Bloody Grave: A Fangs in the Night RP

"Living out in the woods does sound marginally less conspicuous than an abandoned mansion. I'd be willing, but lets table the discussion for a bit. Right now, the others and I are here to loot this here house of mine for anything that might be useful."

Matthias considers what the 'older' (?) Vampire mentioned about losing an arm and being prepared for a fight. Considering they had survived for 50 years in the deepwoods though, the ex-Merc was more than certain the other Vampire was downplaying their skills, not to mention any other 'extra benefits' their transformation might have given them.

"...I used to have an old training room in here. Maybe we can find you a sidearm, if nothing else. I say half of us quickly go through the house, the others keep watch, what say?"

The Vampire shrugs, before saying "I don't really think a weapon would help against anything I can't handle barehanded. Least not a normal weapon, I dunno, maybe one of them crazy necromancy swords you always hear about Twilight Kingdom folks running around with in the stories, but I've broken some mighty fine sticks to little effect on the unholy things. Mostly, I don't get in fights."

"I don't mind letting him have one of the weapons I grabbed. I'm also in the 'not looking for a fight' group, but I understand wanting something."

Oliver moved over to one side of the room and set down the old bag carefully.

"Not like I'm an expert in this stuff or anything, anyways."

He looked back at the ruggedly-dressed Vampire.

"My name's Oliver. What's yours, sir?"

It was asked and spoken with the voice of a man with years of 'customer service' experience; polite and well-meaning, but slightly distant and guarded.

"As for the woods versus the mansion, while I know our needs are lesser these days, I do rather appreciate the thought of having this place as an option. Mayhaps we can figure out a way to quietly clean it up and get it claimed under a false name? It might go up for auction on the back-taxes sale in a few months, and we can always use forms 901CC1..."

Oliver trails off into muttering to himself and counting numbers with his fingers, clearly starting to plot ways to buy the mansion space and make it into a sort of base for the lot of them.
The man nods and smiles somewhat genuinely at the offer, and looks in the bag. "Been a long time since I've been asked for my name. It's Daniel, a pleasure to meet you."

After a moment of looking through the bag, he holds up two of the four daggers Oliver previously looted. "Say, mind if I take a couple these daggers? I'm a bit rusty, but these are fine enough blades and I used to know how to fight like a pirate... for, you know, when the pirates came a knocking."

Hearing Oliver's initial comments, Daniel speaks up a bit, thoughtfully.

"I don't see why you'd need to buy it, the lord should still own it. Without a body, and with how abandoned the mansion was, probably nobody knows he's dead. Public appearances might be tricky, but surely he can still sign his lordly letters and such, and simply turn away guests?"

Daniel hesitates, before saying slowly "You might even be able to spend some of your gold hiring, ah... disreputable thugs to stand guard. " He shuffles a little. "Was twenty five years ago I first met the master of the Jagged Blade. You've probably heard of them." Indeed, most present probably have, as an infamous, disreputable but cheap mercenary guild of sorts, with plenty of rumors of connections darker than mere underworld sorts, but no solid proof ever found by Church investigations.

The man pauses for a minutes, before continuing "Not any sort of company I'd prefer to keep, but the man... he was obviously a Vampire. I'm sure he'd see your coin to glitter just as well as any living man's, given that. He's certainly no friend of the Church."

Daniel glances slightly nervously around the room, as if half-expecting mentioning the Vampire to summon them to the mansion.
"Matthias. The glutton of Seafang and 'lord' of this mansion. I welcome you to my...'humble' abode. Stay as long or as short as you wish. What's mine is yours and so on and so on..."

Matthias lets his introduction trail off and deciding that he might as well get something done, anything, goes towards the training room. It was an extravagant thing, the training 'room'. Not so much a room as an entire basement level, the 'room' featured an obstacle course, dummies to practice on as well as enough equipment to fully equip a trusted cadre of servants in case of an emergency. Built based on his own experiences as a mercenary, the make-shift training equipment the team used to have when poor and the luxurious grounds opened to them with they had the money and connections, it was probably the only room in the mansion built with any real care as to aesthetics and practicality.

It was also one of the rooms Matthias almost never visited.

It was bad enough that the wound he received put him out of action, but his own body was as well. The same gigantism that allowed him such strength and size in the first place but also rapidly decaying his body as the human organs and bones were simply not meant to ever support a body that large. When he first arrived at Seafang, he was already wasting away. By the end of...everything, it was all he could do to just stay awake for a few hours. Copious amounts of beer, wine, rum and drugs were the only thing keeping him alive, even as they accelerated his death. By that point, it had been literally years since he last visited the training room or level. His servants still dutifully cleaned the level, that was what they were paid for after all, but the Glutton never dared to descend to inspect the actual room himself. Too many memories.

That wasn't the only reason Matthias was taking his sweet time in walking to the training room. As he slowly made his way across the empty halls, the sound of the wind in the air coming from the open windows the only noise aside from his footsteps, he spent a few moments gazing at each room he came across.

There was the study, only a quarter of which was filled with real books. The other three quarters were filled with empty books or cheap trash bought in bulk just to pad out the bookshelves. Back against a windowless corner, allowing full view of the room and anyone who entered it was the gigantic chair and desk where he would read martial arts journals and books on strategy and tactics. Little good they did him, but it allowed him to daydream of better times long gone.

There was the great dining hall with its long dining table and many smaller ones for more 'common' guests. His seat was in the middle where he feasted everyday on the finest meats and sweets Seafang had to offer. Built to feast an entire party, by the end it was one of the emptiest and most depressing rooms. Deliberately built to be as dark as possible, illuminated mostly by the many many candelabra, lamps and the large fireplace, it was a stifling room to be spend any time in as overpriced and undeserving portraits lined the walls as did gaudy curtains.

Then of course, last but not least, before the stairs leading down to the training room, were the senior servants' quarters. A series of relatively small rooms, sparsely (but some might say tastefully) decorated but well stocked with comfortable and sturdy beds, mattresses and blankets, they were more luxurious than most servants ever got. It was perhaps the only good point of the Glutton. Having experienced both the highs and lows of fortunes, he ensured his servants were well paid and ate from the same stock as he did. Though the junior servants bunked in barracks style rooms, their beds and clothing were all of sturdy and comfortable material and a trained medic to look after them was kept on a permanent basis.

As for the servants themselves, they were a loyal enough lot. The cynic in him said it was just because of the generous wages he offered but...that sort of loyalty only went so far. A few of them put in more effort than even just mere money could squeeze out of an individual. It was as if they actually thought him a good master despite it all. Bah. Sheer nonsense.

For whatever reason, it was the thoughts of what happened to his servants and whether they were safe and sound that bothered the Glutton the most. Rubbish. They were just loyal to his gold and him to their service. That was all. That had to be all.

Disturbed, Matthias quickly brushed aside such thoughts and hurried downstairs to the training hall. It was dark, he could let his new unnatural senses adapt and guide him, but he decided to light a torch anyway and take his time in searching the place for anything useful. Any protective materials perhaps. And while searching, he might as well tour the place. Crude sculptures of the closest of his old mercenary friends 'guarded' each corner of the room and a portrait of himself, depicting him at the height of his prowess, overlooked the proceedings below.

Disturbed, Matthias quickly brushed aside such thoughts and hurried downstairs to the training hall. It was dark, he could let his new unnatural senses adapt and guide him, but he decided to light a torch anyway and take his time in searching the place for anything useful. Any protective materials perhaps. And while searching, he might as well tour the place. Crude sculptures of the closest of his old mercenary friends 'guarded' each corner of the room and a portrait of himself, depicting him at the height of his prowess, overlooked the proceedings below.
Matthias's search proves fruitful, revealing a series of half forgotten chainmail armors, one even sized fit for the giant himself, that faintly glow with the energy of life itself, Holy in nature.

These armors were once acquired by the Glutton of Seafang at great expense, likely from black market sources, and were rumored to be Hunter crafted gear, a fact the energy attested to. Regardless of the truth behind the armor, they were uncommonly resistant to tarnishing, blade and bludgeon alike, and light and easy to move in to an extent that mere craftsmanship would not normally allow.


When Oliver conducts his search for documents, he finds that a major portion of them seem to have been scattered, destroyed, or lost. And yet, inside what appears to be a fellow accountant's on site office, likely privately employed, he finds all the essential paperwork for the manor itself- the deeds of ownership, records of sale, annual taxes, and so forth. Whatever investments outside the house that Matthias may have once owned are not so in sight, but these are intact, and secured away safely.
Hugo might not have ever wanted to become a Vampire, but getting free reign in one of these fancy mansions was quite the consolation prize. Figuring the weapons he'd picked up from the caverns more than sufficient, he split off from the group to explore a ways. He was walking by an old changing-room when he saw the glint of gold reflected in the dim light streaming through the windows. That did give him an idea.

Maybe the old mercenary had gathered up some old enchanted rings or brooches somewhere around this place. The rich loved that sort of thing, right? He could certainly use the extra element of surprise conveyed by a necklace that could shoot lightning if he ever found himself trapped with a Hunter. Hugo took another look around the living quarters. No dice. If Matthias did have a stockpile of that sort of thing, he hadn't separated them out or marked them in any way Hugo could determine. Nevertheless, he did find plenty of things he could convert to cash with no trouble at all. Jewelry always made a nifty store of money: lighter than the gold it was worth, if nothing else.

His search ultimately unsuccessful, Hugo set aside some pieces that seemed particularly valuable and returned to the entrance hall.
Perhaps it was the change in environs, perhaps enough time had passed that the shock had worn off, but Catherine spent the time the others were searching simply... sitting. Staring. Occasionally she would look down at her hands as if she was surprised they were still there, or was searching for something in the pallid lines and swells.

Her scars were gone, she idly thought. The small nicks and marks she'd picked up since childhood from fishhooks, kitchen knives, and other minor incidents that hadn't necessitated the intervention of a Church priest or Angel.

Her hands were not entirely unblemished, however. The calluses built up from a lifetime of hard, menial work were still there, and that was somewhat comforting. Even with all that had changed, some part of her was still her.

For how long, she couldn't say.

Her thoughts turned to her family. Her friends. Adrian... Adrian.

She wanted to see them. To go back home and realize this was all some horrible nightmare, but she couldn't. It... it was better if they thought her dead. If they ever found out, if the Church ever breached the catacombs and found the carnage... that would be closure.

She... she wasn't sure what would happen if he ever saw her again. Saw her... like this. Would he seek to put her to rest? Would she let him?


"Daniel," she spoke up to the strange, older Vampire, in lieu of pondering more, "You say you have not killed. How do you find blood? You have a way to hide your... feeding?"

Practical matters. Practical concerns.
"Daniel," she spoke up to the strange, older Vampire, in lieu of pondering more, "You say you have not killed. How do you find blood? You have a way to hide your... feeding?"

Practical matters. Practical concerns.
The man in question nods, before saying "Aye. You always hear the stories about Vampires having strange powers, and for myself, the one thing I've always been able to do... Heh, looking back it felt so useless when I first became a Vampire, but without it, I'm not sure how I'd live peacefully."

He gestures broadly, in a vague way, before saying "I've never dared try it on a Hunter, and I know for a fact Vampires aren't real vulnerable, but I can make people sleepy. Sleeping people stay deeper asleep, waking people yawn and excuse themselves to bed, y'see? Bite them in the night, with that little bit of magic to keep them from waking, and nobody notices I've done it. I stick to the outskirts, to be safe... But I reckon I'd have to be a lot more nomadic if I wanted half the peace I have as is."

Daniel grimaces, before saying "Though if we're being strict, I have killed, twice before. On accident, both the day I first became a Vampire. But that was more than five decades ago. I've kept my record clean since. Still regret my mistakes, but I do what I can to not repeat them."
The man in question nods, before saying "Aye. You always hear the stories about Vampires having strange powers, and for myself, the one thing I've always been able to do... Heh, looking back it felt so useless when I first became a Vampire, but without it, I'm not sure how I'd live peacefully."

He gestures broadly, in a vague way, before saying "I've never dared try it on a Hunter, and I know for a fact Vampires aren't real vulnerable, but I can make people sleepy. Sleeping people stay deeper asleep, waking people yawn and excuse themselves to bed, y'see? Bite them in the night, with that little bit of magic to keep them from waking, and nobody notices I've done it. I stick to the outskirts, to be safe... But I reckon I'd have to be a lot more nomadic if I wanted half the peace I have as is."

Daniel grimaces, before saying "Though if we're being strict, I have killed, twice before. On accident, both the day I first became a Vampire. But that was more than five decades ago. I've kept my record clean since. Still regret my mistakes, but I do what I can to not repeat them."

Sam nodded, thinking to his own strange sense of danger. Without it... well, the group probably would have still been able to get away from the giant death golems, but it would have been a far closer thing.

"These powers... We all seem to gain them when we become as we are; do you know if they are truly unique to us, or if they can be taught? As you said, being able to feed quietly and peacefully will be an enormous help."

"Anyways, my name is Sam. My apologies on not introducing myself sooner, but as you can imagine it's been a bit of a long night for us."
Sam nodded, thinking to his own strange sense of danger. Without it... well, the group probably would have still been able to get away from the giant death golems, but it would have been a far closer thing.

"These powers... We all seem to gain them when we become as we are; do you know if they are truly unique to us, or if they can be taught? As you said, being able to feed quietly and peacefully will be an enormous help."

"Anyways, my name is Sam. My apologies on not introducing myself sooner, but as you can imagine it's been a bit of a long night for us."
Daniel nods in acknowledgement at hearing Sam's name, before saying "I don't rightly know. You hear the stories, of course, and they sometimes say such, but I've never tried to teach, or learn. Haven't exactly met too many Vampires I'm keen to keep company of, Seafang isn't that crowded and most of the ones I've met here felt like they had an agenda when speaking, or avoided me themselves, which that much suits met fine enough."
Matthias's search proves fruitful, revealing a series of half forgotten chainmail armors, one even sized fit for the giant himself, that faintly glow with the energy of life itself, Holy in nature.

These armors were once acquired by the Glutton of Seafang at great expense, likely from black market sources, and were rumored to be Hunter crafted gear, a fact the energy attested to. Regardless of the truth behind the armor, they were uncommonly resistant to tarnishing, blade and bludgeon alike, and light and easy to move in to an extent that mere craftsmanship would not normally allow.

Matthias stares at the collection of chainmail for several moments, before slowly reaching out and wiping off the dust from the forgotten items. Holding the giant sized chainmail in his hands, he eventually decides to slip into it, wearing his old clothes on top of the armor. It wasn't the best disguise by any means, but Matthias figured that if people saw him they'd focus on his size right away rather than the fact that his robes looked a little heavy.

Grabbing a wooden sword discarded on the floor, he gingerly gives it a few swings. Yes he had fought those skeletal guards before and did quite well for himself...but despite being not even a full day in the past, it still all felt like a dream. The practice weapon felt both familiar yet not.

Taking a basic stance, Matthias begins to slow go through various 'forms' and movements with the weapon for a few minutes before gently laying the sword back to one of the weapon racks scattered around. His memory was still relatively fresh. He knew all the moves from his hey-day, but his body...his body was different. And not just in the sense that he was now a Vampire. There was the entire deal of having to adjust to his newfound strength and speed, not to overswing and so on and so forth, but it was also that by the time he was 'transformed', he hadn't been in a fight, practice or otherwise, for literally decades. There was no two ways about it.

He was rusty.

Of course, the Giant had a feeling that for better or worse, life was going to force him to relearn everything as fast as possible, down the line.

Collecting the collection of chainmail, the Giant retraces his steps to where he and the others first met Daniel and sets the collection down on a near-by table.

"Some chain armor I acquired years ago. Don't even remember. Pretty sure the seller said something about them being enchanted mail. Should keep us alive a few moments longer, if nothing else."
"Some chain armor I acquired years ago. Don't even remember. Pretty sure the seller said something about them being enchanted mail. Should keep us alive a few moments longer, if nothing else."
Daniel whistles as the chainmail is set down. "Enchanted? That's outright Holy! Gotta be black market former Hunter gear or something like that..." He starts muttering to himself about how and why he fancies such armor might have been for sale, but obviously has no cleared idea than the actual owner."
The man in question nods, before saying "Aye. You always hear the stories about Vampires having strange powers, and for myself, the one thing I've always been able to do... Heh, looking back it felt so useless when I first became a Vampire, but without it, I'm not sure how I'd live peacefully."

He gestures broadly, in a vague way, before saying "I've never dared try it on a Hunter, and I know for a fact Vampires aren't real vulnerable, but I can make people sleepy. Sleeping people stay deeper asleep, waking people yawn and excuse themselves to bed, y'see? Bite them in the night, with that little bit of magic to keep them from waking, and nobody notices I've done it. I stick to the outskirts, to be safe... But I reckon I'd have to be a lot more nomadic if I wanted half the peace I have as is."

Daniel grimaces, before saying "Though if we're being strict, I have killed, twice before. On accident, both the day I first became a Vampire. But that was more than five decades ago. I've kept my record clean since. Still regret my mistakes, but I do what I can to not repeat them."
"I see..." it was readily apparent how such a power would lend itself to hiding one's tracks, the question now was what the rest of the group could do to replicate it or acquire abilities with similar uses.

Sam nodded, thinking to his own strange sense of danger. Without it... well, the group probably would have still been able to get away from the giant death golems, but it would have been a far closer thing.

"These powers... We all seem to gain them when we become as we are; do you know if they are truly unique to us, or if they can be taught? As you said, being able to feed quietly and peacefully will be an enormous help."

"Anyways, my name is Sam. My apologies on not introducing myself sooner, but as you can imagine it's been a bit of a long night for us."
"From what I've heard, the powers a Vampire can develop aren't 'unique', in the sense that many Vampires can, for example, fly, or make animals their Thralls, or so on. A notable example I've heard of is the Black Knights, who develop ways of resisting the sun. We can at least try."

"Some chain armor I acquired years ago. Don't even remember. Pretty sure the seller said something about them being enchanted mail. Should keep us alive a few moments longer, if nothing else."

Seeing the armor, Catherine nods.

"If it doesn't burn us at the touch or such, can't hurt to have."

They already possessed an aura that a Hunter could notice, if anything some Holy on them would make them stand out less.

When Oliver conducts his search for documents, he finds that a major portion of them seem to have been scattered, destroyed, or lost. And yet, inside what appears to be a fellow accountant's on site office, likely privately employed, he finds all the essential paperwork for the manor itself- the deeds of ownership, records of sale, annual taxes, and so forth. Whatever investments outside the house that Matthias may have once owned are not so in sight, but these are intact, and secured away safely.
Oliver comes back into the room the majority of the group finds themselves in, holding a small stack of papers and muttering curses to himself. He almost runs into Sam before looking up at the others. He sighs, an explicit affectation now that he doesn't need to breath. Old habits and all that.
@always_confused @Azrael @SoaringHawk218 @Another Amoeba

"Well, I've got bad news, and a little bit of good news."

He holds up the papers.

"The bad news is that basically any useful documentation in regards to monetary accounts, investments, off-site property holdings, and so on are either useless scraps on the floor, or straight-up stolen. Matthias might be able to convince the bank to give some back, depending on the nature of the investments and previous security measures. My opinion is we're looking at a loss of anything that's not a long-term financial account rooted in the family name, or any long-term family holdings off-site. Anything less than two full decades old is probably either in someone else's personal hands, or in the hands of either the city, the Church, or maybe both.

The good news is that we have all the paperwork for the manor. All of the ownership proof in and of itself, and all of the tax information. That's probably our best bet to unlock anything else, but that stuff's gonna be dicey. I can help fill out the forms to file for back-tax-proof of additional property, and I know a couple of the more sympathetic account managers who might help reconstruct the ownership chain on big investment accounts. But we should cut our losses on the other stuff, Matthias. It's not great, but we'll raise too much suspicion if we try to reclaim everything. We can maybe play this off as some sort of attack that drove you into hiding?"
Oliver comes back into the room the majority of the group finds themselves in, holding a small stack of papers and muttering curses to himself. He almost runs into Sam before looking up at the others. He sighs, an explicit affectation now that he doesn't need to breath. Old habits and all that.
@always_confused @Azrael @SoaringHawk218 @Another Amoeba

"Well, I've got bad news, and a little bit of good news."

He holds up the papers.

"The bad news is that basically any useful documentation in regards to monetary accounts, investments, off-site property holdings, and so on are either useless scraps on the floor, or straight-up stolen. Matthias might be able to convince the bank to give some back, depending on the nature of the investments and previous security measures. My opinion is we're looking at a loss of anything that's not a long-term financial account rooted in the family name, or any long-term family holdings off-site. Anything less than two full decades old is probably either in someone else's personal hands, or in the hands of either the city, the Church, or maybe both.

The good news is that we have all the paperwork for the manor. All of the ownership proof in and of itself, and all of the tax information. That's probably our best bet to unlock anything else, but that stuff's gonna be dicey. I can help fill out the forms to file for back-tax-proof of additional property, and I know a couple of the more sympathetic account managers who might help reconstruct the ownership chain on big investment accounts. But we should cut our losses on the other stuff, Matthias. It's not great, but we'll raise too much suspicion if we try to reclaim everything. We can maybe play this off as some sort of attack that drove you into hiding?"

Matthias considers the news. He felt some relief that there was a possibility they could keep the mansion...but also surprisingly he wasn't particularly married to it. In hindsight, it contained more bad memories than good he supposed.

"Interesting. Its definitely more than I expected. Although...its worth considering whether we should keep the mansion at all, or even sell it off. A place this big requires a large staff to keep in tip-top shape. Even if we don't exactly need the building at its best, we still need to hire a few hands to keep up appearances. Also keep in mind its no secret that I've been in terrible health and was close to keeling over. Leaving aside our vulnerability to sunlight, eyebrows will rise if they see me actually moving about 'healthy'."

Choices, choices. It wasn't necessarily a bad idea to keep the mansion, but it could turn out to be more pain than it was worth.
Matthias considers the news. He felt some relief that there was a possibility they could keep the mansion...but also surprisingly he wasn't particularly married to it. In hindsight, it contained more bad memories than good he supposed.

"Interesting. Its definitely more than I expected. Although...its worth considering whether we should keep the mansion at all, or even sell it off. A place this big requires a large staff to keep in tip-top shape. Even if we don't exactly need the building at its best, we still need to hire a few hands to keep up appearances. Also keep in mind its no secret that I've been in terrible health and was close to keeling over. Leaving aside our vulnerability to sunlight, eyebrows will rise if they see me actually moving about 'healthy'."

Choices, choices. It wasn't necessarily a bad idea to keep the mansion, but it could turn out to be more pain than it was worth.
"In my opinion, this place is simply too remarkable to take back under your name." Catherine said, "people pay attention to those of wealth and influence, and without experience hiding our new nature attention is the last thing we want. For all that it holds distasteful memories for..." she eyes Daniel briefly "-most of us, the catacombs serve amply as shelter and are infinitely more discrete. Doubly so if we sealed off any passages we determined have little use since we don't plan on sending hordes of undead to take over the city."
Oliver comes back into the room the majority of the group finds themselves in, holding a small stack of papers and muttering curses to himself. He almost runs into Sam before looking up at the others. He sighs, an explicit affectation now that he doesn't need to breath. Old habits and all that.
@always_confused @Azrael @SoaringHawk218 @Another Amoeba

The good news is that we have all the paperwork for the manor. All of the ownership proof in and of itself, and all of the tax information. That's probably our best bet to unlock anything else, but that stuff's gonna be dicey. I can help fill out the forms to file for back-tax-proof of additional property, and I know a couple of the more sympathetic account managers who might help reconstruct the ownership chain on big investment accounts. But we should cut our losses on the other stuff, Matthias. It's not great, but we'll raise too much suspicion if we try to reclaim everything. We can maybe play this off as some sort of attack that drove you into hiding?"
"In my opinion, this place is simply too remarkable to take back under your name." Catherine said, "people pay attention to those of wealth and influence, and without experience hiding our new nature attention is the last thing we want. For all that it holds distasteful memories for..." she eyes Daniel briefly "-most of us, the catacombs serve amply as shelter and are infinitely more discrete. Doubly so if we sealed off any passages we determined have little use since we don't plan on sending hordes of undead to take over the city."

Hugo was likewise rather more dubious of the prospects of remaining in the house. That made this was one of the first times so far he and the pure of heart saw fit to see eye-to-eye. He wondered which one of them might be rubbing off on the other. "Having the old hand publicly move back in: that's a dangerous play. His reputation might help, but I'm sure people'll be on edge for returning rich recluses considering all that's happened. On the other hand, I'm certainly not the sort to handle the finances except to know some of them become cash quicker than others. Those might be worth looking in to."
@KnightDisciple @always_confused @Another Amoeba @Terrabrand

"While we may not stay here, I think it might be a good idea to hold onto the mansion," Sam said after listening to the others. "If nothing else, we could set it up as a distraction in case the hunters or other people we want to avoid start sniffing around too much."

He shrugged. "As for the financial stuff: if we can get the paperwork back somehow, I can help with looking through it: it's not history, but paperwork is something I'm good at."
@KnightDisciple @always_confused @Another Amoeba @Terrabrand

"While we may not stay here, I think it might be a good idea to hold onto the mansion," Sam said after listening to the others. "If nothing else, we could set it up as a distraction in case the hunters or other people we want to avoid start sniffing around too much."

He shrugged. "As for the financial stuff: if we can get the paperwork back somehow, I can help with looking through it: it's not history, but paperwork is something I'm good at."
Daniel raises an eyebrow at that. "Now hold on, I'll admit I'm hardly an expect on tracking, but isn't the best way to not be found to not be where people are looking? I'm not rightly seeing how you plan to set this up as some kind of bait without leaving a trail right back to where you're actually staying."

He continues after a moment "i'm not exactly attached to this place, never had a home so fancy in the first place, but I reckon if you're not going to use it, you ought to sell it." he hesitates, before saying "I've tried to avoid them, but there are some folks from the Twilight Kingdom on this island. Vampire sorts, you know. I'd have reported them to the Church meself if I knew a safe way to do it, but them twilit folks figure Vampire gold gleams as pure as living man's coin. I'm sure they would be willing to pay, and you can be sure of their discretion... If you wanted to seek them out. I know whereabouts they'll find ye if ye go, even if I'm not entirely sure where they hide."

He shrugs as he thinks about it. "Really, I doubt they even hide in the same spot. These are spies in a place hostile to them, if I don't miss my mark, above and beyond the Church's usual targeting of... those like us."

But he gestures to Matthias and Oliver before saying "But I reckon whether you're willing to deal with the likes of them or not is mostly up to ye two, yeah? The lord who owns the place, and the guy who knows the money? I certainly don't have a stake in the matter. "

@KnightDisciple @always_confused
@Terrabrand @always_confused @Another Amoeba @Azrael @SoaringHawk218

Oliver shrugged as the others weighed in.

"Mostly just trying to help us figure out what's what. We absolutely could sell the place and not get the tax-men dragging the Hunters in; paperwork's rock-solid for that. I can do the paperwork, I know some guys to file it. If we do that, I suggest we just don't bother with your other accounts, Matthias. It blows like a porpoise but if we're liquidating this, then we will have plenty of cash in the short-term at least, and from there we can build up some other accounts."

He looked around the group.

"Someone that's not myself or Matthias will need to be seen filing the paperwork. I know offices that are open late enough to do it without risk. I say we take no more than one week to gather everything we can here and move it to either the forest or the catacombs. Then we sell it. Then we can do like Catherine suggested. Or even buy a smaller, more modest place a good distance from this house, somewhere that is connected to the caves. That way, we can move around more easily."

He shuffled the papers a bit again and glanced at them for a few moments before looking up at the group.

"Sam can help me double-check everything and write everything up. Someone plays up the part of a distant cousin or whatever, we sell it to the Twilight folks. We don't report them to the Church yet, but if things ever get hot for us, it's a useful tool to distract the Church with official enemies."
@Terrabrand @always_confused @Another Amoeba @Azrael @SoaringHawk218

Oliver shrugged as the others weighed in.

"Mostly just trying to help us figure out what's what. We absolutely could sell the place and not get the tax-men dragging the Hunters in; paperwork's rock-solid for that. I can do the paperwork, I know some guys to file it. If we do that, I suggest we just don't bother with your other accounts, Matthias. It blows like a porpoise but if we're liquidating this, then we will have plenty of cash in the short-term at least, and from there we can build up some other accounts."

He looked around the group.

"Someone that's not myself or Matthias will need to be seen filing the paperwork. I know offices that are open late enough to do it without risk. I say we take no more than one week to gather everything we can here and move it to either the forest or the catacombs. Then we sell it. Then we can do like Catherine suggested. Or even buy a smaller, more modest place a good distance from this house, somewhere that is connected to the caves. That way, we can move around more easily."

He shuffled the papers a bit again and glanced at them for a few moments before looking up at the group.

"Sam can help me double-check everything and write everything up. Someone plays up the part of a distant cousin or whatever, we sell it to the Twilight folks. We don't report them to the Church yet, but if things ever get hot for us, it's a useful tool to distract the Church with official enemies."
Daniel raises an eyebrow at that. "Now hold on, I'll admit I'm hardly an expect on tracking, but isn't the best way to not be found to not be where people are looking? I'm not rightly seeing how you plan to set this up as some kind of bait without leaving a trail right back to where you're actually staying."

He continues after a moment "i'm not exactly attached to this place, never had a home so fancy in the first place, but I reckon if you're not going to use it, you ought to sell it." he hesitates, before saying "I've tried to avoid them, but there are some folks from the Twilight Kingdom on this island. Vampire sorts, you know. I'd have reported them to the Church meself if I knew a safe way to do it, but them twilit folks figure Vampire gold gleams as pure as living man's coin. I'm sure they would be willing to pay, and you can be sure of their discretion... If you wanted to seek them out. I know whereabouts they'll find ye if ye go, even if I'm not entirely sure where they hide."

He shrugs as he thinks about it. "Really, I doubt they even hide in the same spot. These are spies in a place hostile to them, if I don't miss my mark, above and beyond the Church's usual targeting of... those like us."

But he gestures to Matthias and Oliver before saying "But I reckon whether you're willing to deal with the likes of them or not is mostly up to ye two, yeah? The lord who owns the place, and the guy who knows the money? I certainly don't have a stake in the matter. "

@KnightDisciple @always_confused
So there were some of those Twilight Kingdom baddies lurking around in Seafang? Not too surprising all told. Hugo wasn't the sort to lie to himself: he got a sense they had a hand in all that had gone on under the city, and had half a mind to walk up to the nearest church and offer up a tell-all story if he only had a little more to go on.

Sam had the right of it, though, they could be useful, and the parts of him which didn't care much for a conscience suggested that they could make good bosses. "I'd volunteer to help with your paperwork," he said, turning to Oliver, "I'll freely say I'm not one to handle numbers, but I can handle the job well enough. And if we're looking for boltholes, I ought to be able to help the hunt, at least near my haunts."
"Sam can help me double-check everything and write everything up. Someone plays up the part of a distant cousin or whatever, we sell it to the Twilight folks. We don't report them to the Church yet, but if things ever get hot for us, it's a useful tool to distract the Church with official enemies."

Sam nodded. "That sounds like a good idea: I'm willing to go with that," he said.
Catherine nodded in assent.

"Personally, I feel it would be best to stay clear of such folk, but now that we're on the other side of the Church's justice... might as well try to play nice. If we ever have dealings with the Church I will offer my advice, but there's a risk someone would recognize me if they see me directly, so anonymous letters would be my preferred route."
@Azrael @KnightDisciple @Another Amoeba @SoaringHawk218 @always_confused

After the consensus is reached and all paperwork related preparations are accomplished, it eventually comes time to seek out the Twilight Kingdom Vampires.

And so Daniel leads the group deeper into the city, watchful for signs of Hunters or other forms of hostility, wending their way towards, though not to, the Docks. Outside the Merchant's Quarter, but not far from it either, Daniel stops, before gesturing towards an alleyway below. "It's about there, yeah? That's around the edge of where them folks watch, or at least the area they've appeared before me when I entered. Whenever you're ready, I suppose you can just... walk right in. I'm not sensing any Hunters about, anyways."

As rooftops are a surprisingly accessible locale for a Vampire, it is perhaps no surprise that Daniel elected to pause the group atop one. Now, he simply waits for a response.
@Azrael @KnightDisciple @Another Amoeba @SoaringHawk218 @always_confused

After the consensus is reached and all paperwork related preparations are accomplished, it eventually comes time to seek out the Twilight Kingdom Vampires.

And so Daniel leads the group deeper into the city, watchful for signs of Hunters or other forms of hostility, wending their way towards, though not to, the Docks. Outside the Merchant's Quarter, but not far from it either, Daniel stops, before gesturing towards an alleyway below. "It's about there, yeah? That's around the edge of where them folks watch, or at least the area they've appeared before me when I entered. Whenever you're ready, I suppose you can just... walk right in. I'm not sensing any Hunters about, anyways."

As rooftops are a surprisingly accessible locale for a Vampire, it is perhaps no surprise that Daniel elected to pause the group atop one. Now, he simply waits for a response.
Looking over the area, Catherine pursed her lips and turned to the group at large.

"Seeing as I am... not the most useful in a fight if things turn sour, and further... well." She motions to herself, "While I agree with the necessity, I don't think I'm the best choice to talk to those monsters."

She still caught herself tensing unconsciously around Daniel, expecting some sudden betrayal or revelation of his darker nature. Having her talk to representatives of the Twilight Kingdom carried the risk she'd let her personal feelings get in the way.

She didn't exactly want to make nice with them in the first place either.
Looking over the area, Catherine pursed her lips and turned to the group at large.

"Seeing as I am... not the most useful in a fight if things turn sour, and further... well." She motions to herself, "While I agree with the necessity, I don't think I'm the best choice to talk to those monsters."

She still caught herself tensing unconsciously around Daniel, expecting some sudden betrayal or revelation of his darker nature. Having her talk to representatives of the Twilight Kingdom carried the risk she'd let her personal feelings get in the way.

She didn't exactly want to make nice with them in the first place either.

Hugo's lips twisted into a thin smile. Eh, sure, people had the right to their compunctions, but Catherine wasn't exactly in polite company in the first place. Maybe he shouldn't hold it against her, though. He couldn't muster the righteous fury, he didn't trust these guys either. He just had much more experience smiling and getting down to brass tacks regardless. "I'll head in," he said, "with anyone who cares to follow, and I'd ask the Lord of the Manor come with."