Boom (Worm, Minor AU)

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that Panacea's bio-striker power can do everything that Lilith can, and so much more (I think it's feasible that Amy could rewire Amelia's creations so that they only obey her, plus create ones more sophisticated and dangerous in general). It's definitely still a more even match-up than Skitter-Eclipse, though.

I'd love to see Amelia making, or convincing Amy to make, para-bugs that Skitter-Taylor can control (Doesn't seem like she can do so for Mr. Cuddles).
Theoretically Panacea could, but remember while she gains an innate awareness of the body, she DOES NOT gain a precog power with which to model changes. Anything she did to the creature would have to work perfectly, and with no side effects. She knows how her powers can affect human bodies (due to experience) and animal bodies (likely due to study) but I think it's safe to assume that biotinker creations are only tangentally related to either. Plus there's the blackbox bullshit that comes with tinker stuff - for all we know the unbalanced min-maxers that are Taykuda and Lilbog managed to make it so her creatures would have built-in biological meltdowns if they were affected by another biotinker.
Secondly, canonically Skitter has issues controlling more intelligent things - until Khepri at least. Remember how she notes that Atlas isn't perfectly under control? She can force it but the more intelligent something is, the more it can resist. Amelia has shown the explicit ability to create things with borderline-human level intelligence, meaning while Taylor might be able to influence them, it's doubtful she could control more than maybe one or two at a time. Amy obviously can, but that's just alteration of a normal bug rather than regenesis as a new stable lifeform.
I mean, a major AU would have the entire world be different. This one can be explained away as two alt-power characters from a different universe visiting the canon world. It's not a huge stretch.
Two? I thought Amelia was just a less inhibited Amy with the same powerset. (And probably a backstory closer to Ack's Another Way than Canon Amy)

Taylor of course has Bakuda's "MORE DAKKA" power painted with a lot of eyeliner.
Two? I thought Amelia was just a less inhibited Amy with the same powerset. (And probably a backstory closer to Ack's Another Way than Canon Amy)

Taylor of course has Bakuda's "MORE DAKKA" power painted with a lot of eyeliner.

Eh, it's the same shard, definitely, only it expressed a little different. More focus on minion creation than biostriking.
Ok, while it's totally your prerogative to take things in any direction you want, I might have to drop from this amazing story, next chapter depending.

I was hoping for a bit more of a slow burn, comparatively, but I see I forgot what would happen if a non-beatdown Amelia and Taylor was feeding off of each other's behaviour.

And I sorta hoped this fic would be a bit longer before it was "Full Steam, Next Stop, Escalation Station!". . .

Anyway! Not intended as a threat, just more of a critique on the pacing I guess? It feels a bit too crammed with conflict.
Anyway! Not intended as a threat, just more of a critique on the pacing I guess? It feels a bit too crammed with conflict.
I actually rather like the pacing. But then, I'm treating this as a crack fic, and thus all the normal rules are thrown out the window.
Holy shit, what the heck did I just read and where has it been all my life?

Also Snarky and Deadpan Taytay x Bubbly Absent-minded Amy is now my favorite ship.
Honestly when I first found this I lost interest.
Though now that I've finally got around to reading everything... goddamn this is going to be a glorious shitshow!
I can't wait for Amelia to learn that her Daddy is in the Birdcage.