general, who put forward the problem of Center Gate in the first place. He turns to look at me, glaring at me from under his helmet.

"This had better work, girl," he rumbles, setting the large kanbo he favors as a weapon on one shoulder. A kanbo being the more evolved version of a bat with nails in it. So basically a studded club.

"It'll work," I assure him with all the assurance that I actually have. I've done this before after all, if not quite at this scale.

He just snorts and gives me a look of such derision that I can almost physically feel it.

I take a deep breath in anticipation, Cloud stomping her feet and blowing, eager to get started. Moments later Mifune gives the word, which is passed by signal fan to the rest of the army, and we all start towards the Center Gate fortress as the sun crests the mountains and dawn takes the world.

The light spills across the valley and reveals the army approaching the walls, sending the rebel sentries frantically scurrying across the walls like ants in a kicked nest. People are yelling, horns are sounding, archers rush to take their positions on the wall, and the army halts again out of bow range.

"Rebels manning the Center Gate, I am Mifune." Mifune's voice fills the valley. It's an internal chakra trick called the 'voice of thunder'... I think. Not something that I've looked into during my Library dives. Also not really important at the moment. "High general of Iron's armies by the will of the Daimyo. Your leaders' attempted coup has failed. Though the old Daimyo was killed, his family lives on. Your only hope for survival is to abandon this folly. So I am giving you this single chance to surrender, if you do not throw down your weapons and open the gates within half an hour you will be killed to the last."

The arrow launched from the walls falls far short of Mifune, but I don't think that they're going to need the half hour to come to a decision.

Which isn't to say that we won't give it to them anyway.

The half hour passes in silence. The only sounds being the jingle of horses shifting, or the creek of leather armor as the troops do the same.

It does pass though, and at the end of it Mifune catches my eye and gives me a nod. I pull a shim out of my armor skirt, and with a single deep breath I break the thin piece of wood in half.

It's not a popsicle stick, but it's the closest I could find, and it works just fine.

The air around the fortress begins to shimmer slightly. The men on the walls clap their hands over their ears to try and block out the sound that doesn't travel further than the barrier my Script has created around the fortress. After a minute snow boils off the roofs and walls, turning directly to steam, and moments after that people begin collapsing. Something I'm glad for as it means that I don't have to watch them liquify. My vision is more than good enough to see the expressions of agony of the men on the walls before they go down, and I can feel the local mana's balance shifting as it takes in the energy released by the pain and death flooding out of the fortress.

"Is it working?" the bear-like general with the club asks gruffly. It's a fair question. Without senses as good or esoteric as mine it's impossible to tell that anything is happening to Center Gate. I've improved since I did this to the church in Kuoh. Not only did I manage to find a balance where the people in the structure are killed, but the building itself is unharmed, and nothing leaks past the barrier this time either.

"It is," Mifune says evenly, "exactly as Rhostana said it would."

I wonder how he knows.

Mifune glances in my direction and gives me a nod, but the general, whose name I'm really going to have to get at some point, is giving me a much longer and more considered look.

"Maybe you're not just a show pony," he rumbles, deep in thought and stroking his beard. Then a positively evil grin spreads across his face. "I might have one or two missions that you might be useful for. Assuming this wasn't a fluke, you should be fine."



AN: I'm BACK! My brain is mostly working how it should again, and I have every intention of resuming a much more frequent update scheduled. So cross your fingers and wish me luck that it'll actually work out that way.
Welcome back! I found this earlier this year, thus being only the second update I've seen since binge reading my way through the earlier stuff. I've enjoyed this a lot.

Best of luck with your plans for a schedule.

Thank you for writing and sharing this with us.
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Ooh, yeah, that's a nasty way to go... And I'm glad to see her finally starting to use her Script again. For a while I was starting to think the Pure Shonen Energy of the Naruto world had infected her or something, so it's good to see her planning ahead in her engagements once again.
Perfect start to the morning. A new chapter of Bootstrapping to read as i eat breakfast and get ready for the day.

I wonder what the rank and file samurai think when they see the results of Ericka's trick
Ya when she gets the chance to plan out something like that you either so utterly outclassed her or the resources put into the script or aren't in the area of effect or you are so very screwed
Nice to see this back.

Hope Ericka enjoys being a national security asset in addition to a propaganda piece. While I'm sure they'll be thinking of defenses against this tactic, being able to take the keystone of their national defenses with a night of prep work makes her a hell of a threat when she decides to retire.
I literally danced for joy when I saw a new update for this story. I have already loaded the first chapter in another tab, and will be re-reading the story in its entirety. It's just so wonderfully good. It is also great to hear that you are doing better. Wish you all the luck, and thanks for yet another wonderful chapter.
Wow. I hope I don't have to clean this up.

Possibly not the most appropriate first thought to have upon riding into Center Gate, but I really am hoping I don't have to. I've got enough seniority to avoid having to do the really shit jobs, right?


If not seniority, the fact that I've been up all night making this happen should get me some slack. Mifune has vanished with the general, still need his name, and I wasn't assigned to any of the regular army units, so I'm somewhat at a loss.

Cloud snorts under me and I nod, "You're right. That is something we can take care of right now." With that we turn and go looking for the stables. Cloud may not have been with me all night, but I doubt she slept much either.

She tends to worry about me.

Fortunately, finding the stables is easy, as it's somewhat logically located right on the main courtyard just inside the main gates. It only takes a moment to dismount and push the sliding wooden door open, and I immediately recoil from the smell.

Cloud looks for a moment into the dark interior of the stable, pins her ears back, and swings her head around to look at me incredulously.

I scrub my face with my hands. "I totally forgot that the defenders would have horses as well." Cloud snorts at me, which I interpret as something not complimentary. "I've been flying around all night and I'm currently functioning on no sleep or food. Cut me some slack." Cloud looks away from me clearly denying my request, before she turns back and starts nosing me insistently. Her fore hoof paws at the ground, her ears perk forward as she huffs at me before nosing me more and tossing her head.

Demanding horse.

"I know, I know, I'm on it," I grumble.

I still refuse to clean any of this up, so how should I...?

My ears catch the sound of a distinct kind of angry shouting.

Ah. There we go.

Looking around, I see what I hoped for. A sergeant chewing out a group of soldiers who had apparently been left to their own devices too long and so had found something to entertain themselves with. Unfortunately for them, it seemed that nobody else found whatever they'd done entertaining.

My grin is probably more than slightly malicious as I head in their direction, Cloud following along next to me. It takes a moment after we arrive for the sergeant to finish his current invective, at which point he turns to me suddenly becoming a perfect example of military courtesy.

"Ma'am," he bows to the perfect slight angle and then straightens, "What can I do for you?"

"I couldn't help but overhear, sergeant. From what I understand these soldiers are in need of something to keep them occupied?" I ask mildly.

The glint in the man's eye is downright evil. "Indeed, ma'am. Do you have something for them?"

"Yes, I think I do. As it turns out, the stables will need to be thoroughly cleaned out before they're suitable for habitation again." I glance at the assembled soldiers standing stiffly and trying to blend into the background. The majority of them have gone pale, except for the few that are sporting a festive green tinge.

"That does sound like something that will keep my boys and girls appropriately busy for a while," the sergeant nods slowly. "Will you be overseeing, ma'am?"

I shake my head, "I've been up all night, and haven't eaten anything since dinner yesterday. I'm going to need to address those problems before I fall over. Besides, it's not me they'll have to satisfy anyway." I pat my horsey friend's neck. "Cloud will make sure they get things up to standards, though. No worry."

The sergeant doesn't even blink at the idea of having a horse in charge of some of his men. "Good rest then, ma'am. Lady Cloud, why don't you show us what needs doing." Things are delayed just long enough for me to pull Cloud's saddle off, before I take it with me and head to see if Nell has found me a room yet.


The sound of knocking drags me towards consciousness in spite of my best efforts. Fortunately I can hear the door open and the sound of Nell handling whatever it is, which gloriously means I don't have to. So I slip easily back into deep sleep.

I'm awakened again from my much needed sleep, what seems like only moments later, by the sound of soft purring and an even softer paw patting my cheek. I groan and turn my face into the entirely insufficient pillow in an effort to go back to sleep. Instead the paw goes from soft to somewhat harder as I'm bapped in the back of my head.
Apparently I'm done sleeping.

I roll my head again and crack an eye open to see Nell standing next to my futon, paws on her hips, as she looks down at me. Nell is wonderful, but at some point she realized that while I'm her princess, I'm also a teenager, and has on occasion started to treat me like one.

I'm not sure if I like it or not.

"Princess, you've been summoned by the generals." Fuck. That means I actually need to get up. "I've prepared clothing for you, and a bath you should be able to use if you move quickly. It would not do to go before the generals without cleaning yourself."

I groan, heave myself to my feet and stagger my way to the steaming copper tub that Nell managed to get her paws on somehow. I'm glad I don't need my eyes to move around because opening them seems like far too much effort at the moment. With a moan that I'm glad only Nell is around to hear, I slip into the hot water, taking a moment to enjoy the water, as my faithful maid gets ready to help me get clean.

Normally I'd insist that I'm capable of washing myself, but right now that sounds like effort, and honestly she'll do a faster and better job than I will. The idea tugs forward a memory from my first life, before DxD, of trying to explain to somebody that changing their clothes will actually go faster if they just do what we say and nothing else. I think it was backstage of a theater? In any case doing more than letting Nell take care of me sounds like work, which I just don't have the energy for at the moment.


"Nell, how much sleep did I get?"

"Not nearly enough." I can hear Nell's pinned back ears in her voice. She's almost hissing.

Probably best to just let her do her thing...


My cat maid gets me cleaned, dressed, and pushes a hot meat and vegetable filled bun in my hand before she ushers me out of the door. Following along behind me like the faithful attendant she is, Nell subtly nudges me right or left, guiding me to where my meeting is supposed to be.

How the hell Nell has already learned her way around the city sized fortress we're currently living in is utterly beyond me. She's clearly managed somehow, though.

By the time we arrive I'm completely awake, and have more than enough wherewithal to be nervous. I take a moment to straighten and smooth out my wrap shirt and hakama, and use the time to try and get a feel for what's waiting for me.

I can hear two voices discussing what sounds like some logistical issues surrounding refugees wanting to avoid the war by fleeing south, that are being very carefully let through Center gate. Something which fortunately lands solidly in the category of 'not my problem'. I can only feel two sources of chakra inside, so the two people talking are the only people in there. Finally, I take a deep breath through my nose, identifying Mifune and the still nameless general.

Great, I'm starting to hate meetings.

If I stall any longer it'll start being rude, so I nod to Nell, who slides the door open allowing me to step in, and then closes it behind me. Inside I find a small room with a bare wooden floor and a low table where Mifune and the general kneel and appear to be sorting through a great deal of paperwork. I bow appropriately to the two men in the room, then kneel on the hardwood floor and wait for them to tell me why I'm here.

"Welcome Rhostana-san..." Mifune starts.

"After seeing what you accomplished with Center Gate," the bear of a general interrupts, something that doesn't appear to endear him to Mifune at all. Mifune doesn't do anything about it though, "and having the opportunity to talk to Mifune and various others, I've been convinced to give your reputation more creedence than I'd been inclined to previously." The man grunts and his tone of voice makes me think that he resents everything about what he just said. "So we're giving you a trial run."

Mifune slides a scroll across the table to me and I open it to give it a look over while he continues to talk. At the very top is the picture of a very attractive blonde woman, maybe four or five years older than I am, wearing a full formal kimono suitable for a Daimyo's court.

"This," Mifune explains, his smooth, calm voice, a nice contrast to the general's gruff rumble, "is Lady Tomiko Sasaki. She is the daughter of a noble of the Land of Fire, recently married to Lord Sasaki and unfortunately was trapped at their home in the north when the coup happened. Lord Sasaki has voiced no opinion on the various political and philosophical issues surrounding the current war, but has generally been supportive of the Daimyo. So we believe that he would default to our side in the absence of other pressures."

"But the rebels have access to his new wife," I grimace, poor guy. She's really pretty too, I hope for her sake the marriage wasn't entirely political.

"Precisely." Is that surprise I hear in your voice general? Well, fuck you too. "We know where she was supposed to be when the coup kicked off, and we, or rather Lady Hamaguchi, believes that between the disaster the coup ended up being for the rebels, and how fast we've moved afterwards, it's unlikely that they've realized that she's there. Or what it could mean if they get their hands on her."

"So you want me to get to her first?" It's pretty obvious, and nice of them to include a map of the castle she's supposedly in, and their best guess as to what the interior looks like. They marked where the Lady's chambers are supposed to be, but blueprints aren't something that's really kept in this era. So the layout is likely the result of getting a few people that have been in the castle previously, and asking them to draw what they remembered. A method that's far more likely to be accurate with the general location of important rooms than the details of the hallways. So the general location of the lord's rooms could come in handy. Or at least give me a place to start.

"Precisely," Mifune says and glances to the side at the other man at the table as he repeats the general's earlier word choice. Though his expression and tone of voice don't change in the slightest, he smells happy. The general glares back at him.

Some friction in the command staff?

Come to think of it, what was Mifune's rank before the coup? Did he take over by simply showing up with an army and getting shit done?

None of my business either way, so I refocus on my target. She really is pretty, the blond hair makes me think that there's a Senju or Yamanaka in her ancestry somewhere. The pupiless bright green eyes make me lean towards a Yamanaka. Or they could have been somebody from Sand, I suppose.

The racoon jinjuriki's sister will be blonde won't she?

Who knows, I barely remember the girl. And it's not really important either.

I look up at the two men giving me orders, they're perfectly composed. No sign of whatever little spat they may or may not have had.

I hesitate for a moment, my gaze flicking between the two. After several long moments of silence, I ask to take my leave.

Leave given, I get out of there as quickly as I can. That whole meeting was just incredibly awkward.

...And I still don't know that general's name!


I don't leave on my mission immediately. I can't really. Center Gate is a mess of epic proportions. The army is moving in, most of the food stores are being replaced, rooms are being prepared by servants or low ranking troops in need of something to do. It'll take several days, assuming good weather and no hostile encounters, to get to where I need to be. So I need supplies, food, water, a tent, and probably some other things I'm not thinking of off the top of my head. Which means I need to wait for the quartermasters to get their act together.

This isn't made any easier by the presence of refugees already fleeing through the Gate from the north. Mifune and the generals apparently want these people somewhere else as quickly as possible, just to get them out of the way, the risk of infiltrators apparently being judged as acceptable. It does seem unlikely that the rebels have people standing ready to sneak into what they at the time considered their own impregnable fortress. But the refugees are getting everywhere and slowing down the quartermaster by trying to purchase or trade for supplies to continue their journey south.

Basically, it's just a huge mess.

The good news is that my mission is something of a priority and I'm also a favorite of Hayato's. And what with him being the Quartermaster General, I get slightly preferential treatment.

Won't get me out of the Gate any sooner than tomorrow morning if I'm lucky, so probably some time later than I really want to leave. Leaving me with a day to occupy. So I take the rare opportunity to sleep in. I fuss over Cloud, brushing her to within an inch of her life while playing a game of Go with her.

Which I manage to win, in no way because she's half asleep from the brushing while playing.

I spar with various other samurai and soldiers who are similarly at loose ends while waiting for their shift, or like me waiting to be able to pursue their own missions.

Spend a while after that soaking in a hot bath, which feels absolutely heavenly after being in the cold of the open air practice yards.

I try to help out where it looks like it's needed. It seems like another pair of inhumanly strong hands to move boxes around would be welcome. Not the case it turns out. I'm told no fewer than five times to stay out of the way with frustrated politeness. The sixth time I'm actually chased out of the kitchen by a tiny woman wielding a wooden spoon nearly as big as she is.

All of this manages to keep me occupied until some time in the mid-afternoon, when I'm reduced to people watching, and utterly bored. I'd start practicing Ripple the Still Pond, Ku's anti armor technique, but I don't have the practice tools up here or the time to make them. I'd start working on my next Script project, but that's the sort of thing I'd need to sink weeks into at least to get anywhere, and I'm leaving for a mission in a day, two at the most.

So I've devolved to wandering aimlessly through the city sized fortress watching the collection of soldiers, servants, refugees, and the occasional samurai. The soldiers, servants, and samurai aren't that interesting. I live with these people, or at least their kind if not these specific individuals. The refugees come in far more variety though.

A group of children numbering in the dozens have been corralled off to one side of the large courtyard serving as a staging point for the refugees. They're being watched by a group of teenagers roughly my own age, or a couple of years older at the most. The kids appear to be playing some bizarre version of tag that doesn't involve them moving all that much... I think. The teens are keeping a nominal eye on the kids, but mostly seem to be watching one of their number, a boy that seems to have gotten the short straw in the puberty process looking incredibly awkward with limbs that he hasn't nearly grown into yet, attempt to flirt with a girl who has to be one of the older ones there. Nineteen at least. I can say he's got good taste at least. The feeling of sympathetic awkwardness is too much, so I move on.

A brightly painted caravan of wagons seems to be some sort of traveling circus. Or smugglers. Their leader, a large round man wearing an overcoat covered in stars, seems to be trying very hard to convince the soldiers that they don't actually need to inspect his many carts. It doesn't seem to be going well for him as the soldier is obviously losing his patience. A couple of squads already have the caravan surrounded and are obviously looking for an excuse to get involved, so that seems handled.

Five mercenaries, dressed in cold weather gear and generic flack jackets that seem to be used as armor outside of Iron. Swords on their hips, knives tucked into their belts, one of them has a bow, unstrung. The five of them are escorting a figure in enough cold weather gear that they look like nothing so much as a marshmallow. A long braid of black hair falls out of the fur hood the escorted figure wears, making me think that they're female. Possibly some sort of noble, the hair doesn't look nearly bad enough to have gone more than a few days without extensive care. Can't see much more of them as they're wearing a scarf around their face to trap as much heat as possible, leaving only the bright green pupiless eyes visible, and only for a moment as she looks back over her shoulder in my direction. Then the mercenaries lead their charge out of the courtyard and into the interior of the fortress, apparently already checked and cleared.

An aged couple huddle together against one of the walls to stay out of the gentle wind that occasionally blows through the courtyard. A man in his early to mid twenties is carrying two steaming bowls to them...

Okay, the mercenaries are bugging me.


Not sure why, though.

I run over every detail that I noticed about them again, and don't come up with anything. I start towards the door they took into the Gate as I continue to rack my brain for what's bothering me. Swords, bow, armor... Their charge's eyes.

Those eyes are familiar.

For some reason.

Something recent...

I push my way into the small side door that the mercenaries had entered and find myself in one of the small sub halls. Largely empty except for a few servants who are the hall's intended users. The mercs are just rounding a corner further down the hallway as I get to it, the servants looking after them as though they'd done something surprising.

I break into a run after them making the corner they'd disappeared around, and find them halfway down an even emptier hallway. They've pulled their hoods back in the warmer air of the fortress interior. I'm still not sure what's bugging me about these people, but I've got an easy way to rule out a lot of things at least.

I push mana into my eyes and feel it saturating them. Even if I can't see it happening I can feel the white's of my eyes bleeding to black. If they're hiding anything then...

Holy shit!

These people are covered in lies.

Their clothes? Lies.

Their armor? Lies.

Their weapons, their faces, their very body shapes, are all lies.

The only thing that's not a lie are the woman's... eyes.

Bright green pupiless eyes. I hadn't recognized her in the context of the Gate, but I'd just been looking at a picture of her this morning. This is the noblewoman I'm supposed to be leaving to find tomorrow. I'm not sure who these people are, but I'm supposed to be securing her. Which means that here or at the castle I was supposed to find her in, I can't let them take her.

"Hold!" My voice echoes and bounces down the empty hallway, rolling over them like a physical thing. The woman staggers and the mercenaries lose a step, then they all turn to look at me. I start to stride down the hallway towards them.

"I'll take care of her." Oh, you will, will you?

I frown, but before I can speak, the one who's apparently going to 'take care' of me, snaps a hand forward and several shuriken come flying directly at my face, and I flood my body with earth-aspected mana.


The sharp steel flying at my face feels off, through my shinjitsugan they look less important than they should. A distraction, though one that could hurt me if I ignore it. I slap the shuriken out of the air, and raise my off hand and the kunai held by what I'm assuming now is a ninja, scrapes along my skin with the sound of steel on stone.

He'd tried to use focus blindness to cover his approach, intending to stab me somewhere important before I caught up to what was going on. Unfortunately for him my eyes spotted the feint for what it was, and I could hear his every move coming down the hallway towards me.

I grab his wrist and slide one foot forward as I drop my center and chamber my fist. Then I pull him towards me and into the boxing straight that slams into his chest with all the power my body can generate. His momentum abruptly reverses itself and he's launched back down the hall leaving behind a small puff of chakra smoke.

Must have been using a henge to change his appearance. But since a henge is an illusion technique, it's invisible to the shinjitsugan. Which is why he doesn't look any different to me.

The other ninja take a moment to look at their downed teammate, and I take the opportunity to summon my artifacts. Shadow and black mist explode out from my body, obscuring my vision for a moment, then pulls back to my body condensing into my armor. Its weight is as comforting as the feel of Sclamhaire in my hand and the weight of my athame on my back.

The armor appears with my hood and mask up, so by the time the ninja look back at me they're confronted by black armor, a light eating sword leaking freezing mist onto the ground, and an empty hood.

For once I'm actually pretty happy with how intimidating my armor looks.

It must be working too, because the one who'd been leading them starts swearing softly, but with feeling.

None of his words look like lies at least.

Extra points for creativity though.