Blooming Villain - a Worm/Persona 5 Crossover Quest

[X]Similar to Joker, the main character from Persona 5

[X] Avoid being seen, keep your mask on and use Sophia's power to escape the building through an exterior wall on the backside. Avoid main roads, find a blanket, towel or any kind of clothes to cover up your costume so you can take your mask off when you get near your house.
1.3 Coincidence
Adrenaline is still running through your veins in the wake of your catastrophe-turned-awakening, and in the heat of the moment you wonder if any security cameras caught you already. A panicked search along the visible hallway provides you a moment of relief, as there doesn't seem to be anything that would record you.

Of course there wouldn't be. Those girls had to be planning this for a while. They would never ambush you somewhere that they could literally be caught on film.

Still, the entrances are likely to be watched, and there are probably teachers, hall monitors, and even other students wandering around. And you still have two uses left of your borrowed walk-through-walls power. So you mentally map out the building in your head, peek around the next corner to make sure nobody is nearby, head for the ground-floor window, and... woosh.

You have 1 use left of Shadow Stalker's phase power.

The January air is chilly, but the sudden shock doesn't hit you as hard as you had expected – the long, black jacket of your new costume is warm, but not stifling, and while you would hate to wear it on a summer day, it strikes you as the perfect outfit for Brockton Bay's mild weather. That said, you can't help but notice that it looks super evil. There's a definite "gentleman thief" feel to it, compounded by the fact that – in your limited experience - heroes tend to be all about spandex (which you are not wearing) and villains are more likely to be the ones wearing black.

You live in a city with a disproportionate number of capes. Walking around in costume doesn't bother you. Being mistaken for a villain, especially given your heroic epiphany literally ten-ish minutes ago, bothers you more than anything. You'll need to go out in costume eventually anyway, but... maybe you'll try to get your name out there first?

So, the bus isn't an option for getting home today. The walk isn't that bad, but you'd rather not be noticed by anyone who might, uh, call the heroes on you. In your indecision, you realize you've just been standing next to the wall of your school staring into space for a while, and that sure isn't getting anything done. You notice a discarded jacket someone left behind after recess, berate yourself for a moment for stealing ALREADY, and sorta... toss it over your shoulders. You take your mask off and hide it under your arm.

It's weird to have to literally disguise a disguise but this is the best you can do at the moment. You set off for home.

The relative silence means that for the first time, the ramifications of what happened to you can peek through the overwhelming anxiety and adrenaline. You have changed forever. The Taylor you were before is gone. You're a cape. And while you could theoretically sit back and not use your powers, continuing to lead a meek, normal existence... you made an oath. You swore to take this opportunity and use it to be better than the girls who abused their power over you. It feels like a tangible thing, as if someone could cut you open and find the oath resting on your heart. You need to do something with this. That means you need to make a plan.

The Protectorate has a program for underage capes – the Wards – that you could conceivably join. You don't know the process, but in theory you could just walk up to the PRT offices in costume and demonstrate your talent. That said... what if your bully is in the Wards too? You don't want to believe it, but there's a solid possibility that she's the kind of person they would let in. And then you'd have to meet her, and admit that you got your powers after swearing an oath to be less shitty than her... awkward.

And you're no stranger to high-school power dynamics. The Wards would be just another hierarchy. Except this time, ALL the bullies would have powers. And you still don't know how limited your new gig is.

That leaves going solo... but do you really have it in you to be a solo hero? You would have no support network, you would immediately make enemies, and as far as you can tell, your power relies heavily on having other capes to steal skills from. It seems risky.

Just something to think about.

You're snapped out of your daydreaming by a loud crash coming from an alley two streets over. Your stomach turns, and for a moment you want to run... but you stop yourself. Isn't this the sort of thing you're supposed to step in to help with? If it's plain ol' muggers, you won't be able to do much about it, but you still have one more charge of your escape gimmick. And if it's capes... you might be able to test your power more thoroughly. (Or, again, escape if things get hairy.)

So you approach, sneaky as you can. You hear more crashes, which prompts you to stick to the shadows more carefully... and as you get closer, you see three figures. A two-on-one.

The "one" is wearing spandex, a black-and-blue diamond pattern you don't immediately recognize. It might mean he's a newbie, but your knowledge isn't comprehensive – you're a fan of capes, but you never had a reason to think deeply about them before now. That said, this guy is seriously beefy. He looks like someone stuck several movie action heroes together and sculpted the resulting mess into a Greek ideal of masculinity. You hope his physique comes from a power because the alternative is a little disturbing to think about.

Facing the newbie are two others, a man and a woman clearly used to working together. The man is blonde, with a mask over his eyes, and a black breastplate over a deep v-neck shirt. The woman wears a red bodysuit, with... at first you think it's a swastika, but closer inspection reveals it's some kind of Norse rune. Swastika wouldn't have been far off – these guys are clearly Empire Eighty-Eight. Literal Nazi capes.

So it's two villains against one unknown. He might be a hero – again, spandex – but it's possible it's a squabble between criminal elements.

Nazi Dude positions himself between his partner and their lone opponent, gives an arrogant smirk, and reaches a hand back. The girl touches him for a moment. Then he snaps his fingers and a fireball comes to life. He throws it in Diamond Guy's direction.

The maybe-hero steps aside with a grace that belies his musclebound form, grabs a nearby dumpster one-handed and uses it to block the next fireball, already in the air. He uses it as a shield as he tries to close the distance, but Nazi Girl pats her partner on the back again and the blonde asshole is suddenly moving at an insane speed. He thunders down the alleyway, weaves around his opponent's improvised shield, and lays on with a dizzying combination attack. Quick as it is, it feels practiced – this guy knows martial arts, possibly several varieties.

If it phases Diamond Guy, he doesn't show it, and after a few reckless swings with the dumpster that hit nothing, he changes his tactics. He pitches the dumpster at Nazi Girl. You flinch inwardly, but before the hit lands, Nazi Dude is there next to her, and as she gives him another tap, he stretches out like a human shield and the dumpster just bounces off. It lands uncomfortably close to your hiding spot. Your bones rattle. Your heart races.

You reach down inside yourself and bring out your own power, just for a glimpse into what they've got. You aren't committed yet, but you've run out of time – this is where you need to make a decision.

Diamond Guy has two powers that you can see. One looks like a needle, to your eyes – you're reminded of your earlier thought about steroid abuse – and the other is a hand surrounded by faint waves. Some kind of telekinesis?

Nazi Girl just has the one power – a symbol that looks like a box, tied with a bow. The universal symbol for "gift," as if you hadn't already figured it out.

And her partner, the Nazi Guy, has two powers that you can see. One seems to be... a vampire biting a brain? That's concerning. And the other is a shield, but this has the same feel as Nazi Girl's power. If you wanted to, it looks like you could steal the talent she gave him, but you don't know if it would keep her from granting a new one.

Do you fight, or do you flee?

[]Don't engage, but stay and watch.
[]Flee. We will not be railroaded, GM.

Regardless of the above, do you steal a power?

[]Diamond Guy's needle.
[]Diamond Guy's wavy-hand.
[]Nazi Girl's gifting power.
[]Nazi Dude's brain/vampire deal.
[]The power the girl has currently gifted the guy (the shield).
[]Wait and watch for another opportunity (write-in what you are waiting for).
[]Stealing is wrong, GM.

(I had most of this chapter written, but while I was doing research to try to stick as close to canon as possible, I ran into a roadblock and realized I couldn't reconcile a few different things as they stood. Today I just got fed up and decided canon is for babies and wrote this whole thing in an afternoon. I'm gonna try to post more often – daily or more, if I can swing it. Sorry for the delay!)
Othala and Victor vs some guy I don't know off the top of my head. FIGHT.
Maybe we should participate, but if Diamond Guy has a blast radius we probably shouldn't. If there's one thing to not do, it's jump at capes without knowing about them. Anyone that can give half decent IC rationalization though can sway my vote.
[X]Don't engage, but stay and watch
[X]The power the girl has currently gifted the guy (the shield).
Othala and Victor vs some guy I don't know off the top of my head. FIGHT.
Maybe we should participate, but if Diamond Guy has a blast radius we probably shouldn't. If there's one thing to not do, it's jump at capes without knowing about them. Anyone that can give half decent IC rationalization though can sway my vote.
[X]Don't engage, but stay and watch
[X]The power the girl has currently gifted the guy (the shield).
It's Browbeat. Don't worry about not knowing who he is, even canon forgot about him. He's a hero, probably an independent at the moment. We could make a friend here.

[X]Nazi Girl's gifting power.

My logic is, give the Brute a Mover rating, and watch the fireworks. Also, Dragon, congrats on actually using Worm's most underutilized character! Might want to threadmark the update though.
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[X]The power the girl has currently gifted the guy (the shield).
[X] Announce yourself flashily and ham it up like Mouse Protector, making yourself out from the start to be hero, and a fun one, will help counteract your costumes look and make them underestimate you.
-[X] Ghost up behind them, steal the shield power, then restrain Othalla to let Diamond handle Victor. Say something hammy like, "Ally of Justice, fear not the hordes of villainy for I join you this day! I have this one, the other wicked fool is all yours!"

Anyway, it's Victor, Othalla and Browbeat. He's got tactile telekinesis and limited self sculpting, which he uses to build himself an Olympian physique. Currently a vigilante, joins the Wards, ultimately dies to Leviathan. Long-standing worm meme that he's a got a stranger power to make the fandom forget about him.

P.S. Wait do you allow write-ins? It's been a while.
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[X]The power the girl has currently gifted the guy (the shield).
[X] Announce yourself flashily and ham it up like Mouse Protector, making yourself out from the start to be hero, and a fun one, will help counteract your costumes look and make them underestimate you.
-[X] Ghost up behind them, steal the shield power, then restrain Othalla to let Diamond handle Victor. Say something hammy like, "Ally of Justice, fear not the hordes of villainy for I join you this day! I have this one, the other wicked fool is all yours!"

Anyway, it's Victor, Othalla and Browbeat. He's got tactile telekinesis and limited self sculpting, which he uses to build himself an Olympian physique. Currently a vigilante, joins the Wards, ultimately dies to Leviathan. Long-standing worm meme that he's a got a stranger power to make the fandom forget about him.
I agree on hamming it up, but I think we should actually roll with the Gentleman Thief thing? Everybody loves a good gentleman thief story, particularly if we do the whole Robin Hood thing and steal from bad people to give to the good guys.

Taylor is a bookworm, so hopefully she's read enough Arsène Lupin to actually pull the banter off. Better than us having Anti-Hero powers, an Anti-Hero costume, and going full In The Name Of The Moon.
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I was thinking go Gentleman Thief too, but I couldn't think of a good name and appropriate introduction for that.
P.S. Wait do you allow write-ins? It's been a while.

(Yeah, go for it. If anything it means I don't have to spend as long trying to chart out all the vote options.

Side note - are these "symbol" descriptions working for everybody? I briefly considered literally drawing them, but I'm nowhere near artsy. The goal is to suggest what power they connect to without totally giving it away, forcing people to rely on context clues/series knowledge to figure out what does what. It just seems to be getting a little wordy to me.)
How about something like:
(Dramatic Entrance: Use last charge of Shadow Stalker's power to leap atop a building before stealing any powers) "Well, what do we have here? A two-on-one fight? Why, that's hardly fair, isn't it? How about I even the odds a little."
(When asked who we are) "Well, it's hardly polite asking for someone's name without introducing yourself first, isn't it? No wonder you're criminals, so little class. I wonder how much reward money you're supposed to be worth?"

Or something. I suck at dialogue.
Well Shadow Stalkers power doesn't let her jump that high I don't think, and I wanted to use it to ghost up behind Othala so she couldn't give Victor a power after we steal Shield, letting Browbeat take him.
Well Shadow Stalkers power doesn't let her jump that high I don't think, and I wanted to use it to ghost up behind Othala so she couldn't give Victor a power after we steal Shield, letting Browbeat take him.
Well, that's even more dramatic, I'll vote for it. I wanted to steal Othala's gifting power and give superspeed to Browbeat, which would incidentally knock Othala's power offline for a bit (hopefully long enough for Browbeat to defeat, or at least contain, Viktor), but this works as well.
[]Diamond Guy's needle.
[]Diamond Guy's wavy-hand.

...why debuff the hero anyway?

[]Nazi Girl's gifting power.

This denies their ability to regift the invulnerability, but would be best if we were subtle about it, so that when Victor's invulnerability wears off he's stuck trying to recover.
...though we could gift Browbeat invulnerability too

[]Nazi Dude's brain/vampire deal.

Victor's brain drain. This is best if we were to make a dramatic entrance I think. Drain Victor's skills and he's disadvantaged and has to retreat.

[]The power the girl has currently gifted the guy (the shield).

Note that this is short duration and wears off in a minute or so unless regifted.

[X]Nazi Girl's gifting power.
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(Huh, I was about to post about having a tiebreaker but there we go. Fight, steal Othala's gifting power to support Browbeat.

Somebody roll me 2d8 please. 9-12 partial success, 13-16 full success. Playing it by ear for this game system, but I'm thinking we might use Persona's social ranks to handle bonuses to rolls...?)
1.4 Surprise
(10 is a partial success! You either accomplish what you aim to, but suffer a drawback, or only somewhat achieve your goal. Considering Browbeat canonically won this fight alone, you were never going to lose, but the consequences could have been much more dire...)

Arachne looks upon the souls arrayed before you. Your soul proclaims your desire, and your Persona agrees – Nazis are douchebags, and it makes sense for you to kick their asses.

The blond male gestures to his partner, requesting another power, but before she can respond, Arachne bursts into action. One of eight shadowy legs dips into the girl's soul, seizes the gifting power, and in your mind's eye you see it transfer to you.

The shadowy, tainted figure that is the girl's spirit seems to notice the theft occurring...

You have 3 remaining uses of Othala's gifting power. You may grant another person either invulnerability, super speed, flight, pyrokinesis, or regeneration, for as long as you are in contact with them. The power lasts briefly after contact ceases, but more "reality-warping" powers fade faster. You cannot grant more than one power at once.

"Victor," shouts the girl in red, "something's up-"

And before you lose the element of surprise, you make your appearance.

You reach for your mask, but it isn't there, and with a jolt of surprise you realize you're already wearing it. The costume came with your power – maybe activating your power automatically dresses you up? Weird gimmick, but useful. No looking for a shadowy corner to change into when disaster strikes. That said, it means you won't be able to discretely examine a crowd for plainclothes capes... if you're stealing powers, you're in costume, period. Something to consider in the future.

In the spur of the moment you decide to play up your costume's "gentleman thief" style. You're pretty well-read; a lot of the appeal of these characters is their sense of drama, and of ironically fair play. If you plan to make a name for yourself it makes sense to dip into established tropes.

"Two against one is hardly sporting!" you declare. "It falls to me, to, uh, even the odds-"

You stumble over your words a bit and feel your skin flush. Dammit, you thought you had a speech planned out.

As you try to recollect your train of thought, the Nazi guy – Victor? - gives you the death glare of all death glares and starts approaching you.

"F-foul, uh..." You panic. "Villains will never-"

Victor starts running.

You abandon your verbal spaghetti and stumble toward the blue guy. "Yo! Diamonds!" you shout. Yo? So lame. "Here, power gift!"

He blinks at you, nonplussed. Then, apparently figuring out what your word salad was getting at, he moves toward you to close the distance. He imposes himself between you and Victor, which you greatly appreciate.

A quick pat on the back – and an instinctive use of your stolen power – grants him super speed, because the only thing better than a human wrecking ball is a lightning-fast human wrecking ball.

You have 2 uses of Othala's gifting power remaining.

Diamonds rushes Victor at incredible speed, arm outstretched, intending to clothesline him. Looks like the invulnerability hasn't worn off yet, though – Diamonds stops in his tracks, even rebounding a little, and shifts to a defensive stance as Victor hits back with a mix of punches toward the joints and ribs. You realize you don't actually hear any of the hits land, which might explain why Diamonds didn't flinch earlier – none of the punches actually touch him. The wavy-hands power you saw, maybe? Either way, this guy's power set is ridiculous. You're a bit jealous.

You smirk. At least you can break the stalemate.

Again, you call forth Arachne. She dips in toward the fight between Victor and Diamond Guy, heeding your directive to steal the invulnerability power...

...and while your eyes don't see Victor move, the shadow-Victor you see with your powers turns toward you with eerie, yellow eyes. Arachne reaches out toward the shield symbol and Shadow Victor swats her away.

You cry out in surprise and not-insignificant pain as your Persona rubber-bands back into your soul. What the heck was that?

"A little help?!" calls Diamond Guy.

You shiver. "I just tried!" you reply. "Something stopped me!"

The hero makes a little grunt, tries halfheartedly to beat on Victor, but gives up after a moment. He then decides to try a different tactic.

Diamonds fakes a punch at Victor's face, then dashes toward the girl.

"Othala!" shouts Victor. By the time the second syllable has left his mouth, Diamonds has her in an armbar.

Othala struggles in vain, and Diamonds barely has to move to keep her still. With your read on her power, you know she couldn't gift skills to herself, but at this point she's basically a regular human either way. She's helpless.

"Give up," shouts Diamond Guy. "Go home, and I'll let her go unharmed once you're out of sight."

Othala squirms, gains no ground, and shakes her head. "Forget me! Get that new girl!"

Oh. Fuck.

Victor hesitates briefly, but not nearly as long as you expected before dashing toward you. Othala screams in pain – probably from something Diamonds did – but it's irrelevant to you as you stumble into a run. The mouth of the alleyway isn't too far, and-

-And you, a high-schooler who barely did more than the mandatory P.E, get tackled by the professional nazi supervillain before you can make it two steps.

You have no idea how long he beats you up. It feels like several decades of ribs cracking, teeth loosening, and internals bleeding. The most you manage to do is curl into a ball and cover your head with your hands, hating yourself for jumping into this unprepared.

But hey, you had the best intentions. You tried to make a difference. And this was always likely to happen – it wasn't like you were going to run out on your first patrol and take down a gang lord solo.

...Still, you thought you might fare a bit better. With Othala de-powered it was basically two on one in your favor.

After being kicked in the stomach for a thousand years, you realize Victor has been pulled off you. You're afraid to open your eyes, but it's nice to merely have lingering aches and pains instead of sharp kicks to the tum-tum. You hear a scuffle, some muttered curses, a few unlikely racial slurs, and a crash.

Guess Victor's invulnerability wore off.

"Hey," you hear a voice say. "How you holding up?"

You struggle a bit, roll yourself over painfully, and let yourself open one blurry eye. It's Diamond Guy, of course, looming over you like a mountain of sapient muscle.

"I'm dumb as hell," you admit. You taste blood. "Sorry, I tried to take Victor's power too. Something stopped me. Still not sure what."

Diamonds nods. "It's okay. You did your best, and you definitely helped." You aren't sure you agree, but the thought is nice. "You steal powers? Is it permanent?"

"I don't think so," you reply. "I don't know the limits yet. But it feels temporary, if that makes sense."

"I know how that feels," he says with a laugh. "Take my biokinesis. I can do without it for a little while, and you can use it to fix yourself up."

Biokinesis? Ah, that would be the syringe you saw. So he doesn't always have to be buff. That's kinda cool.

You hesitate for a moment, because Shadow-Victor's metaphysical hit was painful, even if it didn't hold a candle to what Real-Victor did. But maybe things will be different if you have permission.

Arachne appears again, none the worse for wear, and to your relief she doesn't seem to mind you calling her out so often. Shadow-Diamonds stands before you, the syringe and wavy-hand symbols you saw previously, and you direct Arachne to take the syringe.

Shadow-Diamonds opens his eyes – again, a disturbing yellow – and moves to block her. But something holds him back.

The moment the syringe is in your "hands", you tap into it and start knitting yourself back together.

You have 2 uses left of Browbeat's biokinesis. You can reshape yourself to a limited extent – no fine-tuning, but you can make broad-strokes changes for 15 minutes upon activation. Changes that differ from your "normal" will slowly revert once the charge expires.

"Thanks," you mutter through teeth that un-chip themselves. The feeling is bizarre and not altogether pleasant. "Sorry again. That went way more smoothly in my head."

"Don't worry about it." He extends a hand and pulls you to your feet. "Browbeat," he says by way of introduction.

"Nice to meet you," you reply. There's an awkward silence that you realize is him waiting for you to give your hero name. "I, uh, don't have an identity yet. I'm new, if that wasn't obvious."

Browbeat laughs out loud this time. "No, it's fine. I'm a little new around here too. You with the Wards? They kinda conscripted me, but it's nice to have a support system."

So he's a hero. You sigh with relief – part of you was still worried that you'd inadvertently partnered up with a villain. "I haven't decided that yet, either. I like the idea of having a team, but... high schooler politics, y'know?"

Browbeat looks away. "I definitely get that."

By this point you've fixed yourself up enough that you feel confident walking. You decide to change the subject. "What were those two after? Victor and Othala, I think?"

"Typical Triple-E crap," the hero says. "I caught them shaking down a mom-and-pop store. Black family, Victor and Othala weren't in it for the money."

A little flare of anger rises within you. People with powers bullying those without... you feel Arachne twitch with anticipation. Empire Eighty-Eight never struck you as particularly innocent, but their goals carry new meaning for you now. You can't let their actions go unanswered.

"...That makes me feel a little better about stepping in," you admit. "I got the tar kicked out of me, and I feel like you might have won on your own, but... it's nice to give them perspective, y'know? Make them feel what it's like to be powerless."

Browbeat looks away. You can't quite tell how he feels about that.

You clear your throat. "Again, uh, thanks for the help. I still have a bit of Othala's power left. Want a hand getting where you need to be? I can give you flight or speed, maybe."

"Don't worry about it," the hero says. "I was just on patrol. No point in taking on a temporary Mover power if it'll cut out midway through, right?"

"That's fair."

"Thanks for the offer. You good to go?" he asks. You nod. "See you around, then."

Browbeat strides off, and you're surprised you ever considered his stature might be normal – the guy doesn't carry himself like a weightlifter. He walks with dignity, but no arrogance, and there's something... thoughtful about him. Observant, even. There's more to this guy than he lets on.

That could have gone better. But it could have gone much worse. You hope you have a chance to make a better impression on Browbeat later.

You get home unscathed some time later, the biokinesis having worn off (though not before you tried giving yourself a bit more of a flattering shape... It was nice having somewhat of a chest, even if it was only for a few minutes during the walk home). You head to your room, take off your costume... and the clothes you were wearing before the "incident" are underneath.

They are still covered in vomit and blood, but at least that confirms a bit more about your power. You won't have to worry about sacrificing an outfit every time you Hero Up.

You stuff your costume haphazardly under your mattress, change clothes, and put your soiled outfit in the laundry. Then, just to test, you try turning on your Hero-Vision again, this time trying your best not to put on your costume.

Bam, costume on. Your mattress sinks a bit without the jacket underneath it. You don't have a choice in this, apparently, but on the bright side, you can stow the costume wherever you like without having to worry about getting it back.

The rest of the day passes without incident. You make dinner. Your dad gets home. You don't tell him you skipped school. You don't tell him you got powers.

You think for a little while on your options for the future. You gotta start working out, if for no other reason than that it sucks to get tackled by Nazis. And... maybe an acting class or something? Improv? So you don't stumble over your intro monologue, if you're gonna go with that in the end.

You could join the Wards, too. If you want. But that's not a decision you have to make immediately. There's a lot to think about today.

...That night, you have a bizarre dream.

(Nothing to vote on here, but it's probably worth discussing what your goals are as a character. I've added the Persona 5 social skills to the character sheet, and going forward, you'll be able to work on those to gradually upgrade them. Each point gives you a bonus to your roll if it's related to the relevant stat – Charm might help with a heroic monologue, for example, and Kindness might help you avoid coming off as an aggressive thug to hero friends you meet in the street.

Next update is the dream.)
Well Read Arsene Lupin the archetype of Phantom Thief
The gentleman thief thwarting evil with a devilish wit and a light jape
Ild be suprised if we hadnt heard of it
Plus this is when the Final love of Arsene Lupin was discovered in Maurice Leblancs Attic and then published in 2012
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Welp, now I feel kinda dumb for worrying about a cape name (been looking up names on TV Tropes for a couple days). Either "Arachne" or "Persona" will work just fine.

Sadly, Browbeat is already a Ward, so sadly no super-team unless we want to join the Wards.

@EnvyDragon was Taylor stumbling over her lines a result of the partial success, or was it just a result of the ol' Hebert charm?

Dialogue aside, that partial success HURT. Literally. I hope that only counted as a Partial Success because we had a friendly biokinetic to fix us up after, because if every Partial Success means we get kicked within an inch of our life, this quest is gonna get hard fast.

That said, tactical notes on this fight: we don't have to be anywhere near a cape to steal their powers, Arachne has enough range for us to strike from cover. Which is good, because apparently their Shadows (shards?) can resist our power if they know it's coming. We're going to have to test out the limits of that, see if we can brute-force the power-theft.

From what I understand, we get to KEEP multiple stolen powers at once, even if they'll fade away in a few hours regardless of use. We need to experiment with USING multiple powers at once, see if it's possible. (Dragon, if I understood this correctly, why didn't Taylor use her last count of Shadow Stalker's power to escape her beating? Was it because we hadn't discussed that in the thread?)

Our power activating means we're in-costume, always, so we might want to invest in Sneak skills if we want to go capeing on-the-fly. Which, considering power-stealing from stealth is apparently an auto-success, stealth then Dramatic Entrance might really become our M.O. How appropriate for the Gentleman Thief.

Side-note: really want Taylor to take those acting lessons. Not for any tactical reason, the idea of Quippy-Taylor just amuses me.
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Welp, now I feel kinda dumb for worrying about a cape name (been looking up names on TV Tropes for a couple days). Either "Arachne" or "Persona" will work just fine.

(Nothing wrong with a little brainstorming, and nothing needs to be finalized until you officially decide to wake up get up get out there.)

@EnvyDragon was Taylor stumbling over her lines a result of the partial success, or was it just a result of the ol' Hebert charm?

(In canon, the first time Taylor meets the Undersiders she's so shy she barely speaks and Tattletale has to essentially read her mind. This quest is 3 months before that, so she hasn't had time to settle into the idea of being a cape... plus, literally 20-30 minutes prior she got shoved into a locker full of bloody tampons. It's amazing she had the wherewithal to attempt a monologue at all!)

Dialogue aside, that partial success HURT. Literally. I hope that only counted as a Partial Success because we had a friendly biokinetic to fix us up after, because if every Partial Success means we get kicked within an inch of our life, this quest is gonna get hard

(In my head I saw the goal as: beat the nazis, get away unharmed, establish reputation. The Partial meant the wishes got granted, but corrupted - Browbeat would have won anyway, you got healed after being beaten down, and your first impression wasn't so solid. I imagine Taylor will be a bit more cautious from now on.)

Dragon, if I understood this correctly, why didn't Taylor use her last count of Shadow Stalker's power to escape her beating? Was it because we hadn't discussed that in the thread?

(She DID try to escape technically, but couldn't outrun Victor due to the fitness disparity. I guess she could have phased through the tackle if she saw it coming, or one of the punches, but when InvinciVictor gets in close, one punch is a drop in the bucket. A higher roll might have seen her skirt the edges of the fight ready to bolt, but a touch-range support power is always risky. As Othala found out.)

Side-note: really want Taylor to take those acting lessons. Not for any tactical reason, the idea of Quippy-Taylor just amuses me.

(Hey, if there's one thing we know Taylor has a knack for, it's creative improvisation.)
Side-note: really want Taylor to take those acting lessons. Not for any tactical reason, the idea of Quippy-Taylor just amuses me.
Arsene Lupin scowls at your blasphemy with every other phantom thief in literature and comicsQuips are as much a tactic as any other for a phantom thief some might even say MORE important
1.5 Velvet

You open your eyes and this is not your bedroom.

The light is dim, but you adjust quickly. You're sitting at a fine wooden table in what appears to be a courtroom – the legal kind. The walls are ancient, worn stone, the air is damp and musty, chains hang loosely from a ceiling too high and too dark for you to see. Before you are two young girls, each wearing a uniform with a distinctly judicial look; what strikes you as odd is that each girl wears an eyepatch, though the eyepatches are on complementary eyes.

Behind them is a tall, imposing podium, which looks like it was carved from a single, gnarled tree. And seated behind, looking down from far above...

The first thing you notice is the man's immense, pointed nose. It's long and thin, almost mosquito-esque, at odds with his round head and bulbous eyes. His eyebrows are wild and brambly, his ears are pointed, and he is bald on top of his head, with long hair at the back. He is grinning.

Grinning is the wrong word, perhaps. He grins the way the night sky is dark.

The girls between you and the podium turn and stand aside, leaving the space between you empty. The long-nosed man tilts his head, almost doglike, and extends a hand toward you.

"Trickster," he says, "welcome to my Velvet Room."

His voice is much, much deeper than you would have expected from his appearance, and it snaps you out of your trance. You had fallen asleep, but this isn't a dream – you know that intuitively. You try to stand from the chair you woke in.

You are chained and handcuffed in place.

Your heart races. You have no idea how you got here. You have no memory of doing anything wrong, but there is an all-pervading sense of accusation in the air around you. Of the two girls, the one to your right smirks and slaps a long baton into her palm.

"So you've come to, Defendant," she taunts. Her eyes are fierce, with a malice you would never expect from a girl of... eleven? Twelve? Young, certainly.

Her twin is comparatively emotionless. Speaking in a near-monotone, she says, "You are only experiencing this in a dream."

The loud one steps in quickly as if to play up the contrast. "You're in the presence of our master!" she commands. "Stand up straight!"

And you do. What choice do you have?

The long-nosed man rumbles from on high. "Welcome," he says again. "I am delighted to make your acquaintance."

As if you had any say in the matter. But you hold your tongue.

"This place," he continues, "exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. It is a room that only those who are bound by a 'contract' may enter.

I am Igor, the master of this place. Remember it well.

Igor. The name fits with the whole gothic horror motif this place has going. But the contract he mentioned... Does he mean the oath you swore when you got your powers? Does every cape come here at some point? If so, how is it possible that you haven't heard about it? You aren't THAT out of the loop.

"I summoned you to speak of important matters. It involves your life as well," he says. "Still, this is a surprise; the state of this room reflects the state of your own heart." He looks around grandly, to punctuate the statement. "A courtroom. A legal battlefield, where souls are judged by their deeds and by their impact upon humanity. This truly is a 'trial' for the ages.

In the near future,
" he says, "there is no mistake that ruin awaits you. You, and all others on the planet – I speak of an end to everything. However, there is a means to oppose such a fate."

"How?" you say without realizing it. Your voice is small and pitiful against his. "An end to everything? What do I do to stop it?" Your oath weighs heavily on your heart. "I'll do anything. This is what I was put here to do."

Igor grins even wider. "You are more correct than you realize," he says. "You must be placed on trial. You will gather evidence to support your plea, and you will make your case for the world. That is your only means to avoid ruin. Do you have the resolve to challenge the distortion of the world and all who dwell upon it?"

"I do," you reply, and this time your voice echoes just like his.

"Then allow me to oversee your trial," Igor says. "You have already awakened to your power, a promising start indeed; but whether you have the strength to see it all through to the end remains to be seen."

The girl to your right smiles viciously; the girl to your left stares passively through you.

"Ah, forgive me," Igor says. "I have forgotten to introduce the others. This is Caroline," he says, gesturing to the angry one, "and this is Justine," gesturing to the calm one. "They are my attendants in this place. You may consider them the bailiffs of this courtroom; they maintain order, and will protect you from harm."

"Or enforce obedience if you break the rules," Caroline hisses, punctuating the statement by smacking her baton on the counsel table before you. Igor doesn't correct her.

"Their assistance will be essential if you are to succeed," Igor says, "for you will be training the power of Persona, which you have awakened to.

Personas are, in other words, a 'mask' – an armor of the heart when confronting worldly matters. And your Persona shows such strength already... I have high expectations for you.

So Arachne is some kind of a weaponized personal-space bubble? Weird. This might be one of the first times ever that being shy actually worked in your favor.

"How do I train my Persona?" you ask. "This is all new to me. I'm not sure I understand this whole... Velvet Room deal."

"It is not necessary that you understand," says Igor through his eternal full-mouth grin. "You will learn what you need to, in time. For now, I suggest that you pursue personal connections. As your relationships with others grow and mature, so too will the abilities of your Persona."

Oh. Creepy Pinocchio-God just told you you need to make more friends if you want to succeed in life.

Your disappointment must have shown on your face, because Igor's tone changes. "Involving yourself with others is an important foundation for your recovery. But more than that, you are likely to encounter those who have been selected as you have; individuals granted power by circumstances beyond their control. The nature of your trial will by necessity involve the collection and examination of these powers, and as for those who wield them, many will have been robbed of purpose, of dignity, and of belonging, just as you have. This will form the basis for deep and lasting connections, and it is these connections that will allow you to grow."

"Personas," Justine says, "are the strength of heart. The stronger the bonds that surround you, the more power your Persona will gain."

"There are countless people in the city who have talents that a weakling like you doesn't," adds Caroline. "You better rack that noggin of yours and get them on your side. We'll change that into power."

Encountering and befriending other people, especially capes, will grant you Confidant connections. The stronger the connection, the higher your Confidant level, and the more bonuses you gain from that Confidant connection.

"Indeed," says Igor. "You should be prepared to use even myself, or your ambitions will not come to fruition."

You meet his terrifying, bulging eyes. "If that's what it takes," you say, "then I guess I have no choice."

Igor chuckles darkly. "We have a deal, then."

And something within your heart resonates.

I am thou, thou art I...
Thou hast acquired a new vow.
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of the Fool Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power...

Your Fool confidant is now level 1! You have learned the ability to store collected powers in the Velvet Room when they are not in use. While stored, they will not weaken in charge over time, and they will not count toward your carrying capacity.

"You will understand it all in due time," Igor says. "Continue devoting yourself to establishing your case."

And the Velvet Room goes dark as you drift back into restful sleep.

Do you wish to store any of your collected powers? You currently have 3 out of a maximum of 3.

[]Store the Phasing power (1 charge left).
[]Store the Gifting power (2 charges left).
[]Store the Biokinesis power (2 charges left).

You can choose any combination of the above, or even...

[]Store all collected powers.

(Right now there isn't really a reason NOT to store these, unless you plan to use a power or two the very next day after you wake up. The degrading is more for when you eventually have multiple consecutive days of hero-business. Things are still calm... for now.

Also, I've done a minor retcon – powers now lose charge at midnight, rather than 24 hours after collection. This just means you won't have to worry about "Oh, I sapped Armsmaster at 1:25pm yesterday, and it's 1:20 now, I'd better make this count," etc... and it's easier to keep track of.

For this reason, none of your powers will lose a charge tonight even if you don't choose to store them. It wouldn't be fair.)

You wake before the dawn, and about 5 minutes before your alarm. You remember everything. To hell with what that girl said – that was no dream. The sensation reminds you of... something. A thing you can't remember, a conspicuous gap in your memory, like putting your tongue in a space between teeth.

Regardless, you have a mission. You aren't totally sure what Igor meant by "establishing your case," but you need to get to work on improving your skills as a hero. That means getting yourself fit, getting your head in the right place, and making connections with other capes.

Last night you decided you would start going for runs in the morning and you set your alarm accordingly. So cardio will be step 1. But... what else are you going to do today? And this won't exactly be a short-term project – may as well establish plans for the next week or so while you're thinking of it.

What will you do after school today? You'll probably only have time for one or two activities.

[]Study your powers (Write-in what you want to do)
[]Work on a social skill (see Character Sheet)
[]Look into cape organizations (ie. To eventually make a connection or two)
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[X]Store all collected powers.
[X]Study your powers: Try and logic out these shadow people protecting powers.
[X]Work on a social skill: Guts

Also, Pinnochio-god is the BEST THING I've heard Igor called.
Not accurate, but damn is it funny.
[X]Store all collected powers.
[X]Work on a social skill (Charm)
[X]Look into cape organizations (ie. To eventually make a connection or two)
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